  • 7/29/2019 Characteristics of Audits.pdf


  • 7/29/2019 Characteristics of Audits.pdf


  • 7/29/2019 Characteristics of Audits.pdf


    Ch i i f A di h // li i /K l d / li / h i i f di

  • 7/29/2019 Characteristics of Audits.pdf


    Unlike the first party audit, a second party audit isan audit of another organizationalqualityprogramnot under the direct control or within the organizational structureof the auditingorganization. (ANSI/ASQC NQA-1 (1986))Second party audits are usually performed by thecustomer upon its suppliers (or potential suppliers) to ascertain whether or not the supplier canmeet existing or proposed contractual requirements. Obviously, the supplier quality system is a very

    important part of contractual requirements since it is directly (manufacturing, engineering,purchasing, quality control, etc.) and indirectly (marketing, inside and outside sales, etc.)

    responsible for the design, production, control and continued supportability of the product. (See

    Figure 1.3 for an example of a second party audit process flow.) Although second party audits areusually conducted by customers on their suppliers, it is sometimes beneficial forthe customer to

    contract with an independent quality auditor. This action helps to promote an image of fairness and

    objectivity on the part of the customer.


    Compared to first and second party audits where auditors are not independent,thethird party auditis objective. It is an assessment of a quality system conducted by anindependent, outside auditoror team of auditors. When referring to a third party audit as it applies to an international qualitystandard such as ISO 9000, the term "third party" is synonymous with a quality system registrar

    whose primary responsibility is to assess a quality system for conformance to that standardandissue a certificate of conformance(upon completion of a successful assessment).

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    Characteristics of Audits

    4 of 4 26/09/2012 3:27 PM

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