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XXUK_HR_CHK_UK_BUSINESS_GROUPXXUK_HR IS REQUESTEREnd EMployment - Page 65As per current policy If employee is CEO then resignation request goes to Board of Directors for approval and notify Regional Director, Executive Director-Development, Director, Chief operating officer, Administration Committee and HR.If Employees position reports to CEO then resignation request goes to Board of Directors for approval and notify Executive Director-Development, Regional Director, Administration Committee, Director International Offices and HR.If employee doesnt lies in above two categories then resignation request goes to Tasleem CEO for approval and notify Director International Offices, Regional Director and HR.If employee is CEO then request for leave goes to Regional Director for approval and notify Director International Offices, Board of Directors and HR.If Employees position reports to CEO then request for leave goes to CEO for approval and notify Regional Director, Director International Offices and HR.If employee doesnt lies in above two category then request for leave goes to Department Head for approval and notify HR.

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