Download - Chapter 2.0kk

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Hi and welcome back to the Kennedy Legacy. As promised, there will be some heck breaking loose in this chapter, as Janet the Cow is demonstrating. Last time, Jake grew up into a handsome young man and had a roof raising party, thanks to his Popularity parents. He also got shot down by his friend Beverly with a sarcastic “compliment”, but unfortunately he didn’t catch on. ‘Nessa’s brother Thomas dropped by out of nowhere and stayed with them, while giving his nephew rotten advice on how to get the girls’ attention. ‘Nessa grew into a lovely elder, and Forrest showed her he still loved her even though they were a couple years apart from each other. Jake was shipped off to college shortly after, and Thomas got his own apartment in the city. Now, let’s see what’s happening now.

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“Pine Dorms…” Jake said as he approached the medium sized building. He looked around, then thought of what the lady at the college orientation said. “….Pine Dorms was recently renovated in order to suit the growing needs of our students. Soon, every dorm on campus will be modernized and offer all of the amenities you need in order to be academically successful.”

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Jake went to his assigned room and immediately picked a major. He knew exactly what he wanted to do, and he believed that a degree in Mathematics would really help him be the best architect in Desiderata Valley.

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After decorating his dorm, he checked himself out in his wall length mirror. “Yep, I am a chick magnet. Remember what Uncle Thomas said, it’s all about me, and I am going to have plenty of ladies saying that before I graduate.”

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College life was a lot slower than he thought it would be. As he sat in the TV room upstairs, he wondered how things were going to be. The dormitory was extremely quiet. Jake looked around and sighed.This is going to be a looooong day, he thought.

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“Hey, I’m Diana. What’s your major?” the bouncy blonde said as she sat down. Jake was startled out of his thoughts and caught off guard. “Umm..uh, I’m majoring in mathematics. I’m Jake, by the way.”“Oooh math! You must be one of those smart guys.”He smiled. Here’s a good opportunity to make her swoon. “Uh, yea..yea! I am one of those smart guys. I might even be smarter than all the guys here.”Diana smiled. “Well maybe you can tutor me sometime. Math is my worst subject.”

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A shaggy looking guy came and sat in between them, listening in.“Of course I can tutor you. I’m the best in the world! And trust me, you will know it when I get you all A’s in your class.”“Hey dude, get your butt outta the clouds. This ain’t high school ya know. I bet you’re as dumb as a pile of bricks.” shaggy guy said. “ ‘sides, this is my girl. You better move it or else.”Jake looked over at him, then quickly stood up. He smiled over at Diana and said, “If ever you want to get away from this loser, knock on my door. I’m right downstairs.”

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Jake moved it to the main room downstairs, and bumped into a girl with a strange uniform on.“Oh, excuse me. Sorry for bumping into you.”He looked up and gasped. Her green eyes sparkled as she smiled then tried to walk away.“Hey wait! What’s your name? I’m Jake.”“Vivian. You must be new here.”“Yea, just got in today. I’m a Mathematics major,” he added on confidently.“Cool. Well, I better get going, my soap opera is coming on in a few minutes.”Jake didn’t want her to go just yet. He quickly thought of something else to ask her.

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“Uh, hey you like video games? I played them all the time back home, and I bet I could beat anyone in SSX 3, even with my eyes closed!”“Oh a gamer!” Vivan said, excitedly. “I love to play SSX 3, I just don’t get to play often with all of my campus activities.”They sat down and talked about games for hours, making her miss her show. By the end of their conversations, Vivian and Jake were already friends.

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Jake made sure to call his parents, his uncle, and his old high school friends. He didn’t want his friends to think he forgot about them. “College life is so much fun! You get to meet a ton of different people, and there’s lots of places to hang out at….but the boring part is all of the studying!”“Well, unless you want to flunk out of college, you better keep on studying. Don’t let us down!”“Of course, ma. I’m too smart for that.” he chuckled.

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Jake also made sure to call Beverly, who was still stuck at home with her many siblings and embarrassing parents. “I’m going to call you everyday, just to bug the heck out of you.” She said while trying to get away from her loud siblings.“Ah, c’mon don’t do that. I know I am very important to you and all, but live your life too. Soon you will be here in college, then you can call me as much as you want.”“Still the same Jake I see.”“What’s that supposed to mean?”

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In between classes, Jake took the time to stuff his face with the gourmet cafeteria food and chat up all the ladies that came in his path. He even made a few friends along the way. But Vivian always came to his mind at the end of the day.

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But college life just wouldn’t be fun without a fire! While Jake was enjoying his spongy pancakes, the stove sudden went up in flames, and the entire dorm came to freak out about it instead of running to safety. Luckily for them, the college recently installed a new sprinkler system, so no one got fried.

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“Oggie oggie oggie, ooh ohh ohh! Yea look at this y’all, I’m the best smustler up in here!”Since the radio never seemed to stay turned off for more than a couple minutes, Jake brushed up on his dancing skills in case that special lady came along. He didn’t want to embarrass himself with horrible moves.

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Back home, Forrest’s birthday came around. Even though he didn’t want to make a big deal about it, ‘Nessainsisted and decorated the house with balloons and banners.

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“You realize this will be the last time I look at these fish as a young man,” Forrest said, tapping the tank.“Yes, but then you will be looking at the fish as a wise, handsome elder.” she replied. “Babe, you always know what to say.”“I know.” ‘Nessa grinned.

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The party began with all of their friends and aquaintences rushing through the door. Everyone knew that when the Kennedy’s threw a party, it was worth coming. “Dad! Happy birthday!”“Thanks Jake. I hope the bus ride home wasn’t too long for you.”“Not at all. I slept most of the way.”

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“College is such an amazing experience! I regret not being able to go myself.”“Why didn’t you, Dad?” Jake asked.“Well, unfortunately, I had a rough life. So I never could afford it.”“That’s too bad. I promise you, I will make you proud though.”Forrest smiled. “I know you will son.”

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Jake also greeted his mom with a giant hug. He missed her a lot, and she could tell when he took a little longer to let go.

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“Hey dad, congrats on getting old!” Jake said as he took his place around the table. “Good job on making me feel better about this, Jake.” Forrest replied between clenched teeth.He was really nervous about aging, since he never thought it would happen to him.

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After blowing out the candles, he became excited about his transition. “This isn’t so hard after all!” he said as the sparkles started to surround him.

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“Oh goodness, aging is definitely not my friend,” he complained as he checked himself out in the mirror. “I don’t think ‘Nessa will be pleased at all. Maybe I should consider a face lift or something…”

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He was surprised when ‘Nessa hugged and kissed him when he rejoined the party. That made Forrest confident, and soon he was mingling with all of the guests again.

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He even got a little “birthday present” after the part was over, much to his surprise and pleasure.

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*Back at the college*It wasn’t long before he was about to put his dancing skills to the test. One of his friends came and joined him for awhile. “Wow, you are a very good dancer! You could definitely do this for a living.”“Thanks! I pride myself in my natural dancing talent.”Vivian came in and saw them dancing, and decided to interupt.“Eh hem.”“Oh hey Viv, we were just finishing up.”“Yea…thanks for the dance. See you later.”“Definitely.” His dance partner went to the study hall, leaving them alone.

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“You know I’m a better dance partner than Amy,” Vivian said, smiling.“Of course I do! We compliment each other.”Vivian blushed at his comment. After a few moments of silent dancing, Vivian said, “Jake, you are the sweetest guy I have ever met. So confident and sure of yourself. I am so happy to have met you.”Jake blushed. This is what he was waiting for…a girl that knew it was all about him.“I’m glad you feel that way.”

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“You know, maybe we should go out sometime. See the sites, maybe hang out at the park.”“Well there’s not much to see around here, but I would definitely love to do that if it means being around you.”“Yea?”“Yea.”At that moment, Jake felt he found the right person for him.

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Months went by, and they spent more and more time with each other when they were not in class. Everyone in the dorms knew something was up, and eventually they started to fall for each other. Little did Jake know that this relationship would not last long.

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In between all of the romance and studying, Jake decided he wanted to join the local fraternity, and was accepted without a hitch. The head brother offered his a room in the house, but he declined, since he wouldn’t be able to see Vivian as often.

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Close to junior year, Jake got a phone call he would remember for the rest of his life. “Hello Jake, how’s school going?” ‘Nessa asked.“Oh it’s going alright. Class is somewhat interesting. We are working on new mathematical formulas, and trying to apply them to our everyday mathematical needs.”“Ah, lot’s of math going on then.”“Yep tons. I like the challenge, but I am not a nerd.”“I know dear.” ‘Nessa smiled on the other side of the line.

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“Oh there’s something else I have to tell you. I met this wonderful girl in the dorms, and her name is Vivian. She’s really into me and likes exercising and gaming like I do. I hope you get to meet her soon. I think you will like her.”‘Nessa sighed. She knew she should have told him about the family rules before he went to college, but she decided to wait since she didn’t think Jake would be looking for something serious so soon.“Ma? Did you hear me?”“Yes I did hun. It’s…’s just that there is something you should know.”“Are you dying? Please say you aren’t.”“No, nothing that dramatic.”

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“You see, Jake, our family is very unique. We have different roots from most people. Back when I was in college, your late great aunt Tanice called me and told me about a special mission for me that my parents requested. At first I was extremely skeptical, but soon got used to the idea. After going through everything in my life, I wouldn’t change any of it.”“What kind of challenge is it?” Jake asked, nervous.“Well….basically, in order for our family to be diverse and special, each heir must choose their spouse through the matchmaker, and each heir has one child to carry on the family name. That’s how your Dad and I met, and I have never been happier. So you too must do the same thing. But you must do it in your junior year, as tradition says.”Jake looked at the phone in shock. All of his dreams of being with Vivian went down the drain in an instant. “But Ma! I am falling in love with Vivian! How could I just let her down like that? I wanted her to be with me!”

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Jake calmed himself down. “She wanted to be with me forever. How can I tell her this? Vivian will never forgive me. And why didn’t you tell me this before?”“Hun, I am so sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. I just thought I had more time. Trust me, if you tell her kindly, she will understand. Be honest with her. Do this for the family Jake. This the only way our name will continue.”He thought about it and sighed. He loved his mother very much, and he would hate to let her down.“Ok. Alright, I will do it. I know she will hate me forever and ever, but I love you ma. I will do this for the sake of the family.”“Good. I knew you would agree.”

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*Later that day*Jake’s stomach was in knots the entire day. He even left class early because he couldn’t concentrate. The task at hand was too much for him to handle, but he knew he had to do it anyways. He promised his mother he would. So when he saw Vivian waiting for him in the front room, he went for it.“Hey handsome, long time no see.” Vivian said.Jake smiled nervously. “Oh I know. Miss me?”“Of course I do.”“umm…I want to give you something. I have been waiting for the right time for it.”“Really? What is it?”

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He quickly leaned in and gave her a big kiss. Vivian was caught off guard and almost toppled over, but Jake held her steady. “Wow…I wasn’t expecting that! That was…wow. Very nice.”Jake smiled, but his eyes was sad. “That’s my way of saying goodbye to the one I love.”Vivian’s face changed. “What??? What do you mean goodbye? Are you dropping out?”“No. There’s something else.” Jake took a deep breath and explained to her what ‘Nessa asked him to do. When he was finished, Vivian looked stunned but said nothing. That made him really nervous.

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All of a sudden, she flew into a rage. “So you were just using me all this time?! You no good, half witted jerk! Ohh, I knew I shouldn’t have got so deep. This always happens. Nice guy comes and gives me attention, then dumps me like a bad habit!”“Wait, it’s not like that-”“Oh yes it is. Don’t try to downplay it. I know how you types are. Just because I have no money and living off of charity, doesn’t mean I have a use me sign taped to my back!”

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Jake tried to put on his best smile.“We can still be friends right? I mean, we have tons in common, and I would still like for you to be in my life.”“You must be kidding me! You dump me then want to be friends??? Do I look like a fool to you?”

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“I don’t want to ever see you again! I don’t want to be friends, buddies or amigos! I could care less about you right about now. You are an awful man! I feel sorry for whoever winds up with you. I hope they see who you truly are before it’s too late.”Jake signed and looked down at his shoes, defeated. This was even worse than he imagined.

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Vivian wanted to say something else, but instead she turned around and ran to her room. Jake felt emotionally drained, and mad at ‘Nessa for agreeing with the mission. He wanted to run after her, tell her he was sorry and hold her, but his anger and pride kept him in place.

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*Junior year*The semester began with little fanfare. Jake was still wishing Vivian could be with him, but he blocked the thoughts out as he anticipated the phone call to the matchmaker. He dialed the number that ‘Nessa emailed him the night before. One part of him wished that the matchmaker wouldn’t answer, but she picked up on the second ring. “Hello? Yea, I’m Jake Kennedy. My mom told me you would pick my spouse for me. Can you come to my dorms today? Cool, see you in an hour.”

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As he waited for the matchmaker to come, he paced the room nervously. He even gave himself pep talks in the hand mirror he carried around in his back pocket.“Remember Jake, it’s all about you. This girl will be all over you like ants on cheese. Don’t worry about it.” *sigh*

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Jake ran to greet the matchmaker as soon as she showed up. “You must be Jake. Nice to meet you.”“Nice to meet you too…..Umm…I guess you are supposed to pick my future wife for me or something.”“Yes, that’s right. Vat do you desire from her?”Jake rubbed his hands together. “Let’s see…I want her to be smart and beautiful, and I want her feel like it’s all about me. Being a little bit older wouldn’t hurt either.”The matchmaker smiled. She had the perfect woman in mind for him.

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After handing over his hard-earned scholarship money, Jake stood back and waited for the results. “I vish you both all the happiness in the vorld. Now, let me summon your soul mate.”

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His future wife plopped face first into the grass. Jake shook the matchmaker’s hand then looked over in surprise.“Wait, I said a little older than me, not as old as my mom!”“Vell, you were not that specific. Besides, one of your turn ons vas grey hair.”Jake said, “Yea, that’s true. Might as well go introduce myself.”

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“Hello dear, I’m Katy McGaw. I’m very pleased to meet you.”Jake smiled. “Nice to meet you too Katy. I’m Jake.”“Well, you are definitely a lot younger than I expected.”“Thanks.” Jake smiled again.

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The matchmaker interrupted. “Jake, I must tell you, because of the special circumstances surrounding your family, I vill have to give Katy a youth potion so that she will be able to bear children again.”Jake sighed in relief. “You can really do that?”“Yes, I can. Once you have your first date, she will be aged down to the adult age. So, do not worry. You will be able to grow old together.”

*It is permissible according to the challenge rules to age down the women.

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Jake decided to start impressing her by taking her to the FM restaurant downtown. He had plenty of money left over, and thought a nice expensive meal would make Katy swoon over him. The maitre d was a bit shocked to see the age difference, but bit her tongue as she gave them a table.

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“Thanks for sticking with me dear,” Katy said as they sat down.“No problem. I knew I was right for you anyways.”“Well, if you say so. Let’s see what happens.”

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After dinner, Jake suggested they do a little karaoke. Unfortunately, Katy’s singing voice was horrible, but Jake’s voice drowned her out for everyone’s sake.

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“Have a seat hot stuff, this next song is for you,” Jake said, causing Katy to swoon.“You are such a sweet talker, dear. You sure know how to make a lady feel special.”“That’s because you are special, Katy,” he replied as he picked his song.

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We talk about your work how your boss is a jerkWe talk about your church and your head when it hurtsWe talk about the troubles you've been having with your brotherAbout your daddy and your mother and your crazy ex-loverWe talk about your friends and the places that you've been

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We talk about your skin and the dimples on your chinThe polish on your toes and the run in your hoseAnd God knows we're gonna talk about your clothesYou know talking about you makes me smileBut every once in awhile

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I wanna talk about meWanna talk about IWanna talk about number oneOh my me myWhat I think, what I like, what I know, what I want, what I seeI like talking about you you you you, usually, but occasionallyI wanna talk about meeeeeeI wanna talk about meeEEeeeee!!

*I wanna talk about me-Toby keith*

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“So, what did you think about my singing?” Jake asked as she walked towards the door.“It was very lovely, dear, but my bladder is about the size of a marble, so I will be right back.”I can’t wait to be young again, she thought as she shuffled to the restroom.

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Surprisingly, Forrest just happened to be in the neighborhood during Jake and Katy’s date, and made an excuse to follow them to the restroom.“Psst! Dad! Go away!” Jake whispered from one of the stalls.“Don’t mind me son, I’m just passing through.”“Sure you are Dad.”

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After the coast was clear, Jake decided to put the moves on Katy during a slow dance. She wasn’t having any of it though.“Dear, in my day gentlemen took things a bit slow. Let’s just keep our hands above the waist ok?”Jake smiled, embarrassed. “Sure, of course. I’m just a bit nervous.”

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Katy gave him a kiss on the cheek after the song ended. “That wasn’t s bad was it, dear?”“No I suppose it wasn’t. You dance very well though.”Katy smiled. “Thank my ballet teacher from long ago. Dancing is a hobby of mines thanks to her.”

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Forrest came out of nowhere and hugged his son, which embarrassed Jake even more.“Ah son! So nice to see you here! How’s college going?”“Ummm…Dad I’m kind of in the middle of something here…”“Oh don’t mind me. But you must introduce me to your new lady friend.”

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“Hello, I’m Katy mcGaw. Nice to meet you, Mr. Kennedy.”“Oh it’s a pleasure to meet you too. Call me Forrest. So, you and Jake going steady yet?”“Dad!!”Katy blushed. “No, it’s our first date. He’s very charming.”“Well, I’m off now. Jake, treat this lady nice.”“Ok thanks. Bye now!”

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They left the restaurant an hour later after chatting over espresso and cookies. “I must say, this is one of the best nights of my life. Thanks for a lovely evening, Jake.”“Good. I knew I could show you a good time.”The taxi pulled up beside them. “See you tomorrow, Jake. I will be much younger when you see me again.”“I can’t wait,” he replied, then climbed into the taxi.

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*The next day*A nervous blonde woman climbed the steps to Pine Dorms and peeked inside. She was ready to run back where she came from, but instead she took a deep breath and pushed the door open.I sure hope he recognizes me, she thought as she stepped inside.

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Jake definitely recognized her, and greeted her with a giant kiss, much to Vivian’s dismay. Apparently, she still had some feelings for him, although she avoided him whenever possible.

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The old feelings came rushing back, and she couldn’t take it anymore. *slap!* “How could you move on so fast after breaking my heart you jerk?! It’s like you’re cheating on me or something!”“But we’re not together anymore!”“Didn’t you think that perhaps I still had feelings for you??”Katy quietly watch the drama unfold, not sure whether to jump in or stay away.

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Jake snapped. “Look, Vivan, I told you I was sorry. I told you I still wanted you to be my best friend, but you refused! You have no right blowing up in front of my new girl. So what I moved on fast! Not everyone likes to hold on to old baggage!”Vivan flinched at the words. She looked at him wide-eyed, then ran off, speechless.

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Katy drew him close and stroked his hair. “Don’t worry, I won’t be going anywhere. I can see why you dumped her. She doesn’t deserve you at all.”Jake smiled. “Thanks Katy. I am so much better for you than I was for her.”

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The couple retreated to the field next to the dorms. As they cuddled in the grass, a group of butterflies hovered over them.“I am so lucky to have met you,” Katy said as she laid her arm across his chest.Jake just smiled. He was happy he decided to call the matchmaker. Even though he was happy with Vivian, Katy made him feel like it was all about him. And that was all he ever wanted.

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They spent the afternoon chatting about each other over a complimentary rubber omelette brunch. Jake was amazed at Katy’s youth transformation, and he couldn’t stop staring at her.“You’re so beautiful,” He said, smiling.“Thank you, and this is the tenth time you told me that.”“Oh sorry, I just can’t help it.”

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Jake also wanted to bury the hatchet, as they say, with Vivian. He still wanted to be friends with her, but as long as the death glares between them got worse, that would never be a reality. So, as Vivian was leaving for class, Jake stopped her in the hallway.“Look, before you tear me a new one, just hear me out, ok?”Vivian just looked at him, pissed off from earlier.“Viv, I am so sorry for blowing up at you earlier. I didn’t know you still had feelings for me. I thought you would understand my mission in life. I still want to be your friend, so will you accept my apology?” Jake never thought he would be saying sorry to anyone, but for some reason he was compelled to do so.

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“You’re saying sorry? You? HA! I never thought I would see the day. Perhaps there’s still hope for you.”Jake’s heart sunk. “What’s that supposed to mean?”Vivian ignored his question. “Look, I accept it, but you have to work really friggin’ hard to get my friendship back. Be happy with your new girl, but you better take the time to hang out with me every once in awhile, ok?”Jake smiled. He was happy she changed her mind. “It’s a deal.”

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Jake found himself having dinner with Katy in the middle of his senior year. He worked hard to keep up his GPA, and so Katy thought it was fitting to celebrate at the local bowling alley. “To Jake, an amazing man who knows how to make me blush and feel special.”“To me!” He smiled as he chugged down the lemon-lime soda.

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At that moment, their feelings spoke for them through their dessert. Katy said it first.“Jake, I love you.”“Really?” He said, surprised.“Yes, really. I have loved you for a long time.”“I love you too Katy. Very much.”

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This time, when they slow danced to the music coming from the jukebox, she didn’t mind it when he moved his hands below her waist.

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Jake wasn’t ready to go back to the dorms, so they walked around until they stopped at the park. He looked at Katy and caressed her cheek. “Babe, I really want to show you how I feel. May I?”Katy’s face got warm as she blushed and smiled. “Umm..sure.” she said nervously.

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“So how about you spend the night in my room? It’s getting late, and I would hate to see you going home alone.”“Sure, that sounds like a good idea. Just don’t get any ideas.”“Of course not.” Jake grinned. “I promise to be the perfect gentleman.”

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Jake borrowed a mattress from an empty room and put his spare sheets on them for her. As soon as they laid down, they were both fast asleep.

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Graduation was near, and everything was happening in a blur for Jake. He logged on to SimSN to talk to ‘Nessa. He need some advice and encouragement.Itsallabout_Jake1: Hey mom, how’s it going?SimaicanIronChef: Everything is going fine. How are you? Grades still good?Itsallabout_Jake1: Yep all good. Hey ma, can I ask you something?SimaicanIronChef: Sure, go for it.Itsallabout_Jake1: When did you know that you wanted to marry Dad?

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SimaicanIronChef: I’m not sure I can explain it Jake. But,I just had this feeling in my heart that just felt right, you know? When your heart tells you it’s time, there will be no doubts. You will just know.Jake rubbed his chin. He thought the feeling was there, but he still didn’t know how to tell Katy.Itsallabout_Jake1: So how do you think I should tell Katy? I want it to be a day she will never forget.SimaicanIronChef: Try to sweep her off of her feet. Be romantic and original. His mom’s words gave him an idea.

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“Katy, you busy tonight?” Jake asked confidently.“No, I was just about to watch some TV. What’s up?”“Wanna go out for dinner tonight? I thought we would get a nice meal at Londoste.”“Londoste! That’s the nicest place in town! But how-”“Don’t worry about that babe. Just meet me there in an hour. And wear something nice.”

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An hour later, they were sitting in the fanciest restaurant in Downtown. Katy was a bit nervous, since she never had a meal there before. The other patrons were in expensive jewels and suits, and she felt out of place in her simple dress and costume jewelry.

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“Are you ok, babe?” Jake asked after their dessert arrived. “Oh, well I have never eaten here before. I’m afraid I don’t fit in.”“Don’t worry about that. This is our night. Just focus on me and you will be alright.”“Ok.” Katy smiled. “To us!” She said raising their wine glasses. “To us,” he replied.

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As they got up to dance, Jake noticed his mom in the foyer. It seemed like his parents took turns spying on him when he was in dates, but he tried his best to ignore her.“Wanna go somewhere more quiet?” Jake asked, still eyeing his mom from the corner of his eye.“Sure, what did you have in mind?”

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They took a taxi to another park that was famous for being a lovers hangout. They laid down in the soft grass and looked at the stars.“This was a wonderful evening, Jake. You really outdid yourself this time.”“You’re quite welcome, babe. You deserve it.”“Awww, thanks dear.”“There’s something else I think you deserve also.”“And what’s that?” Katy asked, curious.

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Jake go up and pulled Katy to her feet. His shaking fingers reached into his pocket and pulled out his mom’ engagement ring. As he got down on one knee, he quickly opened the velvet box and said, “Katy, you are the love of my life. You are my sun in the day and my moon at night. I would love to be with you forever and ever. Will you marry me?”Tears of joy filled her eyes and spilled over her cheeks.“Yes! Yes I will marry you Jake Kennedy!”

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“I love you so much. I promise I will be the best wife in the world.”“I love you too babe. And I know you will.”

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The next night, lightning struck the tree outside the dorm. No one bothered to call the fire department, because they thought the rain would put it out. But, when it started to spread across the lawn, Jake called them and watched as they struggled to put it out. He realized that was a sign to go elsewhere.

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And so after looking through the college classifieds, he rented out a house a few blocks away from his class. Jake decided this would be the official Kennedy house, since he didn’t want his future kid to suffer dorm living like he did.

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The next thing he did was use the genie lamp the matchmaker left him at the dorms. He asked for money so that he could remodel the place a little. Jake didn’t want his future kid coming to a badly decorated house.

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“I did a pretty good job in here,” he said as we admired his work. He installed a washer and dryer in the kitchen so he wouldn’t have to use the university laundrymat, which was always full and the wait times were awful.

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After classes ended for the evening, he invited Katy over for dinner. He made blackened catfish, which surprisingly came out well considering he only had 4 cooking points.“I love your new place. Did it come decorated like this?”“Oh no it sure didn’t. This is my own handiwork.”“If you have this kind of taste, then I am sure your parent’s house must be very nice.”He smiled. “It is. And I can’t wait for you to see it.”

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“mmph…did I tell you that you were a good kisser? Because you are,” Katy said between smooches.“Yes, you have, but I like hearing you say it. Hey, wanna go upstairs?”She stopped and looked at him, then smiled. “Only if we are going to cuddle. I want to wait until we get married to do other things.”Jake nodded. “Ok, only cuddles then.”

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And so they cuddled until they got tired, then fell asleep. Katy stripped down to her underwear, which was pure torture for Jake. He did his best to ignore it, and soon he was zonked out.

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As soon as the lights went out, a familiar visitor creeped across the lawn. “If I can’t get into the main house, I can at least get something from this house. I am positive that boy isn’t smart enough to get an alarm,” Allyn whispered to herself.

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She didn’t seem to hear the alarm going off and the police siren blaring behind her. She looked around and thought about which room she would rob first.

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She snapped out of it and realized that he did indeed buy an alarm, something ‘Nessa strongly advised he got as soon as he moved in. “Dammit! Can’t a girl get a break around here?” she screamed as Officer Rockabilly came running up the stairs to show her who’s boss.

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“I will get you eventually!” she screamed as she was lead to the squad car.“Yea, yea, you always say that.” Officer rockabilly replied.“I will though, just you watch! You can’t be around forever ya know!”

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Graduation day came, and Jake just had to throw a party. It wouldn’t be great unless he went out with a bang. He even invited Vivian and Katy, who was more than ok with being in the same room together.

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“Oh, my baby is graduating from college! I am so proud of you Jake.”“Thanks ma. Don’t forget to enjoy yourself.”“Definitely. You know I always do at parties. Just don’t overdo it with the keg.”Jake just nodded and smiled.

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Forrest and Thomas started a smustle line in the house even though there wasn’t enough room for everyone.

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‘Nessa even got the chance to meet her future daughter-in-law.“It’s so nice to finally meet you. Katy right?”“Yes, it’s nice to meet you too. Wait, aren’t you on Sim-Iron Chef?”‘Nessa laughed. “Yes, I am. But let’s not talk about that. Let’s just have fun.”“Sounds good to me.”

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Jake was even considerate enough to dedicate a toast to his fiancee for once. Maybe he was indulging a bit too much in the keg. “To my darling future wife Katy, may she always be a wonderful companion, wife and friend.”“To Katy!!”

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Vivian got into the partying mood by flirting with Thomas after having one too many drinks. Jake decided to ignore the embarrassing scene. Thomas was soaking up every bit of it though.

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Other guests couldn’t hold their spiked punch to well, and puked their guts out on the front lawn.

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“Congrats again, Jake. I am proud of you. I can’t wait for us to spend our lives together.”“Thanks babe. I can’t wait either. So, you wanna go upstairs and-”“Jake! Be patient. Soon you will have the rest of your life to ask me that question.”Jake sighed. “Alright. Let’s dance.”“Much better.”

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Vivian waved goodbye to him as she held the keys to the house in her other hand. Jake asked her to be the placeholder for him so that no one else would take the house, and she agreed. “I promise I will take good care of the house for you.”“Thanks Vivian. See you later.”“Bye!”

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And I will leave you with a picture of Heather Huffington dining at the putrid garbage buffet. I never thought she would sink so low! Anywho, thanks for reading and stay tuned to the next chapter, which will hopefully be coming soon!

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