Download - Ch2 sec1 timeline

  • 1. The Colonial Period Timeline Ch. 2, sec. 1

2. 1215- The Magna Carta Basis for LimitedGovernment Protection againstunjust punishment Cannot havecertain taxeswithout popularconsent 3. 1619- Virginia House ofBurgesses Law makingassembly in thecolony of Virginia First legislature inAmerica First Americanexample ofrepresentativegovernment 4. 1620- The Mayflower Compact Signed by thepilgrims who cameover on theMayflower First Americanexample of a planof self-government Pilgrims agreed tochoose on leadersand make own laws 5. 1628- Petition of Right In England, members of Parliament forcedKing Charles I to sign the Petition of Right Limited the kings power The king could no longer: Collect taxes without permission fromParliament Imprison people without just cause House troops in private homes withoutpermission of homeowner Declare martial law unless the country wasat war 6. 1636- Great Fundamentals Adopted by the Massachusetts Bay Colony First basic system of laws in the colonies 7. 1639- Fundamental Orders ofConnecticut Written for the colony ofConnecticut Americas first formalconstitution Gave people right to elect thegovernor, judges, andrepresentatives 8. 1688- English Bill of Rights Glorious Revolution in England-Parliament dethroned King James II andcrowned William III and Mary II as thenew King and Queen of England Parliament also passed the English Billof Rights at this time Applied to American colonies andpeople in England Monarchs do not have absoluteauthority- gave parliament more power

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