
Ch’ng Mei Qi Critical Thinking & Problem-solving Skill

Ch’ng Mei Qi A151002

MARCH 2015 28

Ch’ng Mei Qi A151002



Program Pesta Angpau


Dewan Kuliah 1

University Kebangsaan Malaysia,

Kuala Lumpur


28 March 2015

Name: Ch’ng Mei QI

No. Matrik: A151002

Course: Occupational Therapy

Due Date: 28 February 2015 – 28 march 2015 (1 month)

Ch’ng Mei Qi A151002


CONTENT 1.0 Approval Letter

2.0 Project Planning

2.1 Project Planning as an AJK Decoration

2.2 Project Planning as an AJK Program

3.0 Project Operation

3.1 Project Operation as an AJK Decoration

3.2 Project Operation as an AJK Program

4.0 Reflection

5.0 Certificate

Ch’ng Mei Qi A151002


1.0 Approval Letter

Ch’ng Mei Qi A151002


Ch’ng Mei Qi A151002


2.0 Project Planning

2.1 Project Planning as an AJK Decoration

Pesta Angpau is an activity that held by our college annually. The organization is

mostly made up by the Chinese as it is a Chinese’s traditional activity that held during or

after the Chinese New Year. Fortunately, there were also a few Malay and Indian friends

joined us as a committee. I joined this program as an AJK program and also AJK decoration.

As becoming one of the AJK of decoration, I often discuss with my other group

member about how to decorate our venue so that it seems like celebrating the Chinese New

Year. The first problem that we faced was the place is too big for us to decorate; we had to

have as many ideas as possible to decorate it so that it would not be so empty.

Fortunately, all of us had come out with some great ideas such as making the zodiac

of this year which is the goat and other decorations that can light up the whole place. While, I

suggested to make as many firecrackers as we can in order to decorate the side of the DK1

which was the place that Pesta Angpau carried out. Besides, we also made around eight

Chinese lantern to decorate the door of DK1. We used the red packet that we had collected

from the others or brought from home by the other members. As we need many red packets to

make the decoration so I suggest that we ask all the committee to collect together instead of

only a few of us collecting the red packets. Thus, as everybody was very cooperative, we had

had enough red packets to start making those decorations that we come out with at the

beginning of the preparation work.

However, we still facing a problem about how to handmake those Chinese lanterns,

firecrackers and the other decorations. Youtube is always the best website that we can find

everything in video form. Therefore, all of us including me were watching videos from

youtube in order to learn the technique about how to make those decorations by just using red

packets as our raw materials. Finally, we had come out with those beautiful those Chinese

lanterns and firecrackers. During searching the suitable video to learn, I had found a video

about how to make a traditional fan using red packets. Thus, I suggested as well as teaching

them about how to make it. Everyone was agreed with my ideas and we managed to produce

so many amazing decorations at last. Thanks to all my other group members who were very

cooperative and handworking.

Since we had not enough time to finish those decorations, all of us had sacrificed our

own sleeping time to work together to finish it up. Although the process of making those

decorations was tough, the stress had been reduced by all the members as everyone had

actively contributing their own ideas.

Ch’ng Mei Qi A151002


These four pictures shows some of the decorations that we made.

Ch’ng Mei Qi A151002


2.2 Projek Planning as an AJK Program

As an AJK program and also an actress of the drama of Pesta Angpau, I had to come

out with an idea about how to express my feeling by through acting. I discussed with the

other member who were also the actors and actresses of the drama regarding the scripts and

the ways that we wanted to act. The hardest part was to understand tacitly and synchronize

with the others. As all of the actors were came from different courses. Thus, we had drama

practice every night for almost one month.

At the beginning of the practice we had go for the interview section for the actors and

we all had a discussion section about the characters that the drama needed. After we all

agreed with the character that we had received, we started out practice.

During the practice, seniors were coming back to see and give their opinions.

Unfortunately, they comment that our drama was not dramatic enough to overwhelm the

audiences’ heart. Therefore, we had to come out with the other ideas to add into our drama

quickly as the date was around the corner. Everyone was so nervous and at the same time we

work together to solve it. I was having many discussions with my partner in order to add

some interesting action during acting.

The clothes and dresses that needed to perform out drama was also a big problem for

us. As I am acting as a nurse with my partner, we need nurse uniform in order to complete

our performance perfectly. I had thought various ways to dress up like a real nurse but it was

not really looks like a nurse. Luckily, one of our seniors has some friends working as a nurse

and she managed to help us to borrow the nurse uniforms from them. Then, our problem was


Finally, we manage to come out with a drama that can catch someone’s eyeball with

beautiful and professional clothes as well as our performing skills. Seniors were also satisfied

with the outcome. As the process of practicing is private and confidential, so I did not have

the picture of it.

Ch’ng Mei Qi A151002


3.0 Project Operation

3.1 Project Operation as an AJK Decoration

On 28 March 2015 which was the day of Pesta Angpau, I was busy with decorating

the whole DK1 with my group members who were also AJK decoration just same like me.

We all departed from our college at 8am and officially start the decoration around 9am. We

decorated the big white board with our large and colourful handmade goats, both sides of

DK1 with the firecrackers and the doors with the Chinese lantern and etc.

During the decoration of the big white board of the stage, we realised that we need to

had a very high stepladder to climb up because the white board is too high. Since we had to

wait somebody to bring us the stepladder, I suggested that we finish decorating all the places

that did not have to use the stepladder first before decorating the white board. Then, all of

started to decorate the other places.

The firecrackers that we make were not enough for us to decorate the both side of the

DK1 but luckily we had made some traditional fans to stand by. Besides that, we also found

out that the table in DK1 was too plain and not really suit to our theme “Pesta Angpau”.

Therefore, we came out with an idea with was decorating the tables with small fish by using

red packets.

After a few hours waiting for the stepladder, finally somebody had brought us the

stepladder that we needed the most. We start to stick the goats that we made onto the big

white board and it was a really large project.

Around 4pm in the afternoon we managed to finish all the decorations.

Both of these pictures shows the final decoration of our efforts at DK1.

Ch’ng Mei Qi A151002


3.2 Project Operation as an AJK Program

Our drama practice was started after all the decoration works had been finished. All

the actors and actresses had to gather at the side of the stage waiting for our turn to rehearsal

and test the stage effect.

The biggest problem that we met on that day is that there were no enough mikes for

us such as micro mikes because some of the mikes that brought by the technician were

spoiled. Therefore, sharing mikes was the only way for us to go with and reserving some

mikes for the major characters of the drama.

During the rehearsal, some of us had been practiced by sharing the mikes to test the

results and effects from that. My partner and I were the one that sharing the mikes. By

sharing the mikes, our positions were limited that we could not made any horizontal

movement as the mikes that we shared was standing in front of us. As a result, we had to

figures out how to change out action and script on side so that the whole drama can run

smoothly. After discussion, we had come out a solution to solve this problem and the show

was perfectly performed by us.

At 10.00pm, our show was begun. Everything was fine and nothing goes wrong. All

the performers were gathering at the dressing room and waiting for their turns to go onto the


This picture shows all the actors and actress had been ready at the dressing room.

Ch’ng Mei Qi A151002


4.0 Reflection

Pesta Angpau was the most amazing program that I had ever participated. As an AJk

decoration and being an actress had given me the opportunity to learn how to think critically

and rationally to decorate the whole place as well as the way to act and experience as a

professional actress. Besides, solving the problems that we met together with the others

through discussion also very beneficial for me instead of solving the problem by myself as

everyone has different perspective to look at the problems and different opinions. Thus, my

critical thinking and problem-solving skills have been improved after this program as I know

that both of these skills are very important for me in the future and I have learnt many from

the other members.

I am so honoured to have such a group members and have participated such a

meaningful event as the aim of Pesta Angpau is to improve the relationship and introducing

the Chinese traditions among the students from different religious. We all preparing the event

and working as a group. All of the members were actively contributing their ideas to

decorated the place and solving the problems that we had met which show their highly

commitment towards this event.

As one of the AJK of decoration, I have learnt the skills to make those decorations

using red packets which are very interesting. Moreover, as an actress, I have learnt how to act

and express my feeling through body language and make fast changes without changing the


Finally, I am so honoured to be one of the organizer of Pesta Angpau. Having critical

thought and solving the problems were the skills that I have learnt. I believe that, these two

skills will be very crucial for me in the future to overcome any problems.

However, the certificate that I received is just only the certificate on AJK Program

because each people will only get one certificate although you had participated in two

positions. Thus, the only thing that I think the event has to improve is that the people will get

the number of certificate according the positions that he or she participate.

Ch’ng Mei Qi A151002


5.0 Certificate

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