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  • L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter.Who Are Managers?Describe who is doing managerial work in todays organizations.Define who managers are.Explain how manager differ from non-managerial employees.Discuss how to classify managers in organizations.What Is Management?Define management.Contrast efficiency and effectiveness.Explain why efficiency and effectiveness are important to management.

  • L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E (contd) Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter.What Do Managers Do?Describe the four functions of management.Explain Mintzbergs managerial roles.Describe Katzs three essential managerial skills and how the importance of these skills changes depending on managerial level.List other important managerial skills and competencies.Discuss the change that are impacting managers jobs.What Is An Organization?Describe the characteristics of an organization

  • Manager VS Non managerial employeesManger they were orgn members who told others what to do and how to doNon managerial employees orgn members who worked directly on a job or task and had no one reporting to themMany traditional non managerial jobs now include managerial activities. So it is difficult to draw a clear cut line between managers and non managerial employees.

  • Who Are Managers?ManagerSomeone who works with and through other people by coordinating and integrating their work activities in order to accomplish organizational goals.It is all about helping others do their work and achieve

  • Classifying ManagersFirst-line ManagersAre at the lowest level of management and manage the work of non-managerial employees.Middle ManagersManage the work of first-line managers.Top ManagersAre responsible for making organization-wide decisions and establishing plans and goals that affect the entire organization.

  • Shown in the form of hierarchical pyramidTotal no of persons found at each level decreases as the management level increases up the pyramidLargest no of people in the organization at the lower level

  • Top level managementPresident, V.P, CEOResponsible for entire organizationTop level managers determine the mission and sets the goals for the organizationInvolved in policy formulation and strategic planningSpends most of their time on planning and organizingHis primary function is long range planning Not involved in day to day routine activitiesMust have good conceptual and design skillsAlso called as central management

  • Middle level managementDivisional heads, departmental heads, branch manager such as pm, mm, etcMiddle level management implements goals set by top level managementConcerned with short term goals and specific resultsSpent more time on operational planningSeveral layers of middle level management

  • Lower level managementAlso called as first level managementSupervisors, superintendents, unit heads, foremen, chief clerkMust pocess technical skillsPlan for day to day operations and routine workSupervisors direct the actual work of the organization at the operating levelAssign personnel to specific jobsPeople more involved in implementing the plans

  • What Is Management?Management is coordinating work activities so that they are completed efficiently and effectively with and through the people.- robbinsManagement is the process of designing and maintaining an environment in which individuals, working together in groups, efficiently accomplish selected aims.- harold koontzManagement is concerned with not only meeting organizational goals (effectiveness) but also with doing so efficiently as possible

  • What Is Management?Managerial Concerns

    EfficiencyDoing things rightGetting the most output for the least inputsMeans of achieving goalsEffectivenessDoing the right thingsAttaining organizational goals reaching Ends

  • GoalsLowWasteHighAttainmentMeansEfficiencyEndsEffectivenessHow Do We Define Management? Resource UsageGoal Attainment

  • Nature and purpose of managingAs managers people carry out managerial functions (P,O,S,L,C)Applies to any kind of organizationApplies to managers at all organizational levelsAim of all managers is to create surplusIt is concerned with the productivityMultidisciplinary subjectConcerned with utilization of resourcesRepresents a system of authority and hierarchy of controlInvolves decision making

  • What Do Managers Do?Functional ApproachPlanningDefining goals, establishing strategies to achieve goals, developing plans to integrate and coordinate activitiesOrganizingArranging work to accomplish organizational goalsLeadingWorking with and through people to accomplish goals.ControllingMonitoring, comparing, and correcting the work

  • Nature and purpose of managingStaffinginvolves filling, and keeping filled, the positions in the organization structure

  • Time Spent in Carrying Out Managerial FunctionsPlanningOrganizingLeadingControllingFirst-line ManagersMiddle-level ManagersTop-level Managers

  • What Do Managers Do? (contd)Management Roles ApproachInterpersonal rolesFigurehead, leader, liaisonInformational rolesMonitor, disseminator, spokespersonDecisional rolesDisturbance handler, resource allocator, negotiator

  • What Do Managers Do? (contd)Skills ApproachTechnical skillsKnowledge and proficiency in a specific fieldInvolves working with tools and techniquesHuman skillsThe ability to work well with other peopleIt is creation of environment in which people feel secure and free to express their opinionsConceptual skillsThe ability to think and conceptualize about abstract and complex situations concerning the organizationConcerned with new ideas/innovations

  • What Skills Do Managers Need?Conceptual skillsLogical reasoningJudgmentAnalytical abilitiesSeeing Big PictureRecognition of significant elements & their relationships Adapted from Exhibit 1.5: Managers Skills

  • Managerial Skills and the Organizational HierarchyConceptualskillHuman SkillTechnical SkillFirst-line ManagersMiddle-level ManagersTop-level Managers

  • How The Managers Job Is ChangingThe Increasing Importance of CustomersCustomers: the reason that organizations existManaging customer relationships is the responsibility of all managers and employees.Consistent high quality customer service is essential for survival.InnovationDoing things differently, exploring new territory, and taking risksManagers should encourage employees to be aware of and act on opportunities for innovation.

  • What Is An Organization?An Organization DefinedA deliberate arrangement of people to accomplish some specific purposeCommon Characteristics of OrganizationsHave a distinct purpose (goal)Composed of peopleHave a deliberate structure

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