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Section C Practice 1

Practise 1Set A

Last Sunday, Sarah and Aina went to the shopping mall. Suddenly, Sarah saw a girl crying. The girl was lost and afraid.They decided to help her. They walked to the girl. Aina gave her a candy. After that, they took the girl to the information counter. The person at the counter made an announcement. Soon, the girls parents came to the counter. They thanked Sarah and Aina for their help. Sarah and Aina were glad that they had done a good deed.

Set B Last Sunday afternoon, Sarah and Aina went to the Grand shopping mall to buy some gifts for their friends. As they were walking around, Sarah saw a little girl crying bitterly. She kept calling for her mother. Sarah knew that the girl was lost and afraid. They decided to help the girl. Sarah and Aina quickly walked to the girl and comforted her. Aina gave her a candy to calm her down. At first, they tried asking passers-by if they were the girls mother but in vain. After a while, they felt that the best thing to do was to take the girl to the information counter. So, they took her there and told the person at the counter what had happened. The lady at the counter immediately made an announcement about the girl. Soon, Sarah saw the girls parents running quickly towards them. The girl ran to her mother and hugged her happily. The girls parents were relieved to see their daughter. They thanked Sarah and Aina for their help. Sarah and Aina were glad that they had done a good deed.

Section C Practice 2

Practise 2

Set A Last Sunday, Amierul and his family went to the zoo. He and his sister were very excited. They woke up early in the morning. They had breakfast with their parents. Then, their father drove them to the zoo. When they reached the zoo, their father bought four tickets. They were excited to see the animals in the zoo. Amierul and his sister were very happy to see the elephants. They fed the elephants with some sugar cane. They also rode on an elephant and watched the elephants perform tricks. In the afternoon, Amieruls family had lunch at a restaurant. Amierul ate fried chicken and potato chips. The food was delicious. After that, they went to a souvenir shop to buy some souvenirs. Then, they went home happily.

Set B Last school holidays, Amierul and his family went to the zoo. He and his sister were very excited. They woke up early and took their baths. Their mother prepared nasi lemak and they had breakfast together. When they were ready, their father, Encik Nazam drove them to the zoo in his new brand Perodua Myvi. When they reached the zoo, Encik Nazam bought four tickets and they went into the zoo. Amierul and his sister were very excited to see the animals in the zoo. They even enjoyed being near the animals. Along the way, they saw the elephants. They bought some sugar cane and fed the elephants. They also rode on an elephant and watched the elephants perform tricks. They were astonished to watch the performance. After that, they walked on to see other animals. They visited the snakes den and took photographs with some snakes. At lunch time, Amieruls family ate at a fast food restaurant in the zoo. They had fried chicken and potato chips. The food was delicious and everyone enjoyed the lunch. Before they left the zoo, they went to a souvenir shop because Amierul wanted to buy some postcards. They went home in the evening. Amierul and his sister really enjoyed themselves and had a great time at the zoo. Amierul was grateful to his father for taking him there.

Section C Practice 3

Practise 3

Set ALast Tuesday, Aizam and his friend went to the night market in Jalan Setia. There were many people at the night market. The night market was very noisy. There were many stalls selling food , clothes, fruits and vegetables. They enjoyed going to the night market because there were many interesting things to see and lots of food to buy. They wanted to buy T-shirts, so they went to the t-shirts stall. Most of the T-shirts were cheap. Before they went home, they bought some food and drinks for dinner. They had a good time at the night market.

Set B Last Tuesday evening, Aizam and his friend, Umar went to a night market in their neighbourhood in Jalan Setia. The stalls were set up as early as 4.30 p.m. and stayed open till 10.00 p.m. or even later. When they arrived at the night market, the vendors were shouting to attract peoples attention, giving it a very noisy and carnival like atmosphere. Aizam and Umar enjoyed going to the night market because there were many interesting things to see and lots of food to buy. There were many stalls selling a wide variety of things such as household items from small things like scourers to big items like mattresses. There were many people did their shopping there. Some of them were buying fresh food like green vegetables, chicken and fish. Some even bought a variety of cooked food. Most of the things sold were cheap. Further down, there were stalls selling personal items like clothes, T-shirts, jeans, handbags and CDs. Aizam and Umar wanted to buy t-shirts, so they went to the T-shirts stall. The stallholder was friendly to them. They bargained over the price of the t-shirts. They bought the t-shirts with low prices. Before they went home, they bought some food and drinks for dinner. They had a wonderful time at the night market.Section C Practice 4

Practise 4

Set A One evening, Iman and his friends went jogging at a park. Iman jogged very fast. He went ahead of his friends. He did not see a hole on the ground.Suddenly, he fell and hurt his knees. He was in pain. He cried for help. His friends quickly helped him. Encik Dani, his neighbour, who was also jogging at the park, saw them. He went near them and asked what had happened. One of Imans friends told him about it. Then, Encik Dani took Iman to the clinic. The doctor treated his wound and told him that he would recover soon. Iman thanked Encik Dani and his friends. He promised to be careful the next time.

Set B One fine evening, Iman and his friends went jogging at a nearby new park. Iman was a fast jogger, so he went ahead of his friends. He felt as proud as a peacock that he could lead his friends. All of a sudden, he tripped over a stone and fell into a puddle on the ground. Both his knees were hurt. There was blood on his knees. He cried in pain. As fast as lightning, his friends went to him and called for help. Encik Dani, Imans neighbour, who happened to jog at the park, heard them. He helped Iman and took him to the nearest clinic. The doctor treated his wound. He was lucky that he had only minor bruises. The doctor also advised him to rest and told him that he would recover soon. Iman thanked Encik Dani and his friends for their help. He promised to be more careful the next time. He really had learnt a good lesson that day.

Section C Practice 5

Practise 5

Set A Last Saturday morning, Shah was going to school for his Sports Day. He stopped at a stall to buy nasi lemak. He saw the stall was dirty but he did not mind. He was hungry, so he ate two packets of nasi lemak. He needed energy to run in the race. While running in the race, Shah felt pain in his stomach. He could not run fast. However, he wanted to run to finish the race. Suddenly, he fell on the ground. He vomited in the field. He knew that he had food poisoning. The teachers saw him and gave him a help. He regretted that he bought the nasi lemak from the dirty stall. He also lost in the race. It was an experience that he would never forget.

Set B Last Saturday was Sports Day at Shahs school. On the way to school, he stopped by the roadside to buy nasi lemak from a stall. The stall was very dirty as he saw flies everywhere. Rubbish was scattered all over the ground too. As he was very hungry, he bought and ate two packets of nasi lemak. He also needed energy as he was taking part in the 100 metres race. While running in the race, Shah suddenly felt a sharp pain in his stomach. He could not run fast and had difficulty in breathing. Yet, he decided to carry on with the race. While running, the pain in his stomach got worse. He could not keep up with the other runners and soon he was running behind them. He continued running as he still wanted to finish the race. Then, he was forced to stop running and fell. He even vomited in the field. He knew that he had food poisoning. He regretted for buying and eating the food from hawkers by the roadside. He also lost in his favourite sport which is the 100 metres race. It was indeed an experience that he would never forget for the rest of his life.

Section C Practice 6

Practise 6It was a hot afternoon, Ranjit and his best buddy, Raymond, were at the bus stop which was only a 10-minute walk from their school. They were heading home after their grueling hockey practice. They had their hockey sticks with them. There was a pretty young woman who was carrying a canvas bag on her shoulder. She was waiting for the bus too. She seemed to be impatient. Perhaps she was waiting for a long time. Out of the blues, Ranjit saw a motorbike coming towards the bus stop. The motorbike came close to the woman and the pillion rider snatched the canvas bag. The poor woman lost her balance and fell. At the drop of the hat, Ranjit hit the pillion rider with his hockey stick while Raymond ran to the womans aid. The snatch thief fell onto the road with the bag. Too bad the motorcyclist sped off. The snatch thief scrambled up and managed to run away leaving behind the canvas bag. Raymond then picked up the bag and returned it to the woman. The woman was extremely grateful as the bag contained a lot of money. She offered some money to the boys as an appreciation for their honesty. But they refused to accept the money.

Section C Practice 7

Practise 7

Set ARamesh and Raju are brothers. They live at Kampung Melayu, Johor Bahru. Both boys are humble and hardworking. They love to go fishing during their free time. Last weekend, Ramesh and his brother, Raju decided to go fishing at the nearby river which was just a stones throw from their house. They took their new fishing rods and some worms as baits. After almost an hour of waiting patiently, they caught a few small fish. They took the fish home to show their mother. Their mother was very happy to see them. She cooked the fish for dinner that evening. Everyone enjoyed the meal. Ramesh and Raju were glad that they had saved a little of their mothers market expenses.

Set B During the mid semester holidays,Ramesh and his brother, Raju decided to go fishing at the nearby river which was just a 15-minute walk from their house. They left home early hoping to be back by lunch.They brought along a pail, two fishing rods and some worms as baits. Both of them looked for a perfect place to sit where they could fish peacefully. They put the worms on the hook and threw the line into the water. Then, they waited patiently for their catch. All of a sudden, Ramesh felt a tug at his fishing rod. He as quick as lightning, reeled the fishing line in. Raju burst out laughing as it was merely a small fish. Several minutes later, something began to tug at Rajus line. He was sure it was a big fish. Raju got up to reel the fish in. But unfortunately, Rajus big catch was a garbage bag full of rubbish. Rajus face turned red with embarrassment.. However, Ramesh tried to console his brother. After an hour or so, they did manage to catch some fish. They decided to call it a day. When they reached home, they gave their catch to their mother to cook. Their mother, Mrs. Uma made their favourite fish curry The whole family had a sumptuous meal.Section C Practice 8

Practice 8Set ARahman is a kind and caring boy who usually helps people in trouble. So, everyone in school likes him. He is also the deputy head prefect . Rahman loves outdoor activities very much. One hot afternoon just after his extra class, Rahman was waiting at the bus-stop when he saw a man approaching. When he noticed closely, Rahman realised that the man was blind. The blind man was walking towards a hole in the pavement. Rahman felt very sorry for that man. Immediately, Rahman rushed forward and carefully led the man to safety. The blind man thanked Rahman for his help.

Set B Rahman, who is my best buddy, is a warm and caring boy. He has a heart of gold. He likes to help people who are in trouble especially the old and helpless. Last Tuesday afternoon, just after his extra class, Rahman was waiting for the bus at the bus-stop which was just a 10-minute walk from his school. While waiting, he noticed a man with a walking stick was slowly approaching the bus-stop. When he noticed closely, Rahman realised that the man was blind. The blind man was walking towards a big hole in the pavement. Rahman was dumbfounded. Without giving a second thought, he rushed towards the blind man. He held on to the mans hand and led him to safety. The blind man thanked Rahman for his kind deed. Rahman was very proud of himself.

Section C Practice 9

Practice 9

Set A Roshan and Peng Chin are two good friends who study in the same school. They are in Year 6. Last Wednesday was a public holiday. Since it was a fine day, Roshan and Peng Chin decided to go for a swim. They brought along their swimming trunks and some food. They were very excited upon seeing the big river. The water was crystal clear. They walked hurriedly along the river bank. Suddenly, Peng Chin slipped and fell into the river. The water was deep and Peng Chin could not swim well..He cried for help loudly. Luckily, Roshan was a good swimmer. He jumped into the river and grabbed hold of Peng Chins right hand. He managed to save his friend. Roshan reminded Peng Chin that it is always good to be careful.

Set B Roshan and Peng Chin know each other since young. They have been neighbours for several years. Roshan and Peng Chin went to the same kindergarten and then to the same primary school in their neighbourhood. Now both of them are in Year 6. It was the mid semester break. Both boys decided to go for a swim since the weather was very hot. They brought along their swimming trunks and some food. They were very excited upon seeing the big river. The water was crystal clear. They couldnt contain their excitement. Roshan reminded Peng Chin to be cautious while walking along the riverside because it was slippery. Suddenly, Peng Chin lost his balance and fell into the river. The water was quite deep and Peng Chin did not know how to swim. Roshan was confused but he tried to remain calm. Luckily, Roshan was a good swimmer. He dived into the river and caught hold of Peng Chins right hand. He finally managed to save his good friend from drowning. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Section C Practice 10

ractise 10Set APak Kassim is my neighbour. He is fifty years old. He usually walks to the nearby market on Sundays. One morning, he was walking along Jalan Melati. The road was deserted. Suddenly, a motorcycle came from behind and banged into Pak Kassim. The poor old man fell and hurt himself dably. The motorcyclist fled from the scene. A boy saw Pak Kassim and quickly called the ambulance. Pak Kassim was warded in a hospital. The boy visited him later in the evening. Pak Kassims family thanked the boy for his help.

Set B Pak Kassim, who is an elderly man, usually walks to the morning market on Sundays. It is his usual routine. The morning market is just a stones throw from his house. One fine morning, as usual, he was walking alone slowly along Jalan Melati. The road was quite deserted. While he was walking, suddenly, a motorcycle came speeding from behind. The motorcyclist couldnt control the motorcycle and knocked into poor Pak Kassim. Pak Kassim fell down by the roadside. He was badly injured and was bleeding profusely. The irresponsible motorcyclist fled quickly from the scene. Fortunately, a boy saw the accident. Immediately, he rushed to the scene and helped Pak Kassim. Later, he ran to a public telephone booth and called the ambulance. After a few minutes, the ambulance arrived. They took Pak Kassim to the nearest hospital for treatment. Pak Kassim had to be warded due to his injuries. The brave boy visited him in the evening. He brought along some apples for him. He was glad to see Pak Kassim smiling at him. Pak Kassims family members thanked the boy for his thoughtful act.

Section C Practice 11

Practice 11Set A Siti is twelwe years old. She is in Year 6 Arif. She lives in Taman Cempaka. She has two sisters. They are Aminah and Aini. Last weekend, Siti went shopping with her sisters. They went toTebrauCity. There were sales everywhere. They bought T-shirts and pants. The price were reasonable. They also bought a pair of baju kurung for their mother. It was red, her mothers favourite colour. After shopping they had lunch at the food court. Later, they took the taxi home.

Set B The Jusco Tebrau City Shopping Complex was having its annual sale again and news of this sale was spreading like wild fire. Everyone was excited because during sales, the people were able to get branded clothing for half its original price or even lesser. Siti and her two sisters Aminah and Aini were looking forward to this sale. They did not want to miss the opportunity of a good bargain. They left their home at around nine oclock. They wanted to be there early. At the sale, they bought some T-shirts and pants for themselves. Siti also used the money she had saved up to buy her mother a beautifully embroidered baju kurung as a birthday gift. After an hour of shopping, the girls went over to the food court to had their lunch. The scrumptious food in the food court managed to satisfy their tastebuds. Then Siti bought Banana Split ice cream for all. It was her treat. They went home shortly after lunch.

Section C Practice 12

Practice 12Set A Last weekend, my family and I went to the beach. We went there for a picnic. My mother prepared the food. My sister and I packed our clothes. At the beach, mother unpacked the things. We played ball on the beach. Then, we went for a swim in the sea with father. We enjoyed ourselves. Before leaving, we cleared the rubbish. We reached home at six in the evening. We were all tired but happy.

Set B Last weekend, my family and I went to Air Papan beach for a picnic. We were all very excited when our father told us about the picnic. My mother prepared the food such as burger, nasi lemak, muffins and curry puffs. My sister and I packed the clothes for changing. Father bought some bottle drinks and junk food for us. At about 7 a.m. we were already on our way to the beach. As soon as we arrived, father found a nice shady spot under an Angsana tree. My sister helped my mother to unpacked the food. They laied the food on the mat. Then my sister and I played ball on the beach. After that, we changed into our swimming attire and my father took us for a swim in the sea. My sister held to my father because the waves were strong. At around 2 p.m., we were all very hungry and ate lunch. It was a wonderful to have our meal at the beach. After lunch we continued to play in the water. This time my mother joined us too. We enjoyed ourselves very much. When it was already 6 p.m., we packed our things and cleared the place. We disposed our rubbish in the dustbin nearby before going home. We were all happy although we were very tired and my sister and I dozed off on our journey home.

Section C Practice 13

Practice 13Set A My classmates and I visited the Old Folks Home last weekend. It is at Skudai, Johor. They were very happy to see us. We gave them baskets of fruits and cakes. Later, we entertained them by singing songs. A group of friends performed traditional malay dance that is Zapin. Some of the residents talked about the past. It was interesting. We learned a lot from them. It was fun and enjoyable for all of us.

Set B Our class teacher, Puan Lim always reminded us to be kind and helpful especially to the elders. She said that many elderly people are often lonely. We wanted to do our part, so my classmates and I made some arrangements. We visited the Old Folks Home which is situated near our school last weekend. As the home was just a stones throw away from the school, we just walked there. Puan Lim also followed us. The residents were surprised and happy to see us. They welcomed us with opened arms. We gave them the baskets of fruits and cakes which we brought along. We collected some money from our friends and teachers at school to purchase these foodstuffs. Later, we entertained them by singing some songs. Some of them clapped and sang along with us. Makcik Salmah from the home sang old malay song. She was very good. A group of my classmates performed a traditional malay dance that is Zapin. Some of the residents also joined them and had fun. It was nice to see them having a good time. Some of the residents talked about the past. It was interesting and at the same time educational for all of us to hear their stories. We learned some valuable lessons from them. We planned to go there again soon. It was a good exposure for all of us and we were grateful to Puan Lim for guiding us. She always reminded us that old is gold but we hardly paid attention to it until now.

Section C Practice 14

Practise 14Set A Last weekend, the Moral Club members in my school wanted to visit an orphanage. They organised a trip to the Rumah Anak-Anak Yatim Berkat in Johor Bahru. They brought along many gifts for the children. They also sang a few songs. It was enjoyable. Later, they had cakes and many types of food to eat. They also played some games with the children there. It was fun. At around 6 p.m., they had to leave the orphanage. They said goodbye to the children. They promised to see them again next year. They planned to have more activities for next year.

Set B The Moral Club teachers wanted to bring the members to visit an orphanage. It was in their yearly programme to do good deeds for society. They organised a trip for the members to visit the Rumah Anak-anak Yatim Berkat in Johor Bahru. There were 2 teachers, Puan Rita Encik Halim and twenty pupils involved in this trip. The pupils were given a brief talk on safety and also on what to do once they reached there. Each pupils were requested to bring a gift to be given to the kids at the home. Since the orphanage is not too far, some agreed to bake cake and cook simple food such as muffins, pizza and fried noodles. The journey took around half an hour by bus. They went in an air-conditioned bus so that the ride was pleasant. Everyone was excited and eager to reach the place. When they reached their destination, the supervisor of the home welcomed them. He thanked them for coming there. They brought along many gifts for the children. They collected some money from the teachers and pupils in the school. A few of them entertained the children with songs and dances. Some of the children from the home did perform too. They were really good. Some of them were very hungry. They had cakes and other types of food to eat. They also played some games like Passing the parcel and Musical chairs. Some of the boys were still showing off their skills at sepak takraw and footsal. It was enjoyable and fun.Soon it was time to say farewell. They promised to visit the home again next year with more activities. All of them were very sad to depart. Some of them even cried. They boarded the bus and safely reached their school at around five in the evening. It was a good experience for all of them.

Section C Practice 15

Practise 15

Set A Last month, SJK Putra organised a School Idol competition. Many pupils from the school took part. The participants were given an audition. The good one would be selected to go into the final. After the audition, ten finalists were selected. On the final competition day of the School Idol, the finalists were called. They were to perform their best shows on the stage. All the pupils and guests sat in the hall to watch the competition. The finalists were singing sweetly and dancing gracefully on the stage. They did their best to beat each other. The audiences clapped and cheered loudly. When the best singer was chosen, everyone was impressed. He was indeed the best singer. He walked proudly to the stage to receive his prize.

Set B Last month after the UPSR examination, the Year 6 Club of SJK Putra organised a School Idol competition. Many Year 6 pupils from the school took part as it was free. The participants who wanted to take part went for an audition. It is to be fair to all the students. Those who could sing and dance well were selected to go into the final. After the audition, ten finalists were selected. They were given a week to prepare for the final. On the final competition day of the School Idol, the finalists were called to perform. They were to give their best shows on the stage. All the pupils and guests were invited and they sat in the hall to watch the grand competition. There were solo and group singing, bands and various dances. All the participants were dressed in their best clothing. Some of the teachers became judges for the event. The judges were having a hard time to choose the winner. All the finalists were superb. They did their best to beat each other. The audiences clapped and cheered loudly. Finally, the best singer, dance group and band were selected. When the results were announced, everyone was impressed. All the winners were indeed the best. They walked up proudly onto the stage to receive their prize.

Section C Practice 16

Practise 16

Set A Encik Jamali is the teacher in-charge of the Environment Club of SK Taman Molek. Last week the club had a gotong-royong project to clean the park next to their school. All the members in the club had to clear and clean the area. When they arrived at the park, it was very dirty. The area was polluted with lot of rubbish that gave out a stench. Encik Jamali divided the members into a few groups. Some had to collect empty cans and bottles. Some had to pick up the rubbish around the area. After they clean up, the area became clean and beautiful. The stench had gone. Everyone was tired but happy. Encik Jamali was very satisfied with the members hard work. He gave all the members a treat at the stall nearby. He also promised to organise a picnic trip to the park as their next programme.

Set B Encik Jamali is the teacher in-charge of the Environment Club of SK Taman Molek. He is a very hardworking teacher. He likes to prepare and organise useful and meaningful projects and programmes for the club. Last week, the club had a gotong-royong project to clean the park next to their school. Encik Jamali got to know that the park no longer had any visitors as it was dirty and polluted. It also had unpleasant stench. So, all the members in the club were called to help. They had to clear and clean the area as one of the clubs project. They gathered at the school compound and were given big plastic bags and garden tools. Then, all of them walked to the park. When they arrived at the park, it was very dirty. The area was polluted with lot of rubbish that gave out a stench. Encik Jamali quickly divided the members into a few groups. Some of them had to collect empty cans and bottles. They would be recycled. The others had to pick up the rubbish around the area and cut the long grass. After the clean up, the area became clean and beautiful. The stench had gone. Everyone was tired but happy. Encik Jamali was very satisfied with the members hard work. He gave all the members a treat at the stall nearby. He also promised to organise a picnic trip to the park as their next programme.

Section C Practice 17

Practice 17Set A During the school holiday, my school organised a trip to Pulau Tioman. We went to the jetty by bus. At the jetty we took a ferry to the island. The ferry ride took about an hour.When we reached Pulau Tioman, there was a bus waiting for us. We took the bus to Tioman Resort Hotel. We stayed at the hotel for three days. We went to the beach after that. We were swimming and kayaking together. We were very excited and happy. The next day, we rode a boat to the sea. There, we went snorkelling. It was fun and we saw exotic fishes under the sea and beautiful corals. On the third day, it was time to go home. We went to the souvenir shop to buy some souvenirs to bring home.

Set B During the school holidays, my school organised a trip to Pulau Tioman. It was a three days and two nights trip. About forty pupils and 4 teachers joined this trip. All of us waited for the bus early in the morning at the school compound. When the bus came we boarded it excitedly. It took us about two hours to reach Mersing Jetty. We had to ride a ferry to Pulau Tioman. After waiting for half an hour for the teachers to settle our tickets, the ferry arrived. We boarded the ferry carefully and it took about an hour for us to reach our destination. During the ferry ride, all of us enjoyed the cool sea breeze and beautiful scenery. When we reached Pulau Tioman, there was a bus waiting for us. We boarded the bus and it took us to Tioman Resort Hotel. We were welcomed by the hotel staffs and the tour guides. We were given welcome drinks and snacks. We were told that we would be staying at the hotel for three days. We went into our room to put our luggage. After that, we quickly came out of our rooms and went to the beach. The beach was beautiful and the sea water was as clear as crystal. We shouted excitedly and jumped into the sea. We were swimming and kayaking together. The next day, after breakfast, we gathered at the hotel lobby. The tour guide told us that there was a speed boat waiting to bring us to the sea. There, we would be snorkelling and diving in the sea. It was fun and we saw exotic fishes under the sea and beautiful colourful corals. On the third day, it was time to go home. We packed our belongings sadly. While waiting for the ferry, we were taken to a few souvenir shops there. We bought some souvenirs to bring home.

Section C Practice 18

Practice 18Set A Today is Childrens Day. It is a day to celebrate with the children. SK Taman Molek is celebrating this special day. All the pupils go to school very early in the morning. All of them are excited. At school, the pupils prepare and arrange their classes. They also decorate their classrooms. Some of the pupils bring food, drinks and snacks from home. At 8 oclock in the morning, all the pupils gather at the hall to have an assembly. The headmaster gives a speech. Then, the pupils and teachers sing the school song and National Anthem. After that, all the pupils go into their classes to have their own class party. They are very happy.

Set B Today is Childrens Day. It is a day to celebrate with the children. SK Taman Molek is celebrating this special day. All the pupils go to school very early in the morning. All of them are excited. At school, the pupils prepare and arrange their classes. They also decorate their classrooms with colourful ribbons and balloons. They will have a class party after the assembly. Some of the pupils bring food, drinks and snacks from home. The food look delicious and tempting. At 8 oclock in the morning, all the pupils gather at the hall to have an assembly. The headmaster gives a speech and read out messages from the ministers . Then, the pupils and teachers sing the school song and the National Anthem. After that, all the pupils go into their classes to have their own class party. They play games and sing songs happily in the class. It is a happy and special day for the children.

Section C Practice 19

Practice 19Set A Faiz is a kind boy. Yesterday, Faiz was waiting at the bus stop. He was going home after school. He saw an old woman carrying a bag of fruit. Suddenly, her bag tore and all the fruits dropped out from the bag. They rolled all over the ground. Faiz quickly went to help the old woman to pick up the fruits. The woman gave him a few fruits but Faiz refused them. The woman was grateful and thanked Faiz for helping her. Faiz was happy too as he was able to help the poor woman.

Set B Faiz is a kind and helpful boy. He likes to help the teachers and his friends when they are in needs. As he is such a nice boy, everyone in school likes him. Yesterday, Faiz was waiting for a bus at the bus stop in front of the school with his friend. He wanted to go home right after school as he used to be. Sometimes, his friend invited him to go to the Cyber Cafe nearby but he rejected politely. As he was about to board a bus with his friend, he saw an old lady passed by. She walked slowly with a walking stick in her hand. She was carrying a basket full of vegetables and a plastic bag of fruit. Suddenly the plastic bag tore and all the fruits rolled out all over the ground. Faiz saw the incident and he quickly rushed to her. He went to help her to pick up all the scattered fruits on the ground. The old lady was grateful. She was happy that there was someone came to help. She gave a few fruits to Faiz as a token for helping her. Faiz refused to take it. He also told her that he was happy to be able to help. The old lady praised Faiz for being a helpful and kind boy. She thanked him as well. Faiz then waited for another bus to go home as he had missed the previous one. Although he would be late to reach home but he was happy as he had done a good deed.

Section C Practice 20

Practice 20Set A Abu is twelve years old. He lives in Taman Permata. He is a kind boy. He likes to help people. One day, Abu was cycling from school. He saw a lady driver trying to change the flat tyre. Abu offered to help her to change the tyre. He jacked up the car and changed the tyre. Then, he took a spanner and tightened the nuts. After a few minutes, the work was done. The lady was happy. She gave RM50 to Abu but he refused to take the money.

Set BAbu who is my classmate lives in Taman Permata. He is well known for his kindness and he is also very helpful. Every morning, he cycles to school as his house is just a stone`s throw from there.One day, Abu was cycling alone to school.While he was cycling slowly, suddenly, he saw a lady driver by the roadside. She looked very tired and worried. She was trying to change the flat tyre of her car but she could not do it by herself. Abu felt sorry for her so he decided to lend a hand.Quickly, he cycled up to her.When he reached the car, he approached the lady driver and offered his help. She was glad that Abu wanted to help her.Immediately, he took out the tools from the car boot and jacked up the car. Then, he started to change the tyre. After that, he took the spanner and tightened the nuts.After a few minutes, the work was done.Abu went to the boot and kept all the tools. The lady was very happy and relieved. She took out RM50.00 from her purse and gave it to him but Abu refused to accept the reward. Then, he continued his journey to school. He was glad he had done a good deed.Although Abu arrived late to school, he was glad that he has helped someone in need. Its better late than never. He thought to himself and told his teacher about it. His teacher was very proud of him and praised him. He was as proud as a peacock. She did not punish him for being late.

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