
Children of the Bible

Lesson 3

Lesson Text—Genesis 25:28-30

Genesis 25:28-3028 And Isaac loved Esau, because he did eat of his venison: but Rebekah loved Jacob.29 And Jacob sod pottage: and Esau came from the field, and he was faint:30 And Esau said to Jacob, Feed me, I pray thee, with that same red pottage; for I am faint: therefore was his name

called Edom.

Lesson Text—Genesis 25:31-33

Genesis 25:31-3331 And Jacob said, Sell me this day thy birthright.32 And Esau said, Behold, I am at the point to die: and what profit shall this birthright do to me?33 And Jacob said, Swear to me this day; and he sware unto him: and he

sold his birthright unto Jacob.

Lesson Text—Genesis 27:1-4

Genesis 27:1-41 And it came to pass, that when Isaac was old, and his eyes were dim, so that he could not see, he called Esau his eldest son, and said unto him, My son: and he said unto him, Behold, here am I.2 And he said, Behold now, I am old, I know not the day of my death:

Lesson Text—Genesis 27:1-4

3 Now therefore take, I pray thee, thy weapons, thy quiver and thy bow, and go out to the field, and take me some venison;4 And make me savoury meat, such as I love, and bring it to me, that I may eat; that my soul may bless thee before I die.

Lesson Text—Genesis 27:5-8

Genesis 27:5-85 And Rebekah heard when Isaac spake to Esau his son. And Esau went to the field to hunt for venison, and to bring it.6 And Rebekah spake unto Jacob her son, saying, Behold, I heard thy father speak unto Esau thy brother, saying,

Lesson Text—Genesis 27:5-8

7 Bring me venison, and make me savoury meat, that I may eat, and bless thee before the LORD before my death.8 Now therefore, my son, obey my voice according to that which I command thee.

Lesson Text—Genesis 27:9-10

Genesis 27:9-109 Go now to the flock, and fetch me from thence two good kids of the goats; and I will make them savoury meat for thy father, such as he loveth:10 And thou shalt bring it to thy father, that he may eat, and that he may bless thee before his death.

Focus Verse—Genesis 25:23

Genesis 25:23And the LORD said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two

manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger.

Focus Thought

Wise choices will determine the

ultimate outcome of our lives and

bring about God’s unique plan for


I. The Birth of TwinsCulture Connection

Determining Our Destiny

The destiny of a child can have a complex set of influences—mental and physical strengths, home life, siblings, educational opportunities, cultural influences, personality, physical appearance, handicaps, and the influence of mentors. Nevertheless, we are all ultimately responsible for ourselves. We are personally responsible for the choices we make.

I. The Birth of TwinsThe sovereignty of God determines

many things about us (Matthew 6:27). Many of these things cannot be changed. It is up to each individual to take what God has given him and do something with it. It is true that some have more opportunity than others, but that is no excuse to be lazy or indifferent.

Our life and circumstances are not duplicated by anyone else in the world. God created us to be unique individuals. He has a will for each of


I. The Birth of TwinsIt is up to us to find His will and then fulfill it. Only God knows our optimum potential and He wants us to reach it. When we do, we will please God (I Thessalonians 4:11). We cannot pine over our weaknesses or missed opportunities, or forebode over the uncertainties that lie ahead. We must pursue after God and do our utmost to please Him.

I. The Birth of TwinsContemplating the Topic

Few things in life compare to the wonder of the birth of a child. That joy and excitement was just as real and wondrous for Isaac and Rebekah. Their joy was doubled, for Rebekah knew there was not one life but two inside of her. The Lord confirmed this to her: “Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels” (Genesis 25:23).

I. The Birth of TwinsWhen Rebekah held her two

newborn sons in her arms, she saw that each was unique, and the Lord’s words regarding her offspring may have echoed in her ears. “The one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger” (Genesis 25:23). Certainly with that prophetic backdrop she must have wondered, as do all parents, just where time, circumstances, and providence would take her precious sons.

A. Early Signs of AggressionSearching The Scriptures

The Birth of Twins

A. Early Signs of Aggression

The contentious relationship of the twins had been foreshadowed even before birth. Every expectant mother thrills at the first feelings of movement from the life she is carrying, but Rebekah experienced much more:

I. The Birth of Twins“And the children struggled together within her” (Genesis 25:22) to the point that Rebekah inquired of the Lord about it. She could not imagine how predictive this was of days ahead.

When the twins were born in quick succession, the younger exhibited a unique sign of aggression. “And after that came his brother out, and his hand took hold on Esau’s heel” (Genesis 25:26). The import of this statement is founded in Hebrew custom.

I. The Birth of TwinsThe firstborn son enjoyed privileged

status in an Old Testament household. This strongly patriarchal society afforded the eldest honor, responsibility, and provision over all the other children in the family. When a man distributed his wealth and property among his sons, the oldest boy received twice as much as any other. This double portion, known as the birthright, carried with it the responsibility to care for his parents in their later years.

I. The Birth of TwinsEsau, as the firstborn, would

receive this birthright. But during the birth the younger son, Jacob, grasped at Esau’s heel as though trying to hold him back and replace him as the favored child. This portended serious and even devious actions in the future.

B. Father’s and Mother’s Preferences

B. Father’s and Mother’s Preferences

It is fascinating to see the individuality of each child in a family. Each has his or her own skills, personality, physical and emotional characteristics, and other differences. They are as unique as snowflakes, and in reality that diversity is what should bring great joy into a family.

I. The Birth of TwinsJacob and Esau were no exception.

Esau became a man of the field who hunted and explored the outdoors. Jacob was a man apparently more suited to domestic chores and a life centered in the home. Scripture indicates that a tragic development took place because of these traits—the parents developed favorites between the boys. “And Isaac loved Esau, because he did eat of his venison: but Rebekah loved Jacob” (Genesis 25:28).

I. The Birth of TwinsF ew things could be more destructive in the development of two children than to have one favored by one parent and the second favored by the other. It is not hard to imagine the latent animosity and open competition this would produce. The seeds had been sown that would blossom into open conflict and deception in the days ahead.

II. Deception in the HomeDeception in the Home

The unfolding events in the lives of Jacob and Esau are among the most infamous of the Scriptures. Isaac, knowing his days were limited, summoned his favorite son, Esau, and sent him to the fields to hunt a deer so he could prepare savory venison. After Isaac had dined, he planned to confer on Esau the spiritual blessing afforded to the elder son.

I. The Birth of TwinsRebekah, having heard the instructions, summoned her favored son, Jacob, and crafted with him a plan whereby he would deceive his father and receive the blessing for himself. She sent him out to the flock of goats to choose two kids, with which she would prepare savory meat that Jacob could take to his father and pretend to be Esau.

What a tragic thing for a home that should be marked by righteousness to be filled with devious and insincere motives and plans!

I. The Birth of TwinsDeceit and subversion among members of a family are not at all what God intended in the proper order for a home. Honor, honesty, transparency, and integrity ought to be the hallmarks of our family structure; anything less will lead to spiritual and relational tragedy.

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A. A Son’s ObjectionA. A Son’s Objection

Who would not want his father’s blessing? Jacob, a young man who craved the prosperity and favor of God, especially desired his father’s blessing. Yet Jacob realized that though his father’s vision was dim, he had other senses that could give Jacob away.

Genesis 27:11-12 “And Jacob said to Rebekah his mother, Behold, Esau my

brother is a hairy man, and I am a smooth man: my father

peradventure will feel me, and I shall seem to him as a deceiver; and I shall bring a curse upon

me, and not a blessing” (Genesis 27:11-12).

I. The Birth of TwinsIt is worth noting that Jacob did not

pull back from the plan because he was worried about hurting his brother or about wronging his father. His only concern was with what might happen to him. All too often we make decisions solely on the basis of what might happen to us, rather than on the consequences brought on others by our choices. “How will this choice affect my spouse?” “How will my children be impacted?”

I. The Birth of Twins“What will this do to the church?” “How will the Lord feel about this?” Any believer ought to consider these questions when contemplating a decision.

B. A Mother’s SubtletyB. A Mother’s Subtlety

At a moment when she should have been offering wise counsel, Rebekah demonstrated an ungodly ability to scheme and connive. She anticipated and addressed every possible challenge to Jacob’s identity. She seasoned the goat meat until it tasted like venison. She told him to don one of Esau’s garments that exuded a woodsy scent. She fastened goatskin on his hands and neck in case Isaac

touched him.

I. The Birth of TwinsShe even assured her son that if the plan backfired she would take upon herself any curse that Jacob incurred.

But for all her subtlety, Rebekah offered something she could not produce. She could in no fashion absolve Jacob of guilt. If he was cursed, it would rest on his head. He alone would have to pay for his sins; and in the days ahead, Jacob began to understand this as he fled from home to escape the consequences of Esau’s wrath.

I. The Birth of TwinsSuch is the nature of wrong choices. We each will bear our own responsibility for them. We cannot shift blame to parents, friends, family, or a challenging childhood. Each of these may have played a role, but ultimately we are accountable for our own actions.

C. A Son’s Learned BehaviorC. A Son’s Learned Behavior

Not long after offering a feeble objection to his mother’s scheme, Jacob found himself entering his father’s chambers, claiming to be Esau and passing off the goat for venison. Jacob was responsible for this choice, but it is interesting and instructive to see the effect his mother had on him. He incorporated her character and instructions into his life and decisions.

I. The Birth of TwinsFrom this we must take caution.

Parents or caregivers of children must realize that children are molded by the influences around them. Much of what a young man or woman becomes in life is the composite of the behaviors, ideals, and character they have seen patterned before them in their formative years. Just as Jacob absorbed the values and conduct of his mother into his own life, our children will do likewise. Parenting is a sobering responsibility.

D. A Father’s DelusionD. A Father’s Delusion

Jacob put his mother’s plan into action, and it worked just as she expected. Isaac saw only a vague form of the person who offered him a favorite meal. He was amazed at how swiftly “Esau” had bagged a deer, dressed it, and cooked the meat. Surely the favor of God rested on his favorite son. Isaac inhaled the heady aroma of the stew and the familiar essence of the fields on Esau’s clothing. He patted his son’s arm

and felt the course hair.

I. The Birth of TwinsBut Jacob did not clear one

important hurdle. When he “went near unto Isaac his father; and he felt him, and said, The voice is Jacob’s voice, but the hands are the hands of Esau” (Genesis 27:22). When Isaac’s senses of sight, touch, smell, and taste failed him, his ears still testified of truth. They were the last of his senses to be deceived.

In a spiritual sense, perhaps this is why faith comes by hearing, and not by what we see or feel.

I. The Birth of TwinsOur other senses may be more easily deceived, but whatever we hear must line up with the Word of God or it is the voice of deception attempting to get us to give away our blessings. Regrettably, Isaac succumbed to the deceit perpetrated on him and bestowed the following blessing on Jacob’s life.

Genesis 27:28-29 “Therefore God give thee of the dew of heaven, and the fatness of the earth, and plenty of corn and wine: let people serve thee, and nations bow down to thee:

be lord over thy brethren, and let thy mother’s sons bow down to thee: cursed be every one that

curseth thee, and blessed be he that blesseth thee” (Genesis


I. The Birth of TwinsWith those words, the favor of God

bypassed the firstborn son who had expected to receive it, and settled on the younger son who had craved it and acquired it by deceit.

E. Children Influenced by Their Parents’ Disharmony

E. Children Influenced by Their Parents’ Disharmony

When viewed in total, the deception occurring in the home of Isaac and Rebekah was the direct result of the disharmony between them. Isaac favored Esau. Rebekah favored Jacob. One parent worked against the other.

I. The Birth of TwinsWhen a husband and wife are at odds with one another, they are sowing seeds for a harvest of tragic circumstances in the lives of their children. We can learn some important lessons from the lives of Isaac’s family.

1. Parents should forgive each other for their children’s sake as well as for their own sake. Unforgiveness produces all manner of spiritual ills, not the least of which is the cutting off of the flow of mercy in one’s own life.

(See Mark 11:26.)

I. The Birth of TwinsBut beyond the personal ramifications, the fallout into children’s lives is truly devastating when parents harbor animosity toward one another. Children who grow up in a home where their parents rehash old hurts and savor bitterness will have a warped concept of the mercy of God and of their duty to show mercy to others. The children’s future marriages are already in danger of failure even before they have been formed because of the patterns of behavior they have

witnessed daily.

I. The Birth of Twins2. Parents should live reconciled.

Children are not blind. They know conflict occurs in every marriage. But they should also see that reconciliation is an ongoing process. Dysfunctional families often have three glaring voids in the parental relationship: they do not talk; they do not trust; they do not touch. Children must see parents talking with one another, not just at one another. They must see parents who do not assume the worst in their spouse but trust him or her.

I. The Birth of TwinsThey must see parents who openly demonstrate tender affection to one another. When these components are present, the children will see conflict as a minor element of a marriage that is consistently reconciled.

3. Parents should present a unified message of instruction. Hearing two parental voices disagreeing on matters of instruction and spiritual direction places children in grave danger.

I. The Birth of TwinsParents should resolve disagreements on principles and positions behind closed doors so the children hear only one clear and certain message. Paul’s words to the Corinthian church family apply to the natural family as well.

I Corinthians 1:10

“Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus

Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye

be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment” (I Corinthians 1:10).

III. A Blessing ReceivedA Blessing Received

Jacob desired blessing. This trait lifted him out of the pit of all his character flaws. Granted, his insatiable desire for the blessing of God drove him to unnecessary and improper lengths to obtain it. But such a worthy desire for blessing—if one does what is necessary and proper to obtain it—would serve the New Testament believer well.

I. The Birth of TwinsWe live in a culture that craves

blessings but wants to receive them on its own terms. People too often are not willing to submit themselves to scriptural imperatives or to yield themselves to the oversight of a pastor. Not only do they want to hold the reins of their own lives, but they also demand that God favor them with all manner of spiritual and natural blessings. This is simply not the scriptural pattern.

I. The Birth of TwinsBehaving in certain ways cannot

make us worthy of blessings; but by obeying God’s Word and His voice, we can position ourselves to receive what God delights in giving. It is conditional on our part: “If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you” (John 15:7). Desiring the favor of God motivates us to live in such a manner as to allow His blessings to flow into our lives.

A. A Birthright ValuedA. A Birthright Valued

Esau stumbled across the field, almost faint with hunger. As he neared home, a tantalizing aroma wafted past his nose and drew him to the fire where Jacob was stirring something in a cooking pot. As he stood there Jacob scooped a spoonful out of the pot and lifted it to his mouth for a taste. Esau’s stomach growled. “Give me some of that. I’m so hungry I could eat a bullock.”

I. The Birth of TwinsAs Jacob reached for a bowl, a thought suddenly occurred to him. He said, “You can have the biggest bowl of pottage I’ve got . . . if you’ll sell me your birthright.”

On the surface it seemed malicious, as though Jacob were taking unfair advantage of his brother in need. But the other side of the issue makes it clear that Jacob valued the birthright more than his brother.

I. The Birth of TwinsHe must have been watching for years for an opportunity to obtain it. He saw the worth in being the favored son, in contrast to how Esau viewed it.

B. Blessing Bestowed by the Father

B. Blessing Bestowed by the Father

Not only did Jacob receive the birthright, which was a legal transaction, but he also secured the blessing of his father. There was a pattern of spiritual transference in the Old Testament from father to son. A man had the spiritual authority to pass blessings onto his children as he neared the end of his life.

I. The Birth of TwinsOne can find this pattern in Jacob’s life when he blessed all his sons in Genesis 49, and in Joseph’s blessings of Manasseh and Ephraim in Genesis 48:13-20.

There are two important points here. The first is that fathers still have the power to bless their children with their words and should do so often and repeatedly. The second point is that all blessings ultimately come from our heavenly Father, and even if our natural father will not bless us, our heavenly Father can.

I. The Birth of TwinsIn our dysfunctional world, many

have never known the rich blessing of a godly father. While no other human relationship and nothing material can fill that void, the Lord declared that He would be a Father to the fatherless. (See Psalm 68:5.) In that capacity, God can lay His hand on our head and pronounce blessings on us that no one can possibly deny us. No matter the natural family lineage, our spiritual Father delights in blessing His children.

IV. Diminished Blessing Diminished Blessing

Against the canvas of Jacob’s strong desire for the blessings of God, both natural and spiritual, the tragedy of Esau’s life stands out in stark contrast. This firstborn son, who should have been favored and blessed, instead found himself relegated to secondary status in the account of history. Ages might have spoken of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Esau. Instead he is known for careless affections, wrong decisions, and

ineffective prayers.

A. A Birthright DisdainedA. A Birthright Disdained

Perhaps no moment in Esau’s life is more striking than his sale of the birthright for a bowl of pottage. It would have taken very little extra effort for Esau to leave Jacob’s fire and proceed to his home where servants would have fed him. Instead, when Jacob made his offer, Esau failed to recognize the value of his birthright and he traded it for a bowl of stewed lentils.

I. The Birth of TwinsNote the way Scripture describes

this attitude: “Thus Esau despised his birthright” (Genesis 25:34). Had one asked him that morning how he felt about his birthright, Esau probably would have expressed his gratitude for it. He would have told of its importance and role in his life. But when temporal needs pressed in on him, he failed to keep its worth in proper focus. From God’s perspective Esau’s failure to realize the worth of his birthright was tantamount to

despising it.

I. The Birth of TwinsEsau’s casual attitude toward his

inheritance prompted one of the Scripture’s most scathing indictments. “As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated” (Romans 9:13). God expressed His disdain for a man who showed disdain for his inheritance. So we ought to carefully examine the worth of the inheritance of our heavenly Father, lest in a moment of temporal need we trade it for something as worthless as a bowl of pottage.

I. The Birth of TwinsOne man rightly said that all Esau had to show for his exchange was a full stomach, an empty heart, and a dirty bowl. What a tragedy!

B. A Lesser BlessingB. A Lesser Blessing

No sooner had Jacob left Isaac’s room with the deceitfully received blessing than Esau entered with the venison prepared as his father had asked. One can nearly hear the horror in his father’s voice as he “trembled very exceedingly” when he asked, “Who? where is he that hath taken venison, and brought it me, and I have eaten of all before thou camest, and have blessed him? yea, and he shall be blessed” (Genesis 27:33).

I. The Birth of TwinsIt began to dawn on Isaac that he had been duped, and that it was impossible to undo.

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I. The Birth of TwinsEsau begged for a blessing of his own. His weeping mingled with his father’s as they cried together over the unfolding of events. All too late, Esau began to value the blessing as he cried, “Hast thou but one blessing, my father? bless me, even me also, O my father” (Genesis 27:38). In response to that appeal, Isaac did pronounce a blessing on Esau, but it was of much less magnitude than the one pronounced on Jacob.

C. Blessing Not Reclaimed by Tears

C. Blessing Not Reclaimed by Tears

Windows of opportunity sometimes present themselves briefly and then are closed. Esau’s casual treatment of birthright and blessings led him to seasons of deep regret over what he missed. The Bible says that “he found no place of repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears” (Hebrews 12:17). But in spite of this fervent and passionate prayer, Esau could not undo the mistakes of his


I. The Birth of TwinsGod’s gracious and everlasting

mercy does not provide complete amnesty for the consequences of bad choices and mistakes. Many times individuals, though redeemed by the blood of Jesus, still have to live with the aftermath of poor choices made in moments of weakness. Mercy does not guarantee the removal of consequences, and our tears do not automatically erase the cost of previous moments of indiscretion.

V. Choices of the Chosen Child Rewarded

Choices of the Chosen Child Rewarded

As Jacob progressed through life, he began to see the fruits of the birthright and the blessing. God gave him a wife. His flocks increased in abundance. God met with him and spoke to him promises of future providence. Something in Jacob’s hunger for God’s favor secured for him the ongoing blessings of God. These blessings were manifold, but consider two specifically.

A. Name Changed from Jacob to Israel

A. Name Changed from Jacob to Israel

One of the significant blessings this spiritually hungry man received was a change in his name. All his life he had been known as Jacob, which meant “supplanter” or “deceiver.” After wrestling with the angel of the Lord at the Brook Jabbok all night, the angel declared, “Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed” (Genesis


I. The Birth of TwinsJacob never again referred to himself by his old name. In his mind, he was delivered from the awful reputation of his past. How much better to be called a prince that has power with God than to be known as a deceiver! In like fashion the spiritually hungry today can be set free from the reputation of the past and be “renamed” by a new-birth experience. Those who hunger after Him never again have to be what they were before.

B. Father of Twelve TribesB. Father of Twelve Tribes

Israel’s other notable blessing was to become the father of twelve sons and twelve tribes. The entire nation of God’s people bears his princely name to this day. Surely not the least among Israel’s sons was Judah, through whose lineage the Messiah, Jesus Christ, was born. A man who hungered after God became the avenue whereby God reached out to hungry people everywhere.

I. The Birth of TwinsInternalizing the Message

We can learn a host of lessons from the life of Jacob. We can observe principles needed to pattern a godly home and to avoid the trap of favoritism in child rearing. We can see how childhood traits if left unchecked can develop into aberrant adult characteristics. We can learn from Esau’s casual treatment of spiritual heritage and privilege.

I. The Birth of TwinsPerhaps chief among the lessons to

be acquired from this life is that God always rewards right choices. Jacob’s life, though filled with problematic episodes of less than ethical conduct, is nonetheless marked by one singular quality. He had a passionate and burning desire for the favor of God. Clearly such a desire does not excuse ethical lapses or dishonest conduct. The ends do not justify the use of all means.

I. The Birth of TwinsHowever, what we do observe is the flow of blessings in the life of Jacob in spite of repeated needs for repentance. God’s mercy repeatedly brought Jacob back to right relationship with Him and back into the position to receive God’s blessings.

It would appear that the Lord was pleased with the priority Jacob placed on pursuing His favor.

I. The Birth of TwinsJacob clearly demonstrated his

passion for the favor of God when he grappled with God’s angel at the brook. After he had wrestled all night long he declared, “I will not let thee go, except thou bless me” (Genesis 32:26). He had a bulldog determination to be blessed.

I. The Birth of TwinsIn like fashion, we who are the

recipients of New Testament salvation must have in us a fervent, consuming desire to access the favor and blessings of God, and we must pursue them within the bounds of biblical and pastoral guidelines. Our determination to make right decisions must eclipse any cultural or societal trend. If we, like Jacob, cling tightly to the Lord and His ways, we will enjoy the flow of blessings of which Jacob’s life testifies.

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