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Turkish Journal of Botany Turk J Bot(2014) 38: 370-374© TÜBİTAKdoi:10.3906/bot-1206-32

Chlorolepiota brunneotincta: a new species (Agaricaceae) from India

Narender Singh ATRI1, Babita KUMARI1,*, Ramesh Chandra UPADHYAY2

1Department of Botany, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, India 2Directorate of Mushroom Research, Chambaghat, Solan, India

* Correspondence: [email protected]

1. IntroductionThe genus Chlorolepiota Sathe & Deshpande is a basidiomycetes fungus of the family Agaricaceae, represented by a single species worldwide (Kirk et al., 2008). Unique characteristics of Chlorolepiota brunneotincta sp. nov. are its greenish lamellae, the presence of versiform cheilocystidia, nontruncate spores, and characteristic browning on bruising. On the basis of macroscopic and microscopic characteristics and ITS sequences, the presently proposed species was compared with C. mahabaleshwerences Sathe & Deshpande, which is the only species of Chlorolepiota worldwide (Kirk et al., 2008).

2. Materials and methods2.1. Morphological studiesThe field characteristics pertaining to gross morphology, shape, color and size of pileus, stipe etc. were noted down in the field key for mushroom collection (Atri et al., 2005). The color terminology used was that of Kornerup and Wanscher (1978). The specimens were hot air dried and preserved in cellophane paper bags containing 1,4-dichlorobenzene. The microscopic structures were observed by cutting freehand sections after reviving a part of the dried specimens in KOH solution, and staining the sections in 1% cotton blue and 2% congo red. The holotype specimen has been deposited in the Herbarium of the Botany Department (PUN), Punjabi University. The photographs and microscopic details are given in

Figures 1–3. These collections are morphologically and microscopically identified according to Pegler (1977, 1986), Sathe et al. (1980), Asef and Muradov (2012), Seyidova and Hüseyin (2012), and Kumari et al. (2012, 2013).2.2. ITS sequencing and phylogenetic analysis Genomic DNA from the fruit bodies of Chlorolepiota brunneotincta was isolated as described by Vankan et al. (1991). The ITS region of the rDNA from genomic DNA of the sample was amplified by using PCR employing ITS1 and ITS4 primers. The resultant PCR products were viewed after electrophoresis in agarose gel. The results showed that the ITS region of each studied taxon produced a single band of approximately 700 bp. The sequence was analyzed using the gapped BLASTn search algorithm and aligned to the nearest neighbors. The evolutionary distances among Chlorolepiota brunneotincta and its related taxa were calculated with MEGA5 software after aligning the sequences with ClustalW. The newly generated sequence was deposited at GenBank (accession no. JQ928940).

3. Results3.1. TaxonomyChlorolepiota brunneotincta N.S.Atri, B.Kumari & R.C.Upadhyay sp. nov. (Figures 1–3)

Myco Bank no: MB800485 Type: India, Himachal Pradesh, Solan, Kather grow-

ing scattered on soil in Pinus roxburghii forest, 1650 m, 17.08.2008, B.Kumari s.n. (Holotype: PUN 4711).

Abstract: The genus Chlorolepiota Sathe & Deshpande is a monotypic genus represented by C. mahabaleshwerences Sathe & Deshpande. In this paper, a new species, Chlorolepiota brunneotincta, is described, based upon macroscopic, microscopic, and molecular studies undertaken on the collection from Solan Himachal Pradesh (India).

Key words: Macrofungi, basidiomycetes, taxonomy, ITS, PCR, India

Received: 22.06.2012 Accepted: 01.12.2013 Published Online: 17.01.2014 Printed: 14.02.2014

Research Article

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Diagnosis: Pileus 2.5–5.5 cm broad, surface white cov-ered with brown fibrillose scales. Lamellae free, crowded. Basidiospores ellipsoid, dextrinoid, aporus. Cheilocystidia with clavate to cylindrical, subcapitate or even slightly lageniform shape and flesh and stipe surface browning on bruising.

Description. Carpophores: 2.5–6.5 cm in height. Pi-leus 2.5–5.5-cm wide; surface moist, white (1A1), convex to campanulate with a prominent broad tawny or brown (7E5) umbo; covered with brown (7E5) fibrillose scales over yellowish white (4A2) background; margin striate, regular, splitting at maturity; cuticle fully peeling; flesh up to 3-mm thick, white, changing to brownish red (10 D7) on bruising; taste and odor mild; spore deposit yellowish white (4A2) with greenish shade. Lamellae free, collariate, unequal, of 3–4 lengths, crowded, 2–4-mm broad, white (1A1), to greenish white, becomes brownish green on dry-ing; gill edges smooth. Stipe central, up to 6.3-cm long, 0.2–0.6-cm broad, white, color changes to brownish red (10 D7) on bruising, equal in diameter, hollow, scaly; an-nulate, annulus single, peronate (Figure 1). Basidiospores 7.0–9.0 × 5.5–7 µm (Q = 1.28) ellipsoid, thick-walled, non-truncate, appears aporous, with rounded apex stud-ded with a poral plug, dextrinoid, cyanophilous, con-

gophilous, metachromatic in cresyl blue (Figures 1 and 2). Basidia 18.0–30.0 × 7.0–10.0 µm, clavate (Figure 2), tetrasporic; sterigmata up to 4-µm long; gill edges sterile. Cheilocystidia 25.5–44.5 × 6.5–9 µm, crowded, clavate to cylindrical, subcapitate or even slightly lageniform (Fig-ures 1 and 2). Pleurocystidia absent. Pileus cuticle a dis-rupted trichoderm of cylindrical to narrowly clavate ele-ments measuring up to 10.0–16.0 µm in width (Figure 2); context homoiomerous; gill trama regular; tramal hyphae measuring 8.0–20.0 µm; subhymenium pseudoparenchy-matous, well-developed. Stipe cuticle hyphae parallel run-ning throughout, measuring 3.2–14.5 µm in width. Clamp connections present in the basal mycelium, stipe surface hyphae (Figure 1) and absent at the base of basidia. Hyphal construction monomitic. Elements of annulus 2.5–8.5-µm wide, subcylindrical, inflated, septate, smooth, hyaline in KOH, thin-walled.

Habitat: Growing scattered under Pinus roxburghii on soil in Pinus roxburghii forest.

Additional collection examined (Paratypes): India, Himachal Pradesh, Mandi, Bakarata, 850 m, 25.06.2010, carpophores scattered on soil in Pinus roxburghii for-est, B.Kumari s.n. (PUN 4420); Punjab, Patiala, Thaper



Figure 1. A- Field photograph of Chlorolepiota brunneotincta, B- basidiospores in Congo red, C- basidiospores showing dextrinoid in Melzer’s reagent, D- basidiospores in cresyl blue showing metachromatic reaction, E- clamp connection in stipe surface hyphae, F- clusters of cheilocystidia.

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Figure 2. Chlorolepiota brunneotincta: A- carpophore, B- basidiospores, C- basidia, D- cheilocystidia, E- pileus trichodermial elements. Scale bars: A = 2 cm, B–E = 10 µm.

Lepiota brunneoincarnata isolate K40 (HE863668)

Lepiota cristata strain K43 (HE974768)

Agaricus heterocystis strain VKMM01 (JX827499)

Chlorophyllum hortense voucher 2001 (AY243613)

Chlorophyllum brunneum voucher 2002 (AY243609)

Chlorophyllum rachodes (AF482849)

Macrolepiota neomastoidea (AF482845)

Macrolepiota globosa (AF482842)

Chlorophyllum molybdites 2000 (AY243618)

Chlorophyllum molybdites (AF482836)

Chlorophyllum agaricoides 4118 (AY243616)

Chlorophyllum agaricoides voucher 16968 (JF908776)

Chlorophyllum agaricoides voucher 999 (AY243614)

Chlorophyllum agaricoides isolate 440 (DQ200928)

Chlorolepiota brunneotincta sp. nov.




100 99








Figure 3. Phylogeny of Chlorolepiota brunneotincta generated from maximum likelihood analysis of ITS sequences. The numbers on the nodes indicate how often (no. of times, %) the species to the right are grouped together in 100 bootstrap samples. The scale gives the substitution rate.

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University campus (250 m), growing gregarious on soil, 28.06.2008 M.Kaur & B.Kumari s.n. (PUN 4114).

Etymology: Browning of flesh and stipe surface on bruising.3.2. Molecular sequencing: A single band of ~700 bp was obtained on amplification of the ITS region of the fungus. The sequence of ~691 bp ITS region of the fungus showed 84% identity with the Chlorophyllum molybdites strain. The phylogenetic tree was constructed with the MEGA5 software (Figure 3) (Tamura et al., 2011). All positions containing gaps and missing data were eliminated. In the tree, sequences of reference strain were obtained from the NCBI GenBank. ITS sequences of Chlorolepiota brunneotincta are a new addition to the NCBI GenBank.

4. Discussion and conclusionThe presently examined collections fall within the overall taxonomic limits of the genus Chlorolepiota in view of its close relatedness with Chlorophyllum Massee & Macrolepiota Singer. The presently examined collection closely resembles Chlorophyllum molybdites in outward morphology, scaly pileus, and unique green coloration of lamellae and spores, but not in the double complex annulus, the shape of cheilocystidia, nontruncate spores, and a palisade of hyphen with clavate to subfusiform terminal elements. In its gross morphology and presence of clamp connections it resembles Macrolepiota. However, the comparatively short stature of the carpophores, the green color of lamellae, the absence of apical truncation, and hyaline cap in the basidiospores make the present collection rather distinct from Macrolepiota (Vellinga 2003; Vellinga et al., 2003; Ge et al., 2010). Chlorolepiota brunneotincta also demonstrates a resemblance with Chlorophyllum hortense on account of basidiospores without germ pores, reddening of stipe when bruised, a simple annulus, and presence of clamp connection; it differs by lacking 2-spored basidia and hymeniderm made up of broadly clavate, terminal elements. It is also quite different from Chlorophyllum sphaerosporum in that it lacks pileipellis, a hymenidermal layer, and clavate to broadly clavate terminal elements (Ge and Yang, 2006).

Most of its features come rather close to the taxonomic details of Chlorolepiota, a genus described by Sathe and Deshpande (1979) from Poona, which is characterized by a macrolepiotoid habit, a pruinose yellow greenish spore deposit, and absence of clamp connections. In comparison to Chlorolepiota mahabaleshwarensis, the presently studied collection has smaller spores (7– 9 × 5.5–7 µm instead of 11.4–15.7 × 5.7 (9.3) µm), browning flesh and stipe surface on bruising, versiform cheilocystidia and clamp connections in the basal mycelium, and stipe surface hyphae. Since in the allied 2 genera (Macrolepiota and Chlorophyllum) the presence of clamp connection is a prominent characteristic, a feature that the present variant also possesses but it is reported to be absent in Chlorolepiota (Sathe & Deshpande, 1979), which seems to be an aberration as it is based on a limited observation because the genus is monotypic and the description is single-collection based, no importance has been given to this feature in the present case.

The distinguishing features of the presently examined collection provide sufficient grounds for establishment of a new species. Conclusions arrived at regarding the identity of Chlorolepiota brunneotincta through classical taxonomic techniques were confirmed through molecular sequencing of the ITS region of their genomic DNA. The sample exhibited 84% homology with the sequence of Chlorophyllum molybdites and Lepiotaceae in the parsimony analysis, which clearly takes it away from Chlorophyllum. Along with other features, taking browning of flesh and stipe surface on bruising into consideration as a unique quality of this variant of Chlorolepiota, a new species Chlorolepiota brunneotincta has been proposed to accommodate this collection.

AcknowledgmentsThe authors wish to thank the Head of the Department of Botany, Punjabi University, Patiala, for providing laboratory facilities and the University Grants Commission for financial assistance under SAP-III Programme of D.R.S., in which Mycology and Plant Pathology is a thrust area. Thanks are also due to the Director of the Directorate of Mushroom Research for providing necessary laboratory facilities for undertaking molecular characterization studies.


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