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  • CHAPTER FIVE The Changing American Society: SubculturesMcGraw-Hill/IrwinCopyright 2004 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

    *CHAPTER 5

    Nature of Subcultures

    A segment of a larger culture whose members share distinguishing patterns of behavior.

    *CHAPTER 5

    Identification Produces Unique Market Behaviors

    *CHAPTER 5

    Types of SubculturesTypes of Subcultures:EthnicReligiousRegional

    Commonalities and differences:DemographicsConsumer GroupsMediaMarketing Strategy

    *CHAPTER 5

    Major Ethnic Subcultures in the US

    *CHAPTER 5

    Ethnic Subcultures and Consumption

    *CHAPTER 5

    Consumer Insight 5-1To what extent are Hispanic teenagers leading the teenage market? Justify your response.Many Hispanic teenagers are truly bicultural. What challenges does this present marketers?Why are Hispanic teenage girls heavier readers of magazines such as Cosmopolitan and heavier users of cosmetics than white teenagers?

    *CHAPTER 5

    National Background of Asian Americans

    *CHAPTER 5

    Demographics Across Religious Subcultures

    *CHAPTER 5

    Regional Consumption Differences

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