Page 1: Chronicle 2013-1 Hikayat 2013-1/CETDE… · This edition of Hikayat / Chronicle highlights the work done by CETDEM in the first 6 months of 2013. which include the kick-off for the

Hikayat 2013-1

Chronicle 2013-1(Our Story continues /...)

CETDEM is a Not-for-Profit Organisation with tax-exempt status.

Page 2: Chronicle 2013-1 Hikayat 2013-1/CETDE… · This edition of Hikayat / Chronicle highlights the work done by CETDEM in the first 6 months of 2013. which include the kick-off for the

17 Jalan SS2/53 47300 Petaling Jaya MALAYSIAT: +603 – 7875 7767F: +603 – 7875 4039

From the Chairman's Desk ...

WELCOME to this second issue of our Hikayat which is an attempt to go beyond our usually dry Annual Report and reach to our many friends and supporters. We hope that you will find it worth reading while getting a better understanding on how CETDEM has performed in the first half of 2013. Our regret is that it is coming out a bit late.May I draw your attention to a few highlights – the sustained organizing of Organic Days [Hari Organik] by the Organic Farming Project team and its volunteers as well as the Farmers’ Corner. SUDI has started its 2nd study on ECOTRANSFORMATION but is facing funding and data-collection problems. The Fit & Save Roadshow has continued in different Malaysian towns. The Climate Change Seminar, however, was without the presence of NRE Minister or his Deputy As you would notice we have managed all these activities with very few full-time staff [including those engaged in projects] as well as volunteers [including foreigners] who were with us for short periods. Secure funding for basic allowances and overheads has still eluded us and fund-raising efforts have not been too successful.Despite all these, I think that CETDEM has performed reasonably well and wish to thank all Board members, the ED, OF Project Coordinator, staff, and volunteers for their efforts during the half year. I trust that you will continue to support CETDEM in whatever way possible and get your friends/colleagues to chip in as well.

Gurmit Singh, CETDEM Chairman, [email protected]

The ED writes ...

It is a happy challenge to live out the CETDEM tagline of 'Always Promoting Sustainable Development'. This edition of Hikayat / Chronicle highlights the work done by CETDEM in the first 6 months of 2013. which include the kick-off for the 2nd SUDI study; CETDEM's Climate Change Seminar held on World Environment Day; Continuation of CETDEM Hari Organik and the monthly CETDEM Farmer's Corner which are progressing well; and, the FIT & SAVE Roadshow which has been extended by 6 months. CETDEM's views and comments continue to be much sought after by the Media – be it a flood, landslide, the Haze – for a quick reaction from the Chairman of the Board or, Executive Director. Incidentally, the Haze was the most prominent environmental concern carried by the Media in June. The Executive Director, in consultation with the Chairman, handles all the administrative and financial matters. Each of the projects has personnel for its specific duration. However, the long-term survival of CETDEM necessitates adequate funding of about RM100,000 per annum for general operating expenses (and non-project staff). CETDEM welcomes contributions and pledges of financial support from the Malaysian Public & Private sectors and individuals.

Anthony Tan Kee Huat, CETDEM Executive Director, [email protected]

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Page 3: Chronicle 2013-1 Hikayat 2013-1/CETDE… · This edition of Hikayat / Chronicle highlights the work done by CETDEM in the first 6 months of 2013. which include the kick-off for the


From the Chairman's Desk … 1

The ED writes … 1

Sustainable Development Initiatives (SUDI) 3-4

Climate Change Seminar 2013 5

Organic Farming Project

CETDEM Hari Organik 6

Farmer's Corner & Other Organic Farming Activities 7-8

FIT & SAVE Roadshow 9

Climate Action Network Southeast Asia (CANSEA) / Malaysian Climate Change Group (MCCG) 10

Other Activities: Talks / Relationship Building / Training 10

CETDEM – In the News 10-11

CETDEM Board of Directors 11

CETDEM Membership 11

CETDEM Staff 12

Volunteers / Interns 12

Appreciation 13

Linkages 13

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Page 4: Chronicle 2013-1 Hikayat 2013-1/CETDE… · This edition of Hikayat / Chronicle highlights the work done by CETDEM in the first 6 months of 2013. which include the kick-off for the

Sustainable Development Initiatives (SUDI) - 2 nd Study

SUDI’s second study is on “Eco Transformation: Challenges in Entrenching Sustainability within existing Malaysian towns”. TOR was finalized with help from USM lecturers and Dato’ Dr Leong Yueh Kwong. This study [in the spirit of eco-transformation] aims to define appropriate sustainability criteria for existing Malaysian towns, assess how these can be entrenched within the town administration and community, examine the challenges faced in doing so in 4 Malaysian towns, and recommend actions to overcome these challenges.

The four towns (George Town, Kuantan, Petaling Jaya and Malacca) were chosen because they are similar in size and population, and located within Peninsular Malaysia, making them accessible to the study team with a small budget available. These towns have shown some interest in sustainability and will also allow some contrast in their governance. While the first two are under Pakatan State governments, the other two are under the Barisan Nasional Party which also forms the Federal government.

SUDI Director, Eng. Gurmit Singh heads the Study Team comprising of 2 principal researchers. Dr. Hezri is the researcher in charge of evaluating Kuantan and Petaling Jaya. Mr. BK Sinha takes charge of George Town and Malacca, while Mr. Sathis a/l Venkitasamy is the study Research Assistant. An Inception Workshop was held on Saturday, 5th January 2013 at Hotel Armada, Petaling Jaya. CETDEM thanks UNDP for underwriting this workshop.

Sustainability in the 4 towns is measured via:− Globally accepted indicators of sustainability;− Ecological footprint is now widely used and accepted internationally but it needs data

which is often not available at the regional and local level. Hence, they are only used where possible;

− Comparison of other indicators at town level and choose the common ones.

The first chapter has been compiled from discussions and literature review to spell out the benchmarks. 14 major indicators and 23 sub-indicators for town level evaluation have been identified.

Members of the study team will examine each of the 4 towns through site visits, interviews and published documents [including Structure Plans]. They will assess how well sustainability has been entrenched and identify the challenges to be overcome. The chapter on each town will be reviewed by a small focus group from the town before it is finalized. The study team will then assess the common challenges and make recommendations on how these can be overcome. Sathis is assisting with collecting general data, which is still in the progress. He has conducted field sampling involving smokey vehicles count, drain and river monitoring covering flats and coffee shops in Petaling Jaya.

Participants of Inception Workshop from MBPJ, Federal Government agencies and CETDEM

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Page 5: Chronicle 2013-1 Hikayat 2013-1/CETDE… · This edition of Hikayat / Chronicle highlights the work done by CETDEM in the first 6 months of 2013. which include the kick-off for the

Below are pictures taken during drain and river monitoring at various locations in Petaling Jaya.

Originally, this study was scheduled for completion in September 2013. Unfortunately, there have been delays due to circumstances beyond our control. For all intents and pusposes, we had nearly 2 months (end-March through mid-May) in which we could hardly do any productive research with Local, State or Federal level government agency due to the nation's preoccupation with GE13. Thus, the study is expected to be completed in November.

The Advisory Panel consists of:− Dato' Dr Leong Yueh Kwong, an environmental scientist and conservationist; − Datuk Dr Goh Ban Lee, a SUN columnist and former councilor Penang Island Municipal

Council,− Dr Lee Lit Meng, a Registered Town Planner with interests in sustainability issues and

planning law. He has worked in USM for almost 30 years with previous experiences in private consultancy and local government.

CETDEM welcomes contributions and pledges from the Private Sector for funding of RM100,000. The study is self-funded till now as external funding has yet to be obtained. Donations are solicited.

SUDI is CETDEM's Think Tank which was launched in August 2011. SUDI's initial study on 'Low Carbon Sustainable Development Options for Malaysia' started in September 2011, completed in April 2012 and the study report titled 'Lowering the Heat' was launched on 14 June 2012.

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Stagnant drain at Paramount flats. Rubbish booms near Jalan 19/15

Drain outlet in Sungai Damansara, Jalan Emas, near Taman Megah Mas Apartment

Sungai Way, PJS 6/5c, Tmn Desaria

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Page 6: Chronicle 2013-1 Hikayat 2013-1/CETDE… · This edition of Hikayat / Chronicle highlights the work done by CETDEM in the first 6 months of 2013. which include the kick-off for the

Climate Change Seminar 2013

CETDEM organised our annual Climate Change Seminar 2013 at Ancasa Hotel & Spa Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday, 5 June 2013 in conjunction with World Environment Day. This seminar was the 6th in a series started in 2007.

'Do or Fry?' is an urgent call do action. Topics addressed in this Seminar were:− Vulnerability & Risk;− Adaptation in the International Negotiations and at the National Level;− Case Studies on Intergrated Coastal Management and Energy Efficiency in Buildings.

38 participants from Federal and Local Government agencies, Foreign Delegations, Private Sector, NGOs, Universities and the Media took part in this 1 day event. The seminar ended with a Panel Discussion on The Cost of Doing Nothing.


Dato’ Dr. Yap Kok-Seng was the Director-General of the Malaysian Meteorological Department (MMD) (2005 - 2012). He was an executive council member of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) (2006 – 2012).

Dr. Yap was one of the lead negotiators for G77 and China during the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference (2004/2005) where he presented issues on the development and transfer of technologies and co-chaired the negotiations on scientific, technical and socio-economic aspects of mitigation. He remains an important resource person in matters relating to climate change at both national and international levels.

Paper 1: Adaptation in the International NegotiationsMs Koh Fui Pin, Research Officer, SEADPRI-UKMPaper 2: Adaptation at the National LevelIr. Haji Mohd Fauzi bin Mohamad, NAHRIMCase Study 1: Integrated Coastal ManagementTuan Haji Md Khairi bin Selamat, LUAS DirectorCase Study 2: Energy Efficiency in BuildingsEn Faizul Bin Haji Ideris, FMM MIMG

CETDEM wishes to thank the Ministry of Natural Resources & Environment and the Malaysian Climate Change Group for their official endorsement. We also acknowledge the financial contribution of the sponsors, namely Core Competencies, Malaysian Insulation Manufacturers Group (FMM MIMG), Digi Telecommunications and Shell Malaysia. A Climate Change Seminar Report 2013 will be published in August 2013.

The current Climate Change negotiations is solely dependent on scientific evidence / arguments and financial implications. Moral, religious and spiritual values do not have a place in these multilateral negotiations. CETDEM hopes to include this dimension in the 2014 seminar.

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Page 7: Chronicle 2013-1 Hikayat 2013-1/CETDE… · This edition of Hikayat / Chronicle highlights the work done by CETDEM in the first 6 months of 2013. which include the kick-off for the

CETDEM Hari Organik

CETDEM Hari Organik is essentially a blend of an Organic Marketplace incorporating Talks, Demonstations and Fun activites. The visitors (customers) and exhibitors (providers) are encouraged to interact beyond the usual buyer-seller framework. It fulfills the need to further spread the awareness of Organic and Healthy Living and Sustainable Lifestyle while creating a platform for organic farmers, retailers and all those involved in the organic industry to promote their services, produce and products.

The 13th CETDEM Hari Organik event was held at Pusat Komuniti Bukit Bandar Raya on 29 June. We wish to acknowledge the collaboration with Persatuan Penduduk Bukit Bandar Raya and DBKL, and the continued support from MBPJ for waiver of advertising fees.

CETDEM Hari Organik is an event that synergises the positive attributes of NGO, Corporation, Local Government, and the State Government. CETDEM believes that this unique model can be made an example and can be assimilated into likewise activities in the effort to promote Sustainable Lifestyle while conserving the Environment and Bio-diversity in Malaysia.

This event can be duplicated in other towns/cities in other States, with the support of the respective State Governments.

The 1st CETDEM Hari Organik was held on 1st August 2009.

CETDEM reserves the sole discretionary right to accept or reject potential exhibitors based on their ability to provide proof to authenticate their claim of being organic (or on the way to being organic).

The 14th Hari Organik will be held on Saturday, 5 October 2013 at Padang Pusat Bandar SS2!

Crowd at 13th Hari Organik Organic hair dye demonstration by Alive Organic

Mr Lim preparing fresh ulam for tasting

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Page 8: Chronicle 2013-1 Hikayat 2013-1/CETDE… · This edition of Hikayat / Chronicle highlights the work done by CETDEM in the first 6 months of 2013. which include the kick-off for the

Farmer's Corner & Other Organic Farming Activities

Farmer's Corner

This is a small scale market with a few farmers invited to take part. Objectives of this “Corner”:

− to provide a platform for the SMALL farmers who are either ‘fresh’ or in need of another outlet to market their produce;

− to build solidarity among these small farmers;− to mobilize and foster the community spirit among

the small farmers.

4 Farmer's Corner events were held at the CETDEM Organic Farming Community Centre (OFCC) in Section 19, Petaling Jaya. Each event was held on a Sunday - Jan 13, Feb 24, March 17, May 19.

Come, give your support … and drop by for a simple & affordable breakfast!

Other Organic Farming Activities

4 participants attended a short Kitchen Gardening Course was held on on January 19 & 20. The course highlighted the methodology of growing and propagating vegetables organically. Participants also taught to convert garden/market/kitchen wastes into compost - a sustainable way to provide nutrient to the soil to produce healthy and safe food.

A total of 23 participated in a day Farm Excursion trip on March 24 to Titi Eco Farm Resort - one of the nation’s leading organic farms located in Negeri Sembilan. The day saw the participants who were a good mix of the young and old getting up close with the many varieties of local vegetables and fruits at Titi Eco.

Kenny, his wife Lee Mei & their daughter busy attending to the customers.

Farmer Ho interacting with a potential customer

Crossing the river on a suspension bridge

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A customer interviewed by NST Journalist

Page 9: Chronicle 2013-1 Hikayat 2013-1/CETDE… · This edition of Hikayat / Chronicle highlights the work done by CETDEM in the first 6 months of 2013. which include the kick-off for the

11 enthusiastic participants gathered on April 28 morning for a Bin Composting Class to learn more about composting and the correct composting methods.

Children’s Activities event was held on May 28 to coincide with the mid-year school holidays and the day’s focus was solely on young children at the Organic Farming Community Centre in Sect. 19. The event aspires to instill in the young ones the healthy habit of eating consciously - knowing their food ingredients and what to eat for their overall well-being - and this is done by way of farming in the urban city garden.

Organic Farming Project Coordinator, Ms Tan Siew Luang gave a talk Think, Eat & Save at Standard Chartered Bank & Salcon Bhd offices. The talk highlighted eating consciously and responsibly without creating any adverse effect to the Foodprint.

At the invitation of SMK Raja Perempuan, Ipoh, Perak, CETDEM Organic Farming Project Coordinator together with the assistance of KGG member,

Lee Chuy Fong and Farmer member Kenny Ng took part at their ‘Go Green Student’s Camp 2013'.

We are happy with the good response from the teachers and especially that of the students.

The Organic Farming Project continues to evolve, finding innovative ways that cater to the needs of the farmers, consumers and public at large.

Composting Class participants

Setting up a 'farm'

Ulam tasting with Ms Tan

Talk at Salcon Bhd, Subang Jaya

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Page 10: Chronicle 2013-1 Hikayat 2013-1/CETDE… · This edition of Hikayat / Chronicle highlights the work done by CETDEM in the first 6 months of 2013. which include the kick-off for the

FIT & SAVE Roadshow

Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA Malaysia) appointed CETDEM to manage the RE & EE Roadshow (1 day exhibition followed by ½ day workshop) to promote Feed-in-Tariff for solar PV and SAVE Program voucher for 5-star EE refrigerators and air-conditioners.

Mr Anthony Tan, CETDEM Executive Director is the Project Coordinator, and Ms Barbara Bakanjim is the Project Outreach & Promotions Coordinator. Engr Gurmit Singh, CETDEM Chairman, acts as resource person for half of the workshops.

This Roadshow has been extended from 12 to 18 months. The coverage has also been expanded from 8 to 13 major towns – Kuantan, George Town, Johor Bahru, Kota Bahru, Melaka, Kuala Terengganu, Ipoh, Seremban and Sungai Petani in the Semenanjung; Kuching and Miri, Sarawak and Kota Kinabalu and Sandakan, Sabah. Project value is RM350,000.

Phase 1 has been completed (September 2012-February 2013), Phase 2 is near completion (March-August 2013). Preparations for Phase 3 (September 2013- February 2014) are ongoing.

Location Date Exhibition Date Workshop NGO Partner

Kuching 19 Jan. Riverside Shopping Complex(70)1

20 Jan. Riverside Majestic Hotel(40)2

MNS Kuching Branch

Kota Bharu 8 March TESCO Kota Bharu(80)

9 March Grand Riverview Hotel (37)

Persatuan Pelindung Pengguna Kelantan

Melaka 20 April AEON Bandaraya Melaka(120)

21 April Bayview Hotel(29)

MNS Melaka & N. Sembilan Branch

Kota Kinabalu

18 May Suria Sabah Mall(100)

19 May Promenade Hotel(39)


Nilai University

18 June Nilai University(70)

18 June Nilai University(80)


Each workshop participant who successfully completed the energy audit received a Compact Flourescent Lamps (CFL) as a souvenir. Data from these energy audits is used to study the energy consumption patterns of households. Refrigerators & air-conditioners continue to be the equipment with highest ratio of electricity consumption.

1Location (number of visitors)2Venue (workshop participants)

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Page 11: Chronicle 2013-1 Hikayat 2013-1/CETDE… · This edition of Hikayat / Chronicle highlights the work done by CETDEM in the first 6 months of 2013. which include the kick-off for the

Climate Action Network Southeast Asia (CANSEA) / Malaysian Climate Change Group (MCCG)

Climate Change Network Southeast Asia (CANSEA) is made up of 4 national NGO groupings namely Malaysian Climate Change Group (MCCG), Philippine Network on Climate Change (PNCC), Indonesian CAN (ICAN) and CAN Thailand (CANT). CANSEA is affiliated as a regional grouping to Climate Action Network (CAN), a worldwide network of over 700 Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in more than 90 countries. Ms Wanun from Thailand is the current Regional Coordinator.

The Malaysian Climate Change Group (MCCG) comprises of CETDEM, EPSM, MNS, Perak Consumers Association, WWF-Malaysia and GEC. This is the only NGO grouping in Malaysia that focuses on Climate Change. CETDEM Executive Director, Anthony Tan is the current Coordinator of the Malaysian Climate Change Group (MCCG). CETDEM Climate Change Seminar held in June was endorsed by MCCG as well as Minstry of NRE.

Talks / Relationship Building / Training

Talks CETDEM Chairman, Exec. Dir. and OFP Coordinator gave talks on topics such as Sustainable Living, Energy Efficiency, Climate Change and Organic Farming to the following organisations:

− Standard Chartered Bank;− Selcon Sdn Bhd;− Multimedia University;− Dorsett Grand Subang.

Relationship Building related to Government Agencies EPU/NRE/Msian Metreological Dept. relating to Climate Change:

− REDD+ workshop.

KeTTHA/Green Tech. Corp. Malaysia/SEDA relating to Sustainable Energy:− UNIDO/GEF IEEMM PSC Meeting;

Others:− AG's Chambers: Persidangan Transformasi Perundangan Berhubung dengan Keselamatan dan Hak Asasi− MBPJ: Green Rebates & PJ Green City Task Force meetings;

The above comprises of highlights only. Other activities include interviews, receptions and dinners held by diplomatic corp and corporations/companies.

CETDEM – In the News

A sampling of news articles that mention CETDEM.

Save Energy – Save money... when you may get no change from RM2 for your kopi c kosong, who isn’t interested in ways to save money?

'Indonesia must ratify haze pact'As the haze in Malaysia worsens, environmentalist Gurmit Singh tells Suzanna Pillay that a lack of willpower, especially by the Indonesian authorities, is one of the reasons why transboundary haze continues to be a blight on Asean countries.h ttp://

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Page 12: Chronicle 2013-1 Hikayat 2013-1/CETDE… · This edition of Hikayat / Chronicle highlights the work done by CETDEM in the first 6 months of 2013. which include the kick-off for the

‧吉隆坡 48 ‧ 有 機 日 提 供 交 流 平 台個單位展售各種有機產品 有機日提供交流平台48 booth provide a platform for exhibition and sales of organic products at Organic Day… the Centre for Environment, Technology and Development, Malaysia (CETDEM) held the 12th Organic Day at Bukit Bandar Raya (Bukit Bandaraya) Community Centre in Bangsar, and received good public support, in a lively atmosphere.

CETDEM Board of Directors

Seated: Pola Singh, Gurmit Singh, Loh Lean Kang; Standing: Hj. Zulkifli, Charles Tan, Noor Mohamad..

(Anthony Tan not in the photograph on left as he was the photographer)

Below: Anthony Tan

Chairman: Ir Gurmit Singh K.S.: B.E.(Electrical), University of Malaya; Member of the Institution of Engineers, Malaysia [MIEM]; Hon. M.Sc.. Universiti Putra Malaysia; 1993 Langkawi Award; 2008 Sustainable Consumer Award; 2009 Outstanding Sustainability Contribution Award from the Institution of Surveyors, Malaysia.

Executive Director: Mr Anthony Tan Kee Huat: B Comp Sc (Hons), USM;

Directors − Mr Charles Tan KL: Chief Information Officer, AmBank Group; immediate past Chairman,

CETDEM;− Tn Hj. Zulkifli Hj. Zahari: Bachelor of Science (Housing, Building & Planning), USM;

MBA, Ohio University; Group MD of ZET GROUP of Companies;− En Noor Mohamed: B. Sc. (Hons) (Chemistry), UPM; Member, Chartered Institution of

Waste Management (CIWM), United Kingdom;− Dr Pola Singh: B Econs Applied Economics, UM; MBA Transportation & Ph. D Marketing,

University of Alabama, SEDA Malaysia Board Member;− Mr Loh Lean Kang: Biochemical Engineering, Reading, England; Masters, Technology &

Development in relation to Chemical Engineering, Imperial College, London University; Senior VP, Siemens.

CETDEM membership

As at end June 2013, CETDEM membership stood at 16. The other CETDEM members are:− Dr Leong Yueh Kwong− Ms Tan Siew Luang− Ms Tan Joo Lan− Mr Ramchand a/l Duhlanomal− En Mohamad Kamar− Mr Sentirajah R− Mr Kok Hee Poh− Mr KL Lee− Mr BK Sinha− Dr Yap Kok-Seng

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Page 13: Chronicle 2013-1 Hikayat 2013-1/CETDE… · This edition of Hikayat / Chronicle highlights the work done by CETDEM in the first 6 months of 2013. which include the kick-off for the


These are the CETDEM staff who are managing the day to day activities of our organisation:

Mr Anthony Tan Kee Huat is the Exective Director. He joined CETDEM in 2006 as the Project Officer. He was appointed CETDEM Executive Director in Jan 2007. Anthony considers himself a practical Environmentalist. Anthony is happily married, and a father of 2 children and 1 canine.

Ms Tan Siew Luang is CETDEM Organic Farming Project Coordinator. She joined CETDEM in 1986, started and managed the first Organic Farm in Malaysia with educational activities. Ms Tan is the driving force behind CETDEM National Organic Agriculture Seminar & Exhibition, the signature Hari Organik and Farmer's Corner events.

Mrs Neo (nee Tan Siew Luan) is CETDEM Organic Farming Project Officer currently based in the CETDEM Organic Farming Community Centre (OFCC). Mrs Neo is an avid organic gardener. She oversees the management of the OFCC, and is in charge of the OFCC Slow Food Kitchen as well as the vegetable garden. Mrs Neo is a good cook. You can take our word for this.

Ms Barbara Bakanjim joined CETDEM in November 2012 as CETDEM FIT & SAVE Project Outreach Coordinator. Barbara is of Kadazan descent and hails from Sabah, where her family still resides. She holds a Bachelor of Sc. Bichemistry (Hons), UM, post-Graduate Diploma in Education and is currently pursuing her Master of Sc. at Universiti Malaya.

Mr Sathis a/l Venkitasamy joined as the SUDI Research Assistant in 2012. Born and bred in Selangor, he Holds a Bachelor of Sc. Biology Botany, UKM. He speaks with a great sense of calm, and comes across as a quiet and deep thinking individual. He is an avid Scrabble player and has help to organise District-level Scrabble competitions.

Volunteers / Interns

Ms Wong Yee Chin is a Malaysian. She is a lecturer at Tunku Abdul Rahman College, attached to the Building Division.Yee Chin started volunteering at CETDEM in August 2012, for half a day on Saturdays. Yee Chin also volunteers to assist at the CETDEM information booth during the Hari Organik.

Pik Wah os on 1 month internship with CETDEM. She started on 17 June 2013 and her last day with CETDEM will be 19 July.

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Page 14: Chronicle 2013-1 Hikayat 2013-1/CETDE… · This edition of Hikayat / Chronicle highlights the work done by CETDEM in the first 6 months of 2013. which include the kick-off for the


We wish to record our heartfelt appreciation to the following organisations and individuals for their assistance and co-operation during the first half of 2013:

Government Sector – UNDP, Ministry of Natural Resources & Environment (NRE), Ministry of Energy, Green Technology & Water (KeTTHA), Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA Malaysia), Department of Agriculture (DoA), Lembaga Urusan Air Selangor (LUAS), SEADPRI-UKM, NAHRIM, MBPJ, DBKL;

Private Sector - Core Competencies, Malaysian Insulation Manufacturers Group (FMM MIMG), Digi Telecommunications and Shell Malaysia DiGi Telecommunications, TH Alam Management (M) S/B, Matahari S/B, Standard Chartered Bank, Selcon S/B, Legenda Madu S/B, Health Paradise S/B, Radiant Code S/B, Organic Plus International S/B, Tehki Food Industries, Thong Guan Trading S/B, Just Life , Zenxin Food Industries, Alive Organic S/B, Highland Sprouts S/B, Vision Eco Farm;

NGOs – Persatuan Penduduk Bukit Bandaraya, Terengganu Consumers Association, Persatuan Pelindung Pengguna Kelantan, TONIBUNG, MNS Melaka & N. Sembilan Branch, MNS Kuching Branch;

and of course

ALL RESOURCE PERSONS & VOLUNTEERS during our events, and all donors, both individuals & groups. Special mention & thanks to our steadfast volunteers for the Hari Organik & other OFP events – you are the driving force behind these activities.

Our apologies for missing out any individuals & organisations who have supported us during these past 6 months of 2013.


CETDEM is a member of the Malaysian Climate Change Group (and through it CANSEA) as well as the International Forum on Sustainable Energy, the International Federation of Organic Agricultural Movements [IFOAM]. CETDEM is a member of the Working Group on Public Transportation for Malaysia.

Since early 1997, we have been a member of the National Climate Change Committee. CETDEM continued as a member of the National CDM Committee, GEF SGP Steering Committee, Steering Comm. for Economics of Climate Change Study and SIRIM ISCZ & TCs (Technical Comm.).

We Welcome Your Support

CETDEM generates income from training events & seminars, sales of publications. Visit our website for a full list of our publications, which includes books, t-shirts, video-CDs.

Separate funds have been raised from foreign and local sources for specific projects.Donations from individuals and Malaysian companies are welcomed to meet operating costs.


If you wish to volunteer your time or make a donation, kindly contact us:

CETDEM17 Jln. SS2/53, 47300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, MALAYSIA

Tel.: +603 – 7875 7767 Fax: +603 – 7875 4039 Email: [email protected] URL:

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