Page 1: Chapter 3, Section 3 The Structure of the Constitution (82-87)

Chapter 3, Section 3The Structure of the Constitution


Page 2: Chapter 3, Section 3 The Structure of the Constitution (82-87)

Main Idea

• The Constitution is a remarkable document, which serves as the adaptable blueprint for the governing of the United States of America

Page 3: Chapter 3, Section 3 The Structure of the Constitution (82-87)

I. The Constitution and Its Parts (82-85)A. The main purpose of the Constitution is:

- To Provide a framework for government, but it is also the highest authority in the nation. The powers of all branches come from it!

B. The Constitution has 3 main parts: List and explain them!

1. Preamble 2. Seven Articles 3. Amendments

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C. Preamble- States the goals and purposes of government.

D. The Preamble lists 6 purposes. List below1. “To form a more perfect Union” 2. “To establish Justice” 3. “To insure Domestic Tranquility” 4. “To provide for the Common Defense”5. “To promote the general Welfare”6. “To secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.”

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To form a More Perfect Union- Unite the States so they work effectively as one nation

Establish Justice- Create a system that is fair and all citizens are treated equally

Insure Domestic Tranquility- Maintain order and peace, protect lives of citizens.

Provide Common Defense- Be ready to militarily protect our nation.

Promote the General Welfare- Help citizens live fair, healthy lives

Secure Blessings of Liberty- Guarantee the freedom and basic rights of all!

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E. The articles explain how government works. What do the first 3 Articles describe? - The 1st three Articles describe the powers and the responsibilities of our 3 branches of government.

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F. Article I- - Describes the legislative branch as two houses with lawmaking authority. It then describes how these members will be chosen. The article also lists specific powers Congress DOES NOT have.

G. Article II- - Establishes the executive, or law-enforcing branch headed by the President. It explains how these leaders will be elected and can be removed. Describes their powers and duties!

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H. Establishes the judicial branch to interpret and apply laws. It also calls for one Supreme Court plus lower courts to describe the powers of federal courts.

I. Article IV- - Says that all states must respect another’s laws and explains the process of creating new states.

J. Article V- - Explains how the Constitution can be amended.

K. Article VI- - Declares the Constitution “The Supreme Law of the Land”

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L. Article VII- States the Constitution would take effect when 9 out of 13 states ratify it!

II. Amending the Constitution (85-86) A. How many amendments do we have to

our Constitution? -27

B. Amendment- - Any change to the Constitution

C. Bill of Rights- - First 10 Amendments

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D. Income Tax- - 16th Amendment. Gives

Congress power to tax peoples earnings.

E. Amending the Constitution. Amendment process involves 2 steps.

ProposalVote 2/3 Members of both houses

Proposal By national convention called at request of 2/3 of 50 states

Ratification Approved by ¾ of all 50 states.

Ratification Approved by ¾ of all 50 states

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III. Interpreting the Constitution (86-87)A. The Constitution is a general document, it is open to

- Interpretation B. Article I gives the Constitution the Necessary and

Proper Claus, what is it?- Government can utilize their implied powers!!!

C. Implied Powers- - Powers not specifically listed in the Constitution.

D. Who has the final authority on interpreting the Constitution? - Supreme Court

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E. Custom also changes the interpretation of the Constitution. For example, political parties, not mentioned in the Constitution, are a part of today’s political system!

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Mini Quiz!!! Eve 6- Here’s to the Night

1. How many parts are there to the Constitution? What are they?

2. What do the first three Articles describe?3. First 10 Amendments to the Constitution

are called?4. How many Amendments are there?5. 16th Amendment gives Congress the power

to do what?6. Who has the final authority of interpreting

the laws of the Constitution?

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