Page 1: Changing the game pdf

Changing The Game by Michael Leedy | on November 2, 2013 When a person has “had it up to here” with whatever they’re doing… rather than of getting angry and blaming someone else, my suggestion is to look into changing the game. What do I mean by changing the game? What I want to know is, who made up the rules THAT: First you have to learn how to crawl, walk sleep feed your face and use the bathroom on your own. Then you have to go to school for the next 12 to 13 years, and if you don’t learn like they insist, you may have to go for longer. After that, you have to go to more school but THIS TIME, you must first get accepted. And once you do, you get the honor of having to pay for it, so once you’ve finally obtained the piece of paper that says that you’re qualified to do whatever it is you’ve been studying, you’re so far in debt that you start working right away (with that hope that you’ll be able to pay it off in time to start saving for retirement). MEANING: You have to wait until your at least 55/60 before you can do what you REALLY WANT to be doing!!!

Hi, I’m Michael Leedy and I’m DONE playing by those rules. Don’t get me wrong, the formula worked and it got me here, but I’m bored! So bored that it’s time for a change.

After working in the music industry for the past 10 years, I’ve come to the conclusion that I had one of two options: a) I plummet from the top of the Chrysler Building (martini in hand), with the anticipation that my body will leave a permanent divot in 42nd street [or] b) I quit my job to travel Spain with side trips to Marrakech and Istanbul. And I chose B… cuz it sounds like a GDP!!! In addition to making you laugh. The point of this blog is to show you that YOU can change the game and do whatever you want, as well.

Did you know that we can make up our own rules and that we don’t have to listen anybody else? I’m not saying ‘break the law’, that’s not the purpose of this here!

What I’m saying is: Do want you what you want and don’t worry about what anybody else thinks, because you know what?????

Life ALWAYS works out!!! And if you tell me that it doesn’t, I bet you are doing what you think you’re supposed to do, because that’s what you “have to do” (because that’s what you were conditioned to do)! How about: Do what you WANT to do! ?????

I’m not sayin, I’m just sayin’: Give it a try! If you’re had enough of whatever it is you’re doing, changing the game will always work in your favor. Please note that I’m not saying quit you’re job and travel. That was my play. I’m saying trust your heart AND NOT YOUR MIND. You’re mind was conditioned to think of fear and failure… It’ll always try to stop you. Your heart, however – - will always tell you the truth :cD Changing the game may require learning something new… But would you rather stay where you’re at and suffer or say, “Fuck it. If I can handle THIS, I can handle anything!!!” To take a peek at MY new reality, go to - - fill in your email at watch a free video. To be continued… I’m Michael Leedy

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