
Chapter 4 Managing Stress & Coping

with Loss

Chapter 4

Lesson 1

Stress can affect you in

both p _______ and

n ___ ways.

What Is Stress?

How you think about a challenge determines

whether you will experience positive or negative


•Feeling stress is a n __ ___ part of life.

•Stress is the r of the body and

mind to e______________ challenges and

d .

What Is Stress?

How much the stress of an event affects you depends in part on your perception of it.


Reacting to Stress

Stress can have both a positive and a negative effect.

Positive stress can m_____________

you and inspire you to work


Negative stress can cause you to feel

d_________________, overwhelmed,

impatient, frustrated, or even a________. It can harm your health.

Causes of Stress

Stressors vary among individuals and groups.

Potential Stressors are:






Causes of Stress

The effect of a stressor depends on your experiences and perceptions.


Your Body’s Response to Stressors

Stressors activate the nervous system

and specific hormones.

When you perceive something to

be dangerous, difficult, or painful,

your body a __

begins a stress response.

Your Body’s Response to Stressors

The stress response involves three stages.

Your mind and body go on high alert. This “fight-or-flight” response prepares you to defend yourself or to flee from a threat.

If exposure to a stressor continues, your body adapts and reacts to the stressor. This stage lasts for a brief period.

If exposure to stress is prolonged, you begin to tire and lose the ability to manage other stressors effectively.

Your Body’s Response to Stressors

Stress and Your Health

Ongoing stress affects all a________

of your health.

The physical c___________that take

place in your body during the stress

r_____________ can take a t______

on your body.

Stress and Your Health

Prolonged stress can lead to a psychosomatic response.

Psychosomatic response

Stress and Your Health

The Physical Effects of Stress


A weakened immune system

High b p ________

Bruxism, clenching the jaw or grinding the teeth

Digestive disorders

Stress and Your Health

Mental/Emotional and Social Effects of Stress

Difficulty concentrating


Mood swings

Chapter 4

Lesson 2

You can manage stress by

learning skills to r __

the amount and impact of

stress in your life.

When Stress Becomes a Problem

Identifying what is stressful is the f step

in learning how to m_____________ stress.

The trick for managing stress is to learn

s to keep stress from

building up and to deal with individual

stressors e______________.

When Stress Becomes a Problem

The effects of stress are additive, meaning they build up over time. An increasing number of teens are experiencing chronic stress.

chronic stress

Stress-Management Techniques

You can develop strategies to both avoid and

reduce your stress.

Stress-m ______ skills

help you manage stressors in a

h , effective way.

Avoiding and Limiting Stress

•Avoiding situations that cause stress is the e way

to reduce its effects.

• If you’re unable to avoid a stressor, you can try to r________

or limit the amount of stress you’re exposed to.

Avoiding and Limiting Stress Strategies for Avoiding and Limiting Stress

If taking on a new activity will add to your stress, use refusal skills to say no.

Manage your time wisely by planning ahead. Think about how stressed you feel

before a test.

A positive outlook limits stress by shifting your perception and how you

respond to a stressor.

Using tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs will harm the body and cause more stress.

Avoiding and Limiting Stress

Planning ahead can help you avoid or limit stress.

Handling Stress and Reducing Its Effects

For stressors that are unavoidable, practice stress reduction techniques to achieve a relaxation response.

Relaxation response

Handling Stress and Reducing Its Effects

To lower the impact of stress on your health, try these tips:

Deep breathing, thinking pleasant thoughts, stretching, taking a warm bath, and even laughing can relieve your stress.

When energy builds up from stress, use that energy in a constructive way. Work on a creative project or engage in physical activity.

Confide in someone you trust for an objective view and valuable advice.

Staying Healthy and Building Resiliency

Taking care of your h is

e to stress management.

Positive health-maintenance habits

help you deal with stress, p_________

stress, reduce stress, and recover from


Get Adequate Rest

Adequate sleep can help you face the challenges and d__________ of the next day.

Using time-management skills will allow you to get the eight to nine hours of sleep that you need each night.

Get Regular Physical Activity

Participating in regular physical activity benefits your o___________ health.

Physical activity can release pent-up energy, clear your m________, increase your energy level and your endurance, and help you s_________ better.

Eat Nutritious Foods Eating a variety of h_____________ foods and drinking plenty of water not only helps your body function properly, but it also reduces the effects of s_________.

Poor eating habits can contribute to stress, causing weakness, fatigue, and a reduced ability to c_______________.

Staying Healthy and Building Resiliency Include self-maintenance and stress-management strategies in your d_______ routine.

Resiliency helps you handle difficulties and c____________ in healthful ways and a____________ long-term success in spite of negative circumstances.

Chapter 4

Lesson 3

Understanding the grieving process

helps you cope with loss and manage

your feelings in healthy ways.

Acknowledging Loss

A a loss is one way to help

begin the healing process.

Everyone e loss

during their lives and the grief that

it brings.

Expressing Grief

The grieving process can help people

accept the loss and start to heal.

•Feelings of loss are very p___________.

•Everyone g_________ in their own way.

•Some may talk about their loss; others

may want to be alone.

The Grieving Process

Swiss-American psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross noted that the grieving process includes stages of grief.

stages of grief

Stages of Grief

• D (numbness)

• Emotional Release

• A

• B________________

• D

• Remorse

• A

• Hope

The Grieving Process

During the Denial or Numbness stage of grief, it may be difficult to b_________ the loss has occurred.

During the Emotional Release stage of grief, the loss is recognized. This stage often involves periods of c__________.

During the Anger stage of grief, the person uses anger because he or she feels p____________ and unfairly deprived.

The Grieving Process

During the Bargaining stage of grief, the reality of the loss sets in and the person may promise to c_________ if what was lost can be returned.

During the Depression stage of grief, there are feelings of sadness. In addition, feelings of isolation, alienation, and h_________________ may occur.

During the Remorse stage of grief, the person may become preoccupied with thoughts about how the loss could have been p_____________.

The Grieving Process During the Acceptance stage of grief, the person faces the reality of the loss, and experiences closure.


The Grieving Process

During the Hope stage of grief, remembering becomes less painful, and the person begins to look ahead to the future. This stage involves coping.


The Grieving Process


services and

sites help

people grieve

and show


Coping with Death

Coping with death involves receiving and showing


Death is one of the most painful losses we can


Coping with Death Most people respond to loss by mourning.


Mourning includes t___________ about the

person, experiencing the pain of the loss, and

searching for m___________.

Showing Empathy

Grieving alone makes the process more difficult.

The friendship and support of others who are also grieving may make the process e_________.

If you know someone who is grieving, show support by helping the person to recall happy m____________ and being a sympathetic listener.

Use s___________ when appropriate.

Community Support

A person’s c___________ background also influences grieving.

Common mourning rituals, such as m_________ services, v__________ (or wakes), and funerals are events that celebrate the life of the person who has died.

Coping with Traumatic Events

After a traumatic event, you may question your sense of security and confidence.

Traumatic event

Coping with Traumatic Events

Support from family, friends, and community

resources can help individuals recover from a

traumatic event.

Traumatic events are s and

shocking, such as a ,

violent assaults, s__________, and

natural disasters.

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