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Inclusive City Services: Using GIS and Community Planning

World Urban Forum Rio de Janeiro

March, 2010

Brian EnglishCountry Director

CHF International-India

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Economic Development

Governance & Civil Society Global Health

Housing & Infrastructure

CHF International

Urban Development

Emergency Response


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Objectives: • To Improve Service Delivery:

of Pune Municipal Corporation in slums by collecting HH socio-economic data and using GIS to analyze it.

• To Create Service Demand: by translating needs/demands of slum residents into municipal budget and programs by undertaking micro-planning.

Uthan: “Rise from the Bottom”

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Current Process

Planning Process

Utthan Process

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Utthan Planning Process

• Formation of Neighborhood Groups

Community Process Information System

• Mapping of Slums Communities

• Marking of Huts

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• Socio-economic Survey through RCV

• Scanning & data entry

Utthan Planning Process

Community Process Information System

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Data Linking & Map Creation

Information System

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Information System

Kamela Vasahat65% families visit

hospital more than once a month

Janata Vasahat 180% families using

open space as toilet 24 % of residents age group 18 to 30 are


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Phase I Complete:• 419 or 492 Slums

Mapped• 145,392 of 250,000

HH mapped

Socio-Economic Survey

Complete:• 59 Slums surveyed• 27,365 Households• 128,115 Individuals

Information System

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Community Planning Process

• Gave surveys and summary information to RCVs

• Trained RCVs in developing “action plans”

• RCVs conducted community presentations and created Action Plans with NHGs in 59 slums.

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Community Planning Process

•Major issues prioritized were related to:

• Health and Hygiene• Waste management• Toilets • Addiction• Water shortage• Access to ration cards

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Demand Creation

• Orientation and guidance on various departments in PMC to put forth the issues

• Identified local NGO resource persons to advise on immediate issues like: health and hygiene

• Rallies and signature campaigns were carried out to get the support of all the residents in the community

• Meetings with Nagar Sevaks for discussing the issues

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GIS Web Application

Legend Legend

Selected Feature’s Attributes

Selected Feature’s Attributes

Basic Map ToolsBasic Map Tools

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Nagpur City-Wide Slum Upgrading Strategy

Slum Typologies1. Duplication of Slums and

its number (39)

2. Tenable slums on government land already upgraded to good housing condition (80)

3. Tenable slums on government land with poor housing conditions and poor infrastructure (203)

4. Untenable and Vulnerable Slums (120)

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In-Situ Redevelopment

Example: 86 slums on Gov. land with poor housing and infrastructure (64 notified; 21 not notified); 70% temporary structures.

Stakeholders: NMC, Slum Communities, SRA, NIT Concern: Community consultation is needed to decide on housing options and then propose Improvement or In-situ Upgradation.

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