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Introducing EYAPSSA

Raising creative & skilled youths committed to making positive impact…

• Project status: CALL FOR ACTION• Engaging Youths in Active Problem Solving & Skills Acquisition• Team leader: Opata Chibueze• Impacted underprivileged group of youth: University students and unemployed

graduates• Number of people in the team: 9• Volunteering hours spent: 2 – 6 hours / week• Number of youth impacted: 250+• Period of project/action: ~4months

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Raising creative & skilled youths committed to making positive impact…

Team in Action

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Raising creative & skilled youths committed to making positive impact…

Team in Action 2

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Raising creative & skilled youths committed to making positive impact…

How it Works

Project Initiation


Prototype Launch

Team Formation

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Project DetailsMethodology:The EYAPSSA program is designed to run in a periodic time frame of 3 – 4 months called the EYAPSSAN wave. This is a period during which people are grouped into teams, provided with tools and resources, and assigned different tasks to build a prototype of their idea of a product/service. The aim is to enable them to develop their product idea to a stage where they can easily get funding for it while at the same time they get to learn team work, acquire skills, & enjoy what they are doing.

Recruitment Process:The first process of the EYAPSSAN wave is a recruitment seminar/event where prospective members are motivated by discussing a bit about the problems being faced by the world especially the country and their respective environments. They are required then come up with ideas as groups or single teams on w they think they can solve some of these problems. Once this is done, they are to submit their ideas for evaluation; we then review their ideas and select the most feasible ones. The ideas are then posted publicly for members to sign up for the particular one they are most interested in.

Raising creative & skilled youths committed to making positive impact…

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Project DetailsTeam Formation:In this stage the groups who have signed up for the different selected ideas are then divided into teams based on certain criteria especially time commitment & proximity. Each team is then assigned a team mentor who is well skilled and conversant with the product/service idea they are building. Their team mentor will assist them in appointing a team leader who will then maintain contact with the team mentor to schedule coaching meetings &demand support till they accomplish their task.

Project Initiation:This is the most important stage of the EYAPSSAN Wave. During this stage, the team mentor will help the team write a formal project proposal/plan. In certain cases, the team may have to do market surveys, competition and risk analysis, etc. before they start their project. At this stage, they will start taking the steps as outlined in their project timeline under the surveillance of their team mentor and the general team organizer. Their team mentor will provide them with all the coaching and support they will need to complete their projects and the team leader has to submit weekly reports (project stories) to the team mentor who in turn will provide a copy to the general team organizer. Raising creative & skilled youths committed to making

positive impact…

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Project DetailsPrototype Launch:This is the final stage of the EYAPSSAN Wave. At this stage, it is assumed the team has successfully completed their project as proposed. The Local EYAPSSA Team (LET) & the ENT (EYAPSSA NATIONAL TEAM) bodies will assist them in test-running their product if applicable and also provide them with an opportunity to launch their product at our exhibition events. They will be assisted to develop a final business plan for their product/service at this stage which will help them in getting further to even start a company if need be. They will automatically be provided with website and hosting to launch and market their idea. Their success will also be published on the EYAPSSA website.

Raising creative & skilled youths committed to making positive impact…

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Other DetailsTarget group:• Our target groups are university students and unemployed graduates. This is because:• We strongly believe that youths posses a strong and vibrant energy to make a huge

impact on the society.• We believe that empowering youths in this manner will not only create jobs and

engage youths in solving world problems passionately, but also go a great way in solving unemployment challenges

• We believe that the education received by youths in this century is not adequate enough, especially in developing countries and a good number of these youths are looking for initiatives like this that will engage and empower them to tackle global challenges

Goals & ResultsOur mission for this initiative is to empower youths to actively engage in solving the problems that they are most passionate about by helping them create and develop feasible ideas and team up with like-minded individuals in an entrepreneurial setting.So far, this program has run for one month and the results have been much more than we expected. People heralded the idea without much advertising and the school provided us with enormous but non-financial support.

Raising creative & skilled youths committed to making positive impact…

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EffectivenessThe major reason for the effectiveness of our program is our innovation and style. Our organization values ensure that our members are working with an outstanding mindset that enables them to work in a different level. Our values are:

• Demonstrate Innovation: Any activity performed in the organization is received with the ‘iQuestion’. The iQuestion simple asks: “What makes your product new or different from existing ones?”

• Work with passion: We always ensure that our members connect their activities with their passion. One who is passionate about singing and participating in a music website project will learn to activate and utilize their passion for singing in carrying out their project tasks.

• Activate Intuition: We encourage our users to think inside, outside and without a box. One of our favorite activities is the ‘Genius Activation’. During this activity, people are giving a program they have never used and are required to produce something new and innovative. The results are always exciting and fantastic.

• Visualize the Result: Lastly it is a culture that when carrying out a task, members sketch their expected results on paper and talk about it to at least three other people. This greatly enhances their understanding and motivation in whatever they are doing.

Raising creative & skilled youths committed to making positive impact…

We are willing and ready to take the Organization not just to a national, but global level!

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Team Details

Raising creative & skilled youths committed to making positive impact…

Opata ChibuezeNigeria

Ikpeama ChukwudiNigeria

Ezeonyido KingsleyNigeria

Onyema SamNigeria

Charles OgbonnaNigeria

Alex OnyiaNigeria

Onyefor IkediezeNigeria

Nwosu ChinweNigeria

Somto Fab-UkozorNigeria

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