  • 8/3/2019 Ch Introduction Excerpts Do You QT


    Do You QuantumThink?

    Dianne Collins

    2004 Dianne Collins


    Come in real close to me now because I am about to

    become your best friend.

    You know what best friends do. They tell you things no one else

    will dare. Out of their love for you. Okay, so here it is.

    Its a whole new world out there.

    Big revelation, you chortle.And its not going back to the way it used to be.

    (Did you really think it would?).

    Okay heres more.

    You have no idea how to think for this new reality.

    This is no fault of your own. Weve never been in this

    situation before. You know what I mean. Your kid knows more

    than you do, you cant understand half of the ads on TV, the 2-

    party systems (pick any country) have blended into blur. Jewelry is

    worn in the body, not on it, companies worth billions one day and

    less than nothing the next rule the world, and people in jeans and

    dread locks discussing stock trades have replaced the Perfect Guys

    in Suits. They are trying to sell you food that Mother Nature

    didnt grow, and building space stations for your future home

    when youre not ready to move.

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    People touting themselves as compassionate are waging

    war, while young people blow themselves up with their parents

    consent in order to kill even younger kids. The information

    superhighway has no traffic signals and probably never will.

    Things move so quick you cant keep up. Furthermore, youre not

    sure you want to.

    Quantum physicists write books on spirituality, government

    intelligence uses psychics, and your mortgage broker is now a

    holistic healer. While youre trying to figure out wholl be the next

    Survivor, live television audiences are conversing with dear

    departed loved ones, and all these ladies are sitting around

    watching Oprah every day, getting enlightened, while youre still

    convinced intuition is a woman-thing. All this is so mind-boggling

    you cant even think. Precisely my point.

    [Drumroll. Enteryour new friend Thats me remember?]

    Old thinking isnt going to cut it in this new world. Hold onto your

    hat, Friend.Its time to QuantumThink.

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    Not tomorrow. Not next year. Not when you get everything

    worked out or the world becomes a better place. Not after you sit

    on a mountaintop for 20 years contemplating right living. Now.

    This book isnt going to tell what you should do, how

    you should be, or the way the world should be. It is not going to

    analyze your psyche or why your past made you what you are

    today or wish you werent. It isnt going to tell you how to make

    your productivity higher, your employees more empowered, your

    money increase or your relationships work. It is not going to tell

    you how-to do anything to make you richer, thinner, happier or


    Wait, dont leave yet!

    Now the fact that you may get any of those results, or

    whatever else you want in life and much easier and quicker than

    you thought possible is likely to happen. But it isnt going to

    happen because I tell you how or what youshoulddo, and certainly

    not what you should think or how you should think.

    It will happen because you have access to your power to

    create. It will happen because you will know the workings of your

    own mind, your own consciousness. It will happen because you are

    tuned in to a more accurate and expanded view of reality, universal

    laws that have been underground and out of sight.

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    It will happen because you begin thinking and living from a

    foundation at the heart of ancient spiritual wisdom being verified

    by 21st

    Century science.

    It will happen because you are tuned in to the way reality works,

    rather than continuing to live in the illusion or perhaps oblivion

    that has plagued our culture until now. Illusion means erroneous

    belief. Oblivion meansforgotten.

    A great contemporary spiritual teacher, Gurumayi

    Chidvilasananda, advises,

    If you want to talk to somebody, talk in such a way that

    your statement provokes contemplation instead of an argument or

    a challenge or a useless debate. Let this very conversation be one

    that takes you to the Truth.

    I am not here to prove anything to you. This is not a

    book to agree or disagree with. (This lets a lot of pressure off both

    of us.) I am here to speak from my heart to yours, from my mind to

    yours, from my soul to yours. At some point you realize we are

    really One and the Same Being anyway, so you can consider this


    I am not here to tell you something you dont already know

    at some level of your being. If you didnt know it, you wouldnt be

    able to relate to it. I am here to presence the reality you are already

    sensing, feeling, thinking, or at least wondering about (maybeyoure ignoring it).

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    How do I know this? Because you and I are here sharing

    the same planet at the same time. One of the great paradoxes of life

    is we are all uniquely different, and yet we are all the same.

    Whether you are a wealthy mogul who has amassed a personal

    fortune, or whether you are 16 and looking at your future ahead of

    you; whether you work in a factory or on construction; whether

    youre an entrepreneur or educator, doctor, lawyer or programmer

    up all night writing code; whether youre married with children or

    without, child with 2 parents or one, cultural creative,

    compassionate conservative, celebrity or 15-minutes-of-fame

    wannabe this undeniable fact remains the same for us all:

    We are in a time of evolution unlike any when have

    witnessed or known when what must evolve is human

    consciousness itself our own mind and awareness.

    You are about to have a most powerful experience of

    your life that will alter your experience of life for the rest of

    your life. Yes, thats pretty audacious. But, thats okay, it had to

    be said. You may be asking why you would want to alter your

    experience of life. Your life is just fine, thank you. Okay, Ill tell


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    We have in our culture what we call Grown-ups. That

    means a person who was small in size and age, and now is bigger

    and older chronologically. Its not enough anymore to simply be a

    grown-up, or even a potential grown-up. Its time for a new culture

    ofWake-ups. Wake-ups are people who have been asleep and

    woke themselves up. Wake-ups can be any age, and of any culture.

    Youre human? You qualify.

    Wake-ups are people who wish to awaken from the

    outworn, conceptual reality and absurdities of everyday living that

    in our minds dont make sense, in our hearts dont hold true, and in

    our souls no longer work.

    Think about it. We kill each other in the name of the Most

    Holy, presume politicians to be liars and crooks and then entrust

    them to lead us, turn guard gate blockades into residential status

    symbols, pass blas through elaborate airport security checks just

    to go on holiday, and produce television entertainment that

    proves the more deviousness you can perpetrate on your fellow

    companions, youll not only Survive, youll become rich and

    famous and get a book deal.

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    Saints and sages throughout the ages have admonished us,

    Wake Up!

    Outer circumstances can wake you up but thats no fun.

    On the contrary. (Witness the infamous 9-11 debacle and its

    aberrant offspring.) Imagine you are in a nice comfortable sleep

    and the alarm rings. Not very pleasant. But you are in a nice

    comfortable sleep and you awaken because you know you want to

    wake up at 7am. You set the Intent for that in your own mind, your

    own consciousness, and it happens, naturally. You created your

    own awakening. Thats nice.

    We have lots of outer circumstances that can wake us up

    that are the alarm clock jolt illness, destruction, disaster. And on

    another level, embarrassment, humiliation, reprimand.

    Not too appealing. Another problem with being awakened

    by an external force is that its too easy to fall back asleep. You

    know, just hit that snooze button and youre back where you were.

    Look around. The flags are down. Immediately following 9-11

    American flags were flying, 2 at a time from car windows. People

    slowed to let you in the lane. They looked at you. You connected

    with them.Later that monththe flags are down. Try to fight your

    way into the next lane in rush hour traffic. Touch the snooze button

    and youre back to sleep. You see what I mean about Waking Up.

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    Its no secret. The changes we are seeing and feeling now

    are revolutionary. Actually, you could say they are evolutionary. In

    a few short years our entire world is different.Its global. Its

    instant communication and access to all information, 24/7. We are

    more interconnected and globally interdependent than ever.

    Everything is intricately interrelated: our economics to our politics,

    and our politics to our feelings of fear, and our feelings of fear to

    the hopelessness of our youth, and the hopelessness of youth to the

    continuance of life.

    On the other side we also see it related to our invigorated

    strength in uniting, to the opportunities of building cultures anew,

    and of creating a future brighter than would have been possible

    predicated on the patterns of the past. The decisions we make now

    are setting the trajectory for many years to come. Sometimes it

    takes seeing whats happening in the outer world to reflect back to


    Plausible, satisfying answers elude us in every area of life

    from personal relationships to world conflicts to the deeper

    questions of meaning and purpose. Pre- 9/11 we were overwrought

    and overwhelmed. Now were frightened to death and stymied for


    The unrelenting acceleration, infinite choice, and

    unfathomable uncertainty are signs of our systems and cultural

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    ways reaching their limits, beginning to crumble and fade away,

    making room for a more workable culture to emerge.

    Einsteins edict, The problems we have cannot be solved at

    the same level of thinking that created them, is a modern-day

    mantra not only because it makes sense, but because it has never

    been more relevant.

    Imagine waking up one day and discovering that everything

    you thought you knew about the nature of reality and the way life

    works was, well, um, wrong! Incorrect. Null and void. This is no

    imaginary story. This is the situation you and I find ourselves in


    A new world view is emerging. Only, this new world

    view in many ways has been around forever. We simply havent

    been aware of it.

    We are living in an expanded reality that has been spoken

    about for thousands of years by every spiritual wisdom tradition,

    and more recently in the past 100 years is being verified by


    Ours is a multidimensional universe comprised not of just

    solid physical objects, but of energy constantly in flux, always

    moving and changing. A universe not of dead or inert matter, but

    of living systems, whole systems. A universe not restricted by time

    and space but truly beyond space-time.

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    This amazing reality is reflected all around us in our

    technology. We construct parallel worlds in the virtual dimension

    of the Internet, TV and movies. Energy medicine is becoming the

    standard. Quantum science has altered our outer world. But what

    about us?

    A modicum of common sense will tell you we need to think

    in a new way more appropriate to the nature of the world today,

    essential not only to our personal relationships, effectiveness and

    peace of mind, but to the quality and sustaining of life on Earth.

    People are ready to make changes for a more workable,

    satisfying and joyful future. Yet there are ways of thinking - firmly

    established patterns of relating and deeply ingrained beliefs

    embedded in our culture - forming the condition from which we

    attempt to make these changes.

    Our technology has indeed surpassed us. There is a new

    and very different reality waiting to be born yet were still acting

    like were in the old one, still thinking in the same old ways.

    Weve all become pundits at pointing out the shortcomings and

    wrongdoings of ourselves and our fellow humans (especially


    Were still treating each other as separate, reacting to our

    differences, still treating the Earth like it doesnt matter what we

    do to it, still behaving as if national boundaries are absolutes ratherthan arbitrary agreements, still operating in the Fear mode,

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    Do You QuantumThink? Dianne Collins 13

    talents we are here to give to the rest of us. You and I and every

    one of us are channels of some knowledge or wisdom. A wisdom

    distribution channel, you could say.

    You may think you are here to amass wealth and spend it

    on yourself and your family, and try to build up a protection shield

    from all the ills of the world out there. (Hey, why not? Its a

    multidimensional world of Infinite Possibility and all that may be

    in there, too.) Still, each of us has a unique purpose, and when you

    discover what that is, it makes life so much easier and definitely

    more fun. Your life becomes a meaningful adventure. You realize

    what you are here to do.

    Anyway, well get to that (Your Purpose) later in Chapter

    18, The Holomovement of Purpose. For right now, lets just say I

    got the cosmic tap on the shoulder and was told to get this out into

    the world.

    SighChanging the worldone thought at a time

    I dont think so.

    Can you imagine the agony of such a task, not to mention

    the utter impossibility of it. QuantumThink is a newsystem of

    thinking, a foundation that in many ways is designed to take you

    beyond thinking. It is not just learning new ideas it is about

    generating a new condition for your experience of life.

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    To QuantumThink is to evolve your conscious awareness

    and overall effectiveness by conditioning yourself to think in sync

    with an expanded picture of reality at the heart of spiritual wisdom,

    now being verified by 21st

    century science. This happens

    instantaneously as you read.

    Although we have been conditioned to relate to the world

    in limited ways, reality is much more expansive that we have

    imagined. The classical-mechanical world view based in our

    ordinary 5 senses has trained us to see things and each other as


    We live in life compartmentalized, business and personal,

    management and labor, Muslims and Jews. We live as though

    objects are solid and only the physical-material as real, even

    though the new science has verified that the very essence of our

    reality is comprised of whole, interconnected living systems

    composed of energy in flux, mostly empty space, uncertain and

    unpredictable, multidimensional and infinite. Most of all, it is

    observer-created, and guess what, we are the observers generating

    our reality through the very way we think about things.

    In QuantumThink, we present the biggest ideas of the

    universe as they relate in your ordinary everyday life. These

    principles do not belong to me. They belong to the universe. They

    belong to the wisdom of Infinite Intelligence, that which defiesdescription, is beyond labeling and beyond definition. These

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    principles belong to the universe, and as so do we belong to the

    universe, these principles are of us and in us.

    When I write and speak QuantumThink into existence, I

    speak for and with all those who have preceded me, who are my

    contemporaries, and for all those who are yet to express. I am one

    voice in our One Conversation. The Conversation belongs to all of


    In QuantumThink our main concern is not the facts of the

    new science or that any of these things are interesting our

    concern is: what can this mean for us in our everyday lives? In our

    moment to moment experience, in the quality of our relationships,

    in the results we are able to produce in our businesses and in our

    careers, in what we imagine we are capable of, in what we think is

    possible, in our creativity, in our approaches, in our equanimity

    and peace of mind.

    QuantumThinking is direct personal experience. This is

    how you know what works. It is not a new truth for you to believe.

    It is a possible way of distinguishing our emerging world view and

    its principles, and to live in the experience of what this can mean

    for you in your life. You wont merely understandthese principles

    you will experience the power of them in your relationships, in

    your work, in your state of mind.

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    From the perspective of a new world view we know the

    universe is inherently uncertain. In this way, what you will get

    from this book is in a very real sense,

    unpredictable.QuantumThink is no so much an inquiry into

    scientific facts or spiritual wisdom as it is a voyage from which

    there is no return into your very own awareness. Think of it as an

    adventure into your own mind. You and I know it is time the

    world is dramatically shifting. Yet, it may not have occurred to you

    that it is also the moment for you to shift to a higher state of

    evolution yourself. End of Excerpt #1

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    Introduction Excerpt #2

    Quantum Leap To A New World View

    Leap before you look

    In television writing, a premise for a story is proposed, and

    people ask you - Then what? (what happens next), Who cares?

    (why should I care), What's at stake? (what are the consequences,

    what will I gain or lose). Our intent is to keep addressing those


    Why is our thinking so important, anyway?

    When we observe ourselves, what do we see? We are all

    human beings here on planet Earth. By a great, mysterious force

    most of us refer to as Divine, we have been granted the gift of life.

    Now what? What do we really want? You could answer this on a

    personal level, and what we want would each take a different form,

    or you could answer this on a universal level that every human

    being can relate to. Either way, the answer is "painfully" obvious.

    Without intending to sound like doubletalk, we want what we

    want. We want our desires fulfilled. Whether you yearn for

    spiritual awakening or material gain, emotional satisfaction, or all

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    of it all of us want what we want. We want the world to work.

    Every one of us, you and I, want the life we want, for ourselves

    individually, for our families and communities, and for the world

    at large.

    Whether you desire peace of mind and a state of happiness

    and tranquility or a feeling of excitement and enthusiasm about

    being alive every day when you open your eyes from sleep;

    whether you want to amass great wealth or a modest home with a

    white picket fence; whether you yearn to be a political leader,

    business mogul, sports icon, or remain anonymous; whether you

    want to save the whales, end world hunger, or be the reigning

    queen of hip-hop the basic fact is we all want whatever it is we

    say we want.

    The question becomes how do we get it? The logic is


    In order to create what you want in life, you would have to

    know something about what creates anything. We are not speaking

    in terms of the ultimate Divine creation, but in the realm of our

    everyday human life; an ordinary person's ability to create what he

    or she desires. What does enable us to create anything?

    As you think, so you become.

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    As I was growing up, along the way I learned, thought

    creates reality. Every mastery tradition has proclaimed: As you

    think, so you become. The Buddha said,All that you are is a result

    of what you have thought. The Christian and Judaic Bibles read,As

    a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. In the Upanishads, the holy

    men of ancient India, the rishis, teach: Ones own thought is ones

    world what a person thinks is what he becomes.

    Thought creates reality. I began to see this studying

    philosophy in graduate school. People would ask me, Why study

    philosophy? What are you going to do with that?What's the good

    of it? What's the use of it?

    At the time those questions rattled me, but it soon became a

    cosmic joke because when you study philosophy you discover that

    thought, thinking, is the foundation of everything, from the small

    individual action and idea, to the large collective.

    Every one of the institutions we live within our educational,

    governmental, judicial, economic, and health systems, regardless

    of what culture you reside in all begin, are sustained, and end in


    Our predominant habits of thinking shape our actions and

    generate all of our results. The mind, an individualized form of the

    all pervasive consciousness, from which thought derives, is the

    great instrument of life. What fills our consciousness in the formof patterns of thinking, the meanings we ascribe to those thoughts,

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    and our emotional responses to those meanings gives us our

    moment-by-moment experience, shaping our actions, our energetic

    emanations, and our outcomes.

    Thought creates reality.Thought creates reality? Well,

    okay, how does it do that? I wondered. And furthermore, if all you

    had to do is change your thoughts to change reality, then why does

    the world still look like it does today with all the conflict and war

    and poverty and hunger and endangered species and all the rest of

    the problems that seem to hang around?

    Its not as if we dont know what to do or what to think.

    Spiritual and practical wisdom from every culture and tradition has

    been available to us through the spoken and written word since

    time immemorial. Shelves of mega-bookstores are lined with how-

    tos, techniques, and formulas for living, instructing us what to do

    and how to be.

    If all we have to do is change our thoughts to change the world,

    then with 6 thousand years of wisdom available to us at the click of

    a mouse, how is it we are still not living it?

    These vexing questions started me to search for a real

    access to creating a life that is joyful and sublime. And what did I


    One vital, crucial key has been missing.

    We imagine we think freely, yet, we dont.-End of Excerpt # 2

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    Introduction Excerpt #3

    Okay, A Little Bit of My Story Sneaking In Now

    A USA Today newspaper article hangs on a wall in my

    office. The headline reads:

    All the answers for all time in one tiny package.

    The article is about quantum physics and that quote refers

    to the quantum, the tiniest unit of measurable reality. Since life is

    Holographic (the whole of it is contained in each aspect), we can

    imagine that we have tiny moments when you see all the answers

    for all time in one tiny package, for your own life, for life itself.

    One day early in my writing aspirations, I was attempting

    to write romance novels

    to make what I thought would be easy money (so I thought), the

    kind of light love stories that are very simple and short and I was

    having trouble doing it. I couldnt understand why I was having so

    much difficulty.Im a good writer, I thought. Why is this so hard

    for me? In a delirious moment Beyond Frustration, I picked up the

    phone and called Isaac Bashevis Singer.

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    When he answered the phone himself, the jolt of realizing I

    just dialed up a Nobel Prize laureate in literature to ask advice on

    writing a romance novel, I blurted out, You dont know me, but I

    need your help! Isaac, a man of great curiosity, was intrigued He

    said,A philosopher turned marketer turned writer?This, Ive got

    to meet. The next day we met over coffee on a street named after

    him in Miami Beach. He leaned across the 50s diner table and

    whispered loudly in his thick Polish accent,In order to write junk,

    youve got to have a junky soul.That was the jolt I needed more

    than the double espresso. In one tiny moment, an answer for all


    That tiny quantum moment with Isaac changed my life. I

    knew I could only do what was true to my soul, what I am here to

    do. It is my wish that you experience at least one of those moments

    as you QuantumThink. It is my Intent that you experience many

    more than one, and that more than anything else, what you get

    from this book is a profound and loving awareness of and

    connection to your very own Self and access to your power to

    create your life and your world, exactly as you desire. **

    -End of Excerpt #3 Other Introduction segments:

    You Cannot See A New World View From An Old World View

    Your Mind Is Your Life

    It Is Time For You To Become Shamans

    What There Is To Master

    Nonlocal MindLiving Fully Dimensionally

    Question Reality We All Love A Good Story Prophecies

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