Download - Chia Seeds


Chia Seeds

The original Superfood

By: Benjamin Thomas M.D. C.D. CHES. BS. WTTD. TNT. M.S. BYU. HUUVS. POS. IOU. SOB. FYI. DDS. Chia Seeds

Yes, that kind of chia

What are chia seeds?Edible seeds that come from the plant: Salvia hispanica.

Staple in the diet of Aztec and Mayan people.

Primary ration for Aztec warriors.

Recorded that 1 tablespoon can sustain an individual for 24 hours.

It is a great tool for dieting because it helps to suppresses appetite.



BenefitsOnly a few

Omega 3!

Applications? Here are 40!1.Mix 1 dessertspoon of chia seeds with a quarter cup of water to make an egg substitute for baking cakes and cookies.2.Add chia seeds to apple juice to make sago.3. Grind seeds and add to hot milk to make a porridge4. Mix seeds throughyogurt.5. Add seeds tosoupto thicken.6. Grind seeds and mix with flour, milk and eggsto makepancakes.7. Add seeds to salad dressings.8. Eat Chia seeds whole and raw as a snack.9. Add whole seeds to diluted fruit juice to makeChia Fresca.10.MakeChia Puddingby adding whole seeds to milk, nut milk or soy milk.11.Blend chia seeds intosmoothies.12.Make a lassie by blending chia seeds, yogurt and fruit juice.13.Add chia seeds to beaten eggs, soak for 10 minutes and make anomelets.14.Mix with worcestershire or bbq sauce and brush over barbequed meats.15. Add ground chia seeds to flour when makingbread.16. Make chia pan bread by combining chia seeds, eggs, milk, flour and baking powder. Cook in a heavy based pan with a lid on.17. Add whole chia seeds to a cake batter to make a heavy poppy seed like cake.18. Add seeds to stews to thicken.

19. Throw some seeds into astir fry.20.Make a thin batter of ground chia seeds and milk and cook in a slow oven to make crackers.21. Sprinkle seeds over a salad.22. Pureed fruit, chia seeds and a little fruit juice is a good topping for ice cream.23. Stir whole seeds through cooked lentils.24. Soak seeds in beaten eggs and use this mix to make a frittata.25.Cook brown rice in vegetable stock and stir chia seeds through when rice is cooked.26. Top a cheesecake withchia seeds soaked in fruit juice to make a gel toppingl.27. Add whole or ground seeds tocookiemixes.28. Mix ground seeds with ground beef to makemeatballs.29.Cook brown rice in apple juice, add grated apple and stir whole chia seeds through the mixture for a tasty dessert.30.Toasted ground chia seeds mixed with honey and cinnamon makes a wonderfulbase for cheesecake.31. Add whole seeds togranola.32. Mix white chia seeds that have been soaked in milk through mashed potatoes.33. Sprout the seeds and use in salads.33. Sprout the seeds and use in salads.34. Mix ground seeds with butter or peanut butter for a nutritious spread.35. Cinnamon, ground chia and butter is great on hot scones.36. Add a desert spoon of black seeds to a green jelly mix for frogs egg jelly.37.Spread a mixture of honey, cinnamon, dried fruit and ground chia on tofilo or puffpastry sheets, roll up and cook in a hot oven.38. Mix the seeds, whole or ground through Nutella.39. Add ground seeds soaked in an egg to bind a hamburger mix.40. Soak chia seeds in milk and mix through hot oatmeal..The more I use chia seeds, the more ways I find to add them to my diet.Here are even more ways to use chia seeds41. Add half black and half white chia seeds to custard to make polka dot custard great for kids42. Make a pasta sauce by blending chia seeds, cooked cauliflower and vegetable stock43. Dont waste left over liquid from a stew. Add chia seeds, allow to thicken, then heat and serve with toast44. Add ground or whole chia seeds to your favorite stuffing mixture

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