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CHINACHINAI. Critical Historical JuncturesI. Critical Historical JuncturesII. Governance and PolicyII. Governance and Policy--MakingMakingIII. Representation and III. Representation and

ParticipationParticipationIV. Political Economy IV. Political Economy V. Political CultureV. Political CultureVI. Chinese Politics in VI. Chinese Politics in


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I. Critical Historical JuncturesI. Critical Historical JuncturesTechnological and organizational Technological and organizational superiority of the superiority of the ‘‘Middle KingdomMiddle Kingdom’’Isolation from outside worldIsolation from outside worldOpium Wars with UK (1839Opium Wars with UK (1839--42 & 195642 & 1956--60)60)‘‘Treaty PortsTreaty Ports’’ and and ‘‘ExtraterritorialityExtraterritoriality’’SinoSino--Japanese War Japanese War & Foreign Domination& Foreign Domination

The British spread “free trade”

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Revolution, Invasion and Civil WarRevolution, Invasion and Civil WarSun YatSun Yat--sen and Chinese Nationalist Party (or sen and Chinese Nationalist Party (or Kuomintang Kuomintang ---- KMT)KMT)

Overthrow of Emperor and chaos Overthrow of Emperor and chaos Replaced by Chiang KaiReplaced by Chiang Kai--shek in 1925shek in 1925Creation of Chinese Communist Party (CCP)Creation of Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

KMT war against the CCPKMT war against the CCPThe The ‘‘Long MarchLong March’’ (1934)(1934)War against JapaneseWar against JapanesePeoplePeople’’s Republic of China s Republic of China (PRC (PRC –– 1949)1949)

Nationalists flee to TaiwanNationalists flee to TaiwanChiang KaiChiang Kai--ShekShek

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Maoist ChinaMaoist China

First Five Year Plan (1953)First Five Year Plan (1953)SinoSino--Soviet Split (starting 1956)Soviet Split (starting 1956)Great Leap Forward (1957)Great Leap Forward (1957)MaoMao’’s reduced influences reduced influenceCultural Revolution Cultural Revolution (1966(1966--76)76)

‘‘Red GuardsRed Guards’’ and and the the ‘‘Gang of FourGang of Four’’

Mao Zedong

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PostPost--Maoist ChinaMaoist ChinaDeng Xiaoping and market reformDeng Xiaoping and market reform

‘‘Special Economic ZonesSpecial Economic Zones’’ (SEZs)(SEZs)1010--11% growth since 198011% growth since 1980CCP power monopolyCCP power monopoly

Democracy Movement & Democracy Movement & Tiananmen Square Tiananmen Square Massacre (1989)Massacre (1989)Falun Gong (since 2000)Falun Gong (since 2000)

Deng XiaopingDeng Xiaoping

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Tiananmen Square (1989)Tiananmen Square (1989)

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II. Governance and PolicyII. Governance and Policy--MakingMakingGovernment:Government:

National Peoples Congress (2,989 delegates)National Peoples Congress (2,989 delegates)President: Hu Jintao President: Hu Jintao Premier: Wen JiabaoPremier: Wen Jiabao

Party:Party:Central CommitteeCentral CommitteePolitburoPolitburoStanding CommitteeStanding Committee

ArmyArmy (People(People’’s Liberation Armys Liberation Army--PLA)PLA)

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ChinaChina’’s Leaderships Leadership

President Hu JintaoPresident Hu Jintao Premier Wen JiabaoPremier Wen Jiabao

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III. Representation and ParticipationIII. Representation and ParticipationPresident

Vice PresidentPremier, Vice-


State Council

Ministries, Commissions, Bureaus, etc.

Provincial, City, Local,

People’s Governments

Provincial, City, Local,

People’s Congress

National People’s Congress

Central Military Commission

Supreme People’s Court

Supreme People’s


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IV. Political EconomyIV. Political EconomyDeng XiaopingDeng Xiaoping’’s Economic Reformss Economic Reforms

““Black cat, white cat, who care as long as it Black cat, white cat, who care as long as it catches mice.catches mice.””

Agriculture Agriculture ‘‘DeDe--Collectivization, Private Collectivization, Private Enterprise, Special Economic Zones Enterprise, Special Economic Zones Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)Spectacular growth and a rising standard of Spectacular growth and a rising standard of livinglivingProblems:Problems:

StateState--owned enterprises (SOEs)owned enterprises (SOEs)Unemployment and InequalityUnemployment and InequalityEnvironmental DegradationEnvironmental Degradation

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V. Political CultureV. Political Culture

ConfucianismConfucianismNational IdentityNational Identity

NonNon--Chinese Chinese NationalsNationals

ConsumerismConsumerismProtest Movements Protest Movements

Falun GongFalun GongMiddle Class?Middle Class?

China’s New Cultural Revolution?

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VI. Chinese Politics in TransitionVI. Chinese Politics in Transition

Economic development & Economic development & political stabilitypolitical stability

2008 Beijing Olympics2008 Beijing OlympicsChina as a China as a ‘‘superpowersuperpower’’

Military powerMilitary powerEnergy needsEnergy needs

SinoSino--American RelationsAmerican RelationsHuman Rights and TradeHuman Rights and TradeTaiwan Taiwan North KoreaNorth Korea

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