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TECHNOLOGY AND ITS IMPACT ON THE ACADEMICPERFORMANCE OF BSBA STUDENTS IN ALL LEVELS AT TOMAS DEL ROSARIO COLLEGEIn Partial FulfillmentOf te Re!uirement" f#r te De$reeBa%el#r #f S%ien%e in Nur"in$Gal&e'( Carl#tte Benan)A*#linari#( CarrenVian'#n( Re+nal)# ,r-( MAC.NO/LEDGEMENTSFirst and foremost, we, the researchers would like to bring back all the glory to theever loving God Almighty for the provision, wisdom, strength and guidance we needed tomake this study successful. Theres nothing too difficult for Him to do as we put our truston Him.e e!tend our sincerest gratitude to "rs. Teresa #ela Torre, our thesis adviser,for her tirelesscommitment tous. $henot onlyencourageduswithwordsbut herdedication and commitment in helping us complete this thesis in a timely and efficientmanner. The pro%ect provided us with an opportunity to understand the fundamentals ofresearch methods in a better manner and apply them in everyday life. The insistence ontaking up a socially relevant topic like the use of technology helped us to understand thepsychologyandeducationof thepeopleusingthesesitesbetter andcorrelatetheresearch to human behavioral and mental aspects.e also would like to thank our respondents for giving us their valuable time andproviding us with the information needed to carry out the research successfully.e also would like to thank our classmates and friends for being willing to serveon our commission and e!tending their advice for improvement.Finally, we would like to thank our families for their constant support, guidanceand motivation, who helped us immensely in completing this pro%ect and for instilling inus a strong work ethic and belief that we can accomplish anything we put our minds to.TH& '&$&A'(H&'$TECHNOLOGY AND ITS IMPACT ON THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OFBSBA STUDENTS IN ALL LEVELS AT TOMAS DEL ROSARIO COLLEGETitle )age AcknowledgementTable of (ontentsCHAPTER I Te Pr#0lem an) It" Settin$ *ntroduction+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++,-ackground of the $tudy+++++++++++++++.+++++++++... Theoretical Framework+++++++++++++++++++++++++../ $tatement of the )roblem++++++++++++++++++++++++.0 Hypothesis++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++..0 $cope and #elimitation of the $tudy+++++++..++++++++++++.1 *mportance2$ignificance of the $tudy+++++++..+++++++++...........3 #efinition of Terms+++++++++++++++++..+++++++...........4CHAPTER IIRe&ie1 #f Relate) literature'elated readings++++++++++++++++++...++++++++.,5'elated literatures+++++++++++++++++++++++++......,6'elated studies+++++++++++++++++++++++++++...,.'eview of Foreign $tudies+++++++++++++++++++++++,/'eview of 7ocal literature....................................................................................,18ustification of the $tudy++++++++++++++++++++++++,4CHAPTER IIIMet#)#l#$+'esearch design+++++++++++++++++++++++++++.65)opulation and sampling+++++++++++++++++++++++...65'esearch instrument+++++++++++++++++++++++++..6,CHAPTER ITHE PROBLEM AND ITS SETTINGSIntr#)u%ti#nThe rapid development of technology that has been observed over the last yearsis pinpointing of its entry into mainstream culture and its integration into the daily lives ofmany people. (orresponding with this, there has also been substantial media coverageof the growth of social networking, its potential positive outcomes and concerns aboutthe way that some people are engaging with it.Technologyofferspeoplenewandvariedwaystocommunicateviainternet,whether through their )( or their mobile phone. They allow people to easily and simplycreate their own online page or profile and to construct and display an online network ofcontacts,often called 9friends. :sers of these sites can communicatevia their profileboth with their 9friends and with people outside their list of contacts. This can be on aone;toonebasisuestion. For thepurposeof this research paper we have purposelyfocused on theperceived effects of technology on the study habits of the -$-A students of Tomas #el'osario (ollege. BAC.GROUND OF THE STUDYTechnologyisoneofthe latestphenomenonsthatmakethewholewideworldclingtoit. *t hasbrought about changesintermsof communication. *t alsocreatespositive and negative impact in the lifestyle of billions of people most particularly to theyounger generation. Technologyhelpsdevelopbothintrapersonal andinterpersonalaspect of an individual. *t unlocks the curiosity of an individual on what is life and what isit all about. *t mayaidpeopleintheiracademiclife%ust likehowit supportsafirmandacountry in its economical, political, societal and spiritual aspects. ?n the other hand, itstill inculcates negative effects that have been wide;spreading throughout the world.(onsidering the awaiting destruction in the diverse facets of life of an individual, in hiscommunity and even his country.This study willbe conducted Tomas #el'osario (ollege #epartment where weselected students from alllevels of -$-A to pre;determine the perceive effects of theimpact of technology on the academic performance of students. Te#reti%al Frame1#r2This study further concerned on cognitive ability of the students and their performance in the actual classroom interaction. $ocial learning theory proposed by Albert -andura has become perhaps the most influential theory of learning and developmen t. *n Albert -anduras $ocial 7earning Theory added an element arguing that people can learn new information and behaviors by watching other people. @nown as observational learning uiE to findoutGC *tCs compelling to benchmark ourselves against others to see where we fit in.$ocial learning is the key to creating higher;order thinking and with continualenhancement of technology learning is inevitable. Figure , presents the paradigm of the study. )erception of -$-A students at Tomas #el 'osario (ollege on their academic performance in relation to the impact of technology. Hariable while the $tudents $tudy habits is the #ependent Hariable. $pending more timeusing technology rather than studying.Te#reti%al Frame1#r2Fi$ure 34 Relati#n"i* #f te Varia0le")rofile AgeGender(ourseIear 7evelDo. of Hours watching @orean tele series

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