Page 1: CHARLOTTE COMMUNITY NEWS July / August, 2016

[email protected] (585) 865-6101


July / August, 2016

Charlotte Community Association Mission and Vision Statements

M ISSION: To build a stronger community and to enhance the lives of our residents by providing a forum for sharing information, connecting neighbors and stakeholders, and fostering civic engagement while preserving and promoting the heritage of the Village of Charlotte.

V ISION: A safe, vibrant, and inviting place to live, work and visit; a family-friendly community and a year-round destination celebrated for its rich history and natural resources.

Charlotte Community News

A monthly publication of the

Charlotte Community Association

PO Box 12768, Rochester, NY 14612

Circulation 400

Clare Stortini, President

Jonathan Hardin - Vice President

Sue Roethel, Secretary

Patti O’Brien, Treasurer

Donna Bour-Purdy, Director and Editor

Mary Chambers, Director

Tommy Borrelli, Director

Two Open Seats, Directors

Port of Rochester Updates – June, 2016

Revised Site Plans for Mixed Used Development Project Submitted

A n open house for the revised site

plans was held at the Port of Rochester on June 8. Residents were informed of the session along with notice that the public would have 20 days to send feedback to the city of Rochester, ending June 15th.

The revised plans can be found on the city of Rochester website,

The next major deadline for Edgewater Resources Inc., is to disclose financing to the City by June 30, 2016.

Port of Rochester Marina Grand Opening

M ayor Lovely A. Warren presided at the opening of the Port of Rochester Marina on June 13th, 2016. City, County and State representatives were on hand to cut the

ribbon. CCA Board members also attended. The Mayor was quoted as saying, “This beautiful new Marina at the Port of Rochester puts our city on the map of Great Lakes destinations and establishes a true Port of Opportunity at the meeting place of the Genesee River and Lake Ontario. The idea to build a marina at this site was first proposed more than 50 years ago and, with the help of our partners at the state and federal levels, we have finally made it a reality. This marina will play a major role in our efforts to create more jobs, safer, more vibrant neighborhoods and better educational outcomes for our citizens.” The marina is now open for the entire community to enjoy, either on the water or on the land. Many pedestrians, cyclists and picnickers have already taken advantage of the space. Restaurants in the port building are scheduled to open soon.

CCA Board speaks to Rochester City Council

T he CCA Board prepared comments to share with the City Council at the “Speak to Council” session on June 14. The board expressed concern that the Charlotte

community is not getting adequate communication and meaningful inclusion in the port project process. While we recognize the importance for revitalization of the Port of Rochester, we want to remind you that the land development plans have progressed without the community’s consent. The major concerns about the project expressed by the board are scope, impact on traffic and parking, funding and financial viability. The complete letter can be found on the CCA website, or a hard copy will be mailed to your home upon request by calling the CCA hotline at 585-865-6101.

Inside This Issue:

RPD Thanks Security and Safety Update


Seeking Nominees to CCA Executive Board New Board Director


Welcome Sign and CBC Update Garden to Table Demo


City Council Update Summer Meals for Kids


NYS Senate and Asembly Updates 6

NeighborGood Grant 7

Community Outreach Night Night Out Against Crime


Charlotte Branch Library CHS Farwell NW Quadrant Community Champion


Event Calendar 10

Membership and Sponsorship Form August Calendar


July Calendar 12

Upcoming CCA Meetings

Roger Robach Center

7 pm

Monday, July 11*, 2016

Monday, August 1, 2016 Monday, September 12*, 2016

*Note change due to holidays

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2 Charlotte Community News July / August 2016

[email protected] (585) 865-6101

T he Safety and Security Committee reached out

to the Rochester City School District (RCSD),

Board President, Van Henri White regarding the

current status of the Leadership Academy for Young

Men (LAYM) and their future growth. Mr. White is

also the RCSD board liaison to the LAYM and will be

the guest speaker at the August 1, 2016 CCA


There will not be a meeting in the month of July. The next meeting is Tuesday, August 9, 2016 at 6:00 PM – 7:00 at the LDR Char Pit, 4753 Lake Ave. The Safety and Security Committee is seeking

volunteers to assist with the National Night Out at Ontario Beach Park on August 2, 2016. If you’re interested in volunteering for the National Night Out, please email Jonathan Hardin at [email protected].

Finally, on August 20, 2016 the Falleson Road Block Club is hosting the First Annual Community “Rock the Block” Party from 1 PM to 7 PM. If you would like additional information and/or would like to join the planning committee, please contact Claire Golden, Committee President at [email protected] or (585)797-5893.

Safety and Security Committee Update by Jonathan Harding

Thank you to everyone involved!

A t the June CCA meeting, Lt. Jeff Koehn of the Rochester Police Department, reported that

Memorial Day events at Ontario Beach Park went without incident. In his update, he thanked the agencies that partnered with RPD to ensure an enjoyable holiday weekend at the park. We’d like to print this list and also acknowledge and thank everyone involved:

The RPD Lake Section Patrol – Detailed officers to the beach to assist in addition to their patrol responsibilities, the RPD Tactical Section, the RPD Traffic Enforcement Unit, the RPD Mounted Unit, the RPD Surveillance Electronic Support Unit (Trailer Cameras), the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office, the New York State Police, the U.S Border Patrol, Monroe County Probation, Pathways to Peace, Rural Metro, Rochester Fire Department,

Rochester City Security, RTS, The Monroe County Parks Department, the Emergency Communications Department (911). “Also, the Irondequoit and Greece Police Departments agreed to be on hot-ready-standby in case we needed them and we are grateful for that.”

Finally, Lt. Koehn acknowledged his own staff, “Lastly, because it’s my unit I hesitate, but my CPOs from the NSC really do a great job with this detail. They are responsible for the command van and the ATVs. They also engage in bike patrol and were all over the place. I’m proud of their efforts.”

We thank you all for everything you do each and every day!

Lt. Jeff Koehn Reports a Safe Memorial Weekend At The Park

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[email protected] (585) 865-6101

July / August 2016 Charlotte Community News 3

Tommy Borrelli Joins CCA Board as Director

T ommy Borrelli, a Charlotte

resident of 33 years, was

appointed to fill an open Director

position on the CCA Board in May,

2016. Tom has lived in Charlotte

with his wife Cindy, for 33 years.

Tommy is retired from Eastman

Kodak Company and now rises at

4 a.m. to mow the golf course at Lakeshore Country Club.

It’s back to the future for Tommy, who was on the CCA

Board in the 1990’s. When asked why he decided to rejoin

the Board he said. “I want to be part of the solution and

continue to be involved in my community.” He was also

involved in the Coast Guard Auxiliary and served as Vice-

President of the Charlotte Genesee Lighthouse Historical


In his spare time, Tommy plays bass guitar for a classic

rock band called “Off the Record”. They will be performing

at Ontario Beach Park in October for River Romance


Please join the CCA Board in welcoming Tommy to this year’s Board, and thanking him for his service to the community.

T he Nominating Committee of the CCA calls for nominations for the 2017-18 Board of Directors. The

following positions are up for election this year: President, Secretary, 3 Directors (Note: 1 of them is held for the Past President). Elected candidates will serve a 2-year term from 1/1/16 to 12/31/17.

Eligibility: According to the current (2009) Bylaws,

Board members must reside within the boundaries of Charlotte.

First choice of Officer Candidates must be given to currently active Officers and Directors. The outgoing President may be appointed to the 5th Director seat held for the Past President.

Must be a paid member of the CCA for at least two months prior to the election (by September 12, 2016).

Nominations must be received in writing by September 12, 2016.

Nominations may be hand-delivered to Sue Roethel or sent to the CCA:

By email - [email protected]

By postal mail - P.O. Box 12768 Rochester, NY 14612.

Timetable: The Nominating Committee will submit its slate of candidates for Officers and Directors for 2017-18 at the CCA General Meeting on October 3, 2016. The election will take place at the CCA General Meeting on November 7, 2016.

Voting Eligibility: Only paid members of the CCA for at least two months prior to the election (members who are paid by September 12, 2016) are eligible to vote in the November elections.

The 2017-18 Nominating Committee currently consists of Board Liaison Sue Roethel, Board Director Mary Chambers, and Board Director Tom Borrelli. The Committee seeks a Chairperson and additional community volunteers to screen all nominees to verify that they meet the necessary qualifications and to recommend a final slate of candidates for election.

CCA Seeking Nominees for 2017-18 Executive Board of Directors

Tommy Borrelli

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4 Charlotte Community News July / August 2016

[email protected] (585) 865-6101

“From Garden to Table” Demo

J oin the Northeast Greece Neighborhood Program – part of Episcopal SeniorLife

Communities (ESLC) and based out of Beatrice Place, 600 Denise Road – for a “Garden to Table” demonstration on Wednesday, July 20 at 12:00 noon. Reservations requested by calling

585.546.8439 x4419.

ESLC Executive Chef David Watkins will demo tasty dishes that can be made from fresh fruits and vegetables. Participants will have the opportunity to take home produce from the

community gardens at Beatrice Place, where more than 1,025 lbs. of produce were harvested last year! This is the third year of the community gardens there.

ESLC is pleased to continue offering the Northeast Greece Neighborhood Program – a health and wellness program for seniors in Northeast Greece

and the Charlotte community – which has three main components: physical fitness; nutrition; and education. The program’s goal is to assist seniors in maintaining independence by increasing knowledge, activity levels and overall health by offering fun, social programs specifically designed for older adults.

To learn more about how you can benefit from the community gardens, volunteering with the gardens, or about Beatrice Place and the Northeast Greece Neighborhood Program, please contact Mary Ellen VanAuker, Community Director, at 585.546.8439 x4410 or [email protected]

Beatrice Place Residents harvest pumpkins last year from the community gardens.

David Watkins,

Welcome To Charlotte Sign and Charlotte Beautification Update

The “Welcome to Charlotte Sign” on Pattonwood Drive has been replaced with funds from the CCA. It was damaged this spring by vandals. Pam Postgate, a member of the Charlotte Beautification Committee (CBC), has added her touch with summer flowers. Under the direction of Linda Paruta, about 25 other members of the CBC have also been out this spring planting, weeding and watering the 20+ gardens and flower pots in the park and elsewhere in Charlotte. Unfortunately, vandalism has hit the CBC as well, with many plantings dug up and stolen. The good news is that our volunteers are out there working hard to keep our community beautiful. Soon they will be sporting new t-shirts that identify them as Volunteer Gardeners. Please stop by and thank them for their hard work.

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[email protected] (585) 865-6101

July / August 2016 Charlotte Community News 5

J une is a busy month for the Rochester City (City) Council as we take on one of our most important jobs of reviewing and

approving the comprehensive City budget, including budgets for all of the departments as well as that of the City School District. The Mayor held one budget input session at City Hall, one call-in session and an online survey and City Council itself holds budget hearings that are open to the public and sets aside time for public comment; unfortunately, none of these events were well-attended by the community. We need to do a better job of educating residents about critical elements of the budget, explaining major changes in proposed investments and getting input on specific programs, and I am dedicated to working on increasing public engagement in the future.

Relevant to the 2016-17 budget, I was happy to support several elements including: the funding of 20 police officer positions, previously budgeted but not filled; moving to single-

From the Desk of: Molly Clifford

Molly Clifford, Northwest City Council Member

stream recycling City-wide by mid-next year, making recycling easier for everyone as well as helping the environment; increasing collaboration, thereby expanding youth programming among the Department of Recreation and Youth Services, the City School District and our libraries; and holding taxes essentially flat, resulting in an average $15 decrease per household this year.

There were several areas of the budget that my colleagues and I questioned which included: the continued growth of the City School District budget, despite decreasing student enrollment; a lack of clear direction in our housing and economic development policies; the effectiveness of some of our job training programs; and, of particular concern to me, targeted investments in some neighborhoods at the expense of others. These are areas of concern that we are committed to focus on over the coming year.

Have a wonderful summer!

S ummer Meals is back, offering kids 18 and under a fresh, healthy, and free meal that fits in with their on-the-go style. Provided by the City

of Rochester, Foodlink, or the Rochester City School District, kids can eat food that will keep them full and satisfied without spending a dime or leaving their favorite activities! Summer meals can be found at R-Centers, schools, churches, neighborhood programs, and lots of other

places kids spend the summer. Best of all, parents don’t have to take extra steps to get their kids involved

– just drop in during the designated mealtime. To find a location, look for yellow banners with the brightly

colored “Summer Meals” logo around your neighborhood! For a complete list of locations and meal times

visit or dial 2-1-1. More questions? Please contact us at

[email protected] or call 1-888-324-1571.

Free Summer Meals for Kids and Teens 18 and Younger

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6 Charlotte Community News July / August 2016

[email protected] (585) 865-6101

Update: New York State Senate

Joe Robach Veteran Legislation Passed!

T his month, I will be hosting my annual Health and

Wellness Fair. The Fair is a great opportunity to

acquire helpful information about how to protect your

health, enhance your life, and save money.

Date: Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Time: 9:00 AM – Noon

Location: Temple B’rith Kodesh

2131 Elmwood Avenue,

Rochester, NY 14618

There will be representatives from several

organizations including: the NYS Attorney General's

Office, American Association of Retired Persons (AARP),

Monroe County Office for the Aging, LIFESPAN and

Rochester Gas & Electric. Additionally, the Fair will offer

free hearing screening, blood pressure testing, glucose

screening, nutritional information and much more!

For more information, or if you need directions to the

location, please call my office at 585-467-0410.

I am looking forward to seeing you there!

Update: New York State Assembly

Joe Morelle Annual Health and Wellness Fair

Good News for New York State Veterans!

A fter passing the Legislature three times and being vetoed twice, I am happy to announce

that the Veterans Buyback Bill has finally been signed into law. This new law allows all honorably-discharged service members with five-years of existing public pension credit to purchase three-years of credit for their military service. Previously, state law only allowed World War II, Korean War and Vietnam War veterans to purchase pension credits. My Senate colleagues and I have fought hard to enact this law, to honor those who have bravely served our country and to encourage them to return to New York and continue their public service. This is long overdue and I’m elated that all of our veterans will finally receive the benefits that they have earned. Additionally, I am pleased to recently support the following Senate-approved legislation to: Create a new Korean War Service Medal for military service abroad in the Korean War from June 25, 1950 through July 27, 1953;

Create the Vietnam War Service Medal for military service abroad in the Vietnam War from November 1, 1955, through April 30, 1975; and

Allow qualified veterans to add veterans' credits to civil service competitive examination scores at any point prior to the expiration of the eligible list; including those examinations for appointments and promotions to the state police.

These actions are the least we can do for our veterans who made the selfless decision to serve their country and protect our freedoms. Please accept my profound thanks to all our service men and women and their families. It is always an honor to meet with our local veterans and I am humbled to serve as your voice in state government.

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[email protected] (585) 865-6101

July / August 2016 Charlotte Community News 7

T he Charlotte Community Association has received

a $2,500 NeighborGood grant from the Rochester

Area Community Foundation for its efforts to boost

membership. NeighborGood grants are designed to

help resident-controlled, neighborhood-based

organizations in the City of Rochester

involve citizens and improve the

quality of life in their neighborhoods.

The CCA is committed to increasing

community participation in our

association and in the neighborhood.

The focus of our operating budget is

for newsletter and special mailings,

along with community outreach such

as Scholarship Fund, community

sponsorships (such as CYAA) and other

outreach activities (several are

included in this month’s newsletter).

As a result, there are limited funds to

use for promoting and reaching out to new residents

and potential members. This grant will allow us to

create a promotional brochure, send mailings to

Charlotte residents (4,500 households), create

welcome kits for new homeowners and provide

member and volunteer recognition opportunities.

The Community NeighborGood grants are designed

to help resident-controlled, neighborhood-based

organizations in the City of Rochester involve citizens

and improve the quality of life in their


The CCA is entirely dependent on its members and

volunteers to make things happen. Our hope is that

we can expand our base and enable more

opportunities to achieve our mission,

“To build a stronger community and

to enhance the lives of our residents

by providing a forum for sharing

information, connecting neighbors

and stakeholders and fostering civic

engagement while preserving and

promoting the heritage of the Village

of Charlotte.”

The Community Foundation is a

permanent community endowment

that assists individuals, families,

businesses and organizations to

establish funds that aid specific

charitable interests or evolving needs in the

community. Since its founding in 1972, more than

1,000 funds have been creating, allowing the

Foundation to address a broad range of regional

needs, including youth and family programs, early

childhood development and education, civic

engagement, arts and culture, environment, the

aging and women and girls. See for

more information.

CCA Receives NeighborGood Grant to Grow Membership and Volunteer Base

This grant will allow us to

create a promotional

brochure, send mailings to

Charlotte residents

(4,500 households),

create welcome kits for

new homeowners and

provide member and

volunteer recognition


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8 Charlotte Community News July / August 2016

[email protected] (585) 865-6101

National Night Out Against Crime – August 2nd

O n August 2th, The Charlotte Community Association, along with neighborhood groups from Maplewood, Lyell Otis Avery, and Edgerton, Dewey, Driving Park, as well as the RPD Crime Prevention Officers Jay

Blanchard and Kelly O’Hara will partner for the National Night Out event in Rochester.

This is a nation-wide event where community groups and neighbors get together to “promote police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make our neighborhoods a safer, better place to live.” Neighborhoods across the nation host block parties, festivals, parades, cookouts and other community events to show a visible presence.

The neighborhoods in the City of Rochester Northwest Quadrant will not be outdone! Plans for the evening include:

Motorcade with Rochester Police Department – meet at RPD building at 1099 Jay St. at 5:30 pm. We highly recommend you try to participate in this motorcade. Its an exciting way to see the rest of the neighborhoods in the Northwest Quadrant. You will NOT be disappointed!

Motorcade procession from Jay Street to Ontario Beach Park starts at 6:00 pm.

Neighborhood picnic at Ontario Beach Park – starts at 7:00 pm. Bring a dish to pass.

Everyone is invited to the picnic, even if unable to participate in the Motorcade. Come and meet our neighbors from the Maplewood, Lyell Otis Avery, and Edgerton, Dewey, Driving Park communities. The CCA Safety and Security Committee is organizing this event for Charlotte and is encouraging everyone to come out and show your support for the community! For further information, call 865-6101 or send an email [email protected].

Community Outreach Night

T he Charlotte Community Association and the City of Rochester have joined forces to sponsor a Community Outreach Night for the Charlotte Community. Come and meet your neighbors, have some food and

discover the many resources that are available to those in our neighborhood.

When: July 12th, 5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m.

Location: Leadership Academy For Young Men, 4115 Lake Avenue

Some of the resources that will be there are:

Foodlink NYS Safe Child Program Pathways to Peace Rochester Fire Department

Rochester Police Department including Mounted Patrol

Rochester Regional Health Rochester Recreation on the Move and many more!

Free Child Fingerprinting, Hot Dogs, Drinks

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[email protected] (585) 865-6101

July / August 2016 Charlotte Community News 9

Charlotte Branch Library July / August, 2016 Events

By Paul Tantillo

Lots to do this summer! There are summer reading programs for all ages, and children’s librarian Kim has come up with a bunch of summer activities. Please note: the library will be closed on Monday, July 4.

Adult Services: Basic Computer Classes – Tuesdays in July & August @ 10:30am. 1-on-1 assistance with computer basics: internet, e-mail, basic Word, e-books. By appointment only ; registration required. Call 428-8216 to register. Adults. Charlotte Summer Reading Challenge 2016: From June 27th–August31st. Come in and see us for more details! Happy reading! Book Sale – Thursday July 28; Friday July 29; Saturday July 30; during open hours. On Saturday fill a bag for a dollar.

Teen Services: Summer Reading Challenge – Fill out a review card for each book you read this summer for a chance to win a weekly drawing and grand prize! Ages 12-18. Junior DaVincis Arts & Crafts Club – Thursdays, July 7, 14, 21, 28; August 4, 11, 3pm. Spend time with friends while making some great crafts. We’ll have a new project each week. Ages 10-16. Call 248-8248 to register. Cupcake Wars – Wednesday July 20, 3pm. Liz Bauld, the “Storybook Cook” will lead you in a cupcake decorating

competition. Ages 10 – 16. Call 248-8248 to register. Mehndi Tattoos – Wednesday, August 10, 2pm. Mehndi are temporary tattoos made with natural henna dye. An artist from Henna Rising will talk about this Indian art form and give you your own tattoo. Ages 14-21. Call 428-8216 to register.

Childrens’ Services: Ongoing activities: Victory Fitness Dance Party with Rosalind – Mondays in July, 1pm. Work those muscles! Ages 4-14 Puppet Playtime – Mondays in July and August, 3-4pm. Ages 4-12 (Siblings welcome with parental guidance). Story time at the Beach – Tuesdays in July & August, 11am. Meet at the Ontario Beach flagpole for stories, sunshine and fun. (In case of rain we’ll meet at the library…knock at the front door to enter). All ages. Bubbles, Chalk and More – Tuesdays in July and August, 1-2pm; Thursdays in July & August, 2-3pm. Sidewalk chalk, bubbles, and outdoor fun! Ages 4-12 (siblings welcome with parental guidance) Crafts and face painting with Miss Rachel – Tuesdays in July and August @3:30. Ages 4-12 (siblings welcome with parental guidance). Summer Science Fun – Wednesdays in July and August, 1pm. Ages 4-12. Active Games Inside and Out – Wednesdays in July and August, 4pm. Ages 4-12. Family Movie Night at the Library –

Wednesdays in July and August, 5pm. Call 428-8248 for each week’s title. All ages. Storytime at the Library – Thursdays and Fridays in July and August, 1:30pm. All ages. Sing-Along with Pedro and his Guitar – Thursdays, July 7 & August 4, 6pm. All ages. Tail Waggin’ Tutors – Thursdays, July 14 & August 11, 6pm. Ages 4-12. Scavenger Hunt - Thursdays July 21 & August 18, 6pm. Inside or outside, what will you find? Ages 4-12. Baubles & Books Bingo – Thursday, July 28, 6pm. All ages. Fun Fridays – Fridays in July and August, 3-5pm. Ages 4-12 (siblings welcome with parental guidance). Parachute Play – Saturdays, July 9, 23 & August 6, 20, 10:30am. Saturday Family Movie – Saturdays in July & August, 11am. All ages.

Special events: Genesee Country Village & Museum Presents 19th Century Games – Monday August 1, 1pm. Ages 4-12. Airplay Comedy Juggling Show – Monday August 8, 1 pm. All ages. Firefighter Visit – Tuesday August 22 1-3pm. Learn safety tips from a Rochester firefighter and then climb on a real firetruck! All ages. Traveling Campfire Story Time with Rick Merritt – Thursday, Aug. 25, 6pm. Stories and songs around an imaginary campfire! Ages 4-12.

Charlotte Junior-Senior High School Graduates its Last Class

By waters of Ontario

Beside the Genesee

In grace and quiet beauty

Charlotte will ever be

A beacon glowing in our lives

An ever living flame

We hail you alma mater

We praise your noble name.

This school song sung by thousands of alumni says it all. While we wish all the best to the Leadership Academy For Young Men, we are saddened by the loss of not only the legacy and traditions of Charlotte Junior-Senior High School, but also the loss of a school where local women students can attend.

Go Lakesiders!

Pam Postgate Awarded NorthWest Quadrant Community Champion

O n June 6th, Neighborworks, Rochester, presented the Rochester Neighbors

Community Champion Award winner for the Northwest Quadrant to Pam Postgate for her involvement in several community improvement activities. She organized the Stutson Street Block Club and Charlotte Beach Clean-ups and most recently, spearheaded the creation of the Lakeside Farmers Market. According to the Neighborworks Rochester press release, “Ms. Postgate organized the group of neighbors to put it together, then hosted meetings, sought out sponsors and vendors, and locally publicized it. After a successful first year in 2015, the market will open this month for a second year.” Pam is a former Director of the Charlotte Community Association Board and is still involved with the Charlotte Beautification Committee.

Congratulations Pam, and Thank You for All You Do!

Pam Postgate (L) with City Councilmember

Molly Clifford (R)

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10 Charlotte Community News July / August 2016

[email protected] (585) 865-6101



Sponsored by Wegmans & the Ontario Beach Program Committee All concerts begin at 7 pm and end at 9 pm

Except for the Rochester Philharmonic

Performance that begins a 7:30 pm *

OBPPC Phone: 865-3320 Information Line


JULY 13 GREECE JAZZ BAND (Salute to Sinatra)

JULY 20 THE SKYCOASTERS (High Energy Party Band)

JULY 27 ATLAS (Party Band)



AUG. 17 THE INVICTAS (Original Rock & Roll)

AUG. 24 NEIL VAN DORN BAND (Folk Pop/Rock)

AUG. 31 RUBY SHOOZ (50’s & 60’s Rock & Roll)


Holy Sepluchre Cemetery Tour East Sections 1-13 on July 24 & Sept 18 - 1:00 pm

East Sections 18-22 on August 28 & Oct 9 - 1:00 pm meet at the gatehouse, east side of Lake Ave


Visit new exhibits

Hometown Sports of Greece, NY and

Early Settlers and Agriculture +++++++++++++++ [email protected]

Find us on Facebook

CCA Annual Members’

Wednesday, August 10th at 5:30 pm Harborview Pavilion, Ontario Beach Park

FREE to all CCA Members/Advertisers and their Families.

$5 donation from each non-member will be appreciated.

We provide hot dogs, condiments and cold beverages.

Please bring a dish to pass (and a labeled serving utensil).

Last names beginning with A-L, bring a dessert

Last names beginning with M-Z bring a side dish or salad

Presentation of the CCA Scholarship Awards

prior to the Wegmans Concert by the Shore (7pm - 9pm)

Entertainment by The Krazy Firemen

Located in City Parking Lot near Hose 22


Farmers Market

Every Monday

From 4-7 pm

Wegmans Family Day Saturday, July 23, 2016 at Ontario Beach Park

Join the OBPPC and Wegmans as they celebrate a

shared heritage and 30-year partnership.

2016 marks the 100th anniversary of the City's

annexation of the Village of Charlotte and the

100th year since Wegmans was founded, so we're

having a daylong celebration!

Special tours: The new Port of Rochester Marina and the Lighthouse

will be open for tours, and walking tours of historic Charlotte will leave from the Carousel at 1 pm and 3 pm. Events include:

10 am - 4 pm – Wheels in Motion Classic Car Show 10 am - 5pm – Free carousel rides, children’s activities

12 - 4pm - Wegmans concession stand and celebration cake 1 pm – Gary the Happy Pirate 4 - 6 pm – Morgan Twins (from NBC’s The Voice)

7 - 9 pm – Invictas – party band Sponsored by: Wegmans, Ontario Beach Park Committee, Monroe County, City of Rochester

Page 11: CHARLOTTE COMMUNITY NEWS July / August, 2016

[email protected] (585) 865-6101

July / August 2016 Charlotte Community News 11

Charlotte Community Association 2016 Membership and Sponsorship Form

Annual Membership Fee for 2016

Membership Renewal / New Membership

Name (s):

Email: Phone:

Current address:

City: State: ZIP Code:

Membership Level:

Seniors & Students - $13.00

Single Membership - $18.00

Patron - $30.00 *

Sustaining - $40.00 *

Benefactor - $50.00 *

* I give Charlotte Community Association permission to print my name

and Sponsorship level in the 2016 CCA Newsletter:


Make Checks Payable to CCA or Charlotte Community Association

Mail to CCA Membership, PO Box 12768, Rochester, NY 14612-0768

You can also download a copy of this form by going to the CCA Website,

Sponsorship Renewal / New Sponsorship

Company/Sponsor Name:

Email address: Phone:

Current Address:

City: State: ZIP Code:

Sponsorship Level:

Platinum $300 Double Ad -3 ½ “ X 3” Plus Web Site Placement on CCA Homepage and Sponsorship Page

Gold $250 Double Ad -3 ½ “ X 3” Plus Web Site Placement on Sponsorship Page

Silver $135 Single Ad -3 ½ “ X 1 ½ ” Plus Web Site Placement on Sponsorship Page

Make Checks Payable to CCA or Charlotte Community Association Mail to CCA Membership, PO Box 12768, Rochester, NY 14612-0768 You can also download a copy of this form by going to the CCA Website, Email advertisement copy to [email protected]. ATTN: Sponsorship Material

August, 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2

See Pg 8 for details


(Top 40)

4 5 6

7 8 CCA Meeting 7PM Robach Ctr

9 Safety & Security Mtg

6:00 pm LDR CharPit

10 Concert 7pm KRAZY FIREMEN (German& Big Band)

CCA PICNIC 5:30pm Harborview Pavilion - OBP

11 CCA News

Articles September Deadline

12 13

14 15 16

No PCIC Meeting in August !

17 Concert 7pm THE INVICTAS

(Original Rock & Roll)

18 19 20 1st Fallson Rd. Rock the Block Party

1-7pm See Pg3

21 22 23 24 Concert 7pm NEIL VAN DORN BAND

(Folk Pop/Rock)

25 26 27

28 29 30 31 Concert 7pm


Page 12: CHARLOTTE COMMUNITY NEWS July / August, 2016

[email protected] (585) 865-6101

Charlotte Community Association

PO Box 12768 Rochester, NY 14612




Rochester, NY

Permit No. 476

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July 2016

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2

3 4 5 6 Concert 7:30pm RPO

(Classical & Pop)


8 9

10 11 CCA Meeting 7pm Robach Ctr

12 Community Outreach Night (See pg 8)

13 Concert 7pm GREECE JAZZ BAND

(Salute to Sinatra)

14 CCA Newsletter Deadline for Articles

15 16



19 PCIC Meeting 7 pm. @ Aquinas HS

20 Concert 7pm THE SKYCOASTERS (High Energy Party Band)

21 22 23 Wegmans Family

Day (see p. 10)



25 26 27 Concert 7pm ATLAS

(Party Band)

28 29 30

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