
Chapter 3

Section 3.4

The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra

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Complex Numbers and the Imaginary i Definition:

The number x such that x2 = –1 is defined to be i



Standard Form

The Fundamental Theorem

–1 then i =

a + biComplex Numbers

a + bi , b = 0Real Numbers

a + bi , b ≠ 0Imaginary Numbers



● a + bi

Note: a + bi is also written a + ib for real a and b … especially when b is a radical or other functional form

Sometimes b ≠ 0 and a = 0

The Complex Plane

and –1 –i = – –1 x =

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Radical Expressions and Arithmetic The expression

The sum and difference of complex numbers

(a + bi) ± (c + di) = (a ± c) ± (b ± d)i Examples:

(3 + 4i) – (2 – 5i)

(7 – 3i) + (2 – 5i)

The product of complex numbers

(a + bi)(c + di)


(3 + 4i)(2 – 5i)

The Fundamental Theorem


–a –1 a = a i=

= (3 – 2) + (4 + 5)i = 1 + 9i

= (7 + 2) – (3 + 5)i = 9 – 8i

= ac + bdi2 + (ad + bc)i = (ac – bd) + (ad + bc)i

= 6 – 20i2 + (8i – 15i) = 26 – 7i

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Complex Conjugates Definition: a + bi and a – bi are a complex conjugate pair

Example: 7 + 3i and 7 – 3i are complex conjugates

Fact: The product of complex conjugates is always real

(a + bi ) (a – bi) = a2 + b2

Example: (7 + 3i) (7 – 3i) = 72 + 32 = 49 + 9 = 58

The quotient of complex numbers

The Fundamental Theorem

a + bi c + di

c – di c – di

=a + bi c + di

=(bc – ad)i +(ac + bd)

c2 + d2

= +ac + bd c2 + d2

(bc – ad)i c2 + d2

= + i ac + bd c2 + d2

( ) bc – ad c2 + d2

( )

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Quotient Examples




The Fundamental Theorem

15 + 65i 1 + 2i

(15 + 65i) (1 + 2i)

(1 – 2i) (1 – 2i) =

15 + 130 + (65 – 30)i 12 + 22 =

= 29 + 7i


=( i )( –i ) 3( –i )

= –3i

(1 + i )2 –2 + i

=(1 – i )2 (1 + i )2 (1 – i )2 (–2 + i)

=(1 – i ))2 ((1 + i )

(–2i) (–2 + i)

=( 2 )2 2 + 4i



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Quadratic Formula Examples 1. Solve: x2 – 2x + 1 = 0

2. Solve: x2 – 4x – 5 = 0

3. Solve: x2 – 2x + 5 = 0

The Fundamental Theorem

x =2ab2 – 4ac ±–b

= 1=2(1)

(–2)2 – 4(1)(1)±+2 =



Solution set: { 1 } Question: Is there and easier way ?

x =2ab2 – 4ac ±–b


(–4)2 – 4(1)(–5)±+4 =



Solution set: { –1, 5 }

= 5


x =2ab2 – 4ac ±–b ± (–2)2 – 4(1)(5)


+2 =


–16 ±2 = 1± 2i

Solution set: { 1 – 2i , 1 + 2i }

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Complex Solutions of Quadratic Equations Complex solutions occur in pairs

Each has a complex conjugate solution

Depends on discriminant:

The Fundamental Theorem


x =2ab2 – 4ac ±–b

The Quadratic Formula

=b2 – 4ac 0

0b2 – 4ac >

0b2 – 4ac <

One real solution

Two real solutions

Two complex (non-real) solutions

Note the radical

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The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra

A polynomial of degree n ≥ 1 has at least one complex zero


Every polynomial has a complete factorization

For polynomial f(x) there is some zero k1 so that

f(x) = (x – k1)Q1(x)

Then Q1(x) = (x – k2)Q2(x) so that

f(x) = (x – k1)(x – k2)Q2(x)

Applying the Fundamental Theorem n times

f(x) = (x – k1)(x – k2)...(x – kn)Cn

The Fundamental Theorem


... where Cn is a non-zero constant

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The Number of Zeros Theorem

A polynomial of degree n has at most n distinct zeros

Follows from the Fundamental Theorem factorization

f(x) = (x – k1)(x – k2)...(x – kn)Cn

If all the ki are distinct there are n distinct zeros

... otherwise one or more zeros are repeated


1. f(x) = 5x(x + 3)(x – 1)(x – 4)

2. f(x) = 4x2(x – 2)3(x – 7)

The Fundamental Theorem

How many distinct zeros ?

How many distinct zeros ?Total zeros ?

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The Conjugate Zeros Theorem If f(x) is a polynomial with only real coefficients then its

complex zeros occur in conjugate pairs

Examples 1. f(x) = x4 + 5x2 – 36

= u2 + 5u – 36

= (u – 4)(u + 9)

= (x2 – 4)(x2 + 9)

2. f(x) = x3 + x

= x(x2 + 1)

= x(x + i)(x – i)

The Fundamental Theorem

Let u = x2

= (x + 2)(x – 2)(x + 3i)(x – 3i) Zeros ?

Zeros ?

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Solving Equations Using Zeros Factor polynomial Set completely factored form equal to 0 Apply zero product property

Examples 1. f(x) = x4 + 5x2 – 36

(x + 2) = 0 OR (x – 2) OR (x + 3i) = 0 OR (x – 3i) = 0

Solution set is { –2, 2, –3i, 3i }

2. f(x) = x3 + x = x(x + i)(x – i)

x = 0 OR x + i = 0 OR x – i = 0

Solution set is { 0, – i , i }

The Fundamental Theorem

= (x + 2)(x – 2)(x + 3i)(x – 3i) = 0

= 0

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Think about it !

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