Page 1: Challenge to the industry Securing skilled crews in today ... · PDF fileResponses from shipping companies confirmed that crewing vessels with competent seafarers is a growing global

Challenge to the industrySecuring skilled crews in today’s marketplace

Shipping & Ports

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Foreword by 1

Methodology 2

Overall findings 3

The time is now: what can be done to enhance the crew pipeline 13

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Challenge to the industry Securing skilled crews in today’s marketplace 1

The International Maritime Organizationdeclared 2010 the ‘Year of the Seafarer’. The International Maritime Organization declared 2010 the “Year of the Seafarer.” With this in mind, it was timelythat we examined a growing concern that many companies in the shipping industry now face – the ability to recruitand retain sufficient numbers of skilled seafarers to staff and operate their vessels. Based on discussions withofficials in the maritime sector as well as with executives of various shipping companies, the shortage of qualified,well-trained officers and crew is an issue that has become evident over the last five years and is expected to becomeone of the most significant problems that the industry must address, not only in countries with well-establishedshipping industries, such as in Europe and North America, but also on a worldwide basis. In fact, many would arguethat it is the single most important issue, given the significance of shipping and transport to the global economyand the critical role of skilled crews in ensuring the safety of their vessels.

The shipping industry is central to the global economy, annually transporting goods – oil and gas, food stuffs andcommodities, manufactured products for import and export – that account for approximately 90 percent of worldtrade. The global fleet of merchant ships is registered in over 150 countries and operated by more than one millioncrew members of all nationalities.

Skilled and experienced crews are essential to the successful operation of today’s technologically advanced vessels.As a result, this growing shortage of qualified seafarers could have a dramatic impact even when considered fromjust one perspective – the safe operation of a vessel. Since some 80-90 percent of accidents can be ascribed tohuman error, it is critical that seafarers be well-educated, able to follow orders, manage risks and solve problems.

With this in mind, we present this ‘thumbnail’ sketch of some of the challenges that shipping companies mustaddress in recruiting and retaining skilled officers and crew, as well as some thoughts on actions that the industrycan take to address them.

This report could not have been written without the participation of the many shipping professionals whogenerously shared their time and perspectives with us, with special thanks to the President and Directors of theHellenic Chamber of Shipping for their valuable contributions to this work.

George D. CambanisGlobal Leader, Shipping & Ports Practice

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Global survey


North AmericaTotal surveyed:175 vesselsTotal responses: 175 vessels

EuropeTotal surveyed: 751 vesselsTotal responses: 662 vessels

Middle East, South Africa & Asia PacificTotal surveyed: 345 vesselsTotal responses: 288 vessels

We surveyed shipping companies around the world to get a better appreciation for how they are managing their crewing needs. In this spirit,questions were asked to ascertain the following: average number of crew employed on vessels, employment of cadets on board, nationalitiesof the officers and ratings, average age, crew turnover rate, average salaries, a description of training institutions and courses taught and themain difficulties faced by shipping companies.

Twenty-three companies responded, representing 1,125 vessels. We have grouped the results into three regions: North America, Europe andMiddle East, South Africa and Asia Pacific region.

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Responses from shipping companies confirmed thatcrewing vessels with competent seafarers is a growingglobal problem and that crewing is high on the list ofbusiness issues for all shipping companies. The globalfleet has far outgrown the supply of trained seafarers,with an especially acute shortage of trained officers.

The results of the survey show that the Philippines andIndia provide approximately 45 percent of the officersand 90 percent of the ratings. This phenomenon can be attributed to a number of factors including thedevelopment of marine training institutions, the absenceof more attractive employment opportunities in thesecountries and the good English language skills prevalentamong these populations.

Officers are compensated significantly higher thanratings due to the more demanding educationalrequirements they must satisfy and the greaterresponsibility they bear for the safe operation of aseagoing vessel.

The shipping industry is striving to make a career in thefield more attractive to young people, but faces numerouschallenges including the separation from friends andfamily while at sea, the desire of ‘Generation Y’ to besocially networked at all times, the perception that acareer in shipping involves a life at sea as well as therecent negative focus on shipping due to environmentalissues and piracy, among others.

It came as no surprise that women are vastlyunderrepresented in a profession that entails much time away from home. In addition, the quality ofmarine educations varies significantly by country, lacking universal degree standards so that educationsare readily recognized across borders. Shippingcompanies use a mix of recruiting methods, dependingon the circumstances and region. To promote growth in the supply of skilled crew members, companies andgovernments will need to make the profession moreattractive. Governments will need to implementinnovative incentives and tax rationalization programsand companies will face rising compensation and socialbenefits packages.

When all is said and done, we are optimistic that thereis much that governments and the industry can do toencourage the growth in supply of skilled seafarers.

The crew pipelineThe growth of fleets has outpaced the supply of crewsfor most shipping companies in Europe, North Americaand other regions around the globe. In response,shipping companies have found it necessary to seekcrews outside of their own countries to meet theirneeds.

Most vessels require a crew of 20-25 personnelconsisting of officers (master, first engineer), specialisttechnicians (electricians, mechanics), and lower levelcrews or “ratings” (deck hands, cooks, and oilers).

The average age of officers ranges between 35 and 45 years old as the training and experience required for promotion to the positions of chief officer or chief engineer is at least 10 years.

Countries that have national crew requirements can calculate how many students should enter andgraduate from the merchant marine academies eachyear so that their numbers satisfy their crew requirementsin the next decade. This calculation is based onnumerous factors that affect the supply and demand of seafarers including:

• number of vessels in fleet;

• number of vessels to be delivered in the future;

• average age of seafarers;

• duration of mandatory training and seafaringexperience;

• universities and career drop-rate statistics; and

• average number of consecutive months on board.

Overall findings

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Crew composition and compensationOn an average vessel with 23 crew members, officerstypically represent about 35-40 percent of the crew.

In general, wages for tanker officers are higher thanthose on bulk carriers, a reflection of the highercertification requirements and quality standards thatthey must satisfy.

Key officer categories and salariesCompensation of officers is considerably higher thanthat of ratings for a number of reasons. Their training is far more rigorous, with a minimum three to fouryears of study required to complete a bachelor’s degree.In addition, once onboard ship, they shoulder a veryhigh level of responsibility for the safe operation of thevessel. In contrast, ratings do not follow a full cycle ofeducation and are not eligible for promotion to officerwithout a bachelor’s degree. Their training is moreoriented to short seminars that focus on enhancingsafety at sea, while officers’ training is dedicated to thetechnical and managerial aspects of operating a vessel.


Crew size varies according to vesselCrew size depends on the size and complexity of thevessel. For instance, since VLCCs entail more complexoperations, they may require a larger crew. In addition,one to two cadets may be onboard vessels for trainingpurposes.

Vessel Type Crew size

VLCC 24-26

Suezmax 22-24

Aframax 21-24

Panamax bulker 20-24

Handy bulker/reefer 20-22

LNG/LPG 15-24

Product tanker Automated 20-24

Category Crew per vessel

Average age


Crew per vessel

Average age


Crew per vessel

Average age


Master 1 48 $8,750 1 49 $11,317 1 48 $8,983

Chief officer 1 39 $6,432 1 40 $9,113 1 37 $6,902

2nd officer 1 34 $3,174 1 36 $4,795 1 32 $4,050

3rd officer 0-1 31 $2,773 0-1 30 $3,923 0-1 27 $3,310

Chief engineer 1 47 $8,097 1 49 $10,974 1 47 $8,784

2nd engineer 1 37 $5,880 1 42 $9,133 1 38 $6,902

3rd engineer 1 35 $3,086 1 38 $4,581 1 34 $4,050

4th engineer 0-1 29 $3,030 0-1 31 $3,798 0-1 29 $3,300

Electrician 1 39 $3,829 1 46 $4,760 1 41 $4,622

*All salaries represent monthly compensation in US dollars.** Salaries vary in accordance to the region in which the shipping company is headquartered and not to the nationality of the crew members.

Europe North America South Africa, Middle East & Asia Pacific

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Europe North America South Africa, Middle East & Asia Pacific

Flag state requirements and crew nationalitiesThe International Convention for the Safety of Life atSea (SOLAS) requirements and safe manning indicatecrew composition in terms of the number, nationalitiesand qualifications of crew members. Requirements thatspecify the national composition of crew members canconstrain the shipping companies’ ability to staff theirvessels effectively.

In Greece, for instance, the Ministry of MerchantMarine specifies the number of Greeks that must beemployed onboard a vessel, depending on the type of vessel and its technical specifications. For example,Greek flag vessels above 45,000 but below 80,000 dwtrequire that five Greeks and one cadet be onboard. The master of the vessel must be Greek, with theremaining Greeks employed as officers or ratings.

Norway’s manning requirements, in contrast, onlyspecify that the master of the vessel hold Norwegiancitizenship, with no restrictions in employing non-Norwegian seafarers to fulfill other roles.

The tables that follow indicate the crew nationalities forofficers and ratings of those responding to our surveyand give a sense of the countries that are currentsources of trained seafarers.

Key ratings categories and salaries

Challenge to the industry Securing skilled crews in today’s marketplace 5

Category Crew per vessel

Average age


Crew per vessel

Average age


Crew per vessel

Average age


Bosun 1 42 $1,586 1 48 $1,849 1 48 $1,536

Able Seaman 2-4 36 $1,227 2-4 38 $1,553 2-4 35 $1,190

Ordinary Seaman 1-3 30 $899 1-3 29 $1,266 1-3 29 $920

Oiler 1-3 36 $1,263 1-3 40 $1,554 1-3 36 $1,178

Wiper 1 28 $850 1 29 $1,266 1 29 $881

Fitter 1 37 $1,549 1 46 $1,849 1 46 $1,782

Cook 1 40 $1,596 1 50 $1,855 1 41 $1,547

Messman 1 33 $711 1 35 $1,283 1 31 $920

*All salaries represent monthly compensation in US dollars.** Salaries vary in accordance to the region in which the shipping company is headquartered and not to the nationality of the crew members.

Requirements that specify the nationalcomposition of crew members canconstrain the shipping companies’ abilityto staff their vessels effectively.

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Europe North America South Africa, Middle East & Asia Pacific


Principal nationalities: officersThe Philippines and India supply more officers to the world fleet than any other country. This can be attributed toseveral factors: these countries have made significant commitments to establish institutions to provide marineeducation, their populations have a good command of the English language and, lastly, there is an absence ofalternative employment opportunities within their borders.

Nationality Percent Percent Percent

Philippinos 34% 35% 30%

Indians 17% 16% 24%

North Americans 1% –

Europeans 21% 13% 13%

Balkans (Romanians, Bulgarians, Croats, etc.)

8% 6% 6%

Ukrainians 8% 1% –

Russians 2% 10% 1%

Eastern Europe (Poles, Slovaks, etc)

– 3% 5%

South Africans – – 1%

Other Asians (Indonesians, Sri Lankan, Pakistani,Bangladeshi)

1% 3% 2%

Japanese – – 10%

Other 9% 12% 8%

Total 100% 100% 100%

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Principal nationalities: ratingsPerhaps the most striking fact is the absence of Europeans working as ratings on vessels. One explanation is thatthe European economies are more established so that their citizens have different cultural orientations and employmentexpectations than workers coming from emerging economies where work opportunities are scarce. As such,European workers tend to pursue the more ambitious officer status and its well-defined, and better compensated,career path.

Career prospects: image of the shippingprofession In spite of the increased compensation and excellentcareer prospects that the shipping industry offers,young adults harbor numerous concerns whenconsidering shipping as a potential career. These concernsare roadblocks to enticing young people to consider the profession. To cite one example, the MaritimeForum Norway took action and launched an educationalcampaign targeting 15-19 year-olds to get them toconsider a marine education and life at sea. Over threeyears, the campaign entitled ‘Ikke for Alle’ – ‘Not forall,’ an education that can take you a long way –increased applications to marine educational programsby 40 percent! Still, concerns among young peoplewhen considering the shipping profession can beattributed to several sociological and financial factors.

In contemporary society, separation from families andfriends is less acceptable. Whereas the pain of separationwas once offset by the opportunity to travel and visitexotic places, these opportunities have all but disappearedas ships now only make short calls in port – often foronly 24-36 hours – or indeed remain outside the portfor their commercial operations, compared to someyears ago when stays could range from one week to 10 days, leaving more time for crew members to get a break from life at sea.

In response, shipping companies have adopted anemployment practice in which consecutive months atsea have been significantly reduced, such as theapproximately four to six months for crews of tankers.

Nationality Percent Percent Percent

Philippinos 75% 83% 72%

Russians 1% 3% –

Scandinavians 1% – –

South Africans – – 1%

Indians – 8% 18%

Indonesians – 2% 2%

Other Asians 17% – 7%

Other 6% 4% –

Total 100% 100% 100%

Europe North America South Africa, Middle East & Asia Pacific

Concerns among young people when considering theshipping profession can be attributed to severalsociological and financial factors.

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Seafarers have also been jailed in the absence ofcriminal intent. Some seafarers are now willing to bepaid less to avoid travel through sea lanes where piracyis rampant or demand increased remuneration andguards on board to do so. It is therefore notunreasonable for young people to conclude that thereare easier ways to make a living!

Role of women as crew membersWhile women constitute some 50 percent of theworld’s talent pool, the industry is clearly not tappingthis human resource. Currently, the global marineindustry does not employ women onboard tankers anddry bulk carriers, effectively reducing the pipeline ofpotential seafarers. Women are better represented inthe cruise industry and in land-based positions in theshipping industry. This clearly speaks to a lifestyle choiceas women balance their family needs with professionaldecisions. This was consistent with the results of oursample that indicated one woman employed as a nurseonboard a European vessel and three employed on aSouth African carrier. In Asia and the Middle East, therewere no instances of female crew members reported.

Education: gateway to the seafarers pipelineAccess to a quality marine education is an importantfactor that influences, and can limit, the pipeline offuture seafarers. This important factor in the pipeline ofseafarers still lacks close and consistent collaborationbetween academic institutions and the end users oftheir products, namely the shipping companies thatemploy their graduates, to ensure that they receiveeducations that are relevant to the industry. In addition,there is a need for greater standardization of programsand credentials in various countries so that degrees andgraduates are accepted across borders.

At present, there are numerous sources and levels ofeducation. Universities in countries such as the UK andthe US offer educational programs geared forexecutives of shipping companies and officers onboardships. Some nations, including Georgia and others fromthe former Soviet Bloc, support naval academies whereshipping companies recruit officers.

The media consistently promotes moreglamorous professions where moneycomes easily and the ‘living is good.’

Young people (Generation Y) also live in an advanced ITenvironment where they make extensive use of socialnetworking applications such as Facebook, Skype andTwitter – social platforms that existing technologies onvessels do not always support. In response to thisconcern, large companies have installed internetconnections on their vessels using VSAT technology.

The industry’s ability to provide financial rewards andcareer longevity also remain concerns as the mediaconsistently promotes more glamorous professionswhere money comes easily and the living is good.Young recruits compare these professions to years at sea with uncertain prospects for the future whenthey move ashore. It is not surprising that the shippingprofession comes up short. The industry is working tocounter this perception by building awareness of careeropportunities in a wide range of activities for officersmaking the transition from life at sea. Among thepossibilities are insurance, economics, maritime law,operations, crewing, environmental and safety, among others.

Finally, the recent negative publicity the industry hasgenerated related to safety, environmental protection,social responsibility, legal matters and criminalizingindividuals before they stand trial, are all seriousdeterrents to a career at sea.

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Countries, such as the Philippines and India, haveestablished technical colleges for training techniciansand lower level crews. Major shipping companies havealso developed their own dedicated training centers orhave established manning offices in these countries togain direct access to potential crews. In addition,independent manning companies in these countriesprovide crew recruiting services to shipping clientsworldwide.

Countries in which marine training is controlled by thestate or where private training centers are not allowedby law tend to face the most serious shortages ofavailable seafarers. In contrast, countries that encouragethe private sector to develop marine training facilities,such as the Philippines and India, are the leadingproviders of seafarers to the industry.

Many large shipping companies supplement theacademic training of their employees through dedicatedtraining centers equipped with expensive technologyand advanced simulators or through seminars offeredby some of the well-established protection andindemnity (P&I) clubs, classification societies andspecialized computer-based training (CBT) companies.

In addition to the ability to pursue a marine education,a key concern in preparing qualified seafarers is theability to obtain a high-quality education. As technologyrapidly transforms the shipping industry, educationalinstitutions must continue to make considerableinvestments to ensure that their programs are currentand relevant, or risk falling behind. While marineprograms in established countries in Europe, forexample, rely on legacy programs, newer programs inthe emerging markets are leapfrogging ahead in theirtraining capabilities with top-flight simulators and thelatest technologies. As an example, Greece’s nationalmerchant marine academies were once consideredamong the best in the industry.

More recently, however, their quality has suffered as aresult of insufficient investments to update thecurriculum, provide training via simulators and othersupporting technologies, support time on modernvessels to gain first-hand experience with currenttechnologies, and generally enhance the transfer ofknowledge to the current generation, despite Greece’sleading role in the shipping industry.

Also, since many modern vessels do not have the spaceto accommodate cadets onboard, it is becoming moredifficult for novice seafarers to gain real-life crewingexperience. As a result, much of the teaching stillfocuses on the theoretical aspects of the professionrather than encouraging a more practical orientation.

Compounding the challenges of obtaining a qualityeducation, the living conditions at some of themerchant marine academies, many of which aremanaged like boarding schools and can resemble basicmilitary living conditions, are not appealing and act as adeterrent to students who might consider a marineeducation.

Countries that encourage the private sector to develop marine trainingfacilities, such as the Philippines and India, are the leading providersof seafarers to the industry.

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Finding crew members: current recruitingpracticesGrowing competition in the industry, coupled with aneconomic environment in which freight and hire ratesare depressed so that margins are squeezed, posesignificant concerns to ship owners who see theircrewing costs rising. In response, many shippingcompanies have focused their efforts on recruiting staffin the Far East and Balkan markets where they can findwell-trained personnel at a lower cost. Still, thesemarkets are not a panacea for fulfilling recruitmentgoals as the training and competency of officers fromvarious parts of the world is not consistent and thusmust be assessed against the industry’s standards. For example, Chinese seafarers frequently haveconsiderable difficulty communicating in English, a prerequisite for operating effectively in internationalshipping. Romanian, Greek, Norwegian, British, Danish,Ukrainian and Bulgarian seafarers have good skills butare in short supply. While Indians communicate well in English, there are very few maritime schools in Indiain contrast to the total population.

Currently, only the Philippines remains the largest marketfor crewing, advantaged by the fact that these peoplecommunicate very well in English. The maritime professionis very attractive in the Philippines due to numerousfactors including the country’s geographical positionconsisting of approximately 7,100 islands, highunemployment rate, and the population growth rate.

In addition to the decision of where to focus thecompany’s recruiting efforts geographically, one of themost common dilemmas shipping companies face iswhether to outsource the crewing of their vessels or tosupport a crewing recruitment staff within their owncompanies. While maintaining an internal recruitingfunction enables companies to exert greater controlover the recruiting process as well as to enhance theirreputation as an employer, this is a more expensiveoption that requires significant investment.

Based on the responses of 16 European shippingcompanies to our survey, that employ a total of morethan 9,000 seafarers, our findings indicate that:

• 63% have an in-house department for recruitingseafarers.

• 19% use manning agents.

• 19% are recruiting officers themselves and also enlistmanning agents when recruiting abroad primarily.

Larger shipping companies, in Europe and in NorthAmerica, employ their own in-house global manningagencies rather than use third party manning agenciesto recruit their crews. These in-house manning agenciesoften have global reach which facilitates the company’sinternational recruiting efforts while providing easieraccess to in-house training facilities on a global basis.

In South Africa and the Middle East, third partymanning agencies established in the Philippines,Romania, Pakistan, Croatia and Poland are oftenenlisted to recruit seafarers from these countries.

In Asia, a combination of third party agencies and in-house expertise is employed, depending on whetherthey recruit crew members in countries where they do not have established offices. To illustrate, Philippinecompanies tend to work with third-party manningagents while Japanese companies tend to rely on in-house recruiting departments.

Many shipping companies have focusedon recruiting staff in the Far East andBalkan markets where they can findwell-trained personnel at a lower cost.

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Challenge to the industry Securing skilled crews in today’s marketplace 11

Tax relief: another incentive for crew membersMany countries committed to fostering robust shippingindustries within their borders have implementedfavorable tax laws, both for seafarers and for shippingcompanies flying under their home flag.

One example is Italy, where fully exempt tax creditshave been implemented for amounts withheld byshipping companies for seafarers employed onboardItalian registered ships in addition to total relief fromcontributions for the social protection of theseseafarers. As a result, effective personal taxation forseafarers has been reduced to zero. The benefit isgranted directly and entirely to employers and coversboth the quota of social contributions borne by theseafarers and the quota of social contributions borne bythe employer.

In Denmark, by comparison, tax incentives are used toreduce manning costs with the seafarer being generallyexempted from paying income tax on the DanishInternational Ship Register (DIS) salary. As a consequence,collective agreements or individual contracts ofagreement are able to set wages as net wages.

Tomorrow’s crews: best and worst practices ingrowing the seafarers pipelineWe initiated this survey with the perspective that, while the growing shortage of qualified seafarers willhave a dramatic impact on global shipping activity if left unchecked, the global shipping community has thepower and vision to implement positive measures thatcan alleviate, if not resolve, this imbalance between the supply and demand of skilled seafarers. With this in mind, we list below some of the best and worstpractices that we encountered in conducting thissurvey.

Practices that encourage careers in shipping

• Practical learning is favored over theoretical learningin marine degree programs, with access to currentsimulation technologies and opportunities to obtainwork experience serving as a cadet.

• Governments that make significant investments inestablishing and supporting educational and trainingprograms.

• Certificates from maritime universities and academiesthat are recognized as equivalent to bachelor degrees.

• Career paths have been identified and developed in,for example, banking, insurance, law, and operations,to increase professional mobility and enableexperienced seafarers to transition back on shoreupon reaching a certain level of age and experience,or for specified periods during their commitment.

• Living conditions have been upgraded onboardvessels, including provision of VSAT technologies.

• Personal taxation has been reduced or effectivelyeliminated on seafarers’ income.

• Social benefits for employees, such as compensationfor illness and coverage of repatriation expenses,have been enhanced.

• Partial coverage of the social security contributions isprovided by the government.

• Standards of Training, Certification, and Watch-keeping (STCW) certificates are recognized in othercountries.

The Danish modelThe perception that a career in shipping requirescommitting oneself to a life at sea deters manyyoung people from considering shipping as aprofession. To address this situation, Denmarkdeveloped a model to make the profession moreattractive. In brief, officers who have achieved thelevels of master or chief engineer, typically havingaccumulated experience of more than 10 or 15 years at sea, are eligible to pursue variousmarine-related qualifications (in insurance, maritime law, and finance, for instance) atrecognized Danish universities with no additionalcosts or entry requirements. The objective is to giveyoung people considering a career in shippingsome perspectives on the various career paths theycan pursue, after they have reached a certain levelof experience and would like to retire from activeduty at sea.

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Drawbacks that impact the ability of shippingcompanies to attract better crews

• Favoritism toward national crews when their wagesare set above international norms – and those offellow crew members. This should only be done ininstances where the quality, qualifications andinnovative thinking of crew members justify higherwages.

• Hostile tax environments that impose high incometaxes on seafarers.

• Complex social security schemes for seafarers, such asincreased contributions for social security.

• Outdated training programs and educational methods.

• Severe flag state restrictions on crew compositionbased on nationalities and sex.

• Increased protectionism and governmentalintervention, including government prohibitions onprivate training facilities and strict manning quotasthat favor nationals.

• Inability of seafarers to communicate effectively inEnglish due to lack of education.

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Actions need to be taken on numerous fronts toencourage the recruitment and retention of youngpeople to the shipping profession and tip the supply ofseafarers in a positive direction. The industry’s challengeis to prioritize these actions in light of the considerablefinancial resources, political will, and collaboration thatis required. In closing, we list some possible actions:

• On the ‘macro’ level, trade organizations and otherindustry groups could invest in public awarenesscampaigns to improve the industry’s image,particularly on issues related to social responsibilityand environmental regulations, and to build a greaterawareness of the profession among young people. At the company or ‘micro’ level, organizations shouldfocus on strengthening their image or ‘brand,’communicating corporate culture and core values, and demonstrating respect for human capital, that is,the officers and crew that operate their vessels.

• Enhance access to quality marine education byencouraging a partnership of the public and privatesectors and encouraging active participation of theglobal shipping community. Requirements foradmission should be upgraded. Education should bepractice-oriented and enhanced by currenttechnologies and simulators. It should also besupplemented by more onboard trainingopportunities. In addition, maritime trainingcredentials should be more broadly recognized byother countries.

• Expand maritime curricula to meet the needs ofindividuals operating in a complex global environment,incorporating courses in decision-making, ethics,multi-cultural relations and foreign languages.

• Companies should invest in identifying anddeveloping more defined career paths for theiremployees including more professional options forexperienced seafarers that will enable them totransition successfully to life on shore after fulfillingtheir commitment at sea.

• Adopt latest human resources managementtechniques to better understand the needs ofseafarers.

• Enhance compensation and social benefits programs of seafarers. Ensure that compensation packages areconsistent with international norms related tocompensation, social benefits and training.

• Ensure that tax obligations are rationalized forseafarers.

• Introduce greater flexibility on national requirementsfor crew composition with the goal of achieving a‘transnational’ crew that operates cohesively andindependently of nationalities. Corporate identity andculture should take precedence over nationalities sothat crew members act as “one team.”

The time is now: what can be done to enhance the crew pipeline

The industry’s challenge is to prioritizethe recruitment and retention actions inlight of the considerable financialresources, political will, andcollaboration that is required.

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JapanToshiharu Matsuura+03 6213 [email protected]

Takashi Nagata+03 6213 [email protected]

KuwaitRami Adel Wadie+965 224 38060 ext. [email protected]

NetherlandsMarc Engel+31 [email protected]

Markus Van Den Hoek+31 [email protected]

NorwayBjarne Ryland+47 5521 [email protected]

Tord Arne Persson Teige+47 [email protected]

South AfricaRuwayda Ebrahim +27 31560 [email protected]

SwitzerlandChris Jones+41 22747 [email protected]

David Quinlin+41 44421 [email protected]

United KingdomIan Brown+44 (0) 20 7007 [email protected]

David Paterson+44 (0) 20 7007 [email protected]

United StatesAustin Corbett+1 513 723 [email protected]

Greg Koslow+1 212 436 [email protected]

John Young+1 212 436 [email protected]

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Page 17: Challenge to the industry Securing skilled crews in today ... · PDF fileResponses from shipping companies confirmed that crewing vessels with competent seafarers is a growing global

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