Page 1: CHRISTIAN EDUCATION CONGRESS 2019 BOWL · 2019-05-09 · Saviour Man of God God with us 14.) What is an epistle? A commandment A letter A plant A hymn 15.) Just before He died on



District: _________________Presiding Elder:___________________

Team Members







A team consists of four members, one team member should serve as team captain. Each Presiding Elder

District will have 1 team. Each team should consist of a player from each of the following age


1. Age 10 to 17

2. Age 18 to 35

3. Age 40 to 60

4. Age 61 & over

Page 2: CHRISTIAN EDUCATION CONGRESS 2019 BOWL · 2019-05-09 · Saviour Man of God God with us 14.) What is an epistle? A commandment A letter A plant A hymn 15.) Just before He died on

1.) In what book of the Bible will you find the Ten Commandments?





2.) Where was the Law given to Moses?

Mount Ararat

Mount Everest

Mount Sinai

Mount Carmel

3.) What did God use to write on the stone tables?

A finger

A rock

The wind

Flowing water

4.) How long was Moses gone from the people as He talked to God on the mountain and received the Ten


7 days

40 days

3 months

7 months

5.) What caused Moses to break the tablets on which the 10 Commandments were written?

God told him to as the people were full of sin

His people were worshiping an idol

Aaron lied to him

Joshua sinned against God

6.) In what were the Ten Commandments kept?





7.) And God said, 'Let us make man...'

a little lower than the angels.

in the image of the angels.

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to be a servant.

in our image.

8.) God said to Adam and Eve: 'Be fruitful, and...'

whatever thy hand findeth to do , do it with all thy might.

multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it.

sorrow and mourning will flee from you.

let not idleness be named as a sin against you.


9.) To whom did God say: 'Israel shall be thy name?'





10.) When God told Abraham that Sarah would bear him a son, what did He tell Abraham to name the child?





11.) And God said unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel...

The Lord God is strong to save.

I AM hath sent me unto you.

If God be for us then who can be against us?

God said, Set my people free, that they might worship me.

12.) And the LORD said unto her (Rebekah), 'Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall

be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall

serve the younger.' Of whom was He speaking?

Perez and Zerah

Ishmael and Isaac

Jacob and Esau

We are not told.

13.) What does Emmanuel mean?


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Man of God

God with us

14.) What is an epistle?

A commandment

A letter

A plant

A hymn

15.) Just before He died on the cross, Jesus cried "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani," which means:

It is finished.

Father, forgive them.

Into Thy hands I commit My spirit.

Why have You forsaken Me.

16.) What does the word 'Messiah' mean?


God with us

Anointed One

Prince of Peace

17.) What does the title Rabbi mean?




Anointed One

18.) The 'City Of David' is also known by what name?





19.) Who was the woman that posed as a prostitute so that she could meet with her father in law?



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She isn't named. 20.) Who was the woman that offered to water Eleazar's camels at the well?




She isn't named 21.) Who was the woman that was successful in getting Samson to divulge the source of his strength?




Delores 22.) Who was the mother of Moses, Aaron and Miriam?




She isn't named. 23.) Who was the woman that prophesied to Barak that he would win the battle, but the victory would be at the hands of a woman?




Dorcas 24.) Who was the woman that hid two spies under some piles of flax on her roof?




She isn't named. 25.) Who was the woman that led the women of Israel out in a dance when they crossed the Red Sea?



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She isn't named. . 26.) Who was the woman that the Lord made childless because she mocked the way the king worshipped the Lord?




She isn't named.

27.) Who wrote the first five books of the Bible?




Abraham 28.) Who wrote the book of Ecclesiastes?




Jeremiah 29.) How many books of the Bible did Timothy write?




Three 30.) Who wrote the most books in the New Testament?




John 31.) How many books are in the Bible?



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88 32.) Who wrote the book of Lamentations?




Jeremiah 33.) Who wrote the book of Acts?




James 34.) What is the longest book in the Bible?




Isaiah 35.) Who was known as "The Bright and Morning Star?"




John the Baptist 36.) Who was known as "The voice of one crying in the wilderness?"



John the Baptist

Isaiah 37.) Who was known as "a mighty hunter before the Lord?"


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Lamech 38.) Who was known as "a rod out of the stem of Jesse?"

King Hezekiah

Jesse himself

Jesus Christ

King Uzziah 39.) Whom did Jesus call the "generation of vipers"?

The Jews

The Pharisees

The Scribes

The Saduccees 40.) Whom does Paul describe as "My own son in the faith"?




Eutychus 41.) Whom did Jesus call "the salt of the earth?"

His family

His disciples

The multitudes

The Sadducees 42.) Who was called, "son of the morning?"

Jesus Christ



Lucifer 43.) Who was known as "The second Adam?"



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Elijah 44.) Who is described as "perfect and upright, and one that feared God"?





45.) Who married his half-sister?




Abraham 46.) Who dreamed that the sun and the moon and 11 stars bowed down to him?




Joseph 47.) To whom did God give the covenant of circumcision?




Abraham 48.) Who led the Israelites into Canaan?




Joshua 49.) Who wrongly thought that Abraham's and Isaac's wives were their sisters?



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Mamre 50.) Who sold his birthright for a bowl of stew?




Ishmael 51.) Who tricked Jacob into marrying his daughter?




Laban 52.) Who stole the household gods of her father?




Bilhah 53.) Who violated Jacob's daughter, the sister of Simeon and Levi?




Shechem 54.) Who violated Absalom's sister Tamar?




Ibhar 55.) Where was David anointed as king of Israel?





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56.) How old was David when he first began to reign over Judah?




40 57.) Who was David's first wife?




Michal 58.) Which of David's sons tried to overthrow and kill him?




Abimelech 59.) Who refused to assist David and his men, and died as a result?




Abimelech 60.) Which former King of Israel tried to kill David out of envy?




Saul 61.) Who was the Prophet that confronted David with his adultery?




Elijah 62.) What was the cost of David's sin with Bathsheba?

A lamb sacrifice

They could never marry

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Their first born would die

Repent in sackcloth and ashes 63.) After Absalom rebelled against King David, who did Absalom appoint as commander over his army in Joab`s place?




Abishai 64.) How did David's son Absalom die?

Caught in a tree by his hair

His head was cut off by a Philistine

Killed by his own captain

Three darts thrust into his heart 65.) Who was crippled son of Jonathan who was given a permanent place at King David`s royal table?




Abishai 66.) How many years did David rule as king of Israel?




60 67.) Why did Adam call his wife Eve?

She was the firstborn among women

She was a help meet fit for him

She was the mother of all living

She was taken out of man 68.) What kind of leaves did Adam and Eve use in an attempt to cover their nakedness?


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Olive 69.) After Adam and Eve sinned, what did God make for them?

A garment of fig leaves

Coats of skin

Clothing made from the dust of the earth

A loincloth of pure linen 70.) What kept Adam and Eve from returning to the Garden of Eden?

Cherubim with a flaming sword

Cherubim with a double edged sword

An angel with a firey spear

An archangel with a scroll 71.) How many children did Adam and Eve have?




More than 4 72.) Who was Adam and Eve's first son?




Lamech 73.) Which of Adam and Eve's sons was 'a keeper of sheep'?




Abel 74.) Which of Adam and Eve's sons was 'a tiller of the ground'?



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Abel 75.) What son did Eve say God gave her in place of Abel?




Cain 76.) How many years did Adam live?




750 77.) Who was the father of Joseph the husband of Mary?




Jechonias 78.) Which angel appeared to Mary?


The Angel of the Lord


Gideon 79.) Who was promised that he would not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ?




John the Baptist 80.) Who was the king of Judaea at the time of the birth of Jesus?





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81.) Where was Jesus born?




Egypt 82.) How did the shepherds who visited Baby Jesus know where to find Him?

They were told in a dream.

An angel of the Lord told them.

They read it in the ancient scrolls.

A messenger from the east informed them. 83.) How did the Magi (wise men) who visited Baby Jesus know where to find Him?

They followed a star in the east.

An angel of the Lord told them.

They were told in a dream.

They followed a cloud before them. 84.) Which was not a gift the wise men brought to Jesus?




Gold 85.) To escape from the king, the angel of the Lord told Jesus' family to leave and go where?




Palestine 86.) Where was Jesus raised after they returned?





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87.) At which festival did the 12-year-old Jesus stay behind at the temple?

Feast of booths

First fruits


Pentecost 88.) Where was Jesus baptized?

Jordan River

Sea of Galilee

Nile River

Dead Sea 89.) Who did Jesus stay with when he was passing through Jericho?




Mary and Martha 90.) Who poured expensive perfume on Jesus' feet?




Elisabeth 91.) Whom did Jesus call the "generation of vipers"?

The Jews of his day

The Pharisees

The Scribes

The Saduccees 92.) To whom did Jesus say "Get behind me, Satan"?

John the Baptist



Peter 93.) How many days of temptation did Jesus endure in the wilderness?


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50 94.) What was Jesus doing when a storm came up on the Sea of Galilee?




Preaching 95.) Which of these disciples did Jesus take with him into Gethsemane?




Nicodemus 96.) Where was Jesus when he rose into heaven?


Mount of Olives


Nazareth 97.) At what age did Jesus begin his ministry?




30 98.) Who came to Jesus at night to hear his teaching?




Lazarus 99.) From what mountain did Jesus describe the signs of the times and the end of the age?

Mount Carmel

Mount Moriah

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Mount of Olives

Mount Sinai 100.) When Herod heard of the works of Jesus, who did he think it was?

God himself

John the Baptist

A charlatan

A deceiver 101.) What did Jesus say the leaven of the Pharisees was?

Bread offered to idols


Rotten yeast

The leaven of unbelief 102.) At which well did Jesus talk with a Samaritan woman?




Jacob's 103.) What did Jesus say is the greatest commandment of the law?

Love the Lord thy God

Love your neighbour as yourself

Keep the sabbath day

Do not kill 104.) How many swine died when Jesus permitted demons to possess them?




3000 105.) What surprised a Pharisee when Jesus ate dinner at his house?

Jesus didn't wash his hands

Jesus ate meat from an unclean animal

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Jesus healed a paralytic

Jesus didn't eat anything 106.) From which book did Jesus read when he went into the synagogue at Nazareth?




The Psalms 107.) Which disciple asked Jesus "Lord, teach us to pray"?




We are not told. 108.) Who asked Jesus, "Art thou he that should come, or do we look for another?"




John the Baptist 109.) Whose mother asked Jesus to grant her sons places at his right and left?

Peter and Andrew

Philip and Bartholomew

Nathaniel and Nicodemus

James and John 110.) Who asked, "How can a man be born when he is old?"




Philip 111.) Who asked Jesus, "Art thou greater than our father Jacob?"

A man from Macedonia.

A man from Persia.

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A woman from Tyre.

A woman of Samaria. 112.) Which disciple asked Jesus directly who would betray him?




Matthew 113.) Who asked Jesus, "What shall I do to inherit eternal life?"

A Pharisee


A lawyer

A scribe 114.) Who asked Jesus, "Art thou the Christ, the Son of the Blessed?"

Simon Peter



Nicodemus 115.) Who asked Jesus, "how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him?"




Bartholomew 116.) Who asked Jesus, "Art thou the King of the Jews?"

The Pharisees



The scribes 117.) Which disciple asked Jesus " can we know the way?"



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Thomas 118.) Jesus walked on what body of water?

Caspian Sea

Dead Sea

Sea of Galilee

Mediterranean Sea 119.) Out of what woman had Jesus cast 7 demons?




Mary Magdalene 120.) Jesus healed Simon Peter's mother-in-law of what?


A broken hip


Leprosy 121.) What was the occasion for Jesus turning water into wine?

A wedding

A funeral


A bar mitzvah 122.) What tree did Jesus cause to wither up?

Olive tree

Date tree

Fig tree

Pomegranate tree 123.) A gentile woman from Canaan begged Jesus to heal her daughter, who

Had leprosy

Was lame

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Was demon-possessed

Had died 124.) Whose daughter died while Jesus was on the way to his house to heal her?




Jacob 125.) In what city did Jesus raise Lazarus from the dead?




Bethany 126.) How many baskets full of pieces were left when Jesus fed the 5000?




24 127.) Who climbed out of the boat to meet Jesus walking on the water?





128.) What was Abraham's original name?




Abidai 129.) What was Sarah's original name?



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Saraph 130.) What was Israel's original name?




Jacob 131.) What was Paul's original name?




Saul 132.) What was Belteshazzar's original name?





Answer Key & Scripture Reference

1. Exodus

2. Mt. Sinai- Exodus 19:20

3. A finger- Exodus 31:18

4. 40 days- Exodus 34:28

5. His people were worshipping an idol- Exodus 31:19

6. Ark- 1 Kings 8:9

7. in our image- Genesis 1:26

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8. multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it- Genesis 1:28

9. Jacob- Genesis 35:10

10. Isaac- Genesis 17:19

11. I AM hath sent me unto you- Exodus 3:14

12. Jacob and Esau- Genesis 25:23-26

13. God with us -Matthew 1:23

14. letter -2 Corinthians 7:8

15. Why have You forsaken Me.: Matthew 27:46

16. Anointed One.

17. Master.- John 1:38

18. .Bethlehem.- Luke 2:4

19. Tamar- Genesis 38:12-15

20. Rebekha.: Genesis 24:15-19

21. Delilah: Judges 16:18

22. Jochebed- Numbers 26:59

23. Deborah. Judges 4:4-9

24. Rahab- Joshua 2:1-6

25. Miriam- Exodus 15:20

26. Michal: 2 Samuel 6:20-23

27. Moses

28. Solomon.

29. None

30. Paul

31. 66

32. Jeremiah.

33. Luke

34. Psalms

35. Jesus- Revelation 22:16

36. John the Baptist: Matthew 3:1-3

37. Nimrod.: Genesis 10:9

38. Jesus Christ- This is a prophecy by Isaiah foretelling the coming of Jesus. - Isaiah 11:1-5

39. The Pharisees : Matthew 12:24-34

40. Timothy-1 Timothy 1:2

41. His disciples- Matthew 5:13

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42. Lucifer.-Isaiah 14:12

43. Jesus- 1 Corinthians 15:45-48

44. Job- Job 1:1

45. Abraham: Genesis 11:29

46. Joseph: Genesis 37:9

47. Abraham: Genesis 17:1-11

48. Joshua. : Deuteronomy 31:23

49. Abimelech: Genesis 20:2

50. Esau: Genesis 25:29-34

51. Laban: Genesis 29:21-26

52. Rachel : Genesis 31:19

53. Shechem: Genesis 34:1,2

54. Amnon: 2 Samuel 13:1-22

55. Bethlehem. : 1 Samuel 16:1-13

56. 30: 2 Samuel 5:4

57. Michal: 1 Samuel 18:27

58. Absalom. : 2 Samuel 15:14

59. Nabal : 1 Samuel 25:38

60. Saul: 1 Samuel 19:2

61. Nathan: 2 Samuel 12:1

62. Their first born would die: 2 Samuel 12:15-19

63. Amasa. : 2 Samuel 17:25

64. Three darts thrust into his heart. : 2 Samuel 18:14

65. Mephibosheth : 2 Samuel 9:11

66. 40: 1 Chronicles 29:26,27

67. She was the mother of all living: Genesis 3:20

68. Fig.: Genesis 3:7

69. Coats of skin. : Genesis 3:21

70. Cherubim with a flaming sword- Genesis 3:24

71. More than 4: Genesis 5:4

72. Cain: Genesis 4:1

73. Abel: Genesis 4:2

74. Cain: Genesis 4:2

75. Seth. : Genesis 4:25

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76. 930: Genesis 5:5

77. Jacob: Matthew 1:16

78. Gabriel: Luke 1:26

79. Simeon: Luke 2:25,26

80. Herod: Matthew 2:13-15

81. Bethlehem: Luke 2:4

82. An angel of the Lord told them.: Luke 2:8-20

83. They followed a star in the east.: Matthew 2:1-10

84. :Silver: Matthew 2:11

85. Egypt: Matthew 2:13-15

86. Nazareth: Matthew 2:22,23

87. Passover. : Luke 2:42

88. Jordan River: Matthew 3:13

89. Zacchaeus.: Luke 19:1-5

90. Mary: John 12:3

91. The Pharisees: Matthew 12:34 -34

92. Peter: Matthew 16:23

93. 40: Mark 1:13

94. Sleeping: Matthew 8:23-27

95. James: Mark 14:33

96. Mount of Olives: Acts 1:9-12

97. 30- Luke 3:22,23

98. Nicodemus: John 3:1,2

99. Mount of Olives: Matthew 24:3

100. John the Baptist: Mark 6:14

101. Hypocrisy.: Luke 12:1

102. Jacob's : John 4:6,7

103. Love the Lord thy God: Matthew 22:34-38

104. 2000.: Mark 5:13

105. Jesus didn't wash his hands.: Luke 11:37,38

106. Isaiah: Luke 4:16,17

107. We are not told..: Luke 11:1

108. John the Baptist: Matthew 11:1-6

109. James and John.: Mark 10:35;Matthew 20:20,21

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110. Nicodemus: John 3:4

111. A woman of Samaria.: John 4:9-12

112. John: John 13:23-25

113. A lawyer: Luke 10:25

114. Caiaphas: Matthew 26:3;Mark 14:61

115. Peter. : Matthew 18:21

116. Pilate: Mark 15:2

117. Thomas: John 14:5

118. Sea of Galilee: Matthew 14:22-34

119. Mary Magdalene: Luke 8:2

120. Fever.: Luke 4:38

121. A wedding: John 2:1-10

122. Fig tree: Matthew 21:19

123. Was demon-possessed: Matthew 15:22

124. Jairus: Mark 5:22-35

125. Bethany: John 11:17-18

126. 12.: Matthew 14:20,21

127. Peter: Matthew 14:29

128. Abram: Genesis 17:5

129. Sarai : Genesis 17:15

130. Jacob: Genesis 32:28

131. Saul- Acts 13:9

132. Daniel: Daniel 1:7

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BIBLE BOWL QUESTIONS and ANSWERS with Scripture reference

1. What words were placed above Jesus on the Cross?

This is Jesus, King of the Jews MATTHEW 27:37

2. Just before Jesus' ascension into heaven, He gave His disciples instructions about the work they were to do. What was this work?

Go make disciples of ALL nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and

teach them to obey everything He taught. MATTHEW 28:19-20

3. How was the widow at Zarephath able to provide food for Elijah during the famine?

From a jar of flour and a jug of oil that would not run out

1 KINGS 17:14

4. Who tried to buy the power of the Holy Spirit from Peter and John?

Simon the Sorcerer ACTS 8:9-24

5. When King Hezekiah was deathly ill with a boil, what food was used for a poultice (soft mass to provide comfort to a wound)?

Figs. 2 KINGS 20:7

6. What word/name means "God with us"?

Hint: Name given to Jesus by Isaiah and Matthew

Immanuel. ISAIAH 7:14 & MATTHEW 1:23

7. One of Paul's letters was written to a man named Philemon. Why did he write this letter?

To convince Philemon to accept Onesimus, Philemon's slave, back as a Christian brother.

8. What is the only New Testament book that uses the word "Alleluia"?

Revelation. REVELATION 19:4 9. What judge of Israel was used by God to defeat the Midianites with only 300 men with trumpets, and empty jars with torches inside?

Gideon. JUDGES 7:16

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10. What are the last words spoken by Jesus from the Cross as recorded in Luke?

"Father, into your hands I commend my Spirit.” LUKE 23:46

11. What are the last words spoken by Jesus from the Cross as recorded in the Gospel of John?

"It is finished.” JOHN 19:30

12. What are the last words spoken by Jesus from the Cross as recorded in the Gospels of Matthew and Mark?

"My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?"

MATTHEW 27:46 & MARK 15:34

13. Which disciple also had the name of Didymus?

Thomas. JOHN 21:2

14. How many of Jesus' disciples had the name of Simon?

Can you name them? Two

Simon, called Peter & Simon, the Zealot MATTHEW 10:2-4

15. What food was placed inside the Ark of the Covenant?

Manna. HEBREWS 9:4

16. How does the book of Numbers get its name?

It is named for the census lists contained within in it


17. How did God signal the Israelites when they were to travel and when they were to remain encamped?

When the cloud lifted off of the Tent of Testimony, they moved.

NUMBERS 9:15-23

18. What images of pure gold were at each end of the Ark of the Covenant, facing each other?

2 Cherubim. EXODUS 37:7-9

19. What happened to the Golden Calf that that the Children of Israel worshiped when Moses was on

Mount Sinai?

Moses broke it into pieces, burned it, ground it into powder, put it in the Israelites' water, and made

them DRINK IT.

EXODUS 32:19-20

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20. Where did Moses get all of the gold and other materials used to build the tabernacle?

The Israelites donated them from what they had brought out of Egypt. EXODUS 35:20-29

21. Why were the Children of Israel afraid to come near Moses when he came down from the

mountain after receiving the stone tablets from God?

His face was radiant. EXODUS 34:30

22. Who baptized Jesus? John the Baptist. MATTHEW 3:13-15

23.What was the work for which John the Baptist was born to do?

Prepare the way for the Lord. LUKE 1:76

24. What work were the sons of Jacob doing when Joseph was sent to check on them?

They were grazing their father's flocks. GENESIS 37:12-13

25. As an object lesson, the Lord showed Jeremiah two baskets in front of the Temple. What was in

those baskets?

Figs. JEREMIAH 24:1-2

26. What was the function of the Urim and Thummim on the Priest's breastpiece?

To aid Aaron in making decisions. EXODUS 28:30

27. What happened to the chariots of Pharaoh's army when they followed the Israelites into the dry

seabed of the Red Sea?

The wheels of their chariots fell off, and the waters flowed back over them. EXODUS 14:25-28

28. What was Stephen's prayer as he was being stoned to death?

It was the same as Jesus' prayer: Lord, receive my spirit and do not hold their sin against them. ACTS


29. Finish this sentence, from Psalm 103:15:

"As for man, his days are as ________.” Grass

30. What THREE requirements did the Passover lamb must meet?

1. Year Old. 2. Male 3. Without Defect EXODUS 12:5

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31. Who spoke these words?

"Silver and gold I do not have, but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus, take up your bed and

walk.” Peter. ACTS 3:6

32. Which pagan goddess did some of the Christians in Ephesus formerly worship?

Artemis. ACTS 19:35

33. Who said these words to King Ahab?

"As the LORD God of Israel lives, there shall not be dew or rain for three years except by my word,”

Elijah, the Tishbite

1 KINGS 17:1

34.When did God give the flesh of animals as food for people?

After the Flood. GENESIS 9:3

35. How did God provide food for Elijah at the brook Kerith during a famine?

Ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning and in the evening. 1 KINGS 17:6

36. What wicked queen was thrown from the window of her palace, trampled by horses, and eaten by


Jezebel. 2 KINGS 9:30-37

37. Who was sent to Saul of Tarsus to heal him of his blindness?

Ananias. ACTS 9:10-19

38. How were Korah and his followers punished for rebelling against Moses?

The ground opened and swallowed them, their families, and all of their possessions. NUMBERS 16:31-


39. How did God demonstrate to the Children of Israel that Aaron and his descendants were the ones

he had chosen to be his priests after Korah's rebellion?

Aaron's staff sprouted budded blossoms and produced almonds.


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40. From which city did Saul (Paul) escape by being let down the wall in a basket? Damascus. ACTS


41. What city became the worship center of the northern kingdom of divided Israel? Bethel. 1 KINGS


42. In a vision in Daniel of four beasts, the first three were described as looking like various animals.

What were they?

Lion, bear, and leopard. DANIEL 7:4-6

43. From which mountain did Jesus ascend to heaven?

Mount of Olives. ACTS 1:10-12

44. At the Pentecost filling of the Holy Spirit, what audible and visible signs preceded the speaking in


Rushing wind and tongues of fire. ACTS 2:2-3

45. In John's vision of the new Jerusalem, he saw twelve gates to the city. Of what did each gate


Pearls. REVELATION 21:21

46. Who was the first king over the Northern Kingdom of the divided kingdom of Israel?

Jeroboam. 1 KINGS 12:20

47. Daniel interpreted a dream of King Nebuchadnezzor in which he saw a great statue with parts

made up of various materials. Two of these were gold and silver. What were the other two materials?

Bronze. Iron and Baked Clay. DANIEL 2:31-35

48. Whose descendants were the only ones allowed to perform priestly duties?

Levi. NUMBERS 18:1

49. Upon which mountain was Isaac placed upon an altar as a sacrifice to God?

Mount Moriah. GENESIS 22:2

50. For what purpose did Abraham purchase a cave from the Hittites near Mamre?

As a burial site for his Sarah. GENESIS 23:1-4

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51. In John's vision in Revelation, he was told to write seven letters. To whom was he to write them?

To the seven churches.

BONUS: Name them:

Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, & Laodicea. REVELATION 2 & 3

52.To whom did the Lord speak these words:

"See today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and

overthrow, to build and to plant."

Jeremiah. JEREMIAH 1:10

53. When the people of a certain village in Samaria would not welcome Jesus, James and John asked

Jesus if He wanted them to do what?

Call down fire and destroy them. LUKE 9:54

54. What ruler, acclaimed as a god by the people when making a speech, was struck down by an angel

of the Lord and died after being eaten by worms?

King Herod. ACTS 12:23

55. Why did King Sennacherib quit his attack against Jerusalem and go back to Nineveh?

An angel of the Lord put 185,000 of his men to death in the middle of the night. 2 KINGS 19:35-36

56. When the Temple was being repaired in the days of King Josiah, what did the High Priest report

that he had found in the Temple?

The Book of the Law. 2 KINGS 22:8

57. Who is the first person described in the Bible as a maker of tools from bronze and iron?

Tubal-Cain. GENESIS 4:22

58. Why did Miriam contract leprosy for 7 days?

She and Aaron opposed Moses. NUMBERS 12:1-15

59. To whom does the term, "The Lion of the tribe of Judah" refer?


60. Why did God send poisonous snakes among the Israelites?

They spoke against God and Moses. NUMBERS 21:4-9

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61 Which Old testament person had a talking donkey?

Balaam. NUMBERS 22:28

62. What does the Aramaic word, "Ephphatha," which Jesus spoke when He healed the deaf-mute

man, mean?

Be opened. MARK 7:34

63. What was the ONLY purpose in which the priest was to enter the Most Holy Place of the


To burn incense once a year on the Day of Atonement.


64. Who had the Ark of the Covenant brought to Jerusalem?

David. 2 SAMUEL 6:12

65. Which brother remained in Egypt as a hostage while the rest went back to Canaan and their

father, Jacob?

Simeon. GENESIS 42:24

66. How old was Noah when he died?

950. GENESIS 9:29

67. Which of Saul's relatives was given the privilege of eating at King David's table?

Mephibosheth 2 SAMUEL 9:10

68. About which disaster did Jeremiah warn the people of Judah?

Fall of Jerusalem--Babylonian captivity. JEREMIAH 2-6

69. Who was Moses' spokesperson before Pharaoh?

His brother, Aaron. EXODUS 7:1

70. Who spoke these words: "Am I my brother's keeper?"

Cain. GENESIS 4:9

71. Who spoke these words referring to the Second Coming of Jesus:

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"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven nor the Son, but only the


Jesus. MATTHEW 24:36

72. To whom did Jesus speak these words from the Cross:

"Son, behold your mother..."

John. JOHN 19:26

73. What meat did God give to the Children of Israel in the desert?

Quail. EXODUS 16:13

74. Which woman killed an enemy general by driving a tent spike through his temple while he slept?

Jael. JUDGES 4:21

75. Who was the only female Judge?

Deborah. JUDGES 4

76. Quote Genesis 1:1

"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”

77. Jesus tells us that IF we fast, how should we do it?

Put oil on our heads, and wash our faces, so that it will not be obvious that we are fasting. MATTHEW


78. Why did David flee to Nob?

Because King Saul was trying to kill him. 1 SAMUEL 21

79. Who is Jonathan?

King Saul's son; David's best friend 1 SAMUEL 20:9 & 42

80. When Jesus fed the 5,000, how many fish did He have?

Two. MATTHEW 14:17

81. Who was Miriam, and what special work was she given as a young girl?

She was Moses' older sister, and she was charged with watching over him in his basket. EXODUS 2:4

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82. What work was David doing when Samuel anointed him king over Israel?

Tending his father's sheep. 1 SAMUEL 16:11

83. Finish this verse from 1 Samuel 16:7, "But the LORD said, 'Do not consider his appearance or his


'...for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward

appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.’"

84. Who was the first man to bear the title of "prophet"?

Abraham. GENESIS 20:7

85. Abraham and Sarah had a son. What was his name?

Isaac. GENESIS 21:31.

86. What was Isaac's wife's name?

Rebekah. GENESIS 24:66

87. Who were Jacob and Esau?

The twin boys of Isaac and Rebekah. GENESIS 25:25-26

88. Who was Laban?

Rebekah's brother. GENESIS 24:29

89. What did Jacob do to Esau that made Esau want to kill him?

Stole his birthright and blessing. GENESIS 27

90. To which disciple did Jesus say, "Feed my sheep"?

Peter JOHN 21:17

91.Why were Achan and his family put to death by stoning?

They stole some of the devoted things, they stole, and they lied.


92. Upon which mountain did Moses receive the Decalogue (the 10 Commandments)?

Mount Sinai. EXODUS 19:11

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93. With what words do the "beatitudes" begin?

"Blessed are the…”. MATTHEW 5:2-12

94. Who spoke these words: "I am slow of speech."

Moses. EXODUS 4:10

95. For doing what type of work on a Sabbath was Jesus criticized by the Pharisees?

Healing MARK 3:1-6

96. The 3 Marys on the way to the tomb wondered who would perform what specific task. What was

that task?

Rolling away the stone. MARK 16:3

97.Which two men took the body of Jesus down from the Cross and laid Him in the tomb?

Joseph of Arimathea & Nicodemus. JOHN 19:38-39

98. How long was Miriam confined outside of the camp, due to her leprosy?

7 days. NUMBERS 12:15

99. The sign on the Cross was written in three (3) languages. What were they?

Aramaic, Latin, and Greek. JOHN 19:20

100. How did Laban deceive Jacob?

Put Leah in his tent, instead of Rachel. GENESIS 29:23-25

101. Who labored for seven years for a wife? Jacob Genesis 29:29

102. Who had seven locks of hair woven into fabric? Samson. Judges 16:13 103. Who dreamed of seven fat and seven lean cows? Pharaoh. Genesis 41:2-3

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104. Who became king at age seven? Jehoash 2 Kings 11:21 105. Who was possessed with 7 devils? Mary Magdeline Mark 16:19

106. Who was the Timothy’s Mother and grandmother? Eunice & Lois 2 Tim 2:5 107. Name the mother and father of Moses? Joch-ebed & Amram Numbers 26:59 108. Who was Solomon’s Father and grandfather? David & Jesse Matthew 1:6 109. In the old testament who was Saul’s father? Kish 1Samuel 9:3

110. True or False Jessie was father of King David? "True. Matthew 1:6 To whom was Jesus Speaking? ( Question 111-115)

111. “This day salvation come to this house. "Zaccheus Luke19:9

112. “My Kingdom is not of this world” Pilate. John 18: 35&36

113. “Go wash in the pool of Siloam” A Blind Man. John 9:7

114. “They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick.”

Pharisees. Matthew 9:12

115. “Except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God”

Nichodemus. John 3:1-3

116.” When was darkness upon the face of the earth? Before God created light. Genesis 1:2

117. When was the whole earth covered with darkness from the sixth hour to the ninth hour?

At the crucifixion. Luke 23:4

118. Who came to the tomb of Jesus in the darkness of the early morning? Mary Madgelene John


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119 Who told the spies pursers that the spies had left in darkness?

Rahab. Joshua 2:3-5

120. Who saw a vision in which, “A horror of great darkness fell upon him”? Abraham. Genesis 15:12

121. Who led in the storing of grain for a worldwide famine?

. Joseph Genesis 41:45-48

122. Who led Jews to plot against Jesus? Caiaphas. John18:14

123. Who led the construction of the Golden Calf? Aaron. Exodus 32:2-4

124. Who led as the first king of Israel? Saul. 1 Samuel 10:24

125. Who preached at Pentecost? Peter. Acts 2:1, 14

126. Jesus cautioned people not to cast their pearls before______ Swine. Matthew 7:6

127. Proverbs 6:6 says, “Go to the_________thou sluggard; consider her ways and be wise” ANT.

128. Jesus liken his love for Jerusalem to a ________ which gather her little ones under her wings.

HEN. Matthew 23:37

129. Acts 8:32 describes Jesus as a ________ being led to slaughter. Sheep.

130. Solomon said,” The righteous are bold as a _________. LION. Proverbs 28:1

131. _______sent spies to the promise land. Moses. Numbers 13:17

132. ________sent spies throughout Israel to say that when the trumpet sounded “Absalom

reigneth.” Absalom 2 Samuel 15:20

133. ________wanted the Wise Men to serve as spies to bring him word about where Jesus was.

Herod. Matthew 2:7-8

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134._______spied for the Philistines to find out the source of Sampson’s strength. Delilah. Judges


135. ________hid the two spies Joshua sent to Jericho. Rahab. Joshua 2:1-4

136. How old was Abraham when he had Isaac? 100. Genesis 21:5

137. How old was Methuselah when he died? 969 years Genesis 5:27

138. How old was Caleb when he inherited the land Hebron? 85. Joshua 14:10-13

139. How old was Moses when he retired? 120. Deuteronomy 31:1-2

140. How old was Noah when his three sons were born? 500. Genesis 5:32

141. Who put on shoes (sandals) in a plot to deceive Joshua? Gibeonites Joshua 9:1-5

142. Who removed his shoe to seal a bargain? Boaz. Ruth 4:7

143. Who were instructed not to take extra shoes on mission? Disciples Matthew 10:5-10

144. Who said he was unworthy to tie Jesus shoes. John the Baptist. Mark 1:7

145. Who filled his shoes with blood? Joab. 1Kings 2:5

146. Who laughed when he was told he would have a son at 100 years old? Abraham. Genesis 17:17

147. Who did David say everyone would laugh at? The Wicked Psalms 37:12-13

148. Who laugh at Nehemiah for rebuilding the Jerusalem wall? Sanballat, Tobiah & Gesham

Nehemiah. 2:19

149. Where did the people laugh at Jesus? Jarius’s House Mark 5:40

150. Who did Solomon say would laugh at calamity? Wisdom Proverbs 1:26

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151. Name the woman who returned to Bethlehem with her daughter-in law. Naomi. Ruth 1:9

152. Name the woman who gleaned corn in a relative’s field. Ruth. Ruth 2:2-3

153. Name the woman who helped her son deceive his father. Rebekah Genesis 24:

154. Name the woman who gave her son to temple service. Hannah 1Samuel 1:20-21

155. Name the woman who killed a man with a nail. Jael Judges 4:21 156. Who was called “a friend of God?” Abraham (Jas. 2:23)

157. Who was called “the dreamer?” Joseph (Gen. 37:19)

158. Who was called “the sons of thunder?” James and John (Mark 3:17)

159. Who was called “the beloved physician?” Luke (Col.4:14)

160. What age was Richard Allen when his family was sold to another master? 7

161. How much did Richard Allen pay for his freedom? $2,000

162. Where are Richard and Sarah Allen buried? Mother Bethel AME Church (Philadelphia,


163. What does the “M” in AME mean? Methodist

164. What state is the 9th Episcopal District located? Alabama

165. Who is the Presiding Bishop of the 9th Episcopal District? Bishop Harry Lee Seawright

166. How many times a year is the Quarterly Conference held? 4

167. Who founded and organized the AME Church? Richard Allen

168. How many Articles of Religion are there? 25

169. What are the 5 Conferences that make up the 9th Episcopal District? ARR, NE, NW,


170. What is the motto of the AME Church? God our Father, Christ our Redeemer,

The Holy Spirit our Comforter, Humankind our Family

171. What conference is held every 4 years and is considered the supreme legislative body

of the AME Church? General Conference

172. What body is made up of all the bishops representing the Episcopal Districts?

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Council of Bishops

173. The AME Church is divided into how many geographical Episcopal Districts? 20

174. This Board oversees all expanding and building projects of the Church? Trustees

175. Who was the mother of Jacob and Esau? Rebekah

176. How old was Jairus’s daughter? 12 years old

177. Who met a man in a chariot and converted him to Christianity? Philip

178. What did Moses strike to produce water in the desert? A rock

179. How many sons did Jacob have? 12

180. Who wrote the Ten Commandments on Mt. Sinai? God 181. Who built the an ark? Noah Genesis 6:13-15 182. Name the city in which a tower was built to reach heaven? Babel. Genesis 11:1-9 183. A blind man washed in this pool and received his sight. What was the name of the . Pool? The Pool of Siolam John 9:6-7.

184. What body of water was Nanman instructed to dipped in 7 times? The Jordan River.

2 Kings 5:14

185. What is the name of the brook where Elijah slewed the prophets of Baal? Kishon 1 Kings 18:40 186. What is the name of the river were Ezekiel saw visons of God? Chebar, Ezekiel 1:3 187. What is another name for the Sea of Galilee? Sea of Tiberias John 6:1 188. The water at this place was bitter. Name the place. Marah. Exodus 15:33L 189. Jesus taught in a ship in what body of water? Gennesaret Luke 5:1-3

190. What was Moses occupation before God called him? Shepherd. Exodus 3:1

191. In the book of Acts what was Lydia’s profession? Seller of purple cloth Acts 16:4

192. What was Gideon’s profession? Thresher Judges 6:11

193. What was Zaccaheus profession? Tax Collector. Luke 19

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194. Who asked the wise virgins for oil for their lamps? Foolish Virgins Matt. 25:7-8

195. Who used oil on the wounds of a man beaten by robbers? A Samaritan

Man. Luke 10:33-34

196. Who multiplied the oil of a widow so she could pay her debt? Elisha 2 Kings 4:2-7

197. Who poured oil on a pillar of stone and named the place Bethel? Jacob Genesis 35:14-15

198. To whom did Jesus say, “My head with oil thou didnst not anoint; but this woman has anointed

my feet with ointment? Simon Luke 7:43-46

199. Who was anointed with oil by Zadok? Joab 1 Kings 1:39

200. Who asked a women to pretend to be a mourner and not anoint herself with oil?

Solomon. 2 Samuel 14:2


201. “The Lord is my shepherd.” David Psalms 23

202. “Here am I send me” Isaiah. Isaiah 6:8

203. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.” Paul and Silas Act 16:31

204. “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua. Joshua 24:1,15

205. “ Except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” Jesus John 3:3

206. “Create in me a clean heart oh God.” David. Psalm 51

207. “Silver and gold I have none, but such as I have I give to thee.” Peter Acts 3:6

208. “Behold the lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the world.” John the Baptist John 1:29

209. What are Christians to seek first? The Kingdom of God Matthew 6: 33

210. To whom did Jesus appear to first after His resurrection? Mary. Mark 16:9

211. Who did Andrew find first to tell about Jesus? Simon John 1:41

212. Where did Jesus tell Peter to get tax money? The mouth of the 1st fish Matt. 17:27

213. What did the young man say he had to do first before following Jesus? Bury his father

Matthew 8:21

214. What first thing were the Israelites to bring to the house of the Lord? First Fruit

Exodus 23:19

215. __________ was priest whose two sons were bad. Eli. 1 Sam 2-12,17

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216. ___________was the father of Samuel. Elkanah 1 Samuel 1:1-2

217.___________sacrificed his daughter. Judges 11:34-40

218.___________acted as father to his cousin who became queen. Mordeci. Esther 2:11

219___________lost all of his children in a wind storm. Job. Job 1:19

220.___________ was the father of the apostle named James. Alphaeus Matt. 10:3

221. Who had diseased feet in his old age? Asa. 1 King 15:23

222. Who wiped Jesus’ feet with her hair? Mary. John 11:2

223. Who laid down at the feet of Boaz? Ruth. Ruth 3:4-6

224. Who fell at Jesus’ feet and begged for a child’s healing? Jarius. Luke 8:41

225. Who said she wanted to be servant to wash the feet of David’s servant? Abigail

1 Sam. 25:41-42

226. Whose coat was dipped in blood in an attempt to deceived his father? Joseph

Gen. 37:31

227. Who poured water on the ground and it became blood? Moses. Exodus. 4:9

228. Who cut themselves til blood gushed out because their god did not answer them? Baal’s

prophets. 1Kings 18:25-28

229. Who said they could not keep the betrayal money from Judas because it was the price of

blood money? The chief priest

230. Finish this scripture: “I can do all things through_______ ________ _______ ____.” Christ who

strengthen me. Philippians 4:13


231.Name the last Bishop born in Alabama, who was elected Bishop while pastoring a

church in Alabama. (Answer: Bishop Cornelius Egbert Thomas)

232.How Bishops have there been that were actually born in Alabama? (Answer: 8)

233. What was the name of the first Annual Conference in Alabama? (Answer: The Alabama


233.What AME minister was the first person to ever serve two consecutive terms as

president of the Birmingham City Council? (Answer: Dr. Eddie L. Blankenship)

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234.What member of St. John AME Church, Birmingham, was the first millionaire in

Birmingham, AL? (Answer: A. G. Gaston)

235.What member of St. Paul AME Church, Smithfield, was elected President of the

Connectional Richard Allen Youth Council, and years later elected a Bishop? (Answer:

Bishop James Levert Davis)

236.Who was the first Black woman appointed to serve on the Birmingham City Board of

Education? (Answer: Ossie Ware Mitchell)

237.What two Alabama Episcopal Supervisors were actually born in Alabama? (Answer:

Irene B. Reid and Susie J. Thomas)

238.What was the first AME Church in Alabama founded in 1867? (Answer: Brown

Chapel AME Church, Selma.)

239.What itinerant elder in the AME Church founded Alabama A& M College, Normal,

Alabama? (Answer: William Hooper Councill)

240.What Bishop organized the North Alabama Conference in 1878 beginning with Greater

St. Paul AME Church, Florence, AL? (Answer: Bishop Henry McNeil Turner)

241.What present Presiding Elder was the 1966 Connectional Boy of the Year, as a member

of St. John AME Church, Fort Mitchell, AL? (Answer: Presiding Elder Johnny


242.Can you name the five Annual Conference of the 9th Episcopal District? ( Answer:

Alabama River Region, Northwest, Southeast, Northeast and the Southwest)

243.At one time there were six Annual Conferences in the 9th Episcopal District: can you

name them? (Answer: Alabama, South Alabama, East Alabama, North Alabama,

Central Alabama, and the West Alabama)

244.When was the Women’s Missionary Society organized in Alabama? (Answer: 1897)

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245.Including our present presiding prelate, how many Bishops have served in Alabama?

(Answer: 28)

246.How many Bishops in the AME Church were born in Alabama? (Answer: 8)

247.Name at least 4 AME Bishops which were born in Alabama. (Answer: Bishop

Eugene Clifford Hatcher, Bishop David Henry Sims, Bishop Isaiah Hamilton

Bonner, Bishop Frank Curtis Cummings, Bishop Cornelius Egbert Thomas, Bishop

Theodore Larry Kirkland, Sr., Bishop James Levert Davis, Bishop E. Earl


248.What member of Jones Chapel AME Church, Fairfield, AL served as a United States

Judge for the Northern District of Alabama? (Answer: U. W. Clemons)

249.What member of St. Paul AME Church, Fairfield, played bass guitar in the Duke

Ellington Band? (Answer: Cleveland (Sonny) Eaton)

250.Name the city in Alabama where Daniel Payne College was first founded. (Selma)

251.State two of the names of Daniel Payne College before it was named Daniel Payne

College. (Payne Institute, Payne University, Greater Payne University)

252.In whose honor was Daniel Payne College named? (Bishop Daniel Payne)

253.In 1922 Daniel Payne College was relocated to what city. (Birmingham)

254.Daniel Payne College had to be relocated in Birmingham for what two reasons. (airport

expansion, building of interstate highways)

255.How were buildings on the Daniel Payne College campus destroyed? (by a tornado)

256.What year did Daniel Payne close its doors as a school? (1979)

257.Who is the author of “The History of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in

Alabama” published in 1902? (Rev. W. H. Mixon)

258.In 1868, Alabama was set aside as part of which Episcopal District? (7th Episcopal


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259.When and where was the first Annual Conference organized in Alabama? (1868 in


260.When Bishop Daniel Alexander Payne was assigned to the 7th Episcopal District, what

two states made up the District? (Alabama and Florida)

261. May of 1888, Bishop W. J. Gaines was assigned to the 6th Episcopal District which

included which two states? (Alabama and Georgia)

262.By the action of the General Conference in 1900, Alabama and Florida became which

Episcopal District. (7th Episcopal District)

263.African Methodism in Alabama continued to grow so that at the General Conference

in1920 Alabama became which Episcopal District? (9th Episcopal District)

264.What laywomen of St. Paul AME Church, Montgomery, is one of two African

Americans to receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom Award on June 15, 1999.

(Rosa Parks)

265.What is the name of the oldest African American Church in Northwest Alabama founded

in 1840 and became a part of the AME Church in 1879? (Greater St. Paul AMEC,


266.What is the name of the first hotel in Birmingham which allowed African Americans to

stay, and where in 1963 Civil Rights Marchers met to organize? (A. G. Gaston Motel)

267.What is the number of individuals who have served as General Officers of the AME

Church, were born in Alabama? (Answer: 6)

268.What is the number of Presiding Elders which presently serve Alabama? (Answer: 10)

269.How many Presiding Elder districts are in the Northwest Conference? (Answer: 3)

270.How many Presiding Elder Districts are in the Alabama River Region? (Answer: 1)

271.How many Presiding Elder Districts are in Southwest Conference? (Answer: 2)

272.How many Presiding Elder Districts are in the Northeast Conference? (Answer: 2)

273.How many Presiding Elder Districts are in the Southeast Conference? (Answer: 2)

274.Name the Presiding Elder Districts of the Northwest Conference? (Birmingham-

Florence-Tuscaloosa, South Birmingham-Huntsville-Bessemer, West Birmingham-


275.Name the Presiding Elder District of the Alabama River Region? (Montgomery-Selma )

276.Name the Presiding Elder Districts of the Southwest Conference? (Camden, Mobile )

Page 48: CHRISTIAN EDUCATION CONGRESS 2019 BOWL · 2019-05-09 · Saviour Man of God God with us 14.) What is an epistle? A commandment A letter A plant A hymn 15.) Just before He died on

277.Name the Presiding Elder Districts of the Northeast Conference? (Phenix City,

Tuskegee )

278.Name the Presiding Elder Districts of the Southeast Conference? (Dothan-Eufuala,

Ozark-Troy )

279.Who presently serves as Presiding Elder of the Dothan-Eufaula District? (David E.


280.Who presently serves as Presiding Elder of the Ozark-Troy District? (Johnny Rutledge)

281.Who presently serves as Presiding Elder of the Camden District? (Charles Lewis)

282.Who presently serves as Presiding Elder of the West Birmingham-Ensley-Greensboro

District? (Cleophas Guice, Sr.)

283.Who presently serves as Presiding Elder of the South Birmingham-Huntsville-Bessemer

District? (Bruce Hunter)

284.Who presently serves as Presiding Elder of the Birmingham-Florence-Tuscaloosa

District? (Dwight E. Dillard)

285.Who presently serves as Presiding Elder of the Montgomery-Selma District? (Jacquelyn

L. Denson)

286.Who presently serves as Presiding Elder of the Phenix City District? (Samuel Smith)

287.Who presently serves as Presiding Elder of the Tuskegee District? (Letitia W. Watford)

288.Who presently serves as Presiding Elder of the Mobile District? (Johnnie Bryant)

289.Who currently serves as the Presiding Prelate of the 9th Episcopal District? (Bishop

Harry L. Seawright)

290.Who currently serves as the Episcopal Supervisor of the 9th Episcopal District? (Rev.

Sherita Moon Seawright)

291.In 1902 a book on the history of the African Methodist Episcopal Church was compiled

by what member of the North Alabama Conference? (Rev. W. H. Mixon)

292.Name the first three Annual Conferences of Alabama? (Alabama, North Alabama,

and the Central )

293.Besides founding Alabama A&M College, what church in North Alabama did Rev.

William H. Councill given credit for helping to organize? ( St. John AME Church,


294.Who was the first Bishop to serve Alabama (Bishop John Mifflin Brown)

Page 49: CHRISTIAN EDUCATION CONGRESS 2019 BOWL · 2019-05-09 · Saviour Man of God God with us 14.) What is an epistle? A commandment A letter A plant A hymn 15.) Just before He died on

295.Initially Alabama was a part of what Episcopal District? (Answer: 7th Episcopal


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