  • 7/30/2019 Chronic Pain, in Textbook of Traumatic Brain Injury, 2011


    American Psychiatric Association: Chapter 24. Chronic Pain, in Textbook of Traumatic Brain Injury, 2e. Copyright 2011

    American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc. DOI: 10.1176/appi.books.9781585624201.681858. Printed 2/18/2011 from

    www.psychiatryonline.comTextbook of Traumatic Brain Injury, 2e >

    Chronic PainNathan D. Zasler, M.D.

    Michael F. Martelli, Ph.D.

    Keith Nicholson, Ph.D.


    Pain is defined by the International Association for the Study of Pain as "an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential

    tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage" (Merskey and Bogduk 1994, pp. 209214). Acute pain, usually occurring in response to identifiable

    tissue damage or a noxious event, has a time-limited course during which treatment is aimed at correcting the underlying pathological process (if any such

    intervention is deemed necessary). Chronic pain, generally considered as pain persisting for longer than 6 months, may or may not be associated with any

    obvious tissue damage or pathological process. In the case of chronic pain, presentation may be characterized by maladaptive protective responses or pain

    behaviors, protracted courses of medication use and minimally effective medical services, and marked behavioral or emotional changes, including

    restrictions in daily activities. Pain-related avoidance behaviors and reduced activity are likely to result in a cyclic disability-enhancing pattern. The longer

    pain persists, the more recalcitrant it becomes and the more treatment goals focus on improved coping with pain and its concomitants (Kulich and Baker

    1999; Martelli et al. 1999a). Finally, there is increasing evidence and growing acceptance that persistent pain may be associated with peripheral

    sensitization or central sensitization effects in which hyperresponsiveness or spontaneous discharge of components of the pain system develops (Lidbeck

    2002; Nicholson 2000b; Nicholson and Martelli 2004). In this regard, it has been noted that there is an association between posttraumatic stress reactions

    and the development of chronic pain (Bryant et al. 1999; Miller 2000; Sharp and Harvey 2001), with uncontrollable pain after physical injury potentially

    representing the core trauma, resulting in posttraumatic symptomatology (Schreiber and Galai-Gat 1993).

    It is widely held that pain should be considered a multidimensional, subjective experience mediated by emotion, attitudes, and other perceptual influences.

    Variability in pain responses is the rule rather than the exception and appears to reflect complex biopsychosocial interactions of genetic, developmental,

    cultural, environmental, and psychological factors (Gatchel et al. 2007; Hinnant 1994; Turk and Holzman 1986). Important distinctions between pain and

    suffering (Fordyce 1988) reflect the variability in response to pain problems. Although some pain patients appear to present with unusual and possibly

    exaggerated suffering or disability, others present with "la belle indifference," in which extremely high reported pain severity may produce no apparent

    affective distress, pain behavior, or interference in many life activities. In some cases, the onset, maintenance, severity, or exacerbation of pa in is primarily

    associated with psychological factors and may warrant a DSM-IV-TR (American Psychiatric Association 2000) diagnosis of pain disorder associated with

    psychological factors. However, one should avoid the pitfalls of mind-body dualism and always consider both psychological and organic fac tors in the

    presentation of any chronic pain patient (Martelli et al. 2007b; Nicholson et al. 2002).

    The issue of comorbid acute and chronic pain as clinical phenomena in persons with traumatic brain injury (TBI) has not received significant attention

    until recently, nor has there been a significant empirical literature base established with regard to the incidence, prevalence, etiology, assessment, and

    treatment of these important comorbid conditions in this special population of patients (Martelli et al. 2007b; Nampiaparampil 2008; Zasler 1999; Zasler

    et al. 2004, 2007). A systematic review found that pain complaints were more than twice as frequent after mild than more severe TBI and that there was a

    prevalence of approximately 50% for chronic pain, independent of comorbid factors like posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), with chronic headache

    being the most common subtype (Nampiaparampil 2008). Central pain following TBI is rare but has been studied and should be recognized by clinicians

    when patients present with high levels of allodynia and hyperpathia, among other clinical features (Ofek and Defrin 2007). Recent review of this pain

    state indicates that individuals with somatosensory impairments are more at risk for development of this pain disorder (Finnerup et al. 2010).

    Finally, it should be recognized that complexities in pain presentation in persons with TBI may warrant referral to pain management specialists, specialty

    interdisciplinary pain programs, or both. Referral is particularly warranted in cases of intractable pain and/or functionally disabling pain even in situations in which

    the pain condition does not qualify by temporal criteria as chronic (i.e., lasting greater than 6 months).


    The neuroanatomical pathways associated with pain perception are complex and not completely understood. Readers are referred to more in-depth sources

    for further detail (Bromm and Desmedt 1995; Vogt et al. 1993; Willis and Westlund 1997; Zasler et al. 2007). Primary afferents are composed of A delta

    fibers and C fibers. A delta fibers are small, thin, myelinated neurons 15 m in diameter with conduction velocities in the range of 530 m/sec. Pain

    mediated by A delta fibers tends to be fast, sharp, localized, and well defined. These fibers have small receptive fields and tend to be modality specific.

    They are divided into thermoresponsive and mechanoresponsive subgroups. C fibers are small, unmyelinated afferent fibers with diameters of 0.251.5 m

    and conduction velocities from 0.5 to 2.0 m/sec. Pain mediated by C fibers tends to be slow, diffuse, poorly localized, and of a burning, throbbing, orgnawing nature. These polymodal fibers subserve noxious nociceptive input from thermal, mechanical, and chemical stimuli, as well as nonnoxious, low-

    intensity stimulation. Input to the primary afferents is provided through nociceptors that are the first step in the sensory pathway of transduction of a

    painful stimuli to a relevant neural signal. Nociceptors occur in cutaneous, muscular, and visceral structures.

    Pain centers involve widely distributed neural networks. The distinction between the lateral and medial pain systems (Vogt et al. 1993) is considered to be

    of paramount importance. The former may mediate primarily the sensory-discriminative components of pain, whereas the latter may mediate primarily

    emotional-motivational components. However, these systems are heavily interconnected, reflecting the unitary experience of pain. There has also been the

    suggestion that the lateral and medial pain systems are mainly responsible for processing acute and chronic pain, respectively (Albe-Fessard et al. 1985).

    The lateral pain system involves inputs to the thalamus and somatosensory cortex from the lateral spinothalamic tract. The medial pain system involves

    projections of the medial thalamic nuclei to area 24 of the anterior cingulate cortex and other forebrain areas. The anterior cingulate cortex is an extensive

    area of the limbic cortex overlying the corpus callosum and is involved in the integration of cognition, affect, and response selection. The descending

    connections of the anterior cingulate cortex to the medial thalamic nuclei and to the periaqueductal gray in the brain stem suggest that this system may also

    be involved in the modulation of reflex responses to noxious stimuli.

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    Pain may be triggered by sensory inputs, especially when acute, but may also be generated independently, especially when chronic. Sensitization effects

    represent hyperresponsiveness in either the peripheral or central components of the nervous system. Supraspinal sensitization effects associated with the

    medial pain system (Vogt et al. 1993) and related limbic structures (Chapman 1996; Gabriel 1995) seem to mediate the pain response. Thus, pain could be

    produced by the output of a widely distributed neural network in the brain, rather than directly by peripheral nociceptive stimuli. Importantly, the central

    pain control processes seem to encompass the cognitive-evaluative, motivational-affective, and sensory-discriminative systems (Melzack 2001) that

    characterize the pain response. The pain system is intimately related to other systems in the brain (e.g., motor, mnemonic, and social systems). Chronic

    pain has many elements of acute and subacute pain but is generally promulgated by additional factors, including psychological ones. Current evidence

    strongly supports mechanisms of central sensitization in chronic pain phenomena that are not present in the acute and subacute periods. Central

    sensitization is a phenomenon that has been demonstrated in both animal and human studies. Specifically, nociceptive input to the central nervous system

    (CNS) may be increased because of activation or sensitization of peripheral sensory afferents. This barrage of nociceptive impulses may result in

    sensitization of second- and third-order neurons in the CNS. In this way, sensitization may play a role in initiation and maintenance of chronic pain

    (Bendtsen 2002; Bolay and Moskowitz 2002; Lidbeck 2002; Melzack 1999).

    Considering the high prevalence of posttraumatic headache, it is also worthwhile to mention the expanding literature on the functional connectivity between

    trigeminal and cervical sensory afferents that must be considered when evaluating patients with TBI-related headache. Given the frequency of comorbid

    cervical injury with TBI, knowledge regarding the functional neuroanatomy of neck pain as well as referred cervicogenic headache mechanisms is crucial for

    clinicians treating this group of patients (Fernndez-de-Las-Peas et al. 2007; Simons 2008). Animal models have shown convergence of cutaneous,

    musculoskeletal, dural, and visceral afferents onto nociceptive neurons in the cervical dorsal horn for the craniofacial area (Morch et al. 2007). Research has

    also shown convergence of cervical and trigeminal sensory afferents that clinically results in dual activation of trigeminal and cervical territory symptoms

    when trigeminal activation occurs as well as when cervical activation occurs (Piovesan et al. 2003). The trigeminal nerve has been found to receive afferent

    nociceptive input from the anterior portions of the head, the occipital nerves, and the posterior upper cervical roots. The anatomical and functional

    convergence of trigeminal and cervical afferent pathways may hold a key to management of a variety of primary as well as posttraumatic headache disorders

    (Busch et al. 2006; Goadsby and Bartsch 2008).


    Cranial trauma and TBI are associated with a high comorbidity of chronic pain problems (Lahz and Bryant 1996). As previously noted, a systematic review

    (Nampiaparampil 2008) found a prevalence rate of 50% for chronic pain following TBI. Headache is the primary complaint in virtually all surveys of

    postconcussion syndrome (e.g., Nampiaparampil 2008; Nicholson 2000c). The frequency of posttraumatic headache has been found to range from as high as

    90% immediately postaccident period to as high as 44% at 6 months (Martelli et al. 1999a). Controlled prospective study data (Faux and Sheedy 2008)

    indicated a prevalence of 15% following mild head injury at 3 months (compared with 2% for minor deceleration injury controls), while systematic review

    found a notably higher rate for chronic pain, independent of PTSD and psychological factors. In addition to headache, the many other pain problems that

    follow trauma include back pain, complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), and fibromyalgia, among others.

    The role that pain may play in symptom presentation following TBI is gaining increasing attention, especially with regard to cognitive complaints. Several

    reviews of literature (e.g., Hart et al. 2000) objectively assessing these complaints were reviewed by Martelli et al. (2007b). The available evidence

    strongly supports the conclusion that chronic pain, especially head pain and neck pain and pain-related symptomatology, independent of TBI or

    neurological disorder, can and often does produce impairment of cognitive functioning. Multiple lines of evidence, including studies of acute and chronic

    pain, animal and human studies, experimental and clinical studies, and neurophysiological studies, support this conclusion regarding cognitive impairment.

    Other reviews report similar conclusions (e.g., Kreitler and Niv 2007). A summary of the converging evidence that supports this conclusion is presented in

    Table 241. Notably, attentional capacity, processing speed, memory, and executive functions, as assessed on neuropsychological tests, are the cognitive

    domains most likely to be affected.

    It is clear that chronic pain and associated problems can complicate the symptom picture in TBI (McCracken and Iverson 2001; Miller 1990). Especially in cases

    of persistent sequelae following mild TBI, increasing evidence suggests that chronic head and other pain and associated problems can present a differential

    diagnostic challenge and contribute to or maintain symptoms. This evidence provides strong support for the argument that resolution of the postconcussive

    syndrome and successful adaptation to residual sequelae may rely on successful coping with posttraumatic pain and/or other pain and associated

    symptomatology. In addition, careful consideration of pain in the differential diagnosis of brain injury is required. Some simple basic recommendations to

    minimize the confounding effects of chronic pain during neurocognitive examinations are presented in Table 242.

    These reviews indicate that the concomitants of chronic pain may be as important or more important than pain itself in producing cognitive impairment.

    Specifically, cognitive impairment in patients with chronic pain has been associated with mood change/emotional distress, somatic preoccupation, pain

    "catastrophization," sleep disturbance, fatigue, and perceived interference with daily activities that are potential sources of chronic stress, in addition to

    pain medications (for a review, see Martelli et al. 2007a). These associated factors have consistently been found to be more strongly associated with both

    cognitive complaints and impairments than is pain severity, and emerging review evidence associates these individual factors with decrements in cognitive

    functioning, independent of chronic pain.

    For example, major depression is frequently found following mild TBI and is associated with higher postconcussion symptom endorsement, poor functional

    outcome, high distress levels, disability, and cognitive impairment that typically remit after effective treatment for depression (Mooney et a l. 2005). Several

    meta-analytic studies and reviews (Banks and Dinges 2007; Kundermann et al. 2004; Verstraeten 2007; Zhang and Liu 2008) report that partial sleep

    deprivation impairs cognitive and motor performance, produces hyperalgesic changes, and can counteract analgesic medication effects and that slowed

    information processing from sleep deprivation versus hypoxemia likely explains cognitive impairments found in patients with sleep apnea.


    Because pain is a complex perceptual process composed of behavioral, affective, cognitive, and sensory components, evaluation of any patient post-TBI

    should be conducted in a holistic fashion, including not only the patient's medical findings but also physiological, psychosocial, behavioral, and cognitive-

    affective aspects of functioning such as vulnerabilities and strengths. A comprehensive, biopsychosocial assessment becomes even more critical when pain

    is chronic and should address beliefs about a patient's condition, coping strategies, psychological adjustment, activity level, and quality of life (Gatchel and

    Turk 1999). Psychological assessment is a required element of pain treatment programs accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation

    Facilities (Gonzales et al. 2000) as well as several managed care companies. Interested readers are referred to other resources for more detailed discussions

    of psychological aspects of pain assessment in TBI (Martelli and Zasler 2002; Martelli et al. 2007a, 2007b; Zasler et al. 2007). Table 243 presents a

    survey of general classes and useful pain assessment instruments.

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    Pain is a subjective experience, and the patient's self-report of pain is the cornerstone of the pain assessment. There are several important aspects of the

    experience of pain that should be assessed. Inquire about pain character, onset, location, duration, and factors that exacerbate or relieve pain. The

    clinician should also query about pain frequency and intensity, as well as interference with everyday activities. The lowest, highest, and average pain

    severity levels for all pain problems should be determined. Two useful methods of assessing pain intensity in adults are the Visual Analogue Scale and

    the Numerical Analogue Scale. The visual scale is typically a 100-cm line often with the anchors of "no pain" at one end of the scale and "the worst pain

    imaginable" at the other, whereas the numerical scale solicits a rating of pain from 0 to 10, often with the same anchors. These scales are sensitive to

    treatment changes and are widely used in clinical settings (Jensen and Karoly 2001; Martelli et al. 2007b). The Numerical Analogue Scale is easily

    administered and is recommended.

    Assessment of pain problems and related complaints during the clinical interview, physical examination, or other clinical settings is typically of primary

    importance for the treating physician but is also relevant to other potential treatment team members. It is critical in the context of assessment to take a thorough

    pain history to provide an adequate foundation for identifying the responsible pain generators. An adequate history should include the individual's preinjury

    pain state as relevant, pain vulnerabilities, family history as germane to genetic loading risk factors for posttraumatic pain issues (e.g., history of migraine,

    depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder), and injury-related pain history. The following are important issues to include in the clinical interview:

    ter of pain

    of pain (sudden, insidious, or always present?)

    Location of pain

    Duration of pain

    Exacerbating factors

    Relieving factors

    Time of onset of pain postinjury

    Functional impact of pain

    Frequency of pain

    Severity of pain

    Prior pharmacological agents used for the posttraumatic pain condition, dosages, and pain modulation response, if any

    Ideally, corroboratory interviews should also be requested as relevant to understanding the patient's pain through "other eyes," its functional ramifications,

    and presentation consistency across different settings and persons.

    The physical examination should take into consideration the historical record and interview data (both direct patient and corroboratory) to

    determine how the physical exam should be focused. The evaluating clinician should possess adequate knowledge regarding both neurological and

    musculoskeletal assessment if a physical exam is going to yield "usable data" that will have a positive impact on coming to an accurate diagnosis

    regarding the etiology of the pain and ultimately guide appropriate pain management interventions. An in-depth knowledge of appropriate examination

    techniques for neuropathic/neurogenic (both peripheral and central), as well as musculoskeletal sources of pain including appropriate use of inspection

    and palpation (superficial and deeper layers) skills, among others, is required to adequately assess this group of patients. Understanding the potential

    myriad sources of pain in posttrauma patients with TBI is a primary underpinning of doing a thorough pain exam, as is adequately assessing for pain

    response biases and psychoemotional state, both of which can significantly affect patient presentation and pain adaptation/coping.

    Detailed criteria that the physician may use for the discrimination of the DSM-IV-TR diagnoses of pain disorder associated with a general medical condition,

    pain disorder associated with both psychological factors and a general medical condition, or pain disorder associated with psychological factors have recently

    been proposed (Mailis-Gagnon et al. 2008). The DSM-IV-TR pain disorder diagnoses are considered especially useful in directing treatment options (i.e.,

    biomedical, psychosocial, or both). Particular attention should be paid to whether there may be a response bias to report pain or a hypersensitivity to pain. In

    clinical settings, this is usually associated with high pain severity ratings. There ma y be dramatic nonverbal pain behavior associated with such pain severity

    ratings or there may be a seeming lack of pain behavior, the patient being in good spirits and with very little or very circumspect pain behavior. There may bemarked differences in pain behavior depending on whether the patient is attending to his or her pain or not. Pain typically is exacerbated by psychosocial

    stressors. It is important to notice if there is undue guarding or pain avoidance behavior as this may indicate adverse psychological and behavioral patterns

    and adaptation that perpetuate the pain condition.

    Clinicians are cautioned against assumptions that commonly reported pain symptoms are due to the brain injury itself (e.g., posttraumatic headache)

    because pain and other symptoms are commonly produced by extracerebral injury (Martelli et al. 2004; Zasler 1999; Zasler et al. 2007). Evaluating

    clinicians should be familiar with both the broad array of pain symptoms that may be reported by posttrauma patients and assessment methodologies for

    the various types of pain seen in this population. Clinicians are referred to various other sources for a more detailed description of patient assessment

    methodologies for persons with TBI and pain, or pain in more general terms (e.g., Turk and Melzack 1992; Zasler 1999; Zasler and Martelli 2002; Zasler

    et al. 2007).

    During the acute care phase, the primary pain generators in trauma patients are fractures, intra-abdominal injuries, peripheral nerve injuries, soft tissue

    injuries, and pain associated with invasive procedures. Pain treatment should be tailored to the degree of pain assessed and reported via metric (e.g.,

    numeric scale) or qualitative (e.g., mild, moderate, severe, excruciating) descriptors. In the subacute setting, many of the same issues present in the acute

    care setting continue to serve as pain generators. Changes in patient status in the subacute setting may reflect underlying neural changes that are adaptive

    or maladaptive. Maladaptive changes can result in additional pain generators (e.g., progression or increase of tonal abnormalities, or both, resulting in

    hypertonicity and rigidity), as well as central pain phenomena.

    Pain often affects functional assessment in persons with TBI, including those with disorders of consciousness. In these patients, pain must be adequately

    assessed (and, of course, treated) when clinically appropriate. In persons with disorders of consciousness, pain may be associated with spasticity/posturing,

    fractures, pressure sores, peripheral nerve damage due to trauma or compression, soft-tissue ischemia, CRPS, contractures, and postsurgical incisional pain,

    among other causes. Issues of pain assessment and management in persons with disorders of consciousness remain controversial on several levels; however,

    there are sufficient data and experience now available to generally guide assessment as well as treatment. Current evidence indicates that persons in

    vegetative states cannot process pain a t a secondary somatosensory cortical level, which implies that they are likely therefore unaware of the pa in and

    additionally do not suffer. It is clear that distinctions must be made when discussing pain experience of the differences between perceiving pain and suffering

    (Schnakers and Zasler 2007). Persons in a minimally conscious state, however, seem to have the ability to integrate pain information in a manner that may

    allow them to both be aware of pain and suffer (Schnakers and Zasler 2007). The degree of the pain experience and/or suffering remains

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    unquantifiable based on current knowledge. Specific measures for pain assessment in persons with disorders of consciousness have recently been developed,

    including the Nociception Coma Scale, which may facilitate both assessment and tracking of pain responses over time (Schnakers et al. 2010).

    Although it may not be readily available in many clinical settings, the use of sodium amobarbital or related agents can be useful in distinguishing between pain

    associated with peripheral versus central structural pathology and pain associated with functional disorders versus central sensitization effects (Mailis and

    Nicholson 2002). This technique is rarely taught outside the domain of psychiatry and a few select neurology training programs and is seemingly rarely used in

    clinical practice even though its morbidity has been shown to be very low.

    Lastly, clinicians would be wise to avoid dogmatic conclusions that any particular pain patient is malingering their pain, as there ar e few, if any,

    unambiguous indicators to state this conclusively (Nicholson and Martelli 2007). The literature regarding assessment of nonorganic pain presentations

    remains highly debated, including the methods for differential diagnosis of malingered pain, conscious symptom amplification of pain (whether or not for

    financial gain), factitious pain complaints, pain amplification due to poor coping, and somatoform and other psychogenic pain disorders.


    The goal of pain management is to modulate and, ideally, negate the associated physical and psychological symptoms of pain, prevent chronicity, andreduce functional disability. Realistic endpoints of pain relief consistent with the clinical situation should be established. Pain management methods

    include nonpharmacological or pharmacological methods, or both. Clinicians should strive to identify pain generators and treat them as directly as

    possible versus simply treating the symptoms of pain. The simplest and least invasive pain management approach should be used whenever possible.

    When pharmacological agents are used, analgesia should be delivered with minimal adverse effects and inconvenience to the patient, both of which will

    optimize compliance.

    Medical Management Issues

    In the acute care setting, already compromised neurological status may limit the array of pharmacotherapeutic agents that might be appropriate to use in a

    patient in whom the neurosurgical and neurological status is either stabilized or static. Medications that potentially alter any aspect of the neurological

    assessment should be used with caution if there is a more significant brain injury, neurological instability, or both. Additionally, consideration should be

    given to medications with reversible effects (e.g., narcotic reversal with naloxone) whenever there is a question of medication effect versus ongoing

    deterioration of neurological status.

    For neurologically compromised patients with response limitations, prophylactic pain management should be practiced on the basis of injuries sustained

    and clinical presentation. Pharmacological pain prophylaxis should also be considered in patients with disorders of consciousness (e.g., vegetative orminimally conscious states) given 1) difficulty in assessment of pain and controversies regarding pain appreciation and suffering in this patient group and

    2) the negative effect of pain (even in a vegetative state) related to subcortical physiological responses to nociceptive stimuli, including increased tone and

    posturing, tachycardia, tachypnea, and diaphoresis, in addition to other adverse effects (Schnakers and Zasler 2007).

    It is likely that the effects of medication may be partly due t o a reduction in sensitization. The patient experiencing chronic pain should be treated just as

    aggressively as a patient with acute or subacute pain but, because peripheral pain triggers are frequently less obvious, with different modalities. With

    chronic pain, biopsychosocial models for assessment and management are indicated, and inclusion and integration of behavioral and psychological

    interventions usually optimize treatment outcome. Certainly, all clinicians should consider potential placebo as well as nocebo effects of any particular

    pain treatment intervention.

    As patients are weaned from pain medication, pain experience can increase and acute pain generators can evolve into subacute pain generators. Ongoing

    attention to pain management must be continued as patients are moved to neurosurgical step-down units, inpatient rehabilitation units, or both.

    Pharmacological Management

    Mild pain medicines that should be considered typically include aspirin, acetaminophen, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). For moderate

    pain, the following may be considered: high-dose aspirin or acetaminophen, high-dose standard NSAIDs (or topical NSAIDs), newer generation NSAIDs

    such as cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors, alternate NSAIDs, injectable NSAIDs, mixed narcotic analgesics with aspirin or acetaminophen (with or without

    caffeine), compounded topical, and tramadol. For severe pain, medications to consider would include parenteral narcotics (morphine sulfate is standard),

    mixed agonist antagonists (e.g., pentazocine, nalbuphine), partial agonist narcotics (e.g., buprenorphine), ketamine (intravenously or subcutaneously),

    antidepressants, anticonvulsants, continuous peripheral nerve blocks using local anesthetic, and/or atypical agents including, among others, cannabinoids.

    Although some have advocated use of certain stimulants such as methylphenidate to counter opioid-induced sedation and cognitive impairment, others have

    expressed concern about the potential for encouraging "speedballing." Recent reviews of pain pharmacotherapy can provide interested readers with more in-

    depth discussion on this important topic (Guindon et al. 2007). Some common medications used in pain management are included in Table 244.

    Many posttrauma patients present with a number of different pa in problems or pain processes, including 1) nociceptive pain associated with the normal

    operation of the pain system in response to a noxious peripheral stimulus or pathological process (e.g., mechanical pressure or inflammation) and 2)

    neuropathic or neurogenic pain resulting from the abnormal operation of the pain system associated with a primary lesion or dysfunction of the nervous

    system. Care should be taken to determine whether pain is idiopathic, given that such pain is often unresponsive to opioids or other pharmacological


    Medications that have been used for opioid-insensitive pain include NSAIDs; tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs); newer-generation antidepressants such asvenlafaxine; anticonvulsants, including carbamazepine-based derivatives, gabapentin, levetiracetam, pregabalin, and lamotrigine; and less commonly used agents

    such as mexiletine, among other drugs.

    Adjuvant analgesics are drugs that are analgesic in specific circumstances but have primary indications other than for pain management. Adjuvant

    analgesics are usually combined with analgesics. Corticosteroids and anti-inflammatory medications, such as prednisone, are commonly used as short-term

    therapy to decrease pain and nausea and improve mood, appetite, and general sense of well-being. Adverse effects of short-term corticosteroid use include

    edema, dyspepsia, and neuropsychiatric changes. Patients with diabetes should be counseled about careful blood glucose monitoring while taking

    corticosteroids because of their hyperglycemic effect.

    Antidepressants and anticonvulsants are used to manage a variety of neuropathic pain states that have not been responsive to opioid analgesics (Table 245).

    TCAs, particularly amitriptyline, have shown efficacy in the management of diabetic neuropathy and are used for other neuropathic states (Fishbain

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    2000a, 2000b, 2002; Lynch 2001; Mattia et al. 2002). TCAs can also manage underlying depression in pain states. Other TCAs such as nortriptyline,

    imipramine, and desipramine are also used. Agents with mixed noradrenergic and serotonergic properties, such as venlafaxine, have also been found

    effective in certain pain conditions (Fishbain 2000a, 2000b, 2002; Lynch 2001; Mattia et al. 2002). TCA adverse effects include anticholinergic effects

    (dry mouth, sedation), weight gain, orthostatic hypotension, and cardiac arrhythmias. Secondary amines such as nortriptyline and desipramine have fewer

    adverse effects and should be used in patients, such as the elderly, when there is concern for anticholinergic effects, sedation, and orthostatic hypotension.

    Antidepressants generally should be initiated at a low dosage and titrated up slowly on the basis of pain relief and patient tolerance.

    Anticonvulsants, such as carbamazepine, gabapentin, and pregabalin, can be effective for management of neuropathic pain, particularly lancinating or

    paroxysmal pain. Because carbamazepine can decrease platelets, neutrophils, and red blood cells, patients who are taking carbamazepine should have

    complete blood cell counts performed routinely. Gabapentin has shown efficacy in diabetic neuropathy and postherpetic neuralgia and generally has a

    milder adverse effect profile, consisting of sedation and ataxia, and does not require routine laboratory work. Recent data have also demonstrated

    gabapentin efficacy in traumatic neuropathic pain due to nerve injury (Gordh et al. 2008). Several studies have also shown efficacy of pregabalin treatmentfor neuropathic pain of various etiologies (aside from its actions as an anticonvulsant and anxiolytic) (Stacey and Swift 2006; Tassone et al. 2007). As with

    the antidepressants, these medications should be instituted at a low dosage and titrated upward slowly on the basis of clinical response and potential side

    effects. Valproate, oxcarbazepine, lamotrigine, topiramate, phenytoin, and clonazepam are other anticonvulsants that also have been used for neuropathic


    Other agents that have more r ecently been recognized as adjuvants in the pharmacological management of pain include tizanidine and sodium amobarbital

    (see earlier discussion). Tizanidine, an 2-adrenergic agonist, has antinociceptive properties without producing pronounced hemodynamic changes. On the

    basis of experimental evidence, this drug depresses dorsal horn convergent neuronal activity, probably in part by a postsynaptic inhibitory action. Owing to

    the role of convergent neurons in pain processes, this could explain, at least partially, the analgesic action of this compound. It is thought to have several

    mechanisms of action resulting in a decrease in polysynaptic spinal cord reflex activity, including inhibition of the release of excitatory neurotransmitters

    from presynaptic sites and of substance P from nociceptive sensory afferents (Gray et al. 1999; Nance et al. 1994). Tizanidine has been shown to be effective

    in a variety of pain conditions, including fibromyalgia and myofascial pain as well as tension-type headache (Malanga et al. 2008).

    Capsaicin can be used topically to help decrease pain associated with peripheral neuropathies. Capsaicin depletes peptides such as substance P that mediate

    nociceptive transmission. Application of capsaicin is usually associated with a burning sensation, which may be severe enough to require premedication with

    either an oral analgesic or a topical lidocaine cream or ointment. Patients should be counseled not to touch mucous membranes after applying capsaicin.

    Compounded agents, typically formulated through "compounding pharmacies," may also play a role in pain management of the post-TBI patient. Such

    standard formulas as "speed gel" (containing amitriptyline, lidocaine, guaifenesin, and ketoprofen) can work quite well for neuropathic or neuralgic scalp

    pain. Similar compounded topicals with varying ingredients such as gabapentin, ketamine, and c lonidine, among other agents, may be helpful as adjuvants

    for various pain conditions, including neuropathic pain states such as scalp dysesthesias and CRPS, as well as musculoskeletal pain disorders. Newer-

    generation time-released topicals, including lidocaine patches and NSAID patches, can also be considered for certain types of posttraumatic pain, including

    musculoskeletal pain disorders.

    Surgery produces pain by releasing pain and inflammatory mediators via damaged tissue. This pain is acute pain and improves as the wound heals and the

    patient convalesces. The goal of postoperative pain management is to provide continuous and effective analgesia with minimal adverse effects. NSAIDs such

    as parenteral ketorolac are used both intraoperatively and postoperatively to decrease the production of inflammatory prostaglandins released at the site of

    injury. The ketorolac dose depends on route, patient age, and weight and should only be continued at the appropriate dosage for 5 days because of the

    development of renal dysfunction and gastrointestinal toxicity.

    Opioid analgesics are the most commonly used medications for postoperative pain, usually administered intramuscularly or intravenously on an as-needed

    basis. This approach can lead to delays in the patient receiving adequate analgesia because of medication administration delays and intramuscular routeabsorption. Patients should be switched over to oral opioid analgesics without diet restrictions when oral administration is tolerated. Patient-controlled

    analgesia (PCA) is a process in which the patient is a llowed to self-administer low doses of intravenous opioid analgesics to maintain analgesia (Rudolph et

    al. 1999). To use PCA, a patient should be sufficiently cognizant to understand the goals of PCA and understand the use of the equipment. Patients who are

    confused or cognitively impaired are not good candidates for PCA. The number of injections and attempted injections can be monitored for efficacy and

    adverse effects in addition to the patient's report of pain. Opioid analgesics can also be administered into the epidural or intrathecal space combined with

    local anesthetics such as bupivacaine or ropivacaine for postoperative pain management. Patient-controlled epidural analgesia may be considered in specific

    circumstances. The current consensus among pain specialists is that concerns regarding addiction are not generally a contraindication to opioid treatment for

    otherwise intractable pain. We highly recommend that patients with prior drug abuse histories or addiction-prone personalities be carefully screened if being

    considered for chronic narcotic treatment for pain. Lastly, we always recommend the use of a "narcotics agreement" when using such agents for pain

    management (Fishman and Kreis 2001; see Appendix).

    Newer data indicate that pharmacotherapy for pain will likely become more sophisticated as the interactions among pharmacogenomics, ontogeny,

    coadministration of medication, and comorbidities such as renal dysfunction are factored into making clinical decisions about what the most appropriate

    pain medication might be for a particular patient (Allegaert and van den Anker 2008). The physician should aim for drug prescriptions that optimize

    compliance and minimize potential side effects. Particularly in cognitively impaired patients, physicians should aim for once- to twice-a-day drug dosing.

    Patients should be counseled on the goals of treatment and what to expect regarding adverse effects, especially constipation with opioid analgesics or

    gastrointestinal side effects with NSAIDs. Fears regarding dependence should be openly discussed, as should any sexual function side effects. Ideally, the

    clinician should aim for decreasing polypharmacy; however, when appropriate, combination drug regimens should be considered. It is critical to ascertain

    whether patients are taking their medicine correctly (e.g., taking scheduled medicine on an as-needed basis) and/or supplanting their prescribed

    medications with over-the-counter products.

    Nonpharmacological Management

    A wide variety of psychological, behavioral, physical (e.g., physiotherapy, exercise, chiropractic, and massage), or other medical interventions may be

    beneficial in the treatment of chronic pain. In this chapter, we focus on what we think are the most promising behavioral and medical treatments. For fuller

    review, readers may consult more comprehensive summaries (McQuay and Moore 1998), a review of evidence-based recommendations for management of

    chronic nonmalignant pain (American Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force 2010; College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario 2000; Fishbain 2000a,

    2000b, 2002; Martelli et al. 2004, 2007a, 2007b; Recla 2010; Zasler et al. 2007), or the many systematic reviews prepared for the Cochrane Collaboration

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    Depending on the etiology of the pain generator in question, numerous nonpharmacological approaches may be considered in the management of pain

    conditions, including use of physical agents and modalities, injection therapies, exercise, biofeedback, adaptive equipment, and/or psychological

    interventions. These treatment modalities should all be given adequate consideration in conjunction with possible pharmacological alternatives if physicians

    are to develop adequate functionally oriented treatment regimens for addressing chronic pain issues in persons with TBI.

    It should be emphasized that pain is a highly aversive condition. Mitigation of especially resistant and severe chronic pain can be extremely challenging and

    often unsatisfactory. Hence, search for pain relief can lead to both desperation on the part of persons with pain and premature claims of efficacy by

    practitioners and proponents of particular treatment modalities. Importantly, reviews of efficacy and evidence-based reviews, as well as clinical knowledge

    and common sense, should be relied on to guide the specific use of these interventions for specific diagnostic syndromes and conditions.

    Physical modalities

    Physical agents used to modulate pain may include superficial heat and cold. The most common modalities used are hot/cold packs, heat lamps

    (incandescent or infrared), paraffin baths, laser therapy, and cryotherapy. Hydrotherapy interventions for pain management may involve prescription of

    whirlpool or contrast baths. Various diathermy techniques may also be used to facilitate pain control, including ultrasound, phonophoresis, and short-

    wave and microwave diathermy (Weber and Allen 2000). There are also a number of electrical stimulation techniques used in pain management such as

    transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation and iontophoresis that are commonly used as adjuvants for pain control (Mysiw and Jackson 2000).

    Cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES) is a treatment for pain reduction that, unlike transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, targets CNS function. It

    involves attachment of electrodes carrying microcurrent across the scalp and induces an approximate 15-Hz cortical rhythm. A large number of studies, many

    well controlled, have examined CES since the 1970s. Findings from these studies indicate that this relatively unknown and underutilized intervention is a

    safe and surprisingly useful treatment for pain, especially chronic pa in and its associated symptomatology of anxiety, depression, and insomnia (Kirsch 1999;

    Kirsch and Smith 2000; Rosen et al. 2009).

    Physical modalities tend to play a more predominant role in the treatment of pain complaints of musculoskeletal origin and may include traction, manual

    medicine techniques (e.g., joint manipulation, myofascial release techniques, and strain counterstrain), and massage (Atchison et a l. 2000). Injection

    techniques, including intra-articular, periarticular, peritendinous, ligamentous/fibrous tissue (i.e., prolotherapy), and trigger point, can all be used in varioustypes of musculoskeletal pain disorders. Newer techniques, such as injection of platelet-rich plasma, seem promising for musculotendinous injury-related

    pain (Mishra et al. 2008). Occipital neuralgia is a common contributor to posttraumatic headache and can often be effectively remediated via anesthetic

    injection (Young et al. 2008). Axial injections such as epidurals and zygapophyseal joint and sympathetic blocks may all be relevant considerations for pain

    treatment in this population, depending on the presumptive pain generators (Lennard 1994).

    Exercise is an underappreciated and underprescribed treatment intervention (e.g., DeLateur 2000; Gordon et al. 1998; Philadelphia Panel Evidence-Based

    Clinical Practice Guidelines 2001), especially in persons post-TBI with pain complaints. Exercise can play a significant role in controlling pain, both on a

    central and a peripheral basis, and in commensurately improving weight control, affect, and general state of health and well-being. Adaptive equipment such

    as reachers, sock a ides, long-handled scrubbers, and/or brushes as well as ergonomically modified work environments are a few of the many different

    interventions that may also facilitate greater pain modulation and improved function (Trombly 1995). Newer and seemingly surprising techniques such as

    vestibular stimulation have also been used to treat neurogenic central pa in (McGeoch et al. 2008).

    Fear of pain and related pain- and anxiety-based avoidant behaviors often represent significant impediments to recovery through decreased activity that can

    prevent the normal restoration of function and perpetuate painful experience. Graduated ac tivity programs that combine reeducation; anxiety-reduction

    procedures such as graduated exposure, cognitive reinterpretation, and promotion of adaptive attitudes; and treatment participation and cooperation are

    especially helpful (Martelli et al. 1999b).

    Behavioral-psychological management

    Behavioral treatment interventions in persons with TBI and concomitant chronic pain typically begin with an assessment of relevant treatment issues (e.g.,

    personality variables, social support) and facilitation of the patient-therapist relationship. A detailed clinical interview; personality, emotional status, and coping

    measures; and specific pain assessment instruments may be supplemented by psychophysiological assessment (e.g., examination of muscle tension or

    electromyography for different muscle groups). These results are integrated into a specifically tailored treatment plan that provides a framework for treatment,

    defines goals and patient and therapist expectations and sequences, and provides psychoeducational information about the particular type of chronic pain and

    rationale for treatment (Gonzales et al. 2000; Martelli et al. 1999a).

    Although there is an abundance of available treatment outcome studies ( e.g., van Tulder et al. 2001), relatively few specifically examine the behavioral

    treatment of pain after TBI. However, the available literature suggests that, with the exception of some reports of greater treatment resistance, there are

    mostly similarities in clinical presentations, pathophysiologies, and treatment responses for persons with chronic pain who do and do not have an -associated

    TBI (Andrasik 1990, 2010). Especially in cases of posttraumatic pain, the severity and frequency of pain attacks and chronic pain-related sequelae such as

    coping abilities, depression, and anxiety may be significantly improved by combined psychological treatment protocols (Eccleston et al. 2003; Jenson et al.1987; Lazarus and Folkman 1984; Martelli 1997; Rosensteil and Keefe 1983; van Tulder et al. 2001). Supportive counseling that begins early after trauma

    and is continuous results in better patient response (e.g., Rosensteil and Keefe 1983), and combination treatments appear to increase likelihood of benefit

    (e.g., Grayson 1997).

    McQuay and Moore (1998) and Martelli et al. (2007b) reviewed various behaviorally based chronic pain treatment interventions for which efficacy data are

    available. Some authors have more systematically reviewed the evidence supporting the utility of these behavioral interventions (e.g., Eccleston et al. 2003; Kreitler

    and Kreitler, 2007; van Tulder et al. 2001). Table 246 includes a summary of frequently used strategies for which there is empirical support.


    For uncomplicated cases in which the patient has well-defined and manageable pain triggers and no significant psychological interaction, pain can often be

    managed medically. However, for most cases of chronic pain, approaches to chronic assessment and management ideally will make use of a biopsychosocial

    perspective (Gatchel and Turk 1999; Gatchel et al. 2007; Martelli et al. 2007b). Biopsychosocial models conceptualize health and illness as occurring in a

    dynamic and interactive system of interdependent biological, psychological, and social subsystems. In this conceptualization, each subsystem reflects

    individual differences and variabilities, and pain experience can have multiple expressions and causal pathways. From this perspective, the most suitable

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    interventions are ones that are offered holistically, addressing function in somatic, psychological, and psychosocial domains.

    A wide variety of pharmacological and other medical or physical interventions exists; many of the more useful and promising ones have been reviewed in

    this chapter. Currently, multicomponent treatment packages are the treatment choice for chronic pain (Martelli et al. 2007b; Miller 1993, 1998, 2000). The

    most promising current interventions are combination treatments that are holistic in nature (targeting not only the pain but also the patient's reaction to it

    within daily life).

    Increasing evidence supports an interactive biological and psychological conceptualization of chronic pain that represents a convergence of findings across

    multiple specialties (Nicholson 2000a). Most forms of chronic pain are now considered to include a h yperresponsiveness of the pain system, involving

    "windup" or sensitization in the CNS or brain (e.g., Jay et al. 2001; Nicholson 2000a, 2000b, 2000c; Nicholson et al. 2002), along with dysregulation in pain

    inhibitory mechanisms. Conceptually, the thrust of current efforts in chronic pain management seem to be toward "desensitization" of the CNS through

    combination treatments. Table 247 offers a preliminary classification model that has been found useful in our treatment planning, especially for more

    challenging chronic pain situations. It offers an intuitively appealing classification system for conceptually organizing the wide variety of available treatment

    interventions and in planning combination treatments.

    The emotional disturbances associated with pain are also frequently comorbid with TBI, highlighting the importance of a biopsychosocial perspective. Such a

    perspective allows for a holistic conceptualization of the patient, incorporating multimethod, multimodal assessments that facilitate individualized treatment

    planning. Treatment goals include not only reduction of or relief from pain but also increased self-control, increased adaptation to life changes secondary to

    pain and brain injury, and improved functioning and quality of life. There is a pressing need for more research on topic and skills training for all

    professionals as relevant to their roles in the care of persons with TBI and pain disorders. Tyrer and Lievesley (2003), among others, recommended

    development of specific pain management facilities designed for persons with brain injuries. In the meantime, this chapter can promote familiarity with and

    understanding of biopsychological approaches to the assessment and management of pain in persons with TBI. We hope this will assist with making

    appropriate referrals and promoting effective carryover and integration of pain management principles into care of persons with concomitant TBI.


    Pain is a multidimensional, subjective experience mediated by emotion, attitudes, and other perceptual influences. It reflects complex biopsychosocial interactions of

    genetic, developmental, cultural, environmental, and psychological factors. Variability in pain responses is the rule.

    The neuroanatomical pathways associated with central nervous system pain perception are complex and not completely understood but include a matrix involving cortical

    and subcortical structures as well as spinal mechanisms.

    Chronic pain may not be associated with obvious tissue pathology and may be characterized by maladaptive protective responses or pain

    behaviors, protracted courses of medication use and minimally effective medical services, and marked behavioral or emotional changes.

    Chronic pain may be associated with peripheral or central sensitization effects in which hyperresponsiveness of the pain system develops.

    Emotional disturbances associated with pain often are comorbid with traumatic brain injury (TBI), highlighting the importance of a biopsychosocial perspective.

    Both reactive psychological and organic factors must always be considered, and the pitfalls of mind-body dualism should be avoided.

    An adequate history will include determination of preinjury pain state, injury-related pain history, pain vulnerabilities, and family history as germane to genetic loading

    risk factors for posttraumatic pain issues (e.g., history of migraine, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder).

    Head pain and other symptoms post-TBI are commonly produced by extracerebral injury.

    Chronic pain, especially head and neck pain and associated symptoms, can produce cognitive impairment independent of TBI or neurological disorder. Attentional

    capacity, processing speed, memory, and executive functions are most likely to be affected.

    The concomitants of chronic pain may be at least as important as the pain itself. Sleep disturbance, mood change and emotional distress, somatic

    preoccupation and pain catastrophization, fatigue, and perceived interference with daily activities are especially important as potential sources of

    chronic stress.

    Persons with disorders of consciousness may experience pain as a result of spasticity/posturing, fractures, pressure sores, peripheral nerve damage due to trauma or

    compression, soft-tissue ischemia, complex regional pain syndrome, contractures, postsurgical incisional pain, or other causes.

    The goals of pain management should be to modulate and, ideally, negate the associated physical and psychological symptoms of pain, prevent chronicity, and reduce

    functional disability.

    A holistic conceptualization of pain incorporates multimodal assessments; efforts to first identify any pain generators and treat them as directly as

    possible; and individualized treatment planning with consideration of combined pharmacological and nonpharmacological treatment modalities. Goals of

    treatment include reduction of or relief from pain, increased self-control, increased adaptation to life changes secondary to pain and brain injury, and

    improved functioning and quality of life.

    There are no currently available unambiguous indicators of malingering. The literature regarding assessment and differential diagnosis of malingered pain remains highly

    debated. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid dogmatic conclusions about pain malingering in individual patients.

    Pending the development of specific TBI pain management facilities, it is hoped that promotion of wider understanding of biopsychological

    approaches to pain assessment and management will assist clinicians in making appropriate referrals and will enhance the effective carryover and

    integration of pain management principles in TBI treatment.


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