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Chapter one of this study will discuss background of the study, problem of the study, objective of the study, significance of the study, scope of the study, hypotheses, operational definition of key terms.A. Background of the Study English is an international language which is used many aspects of life such as science, art, technology,culture,economy,and educations. Improving English is the important one for every country to get prepared in global competition. The people in the word which English not a native language needs to learn of this language in English there are four skill should be mastered by students, they are listening, speaking, writing and reading. All of those are important to be mastered to make students easy to understand about English. The student sometimes need interesting lesson. So, the teacher give different about teach. Such as, interesting picture. Picture can be used to develop and sustain motivation, to produce positive attitude toward English and to teach or reinforce some language learning skills. The picture is good medium to be used in teaching learning process. It can interest the students attentions, make a clear an idea and topic, ilustrate the fact which possible to be forgotten by the students.A flashcard is used as a learning tool. It usually has a question on one side and an answer on the other side. People usually use flashcards to help them memorize learning materials, such as vocabulary and formula, etc. A German researcher, Sebastian Leitner, proposed the Leitner system, which uses flashcards efficiently. The system sorts flashcards into groups depending on how well the learner knows each card. The learner tries to recall the solution written on the flash card. If the answer is correct, learner puts the card into the next group. However, if the answer is wrong, the card is returned to the current group, which means they cannot progress to the next group.[footnoteRef:2] [2: Badriya Juma Al-Salmi.Using Adaptive Learning theory and a Schedule-based Flashcard to Enhance the Quality . Batinah South Region.2011.p 99]

Due to proposal which work through about The effect of flash card on vocabulary size of the eight year student of MTS DARUL AMIN that of observation in MTS Darul Amin that at this school and like learning English so that students interested in engineering have in learning English. teachers there also using media images. various techniques applied by the teacher as through existing picture books which explain the topic will be presented to students.Vocabulary is the important thing for students in the process of acquiring, learning, mastering, and using the language they learn.vocabulary was one of the most important aspects for foreign language.[footnoteRef:3] Generally, students have some difficulties in learning English, especially in mastering vocabulary. They cannot memorize the vocabulary in a large amount, they forget them easily. [3: Richards, Jack. C, & S. Rodgers, Theodore. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001.p 20. ]

The success of English teaching learning in the school is not sufficient by implementing curriculum concept only but there are more other factors, one of them is the creativity of teachers in the process and also depends much on the teacher, because she is the main factor in the teaching learning process. In this case, Richards said that the teacher is a most significant factor for the success or failure of the introduction of change into the learning process. Based on the statement above, the result of teaching learning process is dominantly determined by the teacher because she is the main factor that decides what and how material will be applied in the classroom. The growing of English as an international language makes many English teachers concerned to help their students developed their ability to use it.The creativity can be done by improving or developing materials, media and techniques of teaching. The shortage of teaching media sometimes forces the teachers to increase their efforts to support the English teaching learning activity in classes. Using a tool or media in teaching learning process is interesting way in learning, such as using flash card.Flash card can be an alternative way which leads to the teaching in class. flash cards are effective tool for memorizing spelling words, multiplication tables, and other information that does not require analysis.[footnoteRef:4] flash card are especially useful for memorizing vocabulary words and their definition, dates in history and their significance, and picture artwork or other items that you will be responsible for identifying.[footnoteRef:5] [4: Howard, Gardner. Using Flash Cards with Young Learners. New York: Harper Collins,2004, P 173] [5: Charles, Grace. Your Personalized Guide to Academic Success. New York: Gracie Mansion Publishing ,2009,P 102]

Based on opinions above flash cards is a tool of media of teaching and enriching vocabulary. And also flash card is one of the easy and interesting media to make the students enjoyable and interest to memorize vocabulary. This phenomenon makes students hard to write in a good sentence. To overcome this problem, flash card is suitable as a teaching medium in teaching vocabulary through flash cards is effective. The writer hope to prove on how this way of teaching can be one of the better alternatives of teaching vocabulary, so that students are interested in learning English especially vocabulary.In this case, the writer interested in the topic title because teaching flash card can be one of the better alternatives of teaching vocabulary and helpful tools to motivate learners in language learning and to explain word meaning that cannot be understood into classroom, so that students are interested in learning English especially vocabulary.Based on the result of the pre-observation at MTS Darul Amin palangkaraya the researcher found some problems concerning the students English Vocabulary mastery at MTS Darul Amin palangkarayas student. There are students in class still have difficulties in mastering basic English vocabulary. The researcher choose this school because this school which have problems in vocabulary. So, the writer want give the learning use flash card in vocabulary and with the use of flashcards understand what they are experiencing difficulty or easy their vocabulary to memorize or understand the vocabulary.

B. Problem of the StudyBased on the background of the study, the problem of study is, Do the students taught using flashcard have more vocabulary size than those taught by non using flashcard at the eight year of MTS Darul Amin Palangka Raya? C. Objective of Study The study aims to measure the effect of using flashcard in teaching vocabulary at the eight year students of MTS Darul Amin Palangka Raya. D. Significances on the Study Theoretically, the result of the study is to support the learning especially applying The Effect of Flash card on Vocabulary Size of the Eight Year Students of DARUL AMIN. Practically, this study may help students to improve their vocabulary by flash card. E. Scope and Limitation of the StudyThe study overviews the teaching flash card on vocabulary learners in this case to students. The study belongs to quasi experimental, especially the effect of using flash card to eight grade students. The limitation of the study is content word which include nouns, adjective, and adverbs belong to open classes of word : that is, new members are readily added. Contras with function word.F. Hypothesis Hypothesis is proposition that will be tested for its truth, or it is a temporary answer toward the research question. They are the alternative hypothesis and the null hypothesis:a. Alternative hypothesis (Ha)The student taught using flashcard have more vocabulary size than those taught by non using flashcard at the seventh year of MTS Darul Amin Palangka Raya. `b. Null hypothesis (Ho)The student taught using flashcard do not have more vocabulary size than those taught by non using flashcard at the seventh year of MTS Darul Amin Palangka Raya. G. The Definition of Key Term 1. Effect is something that produces by an agency or causes, result, consequence. The other definition, effect is deference between or among population means. In this study effect means a change of something because of treatment. Related to the study, a change of something is the change of the students English score of the Eight grade student of MTS Darul Amin of Palangka Raya, after given treatment, that is taught by using media flash card.[footnoteRef:6] [6: Learners, Pall, 1995, p 3.]

2. Flashcard is a cardboard consisting of a word, a sentence, or a simple picture on it. It should be noted that the letters on it must be visible and large enough for everyone sitting in the front and the back of the classroom. To make sure that everyone can see the letters on the card, it is better to write words with capital letters. Both sides of the flash card should be used in teaching vocabulary.[footnoteRef:7] [7: Howard, Gardner. Using Flash Cards with Young Learners. New York: Harper Collins,2004,p 7.]

3. Vocabulary size means an important component of lexical competence and has been observed to be instrumental for both reading and writing. [footnoteRef:8] Vocabulary sizes are related to the quality of written compositions and reading comprehensions skills. Vocabulary size reverse to the number of words a learner knows and uses.[footnoteRef:9] [8: A. DAnna Chaterina, Eugene B. Zechmeister, and W. Hall Jams. Toward a Meaningful Definition of Vocabulary Size,1991, P. 5. ] [9: ATL AMTIS, Examining the Relationship Between Receptive Vocabulary Size and written Skill of Primary School Learner. A Journal of the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies. 1991. p. 130. (accessed June 2009). ]


This part presents the review of related literature. It covers Previous Study ,vocabulary, Media, Picture, Teaching Vocabulary using Flashcard, Teaching Vocabulary at MTS/SMP level.A. Previous Study There are some previous studies that discussed in this research. The first is study by Seda. The result of the research, The t-count was 3.86 and t-table was 2.00 at the degree of freedom (df) 78 and significant level was 0.05. It means that H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected. Therefore, it can be concluded that game can improve students vocabulary achievement. [footnoteRef:10] [10: Amil Seda, The finding showed that there was a significant effect of using game in improve vocabulary achievement at the third year student of SDN 04 Baruga. A thesis Muhammadiyah University of Kendari 2010.P 6]

The second by Dewi. The result of the research, Teaching vocabulary of irregular English verbs by using flash cards was one of the techniques that made a real impact of visual learner. Visual learner could improve the students intelligence in acquiring vocabularies. Flash cards could give a new paradigm for the students in learning by fun and enjoyable, because their visual learner and intelligence sense had existed. It helped the students to easily in understand, recalling and saying. The learners vocabulary size was very important because it was related to proficiency, such as the students were able to understand, read, writer and perform on other language components. Flash cards gave different effect toward the students in acquiring irregular English verb vocabulary. Teaching vocabulary on irregular English verb by flash cards influenced positively toward the result of the students achievement.[footnoteRef:11] [11: Desti Cahya Dewi, Teaching l Vocabulary Irregular English verbs Trough Flashcard. A Thesis Univesity of Ibn Khaldun Bogor Indonesia 2011.P 2]

The third is the study by Mubarokah. The result of the research The result of this research indicates that the teaching vocabulary through flashcard to the students can be applied through game, listen and repeat, elicitation,and memorizing. Based on the observation, interview and score of daily exercise showed that the use of flashcard encouraged the students vocabulary mastery. And based on the result of the interview and observation, the students response was very good. They like to learn vocabulary by using flashcard .Based on the result of the research above, teaching vocabulary through flashcard is good to be applied. It is because flashcards make the vocabulary learning is more enjoyable and interesting.[footnoteRef:12] [12: Mubarokah, Teaching Vocabulary Through Flashcard at the First Grade of SD Plus Nurul Hikmah Pamekasan, Tarbiyah Department, English Teaching Program. A Thesis of STAIN Pamekasan 2011. P 4]

Difference of the third thesis title is no difference and similarities in purpose. Difference in the title is to use flash media card, but they used a technique to simplify and fun games in the classroom, but in the title of the difference is that I used to introduce a figure showing the vocabulary using flash cards. Similarity in the title is our goal to facilitate students in the same master or memorize vocabulary only they added a gaming technique in his research.B. VocabularyOne thing that differentiates human from animals is verbal language or speaking beside mind to think. Humans can communicate with others through verbal language, either to apply or to receive the information the animal can not do. When we observed a child first acquiring speech, we talk of this progress as a matter of learning new words, we are also likely to feel that the adult speaker with the largest vocabulary has the best command of English. To think of a language as just a stock of words is, however quite wrong. Words alone do not make a language; a grammar is needed to combine them in some intelligible way. Yet it is true that the vocabulary is the focus of language. It is in words that sounds and meaning interlock to allow us to communicate with one another, and it is a word that we arrange together to make sentences, conversations, and discourse of all kinds. Thus we have a paradox in that the most ephemeral part of language is also the center where meaning, pronunciation and grammar come together.[footnoteRef:13] [13: Pyles Thomas and Algeo John, English an Introduction to Language , Harcout Brace Jovanich, Vol.1. 1997, p.159]

Vocabulary plays an important role because it appears in every language skills. Vocabulary building is really important in any language learning. She realizes how important the mastery of vocabulary is, particularly for people who study English as a foreign Language as stated in the Collier- Macmillan International:Once a student has mastered the fundamental grammatical patterns of a language, his next task into master its vocabulary that he needs. Nobody ever learns all the words in any language. We know and use the words that suit our particular purposes and we continue to learn new words as long as we live.[footnoteRef:14] It is clear enough that everybody who learns a language as a foreign language is hoped to know and master the vocabulary to improve the language skills. [14: Collier Macmillan, The Key to the English Vocabulary, London: The Macmillan Company, 1991, p.189]

1. The Nature of VocabularyIn some literature, we found the meaning of vocabulary. There are some definitions of vocabulary. According to Kridalaksana, Vocabulary is a component of language that maintains all of information about meaning and using word in language.[footnoteRef:15] [15: Harimurti Kridalaksana, Kamus Linguistik, edisi ke-3, Jakarta;PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama,1993, p.127]

According to Webster, vocabulary is: a. A list or collection of words and phrase usually alphabetically arranged and explained or defined.b. A sum or stock of words employed by a language group individual or work or in a field of knowledge.c. A list or collection of terms or codes available for use.[footnoteRef:16] [16: Merriem, Webster Ninth Collegiate Dictionary , New York: Merriem Webster.sinc.1978,p.1320]

There are some experts who give definition of vocabulary Hatch and Brown define vocabulary as a list or set of words for a particular language or a list or set of word that individual speakers of language might use.[footnoteRef:17] [17: Evelyn Hatch and Cheryl Brown. Vocabulary, Semantic and Language Education,Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1995, p.1]

Furthermore Webster Dictionary noted that, vocabulary is:A list or collection of words usually alphabetically arranged and explained or Lexicon, stock of words use in language or by class, individual, etc.[footnoteRef:18] [18: Webster.s, The Largest Abridgment of Webster.s New International Dictionary of English Language, Webster.s Collage Dictionary. USA: G&G Merriam, 1935, p.1073]

While according to Roget, Vocabulary is:a. An alphabetical list of words often defined or translated, the vocabulary includes idioms and two words verb.b. All the word of Language.c. Specialized expression indigenous to a particular fields, subject, trade or Subculture.[footnoteRef:19] [19: 9 Roget.s II, the New Thesaurus: The American Heritage Dictionary ,Boston1980, p.1036.]

From the definition above, that vocabulary is a component of language and numbers of words by a person class, profession, etc. In the communication and every aspects of life such as in trade, education, business, social, politic, etc.2. The Use of VocabularyVocabulary is important in case it could helps the students to enjoy their classes. One who masters enough vocabulary will find fewer difficulties than those who have fewer vocabularies. When they read a certain text, they will easily get the information from it since they can understand every word in the text. On the others hand, those who lack of vocabulary will face a lot of problems. Mastery of vocabulary will be useful for the process of achieving language- teaching objectives. That is the mastery of language skills (Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing). If we want to communicate with others in certain language, we must master the language they belong to especially to know enough vocabulary of those language. Zhihong who say that Words are the basic unit of language from supports it. Without vocabulary, one cannot communicate to effectively or express idea. He also states that having a limited vocabulary is also a barrier.[footnoteRef:20] [20: Yang Zhihong, .Learning Words. English Teaching Forum.Vol. 38.No.3. 2000. (accessed on July 14, 2013).]

Furthermore, Long and Richards explain that vocabulary like grammar is an essential component of all uses of language.[footnoteRef:21] [21: Tang Li Shing, .English Teaching Forum, XIX ,No.4. 1981. p, 11 (accessed on October 12, 2013). ]

3. Kinds of VocabularyVocabulary is the one of the most important aspect of the foreign language learning. Further, vocabulary is the meaning associated with spelling word, the focus in the meaning. So the learners have to know about vocabulary if they want to get success in their learning language. Vocabularies are varieties. vocabulary is divided into:a. Content wordA word that conveys information in a text or speech act. Also known as a lexical word. Content words which include nouns, lexical verbs, adjectives, and adverbs belong to open classes of words: that is, new members are readily added. Contrast with function word.[footnoteRef:22] [22: 4 July 2013)]

b. Function wordA word that expresses a grammatical relationship. Also known as a grammatical word. Function words include determiners, conjunctions, and prepositions. Contrast with content word.Based on explanation above the writer only focuse on content word that contains noun (concrete and common noun) and verb (invinitive and pronoun), so the kind of vocabulary should be related on the material of school.[footnoteRef:23] [23: word.html ( accessed on 4 July 2013)]

4. Flash Card as Media a. Flash Card (FC)A German researcher, Sebastian Leitner, proposed the Leitner system, which uses flashcards efficiently. The system sorts flashcards into groups depending on how well the learner knows each card. The learner tries to recall the solution written on the flash card. If the answer is correct, learner puts the card into the next group. However, if the answer is wrong, the card is returned to the current group, which means they cannot progress to the next group.[footnoteRef:24] [24: Badriya Juma Al-Salmi.Using Adaptive Learning theory and a Schedule-based Flashcard to Enhance the Quality . Batinah South Region.2011.p 99]

One strategy for learning vocabulary is the use of flash cards. A flash card is a cardboard consisting of a word, a sentence, or a simple picture on it. It should be noted that the letters on it must be visible and large enough for everyone sitting in the front and the back of the classroom. To make sure that everyone can see the letters on the card, it is better to write words with capital letters. Both sides of the flash card should be used in teaching vocabulary. On one side, the new word is written in L2 and perhaps with a picture beside it and on the other side is the translation. These flash cards can be made by both teachers and learners. Various kinds of flash cards are on the market. Flashcards for EFL teaching or self-study have been used for years and are a useful tool for teachers and learners. Flash cards are useful for drilling new letters, syllables, words, and other information. They are normally used in a classroom, but can also be used more informally. A flashcard or flash card is a set of cards bearing information, as words or numbers, on either or both sides, used in classroom drills or in private study. Flash cards can bear vocabulary, historical dates, formulas or any subject matter that can be learned via a question and answer format. Flash cards are widely used as a learning drill to aid memorization by way of spaced repetition.

5. Vocabulary Flash Card (VFC)Vocabulary flash card or Word flash card is perhaps worth mentioning at this point, even though they are not actually pictures. However, being used in a similar way as picture flash card, they can often enrich the lesson. On top of that, those two can be indeed combined and applied together. Pointed out, word flash cards are most typically used in teaching reading and writing. Nevertheless, they will find their use in teaching vocabulary too, offering valuable help mainly in teaching the spelling of newly learnt words, which definitely should not be neglected as it often is learning from word card might be the simplest strategy of learning vocabulary.Vocabulary flash card can be fun, colorful, and creative way to aid in memory and retention of vocabulary words. Flash cards are a tried and tested teaching and learning device inside and outside the classroom, for kids and adults alike. Some of these flash cards are designed to perfect your English while others can help you learn a new language entirely. The key to using flash cards is to look at the word or definition on one side, and test yourself to see if you can remember the answer written on the other. So you can perfect your knowledge of the vocabulary on the list and improve your overall vocabulary.[footnoteRef:25] [25: Maryam Esclahcar Komachali, The effect of Using Vocabulary Flash Card on Iranian Pre- University Students Vocabulary Knowledge. A Journal of Islamic A2ad University Iran, 2012, vol 5. No.3. p 4. (accessed on May 19 2013)]

6. The Meaning of Flash CardFlash card is a set visual media, in this case is asset of cards bearing information, as words or numbers, on either or both sides, used in classroom drills or in private study. Flash card are cards on which word or pictures are printed or drawn. On other sources, flash card is a card with the word or words and something a picture down it. Based on discussed above, it can be taken a general view that flashcards are card with a word or words, number, or a picture on it for use in the classroom by teacher and students that help to learn and memorize new words.[footnoteRef:26] [26: Konsultasi Psikologi Blog Sesama Artikel Manajemen;Apa itu Flashcard.html. (accessed on November 09,2013) ]

7. The Types of PicturesThrough picture presentation, people are able to reach outside their minds. Pictures that they can see always lead to the reality of their minds. But the realities that have been presented by pictures depend on the types of the pictures. There are two kinds of pictures that Brazyna Szyke finds especially useful as teaching aids, they are:a. Pictures of individual persons or thing may be used mainly at the elementary level, to introduce or test vocabulary items, for example: a man, and a car. Portraits, pictures showing people in close details, are useful for intermediate and advance learners. The students can be asked question about the age and profession of the model

b. Pictures of situations in which person and object are .in action. Between objects and people can be perfect teaching aid for introducing or reviewing grammatical or structures.[footnoteRef:27] [27: Brazna Szyke, Using Pictures as Teaching Aids; English Teaching Forum, Vol. XIX, No.4, October, 1981.]

Types of Pictures According to Andrew Wright Are:a. Pictures of single objectb. Picture of person: picture of famous person, pictures of several people and pictures of people inactionc. Pictures of placesd. Pictures from historye. Pictures with a lot of informationf. Pictures of fantasiesg. Pictures of the newsh. Pictures of maps and symbols[footnoteRef:28] [28: John Pread,. Measuring The Vocabulary Knowledge of Second Language Learners., REIC Journal, 19. No.2. December: 1988, p.12.]

According to Betty Morgan Bowen, there are some types of pictures as their shapes:a. Wall chartsb. Wall pictures: is simply a large illustration of scenes or events. It is usually to be used with the whole of class.c. Sequence Picture is a series of pictures of a single subject it is function is tell a story or a sequence of events.d. Flash cards Word Flash cards; card with printed words on it can help up rapidly; the cards can be used to demonstrate exactly what the teacher wishes. Picture Flash cards; useful for the representation of a single concept, such as an object or in action.e. Work cardsIncludes visual as well as text magazine pictures drawing maps and diagrams can be important part or work cards at all levels used for vanity of purposes.[footnoteRef:29] [29: Betty Morgan Bowen, Look Here!, Visual Aids In Language Teaching, London: essential Language- Teach Series, 1973, p. 13- 31]

Meanwhile, Yunus in his book grouped the picture into four groups:a. Composite PictureThese are large single pictures, which show a scene (Hospital, beach, canteen, railway station, street) in Which number of people can be seen doing thingsb. A Picture SeriesA picture series is a number of related composite pictures linked to form aseries of sequences. Hence, it is main function is to tell a story or sequence of events.c. Individual PictureThese are single pictures of objects, person or activities such pictures very in size from small newspaper pictures and can be mounted singly.d. Specialized Pictures (Posters, charts, advertisements, brochures)Wall posters are not designed specifically for teaching, but rather for advertising or propaganda purposes.[footnoteRef:30] [30: Betty Morgan Bowen, Look Here!, Visual Aids In Language Teaching, London: essential Language- Teach Series, 1973), p. 13- 31]

The description above teaching some language- learning skills, which the language teacher helps the student enter to an imaginative experience beyond the classroom. 8. The Use of PicturesThere are five roles of pictures:a. Pictures can motivate the students and make him or her want to pay attention and want to take part.b. Pictures contribute to the context in which the language is being used. They bring the world into the classroom.c. The pictures can be described an objective way or interpreted or responded to subjectively.d. Pictures can cue responses to questions or cue substitutions through control practice.e. Pictures can stimulate and provide information to be referred to in conversation, discussion and story telling beside Horse five roles in using picture, there are six reasons why pictures helpful in teaching learning process.There are six reasons why using pictorial material:a. Pictures are useful for presenting new grammatical and vocabulary items.b. Pictorial material allows for meaningful practice of vocabulary and structures presented by the teacher.c. Pictorial material can also provide a stimulus for using the language at the reproduction and manipulation stages to speak, to read and to write.d. Pictures can be used for revision from one lesson to another as well as for long term revision of vocabulary and structures.e. Pictorial material can be used to supplement whatever textbook the teacher is using or whatever course he is following. Picture, of course can be used to provide more practice of the exercises that students have done using the text book. Pictorial material is easy to collect, to make and to transport.9. The Advantages And Disadvantages of Picture Useda. The Advantages of Pictures UsedFollowing are some opinions concerning with the advantages of using pictures. According to Gerlach:1. They are inexpensive and widely available.2. They provide common experiences for an entire group.3. The visual detail make it possible to study subject, which would turn back to be impossible.4. They can help you to prevent and correct disconcertion.5. They offer a stimulus to further study, reading and research visual evidence is power tool.6. They help to focus attention and to develop critical judgment.7. They are easily manipulated.[footnoteRef:31] [31: Vernon,S.Gerlach and Donald , P. Elly, p, 277]

b. The Disadvantages of Pictures UsedThere are some disadvantages of pictures used in teaching and learning process, such as:1. Students pay attention on the picture more than on learned material.2. It takes time and costs much to provide attractive pictures.3. Small and unclear pictures may arouse problems in the teaching learning process since the students may misunderstand about the pictures.Possible ways to overcome them are:1. Teacher should avoid using pictures or photographs attack more attention to them than to the activity. He also should control the students. Activities including their attention during the teaching learning process.2. The teacher should make or choose attractive simple pictures to avoid wasting time and money.3. The teacher should make or choose big and clear enough pictures in order to avoid misunderstanding about the pictures.[footnoteRef:32] [32: Ibid .p279]

C. Teaching Vocabulary using Flashcard a. Picture flashcards in vocabulary teachingHill classified pictures according to their size into three keycategories:1) Large (20x30 cm): useful for whole-class work2) Medium (10x15 cm): useful for group-work3) Small (5x5 cm): useful for games and other group-work activities This classification applies to picture flashcards as well. I have simplified Hills classification and divided them into two groups only. The first group covers Big flash cards (about 15x20cm or larger), typically used by the teacher for whole-class activities such as presenting new language, controlled practice or as prompts for speaking activities. The second group then covers small picture flash cards (smaller then about 15x20cm), usually used by students for working individually or for games and activities in pairs or groups.[footnoteRef:33] [33: Hll, David A. Visual Impact: Creative language learning through pictures. Essex:]

b. Big picture flashcardsBig picture flashcards are very helpful tools in presenting and drilling forms of new words, since they draw learners attention and make these often boring activities more enjoyable. And that is exactly what teachers need when presenting new language to catch their learners full attention, to raise their interest in the presented subject and hence also their motivation. At the same time flashcards (as well as other forms of pictures and visual aids in general) enable students to link the meaning of the words with real-world images immediately. When using flashcards in presentation, it is easy to involve learners actively and to combine the presentation with controlled practice. The presentation of vocabulary with flashcards can be done in lots of various ways, for example in telling a story or just simply based on a set of vocabulary for a particular topic.Wright, Wright and Haleem listed several possibilities how to illustrate the meaning of a new word or a piece of language through pictures. A single picture might often serve this purpose well enough; yet, employing several pictures might be in some cases preferable if not necessary to make sure that students get the correct idea about what aspect of the picture the teacher had in mind. Displaying several different pictures with one identical feature should suffice for this purpose. E.g. to teach the phrase to be horrified, the teacher could show three pictures of people horrified by different things.[footnoteRef:34] [34: Longman Group UK Limited, 1990. ISBN 0-582-03765, p 4 ]

Contrasting meanings could be another possibility: The teacher works with two antonymous pictures, or similarly, compares two pictures with things very alike in their meaning, such as hill and mountain. Yet another possibility is to employ the sense of a collective idea or to present the word as a part of a larger thing. As for the first case, the verb to work can be accompanied by pictures of different people working in various jobs; in the second case, the word leaf can be put into context as a part of a tree Big flashcards are suitable for vocabulary practice and testing. To draw studentsattention, it is advisable to reveal pictures in an interesting way. Presented several activities that might be modified for this purpose, such as Flashing picture, where the teacher just flashes the cards quickly and students guess or describe what they saw. As another example might serve The slow picture reveal. In this sense, the picture is used in a more meaningful and real-life communicative way than being just displayed for students to say what they can actually see. This will probably have a greater impact on the retention of a piece of vocabulary again and also subsequently on the ability to use it in communication. Hill illustrated this idea on the example: In the same way that the idea of holding up a pen and asking Whats this?, expecting the answer Its a pen is uncommunicative, it is uncommunicative to hold up a picture of a pen and ask Whats this? expecting the same answer. c. Word flashcardsWord flashcards are perhaps worth mentioning at this point, even though they are not actually pictures. However, being used in a similar way as picture flashcards, they can often enrich the lesson. On top of that, those two can be indeed combined and applied together, e.g. in a matching or labelling activity. As Wright pointed out, word flashcards are most typically used in teaching reading and writing. Nevertheless, they will find their use in teaching vocabulary too, offering valuable help mainly in teaching the spelling of newly learnt words, which definitely should not be neglected as it often is.d. Small picture flashcardsA plenty of variations of these cards are typically applied in communicative activities in pairs or small groups of students, thus finding a meaningful role in reviewing and practicing vocabulary. In a closer look, we will find one-side-only cards, both-sided ones and sets of pairs (antonyms or synonyms, a picture and the corresponding word or phrase) or sets of cards connected e.g. by their meaning. Being flexible in their way of use, these cards offer teachers and their students a large amount of possibilities in applying them in a number of activities and games such as domino or various forms of word matching activities. Moreover, they are fit for a range of sorting or ordering activities, e.g. creating a story. These cards can also be used for games based on asking each other questions and exchanging them while searching various, usually listening or reading, exercises.[footnoteRef:35] [35: Gairns, Ruth. Redman, Stuart. Working with Words: A guide to teaching and learning vocabulary. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992. ISBN 0-521-31709-6. P 75. ]

e. Teaching Vocabulary at MTS/SMP LevelReflecting on the nature of childrens learning of words confirms the strong relationship between vocabulary and comprehension and calls attention to the prominent place that vocabulary instruction should hold in the literacy program. Research related to vocabulary instruction and word knowledge shows that there is a robust correlation between knowing words and comprehending text . Many educators feel that a strong vocabulary program just makes sense. Consider that words are labels for their meanings and when we know a word, we know what it represents. Some words are more complex than others, having multiple meanings, while others are conceptually rich and networked to countless other words.Teaching word-learning strategies: An important aspect of developing students robust vocabularies is teaching them tools to unlock the meaning of unknown words. The most effective tools use the context of the surrounding words or sentences to infer the meaning of a word, using meaningful word parts to make sense out of the unknown word and using the dictionary effectively to help define an unknown word.[footnoteRef:36] [36: accessed on June 16 2013)]

According to Huda as quoted by Aisah that: The goal of national education is to develop mentality of nation which is imbued with, faith, moral, science and skill, and also to increase responsibility as nation. In addition, chapter IX, article 37 states that curriculum development in every school level is based the development of learner and situational needs, national development, and development of science, technology and art. Therefore for the need of globalization and 21st century, the goal of ELT addresses to the development of communicative competence in English, including reading, listening, speaking and writing skill simultaneously by mastering 1,000 words for lower secondary level and 2,500 words for higher secondary level.[footnoteRef:37] [37: Eneng Elis Aisah.,2009,Development of English Language Teaching Syllabus In Indonesia.,http://www.Elis Personal journal.html.(Accessed on August 30, 2013)]

English skills including reading skills important to learn by students of school to support their ability in using colored picture to teach verb vocabulary in understanding english, reading texts. In accordance with students English mastery, it is necessary that every student must have note books or vocabulary card which contain of English vocabulary wheter abaout noun ,adjective,verb,adverb, or other vocabularies. By having them, student are expeted to be able to memorize English vocabularies easier and well. Vocabulary also has an important role that suports students english mastery. By memorizing English vocabularies, especially vocabularies of regular and irregular verbs, students ar expected to be able to use regular and iiregular verbs in comprehending English reading texts well. Motivation is a central concept in any theory of education. Therefore, it is essential to demonstrate different points of view on definitions of motivation in order to achieve a better understanding of the role of motivation in language learning. Motivated students refer to those who wish to do things that teachers expect, while unmotivated students are the ones who are unwilling to do things based on teachers expectation.[footnoteRef:38] In contrast with teachers, psychologists study the concept of motivation to a greater extent. Lewin, a member of the cognitive school, emphasizes that learning itself is motivation which determines success. However, Bruner seems not to be in line with this suggestion, arguing that when learners are forced or pushed to learn, they might fail to maintain their natural curiosity. [38: Ball. The main analysis phase. And In H.J. Adr & G.J. Mellenbergh (Eds.)]

In contrast, Beard and Senior, two behaviorist psychologists, believe that incentives and rewards are motivations for establishing behavior. Spencer appears to support this idea, suggesting that it is primarily important for teachers to apply various types of rewards to stimulate students to possess interests and goals in the performance of tasks.


A. Research Type The type of this study is using quasi-experimental research. Because this study comparing with two ways and the writer wants to measure the effectiveness of teaching vocabulary mastery using the ways.B. Research Design This research study used quantitative approach. Quantitative research a ginnery employing operational definitions to generate numeric data to answer predator mined hypotheses or question.[footnoteRef:39] Quasi-experimental designs are similar to randomized experimental designs in that they involved manipulation of an independent variable but differ in those subjects in that they involve manipulation of an independent variable but differ in that subjects are not randomly assigned to treatment groups. Because the quasi-experimental design does not provide full control, it is extremely important that researchers be aware of the threats to both internal and external validity and considers those factors in their interpretation. Although true experiments are preferred, quasi-experimental designs are considered worthwhile because they permit researchers to reach reasonable conclusions even though full control is not possible. [39: Ary,D.,Jacobs, L,C.,and Sorensen,C. Introduction to Research in Education. United States: Wadsworth, Cengange learning. ]

The type of this study was Quasi-experimental study by the nonrandomized control group; pretest-posttest design is one of the most widely used quasi-experimental designs in educational research.[footnoteRef:40] [40: Ibid, p. 316]

Table 3.1The scheme of Quasi Experimental DesignPretest Posttest DesignSubjectPretestTreatmentPosttest


C. Population and sample 1. Population According Vicente , a population is nothing but a group of a particular concept that has something common to each other. Population depends on the experiment conducted. It can be a group of people, a group of books, a group of journal, etc. Mostly it happens, when an experiment is conducted, the researcher want to get data from the whole population but it becomes very tedious to do so. In such cases we make use of a small group of members of the same population, called the sample of the population. As we use statistics to learn about the characteristics of the population, the sample chosen must be randomly selected. Hence, a random sample can be defined as a sample in which each member of the population has equal possibilities of being selected.The population of this study is all the eight year students of junior high school in academic year 2013-2014, both male and female. If the sample really represent of population, what is known about the sample is our knowledge of the population.[footnoteRef:41] [41: Muhammad Ali, population, 1992, p.5.]

The implication is, if the research which used really represent of population, so done generally to the population While according to Arikunto, states that: Population is the whole of research subject, where as sample is a part of population.The population of this study is all of students at the eigth year of MTS Darul Amin Palangka Raya and consisted of two classes, there are; VIII A, VIII B, and VIIIC. The number of population MTS Darul Amin can be seen in the following table.

Table 3.2Number of StudentsNoGradesThe Number of the Student




The total of student62

2. Sample The population of the study is first grade students of MTS Darul Amin Palangka Raya. In this case, the sample of this study is all the VIIIa as a experiment group and VIIIb students as a control group at MTS Darul Amin Palangka Raya. In statistics, a sample is a subset of a population that is used to represent the entire group as a whole[footnoteRef:42]. [42: Kendry,Cherry.Statistic]

The population can be seen in the following table. 3.3 Table Sample StudentsNoGradesGroupsNumber of Students



The Total Number of Student41

Note:E : ExperimentalC : Control3. Teaching of Procedure 3.4 Teaching of ProcedureExperimental groupControl group

First meetingExploration1. Eliciting vocabulary related to the theme / topic text (using flash card media, in this case the teacher using memory activities) Teacher put the flash cards on the floor in a circle. Students have one minute to memorise the cards. 2. Discussing about simple present tense3. Discussing about adverb of frequencyElaboration1. The teacher show the students a picture related the vocabulary that given by the teacher.2. The teacher asks students opinion about the picture. 3. The teacher asks the students to write a descriptive text based on the picture (the affendix on English on skys book)4. The teacher and the students checks the students work togetherConfirmation 1. The teacher gives comments about the students work2. The teacher motivates the students to learn about the learning materials First meetingExploration1. Eliciting vocabulary related to the theme / topic text2. Discussing about simple present tense3. Discussing about adverb of frequency

Elaboration1. The teacher show the students a picture related the vocabulary that given by the teacher.2. The teacher asks students opinion about the picture. 3. The teacher asks the students to write a descriptive text based on the picture (the affendix on English on skys book)4. The teacher and the students checks the students work togetherConfirmation 1. The teacher gives comments about the students work2. The teacher motivates the students to learn about the learning materials

Second meetingExploration1. Reviewing vocabulary (guessing game using flash cards) and grammar has been learned2. The students answer some questions or quiz related their homework last meeting.

Elaboration1. The teacher gives assesment2. The teacher checks the students work3. The teacher and the students checks the students work togetherConfirmation 1. The teacher gives comments about the students work2. The teacher motivates the students to learn about the learning materials Second meetingExploration1. Reviewing vocabulary and grammar has been learned2. The students answer some questions or quiz related their homework last meeting.

Elaboration1. The teacher gives assesment2. The teacher checks the students work3. The teacher and the students checks the students work togetherConfirmation 1. The teacher gives comments about the students work2. The teacher motivates the students to learn about the learning materials

Third meetingExplorationEliciting vocabulary related to the theme / topic text (using flash card media) Teacher puts the flash cards on the floor in a circle. Students have one minute to memorise the cards.

Elaboration1. Discuss the homework2. Teacher and the students do the games related their homework last meeting3. The teacher gives assessment (the affendix on English on skys book)4. The teacher and the students checks the students work togetherConfirmation 1. The teacher gives comments about the students work2. The teacher motivates the students to learn about the learning materials Third meetingExplorationEliciting vocabulary related to the theme / topic textElaboration1. Discuss the homework2. Teacher and the students do the games related their homework last meeting3. The teacher gives assessment (the affendix on English on skys book)4. The teacher and the students checks the students work togetherConfirmation 1. The teacher gives comments about the students work2. The teacher motivates the students to learn about the learning materials

Fourth meetingExploration1. Reviewing vocabulary and grammar has been learned (guessing game using flash cards)2. Read descriptive text3. Answering questions on a variety of information (main ideas, specific information, detailed information, the meaning of the word)

Elaboration1. Teacher asks the student to to look at the bold words on the text was their read and prepare to show the change of each word on flash cards.2. The teacher gives some vocabulary related the material3. Teacher puts the flash cards on the floor in a circle.4. Students have one minute to memorise the cards. 5. The teacher asks students to rearrange some paragraphs to make a good descriptive text and answer the question based on the text (assesment)Confirmation 1. The teacher gives comments about the students work2. The teacher motivates the students to learn about the learning materials Fourth meetingExploration1. Reviewing vocabulary and grammar has been learned 2. Read descriptive text3. Answering questions on a variety of information (main ideas, specific information, detailed information, the meaning of the word)

Elaboration1. Teacher asks the student to to look at the bold words on the text was their read and prepare to show the change of each word that will write on the whiteboard by the teacher.2. The teacher gives some vocabulary related the material3. The teacher asks students to rearrange some paragraphs to make a good descriptive text and answer the question based on the text (assesment)

Confirmation 1. The teacher gives comments about the students work2. The teacher motivates the students to learn about the learning materials

Fifth meetingExploration1. Reviewing vocabulary (guessing game using flash cards) and grammar has been learned2. Eliciting vocabulary related to the theme / topic text (using flash card media) Teacher puts the flash cards on the floor in a circle. Students have one minute to memorise the cards. 3. The teacher asks students to write some vocabulary that their memorized Elaboration1. Arrange random words into a coherent sentence.2. Create and write descriptive sentences using vocabulary and grammar they have learned3. Organize random sentences into a coherent paragraph.4. Arrange a random paragraph into a cohesive paragraph5. Teacher gives assessment6. The teacher and the students checks the students work together

Confirmation 1. The teacher gives comments about the students work2. The teacher motivates the students to learn about the learning materials Fifth meetingExploration1. Reviewing vocabulary and grammar has been learned2. Eliciting vocabulary related to the theme / topic text 3. The teacher asks students to write some vocabulary that their memorized

Elaboration1. Arrange random words into a coherent sentence.2. Create and write descriptive sentences using vocabulary and grammar they have learned3. Organize random sentences into a coherent paragraph.4. Arrange a random paragraph into a cohesive paragraph5. Teacher gives assessment6. The teacher and the students checks the students work together

Confirmation 1. The teacher gives comments about the students work2. The teacher motivates the students to learn about the learning materials

Sixth meetingExploration1. Reviewing vocabulary and grammar has been learned (guessing game using flash cards)2. The teacher asks students to match and fill the blank vocabulary (matching game and whats missing activity)3. Elaboration1.Do various tasks to reinforce vocabulary and grammar has been learned.2.Make sentences using the vocabulary and grammar has been learned3.Random sentences into coherent paragraphs4.Random sentences into coherent paragraphs5.Individually make sentences based on a picture6.Individually compose and write simple descriptive textConfirmation 1. The teacher gives comments about the students work2. The teacher motivates the students to learn about the learning materials Sixth meetingExploration1. Reviewing vocabulary and grammar has been learned 2. The teacher asks students to write some vocabulary that their memorized

Elaboration1.Do various tasks to reinforce vocabulary and grammar has been learned.2.Make sentences using the vocabulary and grammar has been learned3.Random sentences into coherent paragraphs4.Random sentences into coherent paragraphs5.Individually make sentences based on a picture6.Individually compose and write simple descriptive textConfirmation 1. The teacher gives comments about the students work2. The teacher motivates the students to learn about the learning materials

D. Instrument of the Study This research uses the test as instrument. Test is a short examination of knowledge or ability, consisting of questions that must be answered.[footnoteRef:43] [43: Hornby, AS.,Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary, New York: Oxford University Press,1984,p. 1233.]

Instrument of the study was very needed in the research. It was because the instrument was tool to get the data of study, the data was the important things to help the writer in answering the problem of the study and also to prove the hypotheses. It was to measure the effectiveness of using Flash Card teaching English toward the students score of the Eight Grade students at MTS Darul Amin Plangka Raya. There was one instrument that used in the study to get the data, as follow: 1. TestTest may be primarily as devices to reinforce learning and to motivate students or primarily as a means of assessing the students performance the language.[footnoteRef:44] Brown state that a test is a method of measuring a persons ability or knowledge in a given domain.[footnoteRef:45] [44: J.B. Heaton, language Testing, Longman, 1987, p.1.] [45: H. Douglas Brown, teaching by Principles..p.384.]

The writer gave the test instrument. First try out for class VIII C on Monday, January 20th2014 period 11.50-12.30, which followed by 21 students. Second pre- test for experimental class VIII A was held on Wednesday January 22th 2014 period 06.30-07.10,which followed by 20.Then the writer gave pre-test for control group class VIII B. was held on Friday January 24th 2014 period 07.50-08.30, which followed by 21. Last the writer gave post-test for control class VIII B. on Tuesday March 11st 2014 period 07.50-08.30 which followed by 21 Then the writer gave post-test for experiment class VIII A. on Wednesday March 12st 2014 period 06.30-07.10. The time allocation of each test process 60 minutes. Related to the study, to get data for measure students ability in vocabulary mastery. the test was construction in the multiple choice form which consists of 50 items. E. Instrument Try OutInstrumentation try out is used to identify whether the instrument can be used to find out the effect of flash cards to the results of the try out serve and important evaluation for the writer to consider what items were valid or not, the test were reliable or not, equal with the colored pictures give to the students. It is also to find which items were considered to be revised and to measure time allocation for the data collecting.The writer gave the instrument try-out test to the VIII C class of the eight grade students at MTS Darul Amin. The writer held first try out VIII C class. The total item of try out test 50 question. The time allocation of each try out process 60 minutes. These are the procedures that in carrying out the try out:a. Preparing the instrument.b. Showing to the students how they must do with the test of try out.c. Giving the test items to the students.d. Collecting to the students works.e. Scoring the students works.f. Calculating the result of the test using formula.g. Analyzing the result of the test and enter to the table.h. The writer analyzed the data obtained to know the instrument validity and instrument reliability.i. If the result is valid, it means that the test item as the instrument of this study are suitable to be given.1. Instrument ValidityThe validity of a test is the extent to which it measures what is supposed to measure and nothing else.[footnoteRef:46] An instrument is considered being a good one if it meets some requirement. One of them is validity. [46: J.B. Heaton, Writing English Language Test, p. 153.]

Validity on this study is distinguish into some kinds as follows: b. Construct ValidityConstruct validity is type of validity which assumes the existence of certain learning theories or constructs underlying the acquisition of abilities and skills. Since the type of test was vocabulary test, the form of test was Multiple Choice. In this case, the test was a written test in order to measure the students vocabulary mastery.[footnoteRef:47] [47: J.B Heaton, Language Testing, (Published Test, May 1989), p.155]

c. Content validityAccording to Gronlund content validity is the process of determining the extent to which a set of test tasks provides relevant and representative sample of the domain of tasks under consideration.[footnoteRef:48] To fulfil the content validity, the test content is directly related with what have been taught to the student that have two ways namely using flash cards and without flash cards . [48: Ibid, p. 83.]

Table 3.6Specification of Content ValidityExperimentIndicator of testType of testTotal question

Flash CardsCompleting missing wordsCompletion50 items to each student

Based on the explain above, in making the test the writer tried to match each of the items test with the curriculum that was used by Mts Darul Amin Palangka Raya. The purpose was in order to make the test was appropriate with the lesson that the students accept in the moment when the research is done. To measure the validity of the instrument, the writer used the formulation of Product Moment by Person as follow:[footnoteRef:49] [49: Riduan,2004, Metode dan Teknik Menyusun Tesis, Bandung:alfabetap.110]

= Where :Rxy: The coefficient of correlation X: Total Value of score XY: Total Value of score YXY : Multiplication Result Between Score X and Y N: Number of students

Furthermore, it was calculate using Test-t calculation below: tobserved = Where :t= the value of tobserved r= The coefficient of correlation of the result of robservedn = Number of students

The distribution of ttable at alpha 5% and the degree of freedom (n-2) with the measurement of validity using this criteria:

tobserved > ttable = Validtobserved < ttable = Invalid

To know the validity level of the instrument, the reslt of the test was interpreted to the criteria or the correlation index as follow : 0,800 1,00= Very High Validity 0,600 0,799= High Validity0,400 0,599= Fair Validity 0,200 0,399= Poor Validity0,00 0,199= Very Poor Validity [footnoteRef:50] [50: Ibid, p.154.]

2. Instrument ReliabilityReli bility is a necessary characteristic of any good test; for it to be valid at all, a test must first be reliable as a measuring instrument.[footnoteRef:51] The reliability of the whole test can be estimated by using this formula of Kuder and Richard:[footnoteRef:52] [51: J.B Heaton, Language Testing, (Published Test, May 1989),p.155.] [52: Riduwa, Metode dan Teknik Menyusun Tesis (Bandung:Alfabeta,2010), P.120.]

11= 1 Where :r11: Koefisien reliability internal seluruh itemK: Banyaknya ItemS: Standar deviasiX:Mean (rata total skor)The last decided is comparing the value of 11 and t11 > table = Reliable11 < table = Not Reliable

Reliability StatisticsCronbachsAlphaN of Items


To know the level of reliability of instrument, the value of 11 is interpreted based on the qualification of reliability as follow: 0.800 1.000: Very High Reliability0.600 0.799: High Reliability0.400 0.599: Fair Reliability 0.200 0.399: Poor Reliability0.000 0.199: Very Poor Reliability

From the measurement of instrument try out reliability it is know that the whole numbers of test items are reliable and can be used as the instrument of the study.1. The writer determined the class into experimental group and control group.2. The writer gave pre-test to the experimental group and control group. Lynch state: pre-test plays a crucial role; it is use to attempt a statistical adjustment of potential preexisting differences between the program and control group.[footnoteRef:53] [53: Brian K. Lynch, Language Program Evaluation: Theory nd Practice, (Cambridge: University Press, 1996),p.76. ]

a. The writer taught the experimental group using flash card.b. The writer taught the control group using conventional teaching. c. The writer give post-test to experimental group and control group.d. The writer give score to the data from experimental group and control group.e. The writer analyzed the obtain data from pre-test and post-test using t-test.f. The writer interpreted the analysis result.g. The writer conclude the activity of the study whether the use of flash card to teach vocabulary gives effect or not to the students vocabulary mastery score.h. The writer discussed about the conclusion3. Index of DifficultyThe index of difficulty (or the facility value) of an item simply shows how easy or difficult the particular item proved in the test.[footnoteRef:54] To know the level of difficult of test, the writer will use the formula as follows: [54: Anas Sujono, Pengantar Evaluasi Pendidikan, Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, 2013, p. 172.]

F.V = Where: F.V= Facility value / level of difficultyR= Number of the student who get the right answerN= The total of students.To interpret the index of difficult, it used Robert L. Thorndike and Elizabeth Hagens interpretation.[footnoteRef:55] [55: Anas Sudijo. Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan.2000, Jakarta:Ciputat Pres.P.372]

The result of formula above is connected the F.V value below:FV= 0.00 0.30= Difficult0.31 0.70 = Fair0.71 1.00= Easy [footnoteRef:56] [56: Ibid, p. 253.]

Scoring Method To give score the students test result is done by using the formula : Score = 100%B= Frequency of the correct answer N= Number of test items F. The Data Analysis ProcedureAnalysis of data is a process of inspecting, cleaning, transforming, and modeling data with the goal of highlighting useful information, suggesting conclusions, and supporting decision making. Data analysis has multiple facets and approaches, encompassing diverse techniques under a variety of names, in different business, science, and social science domains. [footnoteRef:57] [57: Kohlbacher, Florian. The Use of Qualitative Content Analysis in Case Study Research, 2005, Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, Art. 21, nbn-resolving. P, 1 ]

Data analysis procedures to determine the validity of the data, it is needed checking technique of the data. The steps are used to analyze the quantitative data (Miles and Huberman) [footnoteRef:58] [58: Adr, H.J.and G.J. Mellenbergh, The main analysis phase, The Netherlands: Johannes van Kessel Publishing. 2008. P, 333-356. ]

The writer did some procedures in the data analysis. They were:1. The writer collected the obtain scores.2. The writer arranged the obtain scores into the distribution of frequencyof scores table.3. The writer calculated the mean, median, modus, standard deviation, andstandard error of variable X1 from the experimental group.4. The writer calculated the mean, median, modus, standard deviation, andstandard error of variable X2 from the control group.5. The writer calculated the standard error for the difference mean betweenvariable X1 and X2.6. The writer used ttest to answer the problem of the study, whether therewas difference on students scores in writing narrative text between using audio visual media and without using audiovisual media,with the formula:

Where:Mx1 Mx2: Differentiation of Two Means.SEmx1 mx2: The Standard Error of the Difference between TwoMeans.With the criteria:If ttest> ttable = Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected.If ttest< ttable = Ha is rejected and Ho is accepted.The writer used the level of significance at 1% and 5%. If the result of ttest is higher than ttable, Ha is accepted but if the result of ttestis lower than ttable, Ho is accepted.7. The writer used SPSS 17.0 after using ttest to answer the problem of thestudy, whether there was difference on students scores inwriting narrative text between using audiovisual media and without using audiovisual media.8. The writer calculated the degree of freedom with formula:[footnoteRef:59] [59: Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, p. 330]

df = (N1 + N2 - 2)Where:df : Degree of FreedomN1 and N2 : Number of Cases9. The writer determined the level of significant of tobserved by comparingthe tobserved with the ttable.10. The writer interpreted the result of the data analysis.11. The writer discussed to clarify the research findings. The results of the analysis data are shown in Chapter I


In this chapter, the writer presented the data which had been collected from the research in the field of study. The data were the result of observation, the result of pretest posttest of experiment group and control group, the result of data analysis and discussion.1. The Result of Pretest Posttest of Experimental Group and Control GroupIn this section, it would be described the obtained data of improvement the students vocabulary scores after and before taught by using flash card. The presented data consisted of Mean, Median, Modus, Standard Deviation, Standard Error, and the figure.2. Distribution of Pre- Test Score of the Experimental GroupThe test scores of experimental group were presented in the following table.Table 4.1 The Description of Pre- Test Score of the Data Achieved by the Students in Experimental GroupCODESCORE





















Based on the data above, it can be seen that the students highest score was 36 and the students lowest score was 12. However, based on the Standard Evaluation of English Subject, there were 14 students who failed since they got fewer than 32. It meant that, most students still did not master about vocabulary. Table 4.2 The Frequency Distribution of Pre-Test score of the Experiment ClassNo















Total F= 19P=504

The distribution of students pretest scores can also be seen in the following figure.

Figure 4.1 Histogramof Frequency Distribution of PreTest Scores for Experimental GroupThe table and figure above showed the students pretest scores of the experimental group. It could be seen that there was one student who got score 12. There was one students who got score 20. There was one students who got score 21. There were three students who got score 22. There were two students who got score 23. There was one students who got score 26. There was one students who got score 27. There was one student who got score 28. There were three students who got score 29. There were three students who got score 33. There was one students who got score 34. There was one students who got score 35. In this case, many students got score under 36.The next step, the writer tabulated the score into the table for the calculation mean, median and modus as follows.Table 4.3TheTable for Calculating Mean of Pre-Test Scores for Experimental GroupNoScoreFrequency (F)















Total F= 19FX=504

a. MeanM = M = M=26.52The calculation above showed of mean was 26.52The last step, the writer tabulated the scores of pre test of experimental group into the table for the calculation of standard deviation and the standard error as follows: Table 4.4 The Table for Calculating Standard Deviation and Standard Error of PreTest Scores of Experimental group.Score (X)Frequency(F)FXXX2FX2














TotalF= 19FX=504Fx2=4332.334

The table above used for calculate standard deviation and standard error by calculate standard deviation first. The process of calculation used formula below:a. Standard DeviationSD1=SD1 =SD1=SD1= 15.10b. Standard Error= SEm1=SEm1=SEm1= SEm1= 3.559The result of calculation showed the standard deviations of pre test scores of experimental group was 15.10 and the standard error of pre test scores of experimental group was 3.559.2. Distribution of Pre Test Score of Control GroupThe pre test scores of the control group were presented in the following table. Table 4.5 TheDescription of PreTest Scores of the Data Achieved by the Students in Control GroupCODESCORE






















Based on the data above, it can be seen that the students highest score was 42 and the students lowest score was 17. However, based on the Standard Evaluation of English Subject, there were students who failed since they got fewer than 40. It meant that, most students still did not master about vocabulary. Table 4.6 Frequency Distribution of PreTest Scores for Control GroupNoScore (X)Frequency (X)FX
















Total F= 21

P= 601

The distribution of students pretest score can also be seen in the following figure.

Figure 4.2 Histogramof Frequency Distribution of PreTest Scores for Control GroupThe table and the figure showed the pretest scores of students in control group. It could be seen that there was one students who got score 17. There was one student who got score 18. There was one student who got score 19. There was one students who got score 21. There was one students who got score 22. There was one students who got score 24. There was one students who got score 25. There were two students who got score 26. There were two students who got score 27. There were two student who got score 31. There were three student who got score 33. There were two students who got score 34. There was one students who got score 38. There was one students who got score 40. In this case, many students got score under 42.The next step, the writer tabulated the scores into the table for the calculation mean, median and modus as follows:Table 4.7 TheTable for Calculating Mean of PreTest Scores for Control GroupNoScoreFrequency (x)FXFkaFkb
















Total F= 21

FX= 601

a. MeanM = M = M = 28.61Based on the result of calculation, it was found that the mean score of pretest scores in control group was 28.61The last step, the writer tabulated the scores of pretest of controlgroup into the table for the calculation of standard deviation and the standard error as follows:Table 4.8 The Table for Calculating Standard Deviation and Standard Error of PreTest Scores of Control Group.Score(X)Frequency(F)FXXX2Fx2
















F= 21



The table above used for calculate standard deviation and standard error by calculate standard deviation first. The process of calculation used formula below:a. Standard DeviationSD2=SD2 =SD2= SD2= 18.10b. Standard Error= SEm2=SEm2=SEm2 = SEm2= 4.047The result of calculation showed the standard deviation of pretest scores of control group was 18.104and the standard error of pretest scores of control group was 4.0473. Distribution of Post Test Scores in Experimental GroupThe posttest scores of the experimental group were presented by the following table

Table 4.9TheDescription of Post-Test Scores the Data Achieved by the Students in Experimental GroupCODESCORE





















Based on the data above, it can be seen that the students highest score was 41 and the students lowest score was 27. However, based on the Standard Evaluation of English Subject, there were students who failed since they got fewer than 40. It meant that, most students still did not master about vocabulary. Table 4.10 Frequency Distribution of Post-Test Scores for Experimental Group

NoScore (X)Frequency (F)FX











Total F= 20FX=686

The distribution of students pretest scores can also be seen in the following figure.

Figure 4.3 Histogram of Frequency Distribution of Post-Test Scores for Experimental GroupThe table and figure above showed the post test score of students in Experiment group. It could be seen that there was one student who got score 27. There were two students who got score 30. There was one students who got score 31. There were four student who got score 32. There was one students who got score 33. There were two students who got 34. There were two students who got 35. There were three student who got score 36. There were three student who got score 40. In this case, many students got score upper to 41.The next step, the writer tabulated the score into the table for the calculation of mean, median, modus as follows:Table 4.11 The Table for Calculating Mean of Post-Test Scores for Experimental GroupNoScore (X)Frequency (F)FXFkaFkb











Total F= 20FX=686

a. MeanM = M = M = 34.3Based on the result of calculation, it was found that the mean scores of posttest of the experimental group was 34.3. The last step, the writer tabulated the scores of post test of Experimental group into the table for the calculation of standard deviation and the last standard error as follows:Table 4.12 TheTable for Calculation Standard Deviation and Standard Error of Post-Test Scores of Experimental GroupScore (X)Frequency(F)FXXX2FX2











Total F= 20FX=686FX2= 4264.222

The table above used for calculate standard deviation and standard error by calculate standard deviation first. The process of calculation used formula below:a. Standard DeviationSD3=SD3 =


SD3= 14.60

b. Standard Error= SEm3 =SEm3 =SEm3= SEm3 =3.350The result of calculation showed the standard deviation of post test score of experimental group was 14.60 and the standard error of post test score of experimental group was 3.350.The writer also calculated the data calculation of post test scores in experimental group using SPSS 17.0 program. The result of statistic table is as follows:Table 4.13 The Frequency Distribution of Post Test Scores in Experimental Group Using SPSS 17.0 Program


FrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent












The table above showed the result of post test scores achieved by theexperimental group using SPSS 17.0 program. It could be seen that there weas one students who got 27 (5.0%). Two students who got 30 (10.0%). One students who got score 31 (5.0%). Four students who got score 32(20.0%). One students who got score 33 (5.0%). Two students who got score 34(10.0%). Two student whogot score 35 (10.0%).Three students who got score 36 (15.0%). Threestudents who got 40 (15.0%). One students who got score 41(5.0%).The next step, the writer calculated the scores of mean, median, mode,standard deviation, and standard error of mean of post test in experimental group using SPSS as followsTable 4.14 The Table of Calculation of Mean, Standard Deviation, andStandard Error of Mean of Post Test Scores in Experimental Group Using SPSS 17.0 ProgramStatistics




Std. Error of Mean85255



Std. Deviation3.81272





The table showed the result of mean calculation was 34.3000. The result of standard deviation was 3.81272 and the result of standard error of mean calculation was 85255.Table 4.15 TheDescription of PostTest Scores of the Data Achieved by the Students in Control GroupCODESCORE






















The post test scores of the control group were presented by the following table.Based on the data above, it can be seen that the students highest score was 29 and the students lowest score was 13. However, based on the Standard Evaluation of English Subject, there were students who failed since they got fewer than 24. It meant that, most students still did not master about vocabulary. Table 4.16 Frequency Distribution of Post-Test Scores forControl Group

No.Score (X)Frequency (F)FX












F= 21FX= 474

The distribution of students post test scores can also be seen in the following figure.

Figure 4.4 Histogram ofFrequency Distribution of PostTest Scoresfor Control GroupThe table and the figure showed the post test score of students in control group. It can be seen that there was one student who got score 13. There were two students who got score 18. There were two students who got score 19. There were three students who got score 21. There were three students who got score 22. There were two students who got 23. There was one students who got 24. There was one students who got 25. There were three students who got 26. There was one students who got27. In this case, many students got score upper to 29. The next step, the writer tabulated the score into the table for the calculation of mean, median, and modus as follows:Table 4.17.TheTable for Calculating Mean of PostTest Scoresfor Control GroupNoScore (X)Frequency (F)FXFkaFkb












F= 21FX=474

a. MeanM = M = M = 22.57The calculated above showed themean scores of posttest control group was 22.57.The last step the writer tabulated the scores of post test of control group into the table for the calculation of standard deviation and the standard error as follows:Table 4.18.The Table for Calculating Standard Deviation and Standard Error of Post-Test Scores of Control Group.Score (X)Frequency (F)FXXX2FX2












F= 21FX=474Fx2= 1391.95

The table above used for calculate standard deviation and standard error by calculate mean first. The process of calculation used formula below:a. Standard DeviationSD4=SD4 =SD4= SD4= 8.158b. Standard Error= SEm4=SEm4 =SEm4= SEm1= 1.824The result of calculation showed the standard deviation of post test scores of control group was 8.158 and standard error of post test scores of control group was 1.824.The writer also calculated the data calculation of post test scores in control group using SPSS 17.0 program. The result of statistic table is as follows:Table 4.19 TheFrequency Distribution of Post Test Scores in Control Group Using SPSS 17.0 ProgramNilai

FrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent












The table above showed the result of post test scores achieved by theexperimental group using SPSS 17.0 program. It could be seen that there was one student who got 13 (4.8%). Two students who got 18 (9.5%). Two students who got score 19 (9.5%). Three students who got score 21 (14.3%). Four students who got score 22 (19.0%). Two students who got score 23 (9.5%).One students whogot score 24 (4.8%). Three students who got score 26 (14.3%). One student who got 27(4.8%). Two students who got score 29 (9.5%).The next step, the writer calculated the scores of mean, median, mode,standard deviation, and standard error of mean of post test in experimental group using SPSS as follows.Table 4.20 The Table of Calculation of Mean, Standard Deviation, andStandard Error of Mean of Post Test Scores in ControlGroup Using SPSS 17.0 ProgramStatistics




Std. Error of Mean.85516



Std. Deviation3.91882





The table showed the result of mean calculation was 22.4286. The result of standard deviation was 3.91882 and the result of standard error of mean calculation was 8.5516.B. Result of Data Analysisa. Testing Hypothesis Using ttestThe writer chose the level of significance in 5%, it mean that the level of significance of the refusal null hypothesis in 5%. The writer decided the level of significance at 5% due to the hypothesis type stated on non-directional (two-tailed test).It meant that the hypothesis cannot directly the prediction of alternative hypothesis. To test the hypothesis of the study, the writer used t-test statistical calculation. First, the writer calculated the standard deviation and the standard error of X1 and X2. It was found the standard deviation and the standard error of post test of X1 and X2 at the previous data presentation. It could be seen inthis following table: Table 4.21TheStandard Deviation and Standard Error of X1 and X2VariableThe Standard DeviationThe Standard Error



Where :X1= Experimental GroupX2= Control GroupThe table showed the result of the standard deviation calculation of X1was 14.60 and the result of the standard error mean calculation was 3.350. The result of the standard deviation calculation of X2 was 8.158 and the result of the standard error calculation was 1.824.The next step, the writer calculated the standard error of the differences mean between X1 and X2 as follows:Standard Error of the DifferenceMean scores between Variable I and Variable II:SEM1- SEM2= SEM1- SEM2= SEM1- SEM2= SEM1- SEM2= SEM1- SEM2= 3.814377538 = 3.814The calculation above showed the standard error of the differences mean between X1 and X2 was3.814. Then, it was inserted to the toformula to get the value of tobserved as follows:to= to= to= to= 3.075With the criteria: If ttest (tobserved) ttable,Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected.If ttest (tobserved)

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