Download - Ch 4 skin problems

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III. Skin Problems

Ch 4 Integumentary System

Warning: Graphic Pictures

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Skin Problems – infections, allergies, or damages

A. Athlete’s Foot – mostly from fungal infection

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B. Boils & CarbunclesBacterial infection & inflammation of hair

follicle.– Boil = 1– Carbuncle = several connected boils

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C. Black & Whiteheads

1. Blackheads - oil and dead skin cells trapped in a oil pore, makeup

2. Whiteheads - flesh-or white-colored bumps due to skin pore blockage; blockage is deeper than blackhead (covered w/epithelium)

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D. Cold Sores

1. Caused by

Herpes simplex

virus I

2. Common,



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1. Inflammatory response – red, itchy rash2. Non-contagious3. Chronic – long term, reoccuring4. Caused by contact with allergens or irritants, exposure to sunlight, or by poor circulation, even stress.

E. Contact Dermatitis

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F. Impetigo

1. Crusting skin infection

2. Caused by staph and strep bacteria

3. Pus filled blisters

4. Highly contagious

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G. Psoriasis1. Chronic – arms, knees, elbows, scalp

2. Red patches covered with white scales

3. Unknown cause; some think autoimmune disorder

4. Triggered by trauma, infection, stress

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H. Cyanosis

1. Blue skin, membranes, and/or nails

2. Due to reduced oxygen in blood

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I. Burns

1.Tissue damage and cell death caused by heat, electricity, UV radiation, or chemicals

2. Associated dangersa. Dehydration

b. Electrolyte imbalance

c. Circulatory shock

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3.Rules of Nines

a. Way to determine the extent of burns

b. Body is divided into 11 areas for quick estimate

c. Each area represents ~ 9%

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4. Burns are CRITICAL if…

1. Over 25% of body has 2nd degree

2. Over 10% has 3rd degree

3. 3rd degree burns on face, hands, and/or feet


Scald Burn

Heat Burn




Contact Burn

Inhale Burn

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J. Skin Cancer

1. Abnormal cell massa. Benign-does not spread

(encapsulated)b. Malignant-Metastasized (moves) to other parts of body

Skin cancer is most common type of cancer.

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2. Three common types of Malignant Skin Cancer

a. Basal cell carcinoma- least malignant

- Most common- Arises from stratum basale

b. Squamous Cell Carcinoma- arises from stratum spinosum- Metastasizes to lymph nodes- Early removal allows a good chance of cure

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c. Malignant Melanoma

- Most deadly

- Cancer of melanocytes

- Metastasizes rapidly to lymph & blood vessels

- Detection uses ABCD


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A = Asymmetry – Two sides of pigmented mole do not match

B = Border irregularity – Borders of mole are not smooth

C = Color – Different colors in pigmented area

D = Diameter – Spot is larger then 6 mm in diameter

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