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1.1 Introduction M/s. M. S. Patil Sugars Ltd. (MSPSL) is a limited company registered under the Companies Act, 1956 having certificate of incorporation no. U 15424 PN 2010 PLC 135944 of March 29, 2010. MSPSL proposes to set up an integrated sugar, cogeneration power project & Distillery at Post Nimbal (Bk), Taluka Indi, District Bijapur, Karnataka. The sugar plant will have cane crushing capacity of 5000 TCD with 25 MW co‐gen power plant & 45 KLPD of Distillery Plant. MSPSL has secured IEM license to manufacture sugar from the Ministry of Industries, vide IEM acknowledgement no. 2257/SIA/IMO/2010 dated July 5, 2010. MSPSL has also secured IEM license for co‐gen power from the Ministry of Industries, vide IEM acknowledgement no. 2256/SIA/IMO/2010 dated July 5, 2010. MSPSL has also secured IEM license for Industrial Alcohol/ Ethanol from the Ministry of Industries, vide IEM acknowledgement no. 137/SIA/IMO/ 2011 dated January 13, 2011. MSPSL has already obtained environmental clearance for 5000 TCD sugar and 19 MW power generation from State Environment Impact Assessment Authority, Department of Ecology and Environment, Govt. of Karnataka, on OCT.8, 2012. MSPSL has also obtained consent to establish an ETP from Karnataka State Pollution Control Board. 1.2 NEED OF THE PROJECT The promoters have extensively and carefully analyzed the present and future scenario of sugar, ethanol and power industries. They studied carefully the present irrigation facilities and surplus cane availability in the command area, as well as future potential of irrigation and additional cane availability. Most of the villages in the study area are in Indi tehsil of Bijapur district. The existing sugar cane availability in the study area, existing and proposed irrigation facilities, cane development program underway, as well as agro‐climatic conditions, are considered adequate for sustained cane supply for the envisaged capacity utilization levels, except for draught periods. It is essential for MSPSL to accelerate cane development in the study area. The proposed state‐of ‐art equipment in the sugar plant will ensure the performance in terms of recovery, plant efficiencies and lowest steam & power

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consumption for the sugar process. Due to Electricity Act, 2003 opportunities for trade of power are available and MSPSL should explore them to sell power at higher tariff and improve economic viability of the project. Hence, MSPSL will have no problems to market all its surplus power. 1.3 INTEGRATED COGEN AND ETHANOL PROJECT, NATIONAL PERCEPTIVE The Govt. of India has acknowledged the overall deficiency of power supply and quality in the country. The importance of decentralized energy generation from renewable sources of fuel, for complimenting centralized fossil fuel based power generation, has been accepted as a way to improve the situation. The Electricity Bill 2003 approved by the both houses of Parliament, provides de‐licensing of power generation and distribution, throughout the country. The renewable energy sources and power generation from renewable sources have been focused in this bill and the States have been guided to increase their share up to minimum 10 %. The fiscal incentives offered for renewable energy generation will continue in the coming period. They primarily include accelerated depreciation, income tax holiday (5 year tax holiday with 30 % exemption for next 5 years), customs duty concessions, exemption of Central excise duty & Central sales tax. The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission and State Electricity Regulatory Commission have come into force to establish tariffs and oversee the electricity sector. The regulatory commissions fixed tariffs for the purchase of electricity by SEBs from all sources including renewable, based on the guide lines from the Ministry of Power and the MNRE, State policies and inputs from the public hearings. The Govt. of India, through the Ministry of Non Conventional Energy Sources (MNRE), encourages all the existing and new sugar units to set up co‐gen power plants. In order to achieve the potential of about 5000 MW from sugar mill cogeneration in India, the Ministry has been undertaking promotional efforts under the National Program on Biomass / Cogeneration Power since 1994‐95. Apart from providing guide lines to the States for purchase of exportable power from such projects, the Ministry has been offering several promotional and fiscal incentives to this sector.

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The specific incentives from the Ministry include interest subsidy for commercial projects from 1‐3 % depending on the temperature and pressure configuration, subsidy for preparation of detailed project reports and assistance in syndication of loans, financial assistance for State Nodal Agencies, consultants, industry associations for undertaking promotional efforts, etc. As of April 30, 2007, the power generation capacity in Karnataka was 18061 MW, 56 % contributed from the state sector, 20 % contributed by the private sector and balance from the Central sector. The T & D losses have been about 35 %, compared to average 33 % for the country. Growth of sugar industry in the State started prior to independence in the private sector and in the co‐operative sector since 1950 onwards. The policy for sugar industry in Karnataka is in line with the Central Govt.. Sugar cane has been the major cash crop growth in the state due to conductive environmental conditions for sugar cane growing, good quality of soil for cultivation and adequate irrigation facilities. As of March 2006, a total of 1189 Lols/licenses were issued in different parts of the State (between 1998 till 2006) for expanding their existing capabilities and / or for installing new sugar factories. In India, after protection granted to the sugar industry in 1932, a large number of sugar factories were established in the country. Increase in sugar production resulted in accumulation of molasses, caused unmanageable environmental problem. In 1938 UP and Bihar established a joint committee to overcome this problem by developing alcohol based industries. Today, the distillery industry of India uses only molasses for the manufacturing of alcohol. 1.4 STUDY OBJECTIVE

A. Objective The process of environmental impact analysis serves to meet the primary goal of Parliament in enacting Environment Policy Act, 1986 to establish a national policy in favor of protecting and restoring the environment. The primary objective of

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environment impact assessment is to disclose the environmental consequences of proposed action, thereby altering the agency decision maker, the public, and ultimately parliament and the President to the environmental risk involved. An important and intended consequence of this disclosure is to build into the agency’s decision making process, a continuing conscience of environmental considerations. B. Uses Environmental impact assessment should be undertaken for reasons other than to simply conform to the procedural requirements of the law. According to the letter of the law, environment must be assessed for activities with significant impact. However, the spirit of the law is founded on the premise, that to utilize resources in an environmentally compatible way and to protect and enhance the environment, it is necessary to know how activities will affect the environment and to consider these effects early enough so that changes in plans can be made if the potential impacts warrant them. EIA provides a vehicle to record impacts of activities so that knowledge of what adverse changes may occur can be recollected and maintained. The purpose of inventory is to ensure disclosures of the impacts so that concerned institutions or individuals will be aware of possible repercussions of the subject activity. 1.5 THE NEED FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Economic, social and environmental changes are inherent to development. While development aims to bring about positive change it can lead to conflicts, the promotion of economic growth as the motor for increased well being was the main development thrust with small sensitivity to adverse social or environmental impacts. The need to avoid adverse impacts and to ensure long term benefits led to the concept of sustainability. This fact is accepted as an essential feature of development if the aim of increased well being and greater equity in fulfilling basic needs is to be met for this and future generations. In order to predict environmental impacts of any development activity and to provide an opportunity to mitigate against negative impacts and enhance positive impacts, the environmental impact assessment is carried out.

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Moreover, sugar, co‐generation power and distillery project proposed to be set up in the State of Karnataka, state Govt. requires environmental clearance from Department of Environment, Govt. of Karnataka and Ministry of Environment and Forest, New Delhi based on Sept 2006 notification on Environment Impact Assessment by Union Ministry of Environment and Forest vide No. SO 1533. Subject to project located within radius of 10 km boundary of reserved forest reserved forest, ecologically sensitive area which may include National Parks, Sanctuaries, Biosphere Reserves, critically polluted area and interstate boundary shall require environmental clearance from Central Govt. Need Of Public Hearing Sugar, co‐generation power and distillery project proposed to be set requires environmental clearance from Department of Environment, Govt. of Karnataka and Ministry of Environment and Forest, New Delhi based on Sept 2006 notification on Environment Impact Assessment by Union Ministry of Environment and Forest vide No. SO1533. Subject to project is located within radius of 10 km boundary of reserved forest, ecologically sensitive area which may include National Parks, Sanctuaries, Biosphere Reserves, critically polluted area, heritage site and interstate boundary shall require environmental clearance from Central Government. MSPSL submitted an application to Union Ministry of Environment and Forest, New Delhi, to obtain ToR for preparation of an Environment impact Assessment Report for expansion of cogen from 19MW to 25 MW Co‐gen Power Project and 45 KLPD distillery. The ToR was approved vide their letter no. J‐13012/46/2012/IA‐ II (T) and. J‐11011/391/2012/IA II (I)dated Jan 30, 2013 for preparation of EIA report. The EIA report is prepared based on the ToR issued and submitted for public hearing to KSPCB. 1.6 METHODOLOGY OF EIA The methodology adopted for the EIA study is consisted of following main steps‐ Identification and Assessment of Impacts Various impacts likely to occur due to proposed project on the environment were identified. These impacts were assessed for their significance based on the background environmental quality in the area and the magnitude of the impact. All components of

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the environment were considered, impacts were evaluated in quantitative and qualitative terms for two scenarios with EMP and without EMP using matrix method. Environment Management Plan Based on the impact identified, an appropriate environmental management strategy was developed and presented in the form of EMP. The EMP consists of the various policies, control measures, etc. for abatement of critical environmental impacts arising out of the proposed project. 1.7 STRUCTURE OF EIA REPORT A brief outline of the report is presented as under‐ Chapter 1 Introduction This chapter provides information on legislation, Basic Environment Policy, Objective of the study, Project Background, Essentiality of the project and Methodology of REIA study. Chapter 2 Project Description Project description includes, process technology and specification of the project, description of the plant operations with infra structure and support services. Chapter 3 Environment Baseline Status This chapter presents the location details and findings of field studies undertaken for various environmental attributes like metrology, air, soil, noise, demography and socio‐economic from secondary data as collected on above parameters and also for ecology, land use, geology etc. Chapter 4 Environment Impact Prediction and Mitigation This chapter incorporates Environment Impact Prediction of proposed project wherein the Impact action on parameters like air, water, soil, noise, land use, flora and fauna, human settlement, infra‐structure, employment.

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Chapter 5 Evaluation of Environment Impact This chapter describes the method of impact assessments like Matrix and Check list method. Chapter 6 Environment Management Plan This chapter provides the recommendation for environment plan aimed to minimize the negative impacts of the project. The mitigation measures are presented for all the likely adverse impact on the environment due to the project. Chapter 7 Post project Environment monitoring program This chapter relates to the activities monitoring of air, water, noise, and soil pollution in buffer zone. Chapter 8 Project Benefit

Chapter 9 Summary and Conclusion Disclosure of Consultant Engaged Public Consultation Annexure

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2.1 Highlights of the project Name and Address M/s. M.S.Patil Sugars Limited 54, West Mangalwar Peth, Balives, Solapur – 413002 Maharashtra Project Site M/s. M.S.Patil Sugars Ltd., Post – Nimbal(Bk), Taluka‐Indi, District‐Bijapur, Karnataka State, India Constitution & Type Public limited company Topo sheet No. E 43916 ( earlier 47 O/16) Products Sugar , Co‐generated Power & Distillery Installed Capacity Sugar 5000 TCD (180 days operation in season) Installed Capacity – Co‐gen Power Plant Expansion of 19 MW to 25.00 MW 17.92 MW (exportable power, Season 180 days) 22.43 MW (exportable power, Off Season 150 days) Installed Capacity – Distillery Plant 45 KLPD (300 working days/annum) Land required 110 acre Total Project Cost Rs.319 Cr.Nearest water body Nearest water body : Hosur Halla – 4km

Raw material for Sugar Sugar cane is main raw material for sugar which is obtained from Nearby farmers. Raw Material for Power Generation Total Baggase generated 270000 TPA Season baggase requirement 189071 TPA Off‐Season baggase requirement 141804 TPA Total baggase required 330814 TPA Baggase from external source 60814 TPA

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Raw material for Distillery Molasses required is 34225 ton which is obtained from own source. 2.1.1WATER REQUIREMENT

Unit Quantity m3/day Sugar 500 Cogeneration unit 588 Distillery 532 Total 1620 The source of water is Bhima which is located at 30 Km Area details SR. NO DESCRIPTION SIZE IN M2 1 TOTAL AREA OF PLOT 304260.00 2 BUILT UP AREA 29949.00 3 AREA UNDER ROADS 51307.50 4 OPEN SPACE/ GARDENS 223003.50 Detailed area statement


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2.1.2 Sugar, alcohol and cogeneration process Cane from nearby area will be crushed to get sugar cane juice which will further be concentrated to get quality sugar crystals. Uncrystallised sugar collected in molasses will be fermented to form alcohol with Yeast cells. C12H22O11 + H2 O Enzyme Invertase 2 C6H12O6 C6H12O6 Enzyme zymase 2 C2H5OH + 2 CO2 On a theoretical basis 342 kg of sugar yields 184 kg of 100% alcohol and 176 kg of CO2. Usual commercial efficiencies obtained are in the range of 85% fermentation and 98 to 99% distillation, contributing to a total efficiency of 83 to 84%. Ethanol or ethyl alcohol, CH3 ‐ CH2‐OH is a volatile, flammable, clear, colourless liquid finds many applications as a raw material for acetone, acetaldehyde, acetic acid, acetic anhydride, ethyl acetate, other esters, and syntheses along with its main use due to associated oxygen from hydroxyl group in fuel blending in gasoline. Alcohol distillation will yield quality rectified alcohol. Spent wash will be used along with press mud for composting. Bagasse from cane crushing and coal will be burnt in 130T/H boiler for cogeneration of 25 MW power with turbo generator. Press mud from cane juice filtration will be used in composting and the same will be supplied to cane farmers. Ash from boiler will be sold to brick producers or used in land filling. PROJECT DESIGN & EXPECTED OUTPUTS The project design and expected outputs of the proposed integrated project, as detailed in the Project Reports and information submitted were thoroughly appraised for all the three components viz., sugar, co‐gen power plant and distillery. The appraised design basis has been indicated in the following paragraphs MANUFACTURING PROCESS FOR SUGAR

2.2.1 Cane crushing Sugarcanes are shredded in crushers and then squeezed through a series of pressure mills containing grooved walls. Weak juice and make up water are added as extractant fluid before squeezing to optimize juice yield at 95 ‐ 97%.

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2.2.2. Sugar juice treatment & clarification. The juice is treated with calcium phosphate, followed by lime to precipitate the colloids. SO2 is next bubbled through sugar solution until pH is 7.0‐7.1.This procedure provides maximum flocculation of impurities. The SO2 also acts as a bleaching agent. Phosphoric acid or CO2 can be substituted as the acidifying agent depending upon the type of extract handled. 2.2.3. Juice concentration. Closed steam in a coil is used to heat and further flocculate the impurities in a continuous settler. The clarified liquor overflows to the evaporator. The underflow muds are processed on a continuous rotary press to recover sugar solution which either passes forward to the evaporator or backward to the thickener again if it is not clear. The filter cake is used as fertilizer. The clarified juice is concentrated from 80‐85 % water to 40 % in 3 to 4 effect evaporators with completed crystallization in a vacuum pan unit. 2.2.4. Crystalline sugar isolation & packing. The mixture of crystals and syrup called massecuite is separated via high speed basket centrifugal. The syrup is reconcentrated and cooled successively to obtain one or two more crops of crystal. The final mother liquor is known as blackstrap Molasses which is sent to distilleries for conversion to ethyl alcohol. 2.2.5. Isolation & disposal of bagasse. The pulp expelled from the last mill known as bagasse is used as steam boiler fuel. 2.2.6 Future demand & sugar pricing. A sugar mill of 5000 TCD capacity, will be installed for manufacture of refined sugar of good quality. The sugar market in India is quite up‐beat and is expected to continue for a foreseeable future. The current net price of sugar for the factories has been around Rs. 22.00 per Kg. Command area has excellent sugar cane availability with about 11.5 % sugar recovery. MSPSL has also in process to make tie‐ups with the big malls in the metro cities along with Mumbai for sale of branded sugar and also exploring possibilities of exporting refined sugar.

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2.2.7 Objectives for sugar manufacturing. The objectives of the sugar plant of the proposed integrated project are mainly to manufacture quality sugar for national & international markets at optimum operating and energy efficiencies, as well as to provide raw materials for cogen power plant. The integrated project will push the product, which has highest realization in the market at any given time, either sugar or power. The design of the sugar mill would match the latest and modern technologies, being employed for the cogen power plant. At the same time, the flexibility of operation, expansion and diversification, also will be available. 2.2.8 Efforts to fulfill norms for cane to sugar process. To meet the objectives indicated above, the sugar plant of the integrated agro energy project will have special emphasis on following: 1. Highest mill extraction efficiency (more than 96 %), at low investment and power consumption. 2. Lowest steam consumption for the boiling house (less than 33 %), lowest boiling house losses and reduction in capital cost 3. Lowest power consumption (less than 22 kWh/ TCH for electrified fibrizor and mill drives) 4. Lowest effluent discharge (practically nil) 5. Lowest labour cost and chemical consumptions 6. Highest sugar recovery (more than 11.5% on cane) and sugar quality The main parameter of cane crushed from 3rd year onwards will be as follows: 1. Pol % cane, average 14 % 2. Recovery, average 11.5 % on cane 3. Fiber, average 14 % on cane 4. Bagasse generation, average 30 % on cane 5. Bagasse moisture, average 50 % 6. Molasses, 4% on cane During average 2 hr mill shut down period every day, the steam and power consumption will be only for the boiling house, equivalent to around 50‐55% requirement during mill crushing period (1% on cane for medium pressure steam and

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20 % on cane for low pressure steam). The power consumption during this period will also be substantially lower at 10 kWh / TCH. During this period, the cogen and power requirements are indicated herein. 2.3 Sugar Plant Process Conventional double sulphitation Installed capacity, TPD (TPH, on 22 hr 5000 (227)

basis) Net season days, nos. 180 Annual crushing at 100%, MT 9.0 lakh Recovery, % cane 10.80 % in 1st year, 10.90 % in 2nd year & 11.00 % from 3rd year onwards Sugar production, MT 77760 (1st year), 83385 (2nd year) & 89100 (3rd year onwards) Bagasse generation, % cane (TPH) 30 (68.18) Bagacillo / handling losses, % cane 0.80 (1.82)(TPH) Molasses production, % cane 4.25 % Fibre, % cane 14 – 15 Cane preparatory index, % + 85Jawa ratio, % + 80RME + 96 RBHE + 91 Steam consumption, % cane (TPH) 38 (86.36) Power consumption • Sugar process during season (excl. 23 cogen auxiliaries) (KW/TCH) • Colony, KW (season & off 100

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season) Sugar losses Max. 1.75 % Sugar quality ICUMSA colour at 420 nm, less than 75, moisture max. 0.03 %

2.3.1Cogeneration plant capacity The proposed Co‐generation plants will generate gross power export of 17.92 & 22.43 MWH during cane crushing season and off‐season at the generator terminal. After meeting the in house requirement for Sugar and Cogeneration power plants (including losses), the excess power will be exported to the Grid. 2.3.2 Boiler capacity. The proposed Cogeneration plant, will have one (1) No. of 110 TPH capacity boiler with the outlet steam parameters at 46 Ata & 485 oC respectively. During season, the proposed Co‐generation boilers supplying steam to a common header from where steam will be supplied through the connecting piping to the turbo generator of installed capacity of 17 MW for the first 160 days & 25 MW for the remaining days in season. The turbo generators will be a bleed cum back pressure and double extraction cum condensing type. Both will be operated at 90 % PLF. 2.3.3 Steam parameters. The steam parameters at the outlets of the boilers super heater will be 46 Ata with 485 ± 5°C and 87 ata with 515 ± 5°C. The turbines throttle valve inlet pressure and temperature will be 44 Ata with 480 ± 5°C and 85 ata with 510 ± 5°C and the difference in the parameters between the boiler outlet and the turbine throttle valve inlet take care of the pressure and the temperature losses in the piping. 2.3.4 Boiler feed water availability. As the new co‐generation plant will be operating with the boilers outlet steam parameters of 110 Ata and 515 0C, the complete feed water requirements of the boiler will be met essentially by the exhaust condensate. The exhaust steam condensate will be available at 95 0 C and will be directly used in the feed water circuit. The make up for the

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plant operation will be made with demineralized water and hence adequate capacity water treatment plant will be provided. 2.3.5 Cooling tower load & water conservation. The circulating water system will provide cooling water to the condenser for the steam turbine exhaust steam, and to the cooling water heat exchangers. 2.3.6 Fuels, time cycle & output. The cogen power project of 25MW capacity & 110 kg/cm2, 540 oC configuration will mainly operate on mill bagasse and some percentage of cane trash during 160 season days of the sugar null and saved bagasse, tur and cotton stems, cane trash , maize cobs and imported coal (in exigencies) for 170 off‐ season days. Bagasse generated from cane crushing, excluding handling losses and bagacillo requirements will be available for operation of the high – pressure boiler during season of 160 days. Saved baggase , cane trash, cotton/tur stems as well as imported coal in exigency, will be used during the off‐season period of about 170 days. At designed levels, it will generate about 144.68 million kWh and export about 114.08 million kWh through MSEDCL grid for sale to MSEDCL or to third party consumers as per prevailing tariff. All steam and power requirements of the sugar mill and ethanol, co‐gen auxiliaries and colony, both during season and off –season periods, will be met internally from the co‐gen power plant. 2.3.7. Auxiliary steam & power consumption. The auxiliary steam consumption for the power plant will be for soot blowing and other auxiliary consumption like Steam Jet Air Ejector (SJAE) & Gland Steam Condenser (GSC) at high pressure, for twin HP heater at medium pressure and for de‐aerator at low pressure. The auxiliary power consumption for the power plant will be about 9 % of generation during both season and off season periods. 2.4 Co-gen Power Plant

• Total days of operation 330 per year, 180 net season days and 150 off season days • Employment of 110 kg/cm2 high pressure and 540 0C temperature configuration • Steam to fuel ratio of 2.64 kg/kg of bagasse (with HP heater and de‐aerators outlet temperatures of 210 0C and 105 0C respectively)

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• Medium Pressure (MP) steam consumption of 10% during season & off season for HP heater • Low Pressure (LP) steam consumption of 5% during season and 7% during off season for de‐aerator • HP steam consumption of 0.63 TPH for Gland Steam Condenser (GSC) and Steam Jet Air Ejector (SJAE) during season and 0.52 TPH during off season period along with 10 % and 12 % for HP heater during season and off season respectively. • Power consumption for co‐gen auxiliaries of 9 % during season and 9.5 % during off season • Average specific steam consumption of 5.04 kg / kw during season and 4.16 kg/kw during off season The Steam and power cycle design for the proposed co‐gen power plant is indicated below: Sr. Item Unit Value No. Season Operation 1 Avg. cane crushing TCD 5000 2 Gross season days nos. 180 3 Net season days Nos. 180 4 Hrs. / day Nos. 22 5 Normal cane crushing TCH 227 6 Cane crushed Lakh MT 9.00 7 Bagasse generation % cane 30 8 Bagasse generation TPH 68.18 9 Bagasse for bagacillo / handling loss % cane 0.80 TPH 1.82 10 Bagasse available for new boilers TPH 66.36 11 Total equivalent bagasse available for new TPH 66.36 boilers 12 Bagasse saved for off season TPH 18.63 MT 73775 13 Bagasse used by new boilers Kg steam 2.64 / kg 14 Bagasse used by new boilers TPH 47.73 MT 18901115 Steam generation TPH 126.00 16 Steam consumption TPH

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16.1 HP steam @ for SJAE & GSC 0.50 0.63 HP heater I 10.00 12.60 16.2 MP steam @ 8 kg/cm2 Distillery / ethanol plant 0.00 HP heater II 10.00 12.60 D/s water addition 2.00 0.25 Sub‐total 12.35 16.3 LP steam @ 2.5 kg/cm2 Sugar process % cane 38.00 86.36 De‐aerator 5.00 6.30 D/s water addition 2.00 1.85 Sub‐total 90.81 16.4 Condensing steam 9.61 16.5 Total 126.00 17 Power generation MW 5.04 25.00 18 Power consumption MW ‐ Sugar process kWh/TCH 23.00 5.23 ‐ Colony 0.10 ‐ Distillery / ENA / ethanol 0.00 ‐ Co‐gen auxiliaries 9.00 2.25 ‐ Total 7.58 19 Power export MW 17.42 MUs 75.27 20 Total no. of days / year nos. 330 Off Season Operation 21 Off‐season fuel requirement TPH 39.39 22 Total no. of off season days nos. 150 23 No. of hrs / day nos. 24 24 Steam generation TPH 104.00 25 Steam consumption TPH 26.1 HP steam @ for SJAE & GSC 0.50 0.52 HP heater II 12.00 12.48 26.2 MP steam @ 8 kg/cm2 Distillery/ethanol 0.00 HP heater I 10.00 10.40 ‐ D/s water 2.00 0.21 ‐ Total 10.19 26.3 LP steam @ 3 kg/cm2 ‐ De‐aerator 7.00 7.28 ‐ D/s water 2.00 0.15 ‐ Total 7.13

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26.4 Condensing steam 73.67 26.5 Total 104.00 27 Power generation MW 4.16 25.00 28 Power consumption MW ‐ Co‐gen auxiliaries 9.50 2.38 ‐ Sugar process 0.10 ‐ Distillery / ENA / ethanol 0.00 ‐ Colony 0.10 ‐ Total 2.58 29 Power export ‐ MW 22.43 ‐ MUs 80.73 30 Boiler size (110 kg/cm2 & 540 0C) TPH 1 130 31 TG size (105 kg/cm2 & 538 0C) MW 1 25

2.4.1Distillery Plant Distillery plant will operate on molasses as feed stock during season and on saved / purchased molasses as feed stock during off‐season. With 45 % fermentable sugar in molasses one ton of molasses, will yield 235 lit of total spirit. Molasses characteristics

Captive molasses from sugar process will have following characteristics. 1. Water 18 ‐ 20%2. pH 5.5 – 6.0% 3. Colour Dark Brown 4. Total Dissolved Solids 82% 5. Sucrose 35% 6. Reduced Sugar 20% 7. Unfermented Sugar 6% 8. Protein 2% 9. Sulphated ash 10% 10. Specific gravity 1.4 11. Calorific value 3050 Kcal/Kg. 12. SO3 1.5% 13. K2O 4.8%

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14. SiO2 0.4%15. MgO 0.8% 16. Fe2O3 0.3%

2.4.2. Raw materials, products, waste formation in alcohol fermentation a. Raw materials Molasses 157.5 MT/DPress mud 64 MT b. Consumables (chemicals) Urea 120 Kg/D DAP 120 Kg/d Antifoam 60 Kg/d c. Products Rectified Sprit/Neutral Sprit 45 KL/D Composted Bio‐Manure 26 MT/D d. By‐product Fusal Oil 50 Kg/D

2.4.3 Brief alcohol fermentation process Molasses dilution. Molasses is diluted to 10‐15 % sugar concentrate by secondary juice to pH of 4 to 5 to support yeast growth which furnishes invertase and zymase catalytic enzymes. Nutrients such as ammonium and magnecium sulphate or phosphate are added when lacking molasses. This diluted mixture called mash is run into large steel fermentation tank. Alcohol fermentation using Yeast. Yeast solution grown by inoculating sterile mash, is added and fermentation is ensured with evolution of heat which is removed via cooling coils. The temperature is kept at 20‐30 0 C & over 30 0 C for 70 hrs period, rising near the end to 35 0 C. Carbon dioxide may be utilized as byproduct by water scrubbing and compressing, otherwise it is vented out after scrubbing.

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23 End products in distillation. Separation of 8‐10 % alcohol in the fermented liquor called beer is accomplished by series of distillations. In the bear still, alcohol, (50 ‐60 % concentration) and undesirable volatiles such as aldehyde are taken off from the top and fed to the aldehyde still. Alcohol is pulled off as a side stream split to the rectifying column. In the final column, the azeotropic alcohol water mixture of 95 % ethanol is taken off as top stream, condensed and run to storage where is taken off into three parts. 1. Direct as potable, government controlled alcohol 2. Denatured by small addition of mildly toxic ingredient and sold for industrial purpose 3. Made anhydrous by Molecular sieve technology. When fuse oil recovery is practiced, side streams are drawn off near the bottom of aldehyde and rectifying column and are separated by decantation. The bottom stream from the beer still known slops are either discharged as waste or concentrated by evaporation. 2.5. PROCESS MODIFICATIONS IN ALCOHOL FERMENTATION FOR BETTER YIELD.

2.5.1 Feed preparation & weighment of molasses in bulk storage tank. Molasses stored in a large storage tank is first weighed in a tank with load cells so that accurate quantity can be fed to the fermentation section. The weighed molasses is then transferred from tank to the dilutor in fermentation section where it is diluted with water and fed to the fermenter. 2.5.2. Yeast propagation & continuous fermentation. The yeast from slant is transferred to shaker flasks and grown to the required volume. This “genetically marked” yeast strain is the further propagated, under aseptic conditions, in yeast culture vessel. These vessels are equipped with educators which are designed to achieve enhanced efficiencies through better sugar / yeast contact by shearing and mixing, efficient oxygen transfer etc,. The ready yeast “seed” is then transferred from culture vessel to fermenter.

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2.5.3. Molasses dilution. The molasses is diluted by recycled weak beer (partially exhausted spent wash or vinasse) before fermentation. This recycle conserves corresponding amount of Dilution Water. The glucose in the feed media gets converted to ethanol, in each of the 3 fermentaters operating in continuous cascade mode. A plate heat exchanger and a circulation pump is provided to each fermenter, which will continuously circulate the fermenting wash through PHE for maintaining the fermentaters at 30 0C. Nutrients, biocide, acid and anti‐foam agents are fed to the fermentaters as per process requirement. Liberated CO2 during fermentation is sent to CO2 Scrubber for recovery of ethanol otherwise being lost in vent. 2.5.4. Recycling of Yeast cells. In cascade mode of operation the yeast is recycled by using centrifugal yeast separators and then acidified in yeast acidification tank and then reactivated in activation vessel. The yeast slurry is then again sent to 3rd culture vessel. The fermented wash is then sent to the clarification tank equipped with Lamella Separator. The settled sludge is sent to sludge washing tank for recovery of alcohol and the washed sludge is sent to a decanter for further recovery of wash and simultaneous reduction of moisture in the sludge. 2.5.5. Multi pressure distillation. Evaporation The proposed ethanol plant will have manufacturing capacity of 45 KLPD. The ethanol plant will be operated using steam and power that will be generated from the integrated project. Single stage evaporation technology will be used to reduce the spent wash generation from about 8 liters per liter of ethanol in order to reduce pollution. Bio‐compost equipments will be used to treat the spent wash generated from the ethanol plant along with the Micro 110 culture. The compost fertilizer thus produced will be sold to the farmers in the near by villages.

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Separation process The fermentation mash containing Alcohol, non‐fermentable solids and water is supplied to distillation column to separate the alcohol and other impurities, as a continuous flow. The distillation column is designed for premium quality extra neutral alcohol. The distillation & other scrubber tower details are as below. The system consists of 8 main columns, namely CO2 stripper, stripper column, pre‐rectifier column, extraction column, rectification column, refining column, fusel oil column and heads concentration column. Stripping operation Wash is fed to CO2 stripper column to remove CO2 gas present in wash. Alcohol is stripped from water in stripper column. The top vapors from stripper column are fed to pre‐rectifier column as feed and as heat source too. Pre‐rectifier removes most of the fusel oils. The distillate from pre‐rectifier column is fed to extraction column after dilution where process water is used for dilution. Most of the high boiling impurities separate from ethanol in presence of water in extraction column. The bottom ethanol water mixture is pre‐heated by steam condensate and spent leese before being fed to rectifier column. Rectification of Alcohol In rectifier column product rectified spirit is taken out from top tray and fed to refining column where mainly methanol impurities are separated. Pure ENA is obtained at bottom, which is cooled and stored. The impure spirit from top of extraction column, rectifier column and refining column are fed to column heads. The final impure spirit cut is taken out from tops of columns and balance alcohol is recycled to pre‐rectifier column. The alcohol containing fusel oil from pre‐rectifier and rectifier column is fed to fusel oil column. Spent wash isolation & concentration. The top vapors from stripper column, extraction column and fusel oil column are condensed in evaporator for spend wash concentration. The rectifier column, fusel oil column and pre‐rectifier columns get heat from steam at 3.5 bar (g).

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Water & energy conservation Rectification column and pre‐rectifier columns work under positive pressure. The top vapors from rectifier column are condensed in stripper column for giving heat to stripper re‐boiler. Most of the other columns work under vacuum. The distillation process is operated through PLC. Plant capacity, KLPD 45 Fermentation efficiency Minimum 89 %Distillation efficiency Minimum 98.5 %Feed stock Own molasses during season Effluent generation 8.00 lit / lit of RS on molasses Water requirement for dilution 10 lit / lit of RS on molasses. and process & cooling water make up Fermentation Continuous type with minimum efficiency of 89 % along with necessary stand by fermenter and instrumentation / control Ethanol / absolute alcohol Molecular sieve Spent wash treatment Spent wash concentrator, burning of concentrated spent wash in a separate boiler, generation of process steam and power for ethanol plant, through matching back pressure turbine generator and auxiliaries

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Steam & power requirement Steam @ 3.5 kg/cm2 pressure and power, to be supplied by separate boiler and TG set (provision for supply of required steam & power from co‐ gen power plant envisaged in exigencies) Ethanol Recovery/MT of 235 Ltr molasses Molasses generation at 90 34425 (4.25 % molasses recovery) % capacity utilization No of days of operation of Fuel About 236 days (at 90 % capacity utilization) ethanol plant2.6 Water Balance a. For Sugar and Cogeneration Power Plant Usage Requirement CuM/d Waste GENERATED CuM/d

Loss/Consumption CuM/d Boiler 154 38.5 115.5 Cooling Tower 354 81.5 272 Sugar process 500 350 150 DM plant 30 30 ‐ Domestic 40 32 8 Green Belt 10 ‐ 10 Total 1088 532 556

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b. Water Balance For 45 KLPD Rs/ENA/Ethanol Distillery Plant Water Input (m3/d) Water Output (m3/d) Water present in molasses 120 x 0.3 36 Evaporation and loss from cooling water 174 Fresh water used for dilution of molasses in fermenter (120 x 2.0)

240 Purge from cooling water 12.00 Make up water for circulation water, towards evaporation drift losses and boiling feed WTP

150 Waste water to drain 5.0

Misc. application lab, equipment and floor works 6 Domestic waste water 1 Domestic water 2.00 Spent wash 240 432 432 Gardening 100 Gardening 100 Total 532 Total 532

2.7 Project Cost Breakup

Rs. Lakhs

No. Description

Co-gen Ethanol Sugar Total

1 Land 100 40 140 280 2 Site development 60 34 75 169 3 Civil work & building 1480 879 Q638 3997 4 Indigenous plant and machinery 7511 1845 6330 15686 5 Miscellaneous fixed assets 225 90 270 585

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6 Preliminary and pre operative expenses 833 256 873 19627 Contingencies 305 93 280 678 8 Working capital margin 200 34 519 743 9 Total 10714 3271 10115 24100

Expected Outputs Based on the appraised design basis, the expected outputs from the sugar co‐gen, power & distillery plants are indicated in the following table: Sr. Item Value

No. Yr I Yr II Yr III Yr IV Yr V 1. Sugar Plant 1.1 Avg.Cane crushing capacity, TPD (TCH) 5000(227) 5000 (227) 5000 (227) 5000 (227) 5000 (227) 1.2 Net season days, 180 180 180 180 180 nos. 1.3 Capacity % utilization, 80 85 90 90 90 1.4 Cane crushed, MT 720000 765000 810000 810000 8100001.5 Recovery, % cane 10.80 % 10.90 % 11.00 % 11.00 % 11.00 % 1.6 Sugar production, MT 77760 83385 89100 89100 89100 2. Co-gen Power Plant 2.1 Power export, season MW 17.42 17.42 17.42 17.42 17.42 2.2 No. of days 180 180 180 180 180 2.3 No. of hrs / day 24 24 24 24 24

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2.4 Power export, season MW off 22.43 22.43 22.43 22.43 22.43

2.5 No. of days 0 150 150 150 150 2.6 Capacity utilization, % 80 85 90 90 90 2.7 Power export, M Kwh 60.20 132.60 140.40 140.40 140.40 3. Distillery Plant 3.1 Installed Capacity, KLPD 45 45 45 45 45 3.2 No of days 180 300 300 300 300 3.3 Capacity Utilization, % 80 85 90 90 90 3.4 Molasses production, MT 30600 32513 34425 34425 34425 3.5 Annual Impure Spirit production, KL 324 574 608 608 608 3.6 Annual Ethanol production, KL 5848 10356 10965 10965 10965 3.7 Annual production –Fusel Oil, KL 32 57 61 61 61

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Baseline environmental status is very important for predicting the future environmental degradation. Therefore it is necessary to carry out monitoring of air, water, noise, soil quality and also to know existing flora and fauna, land use pattern and socioeconomic status of the surrounding area from the project site. The baseline status of environment is collected in area of 10 Km radius from the project site. The baseline data is collected during the period of Feb to April 2013. Site Location Site is situated at Post– Nimbal (Bk), Taluka Indi, District Bijapur, Karnataka State. The topography of the site is plane with gentle slope. The agriculture land is converted to Industrial purpose. 3.0 Salient Features of the site

Features Details Altitude 500 mGeo codes 17o 06’ 48” N, 72o 52’ 28.4” E Max./Min temp 44.9o C / 6.7o C Relative Humidity 28 to 85 % Annual Rainfall 671 mm Topography Plain slightly undulating Soil Type Clayey Town nearest 11.8 km Indi City 36 km Bijapur Railway Station 3.4 km Nimbal Nearest Air port 57 km Solapur National highway 11.5 km NH 13 Historical places, Monuments, heritage sites, Wild life sanctuaries, National Parks None within 10 kms

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3.1 GEOGRAPHY OF BIJAPUR Bijapur district is located in the northern part of Karnataka state. It falls in the northern maidan region, between 150 50’‐ 170 28’ north latitudes and 740 59’‐ 760 28’ east longitudes and lies between two major rivers namely the Krishna and the Bhima. Bijapur is one of the largest districts in Karnataka and has an area of 10541 km2, consisting 5.49 % of the area of the state. The population and density of the district as per the 2001 Census is 18,06,918 and 245 respectively. It is nearly 580 km away from the state capital Bangalore. The district is bounded by Solapur district on the north and Sangli on the north–west (both of Maharastra state), by Belgaum on the west, Bagalkot on the south, Gulburga on the east and by Raichur on the south–east. Thus, it is a land–locked district on the northern boundary of Karnataka. Geographically, the district lies in the tract of the Deccan Plateaus. The lands of the district can be broadly divided into three zones: the northern belt consisting of the northern parts of Bijapur Taluka of Indi and Sindagi; the central belt consisting of Bijapur city; the southern belt consisting of the rich alluvial plains of the Krishna river parted from the central belt by a stretch of barren trap. The topograpghy of the district is plane with gentle slopes. Road access in district The broad gauge line of SW Railway connecting Hubli Sholapur passes through the district. The NH 13 Bangalore to Sholapur and NH‐213 of Hubli Sholapur pass through the district. Bijapur district is connected with other district headquarters through state high ways. Geomorphology and soil The entire district is categorised as Deccan Pedi plain. Physiographically, it can be divided into four physiographic units’ viz., residual hills, pediments, pedi plains and valleys. The ground altitude varies from 470 to 650 m above MSL. The ground surface is flat, gently sloping forming broad valleys and flat‐topped hills. Flat topped hills with step like sides exhibit the terraced landscape. The northern belt is a succession of low rolling uplands devoid of vegetation. The district is occupied by three types of soils viz. Black soils, Red sandy soils and mixed soils. Formation of various types of soils is a complex function of chemical weathering of

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bedrocks, vegetative decay and circulation of precipitated water. Soils are mostly in situ in nature. Black soils are derived from basaltic bedrock. These soils in upland areas are shallower and are deeper in valley portions. The Don River valley has plains and consisting of rich tracks of deep black cotton soils stretching from west to east in the central part of the district. The infiltration characteristics are poor to moderate. The constant rate of infiltration in these soils varies from 0.75 to 2.5 cm/hr. These soils are alkaline in nature, low in potassium and nitrogen. Black cotton soils with high clay and humus content in low‐lying areas. They have high moisture holding capacity and on drying up these soils develop open cracks. Red soils, which are sandy in nature derived from granites, gneisses and sandstones, are found in southern part of Muddebial taluk of the district. The infiltration rates of these soils range from 2.6 to 3.8 cm/hr. Mixed soils are derived from the fringe areas of Deccan traps and granites, gneisses, limestones and sandstones in Muddebial and Basavana Bagewadi taluks of Bijapur district. These are dark greyish brown and dark brown to dark reddish brown in colour. Their texture varies from loam to clay. The infiltration characteristics of these soils are moderate to good in nature. 3.2 Drainage pattern The Krishna River forms the southern boundary with Bagalkot district and Bhima river forms northern boundary with the Maharashtra State. Southern part of Bijapur district forms a catchment area of the Krishna while northern part forms catchment area of Bhima, an important tributary of the Krishna river. A major dam has been constructed across the Krishna river near Almatti in the district. Don river is the tributary of the Krishna and flows for about 160 km in a meandering course from west to east in the central part of the district. The water of this river is generally brackish; it becomes saline at several places during dry months of the year, resulting salt encrustations on the banks of dry beds. During the rainy seasons the river is subjected to flash floods. The drainage pattern is sub‐dendritic to sub‐parallel in nature and the drainage density varies from 0.49 to 1.02 km/km2.

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3.3 Hydrogeology The major part of the district is occupied by the basaltic flows of Deccan traps, which constitutes the main rock formation in the north and central part of the district. These basaltic flows belong to the sequence of Middle Deccan Traps of Upper Cretaceous to Lower Eocene Age. The formations of Granites and Gneisses of Penisular Gneissic Complex and Bhima Series cover a small portion in south and southeastern part of the district. The Granites and Gneisses of Penisular Gneissic Complex cover south and southeastern part of Muddebial taluk, which forms the oldest formations in the district. They are seen as big, rounded, massive boulders and isolated hills. The granitic rocks are pink in colour, coarse grained with well‐developed joints and are intruded by pegmatites, quartz veins and basic dolerite dykes. The depth of weathering in the district varies from1 to 15 m. The Lower Bhima Series comprises of flaggy limestone and shales, orthoqurtzites and sandstones are overlying crystalline rocks, which are separated by Basal Conglomerates. The exposures of these formations are found in the east and northeastern parts of Muddebial taluka of Bijapur district. The basalts of Deccan Traps are either horizontal or gently sloping towards south east. The basalts are generally dark grey to black in colour, fine grained, highly vesicular and zeolitic in nature. At some places closed spaced joints, the columnar jointing and spheroidal weathering are commonly observed. The amygdaloidal basalts on weathering results in light grey to purple coloured decomposed material with shining secondary minerals similar to Blue dust. The inter‐flow horizons are marked by the presence of red bole beds. Weathered layer forms an important zone for infiltration of water and as its thickness increases, the holding capacity of formation increases. The extent of weathering depends on several factors like, topography, texture, mineralogical composition and extent of fracturing and jointing. Thick weathered zones with porous residual material forms in topographic lows, act as potential groundwater reservoirs. The thickness of weathered zone varies from place to place because of varied litho logical character of

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flows, slope, intensity of weathering and prevailing climate. Thick weathered zone favoured for storage of more water since the layer has more porosity and permeability than compact rock. Length of casing lowered indirectly indicates the thickness of weathered zone.

3.4 Rainfall and climate The district experiences semi‐arid climate with extreme summers. It enjoys a climate with hot summers and chilly winters. Incidence of drought occurs due to inadequate and erratic distribution of rainfall in space and time. The dust storms and severe heat waves are common during April and May months. The district experiences the temperature variation between 20 0C and 42 0C. The temperature begins to rise by the end of February, till the month May, which is the hottest month. Coldest months are December and January. The year is divided in to summer season from March to May, monsoon season from June to September, post‐monsoon season from October to November. The highest monthly rain fall recorded 149.2 mm in September and the lowest is 3.4 mm in

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the month of February. The district receives an average annual rain fall of 578 mm. The normal rain fall of the district received is varied from 569 to 595 mm and the normal rainy days also varied from 36.5 to 39.5 mm in the year. Season Rainfall (mm) SW monsoon (June‐Sep) 388 NE monsoon (Oct‐Dec) 130 Winter (Jan‐Feb) 7 Summer (Mar‐May) 56

Table: Rainfall statistics for Bijapur between 1971 and 2004

Average 555 Highest 875 Lowest 264 SD 156 CV (%) 28 Rainy days 52

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Parameters Study Inference

Micrometeorological Study Wind Profile, Temperature, Humidity, rainfall To assess air pollution impacts on neighboring environment Air Quality Data Particulate Matter PM10 and PM2.5micron Sulphur Dioxide ( SO2) Oxides of nitrogen ( NOx) Carbon Monoxide ( CO) To assess air quality

Noise Quality Noise To identify Noise levels Water and Soil Study Physicochemical analysis To assess quality of water and soil Socio‐Economic Study Demography and occupation and Amenities in the area To asses human index

3.6 Micrometeorology of the Site The frequency of occurrence of wind in various speed categories was calculated on the basis of total number of observations recorded. The average 24 hour windrose diagram during summer 2013 reveals that the predominant wind direction during the study period is from West of South West The wind pattern during 00 to 23 hours is shown in fig below. The predominant wind direction in summer is W and NW and average wind speed as 7 to 11 Km /hr.

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3.7 AMBIENT AIR QUALITY MONITORING LOCATIONS The ambient air quality monitoring was carried out at Five locations shown below. The locations were selected considering upwind, down wind and cross wind directions from the project site. At all the station monitoring was carried for a frequency of twice a week for 4 weeks in a month during study period. The air pollutants fine particulate matter (PM10& PM2.5), Sulphur dioxide (SO2),Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx), Carbon Monoxide (CO),

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Mercury (Hg) and Ozone (O3) were monitored, analysed and compared with the NAAQ standards stipulated by CPCB.



Location Distance in

km w. r. t


Direction w. r. t


Wind Pattern

W.R.T Wind

rose A‐1 Project site ‐ ‐ ‐ A‐2 Nimbal Bk 3.8 W Cross WindA‐3 Tadawalaga 4.5 SE Cross wind A‐4 Lingadhalli 4.9 S Upwind A‐5 Babalad 6.9 NW Cross Wind The ambient air quality observed during the study period is well within the prescribed National Ambient Air Quality Standards and reported in Annexure C 3.8 Noise Environment

The noise monitoring locations are as under-

Station Code Location Distance in km

w. r. t Plant

Direction w. r. t Plant

A‐1 Project site ‐ ‐A‐2 Hanjagi 3.1 NNE A‐3 Nimbal Bk 3.8 W A‐4 Tadawalaga 4.5 SE A‐5 Lingadhalli 4.9 S A‐6 Babalad 6.9 NW The noise levels observed on all locations were in range of 50 to 68dBA (at project site) during day time and 42‐60(at project site) dBA during night time. Refer Annexure D

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3.9 Water Environment

3.9.1 Surface Water Quality

Surface water Sampling Locations are as under

Station code Sampling Location Distance from plant site

Sw1 Dharsang 28 Km

Sw2 Lachhan 23 Km

The water from Bhima River was also analyzed and it was found that it is potable. 3.9.2 Ground water Quality Bijapur District can be categorized as a low to moderately yielding area (1000lph to 8000lph) 72.2% of district falling in this category. From considerable part of the district (9%) poor yielding (less than 1000 lph sources) or non –feasible areas have been reported. The talukas having largest poor yielding area, are Muddebihal (19%) followed by Indi (15%), Bijapur and sindagi (13% each), Basavan Bagewadi (4%) . Low yielding areas ( 1000lph to 4000lph source) in the district constitute about 40% of the district, with the largest being Basavan Bagewadi (54%) and smallest in Indi taluka Moderate yields (4000lph to 8000lph source ) are reported from 36% of the district, highest being in Bijapur with 70% of the area, and lowest being in Sindagi with 19% of the taluka. High yielding areas (more than 8000lph sources) over 15% of the district. The smallest area under this category are in Sindagi Taluka (2% each) and largest is in muddebihal (29% each) where very lengthy contact zones occurs between traps and other formations Groundwater status (2004)

Taluka Safe Semi‐critical Critical Over‐exploited B. Bagewadi 1 55 44

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Bijapur 33 22 30 15Indi 36 4 29 31Muddebihal 12 33 55Sindagi 33 8 59

The ground water quality at 3 locations was monitored. It was observed the hardness of water was in the range of 321 to 452 ppm which is on higher side. The water from Bhima river was also analyzed and it was found that it is potable.

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3.10 Soil Quality

Major soil types Black soils constitute 90% of the area with 400,000 ha of medium black soils, 262,000 ha of shallow black soils and 234,000 ha deep black soils.

Area irrigated by different sources (ha) in Taluks of Bijapur District

Taluk Canals Tanks Dug wells Bore


Other Total

B. Bagewadi 1583 391 9123 15949 5833 32879 Bijapur 782 15925 23936 2998 43643 Indi 28167 160 46165 25074 13071 112637 Muddebihal 9942 528 3110 5071 269 18920Sindagi 30286 159 14124 8704 583 53856Total 66978 2020 88447 78734 22754 261933

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3.10.1 Land use pattern Bijapur District has a total land area of 10, 540km2. Half the land area is under annual cultivation (current and other fallows), 20% are barren and 20% non‐agricultural. Land use has not changed greatly in the last 40 years, the most notable feature being the variability in current fallows year by year. Overall there has been a trend for area of current fallows to increase. Table: Landuse by Taluk in Bijapur District

Taluk Area


Forest Non-




Fallows Intensity

B. Bagewadi 1979 11.4 124 14 400 110 Bijapur 2658 8.3 198 81 724 111 Indi 2225 141 25 285 122 Muddebihal 1497 85 21 361 111 Sindagi 2176 99 23 421 112 The major landuse changes that have occurred in the last decade are the conversion of rangeland and non‐cultivated land to annual cropping, and the loss of agricultural land.

Fig. x. Areas under diferent land use in Bijapur District

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3.10.2 Cropping Pattern

Of the total geographical area of 10.53 lakh ha. 7.76 lakh ha. Is available for cultivation which is 74% of the total area, while area under forest account for only 0.19% of the total area. Only 17.3% of the net cultivable area is irrigated and balance 82.7% of the area has to depend on monsoon. The cropping pattern in the district reveals that food crops like jowar, maize, bajra and wheat among cereals, red gram, Bengal gram and green gram among pulses are major crops cultivated in the district. The major oilseed crops are sunflower, groundnut and safflower. Horticulture crops like grapes, pomegranate, ber, guave sapota, lime are also grown. Recent trend shows that there is a low shift towards fruit crops like Pomegranate and grapes of the total area of 8.61 lakh ha. Covered during 2002‐03 cereals occupy about 55.2% by oilseeds 24.5% pulse 15.6% and other commercial crops like cotton and sugarcane about 4.8% There is slight shift towards commercial crops like cotton and sugarcane over last 2 years. Cropping pattern and intensity Depending on soil depth, cropping in Bijapur can be either Kharif (rainy season), Rabi (post‐rainy season on residual moisture) or both (extended Kharif). The net sown area in Bijapur is 872,000 ha and the area sown more than once 193,000 ha, giving a cropping intensity of 122%. The major field crops cultivated includepigeonpea (redgram), sunflower and pearl millet in the Kharif and sorghum, sunflower and chickpea in the Rabi. Yields of rainfed crops are low. The area under maize is increasing under irrigation and this is associated with very high yields relative to other staple cereals. In terms of production, maize and pearl millet are the dominant crops.

Kharif Rabi Summer Total

Crop Rainfed Irrigated Rainfed Irrigated Sunflower 109 109 221Sorghum 217 3 217 Pigeonpea 127 127

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Pearl millet 93 93 Maize 24 1 25 Chickpea 158 158

Kharif Rabi Summer Total Crop Productio

n (‘000 t) Yield (kg/ha)

Production (‘000 t)

Yield (kg/ha)

Production (‘000 t)

Yield (kg/ha)

Production (‘000 t) Sunflower 7.1 400 8.2 200 0.4 700 15.8 Sorghum 37.8 700 11.9 Pigeonpea 9.6 201 9.6 Pearl millet 11.9 600 31.9 Maize 25.9 2600 4.9 2750 1.1 2550 37.8 Chickpea 21.1 650 21.1 Horticultural crops (trees and vegetables) occupy about 27,000 ha, mostly under irrigation

The land holding pattern in the district indicates that small and marginal farmers account for 4% of total land holdings and 0.6% of the total land, semi‐medium for 27.5% with 10.1% of total land while 68% of the holdings are above 2ha. Accounting 89.3% of land.

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Fig. Areas (ha) of different commodities in each Taluk. 2008-09

3.11 Biological Environment The study of Flora and Fauna in the 10 km radius from the project site was carried out. The eco sensitive and wild life sanctuary was not found in 10 km radius. In the study area trees like Neem, Tamrind, Karanj, Umber, Pipal, Babul and some common trees were observed. As regards fauna is concerned, Monkey, Mangoose, jackal were among the mammals, frog from amphibian, Naja‐Naja, Viper from reptiles were noticed. Among the avifauna, Drango, Parrot, Crow, and Green bea eater were are found. The ecological study was undertaken to understand the present status of ecosystem of the area, to predict changes as a result of proposed activities and to suggest measures for maintaining the conditions. This carried through secondary data collected from various Govt. agencies like Forest Department, Agriculture Department etc. Sr. No. Common Name Scientific Name Family A. FLORA 1 Amba Mangifera indica Anacardiaceae 2 Sitaphal Annona squamosa L. Annonaceae 3 Ashok Polyalthia longifolia Annonaceae 4 Saptaparni Alstonia scholaris Apocynaceae

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5 Kaner Nerium indicum Apocynaceae 6 Sadaphuli Vinca rosea Apocynaceae 7 Tad Borassus fabellifer Arecaceae 8 Coconut Cocos nucifera Arecaceae 9 Rui Calotropis gigantea Asclepiadaceae 10 Dagadipala Tridax procumbens Asteraceae 11 Neel Gulmohor Jacaranda

mimosefolia Bignoniaceae 12 Shalmali Bombax ceiba Bombacaceae 13 Bahava Cassia fistula Caesalpiniaceae 14 Cassia Cassia javanica Caesalpiniaceae 15 Cassia Cassia siamea Caesalpiniaceae16 Takla Cassia tora Caesalpiniaceae 17 Gulmohar Delonix regia Caesalpiniaceae 18 Copper pod Peltophorum

ferruginium Caesalpiniaceae 19 Chinch Tamarindus indica Caesalpiniaceae 20 Motha Cyperus spp. Cyperaceae 21 Palash Butea monosperma Fabaceae 22 Gokarna Clitoria ternatea Fabaceae 22 Karanj Pongamia pinnata Fabaceae 23 Mehndi Lawsonia inermis Lythraceae 24 Jaswand Hibiscus rosasinensis Malvaceae 25 Bakan neem Melia azedarach Meliaceae 26 Ausrtalian babool Acacia auriculiformis Mimosaceae 27 Kala shirish Albizia lebbeck Mimosaceae 28 Vad Ficus benghalensis Moraceae 29 Umbar Ficus glomerata Moraceae 30 Pimpal Ficus religiosa Moraceae

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31 Shevga Moringa oleifera Moringaceae 32 Nilgiri Eucalyptus globulus Myrtaceae 33 Jambhul Eugenia jambolana Myrtaceae 34 Boganvel Bouganvillea

spectabilis Nyctaginaceae 35 Surwal Andropogan contortus Poaceae 36 Rohis Andropogon martinii Poaceae 37 Dub Cynodon dactylon Poaceae 38 Bordi Zizyphus jujuba Rhamnaceae 39 Bor Zizyphus mauritiana Rhamnaceae 40 Bakul Mimusops elengi Sapotaceae 41 Rukhdo Ailanthus excelsa Simaroubaceae42 Pankanis Typha angustata Typhaceae B. FAUNA a. Birds 1 Sparrow hawk Accipitter nisus Accipitridae 2 Pariah Kite Milvus migrans Accipitridae 3 Common Blue Kingfisher Alcedo atthis Alcedinidae 4 White breasted Kingfisher Halcyon

smyrnensis Alcedinidae 5 Little Egret Egretta garzetta Ardeidai 6 Common Sandpiper Tringa hypoleucos Cacanidae 7 Redwattled Lapwing Vanellus indicus Cacanidae 8 Crimson brested Barbet Megalaima

haenacephala Capitonidae 9 Indian Ring Dove Streptopelia

decaocta Columbidae 10 Blue Rock Pigeon Columba livia Columbidie

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11 House Crow Corvus splendens Corvidae 12 Crow pheasnt Centropus sinensis Cuculidae 13 Koel Eudynamys

scolopacea Cuculidae 14 Black Drongo Dicrurus adsimilis Dicruridae 15 Swallow Hirundo rustica Hirundinidae 16 Yellow Wag Tail Motacilla flava Motacillidae 17 Magpie robin Copsychus saularis Muscicapinae 18 Indian Robin Saxicoloides

fulicata Muscicapinae 19 Purple Sunbird Nectarinia

asiatica Nectariniidae 20 Purple rumped Sunbird Nectarinia

zeylonica Nectariniidae 21 House Sparrow Passer domesticus Ploceidae 22 Baya Ploceus

philippinus Ploceidae 23 Rose‐ringed Parakeet Psittacula krameri Psittacidae 24 Redvented Bulbul Pycnonotus cafer Pyconotidae 25 Common Myna Acridotheres

tristis Sturnidae b. Mammals 1 Common Langur Presbetis entellus Cercopithecidae 2 stripped Squirrel Funambulus

penanti Sciuridae 3 Common Jackle Cannis aureus 4 Wolf Cannis


5 Mangoose Herpestes‐

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6 Indian Hare Lepur‐Nigricollis 7 Wild Pig Sus‐screfa 8 Fruit Eating Bat c. Reptiles 1 Common garden lizard

Calotes versicolour Agamidae 2 Cobra NajaNaja 3 Russel viper Viperarusseli 4 Rat Snake Ptyasmucosus

Livestock and poultry Livestock are an integral part of all systems and total livestock numbers have increased in the last decade to >3 m. This is associated with increases in all types of livestock. Buffaloes have increased relative to cattle and goats declined substantially relative to sheep. ‘Backyard’ poultry are kept by all farmers. There are very few improved livestock types. The greatest number of livestock are in Indi Taluka, which has the greatest area under irrigation. Table Livestock by Taluka


Taluk Local


bred Total


es Sheep Goats Pigs


y B. Bagewadi 41855 270 42125 26310 92533 90602 3382 58134 Bijapur 53984 457 54441 47339 92828 99708 4098 41111 Indi 86091 264 86355 63359 46100 110943 6760 97641 Muddebihal 42691 114 42805 24493 76677 67294 4229 57451 Sindagi 55028 99 55127 29786 28893 83758 8737 58398

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3.12 Socio economic pattern This region suffers from frequent famine like situation due variable rain fall. Thus it lacks proper infrastructure development for industrial set up. Many areas depend upon traditional work places of small and tiny industries, farming and trading. The district has been divided into five taluks for administrative convenience viz. Basavana Bagewadi, Bijapur, Indi, Muddebial and Sindagi taluks. The population and density of the district as per the 2001 Census is 18,06,918 and 245 respectively. The district witnessed a growth rate of 23 % during the last decade The study area consists of 22 villages. Total population of Indi taluka is 3,53, 987 and study area is 44836 with 23507 males and 21329 females. The sex ratio of the study area is 907. The total literate in study area is 43.8%, the percentage of total main workers is 36.1% and 63.9 are non workers. Bijapur district has very less rain fall. Though road and rail connection exists due to lack of proper infrastructure development industrial growth has not taken place in the district. It is restricted to cement aector and traditional agriculture. The District is predominantly an agricultural belt. Besides this, dairy, poultry, seep/goat rearing, sericulture, Horticulture activities are being pursued by the population. The district has tremendous market potential for mass consumer goods, semi durables, durables industrial raw materials, intermediate products, capital goods, agricultural implements, etc. The undivided Bijapur District finds 12th place in terms of number of registered SSI units in the state as of March 1995. The District Rural Industries Project (DRIP) which is under implementation from 1999‐2000 has shown good progress during first years. 3.12.1 Historical importance of Bijapur Bijapur lies in the Deccan region of India. Bijapur is famous in history for the Adil Shahi dynasty. The founder of this dynasty was Yusuf Adil Khan, one of the Generals of Mahmud Gawan. In 1492 A.D., Yusuf Khan declared independence and established the Adil Shahi dynasty at Bijapur which included Goa under him. Bijapur enjoyed a tolerant rule and an efficient administration. Bijapur detailed its independence in 1686 A.D.

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when Aurangzeb annexed it. Bijapur is 201 Kms from Belgaum originally the capital of old Adil Shahi Sultan of Bijapur, who called it ‘The City of Victory’. Bijapur abounds in architectural wealth. Some of its architectural monuments are: v The Gol Gumbaz – Gol Gumbaz is the mausoleum of Mohammud Adil Shah’s two wives, one of his daughter’s and a grandson. It is built in Turkish style with the 2nd largest door in the world. In its whispering galleries, a clap is echoed 10 times and even the slightest whisper can be heard from one side to the other. Its special feature is the use of intersecting arches to the support the door and the bold foliations at the base. v Jama Masjid – Jama Masjid of Bijapur is one of the finest Indian mosques due to its harmony. It is the biggest mosque of South India. It is large in space as it can accommodate 2250 worshippers at a time. It was constructed by Ali Adil Shah I. On the whole, it is a simple building with no much of ornamentation. v Asar Mahal – Asar Mahal was built by Mahmud Adil Shah in 1646 A.D. It served as a Hall of Justice. There are fresco paintings on the upper storey. Two hair of Prophet Mohammed are kept here as relics. v The Citadel – The Citadel is mostly an influential structure, which is the reminance of important buildings such as Gagan Mahal, the Royal Palace, Darbar Hall and the Jala Mandir. Few other interesting places are Anand Mahal, Chini Mahal, the Macca Masjid, also known as the Ibrahim Roza

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4.0 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT PREDICTION Sugar cane crop & mills exist with lot of uncertainties such as water scarcity, uncertain monsoon, price of sugar cane, crop yield, hike in power rates, quality seeds etc. Indian agriculture relies solely on the monsoon rains and irrigation facilities. Sugar cane crop production is subjected to changes at each place each year with price changes for same quality cane. These facts yield them lower returns than prediction & make them vulnerable in race of time. Sugar factories are mainly established in rural areas for want of raw material as major agriculture crop sugarcane. All sugar production in India solely comes from sugar cane with a time proven well‐established process to get sugar output. The mainly tried options to dispose Bagasse were compost, cattle feed, craft paper. EIA provides a mechanism to simultaneously consider base line data & probable future adverse effects on the environment as a consequence of the action to create any processing unit, expressway, irrigation, canal, barrage, mining activity etc. before the commissioning of the desired project work. A significant component of EIA studies exists to predict, assess the potential of impacts of the project on the surrounding environment. Environmental impact in the study area reflects in any changes of environmental conditions, adverse or beneficial effects caused or induced by the impact of project if implemented. Superimposition of predicted impact over pre‐project base line data shows final picture of environmental conditions. Step of quantitative impact prediction leads to decline suitable environment management plan needed to implement before initiation of project, commissioning stage to mitigate adverse effects on environmental quality. Impact prediction in various areas of air, water, soil, noise, socio‐economic for sugar, co‐generation, alcohol distillery are given in following sections. Integrated plant involves activities to set up a plant, machinery, create infrastructure to transport raw material, finished products as dominant activities in construction phase. In construction phase they have various impacts on air & water quality, noise levels, socio‐economic environment etc. Traditionally the co‐generation plants are well known for their adverse environmental impacts due to the Bagasse and ash disposal problems in operational phase. Next steps describe a brief description of the environmental

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impacts of proposed co‐generation project both in construction and operational phases and methodology and results of mathematical and simulation models used in their prediction. 4.1 IMPACT DURING CONSTRUCTION PHASE Project construction phase will be of one and half year whose activities will surely show effects on land environment, water, air, noise level, soil quality, socio‐economic trend etc. As first phase construction has already been initiated hence its impact on air, water quality noise and soil will not be notable. This activity will have a positive impact in case of Socio‐economic culture for the people in the nearby villages. They will have chance for local employment like foundation, fabrication, brick, masonry, and painting and machinery erection. Along with that tree plantation will be one of the activities. Involved number of workers in construction phase is less hence, impact at site will be negligible. 4.1.1 Land Environment Some excavation, land filling and development aspects may be needed for leveling of the ground. Impact due to solid residue, ash from co-generation Ash formation will occur due to use of Bagasse & coal as fuels in Cogeneration plant. Formed ash will be collected, mixed in press mud & distributed free to farmers during season & during off season will be given to nearby brick manufacturers it can also be used as a material for land filling. 4.1.2 Water Environment During construction hardly 35m3 water will be required for slab working. The construction activity will not have any effect on ground as well as surface water. Even the domestic waste water generated in the labour camp is also very low. Mitigation Waste water generated during construction is insignificant. Proper sanitation facility will be provided with septic tank so that there will be no negative impact on water.

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4.1.3 Air Environment During construction activity there is a probability of increase in SPM due to transportation of trucks, trolleys construction debris, cement etc. Mitigation: all the vehicles permitted at the project site will be possessing Pollution under control certificate. There will be provision of water sprinkling on the project site to control dust emission. 4.1.4 Noise Environment The construction activity will generate noise due to vehicles like trucks and machinery like bulldozers, concrete mixers, cranes etc. the noise levels are between 70 to 80 dB. Mitigation: All the workers involved in the construction works are provided with ear plugs to avoid continuous exposure of noise. Noise exposure can also be minimized by shock absorbing techniques such as noise barriers, silencers etc. in the equipment. 4.1.5 Occupational Safety During the construction there are chances of minor or major accidents at the site. Mitigation: All the workers will be provided with helmets, goggles and safety instructions in the form of manuals and also first‐aid will be made available. 4.2 IMPACT DURING OPERATION PHASE The operations and their respective impacts in a sugar, co‐gen power and ethanol manufacturing units are as follows: 4.2.1 Impact on Land or soil The solid waste generated from the sugar unit is mainly in the form of molasses, press mud and Bagasse. The fly ash will be generated from cogen power plant. This solid waste in case dump on land will create soil degradation or underground water pollution. Mitigation: Molasses formed from the sugar unit acts as a raw material for ethanol production. Press mud can be used as bio‐compost along with spent wash. Bagasse is the raw

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material for power generation from cogeneration unit. Fly ash generated during combustion in boiler will be used as a material in land filling as well as in brick manufacturing. Spent wash from alcohol distillery will be reduced substantially by implementing single stage evaporation technology. Bio‐compost equipment use to treat generated spent wash from ethanol plant with culture Micro 110 will give compost to be sold to farmers in vicinity area. 4.2.2 Impact on water environment Water needed for plant will be available from Bhima – river from Karnataka Neeravari Nigam Limited (Irrigation Department). MSPSL intends to intake 1620m3/day of water per day to fulfill the needs of mill, distillery & co‐generation plant, residential colony. Of the total water requirement of 1620 m3/day, 588 m3/day shall be use for sugar plant and 532m3/day shall be drawn from Rivar Bhima.s Spent wash from distillery will be collected & used for bio‐composting with Micro 110 culture. Co‐generation plant water will be obtained from Bhima river.. Mitigation Waste water from Sugar mill will not have significant BOD/COD levels. All waste water will be collected in effluent treatment chambers, neutralized prior to discharge in the existing sugar plants. In sugar mill maximum due water conservation will be achieved with precise equipment selection. Treated effluent water will have low BOD, COD values & be treated as per KSPCB norms. In co‐generation also precise design parameters will enhance target of water conservation & power production. Maximum attention is paid to recycle the water in each unit/equipment. Single stage evaporation technology during alcohol concentration & recovery reduces spent wash quantity from 8 to 2 liters/liter of ethanol. Thus spent wash generation will be minimum. Further it will be concentrated, bio methanated & burnt as a fuel. Thus

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impact on ground & surface water shall be negligible and zero waste water discharge scheme involves conversion of spent wash after evaporation to bio‐compost using press mud. Besides water conservation program will be followed, as given below: • In sugar mill hot water wash is given to Bagasse after milling which is recycled. • In syrup evaporation water vapours are cooled and recycled. • Steam condensate from boiler and turbine is recycled to boiler. • Water is used to dilute molasses during fermentation. • During distillation water vapours are condensed and recycled for next molasses dilution. Due to this water conservation plan waste water generated will be in very small quantity. It will have low BOD COD and DO. Therefore it will be treated in ETP.

4.2.3 Impact on Air Environment The common process involved in all the three units is the use of boiler and turbine. The air environment gets polluted due to emission of suspended particulate matter having particle size less than 50 microns. It also affects the crops grown in the nearby areas. So it has negative impact on the health of people. Due to existing state high‐ways & less distances for carts, trucks to reach mill site the suspended particulate matter generation will be in specified limits. Bagasse & coal handling in belt drive provision & closed condition will not increase SPM generation. Use of captive Bagasse from cane crushing as a fuel will be a solution for its safe disposal in co‐generation plant. Complete combustion, ash silo system, hoppers, air sacs collection, electro static precipitators, effective ash handling, mixing of collected ash with press mud to sell to farmers/ brick producers will minimize the probable impacts of fuel handling & safe ash disposal. During season fly ash collected from ESP hoppers, air heater hoppers, ash from boiler bottom hoppers, total quantity being less than 2 % can be subjected to suitable land fill. During off season ash from Bagasse & coal can be used for brick producers with press mud.

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Air modeling study by Gaussian Plume model Air modeling study to predict ground level concentration of SPM, SO2 and NOx is carried out as fuel used in boiler generates theses gases. Although fuel used is Bagasse the maximum quantity is 1500 TPD which is notable and may add to the existing concentration of gases. As per the latest norms of emission the maximum concentration of SPM should not exceed 115 mg/Nm3. The baseline ambient air quality has been obtained by carrying out measurement at four different locations which also include downwind direction. Even metrological data like wind speed, direction, temperature, cloud cover and humidity has been obtained from Indian Metrological Department for the Bijapur IMD center. So also data on site has also been generated. Stack Emissions Management The following measures shall be adopted for the control of emission in the sugar and cogeneration plant

Suitably designed electro static precipitator with efficiency of 99.8% shall be placed downstream of the stack which will separate out the incoming dust in flue gas and limit the dust concentration at its designed outlet concentration of 150 mg/Nm3 For the effective dispersion of the pollutants stack height has been fixed based on the CPCB requirements. The height of the stack shall be 90 m AGL. For DG sets, stacks of adequate height shall be provided. All vehicles and their exhausts shall be well maintained and regularly tested for emission concentration. Adequate thickness of insulating material with proper fastening shall be provided to control the thermal pollution. Regular preventive maintenance of pollution control equipment shall be carried out. Stack emission shall be regularly monitored external agencies on periodic basis.

Fugitive Emission Management The following measure shall be adopted; Regular dust suppression with water sprinkler on the haul raods. Green belt development and afforestation in the plant.

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Tree plantation shall be done in an area of 25 acres of land and in addition to that avenue plantation will be done on both sides of the internal roads and near the proposed main office building and the parking area. In the present study the major source has been considered as the stack attached to boiler. The estimation of emission rates based on rate of fuel consumption and characteristics has been calculated. Also, the meteorological data at the site has been collected during study period. After calculation and collection of data, assessment of impact on ambient air quality using ISCST3 model of USEPA for emissions from plant have been carried out. Stack Data Boiler Operation No. of Units 1 Capacity of boiler, tph 130 Fuels Baggase 50 t/hr No. of stacks 1 Stack Height 90 m Stack Diameter 3.6m Temperature of flue gas (0C) 1400C ie. 413K Velocity of flue gas 20 m/s Particulate Matter ( based on 50mg/Nm3) 5.06 g/s

NOx 32.03 g/s Sampling locations: The air quality for suspended solids is calculated for the locations of highest concentrations, which shall be present in the downwind direction from the chimney.

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Air Quality Impact Analysis Using ISCST - 3 The Industrial Source Complex – Short Term Version 3 (ISCST‐3) model has been developed to simulate the effect of emissions from point sources on air quality. The ISCST‐3 model was adopted from the USEPA guideline models and routinely used as a regulatory model to simulate plume dispersion and transport from up to 100 point sources and 20000 receptors. ISCST–3 is the state of the art model with USEPA and extensively used for predicting the Ground Level Concentrations (GLCs) of conservative pollutants from point, area and volume sources. The impacts of primary air pollutants are predicted using this air quality model keeping in view the plain terrain at the project site. The predicted study is presented as below:

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After commissioning of plant average GLC of NOx and SPM is measured in the terms of 24 hour concentration, will increase by Maximum 4.33μg/m3 and 13.01μg/m3 as shown in Isopleths. Mitigation: To avoid negative impact on the air quality of nearby area mitigation measures such as effective stack height (90 m) and use of air pollution control devices such as Electrostatic precipitator is proposed. 4.2.4 Impact due to transportation As a consequence of sugar mill erection & operation, vehicle traffic to and fro for sugar cane, molasses, coal, finished materials sugar, alcohol etc. will be increased. Cane from local area can be brought with bullock carts, tractors & trucks. Transport of other items will be done with trucks. Traffic with jeeps, buses, cars, ambulance etc. will also be there. Traffic on road will create rise in particulate matter. Metaled roads already exist in the site area which will keep minimum SPM level. Thus fugitive emissions will be at minimum levels. Mitigation MSPSL puts a strategy to check regularly the PUC of all auto vehicles, servicing & maintenance, in order to have minimum environmental impact due to the vehicle exhaust emission. Garden & tree plantation plans will ensure the target of minimum fugitive emissions. MSPSL proposes better level of housekeeping in all departments of sugar mill, power generation, and colony area to get clean area. 4.2.5 Impact on Noise environment Noise, an unwanted sound, affects human being. Excessive exposure to noise produces varying degree of damage to hearing system. It leads to headache, fatigue etc. the main sources of noise are steam turbine, boiler, DG sets, blowers etc. most of them generate noise level up to 70‐90 dB A. Road traffic will also result in rise in noise levels. Continuous exposure of increased level of noise will have an adverse impact on the health of workers as well as the people residing in surrounding area. Prolonged exposure can lead to temporary or even permanent deafness.

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Noise generating machinery operations: Sugarcane cutting, Crushing, Lime addition, Clarification, Evaporation, Sugar separation, Steam Production, Noise making Equipments such as cutters, crushers, mixers, pumps, boilers etc. All connecting roads to sugar mill complex will be metaled one. Cane loading will be restricted to the capacity. Vehicle maintenance, proper lubrication to machinery will be arranged. Tree plantation on the campus and on the connecting roads is initiated and will be done each year. Mitigation All the workers will be provided with ear plugs, proper maintenance of blowers and pumps. All the transporters will be advice to carry out regular maintenance of their vehicles. 4.2.6 Impact on Socio-economic environment Like other sugar factories MSPSL is located in an isolated area. MSPSL management thought that it would be advantageous to improve the living conditions of people in and around the plant site. It also proposes to employ local skilled and unskilled workers. It will therefore generate employment in the local area. MSPSL is also planning to setup 25 MW cogeneration plant for power production. It will resolve power crisis and will enhance earnings for village people. In turn local people can avoid uncertainty of job, raise their living standard, do supplementary jobs of cane & other farming, cattle, poultry, brick making unit etc. thus to stabilize & prosper in life. This will surely be a positive impact. Socio economic pattern MSPSL has already initiated process to select & employ key persons for project. In nearby period full employment, colony creation will give them space to reside thus to get settled in the area.

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5.0. ENVIONMENTAL IMPACT ANALYSIS Environmental impact assessment are the logical first step in this process because it represent the opportunity for man to consider, in his decision making, the effects of actions that are not accounted for in the normal market exchange of goods and services. Adherence to pure economic exchange theory and practice for decision making has possible adverse consequences for the proposed site at which the project is going to be implemented. Environmental impact assessment can be defined as the documentation of environmental analysis including identifications, interpretations, prediction and mitigation cost by proposed action on project. A properly prepared assessment should enable the planner to conclude whether the proposal should or should not be regarded as major action, or whether the environmental impact is or is not significant and if the action could not be environmentally controversial. Whenever it is concluded as significant environmental impact will result from a proposed action, or it may become environmental controversial, when others learn of the action a draft EIS must be prepared. The process of environmental impact analysis serves to meet the primary goal of Parliament in enacting Environmental Policy Act 1986 to establish national policy in favor of protecting and restoring the environmental. The primary purpose to prepare environmental impact assessment is to disclose the environmental consequences of a proposed action, thereby making the agency cautious, decision maker and the public to the environmental risk involved an important and intended consequences of this disclosure is to build in to the agency’s decision making process, a continuous consciousness of environmental consideration. However, the spirit of the law is founded on the premises, that to utilize resources in an environmentally compatible way and to protect and enhance the environment. It is necessary to know how activities of the proposed project will affect the environment and to consider these effects early enough so that changes in plan can be made if the potential impacts warrant them.

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Environmental impact assessment provides a vehicle to note impacts of activities so that knowledge of what adverse changes may occur can be collected and maintained. The purpose of inventory is to ensure discloser of the impacts on the proposed projects so that concerned institutions or individuals will be aware of possible repercussions of the subject activities. Another valuable use for the inventory of impact is to identify the potential cumulative effects of a group or series of activity in an area. Any single activity might not be likely to cause serious changes in the environmental but when its effects are added to those of other projects, the impacts of the environment might be severe. The potential for cumulative impacts must be identified and in some cases, this may be possible only at the intra agency level. A preliminary assessment will indicate the possible impact areas on which detailed data has to be collected to present the results of the preliminary assessment will attempt to answer the impacts on physical or health Hazard, economic interest of the existing communities, impact on infrastructure, and future growth pattern in the region for next 20 years. 5.1 MATRIX METHOD The major use of matrices is to indicate cause and effect by listing activities along horizontal axis and environmental parameters along the vertical axis. In this way the impacts of both individual components of projects as well as major alternatives can be compared. The simplest matrix uses a single mark to show whether an impact is predicted or not. However, it is easy to increase the information level by changing the size of the mark to indicate scale. The greatest drawbacks of matrices are that they can only effectively illustrate primary impact. A matrix having rows as environmental attributes or impact areas and columns having proposed project activities is constructed. Each action having an impact on environmental attributes is given a weight or Parameter Importance Unit (PIU) viewed by experts. Weights given are on following conception. Weight 1 is given for insignificant low impact, which is not injurious to environment in case of its adverse nature.

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Weight 3 is given in case of measurable impact, which is not injurious to environment with proper planning and building in case of its adverse nature. Weight 7 is given in case of high impact on environment, which can be curbed by taking precautionary measures in case of its adverse nature. Weight 10 is given in case of very high impact on environment. The predicted environmental impact rated on a scale of environmental scores multiplied by the corresponding weight then gives the weighted impact. All weighted impacts added together give the overall weighted impact of proposed project on environment. Negative sign in impact matrix indicates that the impact is of adverse nature. The environmental matrix for the proposed cogeneration power plant after plan after and during its implementation is shown in table Table 5.1: Environmental Impact Matrix for the Proposed Plant of MSPSL During

Construction Phase

Sr. No. Environmental Attribute

Environmental Score Due to MSPSL Activities I II III 1 Air Quality ‐1 3 1 3 ‐1 3 2 Noise Levels ‐1 5 1 3 ‐1 3 3 Land Use 0 5 1 3 ‐1 3 4 Soil Chemistry ‐1 3 1 3 ‐1 3 5 Crop Yield ‐2 3 0 3 ‐1 3 6 Occupational Structure 3 5 1 5 2 5 7 Flora & Fauna 0 3 1 3 1 3 8 Social Interactions 2 3 2 3 3 5 9 Transportation 2 5 1 3 1 3 10 Economy 3 5 2 3 1 7

LEGEND I Erection of mechanical equipments II Plantation/landscaping III Infrastructural activities

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Table 5.2: Environmental Impact Matrix for the Proposed Plant of MSPSL During

Construction Phase (Contd…)

Sr. No.

Environmental Attribute

Environmental Impact Due to MSPSL Activities I II 1 Air Quality ‐2 7 2 5 2 Noise Levels ‐2 5 2 3 3 Land Use ‐ ‐ 2 5 4 Soil Chemistry ‐1 5 1 5 5 Crop Yield ‐2 5 1 3 6 Occupational Structure 5 7 1 3 7 Flora & Fauna ‐1 3 2 5 8 Social Interactions 3 5 1 3 9 Transportation 3 5 1 3 10 Economy 3 7 1 3

LEGEND I Power Generation II Plantation / Landscaping

5.2 CHECK LIST METHOD The detailed impact analysis and form the curse of the environmental impact assessment one has to use a checklist method for identifying the possible impact during and after the completion of the proposed cogeneration power plant. The check list include modification of regime, land transformation and construction, resource extraction, processing, land alternation, resource renewal, changes in traffic, waste replacement and treatment, chemical treatment and accident has to be assessed. This comprehensive and user friendly checklist is invaluable aid for several activities of EIA, particularly scoping and defining baseline studies. The check list has been prepared for non‐specialist and enables much time consuming work to be carried out in advance of expert input. It includes extensive data collection sheets. The collected data can then be used to answer a series of questions to identify major impacts and identify shortage of data. The result sheet from the checklist is reproduces in the following table.

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Table 5.3, Result Sheet for Assessing Checklist

Name of the Project / Location: MSPSL Plant

Parameter Positive Impact Very

Positive Impact Possible

No Impact

Negative Impact Possible

Negative Impact Very

No Judgment Possible

Comments Alteration of ground water hydrology

No No Yes No No ‐‐ ‐‐ Irrigation No No Yes No No ‐‐ ‐‐ Noise and vibration No No Yes No No ‐‐ ‐‐ Urbanisation Yes ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐Highways No No Yes No No ‐‐ ‐‐ Dams No No Yes No No ‐‐ ‐‐Surface Excavation No Yes No No ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ Well drilling Yes ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐Farming Yes ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ Pairing Yes ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ Energy Generation Yes ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐ Erosion Control & Terracing Yes ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ Ground water Recharge No No Yes ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐

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Table No.5.4, Result Sheet for Assessing Checklist

Name of the Project / Location: MSPSL Plant

Parameter Positive Impact Very

Positive Impact Possible

No Impact

Negative Impact Possible

Negative Impact Very

No Judgment Possible


Waste Recycling Yes ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐Fertilizer Application Yes ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ Trucking Yes ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ Communication Yes ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐Land Fill ‐‐ ‐‐ Yes ‐‐ ‐ ‐‐Cooling water Discharge Yes ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ Liquid Effluent Discharge No ‐‐ Yes ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐ Stack and Exhaust Emission No ‐‐ Yes ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ Weed Control Yes ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ Insect Control No ‐‐ Yes ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ Explosion ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ Yes ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐Operational Failure ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ Yes ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ The very simple layout of the table enables an overview of impacts to be presented clearly which is enormous value for the scoping of proposed cogeneration power activities.

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5.3 EXPERT ADVICE Expert advice should be sought for predictions, which are inherently non‐numeric and are particularly suitable to estimate social and cultural impacts. It shall be preferably taken in the form of a consensus of expert opinion for example, it is necessary to find out whether there is impact on wetland or not. The reduction in the wetland productivity may result in to the fall of sugarcane crop yield. As a consequence the quantity of bagasse required for producing cogeneration shall be severally affected. In case of low crushing during the production of crystal sugar may also add to non‐availability of bagasse, which may hamper production of power. In order to mitigate these problems it is utmost necessary to continuously monitor the production of sugarcane. It is also necessary to make available the other type of biomass for producing power with the use of boiler. 5.4 ECONOMIC TECHNIQUE Economic Techniques have been developed tries to value environment and is continuing environmental economics. The most commonly used methods of project appraisal cost of benefit and cost effective analysis. It has been found easy to incorporate environmental impacts into traditional cost benefit analysis, principally because of the difficulties in quantifying and valuing environmental effects. An environmental impact assessment can provide information on the expected effects and quantify, to some extent their importance. Cost effectiveness analysis can also be used to determine what is most efficient, least cost method of meeting given environmental objectives, with costs including forgone environmental benefits. The attempts have been made and the two most useful methods for cogeneration power projects are ”Effect on Production (EOP) and preventive Expenditure and Replacement Cost” (PE/RC). The EOP method attempts to represent the value of change in output that results of the environmental impact. This method is very easy to carry out and easily understood. E.g. the assessment of reduce bagasse for power reduction in production due to non‐availability of sugarcane due to hydrological changes. The PE /RC method makes assessment of the value that people place on preserving their environment by estimating what they are prepare to pay to prevent its degradation (preventive expenditure) or to restore its original state after it has been damage (replacement cost).

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Introduction Identification of impacts that are likely to occur during construction and operation phase of the proposed project is important. The identification helps in adopting mitigation measure for controlling the impacts. The environment Management plan describes both generic good practice measure and site‐ specific measure so as to mitigate potential impacts associated with the proposed activities. The Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for the proposed establishment of sugar plant of cane crushing capacity of 5000 TCD 25 MW cogeneration & 45 KLPD distillery with respect to noise, air quality, water quality, solid waste, ecology, landscape, socio economic measure are summarized below. The EMP provides a delivery mechanism to address potential adverse impacts and to introduce standards of good practice to be adopted for all project works. For each stage of the programme, the EMP lists all the requirements to ensure effective mitigation of every potential environment attribute and socio‐ economic impacts. The industry shall adopt a comprehensive Environment Management plan (EMP), which would cover several environmental protection measure, not only for abatement of environmental pollution resulting from the project, but also for the improvement in the ambient environment. The various components of the EMP are outlined in subsequent sections. A comprehensive listing of the mitigation measures (action) that are needed to be implemented. The parameters that will be monitored to ensure effective implementation of the action The timing for implementation of the action to ensure that the objectives of mitigation are fully met.

OBJECTIVES OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN The main objectives in formulating the environment management plan are

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To treat all the pollutants i.e. effluent, air emission, noise & hazardous waste, which contribute to the degradation of environment, with appropriate technology. To comply with all the regulation stipulated by central/state pollution control boards related to air emission, liquid effluents and hazardous waste as per air & water pollution control laws and hazardous Waste ( Management and handling & TBM) Amended Rules, 2010 of environment protection act 1986 To encourage, support and conduct development work for the purpose of achieving environment standards and to improve methods of environment management. To promote afforestatioin the surrounding areas of the plant. To create good working conditions for employees and reduce fire and accidental hazards. Perspective budgeting and allocation of funds for the environment management expenditure.


M. S. Patil Sugar Ltd. proposes an activity to erect 5000 TCD sugar mill, 25 MW co‐generation plant & 45 KLPD Ethanol Distillery near village Nimbal, Tal. Indi, Dist. Bijapur in Karnataka. Environmental Impact analysis carried out in Chapter‐V indicated that MSPSL would not have notable impact on any of the environmental attributes. At the same time, it will have beneficial impacts on cropping pattern, increase in cane sugar crop & yield, captive power from Bagasse, export of surplus electricity to grid & consequent encashment to farmers etc. Target of Environment Management Plan (EMP) is to conserve the resources, minimize the waste generation, treatment of waste, recovery of by products and recycling of material. It also incorporates vegetation and landscapes of open area and also the post project quality monitoring.

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6.1.1 Water Environment During construction water will be needed mainly for cement concrete mixing purpose, slab watering, and tank preparation. The only construction work involved in the power plant is foundation work. No formation or discharge of waste water during construction will occur. The workers will be provided with suitable accommodation. Provision for infra structural services including water supply, sewage, drainage facilities and electrification shall be made. The site shall have suitable toilet facilities for the workers to allow proper standards of hygiene. These facilities shall be connected to a septic tank and maintained to ensure minimum impact on the environment. 6.1.2 Air Environment The construction of sugar & cogeneration plant would result in increase of dust concentration due to fugitive dust. Frequent water sprinkling in the vicinity of the construction sites shall be undertaken and shall be continued after the completion of plant construction, as there is scope for truck mobility. It shall be ensured that both gasoline and diesel powered vehicles are properly maintained to comply with exhaust emission requirements. During transportation of construction materials, trucks shall be covered with tarpaulin sheets to prevent the material from being air borne. The speed of the vehicle carrying material shall be regulated. Regular maintenance and periodic check for emissions of the construction equipment will be ensured.

• All approach roads will be metalled roads to mitigate SPM. • All vehicles entering the factory premises will be maintained regularly. • All the vehicles will follow the vehicular pollution regulation of PUC.

6.1.3 Noise There will be some noise generation due to running of construction equipment and movement of vehicles carrying construction materials, which will be temporary In nature. Better quality construction equipment with less noise generation will be used.

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The transportation vehicles and earth moving equipment shall be periodically checked and maintained for noise levels. The construction workers shall be provided with adequate PPE such as earplugs to reduce impact of high noise levels and working hours shall be imposed on them. • Construction equipment generating minimum noise level will be used. • Such mixing equipment will be regularly serviced & lubricated. • Ear plugs and ear muffs will be provided to construction workers working near the noise generating activities like pneumatic excavation, concrete mixers. • Plantation will be carried out in the premises to absorb noise levels partly.

6.1.4 Socioeconomic & occupational impact Any construction activity will benefit the local population in a number of ways. The company management shall give preference to local eligible people through both direct and indirect employment. The industry shall provide ample opportunity to the locals to uplift their living standards by organizing events that propogate mutual benefits to all, such as health camps, awareness campaigns, donation to poorer sections of society and down‐trodden. The proposed construction will immensely benefit the local population due to the employment opportunities will be generating by other associated activities of the project. • Local people will be employed for construction works. • Providing facilities of sanitation, fuel, education to workers. • Consistent & enough potable water supplies to construction workers will be arranged. • Enough milk supply to workers on 2 cups 2 times per person per day basis will be provided. • Safety measures for workers like provision of safety belts, helmets, goggles, aprons, hand gloves, shoes will be provided.

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6.1.5 Land Environment General earthwork excavation during the construction phase results in the loosening of the top soil. The excavated soil will be stacked properly at site and the same will be utilizes for backfilling and green belt development. Proper compaction and stabilization of the same will be ensured. Generally cutting of herbaceous vegetation, during the construction phase results in the loosening of the topsoil. There is no such removal of vegetation in the proposed project premises. Firther plantation measure would help in preventing soil erosion. 6.2 DURING OPERATION PHASE Generation of waste water, gaseous emission, solid waste and other activities of the project operational phase are main concern and their mitigation management is important. 6.2.1 Air Environment Air pollution control system The pollutants emerging due to Sugar & cogeneration plant operation shall be particulate matter, Sulpher dioxide and Oxides of Nitrogen from the stack attached to 110 TPH (Tons pe hour) boiler, Apart from this, other emission is from the proposed DG set of 1000 KVA which shall be used as stand by supply. The major source of air pollution from the MSPSL sugar mill & co‐generation process is emission from the stack attached to boilers used for steam generation and subsequent power. A chimney of stack height 90 m and 3.6 m diameter is designed on the basis of CPCB guidelines to ensure proper gaseous emission. Vehicle exhaust emissions from the sugar cane transportation vehicles as well as fugitive dust emissions because of vehicle movement during operational phase shall lead to air pollution. It is recommended to undertake following mitigation measures for air pollution control to fulfill KSPCB norms.

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• Air sacks & bag filters to collect light fly ash shall be provided • Air pollution control equipment like Electrostatic precipitator shall be implemented to reduce ground level gaseous emission concentrations. • Maximum number of bullock carts will be used to transport sugarcane from the farms to the mill site as far as possible which is an environment friendly way out. • It will be ensured that all vehicles used in transportation have PUC Certificate. It is proposed to have an auto exhaust emission monitoring equipment and trained manpower to carry out PUC checks at regular intervals. • MSPSL has proposed all internal roads as tar roads and regular water sprinkling shall be carried out on all the rough roads to prevent fugitive dust emissions. • Tree plantation to the extent of 30% of area to lessen environmental impacts of the proposed activities over a period of time is implemented. Plantation program shall be designed and a budget shall be allocated for this purpose every year. Initially plantation shall be carried out along the boundary wall of the plant and within the colony. Plantation shall be carried out perpendicular to wind direction on the downwind side of MSPSL to check the flow of dust along with wind. Subsequently plantation activities may be undertaken in remaining area. • Speed breakers on roads at regular intervals all over the plant area and / or attachment of speed locking system to the accelerators of all vehicles will be used to restrict a speed limit of 20 km/h. • Construction of vehicle parking area having at least brick on edge flooring is planned. • No overloading of bullock carts, Trucks, trailers used in transporting sugar cane from the agriculture fields to the plant area will be permitted.

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83 Fly ash handling

• Fly ash collected from the ESP hoppers, the air‐heater hoppers and the ash collected from the furnace bottom hoppers can be used as landfill, during the seasonal operation of the plant, when Bagasse will be the main and only fuel for burning. The ash content in Bagasse is less than 2 %. In cane trash and the other biomass fuels proposed to be used the ash percentage will not exceed 10%. The total fly ash collected during off season could be used in landfill. The high potash content in the Bagasse ash suits its use as good manure. As the filter press mud from the sugar plant also has a good land nutrient value, it is proposed to mix the ash and the press mud and sell the same to the farmers to be used in the cane fields. The maximum ash generated using Bagasse, biomass and cane trash as fuels will be about 23 TPD. • This generated ash will be given freely to entrepreneur to convert to bio compost, brick producers, also it will be used with press mud to convert to compost in own distillery.

AIR POLLUTION MODELLING Air pollution modeling studies have been carried out to estimate the incremental rise in ground level concentration due to following sources. 1) Sugar plant of 5000 TCD capacity 2) Cogeneration plant of 25 MW The mathematical model used for predictions in the present study is an EPA approved AERMOD model which is based steady Gaussian plume dispersion model designed for point source and area sources for air quality. The predicted ground level concentration computed by EPA approved AERMOD model plotted as isopleths using the SURFER07 package of Golden Software

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EMISSION SOURCES The main source of emission from the sugar plant and cogeneration plant is boiler of 110 TPH capacity. The boiler will be operated at any given time by one of the following fuel mod. a) MODE – A : 100% of heat through Bagasse firing b) MODE – B : 85% of heat through Bagasse 15 % heat input through coal The properties of fuel proposed for use in the plant are given below: CHARACTERSTICS OF FUELS


Carbon(%) 62.14 pH 7.4 to 7.7 Hydrogen (%) 4.73 Nitogen(%) 0.1 to 0.3 Oxygen(%) 6.81 Phosphotus(%) 0.2 to 0.3 Nitrogen (%) 1.01 Patassium(%) 0.05 to 0.07 Moisture(%) 10.00 Organic Carbon (%) 35 to 45 Sulpher(%) 0.8(Max) ASH(%) 14.52GCV, kcal/kg(%) 6000 6.2.2. Water Environment A network of planned storm water drainage is provided and maintained. Rain water harvesting will be carried out to reduce the load on fresh water uptake from river. It will also increase ground water table. Waste water generation will almost be nil thus its disposal will not be in the picture. Effluent Treatment Plant for Sugar and Co-generation Effluent treatment Plant for Sugar & Cogen operations shall have the following distinct advantage:‐

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The effluent shall be treated and the organic loading is polished to an extent that the treated water may be reused for • Plant Floor washings, • Make‐up water for cooling tower, • Development of Green Belt, Landscaping and • Captive Irrigation, etc. Fresh water drawl is avoided to that extent and conservation of water in a broader perspective is achieved. This is particularly of economic significance as fresh water is being sourced from about a distance of 4 km. The treatment scheme incorporates both Anaerobic as well as Aerobic treatment methods for the wastewater with state of the art Bio‐Tower and Diffused Aeration Technologies. Minor quantities of Biogas would emanate from the plant which may be used for meeting requirements partially for energy in Canteen / kitchens.

a. DESIGN DATA & PERFORMANCE PROJECTIONS The Sugar Factory Effluent treatment cum Treated water Recycling plant is designed (500Cum)for following parameters & shall perform as under upon reaching steady state of operations: Sr. No PARAMETER RAW




1 pH (S U) 5 – 9 7.0 – 7.5 2 Flow (m3/Day) 3 BOD (mg/l) 1200 – 1500 < 30 4 COD (mg/l) 3000 – 3500 < 100 5 O & G (mg/l) 20 – 30 < 5 6 Temperature Ambient Ambient 7 TSS (mg/l) 600 – 700 < 100

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b. PROCESS DESCRIPTION The proposed Effluent treatment cum Treated water Recycling plant shall consist of following treatment units: • Screen Chamber • Oil & Grease Trap • Equalization Tank • Anaerobic Hybrid Reactor • Degassing Tower • Primary Lamella Clarifier • Bio – Tower • Diffused Aeration Tank • Secondary Clarifier • Polishing Pond • Pressure Sand Filter • Activated Carbon Filter • Sludge Drying Beds

i. Screen Chamber: Screen chamber is provided to accommodate the screen made up of M.S Bars with spacing as per design. The screen shall be Epoxy painted. ii. Oil & Grease Trap: Oil & Grease trap is provided for removal of free & floating oil and grease, which otherwise would affect the performance of biological treatment. The trap is provided with oil removal mechanism. iii. Equalization Tank: An Equalization Tank constructed in Lined lagoon is provided for dampening the fluctuations in wastewater characteristics and quantity. In buffer tank the raw effluent is mixed with treated effluent in a required proportion. iv. Anaerobic Hybrid Reactor The effluent from Equalization Tank is pumped to Anaerobic Hybrid Reactor which is based on “Fixed Film” anaerobic Digestion process. “Fixed Film” process being offered

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by company is based on the concept of conversion of organic matter into biogas. The process of conversion of organic matter into biogas occurs through a group of bacteria. In “Fixed Film” process, which is a high rate process, anaerobic digestion takes place in the mesophillic range of temperature, i.e. 36o ‐ 40oC. The pH inside the reactor is usually kept around 7.2 while proper ratio of volatile acid and alkalinity is maintained. The following three stages are involved in the process of anaerobic digestion. a. Hydrolysis: In the process of hydrolysis the complex molecular compounds i.e. polymers are converted into the simple molecular form i.e. monomers. b. Acidogenesis: The monomers so formed at the end of hydrolysis process are converted into volatile fatty acids. Acetic acid forms the major portion of volatile fatty acids. The process of conversion of monomers into acids is carried out by a group of anaerobic bacteria known as acid formers. c. Methanogenesis: Acids produced at the end of Acidogenesis process are converted into carbon dioxide and methane gases. The process of conversion of acid into gases is carried out by group of anaerobic bacteria known as methane formers. In “Fixed Film” process the bacteria responsible for digestion are present in the form of fixed film. Geometrically structured PVC media is provided for immobilization of bacteria. The PVC media has a very large specific surface; this ensures enormous surface area for the Immobilization of bacteria The “Fixed Film” Reactor is partially packed with structured media made out of PVC. The structured media is provided in the form of modules. This specialty of the media lies in offering very large surface area at a void ratio of 95%. The surface area provided by media is around 95 – 105 m2 / m3. The entire media remains submerged in the reactor content. The bacteria grow and reside on large surface area provided by media. The bacteria developed on media surface takes upon organic content of wastewater to metabolize it and produce biogas and biomass.

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The reactor content is kept under constant recirculation using recirculation pumps. To achieve optimized mixing the recirculation pump suction network is placed next to the bottom of the reactor. v. Degassing Tower The overflow from Anaerobic Hybrid Reactor is taken to a Degassing Tower which facilitates expulsion of dissolved gases from the overflowing liquid which in turn facilitates better settling of suspended solids in the subsequent unit of Primary Lamella Clarifier. vi. Primary Lamella Clarifier: Primary Lamella Clarifier is provided for settling of solids from the raw effluent. The clarifier contains molded FRP Plates at design inclination and number which effectively removes the suspended solids. vii. Bio- Tower Effluent will then be subjected to roughening treatment in Bio‐Tower. Bio‐Tower will be provided with synthetic media having surface area in the range of 100 – 200 m2/m3. Effluent will be fed from the top distribution network and will be trickled down through a bacterial film immobilized on media. During the process organic matter in the effluent comes in contact with biomass and is utilized as a food material by microorganisms. To achieve the optimum contact & maintain the bio film always in a wet condition treated effluent is recycled 6 – 8 times. Recirculation pumps are provided for this purpose. The sump is provided at the bottom to collect the underflow and facilitate its pumping. viii. Diffused Aeration tank: The partially treated effluent from Anaerobic Hybrid Reactor and Bio‐Tower is then subject to activated sludge process in the Diffused Aeration Tank for further reduction of organic load. The aeration Tank will be equipped with a grid of Compressed Air Diffusers. PVC Fill Media in the form of modules would be provided for immobilization of additional Biomass. Fine bubble flexible EPDM membrane diffusers will aerate effluent along with return sludge from secondary clarifier

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ix. Secondary Clarifier: A secondary Clarifier in the form of a circular tank shall be provided for settlement of fully aerated Effluent from the Diffused Aeration Tank. The tank shall be provided with centrally driven fixed bridge type clarifier mechanism. Part of the settled sludge at the bottom of the settling tank will be pumped to the Diffused Aeration Tank and part of it will be discharged on sludge drying beds as per operational requirement. This sludge being fully mineralized is suitable for sun drying on sand drying beds. x. Polishing Pond Overflow from the Secondary Clarifier is taken to the polishing pond which helps in polishing the BOD and removes the traces of Organic matter and it has a provision of Diffused aeration in case of exigencies such as shockloding etc. The Polishing Pond would also be utilized for Chlorination by Hypo solution for De‐nitrification of the contents in cases of necessity. xi. Sludge Drying Beds: In the SAF system the sludge is sufficiently mineralized and does not need any further treatment before dewatering and disposal. Sand filtration drying beds will be provided, where sludge will be dewatered by filtration through Graded sand bed and sun drying of the dewatered sludge is scraped & may be used as manure after composting. xii. Pressure Sand Filter: The overflow from polishing pond is pumped to Pressure Sand Filter for removal of fine suspended solids. Pressure Sand Filter shall be a cylindrical Mild steel vessel with dished ends. Filter media in the form of graded sand and gravel is provided as per design. xiii. Activated Carbon Filter Activated Carbon Filter will be useful for de‐chlorination whenever applicable and specifically to remove odour. Filtering media in the form of Activated Carbon is provided. The filters are painted with epoxy paint inside and enamel paint on outside surfaces. The treated water coming out of the Activated Carbon Filter may be successfully recycled for productive uses.

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90 Spent Wash Treatment for Distillery Main characteristics of spent wash in the distillery will be as follows: Characteristics Raw Spent Wash Press mud cake Odour Jaggery ‐ Colour Dark Brown Greenish Brown/Black pH 4.0 ‐ 5.0 7.2 ‐ 7.6 COD 1,20,000 ‐ 1,60,000 35,000 ‐ 42,000 BOD 40,000 ‐ 60,000 6,000 ‐ 9,000 Total Solids mg/l 1,00,000 ‐ 1,50,000 1,00,000 ‐ 1,50,000 Chloride(Cl) mg/l 6,000 ‐ 10,000 Sulphate (SO4) mg / l 4,000 ‐ 6,000 Nitrogen (TKN) mg / l 1,500 ‐ 3,000Potassium(K2O) mg / l 10,000 ‐ 15,000 Sodium (Na) mg /l 300 – 600 Phosphate(PO4) mg /l 400 ‐ 4,000 Calcium (Ca) mg /l 3,000 ‐ 5,000 Environmental management system for distillery has components like bio methanation, water recovery, concentration followed by bio‐composting of press mud with primary treated spent wash. The process involves the following stages; • Day storage of spent wash. • Bio methanisation reactor • Triple effect falling film evaporation unit • Concentrated spent wash storage tank • Recycle of collected condensate water • Transportation and windrowing of press mud. • Addition of spent wash and culture to windrow. • Mechanical mixing of windrow for aeration. • Harvesting of Bio‐compost after the respective cycle & product sale • Day storage of spent wash.

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Preparation of spent wash storage tanks One spent wash storage tank duly made impervious by interior living with 100 mm thick concrete slab will be installed. Size and capacity of the storage tank are as follows: Concentrated spent wash storage tank Size L = 40 m, B = 40 m, D = 4 m Free board 1.0 m Capacity 4,800 m3 (excluding free board) Hold up capacity 30 days Bio Methanization Reactor Primary treatment of spent wash & anaerobic digester specifications Description Value Digester Anaerobic Digester Spent wash COD Kg/M3 160 Spent flow rate m3/d 120 COD reduction in digester % 65 Total COD fed to Digester (120 x 160) Kg/d 19200 COD removal in Digester at 65% of feed kg/d 12480 Bio‐gas production (0.5 Nm3/Kg of COD removal) Nm3/d 6240 Composition of Bio-gas CH4 % 60‐64 CO2 % 35‐42 H2S % 1‐2 Calorific value of bio‐gas , 4800 –5700 Type of digester CSTR Volume of digester m3 10,560 Spent wash feed/day m3 480 Retention time days 22 Diameter (m) 28 Height (m) 18

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Triple effect falling film evaporation unit

• The suggested treatment scheme is a triple effect evaporation plant for Bio‐methanated spent wash evaporation. The following points will elucidate the basic working principle: • Shell & tube type evaporators with highly efficient liquid distributor working on the principle of falling film evaporation have been used, with shell & tube type pre‐heaters to preheat the feed stream to serves the purpose of energy conservation. • Steam is fed to the first effect evaporator shell side at the given pressure and temperature as the heating medium. • The feed from the feed balance tank is taken to the high heater to remove non‐condensable gases and pass to PHE‐1 to make the best heat recovery. • The feed after getting heated to the predetermined temperature in preheater is fed from the of the second effect evaporator which is falling film evaporator ‐1 • Then the feed from high heater is given to first effect evaporator and follows the flow path given below. • Inlet feed ‐HH‐ HE – Flash Vessel‐ E1 ‐ E2 ‐ E3 – Outlet • Vapors generated in 1st effect VLS (Vapor liquid separator) are used as heat source in the 2nd effect. • Vapors generated in the 2nd effect VLS are subsequently used as heat source for 3rd effect. • Finally vapors from 3rd effect are condensed on shell side of surface condenser for evaporator. • The product at the desired concentration of 24 ‐ 25 % w/w total solids is obtained at the outlet of the third effect, which is a falling film evaporator. • A shell & tube type multi‐pass surface condenser is employed to condense the shell side vapors.

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• The pure and the process condensate is collected in receiving vessels. Highly efficient operating pumps have been provided to pump the needed fluid. • Plant operates under vacuum, created with the help of a water ring vacuum pump. • High level of automation is fitted to get consistent output at required concentration. • Cooling water from cooling tower is used in the surface condensers to condense the vapors. • Storage tank for concentrated spent wash • Transportation and windrowing of press mud

6.2.3. Solid waste management Bagasse & press mud will be the main solid waste in the sugar mill, co‐generation & distillery complex. MSPSL has planned to treat these solids in a systematic way. A separate land area will be created to treat they in an eco friendly way. Land & press mud requirement for composting

Sr. No. Item Ethanol Plant on

Own / Procured Molasses) 1 Cane crushing, TCH 227 2 No. of hrs. per day 22 3 No. of gross season days 1804 Cane crushing, MT 900000 5 No. of days of operation 270 6 Ethanol capacity, KLPD 45 7 Molasses, % cane 4.58 Molasses MT 40500 9 Filter cake, % cane 4 10 Filter cake, MT 36000 11 RS Recovery liters / MT of molasses 270 Ethanol recovery, liters / MT of molasses 256 12 No. of days on ‐ Own molasses 230

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‐Procured molasses 40 ‐Total 270 13 Quantities Molasses required MT per day 176 Molasses required MT per Annum 52650 ‐Own Molasses, MT 40500 ‐Procured Molasses, MT 7020 14 Steam, TPH (@ 4 g/cm2 g) 8 16 Power, MW 0.60 17 Water, kl/ day @ 12 m3/kl 540 18 Spent wash generation per lit of RS with singlestage evaporation 2.5 19 Total spent wash generation per day 125 20 Total spent wash generation per annum 33750 21 Annual Compost Production, MT 17550 (at 1:1.5 ratio of press mud) No. Description Value 1. Capacity of distillery KLPD 45 2. Quantity of spent wash from Distillation m3/day 360 3. Quantity of spent wash after Evaporation m3/day 125 4. Spent wash consumption/Kg of press mud Liters 2.5 5. Requirement of press mud/day MT/day 50 5. Size of each composting window meters 100 x 3 x 1.0 6. Capacity of each windrow By volume m3 300 By weight MT 180 7. Composting cycle days 60 8. Composting cycle/year 4 9. Spent wash production / year 125 x 270 m3 33750 10. Press mud required/year 50x270 MT 13500 11. Quantity of press mud in the yard/cycle ( 13500 / 4 ) MT 3375 12. No. of windows in the compost yard (3375 / 180 ) 19 13. Area occupied by windrows 19 x 100 x 10 m2 19,000 say 4.69acres

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ETP, Effluent Storage, Vehicular movement and other contingencies 4.0 acres i.e. total of 10acres is provided Press mud requirement & its availability The requirement of press mud for its utilization with spent wash in composting process is estimated as;

No. Description Value 1 Spent wash utilization in composting of press mud m3/tonne 2.5 2 Total spent wash produced per daym3/day 125 3 No. of working days /year 270 4 Press mud requirement per year (270x120) / 2.5 MT/year 13500 The press mud required for composting shall be received from our own sugar mill. The quantity of press mud produced in our sugar unit is estimated as; No. Description Value 1 Annual crushing rate Lakh MT/year 9.00 2 Press mud production rate per ton of cane crushed MT 0.04 3 Total quantity of press mud produced from our Sugar industry (9,00,000 x 0.04) MT / year 36,000 Thus, the required quantity of press mud is available in excess from our captive sugar mill only which is owned by the same management. Press mud characteristics (% on dry wt. basis) No. Description Value 1. Sugar % 6 – 8 2. As fiber % 20 – 25 3. As raw protein % 8 – 10 4. Crude wax % 6 – 8 5. P2O5 % 2 – 3 6. K2O % 0.5 – 1.0

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7. CaO % 3 ‐ 48. N % 1.2 – 2.0 9. Ash % 8 – 10 10. Micronutrients % 2 – 3 11. Others % 15 – 20 Preparation of bio compost yard Size: 190 x 126 m Area : 24000 m2 Entire bio‐compost yard area will be made leak proof by constructing it with 300 mm thick stone soling followed by 200 mm thick base concrete and 150 mm R.C.C. 0.5 meter height brick wall will be built around the compost yard with provision for incoming and outgoing of vehicles. The water collection tank of 2,400 m3 will be constructed to collect during the rainy days storm water from the yard. The water available thus will be recycled in composting process. Land requirement details for 45 KLPD operations No. Description Value 1 Distillery Capacity KLPD 45 2 Process Continuous fermentation with multi pressure vacuum distillation process. 3 Effluent treatment Anaerobic bio digester for primary treatment Concentration by triple effect falling film evaporators, Storage tank for 30 days capacity & 1 No.IBF Enviro‐700 machine will be used for bio‐composting system. 4 Spent wash generation liters per liter of alcohol 2.77 5 Spent wash generation per day after evaporation & concentration m3 125

6 Distillery operation days per annum 270 7 Maximum quantity of effluent generated m3/Annum 33750

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97 Compost yard requirement calculation as per CPCB guidelines 1: 2.5 ratios for 60 days composting cycle (maximum 4 cycles per annum) or 1: 2.5 ratio for 45 days composting cycle (maximum 5 cycles per annum) Press mud quantity per acre, per cycle (maximum 850 tones per annum) Consumption of spent wash per acre per annum (for 4 cycles) A. 850 tones press mud x 2.5 times of spent wash x 4 cycles = 13500 m3/acre B. Maximum effluent generated for 45 KLPD operation 270 days = 33750 m3 The extent of compost yard required to B 33750 Consume 33700 m3 of spent wash = ‐‐‐‐ = ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ = 3.97 acres. Produced at MSPSL A 8,500 Hence we would be constructing a lined compost yard of 5.00 acres (max) Out of 10 acres are marked for activities of pollution control, the usage for various purposes shall be: No. Description Area acres 1 Bio‐digester & associated treatment units 0.5 2 Multiple effect Evaporator section 0.25 3 Concentrated effluent storage tank 0.75 4 RCC lined Bio‐compost yard 5.0 5 Bio‐compost Sieving & packing plant 0.25 6 Finished compost storage go‐down 1.25 7 Area for Vehicle movement & other contingencies 2.0 8 Total land area provided 10.0 Leakages collected from molasses tank will be collected in small pits. Cooling tower used is having closed system hence only make up water is required.

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98 Press mud storage yard The press mud storage yard of 75 m x 50 m will be made impervious by constructing it with 300 mm thick stone soling. 200 mm thick base garland canal to collect any leachate are rainy days water. The same water will be collected in a collection tank of 10 m x 10 m x 5 m and the same will be recycled. MSPSL will adopt the state of the art continuous fermentation process with multi pressure vacuum distillation such that the generation of solid waste Yeast sludge obtained is only 0.5 – 1% of the total fermented wash quantity, too less as compared to conventional batch process. For 45 KLPD rectified spirit plant the maximum quantity of sludge produced is 1200 – 2500 Lt./day (wet basis). The sludge will be dried and used for composting. 6.2.4 Noise Environment The physical description of sound concerns its loudness as a function of frequency. Noise in general ia an unwanted sound, which is composed of many frequency components of different loudness distributed over the audible frequency range. Sound Pressure Levels (SPL) are measured in decibel on the A‐weighted scale, DB (A) where the A‐weight inf scheme accounts for the sensitivities of the human ear over the audio spectrum. Reconnaissance Survey Identification of Sampling Locations. A preliminary reconnaissance survey was undertaken to identify the major noise generating sources in the area. The noise monitoring has been conducted at all identified location in the study area during the study period. Measured noise levels, displayed as a function of time, is useful for describing the acoustical climate of the community, Noise levels recorded at each station with a time interval of about 60 minutes are computed for equivalent noise levels. Equivalent noise level is a single number descriptor for describing time varying noise levels. The equivalent noise level is defined mathematically as Leq= 10 Log L/T∑(10Ln/10)

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Where L = Sound pressure level at function of time db (A), T = Time interval of observation Noise levels during the night time generally drop, therefore to compute Equivalent noise levels for the night time, noise levels are increased by 10db (A) as the night time high noise levels are judged more annoying compared to the day time. Noise levels at a particular station are represented as day night equivalents (Ldn). Day night equivalent is the singlr number index designed to rate environmental noise on daily / 24 hourly basis. Mathematically Ldn is given by: Ldn 10 Log {1/24(16 X 10 (Ln/10) + 8 X 10(Ln+10)/10)} Where Ld = A weighed equivalent for day time period (6am to 9am) Ln = A weighed equivalent for night time period ( 9pm to 6 am) Assessment of Noise Levels The main objective of noise level assessment is to identify all the sources acceptable and unacceptable to study region. The acoustical environment varies dynamically in magnitude and character throughout most communities. The noise level variation can be temporal, spectral and spatial. The maximum impact of noise is felt on urban areas, which is mostly due to the commercial activities and vehicular movement during peak hours of the day. The assessment of noise pollution in the study area has been carried out keeping the above said considerations. The existing status of noise levels within the study zone has been undertaken through reconnaissance, identification of existing noise sources, land use pattern for monitoring baseline noise levels. Project activities usually causes noise pollution. Excessive noise levels will cause adverse effects on human beings and associated environment including domestic animals, wild life, natural ecosystem and structures. To know the ambient noise levels in

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the study area, noise levels were recorede at the project site and nearby villages using noise level recorder. Details of Noise Quality Monitoring Location

Code Location Distanve in Kms w.r.t Plant Direction w.r.t. Plant N1 Project site ‐‐‐ ‐‐‐N2 Hanjagi 3.1 NNEN3 Nimbal BK 3.8 WN4 Tadawalaga 4.5 SEN5 Lingadahalli 4.9 SN6 Babalad 6.9 NWNoise Levels During Study Period

Code Locations dB(A)

Day Equivalent Night Equivalent Day- Night N1 Project site 52.8 39.6 51.8 N2 Hanjagi 53.1 41.2 52.4 N3 Nimbal BK 58.9 44.8 57.7 N4 Tadawalaga 51.7 43.7 52.5 N5 Lingadahalli 60.1 48.2 59.4 N6 Babalad 53.1 43.1 53.1 Noise & vibration control Relevant noise emitters at MSPSL are noise‐making equipments such as cutters, crushers, mixers, compressors, pumps, centrifuges, blowers, cranes, conveyor belts, vacuum filters, boilers, turbo generator etc. All the equipment produce continuous noise. As deliberated in chapter ‐IV, noise level impacts of MSPSL operations are significant only on the operators of machinery and are negligible within buffer zone. This is because the noise produced by these machinery gets dissipated due to wave divergence, atmospheric absorption and absorption by noise barriers before being even felt in the buffer zone.

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The continuous hammering of noise on the ears of the staff working in the factory premises may lead to some health problem like partial hearing disability, later permanent hearing disability which can be circumvented in plant by proper covering of machines, insulating screens, isolation with polycarbonate sheet or glass partition where in officers can carry out day‐to‐day work peacefully. Following measures are proposed to lessen noise level impacts on machinery operators and within core and buffer zone of MSPSL. • Proper lubrication and regular maintenance of all the machinery used. • Development of greenery / barriers / landscaping of trees/ bushes and shrubs on 45 ha. • Reduced noise exposure to the operators of machinery by work scheduling and by providing ear protective equipment. • Use rubber sheets in packing in the foundations of machineries to prevent noise transmission to the surrounding. • Proper isolation & due covering with noise absorbing screens in noise creating areas to make them noise proof.

6.2.5. Socio-economic benefits.

• Ample power will be available from local grid due to decentralization of power generation • Power from grid on no charge basis or low charge basis can be available in this area. • This can be an initiative for many units to start. • Many sorts of direct as well as indirect job opportunities will be on the horizon due to new sew sugar, distillery and co‐generation complex. • This will result in an increase in income level of the employees, subsequent commercial as well as social infrastructure establishment.

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• Supplementary type units can be initiated in the area like cattle preservation & protection, poultry, herbal medicinal plants, spices, pickles, papad and other food items, milk producer group co‐operative small saving groups. Command area development Based on the farmer’s survey carried out in the command area, it is recommended to undertake following activities in order to ensure uninterrupted sugarcane supply during the crushing season. The availability of Bagasse is entirely based on the quantity of sugarcane present in the MSPSL area. It will be of prime importance to provide needed buffer stock of Bagasse in off season. As a consequence power plant may have acute shortage of fuel, thus have to plan to plant fuel wood or other biomass plantation in the area of the factory can cover this. This can be a stopgap arrangement for the fuel for boilers to produce power for around 300 days in the year. Promoters wish to have their own cane fields. Due to increased irrigation facility and good soil quality, with use of better type of seeds farmers good cane crop will be obtained in the area in near farms. Development of Seed Nursery It is recommended to develop seed nursery for sugar cane and fuel wood or other biomass varieties for distribution of the same to the farmers in the command area. MSPSL proposes to use higher yielding & high sucrose varieties like COC 671, CO86032, and CO7805. MSPSL proposes to sponsor cane development plan on its own or with help of farmers in command area. Results of this policy will fetch good returns to them in next 5‐7 years. Seed Distribution Vasantdada Sugar Institute at Manjari, Dist. Pune has prepared successfully many varieties of better yield cane sugar with tissue culture & other plants also. MSPSL has already planned to encourage this & implement the better seed distribution & hence

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development of command area. MSPSL will have to raise quality seed material and meet the demand so that old seed is replaced after every five years. Sufficient seeds of new high yielding varieties should also be multiplied in the seed farm. These varieties will be systematically distributed to help the farmers to plan their cropping pattern and cultivation of early / mid late / late varieties. MSPSL also proposes to take lead to assist bank loan facilities to farmers & members of sugar plant by issuing guarantee for recovery of said loans. 6.2.6. Water Management MSPSL will have to take due care to water management especially in the heavy soil region. Care should also be taken for proper drainage system. The region has natural slope and the higher region is free from water logging. The inputs like pesticide, insecticide, fungicide, micro – nutrient fertilizers, seeds of green manure, organic compost are easily available. There is no difficulty in procuring crop loans and MT Loans from PACs. To implement the above mentioned programs in the command area, training programs, Kisan‐mela etc. could be conducted in various parts of the operational area. Thus, the gap between potential yield actual yield could be reduced. It is to be noted that due to the developmental activities already introduced by MSPSL, sugarcane cultivation has improved. Many new cane varieties have been introduced and hence it can be concluded that systematic as well as sustained efforts would help to increase the yields of sugarcane. Ultimately, farmers would undertake sugarcane cultivation and the responsibility of the promotional activity of cane cultivation has to be done effectively by the proposed MSPSL farmers. Farmers are anxious about MSPSL establishing the sugar factory at the proposed site. Non‐member of MSPSL should be attended to properly and even better than the present co‐operative sugar mills. Farmers are of the view that the area of sugarcane has been increasing steadily for the last few years as some irrigation projects

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have come up in the command area However, following expectations from the proposed MSPSL shall be taken care of: 1. Cane price should be paid on par with the existing SSKs 2. Good quality seed material of sugarcane should be provided by MSPSL, as there is no source for good seed material in the command area. 3. At the time of plantation, crop loan and basal dose of fertilizer should be linked so that farmers apply the basal dose of fertilizer 4. MSPSL should make arrangement for soil testing and accordingly fertilizer doses should be recommended. It should be done not only for members of SSK but also for all farmers who supply sugarcane to MSPSL 5. MSPSL should provide the seeds of green manure. It is reported by a number of farmers that organic fertilizer coupled with chemical fertilizers if applied in balanced quantity, give a considerably higher yield of sugarcane particularly in medium and light soils. Thus, it is necessary that organic fertilizer be utilized to increase the sugar yield. 6. MSPSL has already undertaken construction of permanent metal roads in the command areas to mitigate SPM and to reduce noise pollution. 7. Due to benefits accrued from the irrigation project, the number of electric pumps operating in the area as well as new pump connections would increase and there would be a long waiting list for electricity shortage and low voltage problems. MSPSL would ensure constant and continuous electricity supply for agricultural operations. 8. Farmers should be imparted training in sugarcane cultivation. 9. All studies, which are made available by the existing SSKs to their own members, should be provided to other sugarcane growers also. 10. Press mud‐ ash mixing and bio‐compost should be made available at the farmer’s field.

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11. Interest rates on NRD and RD should be uniform in case of non‐members as well as members. 12. In some of the villages, new lift irrigations schemes should be promoted. 13. Timely payment should be made to farmers. 6.3 RAIN WATER HARVESTING It is an activity to store rain water during rainy seasons also to conserve surface and ground water, prevent losses of evaporation, seepage for best probable use of such rainwater for the betterment of humanity. Water is an essential commodity its availability on the ground surface is definite. As the population goes on increasing per capita need of one man and thus total requirement of water is increasing day by day. If proper measures are not proposed and implanted water scarcity can occur surely. With the use of store of rain water each house and even small piece of land can store enough water for his use. Rain water is available in the purest form from the atmosphere it may get contaminated and may not be use for drinking purpose, but for domestic and agricultural it can be useful. In many villages in India such stored water is not available as the Grampanchayats lack funds needed for the same almost 80% of the villages depend upon water uptake from rivers, wells, barrages irrigation schemes etc. With a simple common idea not to let the rain water to drain almost 30‐40% of the water needs of a man can be available. It also helps to raise the water table in the area in the vicinity. In brief the idea is described as follows: 1. On each roof of the house rain water collection arrangement is made. 2. On the ground floor suitable cement , HDP or MS tank be prepared 3. Natural water filtration and further store be arranged 4. Filtration device contains gravals, coarse and fine sand, next by mixing with finely divided charcoal powder the soluble impurities, colors, odours if any will be adsorbed and removed. 5. Thus, potable water can be store near the house. 6. Excess water may be transferred to nearby wells, tube well.

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Once it is stored and is available during crucial period of water shortage from March to July its availability in time can be realized. With such arrangement to collect and store rain water, proper harvesting at a time of need in summer season in plant area will surely help the people to avoid their struggle for water and for their existence. The incident rain water quantity available for harvesting can be estimated. In Indi tahasil around 625 mm rainfall is incident. The storage tank can be designed on basis of rainfall patterns and volume, the duration of the dry period and, of course, the estimate of demand. Sometimes sophisticated calculations are involved, but these tend not to take into account human behavior and the willingness to use water if it is available and not to conserve it for future use, in the hope that the dry spell will soon be over. The run‐off from a roof is directly proportional to the quantity of rainfall and the plan area of the roof. For every one millimetre of rain a square meter of roof area will yield one litre of water, less evaporation, spillage losses and wind effects. The run‐off coefficient accounts for losses due to splashing, evaporation, leakage and overflow and is normally taken to be 0.8. The rain water calculation is as below: Annual Rainfall in the area is = 553 mm/year Available catchment = 29949 m2 Roof Run off coefficient = 0.8 S = R x A x Cr = (553 x 29949 x 0.8) /1000 = 13249437.6 /1000 = 13249.44 m3 / season ie. 37.2 Where, S = Mean rainwater supply in m3 R = Annual rainfall in mm/year A = Surface area of catchment in m2 Cr = Run‐off coefficient Dimension of storage tank of 9m x 9m x 3m will be made. These tanks are made of concrete or ferro cement.

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6.4 BUDGET PROVISION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT The management will set aside adequate funds in its annual budget to fulfill the stated objectives of the environmental policy. For environmental management capital equipment includes ESP, effluent treatment plant, pipelines and channels for wastewater discharge, green belt development, and the environment laboratory. The estimated operating cost for environmental management is approximately as shown below: Sr.


Capital Investment

All figures in Rs. lakhs

Air Pollution Control Facilities 200 ETP Distillery 250 Green Belt 1 Laboratory Facility for Monitoring 20 Total 471 Recurring Cost of Operation and Maintenance Air Pollution Control 15 Waste Water treatment 5 Total 20

6.5 Occupational Health & Safety During operation Stage, health hazards shall be due to gas cutting, welding,noise and high temperature and micro ambient conditions especially near the boiler and platforms, which may lead to adverse effects(heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stress reaction) leading to local and systematic disorders. The precautionary measures, which are proposed to be followed to reduce the risk due to dust on workers, engaged in and around the material handling areas.

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Afforestation will be undertaken in the plant. The tree cover acts as a very good sink for both gaseous as well as particulate pollutants. Due care will be taken to maintain continuous water supply in the water spraying system and all efforts would be made to suppress the dust. Almost all material handling systems shall be automatic i.e unmannesd. The workers engaged in material handling system will be provide with personal protective equipment like dust masks, respirators, helmets, face shields etc. All workers engaged in material handling system will be regularly examined for lung diseases such as PFT (Pulmonary Function Test) Test Any worker found to develop symptoms of dust related diseases will be changed over to other jobs in cleaner areas. Thermal insulation will be provided wherever necessary to minimize heat radiation from the equipment, piping, etc. to ensure protection of workers. Insulation shall be done by adequate cleats, wire nets, jackets, etc to avoid loosening. Insulation thickness is so selected that the covering jacket surface temperature dose not exceed the surrounding ambient temperature by nore than 15oc. the effect of thermal pollution of air will be negligible considering the atmosphere as the ultimate heat sink.

6.6 Green Belt and Afforestation Plan

6.6.1Background and Proposal The potential value of vegetation in controlling air pollution has been well recognized. Trees can filter particulates and are effective as sink of pollutant. Vegetation also reduces noise level and regulates the oxygen balance in the area by consuming released carbon dioxide. Development of green belt is therefore now days imperative around complexes. MSPSL shall plant variety of trees over an area of 25 acres. The entire plant area shall be protected through wired fencing.

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Additional afforestation shall be taken up along roadside and pathways in an area of 2 acres. Suitable plant species shall be selected and planted based on the factors like availability of local species, resistance to pollutants, plant layout, meteorological conditions etc. Such green areas would not only improve the flora status as well as the look of the area, but also serve the dual purpose of arrest of any fugitive dust from unpaved or open areas and also help to abate the noise effects through dampening effect and replenish the oxygen and ameliorating the surrounding temperature. 6.6.2 Design of Green Belt Following guidelines will be considered in green belt development. The spacing between the trees will be maintained slightly less than the noemal spaces, so that the trees may grow vertically and slightly increase the effective height of the green belt. Planting of trees in each row will be in staggered orientation. In the front row, shrubs consisting of callistemon, prosopis etc. will be grown. Since the trunks of the tall trees are generally devoid of folige, it will be useful to have shrubs in front of the trees so as to give coverage to this portion. Shrubs and trees will be planted in enriching rows around the project site. The short trees (<0m height) will be planted in the first two rows (towords plant side) of the green belt. The tall trees (> 10 m height) will be planted in the outer three rows ( away from plant side). 6.7 Health The company shall strive to maintain public health in the area by way of conducting or sponsoring programs such as free eye camps, diabetes and cancer detection camps, inoculation and vaccination programs etc. it shall also offer the services of Ambulance or any other such vehicle in case of emergencies to the needy locals.

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6.7.1 Safety Policy and Regulations Keeping in view of the safety requirement during construction, operation and maintenance phase, MSPSL has formulated safety policy with the following regulations. To allocate sufficient resources to maintain safe and healthy conditions at work place. To take steps to ensure that all known safety factor are taken in to account in the design, construction, operation and maintenance of plants, machinery and equipment. To ensure that adequate safety instruction are given to all employees. To provide wherever necessary, protective equipment, safety appliances and clothing and to ensure their proper use. To inform employees about materials, equipment or processes used in their work area known to be potentially hazardous to health and safety. To keep all operations and methods of work under regular review for making neceaasry changes from the point of view of safety in the light of experience and up to date knowledge. To provide appropriate instruction, training and supervision in health and safety, first aid anf to ensure that adequate publicity is given to these matters. To ensure proper implementation of fire prevention and an appropriate fire fighting services together with training facilities for personnel involved in this service. To ensure that professional advice is made available wherever potentially hazardous situations exit or might arise To organize collection, analysis & presentation of data on accident, sickness & incident involving personal injury to health with a view to taking corrective, remedial & preventive action. To promote through the establishment machinery, joint consultation in health & safety matters to ensure effective participation by all employees.

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To publish/ notify regulation, instruction and notice in the common language of employees. To prepare separate safety rules for each type of occupation/process involved in a project. To ensure regular safety inspection by a component person at suitable intervals of all buildings equipment, work places and operations.

6.7.2 Fire Fighting & protection System

MSPSL shall provide adequate number of wall/column mounted type portable fire extinguishers in various strategic areas of the plant including the control room, administration building, stores, pump house etc.these portable fire extinguishers shall be basically of carbon sioxide and dry powder type. Fire hydrants at suitable locations for boiler area, fuel handling & storage area. Medium velocity water sprays system. Necessary electric driven, Jocky pumps with piping valves & instrumentation for safe operation.

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7.1.1 Formation of Environmental Management Cell (EMC) Monitoring of parameters and their feedback is a tool in EMC to verify the mitigation measures planned by way of environmental protection performance efficiently during the annual full fledge working of MSPSL. To achieve the same an environmental management cell consisting of senior officials will be constituted. EMC will perform following functions Monthly review of environmental problems and monitoring of installation / performance / maintenance of pollution control measures. Enforcement of latest acts, rules and regulations under relevant Environmental protection Acts. Preparation of budgetary estimates to seek sanctions for new pollution control measures if required and / or for up‐gradation of existing one based on new technologies. Emergency planning EMC shall meet at least once in a month and take stock of progress of work relating to decisions taken and targets set in the previous meeting.

7.1.2 Formation of Task Force A task force having organizational set‐up of MSPSL staff of various grades shall be constituted. The task force will ensure following tasks: Monitoring activities within core and buffer zone of MSPSL Monitoring of efficiency of pollution control schemes. Preparation of maintenances schedule of pollution control equipment and effluent treatment plants and strict adherence to the same.

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Implementation of shut down jobs, cleaning & testing of settling tanks, vessel jackets, heat exchangers, cooling towers, drainage system, HT supply to Grid etc. Green–belt development Water and energy conservation Good housekeeping Appraising & updating EMC on regular basis

7.1.3 Monitoring Program Monitoring schedule given by KSPCB will be strictly followed to ensure the full proof system of environmental management activities. In general, the monitoring schedule shall be as follows: Ambient air monitoring

• Monitoring of ambient air quality within 10 km radius of MSPSL at 5 stations. • Pollutants monitoring shall be for Suspended Particulate Matter, Sulphur Dioxide and Oxides of Nitrogen. Monitoring shall be carried out on alternate days throughout the year.

Metrology Monitoring of meteorological data (Wind Speed & its Direction, Maximum and Minimum Temperature, Relative Humidity and Cloud Cover) at any single representative station location on ambient air monitoring days. Water monitoring

Surface Water Sources Sampling of River water located within buffer zone of MSPSL shall be carried out once in 6 months. Three grab samples shall be collected at the rate of one sample each on 3 different days.

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Ground Water Sources Sampling of ground water from 5 existing open‐wells located within 5 km buffer zone of MSPSL shall be carried out once in 3 months. Analysis of samples collected from effluent, surface and ground water sources shall be carried out for parameters stated in the consent issued by State Pollution Control Board. Soil testing Soil samples from various agriculture fields in the command area shall be regularly collected and analyzed to confirm optimum doses of fertilizers to be used by the farmers in order to ensure maximum sugarcane yield, and to study the fertility effect of press mud, spent wash ash mixing distributed to all farmers. Noise Monitoring Hourly noise levels shall be monitored near all the noise making equipment for a period of 8 hours. Hourly noise level shall also be monitored for 8 hours in situated near MSPSL site. 7.1.4 MONITORING PLAN

I) MONITORING FACILITY It is proposed to get the monitoring work done from the laboratory of KSPCB initially. In due course of time MSPSL may acquire‐monitoring equipments namely High Volume Samplers, Stack Monitoring Kit, Automatic recording Weather Monitoring Station, Noise Monitoring Equipments etc. to carry out environmental monitoring work. The in house monitoring shall be highly recommended to save the cost incurred. II) MONITORING PLAN A comprehensive monitoring program is suggested. Environmental attributes will be monitored as described below:

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III) AIR POLLUTION AND METROLOGICAL ASPECSTS Both ambient air quality and stack emissions should be monitored. It is also proposed that continuous monitoring of SPM, NOx and SO2 emissions be undertaken in the major stacks. The ambient air should be monitored in line with the guidelines of Central Pollution Control Board. IV) WATER AND WASTE WATER QUALITY All the effluent streams from the plant shall be monitored for their physico‐chemical characteristics and heavy metals. In addition ground water samples surrounding the waste storage area will be monitored. V) NOISE LEVELS Noise levels in the work zone environment shall be monitored. The frequency should be once in three months in the work zone. 7.1.5 LABORATPRY FACILITIES A full fledge laboratory will be provided with man power and facilities for self monitoring of pollutants generated in the complex and also it effects on the receiving soil, water body and atmosphere. The laboratory will be equipped with instruments and chemicals required for monitoring following pollution parameters. A. For water pH, Temperature, TS, TSS, TDS, BOD, COD. CI, SO4, PO4, N, Na, K, D.O. etc B. For gases Velocity, temperature, SPM, SO2, NOx, CO and CO2 from the stack. SPM, SO2, NOx, RSPM, TSPM from Ambient air. C. Meteorology Wind speed and direction temperature, relative humidity and rainfall. iii. RECORDS TO BE MAINTAINED

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Following records will be maintained by the environmental department in respect of operation of pollution control facilities

• Log sheet to Record ETP results for waste water. • Log sheet for plant Operation. • Instruction manual for standard operation and maintenance of ETP etc. • Instruction manual for monitoring of water, solid and gaseous parameter discharged from the factory and also for various parameters of pollution control facilities. • Statutory records as per the Environmental Acts. • Monthly and annual progress reports.

iv) SAMPLING SCHEDULE AND LOCATIONS Post project monitoring schedule for various environmental parameters is given in Table – Particulars location Frequency Ambient Air Quality 2 samples down wind direction at 500m and 1000m 1 sample at up wind direction at 500m

24 hr sample half yearly Flue gas from Chimney for flow rate SPM, RSPM, SO2, NOX Sampling port of chimney Monthly Meteorological data Site Daily Ground Water 1 Km from spent wash tank and compost yard 2 location on downward drainage pattern 1 on upward drainage 3 location in buffer zone

Half Yearly

River water 1 each down and upstream Quarterly Soil Farm using Bio‐compost Pre and post Monsoon Waste Water At site final discharge point Daily

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The solid, liquid or gases discharged from the factory will be analyzed at the sampling points indicated below by the factory as self monitoring system. Process Water Sampling

Wastes Sampling Point A. Waste water Final outlet gutter of treated effluent (daily) B. Flue gas Sampling port of chimney (once a month) Ambient Air Sampling Ambient sampling is done as per the details given below

• Ambient air At 500 meter from the chimney for SPM & SO2 down Steam direction of wind (twice a year) • Ambient air At 1000 meter from the chimney in Downward direction of wind ( twice a year ) • Soil samples from the agriculture land utilizing the press mud and effluent water for agriculture ( once a year ) • Water from bore well in the vicinity of the factory, ( twice a year)

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8.0 DISASTER OR EMERGENCY CONTROL PLAN MSPSL will be a new growth oriented center in the Nimbal area of Indi tahasil. Such unit can pose threat of danger / hazard due to storage of hazardous materials. Thermal power plant also poses electrocution, fire, and explosion hazards. When the full fledge activity of sugar, alcohol & co‐generation will gear up it will have to follow Factories Act 1948 with all amendments till today and any directives from Director Safety, Health & Environment [SHE] will automatically be binding on MSPSL. In such condition to appoint a qualified Safety Officer is a must & will be an adequate, wise step in such direction. On site and off site disaster control plans and their perfect implementation will be part and parcel of the management & such safety officer. To lessen the probability of hazard to occur & avoid the consequent damage, a disaster management and control plan has to be worked out for whole complex in anticipation to the threat. 8.1 TYPE OF DISASTER AT MSPSL COMPLEX Disaster can occur as on site or off site variety i.e. disaster on campus or disaster in nearby area causing indirect damage to site area & the complex. Disaster may occur due to two categories, natural and manmade calamities: Natural calamities cover Flood, Storm / typhoon, Earthquake, Tsunami, Heavy mist, fog, hail storm, Land slide Man made calamities involve Fire & Explosion, All types of leakages & spillage, Electrocution, excavation, construction, erection, Sabotage, rail & road accidents, mass agitation, Looting, Morcha, war The identified hazardous areas in the complex are 1. Boiler area ‐ Explosion 2. Oil tanks ‐ Fire and spillage 3. Turbine section ‐ Explosion 4. Electrical rooms ‐ Fire and electrocution 5. Transformer area ‐ Fire and electrocution

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6. Cable ‐ Fire and electrocution 7. Storage facilities – Fire / spillage for fuel and alcohol Considering various probabilities the management & safety department has to create safety awareness & preparedness in all employees and people in vicinity area in case of any sort of emergency to occur & a chalked out attempt to surely overcome the disaster in time. This includes preparation of onsite and offsite disaster control plans, their mock drills at least 2 times in a calendar year, reports for the same to DISH & due amendments for the perfect implementation. 8.2. LEVEL OF ACCIDENT If there is any disaster in any part of plant/work place due to any reason the level of accidents from damage point of view may vary. Accordingly accident prevention program will have to be initiated by safety department simultaneously. 8.3. CRITICAL TARGETS DURING EMERGENCY

Level I Accidents Under this level disaster may happen due to electrocution, fire explosion, oil spillage and spontaneous ignition of combustible material. This level has probability of occurrence affecting persons inside the plant. Various hazardous areas identified in section 6.3 are potential areas to be affected due to level – I accidents. Level II Accidents Disaster of this level can occur in case of sabotage and complete failure of all automatic control/warning systems, and also if the fuel oil stored in tank and covered by tank bunds leaks out. However, probability of occurrence of this is very low due to the proposed adequate security training, and education level of plant personnel for the captive power plant. 8.4. SITE EMERGENCY CONTROL ROOM (SECR) & SITE MAIN CONTROLLER In each segment of work from domestic level to war fighting team level approach always helps. If concerned man is aware of his duty at his place & need of the time he can

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complement to huge task of lessening the damage of the disaster. To overcome the emergency in its occurrence it is the strategy to get prepared in advance, plan for the team effort, educate others and reduce all effects of disaster. In case of any disaster main responsibility lies with the Chairman and Board of Directors, where they can nominate one fellow to be responsible person who will be Chief incidence controller. In case of disaster key person like Chief engineer, Chief chemist, Distillery manager will be the site main incidence controller and will commence respective duties in that capacity to curtail the emergency & minimize the losses may be occurring. People in all departments can assist to contact external persons, district, state & central authorities, hospital & ambulance contact, evacuation if needed for people in the vicinity with assistance of state transport buses. People from maintenance department can help to rectify the fault in system. Security persons assist in fire fighting & material movement operation to avoid losses. It is utmost necessary to plan the control plan & to involve all staff in factory to get any sort of external help / assistance in time to lessen all sorts of damage. To assist the disaster control more effectively a site emergency control room (SECR) will be established at the plant site. The SECR may be provided with following sections: • All site plant layout • List of important telephone numbers of Chairman & Directors MSPSL, Chief Engineer, Chief Chemist, Distillery Manager, Administration Manager. • Telephone numbers of Nimbal Gram Panchayat, Indi Tehsil, Tahasildar of Indi Bijapur District collector, Bijapur State transport depot office, Bijapur District & local fire brigade station, home guard, civil defense, N.C.C. unit, State crisis group, Mumbai, crisis group, CGO complex, MoEF • All material handling & incoming vehicle traffic to be stopped temporarily. • All out going lines to be used to contact above authorities.

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• Captive power plant layout showed with inventories and locations of fuel • Oil / furnace oil storage tanks, Bagasse, coal storage yard etc. • Hazard identification chart, maximum number of people working at a time, assembly points etc • List of village and their population in the vicinity of proposed captive power plant • Public address system like loud speaker, battery operated speaker, sirens, • Whistles, batteries, signaling flags etc. • Rechargeable and battery operated torch lights and invertors. • Tie up with nearest hospital for medical assistance and facility for stretchers, chairs etc. • List of registered medical practitioners in vicinity. • Study map showing various villages and towns in the vicinity of captive power plant. • Muster Roll of all present employees. • Note pads and ball pens to record message received and instructions to be passed to concerned persons • The blow up copy of Layout plan showing areas where accident could occur. • Accident mock drill for at least 2 times in a calendar year is to be a part of routine exercise. The report bf such drill has to be submitted to DISH for his information & approval.

8.5. DISASTER PREVENTIVE MEASURES The proposed power plant will have following preventive measures to avoid occurrence of disasters:

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I. Specification & marking of safe area to gather in emergency. II. Design, manufacture and construction of plant, machineries and buildings will be as per national and international codes as applicable in specific cases and laid down by statutory authorities. III. Provision of adequate access ways for movement of equipment and personnel shall be kept. IV. Minimum two numbers of gates to escape during disaster shall be provided. V. Fuel oil storage shall be in protected and fenced. The tank will be housed in a dyke wall. As per regulations of CCOE its testing & certification will be performed each 5 years regularly. VI. Proper colour coding for all process water, air & steam lines will be done. VII. Proper insulation for all steam & condensate, hot water lines will be done. VIII. Provision of circuit brakers, isolation switches, signals will be provided as per electricity act & rules. IX. Proper & rigid bonding and earthing to all equipment will be arranged. X. Meger value of earthing connections will be checked each 6 months and the same record will be available. XI. System of fire hydrants comprising, of electrical motor driven fire pumps is planned. The fire hydrant system will have electrical motor and a generator driven jockey pump to keep the fire hydrant system properly pressurized. XII. Automatic water sprinkling system is planned for all transformers. 8.6 FIRE FIGHTING ARRANGEMENTS

BIS 2190 provides Indian standards for firefighting equipment. All firefighting equipment and extinguishers have to be planned according to this standard. There are 4 classes of a fire to occur:

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Class Materials Extinguisher A Cotton, Cloth, paper, wood Water type B Oils, Hydrocarbons, Alcohol, Greases CO2 type C Gases, CNG, LPG, Acetylene, Foam type D Electrical & metals Foam Recommendation The fire tender, which will be part of project with following minimum fire fighting arrangements shall be procured:

• Water tank ‐ 500 litres • CO2 ‐ 2700 litres • Foam tank ‐ 45 litres • CO2 type fire extinguishers ‐ 6 nos of 4.5 kg each


• Turbo‐generator area CO2 Type, Foam Type Dry chemical powder • Cable galleries CO2 Type, Foam Type Dry chemical powder • High voltage panel CO2 Type, Foam Type Dry chemical powder • Control rooms CO2 Type, Foam Type Dry chemical powder • MCC rooms CO2 Type, Foam Type Dry chemical powder • Pump houses CO2 Type, Foam type dry chemical powder • Fuel tank Area CO2 type, Foam Type Dry chemical powder Sand Basket • Offices & Godowns Foam or Dry chemical powder Type • Crushers house CO2 Type, Foam Type dry chemical powder

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8.8 ALARM SYSTEM TO BE FOLLOWED DURING DISASTER On receiving the message of ‘Disaster from Site Main Controller, fire station control room attendant will sound Siren ‘WAVING TYPE’ for 5 minutes. Incident controller will arrange to broad cast disaster message through public address system. On receiving the message of “Emergency Over” from incident Controller the fire station control room attendant will give “All Clear Signal” by sounding alarm straight for two minutes. The features of alarm system will be explained to one and all to avoid panic or misunderstanding during disaster. It is necessary to take one trial for perfect functioning of the siren at least once in one week with prior intimation to Bijapur District Collector.

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M. S. Patil Sugar Ltd. proposes to set up 5000 TCD sugar mill, 45 KLPD distillery from Molasses and 25 MW Cogeneration power plant at Nimbal, Taluka Indi, Bijapur district in Karnataka. The benefits of the project can be stated as follows: Near the village Nimbal and other areas in Indi Taluka the irrigation schemes and sugarcane growing will be sufficient to fulfill the requirement of MSPSL. This project will have long run benefits in Indi taluka of Bijapur district. Sugar mill is an agro based project using Sugar cane as sole raw material. Sugar cane cultivators i.e. Farmers will receive many benefits such as transport, education, community center etc. In the first stroke due to less distance from the farms they will get good price for cane. Next, farmers will get compost from waste streams to be used as nutrients on farms. Thus they will achieve good returns for cane. At the same time utilizing conservation plan they will get precious nutrients at merely throw away price. In this area crops like cotton, tur, jawar, bajra are cultivated, which will also fetch profits to the farmers. Waste of sugar mill i. e Bagasse and imported coal are useful for power generation and molasses is utilized for Ethanol production. There will be remarkable reduction in the waste from the complex. Thus such an attempt of use of waste material will also provide MSPSL an opportunity to pay higher price to sugarcane grower. MSPSL plans to produce anhydrous ethanol to provide precious fuel to automobiles and contribute to save Petrol, thereby foreign exchange. Indian Oil sector obtains fuel ethanol from sugar sector with good price.

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Power shortage is a crucial issue in the Country. A decision to opt for co‐generation by MSPSL using bagasse will provide power for self consumption and also other parts of villages under rural electrification plan. This will raise funds to pay good price to farmers. This industry will provide revenue to State and Central Government. At village Nimbal of Bijapur district, good scope exists to provide facilities like road, power, health care centers and educational institutes in the area. MSPSL has already initiated socioeconomic development of the nearby villages. It will be a nucleus for forecasted accelerated growth in the region near Nimbal village. As cash money will be available to the farmers cooperative supplementary units to farms like poultry, cattle growing and milk products and other food items, silkworm growing and silk weaving, Edible seeds crushing to yield oils, hand made paper units can be initiated. MSPSL decides profoundly to initiate this plan amongst the villagers and farmers jointly. Both direct and indirect employment is next important issue at the door step. MSPSL has initiated recruitment of senior staff and persons needed in construction phase to minimize migration from village to city. At the national and the state levels the benefits include decentralized power generation, reduction in T&D loss, reduced emissions, reduction in the imports of petroleum products, increased tax revenues and reduction in the transportation cost. The project will have excellent multiplier effect and will become truly a win‐win situation for all the stakeholders and for local people.

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M/s M. S. Patil Sugars Ltd. has engaged Yogiraja Industrial Consultant (YIC) Pune based company to prepare Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) study report in association with the NABET Accredit Consultant SAITECH Research and Development

organization for Integrated sugar (5000 TCD) ethanol (45 KLPD) and co‐gen power plant (25 MW). EIA is prepared by the Consultant on the basis of the data and information supplied by the client /Company. To best of our knowledge, data from various agencies like , Census of India, Indian Metrology Department, Local Forest office, Geological Survey of India, Ground water Survey Agency, National Remote Sensing Agency Hydrabad, Zilla Parishad’s yearly Publication, Taluka office, Local forest Office National Sanctuary where forest is located and search on the internet for reference on EIA are the main source. Besides this the primary data has been collected by the staff of Yogiraja Industrial Consultant. Conversion of information in text form supplied by the above agencies and data compilation is carried out by Yogiraja Industrial Consultant. Yogiraja Industrial Consultant is empanelled by Maharashtra Pollution Control Board, Mumbai. Yogiraja Industrial Consultant is regularly interacting with Department of Environment, University of Pune, Pune. To best of our knowledge the information in the EIA report is true and correct. In case certain text or data found to be similar with books or report, it may be considered as coincidence or they have been referred as being appropriate. The following staff of the company was involved in preparing EIA. 1. Dr. C. P. Vibhute Director 2. Dr. Dilip Sathe Senior Environmental Consultant 3. Ms. Anuja (Bansod) Karhu Dy. Manager 4. Miss Rupali Chandrekar Environmental Consultant 5. Mr. Yogesh Mendhe Environmental Consultant

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6. Mr. Deepak Patsavane Office Assistant The following staff was involved in carrying out GIS studies based on the images provided by the National Remote Sensing Agency, Hyderabad. 1. Shri. Swapanil Awaghade 2. Shri. Ajay Kadam

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Annexure A

Buffer zone

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Google image

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Annexure B

Sugar Process Details

















SO2 gas and milk of lime

Press Mud

Seed Crystallizer


White Sugar Cooling Grading Weighing Bag Stitching Godown

Baggase Hot Water



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BOILER 1 X 110





























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Fermented Hot Water


Cold Water











CondensatSpent Spent






to to Bio-gas to





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AMBIENT AIR QUALITY MONITORED Ambient Air Quality Monitored at Project Site

Sample No. Date of Monitoring

24 Hour Average Concentration in µg/m3 of PM 2.5 µ PM 10 µ SO2 NOX CO mg/m3 1 01‐02/03/13 15.4 54.8 14.4 18.6 < 4 2 8‐9/03/13 17.3 51.3 17.8 18.4 <4 3 15‐16/03/13 16.8 52.7 15.3 19.3 <4 4 22‐23/03/13 15.2 57.9 18.7 16.8 <4 5 5‐6/04/13 14.1 54.5 14.8 18.4 <4 6 11‐12/04/13 15.9 53.8 16.3 19.6 <4 7 19‐20/04/13 18.8 52.7 17.2 16.8 < 4 8 25‐26/04/13 19.4 59.6 19.4 17.3 <4 9 1‐2/05/13 16.7 56.4 14.9 18.8 <4 10 07‐08/05/13 17.6 53.9 15.9 20.6 < 4 11 14‐15/05/13 18.4 51.3 18.1 19.4 <4 12 20‐21/05/13 16.1 57.7 15.2 17.3 <4

98 percentile 19.27 59.23 19.25 20.38 <4 Ambient Air Quality Monitored at Nimbal bk.

Sample No. Date of Monitoring

24 Hour Average Concentration in µg/m3 of PM 2.5 µ PM 10 µ SO2 NOX CO

mg/m3 1 01‐02/03/13 10.2 72.3 8.3 13.2 < 4 2 8‐9/03/13 10.2 70.5 7.2 11.5 <4 3 15‐16/03/13 9.7 72.3 8.1 13.8 <4 4 22‐23/03/13 11.2 71.8 8.5 12.6 < 4 5 5‐6/04/13 11.5 72.9 8.8 13.1 <4 6 11‐12/04/13 10.8 71.7 9.3 13.7 <4 7 19‐20/04/13 8.7 72.2 10.1 15.4 < 4 8 25‐26/04/13 8.3 69.3 9.2 13.6 <4 9 1‐2/05/13 9.9 68.7 7.4 10.9 <4 10 07‐08/05/13 9.5 69.2 7.5 11.0 < 4 11 14‐15/05/13 10.2 68.8 7.0 10.5 <4 12 20‐21/05/13 10.5 67.9 7.4 12.9 <4 98 percentile 11.4 72.8 9.9 15.0 < 4 CPCB Standard

60 100 80 80 4

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Ambient Air Quality Monitored at Tadawalaga

Sample No. Date of Monitoring

24 Hour Average Concentration in µg/m3 of PM 2.5 µ PM 10 µ SO2 NOX CO

mg/m3 1 01‐02/03/13 8.7 53.3 7.4 14.2 <42 8‐9/03/13 11.2 55.5 8.2 13.5 <43 15‐16/03/13 10.7 54.3 9.3 15.8 <44 22‐23/03/13 11.2 51.8 8.5 12.6 <45 5‐6/04/13 11.5 54.9 8.8 14.1 <46 11‐12/04/13 10.8 58.7 10.3 13.7 <47 19‐20/04/13 9.7 52.2 11.1 15.4 <48 25‐26/04/13 8.3 60.3 9.2 13.6 <49 1‐2/05/13 10.7 47.7 8.4 13.9 <410 07‐08/05/13 9.5 49.2 8.5 12.0 <411 14‐15/05/13 11.2 48.8 7.8 13.5 <412 20‐21/05/13 12.5 50.9 9.4 13.9 <498 percentile 12.3 59.9 10.9 15.7 <4 CPCB Standard

60 100 80 80 4

Ambient Air Quality Monitored at Bablad

Sample No. Date of Monitoring

24 Hour Average Concentration in µg/m3 of PM 2.5 µ PM 10 µ SO2 NOX CO

mg/m3 1 03‐04/03/13 11.0 58.6 9.2 16.2 < 42 6‐7/03/13 9.2 53.5 7.2 11.5 <43 12‐13/03/13 10.7 57.3 8.3 12.8 <44 20‐21/03/13 11.2 55.8 8.5 14.6 < 45 2‐3/04/13 12.5 54.9 8.8 15.1 <46 13‐14/04/13 10.8 56.7 9.3 13.7 <47 21‐22/04/13 8.7 52.2 11.1 15.4 < 48 27‐28/04/13 9.3 59.3 9.2 13.6 <49 3‐4/05/13 11.9 60.7 8.4 12.9 <410 10‐11/05/13 9.5 61.2 7.5 11.0 < 411 17‐18/05/13 12.2 48.8 9.0 10.5 <412 22‐23/05/13 11.5 58.9 9.4 12.9 <498 percentile 12.4 61.1 10.7 16.0 < 4 CPCB Standard

60 100 80 80 4

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Ambient Air Quality Monitored at Lingadhalli

Sample No. Date of Monitoring

24 Hour Average Concentration in µg/m3 of PM 2.5 µ PM 10 µ SO2 NOX CO

mg/m3 1 03‐04/03/13 11.2 52.3 9.3 14.2 < 42 6‐7/03/13 10.2 50.5 8.2 13.5 <43 12‐13/03/13 9.7 55.3 8.3 12.8 <44 20‐21/03/13 10.2 53.8 9.5 12.6 < 45 2‐3/04/13 11.5 52.9 8.8 14.1 <46 13‐14/04/13 10.8 56.7 9.3 13.7 <47 21‐22/04/13 11.7 52.2 10.1 15.4 < 48 27‐28/04/13 10.3 59.3 9.2 16.6 <49 3‐4/05/13 11.9 55.7 8.4 10.9 <410 10‐11/05/13 12.5 49.2 7.5 10.0 < 411 17‐18/05/13 9.2 52.8 9.0 12.5 <412 22‐23/05/13 13.5 51.2 7.4 11.4 <498 percentile

13.3 58.7 10.0 16.3

< 4 CPCB Standard

60 100 80 80 4

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Noise Levels Monitored within 10 km area of Site




Location in


day Time

Noise Level

in dB(A)







CPCB Standards

Day Time Noise

Level in dB(A)

Night Time Noise

Level in dB(A)

Leq Leq Leq Leq

1 Project Site 68.2 60.1 75.0 70.0 2 Hanjagi 51.4 44.3 55.0 45.0 3 Nimbal Bk 52.3 43.5 55.0 45.0 4 Tadawalaga 53.8 42.6 55.0 45.0 5 Lingadhalli 50.1 42.3 55.0 45.0 6 Babalad 52.2 44.1 55.0 45.0

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Sr. No.

Parameter unit

Water Quality Monitored in Bhima River IS 10500 04-03-2013 2-4-2013 10-05-2013 1 pH ‐‐ 7.6 7.4 7.3 6.5 –8.5 2 Color Hazen Colorless Colorless Colorless 25 3 Odour ‐ Odourless Odourless Odourless ‐ 4 Taste ‐ Agreeable Agreeable Agreeable ‐ 5 Conductivity µsimen 625 632 645 ‐ 6 Total Hardness as CaCO3 mg/l 111 103 118 600 7 Iron as Fe mg/l ND 0.02 0.02 1.0 8 Chlorides as Cl mg/l 1000 10 Dissolved Solids mg/l 361 324 387 2000 11 Calcium as Ca mg/l 33 26 39 200 12 Magnesium as Mg mg/l 40.4 43.8 44.2 100 13 Sodium as Na mg/l 15.3 13.7 20.1 ‐ 14 Sulphate as SO4 mg/l 44.7 31.6 52.7 400 15 Nitrate as NO3 mg/l 7.8 6.2 8.3 100 14 Arsenic as As mg/l ND ND ND 0.05 17 Alkalinity mg/l 147 132 153 600 18 Dissolved Oxygen mg/l 4.4 3.6 4.8 ‐ 19 BOD mg/l 8.2 7.4 10.2 20 Total Coli Per 100ml 612 574 670

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GROUND WATER QUALITY Sr. No. Parameter Unit Water Quality Monitored in Village @StandardsProject Site Nimbal bk. Hanjagi1 pH ‐‐ 7.8 7.5 7.3 6.5 – 8.52 Color Hazen unit <5 <5 <5 15 3 Odour ‐‐ Odourless Odourless Odourless ‐‐ 4 Taste ‐‐ Agreeable Agreeable Agreeable ‐‐ 5 Total Hardness mg/l 452 419 321 600 6 Iron as Fe mg/l 0.1 0.010 0.01 ‐ 7 Chlorides as Cl mg/l 2 4 6 100 9 Total Dissolved Solids mg/l 525 514 500 200010 Alkalinity mg/l 340 225 262 600 12 Calcium as Ca mg/l 194.0 182.4 132 200 13 Magnesium as Mg mg/l 52.1 48.2 38 100 14 Sodium as Na mg/l 94.32 62.5 53.4 ‐‐ 15 Sulphate as SO4 mg/l 83.1 77.8 78.4 400 16 Nitrate as NO3 mg/l 12.1 11.8 11.2 100 17 Fluorides as F mg/l ND ND ND 1.5 18 Phenolic Compounds mg/l ND ND ND 0.00219 Mercury as Hg mg/l ND ND ND 0.00120 Cadmium as Cd mg/l ND ND ND 0.01 21 Selenium as Se mg/l ND ND ND 0.01 22 Silver as Ag mg/l ND ND ND ‐‐ 23 Arsenic as As mg/l ND ND ND 0.05 24 Barium as Ba mg/l ND ND ND ‐‐ 25 Potassium as K Mg/l 13.7 12.8 13.9 ‐ 26 Cyanide as CN mg/l ND ND ND 0.05

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27 Lead as Pb mg/l ND ND ND 0.05 28 Zinc as Zn mg/l ND ND ND 15 29 Aluminium mg/l ND ND ND 0.2 30 Boron mg/l ND ND ND 5

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Sr.No Type of Land Use Land in Hectares

Indi %

1 Forest 9712 7.18 2 Irrigated 35265 26.09 3 Unirrigated 65876 48.74 4 Culturable Waste 4672 3.45 5 Area not available for cultivation 19628 14.52 6 Total of 1 to 5 135153 99.98

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Parameters of Analysis Unit Soil Sample Identity

N1 N2 N3 N4 1 pH of 10% suspension pH 7.6 8.1 8.2 7.7 2 EC( mhos/cms) 0.3 0.41 0.37 0.42 3 Water holding capacity % 40.1 37.6 38.4 42.1 4 Organic carbon % 0.3 0.5 0.4 0.6 5 Available Nitrogen Kg/ha 16.2 14.8 17.3 15.2 6 Potassium as K Kg/ha 102.3 104.5 112.6 120.3 7 Phosphorous as P Kg/ha 8.3 7.6 10.3 9.4 8 Copper as Cu ppm 1.1 7.6 8.1 1.6 9 Manganese ppm 10.3 11.3 14.3 12.6 10 Iron ppm ppm 18.6 19.3 17.6 21.2 LEGEND N1 Soil sample from project siteN2 Agriculture Land in Hanjagi villageN3 Agriculture Land in Nimbal bk. villageN4 Agriculture Land in Lingadhalli village

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Return Sludge

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