  • StateletJI-'.- . V. MAN V tdlWf.

    fBttvnv M011NIUGJL0CT2 13, 18GI.t """'t' ' T

    r I!

    , i', , to" i.Official Results.

    "JTW following iblwfc!bIini oJrotei rgTvenvti'McT cndWt Voted for in

    Franklin county,' at the State eleetlon neld Oct.

    .;t,l6i;nd also th mojoritie pbiatneq oy. me

    Ufh J. JcT8tt...' 'DaVidtod f

    ,1 majority.'

    'v. intmtmirf eovsaweiu-- ;' John 0. Harebell.

    Benjamin Btantoa .

    Haraball's majority.,.. 71

    emm iwet."Tbomu J. 8. Bmllh.

    ,,, .ioiiab booh ....p-,.-.SUlrf- l

    " ''PmUa'amitj drily )"f..7'.irt Ttiunn or IT ATE '.".tea"(leorgeW. Holmes. All I - "

    V Q. Yolnejr ,...,.,. 16,.,Holmes's majority ......, ... ..... '

    ,. ..1 ..., t" " ssxpbtabt ,. t, -- ri j

    "Benjamin R.iJoaw-- .., ...........-susu.- i j

    Arnrtrong'itejarllyA.'"-'3'- 804

    ' cokraoujta.Wsvne1n.inh H. RUer. tioo

    JohaT. Torrenct ....4180 4i

    co'jmoic run Jppm. " ' '

    Tleigtt'i Da) otl ty . y ". S70

    rTnrantait.' Trrilt'.'.'.'... '.'.'..

    1 .:u ,. ..t.iv.'--' 1 t! .itJiO'flee. t Convir..M...."HMrtitn"''

    Otto Drewl ;'..H..,...iSn.t(i'.WWm. R Kantin.... .,...3931JoienhB. Poltcrv..... .."' --ilJ J....41I4OoDrenc orrr Rankin

    ' J. ' Pnttcr .Dretel OTer TUokln i w

    """TfiWiF""'Jothib Barber..


    I k W70t'a .art''Matthii MartinIlfnry JEtt)ro6t..

    .tohn 0. Thompionlonnthan Bobo-..- . 'y.""V.'v.;jj

    Thompooc'i majority.

    Nthn Cole 5M0yrtfltiict Jrfiy.. .v.jav.v. . i." ao

    . .. Cole'i milority. Jufc.wi..K'!. Jen Bljh ....ivui..V:..Awj,44WJ

    Bljli'i iiJority..A"ift''7'iCGR0NU. .lU-n-J O

    Adam hlflitatis....."2!Uwer'i Bisjorily v ..U


    Phitmon 0dm .p..l--ti4,3- 4iUrUo Kruion tm 'rr nii'

    Hesa' Dsjority .'...,t.rjiV.Thi3 preent'a V?r7' ,S"J9lf,t!.e;1?P"

    iUl CoauW Of Ihe Sut..'i.; J) - o .'Janw

    Election News.Theoffi'cial volafuLPickaway iaoonty tMaai- -

    1obs ' ': ' 'L.. , , 'n - ,f iGovernor Tod 2233; "Jewetfc. ,maTV

    majority 135." Jndee of CommbftTleaa-rBat- ei2223,'

    Senator i.Wardea 21S3 Parrilt SIWWU-den'- amajority 94. Mrrfiond, the Democratic

    ProaecatiSg Attorney,')) Tceiy gBmaor- -ity. Senator. erriu. la eiacud by bgui iwt,

    nd Jnrlcrn HlVm bv about COO." M&dlSon COUDtV

    givea Mol abOttt lt)00H TbegeBeral Impreaaio'n

    li that Mr. Hedget'did hat desire an. election.Fairfield conntv gives Jewett llOO mafoiity.

    Jeffries, fotL ReprescnuUveSI., thing'sconsidered the Pcmocracy glpifjMffiAthave stood up nobly. c '''

    Little Holmes glvea.:97J msjvit for.twettErery township but ono gives a Democratic majority, and that gave two majority for fusion.Jadga Sample, ls by ,OPP prty,The Holmes County pubheM aaya; .itty

    Thia county, ai.uiual, has covered Jteelf. withtbe broad maatie of Democracy. The' townships

    are sot U .heard from iofflpiarrv, batenough to muke it certain that tbe, "Union"movement didn't amoon I to any 'great scratchoutside of Hardy tevaahin. ,?he majority forJewett will be about 900, Sample's not quite so

    '' ' Ij.'ih wj":larfce, .l( anybody imagines that we are feeling pee

    tlcularly bad over this remit, we wish tt Informthem that we aia'vbecaaa&lt aaau't came Utexpected. For three weeks paat we have ecnit coming, " and . prepared ouraelvee ,for At.Holmes county ought to set up for herself, se-cede, demand a premium, or do something elsetbat Is desperate, . it ta

    ItTThe Great Comet which attracted so mushattention, leak sumueW while J lay' atreUhedacross the heaveaer is still eeen with a telescopenot far from the atat Eft in the nHerenle. i Jt Is entirely Starr t tha( wondf'ful appendage, Jtqpwn ae;the til,4uid.,oiblpfremains but a nucleus enveloped lnwtMjbnloucload.'tbe wooio resembling in appearance kemail p'lanetartVebuia.'' JAi

    ' ...1 4IT Tbe municipal election jn Newark,

    i.N. J.,

    oni Taeeday,, resujted aW choice ( ofBiotuw'DbNirTor Njot The whole Demo-acte- doratie ticket was Vfi Vnafority of 1,617.

    BjTU seems that Gaaiioi has eoj bcdjJD- -dered the eommwief iha &atearjnvjibut that his services would JiayejbeB;ecjptee;as a Major-General- , if. he iiajearried Jlsalleged intention of eomlng to this conntry.

    " .trtAiA Catmovs JcDfic An Irlah Jadge tried two

    most. notorWrnw' T ''''i-fi- )f Thirhwa-:rbri-To the c 'of.Hn..CflttrlJil "tb prlfln-- tim ir.,tbcy wf fonnd notguilty.. . Aa tUry .rd UWig reml-fKfl-i l.iabar, th iudge,-- ; adtWamog- - tbe gaoler jaaid,"Mr. Murphy, you would greatly ewe my.rtsiudif yiu ireuld keep three two repctftblo gen-tlern-

    until seven, or half psst ti'q o'clock,for I menu to aei autXjr. pubUo at Cta," and Ishould like to hart at leasrtwo hours' the starttt inera.,.,i;r.itt r

    What is in Wind?are ct Jaal'.j arrivlni at thtg

    U iftidlf i an i Blawry (li ftopuLUdan;V. 'A,'i a A.. T.aa. vItIUH0D, uu iub iiunirwaiw,li a war lor the extermination of glaveryJLw

    SrTNew' orkarttanr, the moattoflaentlal and the mott iiilely-eia- i

    the elaat of papera alloaao w, eonw-eriden- oe

    of what we.assertj r :?Weffe"ife-tBtencr- t fttmr th( iTto

    appeaVa'ta the Jixi -al t Wan hafe.iwweVfteldetiSU aud

    Cbbfeioriat d)Kratf ifiaf

    iwia; Plato lrtbiw thati W ibelHoopcrsidted in, either, alaTefy'bt'ihe Ynlpanit

    eo down"'1' fnViaWersIanM iodicalei what it

    mKo Uthif ie already the olto of the aoti

    iar werwedliDg eat ab loat-ii- y''ij.ago Id Ohfo for a irnloo of allbirliea io one party. ..

    lor "atigoroua ana, uonun- -m t TT- -J

    ned proeeootion o ttte war lor me uaiun.

    ., Aijain, iaya:-"- We

    j.' .i f n,r indioatn aa time Daat or fo- -" " -tnre. when the laet that Eatery ia the" 'deadly

    foe of the Uuto&iuould have been ,'qr ihould

    be reoagniatd and acted on by the Vorerment.

    Thia. the TWoaw. haviw learned a Utile can

    lion from the ffot ,!of Its' 'Onwai'd 'to.might V0' pC dlctaUpa."

    Bat u."foi eerj thing there, la a time and aeeaou,"Qatixrraay"it!e now time to aetforth the vital truth, for the country must hareacceptei and retliied It. before the Govern

    meat caa aafely act npon HH.ui- m-irii.t t. utiii truih. which it now

    ilrne to let lorth, In order that the country pay

    aoceptaodreaUze ,o that lh4 Qoernn.enteaniafelyactBoenUT II ii tlile-- f aat warery

    m. h. at the' Union cannot. beiuubi aw '" - it

    A The 7Viai it by no meani alone in promulgating thia doctrine.' Ut is to pe met wnn 10almost evert tasue of every newpaper.o Re

    publican aatecedenbb in eermoaa and in literaryTh --vi alraaaoaa efforts are

    making to. labue itae ,whU Notthen mind

    with 1W The dealpi lJ fradoally developingltiwtf-- tmhke'iVli war what'tho aefeWBlonieteIn the beginning qharged it io be, and by which

    they, were enabled to gain inch eontrpl over the

    mfndi of the Bouthern people namely, an ado-

    lltion War. Snch fc war wiU doubtleii conaoii--

    date the Soalh,a.d the dijeoiutioD.of the Union

    or the final separation of the Northern and

    Southern States, In order to avoid the depopulation and'rnla of both' sections, will beoome

    Si--C. "onlya o,uct UL wiauv

    Intervention inL There cah'be no longer ajf anl'tnaUi,Fcanco. andEngland iare, ally mada. up theirminds to leek .redress for alleged 1bjuries andcoinpensatloii for aHegecT!lt8n jftsultlng'dur-'hfion- i

    period of misrule and; anarchy' towhieb"'Ji'ji:xlco'J.hae'' bepn afortoaataly iub- - iooi" !) A m.--)


    '''the 'London Korniig jWliiv'fe4,irfl-el-sof a semi official rAaraoter, states. tbejlan

    to Wpnraoed by the bree European powers, to,tabe ai followed" ' , J;-

    'JoVetg' will, sequestrate thetut-tom- srevenues of the ports la qbestion.' They

    wilt charge their" consdla or ipmq. other author-ities, jointly to collect these revenues at the dif-ferent fmtfi and these consuls, acting together,will "form a ait of International' commission,MtnitWntaif fnr thti nnrnosa at ach OOrt. Noshtp will be able to enter orclelr at the ports ofvera Crni, Tamptoo, etc., wimoui ids uwur-it-

    of theaa conrohTrwno wilt txact and notonly ezactbatthauBvMlrmxlarwoetre the customs doea on. auch, entrancas and clearances,-


    n Tho'msalartntermational bnnmlseiea thaieoMtltnt'ed, will dWM t"!1 ?,''leTrW o2lhe;ojbe naii ahdl'thi' Mexican G"ot- -ernniint en the athe, the aggregate amount ofdatiea eolleeted'tntalli th ports, or la rather

    wt9 Mexlco'Ts'tb ljkime Wfand liJEn.ropeanoredjorj;; tpthjhalf oX'lt1ha.,,nelaaaennt raf jmMihaicolleoted lavher portav his

    Is eons!dertf "terV llberaP'tiHrard Mexico."--

    f'Vdoea Ao yet appfiiMi e.UfliteiJSUtoihar beea lovitM tp patUoipaU in.or even pon-te-at

    tUa'anangementf ihoagh it has beaa atfmaW. bpbd" extf drier aohbtfuf athorllj',EhaCthe plan'haa tt eoncurrenoe of P .' Gov-

    simeai.4 The programme, if fnlly eawiiedogfcnthaPoatasserik it to to befors the c4oeofft:iveieni baK.irirtt e'iisanllln-- kstrict blockade of the principal Mexican porta,and beforw thai tia Wo ahalt probably knowwnat iffltfade oof own OoverBmehf wilt aasarM

    1 n c i v.''t o to iafci.t :laregara ra li. . ,. .i .,hi Iij0.-st,-Danger

    of India,: lets' Miv

    dlanapolian whjchfiead(,,j,uj ii ,i7ait:i.,rTher k raorw danra tbia abry itoxm txdnriO

    ed. North the icsam aoytbanr els.i.A firm,oclde.-iuite- North, wiU atUa h aaatioa.and that speedily Bt m mut vast litten (e tasacietenC. mnrtbU AbolitnnittM of tit Ntrtk &are atrrtaaw lam! ( eajaotef ttet mar is te antarfat wilk ti:iUttin f iaa Saarfkl rTaw atMM Urn ttcmtioMUtt tke Sm( iaaarsaedr.aVtmm it antiaw tin Sowtk yaat in rawarbaa t U i

    And Governor Wrubat traeht to nave added,w can never lave ' ,,aniiej.oiithY''uiiflij


    AbolltlonUmlsiffectuaUya'cruahedout." TbeLouisvUlpmwot, jgMUnt aionpaper,, .isrHght when tl sajMtuit'm oi b ma b-- va

    Wo make no aoolotrv for this wicked warttbe Sowtk to deetrcv the Goveroraeat We

    grant tbe necessity of suppressing it; but the1. ki.i . 1 ' . .. x . .juAoouHoniem, inai aas proaaoeo it, mue

    be euppreaaed. Abolilionlm tntd C4tieiimmast 6a ewriad in ne ame aoirwal eraweP TSapatriot who loves his eountr most etmeen to ;aacnaaatnem sola ' iwn una og n.

    a..i imj tT Notwithstanding (hp great' Jfrfesi6tt',bfbwitnltf.iria ac Q&$,amouptjng tp upward of twt sniUipo of area,;wer located during the year ending Jns 3fL1861Ttie balVnC f yrsrtinVemalrJiDg'etitii Very small,: ' The Government porf owns aixty million acres, wUcIUim bee surveyed andoffered for sale, and ready . fos private entry,--Beiii- ai

    thU, nearly forty-fir- a mUllos acres lavabeeik- - eurreye4,bu opt put la market, whichaisy piltalcen tfcte rMpniptwn.1,'Thla ,s ex.elusive oT thp 4mmsns tracts of land whichbar cat keeei aurreyed, m ids sew i em tones

    Dacotah1, CVJoradb and ITevafla. '' V.'''I ST Tk:trMfy'nPv.tilBd be

    teeD,(hUa)ted 8tta ,'anii, YencmtlarPv) fjoi gainsl.c:.tbe bartr taking ut letters of

    , j . . j. I A L , ... .. .... L. t ...mj btatp a jpar witn' tne otnerV&tijl 'Mdwf eyta"rjf; jailed, po t, liftap'ch purpose la' any of, their ports, or prize tobe Bold in soak parte, m ,

    The District.Frankb'a eaantv vkrta Jewett mtterlrv'tjf:

    677,atid eB:jtbwhot 4emor) rirrticket by majorrtiaw-ratigin- r front 300MckJogeawnty tiargoo inBocratic by t$ol '700 majority Tb .Deaacacyt tboap twoeeastiea atoaa like nan, an fnirtrt' !urioa BaUle. S)eeptionT!a4 Mclcery'wetkedInter enoedi amft twada t beat m-- PkiVawnbut tb district la yet morw ttaw thooanciDmMtraliP, and Fkaway wiltredeew Herselfnext year, C'iTiJwiw Ji'sif AtrtM.d uU ;saJ to

    in Pickaway.

    La year in ihl c 'ty : there were 4,001wotea cut. for Member of Cobgren, of whichCsxtqoeivedfif';9, tail Zy'-W5- and Spar- -row 30. tms year wer weraioniy a,ia vowcaBtJUJlGP''yjgvotes were caal. Df these, Jerrlll-jrooe- lj2,039, illrMea 3.188. rTie'UbloIVhal lncWe4 Wer the'Refenblloirf I2ft-1f,- frermce..bMweej.;aUoMy.taiid iWajftfjr&gTOw.was dono by puttiag all 'DemooratsV on. thetjckeV but dnt fctjrjpyer, Vhe ar the429 votes which 'the pemoracf bad last year,and which tbe polls do icVhow thief Look totbf rolUof our army, and yon will find tbiirnames:

    -- rCTWe ccMih.e.-foJowiaif!-;ftc- the CleVa-hn- i

    HwUdxlQttnbrX J rr--This order exists ovee,Ohitid tbe Coluei-bu- s

    City Fact statee-aMiiive- lf tbat two belong-ing totne order-wierelc- Ift olBoa In Frank-lin county oil TaeaaSf,,,Cqlumbui Ui one ofthe hotbada of tha Glde Circlot and as a

    fewer soldier hava rone to the war;from f ranklin countr. lriTjrdportlon tohe pop-ulation, than from aijtjct; County in Ohio. ,

    The "orderVi spo'kaar of 1r what 1 termedtbs"Kolghts of th0o4e 'Ciirola." We aresomewhat aatonlabed that a paper like tbe tieraU, regarded as respectable, should be guilty

    of publishing such stuff,,'' We bar not. thought

    it worth wblle heretofore to nttiee' tbis moet In-famous 'and black barted lit,' sent .out fromthis city, where no sensible Wan believes it, add

    no reaDsotabla man assert i K."' There is notnow, nor has there ever been, tbat we know of,

    such an organizitlon In this county, , It is amean, dirtv lit. cotton up to . injure and defeat

    the Democratic ticket! T-'-.t :V'i

    Tbe people of tbis county hare; toa decisivemajority, pnt (he. brand upon the lying scamps

    who originated and havo-.clreuls-tcd this ns

    falsehood r-- j

    The attempt ofjMtJUrtld. to depreciate thepatriotism of the p'eople. 'cf this county is asmean uj't stafemeuta are., false, franklincounty ba sent .mar thai war thanCayahoga." ta fit ,uv..i - u .

    -- m--i

    i '; . v ..'-"- Va Contractor's War?

    A gentleman direct front Washlcgtod .statesto ns, tbat In a conversation' with a leading

    of that city; and who occupies a prom- -IUWJV pUBlVIUU IU UH paiV, J. u u uiaitwito him: "When will there be a' big fight everthefotomaet" Tb answer was.' "Tbere willbe bo fight. This to a 'coutrwtor'a war, andthev don't want the trar to end soon." J TheCincinnati Cbmawrn'Ol-seem- s to be impreasedby that Idea L judging from the following whichappeared editorially in' it' Isano of day beforevisterdavj - - ' ' ' '"J " ' : 'v.-.- -' i

    "We have no definite idea of the amonni ofpressure td the square Focn tpat would be requir-ed at present M lore the truth Into the "honeptunderstanding of the President of the7 UnitedStates' Unfortunately, 1t has come to pis'1athese latter days (which IneHide an-

    - ltdeQoitsnumber Of AdinihUtratiohs) that the' Presidentla waited in from the'beoole,' and only permitted to beav the truth at rare 'interval?. He itsurrosnded by an atmosphere,' made , op' of thenhalatloM'Pf tbe hanger-o- about tbe' CapUtal the- - pcddllag potitictant the 'sycophantsof power the beggars of tbe crumbs that fallfrom official tables and the rest of the sedi-ment and froth of the usual quadrennial Nation- -

    albiil. "'Tbis atmosphere,' t9 goodettteen asphyxiates the President and rendersaim dim or sight end bard rf hearing. TheUebtniDgsof eivil war have not yet disturbedand puHfied thisatmoephetei"" : r :

    "Thet art to treat forces encamped atWashington.' ' Without the city are the Circleof forts "and enoampmeata' of the : soldiers.Withia it, the camp follemerir the contractorsof all degrees;' the tribe of thieves, a vast mul-tltud- .'

    While the-- defenders of tha 'Govern-ment la arms, shelter the Capital from the ban-dit of,seeiOn,he Wood snekers are ln:nodis-tar- e

    possessioB.' While the Wrd of Jovetaaloft, with tbe glitter ot tounoerooita surrouno- -ing hlm,tbeeadneet Pf enemies areweitared aader bli wings'. - Now! while we have anarmy of "near two htwlrext -- thtmsaud men atWaahlrrgton, and When the season and the timefor aetton hare fully come, the contractors talkof delay, wren of going; toto-'wlnt- quarters,and- - wearing" wet the. enemy "by waiting' andwatching leararog, as LbnglellOw 'would haveft, to labor and to wait.1 "This till not dotWhatever force la necessary to bring fbs factsinto immediate contact?with toe Presidentialoreansof sense, will, most be employed, to inform the highest authority definitely, and withall necessary, weight and penetration, that thepolicy of rendering the war subservient to tbecontractors has bee puuued tQ;lhe exUemeat

    . r 1. 1.-- j rr : :.verge pi puuno uuaraouc. t us utovkyilog until the. rebel can't march, pocauae tbeywill have worn ont their shoes, and natiltheyare shaken to sleeel ia oonaeauence of the wantof iquinine, and UntU their - soldiers damage alltheir good suns, la orobablv. esDioaea- ov nopening of direct trade between tha Scalp andftarope by tbe line oi temrs sMouaaq pyYancer A Co-- tha Btrmuia .being the first arrival, and the orobabilitv of rsnuia trips bsiocon the card. j Wltfxia. the traud .Arajyoamerowmao. u nnoaruasn, w ik. icswrin the overthrpw oi the fipveiamept in one wayo? another'.' r ,0r' aahiax ,"TlainiJn Wn hii iirmiim n. uru? TYirt. Carv .andDoraev were to have bean in Mifleraburz onUha. . . . .v i t .i nnA49 01 uoHwer.4 inaer vi tueua jwas sick, so they say, and couldn't com' WhyCar and Doreey were not here, we don't know,or never expect to care yery mnch.r,Nsitler

    of tbem has been heard, ot. since, cdtf theyshould neter tarn no hereafter, we don't Mandto fret very much abaat $blr, Vmysteflqpt Aisappearance, 'J.Ws', have oolyona, rquca, lemk. th.t tm. If lba (a an eiili lett In thlhands of .the Executive tate - Committee, thatIt be. Expended to paj (or 'fpictare-gallw- y V oftnemseives. do muon loog-sare- a wiauom ,wiunrobablv never be eot toaether in tbe same ea--pacily,"a4clfor lack of it thaisuucweqrs should

    aye tueir pictures tq woa at an w,Qajur oves.iVvonlda't be a' bad Jnvestaeuti also, ifMeans are lclt.' to bur medals for all, aicakerswho aa la the habit of makfng .appoiataieataana not suing mem. luxtra long ouesnsaeaio69 l7eP A9 tWaW vpj ane, vary. ,J4!

    rVoopy,taaDoveirfWan auwtoo.wrgaai oiIJohne ieoubty fer thp ' benefir oT tbe' UniodEfxebufly i "Cbin'mltt W 'eity.It'i toltbepmLjfpomplimeUrySU4od il;i.b tte-n- l

    o d I )r"" J (' TT"' S'. ( "j ftd nTliaaar T.unna It la bow anihariUtitalvdnnoanoed tbat tne receipt oi tne custom lurthe present teal Will not. amooat to. more thantwenty miliioa Cellar taArdUioaa-iltes.tha-eve. Secretary Caa!a; patlmat. i JVkc tbeMorriU tariff waa iupt eoaotpt, tt waa clstpaedthat, the, receipt under U wouW reacb aixtymillions, but tbe cirewsiiUacoes ot tn souirybav ao ohaogsd sja then that. th esUmates

    that period ar valualeas neWM i lnu isjIt evident from, tbi state ot things that .we

    are boat,nteriog ipon a pew Jn the finea-- ;olal history of the oontry. i hereafter, 4itaettaxauop ia inevwawp, anstoma auee wm oeentirely Lndeqatf.tMb support of tb Gov.roment and tbe payment of the.araoatdebt

    wear contracting., ,rioe loretga trade, of tnecountry will, id any event, be much less .forseveral years t com thaa it Jat beep In thepast, and the deficit ia our reveooes la ust

    b provided fof Ip somootber way,Thia matter will asaum great importaoce before (be aiuiag pt.Coogrwee, and Bpeajhat, bodywill bp thrown tb delicate and reponsiblduty

    originatiag a new system of ways and meto furnish the Government with mooes to meetIts current expense aodjpey tt'qebMni4i, e-- j

    I .Tbaopai) try will ev JesrtF thet tt will bnocess-ar- fpi ptnimMsff the fffi;,Wtasing cu ne pr)iiioiiorv ,jrocuoo.liiiiiea,1

    country wllf never submit to bav lb sera.

    'uMUbf 'for tbtTsSV of protetg"01 acq, PauaSy' iVanU."'"it Jw!) tf'.v .1

    frit arieart tfial Dr. H,ti ftlMVvMf!,ttai xpditiut.hy afie!y P

    IIaJiA s'iTtd ol aboertgiskl vPmbel idled idaitng the voyage, onarof whom was Aoocst

    ?., 7' .7. ." ?..7,7.Wdeg-'a- n. bctib iaiiioue. - v,



    J , iUNITED


    OFF Oct.m

    tharthe euemy hadlanded Jn rUrre oeat Q14cknIiu)oboo atdKidP KetTaad elndiaaa; (tgimens posteiithen wdsln full retfeat before them. Also,that onr tlirea tuffs In. Ibe Inlet were aground

    Atm.hA "' Th r.nfit had been ctDtwed tbeAlt hiftn.vly airpaoe goOdndaw-wa- y with!thia h;n nd tha Montiocllo, and anchoredfor .the.nlcht close" to he shore iniUattesaa

    At daylight I found our troops jo andbouttha lightbouaa, and In distress lor yaut HH proVisions, which they bad boen.wiUiout for twen

    hmira. Zl sanDliad them with food, abdat the request of the commanding pfflcer.reOmalnad .fu . thelf 'protection during the- - dayJLearning tbat tbe enemy waa in largo lorce aaKIQ Keet, J lent tne monuoaiio o urirv munioff, whjch Important service waa performed byLieutenant Commanding uraioe wivq great eifeet and good conduct.' His report Is inclosed,

    I am, very respectfully, . . .r . , , rrJ. JWUlO J iYoui obedient servant,- - ' A M

    L. LARDNER, Captain.To Flag Officer L, hi. UouissoaoooH, etc eto.



    Era: I have tbe honor to Inform you that, Inobedience to your order of tbis morning, Iatoodthrough the inner, channel of Hatterea shoalsat 18& FM., and stood close akmg ahore to.tbe northward, Keeping a orignt lookout, iromaloft.-- . At lJij P. ,AL W. diaopmed severalsailing vessel over the woodland Klne Keet,and at tbe same time a regimerit anarohlng tothe northward, carrying a rebel flag in tbelrmidst, with many stragglers, la lb sic rear alsotwo togs inside, (lying tbe earn Bag. r As tncycame out oi the woods of Kioe Keet, we rancloee In shore and opened a deliberate fire upontbem, at tbe distance ot three quarters f amile.' At our first shell, which foil apparentlyla their, midst, tbey rolled , up their flag andscattered, moving rapidly np tie beach to thenorthward.' We followed tbem, firing Tapldlyfrom three guns, driving tbem up to a clamp ofwoods, la which tbey iwk refuge, and abreastof which tpeir ateamersUy. . we now rhelledtbe woods, and could see tbem embarking Insmall bot-alta- r their veaselar evidently Ingreat confusion and suffering greatly from ourOf- - ;- - .' , ., .' Their, stbamers how opened fire npon us, fi!ng, however, but two shots, which fall short.Tm boali filled uith nun uxrr tlruek by tur $htll$and dettroucd. Tbre more steamers camedown the Sound and took position1 opposite tbewoods. - we were shelling also two sloops.We continued, firing deliberately noon themfrom half past one P.M. until half past threeP. jVI I when two men worp macprered On tbeaeabeScD making signals to us:' Supposing themto be two of tbe Indiana regiment, we aent anarmed boat and .ore to bring tbem ofiV. covering them.kt 'the same time with our fire., .Uponme coat Hearing tne Deacn, tbey took to thewater ; One Pf tbem WaJ suceessf ul Ju reachingthe boat Private Warren O. Haver, CompanyH.Twmtteth Reglmtlf1oaUh troops. Theother man Private Charles White, CompanyH, Twentieth Regiment Indiana troop waa

    drowned In the surf."1"Private Haver Informs m that h Wss taken

    priaones on the morning of ,th 4ih; that bsWitnessed One shot, which Wa very deatraetlve.He stales that two ot put shells fell into twosloops loaded with men, blowing the. vessels topiece and sinking them. Al),- - that severalofficers wer killed and- their horses-- Been run-ning about the traokl had just escapedfrom his captors, after' ihootlog the captain ofone of the rebel- - companies. He states, thattbe euemy were In tbe greatest confusion, tush- -log wildly Into tbe water, Striving to get toff tovueir TesseiB. ..

    Private Haver now dicectei me to the pointwhere tbe rebels were congregated, waiting anopportunity to get off. . ' I opened fire egaln withsuccess, scattering them.'.l.W were now varyclose, in three fathoms water ,'and tb trwof theuH .h.U tiAA miLh.ftort.. ... .1 ' ,iu '

    ' Six steamers were now off the polhl, Oao pfwnicn 1 recognized as tne canny. ,

    At twenty-fi- v miauiee-- t five P. M we ceased firttg, leaving the enemy scattered along theDeaca lor upwards ot lour miles. . 1 bred repeatedly St ".the. enemy's steamats. witb oncrifledcannon, a Parrot d struck thefanny, I think, nc v 1 lonud she range Pf thispiece much short of what I anticipated, many ofme anoi turning ena over cna, ana cot exceed-ing mush tbe range of th smooth bare tblrty

    .'. jjewtiu;.I inclose herewith the tnetrmrandum of the

    amount of ammunition expanded to day. Iam,resotclfiillr. vonr obedient servant. -

    Lieutenant D.' Commandlpg.U. P. steamer .Mootltello- -To Captain J. Lv LaiDaca, Commending V. S.

    steamer ' SotquehaBoa, pff Cape Hatterai,. u.

    Democratic Organization.!rt B1 'chief,

    paity li h paat baa bee Its dnvotiob W theuntotuKtne uPnstitunon and tne laws. Mn trlntoph and in defeat, tn the flash of victory andamid, tha atorma of sectional Bassioar, it hasmaintained it nationality and It allegiance totae fundamental principles ;ot lue governaeut.Its history is a history of struggles In defenseof the Constitatida. It first great conflict wasfor th preaervatloa bf that government batedand I eared by the aristocracy of tbe old worldand th new.., Ia it contesU with tbe moneypower, and the sectional cool lot which, bavsine ensaed, time and avetrt Pave proved tbebeneficence of its faith, the depth of its wis- -'dom, and the purity of its palrlotiim3 irfT'O

    litis lime ot publio danger and traaUiinotth time for Ihoae who bav protected the gov-ernment from destruction in tha naat to faltarat tbe .call .of tbe country oow-- Jf the. menw mateDD we jjemocratio oartv. an theprinciples which distinguish Its' Organization,were the preserratiea-wn- protection of the government in paat times, they may prove doublybeneficial hoar. . Tb nationality and eobserva-tis-

    In other-tims- .of danger, r aaor thaaevsrbow reqoiredJor.estors union andnnity amongtb discordant element of tb nation. Tbesamp principles of political action which wouldnave saved as from civil war ar most likely torestore union, harmony and strength.' Hencethe necessity of preserving the democratic or-ganization,' until all shall acknowledge the prac-tice! Tiedom pf Its constitutional platform, andbecome the true and conditional friend-,o- fth S it was learned

    Milwaukee News.

    Pennsylvania Election.--

    ThprfirtbTbraturws ef th election are hot ebfflclen't

    to tletermine the political complexion c theAeeisuttare: Dai it is certain tbat tb Demoorats hare gained largely, and possibly sleeted amajority to th Hons of Representatives..,. Wbav never known an election of which it wasav niucnii w otjuiia ine returns. . 1 oe uemo- -crau bar gained Sooator .in: ia BabjtvlatiU.andi ia all orobabilitv. ana InMontgomery nd one In" Backi,""Th currnitot the vote throughout the tale IS decidedly infavor of, tb Democrats, and indicate that ia la 1:destined to control tbe politics of this Btate In rf'tha Yatara. ""' - '" ' ' '

    I From tbe complexion of tbe election re lurefrom rarlewi quarter of the Stat we have little to doubt that the Democrats harp srtnaiorltvof tbe aggregav .populaej vetai pod ;prpbeblybav elect! majorilp pf members, to theHouse of Representatives .Tbv eot i West. :moreieod county la indicative of a revolnHOTi in

    ".WW." 9,the 6Mt 1- - a j a- r..wo o 11 tState Election.Moarrooisrty Cctf,' W". 10.4-T- h w'hol

    'smocratie bounty ticket is .elected, aJobaC.Smith la elected Senator bv a BsioitV Of aboutwill); Kile, sheriff, by Pbe-u- t l.fMiOr and'Ctap- -mnn, lor Judge, will nave about w.uuu majority.

    fcair, uct. lb M. u..A.wry, t- - KadtaaleoabHOPnaclididate. ba been elected to tbe

    BUt Setste- - over the Union candidate In thei27 fh VCOAlOrlal Die trlctT

    1 . -- si.aD Tbe Demoorscv of the Srlngfeld Dl- -

    rjc, io jiituuia, ue,e. DDiAUiami aaautTaa i, 1.Thornton r 'OonTi(i Jw plaawof klaClsrv I

    ntnd. reslgrlcd, tH- - tt.tef m Appointed Gen-- 1ralfntb army'''

    Nort arnsi aval eeur calvelfromth. Vitataelection np tbe t moot our ft 'log Id rThe pro ablll f Is t' ugh that ia J epta.r.or monvrl tkuti Lwa tioa cwierkf tuooewk.'ful.''niiy to b expeotea mat partycould succeiid. With fully one third ita.,.raa.w

    lie-ar- there tor tbe purpose" of eruihlug outrrhelltaia tbatseotional fanatics, North2wwked

    aavf Precipitated upon the 000067.While th Democrats are lending their asslst-anc- a

    to uphold tha flag and enforce th author-ity of the Goveromvut. Abolitionists ar abpr- -logthemlvM 'rnto ft offloaa- - to' th, guW ofUnlop mear-6Wy- w; ()(d.) Vlunimr1

    In w. .l'- !llli "l S ' Pi in hii 1 ti eiI

    .uHeww Mail k Cow Ylo hsa Mic.'4--snuaotlbtr eompiaiBi tat n nu a no cow.which has twelve qnarts of milk to spare) ateach milking, yal sb wilt not let him hav ainyuntil bar calf kas had hi npply. J He wnts toknow tb rsaaoa nl thla.i II strongly Suspectstber 1 something ia is looks, bis hat. drenor moral bis way of milklag, whichhas so set hie dumb beast against him. H Iiin great tribulation, fie, lie, sir 1 just try milklag pop teat at tlme.i aa th calf do, ahdsee If that won't make her gtv down. Wsbay known this to answer tbe purpose many atime.. Jf tbat won't do, along with It try thpraotlo of giving her some favorite food, jpetto divert ber attention when too Begin to milk".

    American Agriculturist.

    By Bor. W. Bruih, Oct. 10th, at reatdeDc ofbride's fattier, Mr. On. W, Hjuist sad Uias Zauaa St.BT.uKii)t, both of thlaoountn V . .. )


    Sheriffs Sale,I. w. riTTMl. at 1t.JQ. Keep fit 0.-'- . r:.t ... .,- ; - 1. .1,, ..T)T VIBTVE or A WK1T Or Wl FAXJ la the above eaee. and alao two etbar writs, one lafavor f John P. Bomi va. J. 0, Knaps te Co., aad oeeIn favor William O. Pana rt. i. . Knapp at 0 .toax dlraoted from tbe Ooart of Oomaioa Pleaa of Delawareooanqr, Ohio, I will effet for sale at the etare reoaa Mo.10 laet Broad atreet, Buckeje Block, lo tha city of Op--lumkaa, aale eomaMnclnf ea - 1 'IPMonday, th 14th day of Oc.'A: D. 1861,atte'oloea a. m., aflne ajsortnenr ot Cry teoda aadnoBena, awe alone, eae ate ladder, two sots rairbana aacaiee, one oeat, eae eigat ay otook, a, ev ivh.t

    rnnier a reea a.i . -3 O. "Tf? n0rIAK. Bherlff,.7By Id. Davie, Depaty.

    W. B. Kawr, iVcflfaTfiVnpa am.:v. vti'' 8herilT.rfi'Sale.,

    BlUe, WheelookStOo- ve, , ( Order of aale attaohmenf.

    J. G. Knaps c Co. mi, i. ,1 IBY VIHTTJE OF AN OBDCH OF PAttUS directed from th Bonerlor Court of franklin county, Ohio, In tbe above eaee. and another caa.whereta Vred. BnltarfleM, aotinee ef Seforeai, Aras- -atronf m Co.. are plalatuTa, Te. J. 0- - Xaapp Oa areoaienuania. 1 win oner ror aale at ine (toie-fwoa- u anafter the execntlona are VatUfled aa deecribed In theabove advenaMmeat, . the' rematalnc Dortlon of Baldlock ot goodai ealacomeaeneuiaaa. j. y.jJ. iir.n IFriday, th 18th flay Pf Ootober A. Dr 1861 1

    at 8 eMoekVA. M. .'.noli i; r a tn (I aotvitt 1rrlatersfrea, S 3D.aJA:r. ,vj ia. I ua; i:nxu: t :,:: j JJW W. bn BherlffKIUU. .awBft.'Ty." ut"

    ;i a :us

    tSealed-PfbpdsaW"- "

    WILMtB ftECJEIVED AT THE Of" . TIC J ,ef . the Quartermaeter Oenerak OelambaiOhio, onUl 13 it, BAiySH47, th ffOfQBiPtiar thifollowing articles army eUthingiiirr) r;-'.- . raJdi?9,000 Regnlallon Jorae Oapa andOoTera, Bine Oloth8,000 do . a llgedBlontesV A1,500 do Cavalry Jackets, ) daik bin. .An , . t . . i w6,000 laH f TrcPaera,a)lM4akyblunKeriey.

    18,000 Orey Shirts, Colon. FlaoneJ,!? o,18,000 FalraDrawera,. do. ...,..(8,000 Valrt Shoes, nu-.- j tTt iiin

    , 3,000 nUraOaralry Baotv: ,Pr.HIr.Ws.ll.P!

    8,000 Js&ntry OveroeatSrall.waol sky kla Keraeyr I3.00B Cavalry J de'eiiaa,.4.S00 Falra LhakeU, alj weoj.1 IP Uo taa prr.r

    AU lbs above artkles aiw rertuired fi be1 of 'aiateflkiSndT tty la eoirerpnAlliui' In every reipect ,t&! ba tf. 9 JArm Bsguiauon'.,-;;-.- ; v (, -- r,- w a.. eampie pattern u eaca arucie aiay e saea at tae eificeof tb itejiaaeter 6aeml,Coambm.oA a'.y

    Bids meet be mate aeaamery fc each article, andStat SM aamet el hro or mote turetlee.1' "' Tor, fcllteoepted cida, flit partita will be KqaireA tolUebeada wiHnaiBcItntafonrlty, lorthalallhfol parformaace of the aoptracW and la caas ef fallSre la thetune el delivery arte the quality ef the artlel! taeBtate aeatrrea the'Hrbt'te pnrcbtee them elsewhere1 atOie expense of thecontiactor,''' .

    Fajmant will be made within lUty iaya froaTtion of contxact., , j, u'l. ixip: - ,

    Delivery ef Cavalry am artillery dlothmf te k madeat Ootombae within 30 days from date ef coatraet, inequal proportlona each'WwV V v.1,"'"..', '

    Delivery of Infantry .clolhlug an! of Cape and blaa-kela- ,to be made within forty-Ar- e dj,.la equal pnptt-tlon- aeach week.. '. ,'...-- ') ,M.tWai.l

    Frapoaala will be addranad Ur ,.'-- Vov i ,tn. i. '. f '.' -- i ' Qt6V. 'VliABy.'..f rt

    .ecia-t- d XJolomboa.:,j ,.t I .j v'lii a.l li

    AGRiCOlTDlUl WAEEIIOUSB.!) 'jJklntJ Seecl fefore,'



    r )oii 1 ..1 e .eii( rw f"c


    Ouuasetl,"VP4k1tTtIl'w XPPJire,atheraod BabbeT Beltfnf,' Io4 Xsajhay, Jleaa and


    MEDICAL'COLLCE. II UlX.AXll '.' , A..l.r.A.. i3Ui

    rpilE nEGCLAH.C-JTJRS- E OF LtCX TUnKn in this .inatltutlon-wi- u oommaaea on

    THURSDAY, the Set af (ttlOUBA, a BnH tbe latef auroa, ltjoa

    .1 4 v-- f V J f.." a'ViW'W n:arinfu rarwoii-ll- i

    Prorcianr of Xaaorv and PranUoM aAd Daaal.7.1 UVJS AHd llil'i0

    - to j t FttANCia pARTER;M DlProf, of Oiletrlrt A TtltKaMi'of.'lfoiitn A Children,

    JKORbl SO afS-- i lil 0; IIwiaiAtrot, of Aateay ant JhyehjloiT-h,- l

    . t.a h. tmU f Sartersi . a U ti4 ,fv.- - fwatti awrt aa ea jrnm iwr

    i, u iiw ..S- - LOVING Mrtr' p Mai, iav?hM $wWwKJi. I - l J .bV'JU',PJT7T i" s

    - 1 a--Hwii"'' a. fTf V;vy ttsVi.iHa W.eV"

    R. NsPAtr.MT'P:1...-- , DtaDOBAiratce .oi-- Anao.- - anuv- - -r- - ,nt i a,-

    .ui.iA;n- -i irrj.n 1 .barITrv'i KOrStiH-.- K1 ,f.:ii'iAl ..

    Tlcketa for'all the Profeaaera. .r.w i'V,ilMMatrlcuUticnTlkutfonlipaidQoo).,,., t 5 00Oradnatlon Pees.-- . ..,.v,l"" '' "Demonatmtlon BiV1ce Slip

    Poatdiiif 8toJprwetlt, toclndlni Qtbtanl fni.The Clinical ' and Dotpltal adTantagea ponaist'ln the

    larireandiliTeralSedOollreCllnlc.and tha lioipltaloftne V rankiln IHD-- r uniwr - ro inaaai ine twoMilitary Campaln Mf actjhbofhood will be acceeaibfe te

    (Alt. ktKwa ea tadblap Wfll setromptly ihtlereS; Ifiii mi iaMtliwacsl toeollid ., J ,,rrtrIflWITHj Dean

    t n rr1, nTTrjKHaaTRn fa rrft inVI Unn fchlrt atoaoaM- - 'Vlain anS ruin."- - "

    tblrtinir ao Boeoea Linens.' a 4.JJaetvAiaaal Ulwr

    LinnlMrrrtif am) lwne.' ro.w-- 1 ,1 i, M irtaww...-i-

    aeSaMri lir irfM I'rO t.trlen lfi arS ft H...r-'- - " Ini..eiITahl CloH -- i . n ' ., !.!"--eir- - '

    Hi rtlnwa fe-n- xa oio - ww, ,r. a.1So aaHAJllwan t c - .

    W Pe,eawt l f... - -BATH at BflSfr"'fetat S.IvttUBJh street.


    BaADQCABvaaa 0, Nu. via a 3 V.tiOABTBaaUr. Qx IUl, Or4yr

    UollUlLlut,Ov;t,S,ltl. Ta anau jtn i ikii tub xa b s5, nta ian.aiJABB.rttoiere on futlouPaiD

    add paid by the Amletanl Qnartermuter U,pa. SO, jnUa.UMUa, flolaaaima,

    TfT fV-T- ATM) rf ft

    TlTIWr RTOD "O Iattn5rTYiwJta v Wt,.i-- i.; hi W llo'iy-pei- j fjT I

    HliADLtSY & EBERLY, -., !! le';i etmVK'UnpVED TO ,TUKU jwxriJUL BXQBaV... 1 aa IUl X -and hare aeeoclatad with themaelres WM. KIOBARDlLIoadertbearmef -

    :aV:Kichalraift .,t) V fr so

    Vorttlof pn ot ths) Urjceit Dry floodi llonsei In thrrvn

    This Ilooae la conatantlv aasairlnr Maar Alanla.

    NEW STYLES Of D5 ES (jOO.DS,. a,V, )fftI?P SILK'AND WpbL fOPiUNS;


    PLAIN. AND FANCY 8 ILKS14:t liifP.H.C ttrh.;'fl 4 -

    Tha. VaPsVMi mnal M.aalaksat nHrfavai a a T t Ut ... ... varatttmPOl 1


    In Ihe City, caa be found at ':'1''!,v I riHEADLEY, EBERLY'&r RTCriJLltti.

    tetT :Ta.l .h f.wvia

    vllTMin-- l AJIUUlWAtU AMUUD.I vx treat variety, joat rseetyod by

    I ,n HEADLEY, EBBRLY A RICHAEDa..10 m !(-- . At BO? oviar'.ael

    ZEPHYR WOR'STEDS,i :! I i" ft.. .5-- .,


    Q'3 J

    L A D I E 8. 9 L 0 T H;C L 0 A K 8,Of tha Veweit Styles, juat received, a4 also' mad to

    HEADLf.Y, EBERLY St RJQJI ARDtf0 ; .taWiiA,'ttajr.v't''

    4o" ha.iiie'8HAWL8, C LOTUS.KBMKOBl.tJiBsIMRBgS?"11113'1

    chintz, BHlMmat,,-"W- "'

    ,e u OOTPOM Mnr W6 0ARparrAa.f--'il-

    rha BrnT, 1uT)n aaojjfei the Caah 7yUm hvthUit- -bhaae aad aale of. Oocxla. are enabled to Mil troaal&ea-!-per oentleas thaa stbai honaea under Uteandtt ayacanj. L

    HEADJY, E2KRLY atICHAEDS,.A:.y K,.v. .'JulT IS lewieeaou ana vjv oouin .Migfj otrcciv-- 0

    V7 .'o biabaM ail la Cl TJ y.?t.,a.wkt

    lTA..-- ; I.Stat.xr a-

    ,aw,'a 'il,i' !lal 'e, Mvaali119' S0UTH',.'1UGILTSTREET

    AI W V'aAlOriSNa AtAlK' - A i libit r.'iS.S.-E-AM- E5

    .(.Kil'J iJ t:LlAlltr (YK.UJ Wly bill vv vinwinnau,,JJ wtdtaVovmO i. :AIa now recelrinr; aWrjrrfatid Iteelrable etock ot

    t ed'.wjau al uJ eT"f ' '.Uiemaii

    which he will aellalprlcea that will enable hun ft re-tain the repntatloa the gtandlready eojoya of being the

    v ouoato Store Jtf IK." Ill,ai tae uiqr. maen ot ua is toca waa upajnabefore the late extraordinary advance, end al . can besold aa- t An 14 9 Li-w- v n!


    t,)Trtn f 'r

    Ir'or I.av1 iewa. Mi ia ta3, Child rsm.1 ...v lii'i'l h')Wof the very beat qoallty and make. ,1 aorlially.invite

    ue oiu cuitonera 01 ine nouiiv ana. everyooay eiaeacall aadenmlne mjilocia before purohaalag - t , ril .'' ): eJa Jv e:pin aoojH piB piaibtx tQafSBA, rno.

    r.J aA.lAJjrtl frHAiJ XlTOfl TTCir wjsyt 'CT - T t wjN MM ,4)


    v vamot TjaBHM arT.wwVTeare mtw aaTarlnr owrtmawnae etoeh of PaPcy btesahub Alirtaa aaaa taaa evwr ar--ffrT- e In thlt city.Iheattamlioay a :tlie fcaaHow af that eHy and'; vicinity beoiwiwa, a emt atori w vmxr aeiaet anit enmpmte la ailimdeaof toodalDlhia Una....

    , PBTBB BAIM,aoraa. , n gonu, uign jtreet.' ' .

    amaaeaaammaaeamewtewM&-- '

    5PJlAIiJLlIlCESr'Il'IkELT MABEt.' villi

    waahlnctOB, Praaklin and Jackaoa naa to, rtaatPavJtuxsiea By their pwrf merits. ,' Jamaj fti ia klae aftaJabf great distinction by the merit of his a (rivalled

    Baleratna, ; (s mles an enormona. 'Depot, 312everr


    aTBr- -i if a "WTTnrTA-.- .t7.r t, m;ujuvvju,it.Maff?3Urrft'JaatPablishedlaa BeaMBneajapr PrW!

    k iiottjrp miH ifATrrn, tut1" Xtkb srY asdBADIOAb ODM OP PKkjsATOI KUJt. A Or BamUiiJ

    eakneea, lnvotnntitrv Era leatone, lexnal Debility, andImpedlmente to kUi rik.-- i irenenllly,lrvoaanee,iCoaftomptlon, Kpllepey and Vita, t entaf and PuyMcal

    reealUng from Beii-baa- Ao. By jtouej J,at. D., author of the Preen Book, Ae.b-w- j,



    Bwwn Thsasaali aiitterra,t ande seat, tat a plala enTalope,-

    - te syajilnfpost paid, an reoelpt af two eeampe, by !r,' OtIAB,

    u. ana, aw Bowery, New Xork, Poet-OWr- v BoyJ. 4.S8S. V 1S -- apT;SoidkirC" '"' V ,' 1 -'i

    JPrm ( t"H mMt,WnOBwyK:ttoHeadache, Oiddloess, Drowalneaa ahd ainrmi 1 a ihe ears, arUag frsm to iraaaowealao4MS bead, eheald asvsr ba rlthoert Brandrsth'a Fills, andStaay hlfhly aaaieiawa Spmptosas will ba aesneVa ayPastr Uamadlate ass. If lii.B-jJ- K aoaatwI Tb Hon. J. HtmUs WatieheiiiilVwiw )Oiarventy avs years ef age, kas weed i saeSesaVs Pills farPventy Br yean at his sol saedWre.i''Wlii-r- l be feefslsdisposed, bo It from Cold, RhetuMtlanwache, Billons AlTeetlana, CoeUra-a-aa ar IrrftaUsal ef theUdneys or bladder, be dps aofblnf bat ft e a let Jfoses

    SlssuiaalBnthcelis to take tlx pills, aa VeMoe fhewe each trlrtfc-m- a sill . Tn mn attack of ateknesa

    tor years; thy s'jnpie methoi baa netcr oiUdte) reamrS him to hnltb: and frw men are to he foand aoaeure and SnrW - htu

    old ay J.iaw R, cms, ir1st,lOeiaSJe,wa4 Vfau cuM Uliie aVtaAraa let enMctiie '-"'

    Wt r '. Ifa.. 1. . ,ifTt''!ial:v f,in exfrpet iVoa--

    - .; ,.. -. r--latter written by Gi yV. J. . tuune, paster et tbPhrrei8tsaet BapttiT OHtmb, Brooklyn, V. T.,to(ba'-Jeait- act H4rt," C;.!dnU,0,an4)aBeryolomee In --'r pf Oitw .:i renowsetVmedlolne, Mas.Wuesuw Bc ao OaniasutM Twramai ."Wew MVWtlameot m roar aotanuie f trxiWiawViiKiiiaVrw'ewwnae-- r

    f--r rt ""l---1 .i. eaefeet fa . .urr.-- . tuifUv,; '..;, booabog wa r , a"i , n n it.ouuee.' v r One of tbe aioaa euroaaai.l

    Ma of . '. e M la eae af the beat. And thanyomi iMMure woe hTf Paiiwe sw't 4 kwtter thaa

    kwrnarWr.; , g7;deif


    T. A flT: T.T.n ye o r n .V-- "

    .fnyifrca .r?rAPfrr'TfXlJMUMaaaATptaaraaaaaaiWi

    3 ArtoB HI fwARlOQufis AND orrinn. 234 annrrr HMKifV IH4 HM : T '

    VII i, Liu .tin I k1 I, tio5 jaoumsUB, 0HI0-n- J

    Teepedljyp!i i . . . . ,vawXQOflaW uiuava 'IfjOl.... tv-- i

    14 .ill in :i v. iiateVff1. , arow.y rre.

    , I LftJ ui'MTtCfftEIQHT. aiSlE,

    Vit Ifew Yodc ft .Erie BiLUoaJ,

    And, iOtherEoads LeaVMns'stJVA,,) fc

    Wm, ,.tl r.ju, ,ti- -fcn ve.iauiV C i H

    Chartered Care over moat Roads oh PuAinaai Tm'inajrr."j . a tui ' ..l"R"lwa


    .rAlflL HreiRY, BupirrrntendenVBlUralo.ICBt it SON, Airetitt,,r (ujI qT ty., Brnnd Street.

    "f" .OT.i3':i YHAivn titrrtr.; Oysters LOystersL!

    HASsjP RKOEltEl), AND tVIIXnreipt, by Vfyreea, of

    TRESS CAk'&'&tijfYBJE&S;Prom Baltltoori ind Jrahr lfava-C- -

    Oallat Wag-nejj-e Oyater aad Frait )ie.9aatBUUetreetJ v n ill. I UiUt.v'i "imJSa-- ,7 'angJMtf

    NEWVOOAL YARD.Tfi?.1tlb,b:uRS,G1,,,E JKEEM COW.

    aale, the beat aualily of

    nooKiNa : guate poal, -Which be will nil at Uia lowsal market nrlM.'P'S, . .ri.i, i 7 v--w ..rorm, voat peiore uurcUAltua alia- -Wluir...

    Office at'liie atara of aaadonL auv.l.m Ac (In., hf.flAf P.n.1

    puxktayA v va'aau

    J 6 H N'-H- TD" N T B R,x M ER C HANT- - Al l!d fif,

    No. S20 BoSit1t':fgri',telreet. Three,;aitloot-- i outr! of Rich,HAS inat'tVcelred a choice rtock'1if"lll.Vji5DGOODS, suitable for gfntlemen', wear.flnetnmoro will have tbelr orders neatly Slid tnbdintlal-liaxeoute- d

    at the lowest ratee. Ti.Isootaamft

    .OUSma e- H-

    (Lata of Phalon'aJUUblUhment, N. T. 4prtorniE'rosi is?int's4protViA. Pa,hionable BhaTing, llair 43Httlo,iyiampmwr,parllnKandDreaslng Saloon, 'Z T V,South HIarr St.ipteiaii? Store,oVn7hes.eJ:i'b T,rl0n,vladlea.' anPOhndiWs Hair PrflPdrarYafhs E?,tstyle, -- .r.iniiii t.iDiao anAer

    . K'-' ' r

    ;A'WT'3i'ar'wiV ...ju t-- c? uujuuAaiuit",w;'OPTJCALTflSTITUTE:

    Tfis TW ArfiiiU llalrV Ui ,hcHuman Miirki over Invented.;t

    .HIA- -I liJila.;r Vfto-pij-r- .0 v'DT'tJTt-V- A IIPRACTICAL-f- i1 isars, mt:i ijaHiiKST assoutiXV D4Ilt of tke.aieUUarmVe tlnrla- - f Rnartuilsa.

    All hie aaaieaiwaathe ,, or 'arireand In wlih'the gmteat dare,ao ae to suit Ihe Byes at; all oasaaj eurina; Weakneu.Diixlneae or Tnflammatioa nf tha a.- ama-M- tnretrmgth rtwllni or fins eewlnav. n t, ,

    -- TTr 1 K ,S,is.-- . UA ae awlO

    Wnoleaale fsief siil Dealer Im

    i--i iWati 3AUB BtNaP, lamsm J--Jftepif j pattsily m Biwvt4 ttfTt3sv:. . . . .iMa.uuAwiiwa' " ' m oUSaall awi-jr- ai . pi ki3 V.-- -. -t- -n" r- - a w

    W)t tpagilPe-t- wi 4.1 a.ill,. J,. .lA

    . vi . rs m s' aaHUH'JUa

    f'VSOwnt.rt JPifPf .PPd ForpUhtnteiilO

    OotSSdly .anaawloO

    aw aUVCPXb-OSh TP AfcK- -J A RKBTTBArX74t

    - a u a fi-- u wi- -j Mi,No. 10G, ntii.ti

    JBftVJI, OoX-TOSpUO- yl

    tR c E n I e tv p tro D O Cvn 1 11 I!0i.Lbon


    r IjUU R. SALT, LIQUOR?, ETtr.,ritf ,'?": (:t '

    STORAGE fc CO?.ar.IIS3IO?llylt . t4.t4tAA.WT

    A'GIVE BRASS W0rE5?iCrner Bprlr A Vtr itt

    t a'l ,

    t7. B. POTOillV,; PP--AJiii.iiiA . ..d, ..- -- .- -

    tad HsnnfWMure'-- ef Bi mi and '" Oetln-- ,.

    aLni--i --, at iiwia-- e ua --aatepl

    ' 'avptmn i ir-- ri f - Lt--i JarsPs

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