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  • 1. The Coming of Christ

2. Jesus of Nazareth Most important human who has ever lived Mary was a descendant of King David 3. Jesus was Lord, Christ & Savior Lord because Jesus would fulfill the DavidicCovenant Christ because he was the Messiah Savior because he would save his people fromtheir sad condition 4. The New Covenant Jesus death would mark the beginning of theNew Covenant The death and resurrection of Jesus Christmark the most important turning point inhistory The gospel Jesus dies for the sins of humansand has been raised again to save themforever 5. Spread of Christianity Jesus told his disciples to tell all nations aboutthe Gospel (Matt. 28: 18-19) He gave the holy spirit to his people atPentecost and the Christian church was born 6. Saul of Tarsus He practiced Judaism which is the religion ofthe Jews He tried to wipe out the Christian church 7. Jesus confronted him and he was converted He became a leader in the spread ofChristianity Spread Christianity into Asia Minor, Greece,Rome and perhaps even Spain 8. Paul taught two truths:1. no one could be saved from sin by obeying the conditions of the Mosiac Covenant2. Jesus was the promised seed of Abraham who would bring a blessing to all nations 9. Growth of Christianity Jerusalem was destroyed and the templeburned by Romans This actually helped Christianity1. Ended the persecuting of Christians from Judaism2. Drove Christians out of Judea 10. Roman Persecutions Emperor Nero blamedthe Christians for thefire that swept throughRome in AD 64 11. Violent persecutionswere recorded by thehistorian Tacitus 12. Emperor Diocletian 13. The Great Persecution occurred underDiocletian Had to offer sacrifices to pagan gods or betortured and killed 14. Jean-Leon Gerome Oil painting French painter 1883 15. Romans hoped that these persecutions wouldput an end to Christianity Christianity was purified through theopposition, not destroyed 16. Emperor Constantine He converted to Christianity Issued the Edit of Milan which put an end toalmost 300 years of persecution Moved capitol of Rome to Byzantium. Thepeople called it Constantinople.(Constantines City) 17. Emperor Constantine 18. Istanbul not Constantinopleby the Four Lads 19. Council of Nicaea Organized by Constantine, They met to consider the deity of Christ They concluded there was only one God They affirmed the doctrine of the Trinity 20. The Trinity 21. Theodosius I Made Christianity the only recognized religionin the empire. All others were illegal. Divided Rome into two empires: Romanempire and Byzantine Empire The Roman empire was conquered bybarbarians and Christianity was blamed 22. Theodosius I 23. The City of God A book written by Augustine (North Africa)after Rome fell Said that Christians should not fear Romesfall. Empires come and go, but Gods city isforever. 24. Augustine

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