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C.I.G. Consulting s.r.l. Office: Via Lido, 96/c – Postal Code:92019 - Sciacca (Ag)

Register of Companies of Agrigento n. 124922, Tax Code and VAT: IT01768710848 Phone. + 39 0925 84112 Fax: + 39 0925 903279 e-mail: [email protected] - pec: [email protected] 1/32

The undersigned Cristina Buscarnera borned in Sciacca (AG) in 02-July-1987 and

placed in “Via Lido n. 96/C” tax code.: BSC CST 87L42 I533W as Sole Administrator of C.I.G.

Consulting s.r.l. located in Sciacca in “Via Lido n. 96/C” Tax Code and VAT: IT01768710848,

for the accomplishment of the tasks, takes advantage of the following professionals:

- Eng. Michele Buscarnera – Technical Manager

- Doct. Eng. Giuseppe Buscarnera

- Eng. Cristina Buscarnera

their curricula are below reported.

C.I.G. Consulting S.r.l.

(Sole Administator)

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C.I.G. Consulting s.r.l. 92019 SCIACCA 14-03-2016

C.I.G. Consulting s.r.l. Office: Via Lido, 96/c – Postal Code:92019 - Sciacca (Ag)

Register of Companies of Agrigento n. 124922, Tax Code and VAT: IT01768710848 Phone. + 39 0925 84112 Fax: + 39 0925 903279 e-mail: [email protected] - pec: [email protected] 2/32


The undersigned Ing. Michele Buscarnera, born March 18th 1952 in Sciacca (AG) and therein

resident in via Lido n. 96/c, managing his own enigineering firm in Sciacca via Savignano n. 7,

being aware of the legal consequences of declaring utruthful information, declares to have obtained

a degree of Civil Engineering with full marks (110/110 cum laude) from the Faculty of Engineering

of the University of Palermo on July 14th 1976. The degree was attained with the specialization in

Hydraulic Engineering, with the Thesis on the subject of: ‘Application of Computer Programming

Tools to the Stability Analysis of Non-homogeneous Slopes With Pore Water Pressures’.

Immediatly after graduation he worked as an intern in the Geotechnical and Mining Enigineering

Institute of the University of Palermo until June 1977. During this internship he participated to

research and didactic activities.

Mr Buscarnera qualified as a professional civil engineer passing the National Exam for Professional

Activity (Esame di Stato) in 1977 at the University of Palermo. Afterwards, Mr Buscarnera

registered as a professional engineer on the Engineering Roll in the Province of Agrigento on

February 3rd 1977, with registration number 329.

Immediately after his registration as a professional engineer, Mr Buscarnera joined the geotechnical

consulting firm S.T.A.I.G. (Studio Tecnico Applicazioni Idrauliche e Geotecniche), where he

worked until 1979. During this employment period Mr Buscarnera worked on several engineering

projects, mainly focusing on geotechnical design issues.

In 1980, he founded the C.I.G. (Centro Ingegneria Geotecnica) engineering firm, within which he

conducted his own professional activity. At the same time he was the technical director of C.I.G.

Laboratorio s.r.l., a society founded on January 20th 1981 and focused on the execution of

geotechnical laboratory tests.

In addition Mr Buscarnera holds the following titles and certifications:

Professional Qualification Location or Institution Date

Professional training course on ‘Steel Structures

for Housing Building’.

University of Palermo April-June


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Research activity at the the Geotechnical and

Mining Enigineering Institute of the University of


University of Palermo from 1976 to


Qualifying examination for the Teaching of

Physical Sciences.

Ministry of Public


April 10th


Professional training course ‘Safety in Building


Professional Order of

Engineers of the

Province of Agrigento

June 6th 1997

Certificate of participation in the convention

‘Works Supervision and Structure Inspection’.

Convention Center of


April 29th


Presentation at the XV national geotechnical

engineering conference: ‘Analysis of Construction

Methods of Pumping Systems in Mondello’.

Spoleto – (PG) May 4th-6 th


Certificate of attendance to the course ‘Landslides

Movements and Slope Stability’.

Messina October 14 th -

15 th 1994

Certificate of participation in the conference

‘Geotechnical Engineering for Design and

Construction of Controlled Public Waste


Milazzo – (ME) April 13 th-14th


Professional training course on ‘Underpinning of

Masonry Buildings’.

Agrigento November 18

th-19 th 1989

C.T.A. course on the subject ‘Steel Structures for

Residential and Industrial Constructions’.



The most relevant works Mr. Michele Buscarnera has been involved with are: - Speedway Palermo-Sciacca; Geotechnical consultancy during contruction. Client: Amministrazione Provinciale di Palermo; Funding Body: Cassa per il Mezzogiorno. - Sewerage system of the South-Esat area of Palermo; Geotechnical and structural consultancy during construction. Hired by the LESI S.p.A. agency of Palermo.

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- Work supervision for the Garcia Embankment on the Left Belice River (General work supervisor Mr. Gianni Cusmano). Client : Consorzio di Bonifica del Bacino dell'Alto e Medio Belice - Palermo. Funding Body : Cassa per il Mezzogiorno. - Design of a system to extract water for irrigation purposes from the Garcia reservoir on the Left

Belice River. Technical design consultancy. Client : Consorzio di Bonifica dell'Alto e Medio Belice - Palermo; Consorzio di Bonifica Basso

Belice e Carboi - Menfi (AG); Consorzio di Bonifica Delia-Nivolelli-Mazara del Vallo (TP). Funding Body : Cassa per il Mezzogiorno. - Palermo Harbour : Wharf construction of the outer pier from the station 0,00 to the station

732,50. Client : SAILEM agency of Palermo. Funding Body : Cassa per il Mezzogiorno. - Palermo Harbour: Stability analyses of the outer embankment extension. Client : Genio Civile OO. MM. of Palermo. Funding Body : Ministry of Public Works. - Roadway link of the Camastra municipality to the national roadway S.S. 576 (First draft). Geotechnical Consultancy. Client: the General Work supervisor prof. ing. Ugo Fuxa. Funding Body : Regione Siciliana - Assessorato ai Lavori Pubblici. - Geotechnical Consultancy for the construction project of a warehouse for storage of citrus fruit

to be built in the industrial area of Termini Imerese. Client : A.S.P.O. (Associazione Siciliana Prodotti Ortofrutticoli). - Geotechnical and structural feasibility study for the construction of retaining structures related to

the realization of a building in the outskirt of the Termini Imerese municipality. Client : Marramiero agency of Palermo. Funding Body : ENEL di Palermo. - Stability analyses of the lateral slopes of Genzano Embankment (PZ). Client : SALINI-COSTRUTTORI construction agency of Rome. Funding Body: Cassa per il Mezzogiorno. - Static calculations of the tunnel section for the acqueduct spring "Bocche d'Acqua" e

"Santissima" remediation works. Client : Arturo Cassina s.a.s. Funding Body: Cassa per il Mezzogiorno

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- Geotechnical Consultancy for the construction of n. 120 accommodations in Borgo Uliva area (Palermo).

Client : I.A.C.P. Palermo - Geotechnical Consultancy for the construction of sewering system in the North-West area of

Mondello municipality. Client : Arturo Cassina s.a.s Funding Body: Cassa per il Mezzogiorno - Geotechnical Consultancy for the final phase of the "Fastaia" stream basin erosion control works

and the "Domenico Rubino" reservoir protection in the Trapani municipality. Client : Ispettorato ripartimentale delle foreste di Trapani Funding Body: Regione Siciliana Ass. Agricoltura e foreste - Hydraulic works of the northern branch of the "Lenzi" stream basin in the Valderice

municipality territory. Client : Ispettorato ripartimentale delle foreste di Trapani Funding Body : Regione Siciliana Ass. Agricoltura e foreste - Geotechnical Consultancy for the new construction of N. 32 apartments in the Borgo Nuovo area

in Palermo. Client: I.A.C.P. Palermo Bid L. 1.867.000.000 - Geotechnical Consultancy for remediation works on the foundation system of the Sambuca

Mother Church and of the surrounding calcarenite ridge. Client: Local council of the Sambuca di Sicilia municipality. Funding Body: Ministero dei LL.PP. Ispettorato delle zone colpite dal terremoto del 1968. Bid L. 31.572.100 - Geotechnical Consultancy for the Magistrate’s courthouse construction, to be built in via

Brunelleschi (Piana Galasso area). Client : Local council of the Ribera municipality Funding Body : Cassa depositi e prestiti Bid L. 726.712.298 - Design, Work direction and geotechnical consultancy for the shared acqueduct system supplying

Ribera, Calamonaci, Lucca Sicula and Villafranca Sicula municipalities (AG). Client : Amministrazione Comunale di Ribera Funding Body: Agenzia per il Mezzogiorno. Bid L. 4.695.211.966 - Geotechnical Consultancy for the construction of 40 accommodations in Bagheria. Client: I.A.C.P. Palermo

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- Geotechnical Consultancy for the construction of the Mother Church of the Santa Ninfa municipality.

Client: Ufficio del Genio Civile di Trapani. Funding Body: Ministero dei LL.PP. Provveditorato delle OO.PP. per la Sicilia. - Geotechnical Consultancy for the construction for the reinforcement of the Anticorsara Tower of

Porto Palo. Client: Local council of the Menfi municipality. Funding Body : Regione Siciliana Assessorato LL.PP. Bid L. 4.695.211.966 - Geotechnical Consultancy for the completion of the "Vallone Caronia" channel. Client: Amministrazione Comunale di Caltabellotta. Funding Body: Regione Siciliana Assessorato LL.PP. - Geotechnical Consultancy for the completion of the Edmondo De Amicis elementary school. Client: Local council of the Caltabellotta municipality. Funding Body: Regione Siciliana Assessorato LL.PP. Bid L. 245.013.603 - Design of the shared acqueduct serving the town disrticts of “Scunda - Vigna di Corte -

Cristarella - Martini”. Design and geotechnical consulting. Client: Local council of the Caltabellotta municipality. Bid L. 415.563.704 - Geotechnical consultancy for the analysis of the landslide movement occurred in the Fondo

Bernardo area in Sciacca. Client: Amministrazione Comunale di Sciacca Funding Body : Local council of the Sciacca municipality. Bid L. - Geotechnical consultancy for the roadway connection construction in the North-East of the city

of Agrigento. Client : Ammnistrazione Comunale di Agrigento. Funding Body: Regione Siciliana Assessorato LL.PP. First Bid L. 3.059.570.000 Second Bid L. Third Bid L. 7.560.477.067 - Geotechnical consultancy for the construction of 140 apartments in the Palermo municipality -

Riserva Reale area. Client: I.A.C.P. Palermo Funding Body: Ministero di Grazia e Giustizia, Ministero della Difesa, Ministero degli Interni - Restoration works of the ex Torre Federiciana Castle, in Menfi. Client: Local council of the Menfi municipality

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Bid L. 1.137.870.000 - Involved with the bid package for design and realization of pollution remediation works on the

Verdura river waters and for their channeling on the Ribera municipality reservoir. Client: CO.SI.A.C. Palermo. - Geotechnical consultancy for the roadway connection between Menfi-Porto Palo and Gurra di

Mare. Client: Local council of the Menfi municipality. Fundiung Body: Regione Siciliana. Assessorato Agricoltura e Foreste. Bid L. 486.596.000. - Contract competition participation for design and realization of a water treatment plant in the

Mazara del Vallo municipality, to be built in the surroundings of the Delia river. Client: Secit Conscoop firm. Bid L. 2.500.000.000 - Geotechnical consultancy for the main urban arterial construction connecting the industrial,

harbour and turistic areas of the Porto Empedocle urban center. Client: Local council of the Porto Empedocle municipality. Funding Body: F.I.O - Agenzia per il Mezzogiorno - Regione Siciliana - Assessorato LL.PP. First Bid L. 18.520.000.000 Second Bid L. Second Bid L. 22.837.000.000 - Design of a multistore parking in Via Garibaldi-Porto Empedocle and of the urban arterial from

altipiano Lanterna to the historical city center. Cient: Local council of the Porto Empedocle municipality. Funding Body: Regione Siciliana Assessorato LL.PP. Bid L. 4.550.000.000 - Geotechnical consultancy for the final phase project in the Vittorio Emanuele III Hospital, in

Salemi. Client: U.S.L. N. 4 Mazara del Vallo. Funding Body: Regione Siciliana Assessorato LL.PP. Bid L. 4.778.000.000 - Geotechnical consultancy for the restoration of the Naro external road damaged by the

calamitous events occurred in the Santo Stefano di Quisquina territory. Client: Roccaforte Cianciana construction firm. Funding Body: Regione Siciliana. Ufficio del Genio Civile di Agrigento - Geotechnical consultancy for restoration and strengthening of the former Capuchin friary in the

Acate municipality. Client: Local council of the Acate municipality. Funding Body: Regione Siciliana Assessorato LL.PP.

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Bid L. 4.400.000.000 - Geotechnical consultancy for the construction of a hydraulic reservoir and of the related

hydraulic regulation systems. Client: Local council of the Raffadali municipality. Funding Body: Regione Siciliana Assessorato LL.PP. - Design of the road connection of the national roadway S.S. 118 (Agrigento-Palermo) with the

internal areas of Alessandria della Rocca, S. Biagio Platani, Sant'Angelo Muxaro, Santa Elisabetta and Casteltermini municipalities.

Client : Consorzio di Bonifica delle Valli del Platani e del Tumarrano. Funding Body : Regione Siciliana Assessorato LL.PP. Bid L. 22.720.000.000 - Geotechnical consultancy for the urban redevelopment of the low income housing in the Rione

Barca area. Client: Local council of the Raffadali municipality. Bid L. - Geotechnical consultancy for the connection works of the Fontanelle neighbourhood with

national roadway SS. 118 Agrigento-Raffadali. Client: Local council of the Agrigento municipality. Funding Body : Regione Siciliana Assessorato LL.PP. Bid I stralcio L. 3.249.500.000 Bid II stralcio L. - Geotechnical consultancy for the construction of the "G. Verga" school. Client: Local council of the Canicattì municipality. Bid L. 6.757.000.000 - Geotechnical consultancy for the collection of residual flows of the Jato river and for the

realization of the pumping system to the Poma plant in the Cicala area. Client: Local council of the Palermo municipality. Bid L. - Geotechnical consultancy for the realization of a convention center and the restoration of the

San Pellegrino hermitage and of the San Benedetto church in the Caltabellotta municipality. Client: Local council of the Caltabellotta municipality. - Geotechnical consultancy for the stabilization works of the upslope and dowslope areas of Via

Empedocle in Favara. Client: Ufficio del Genio Civile di Agrigento. Bid L. 2.500.000.000 - Geotechnical consultancy for the construction design of the Technical School for Building

Works in Campobello di Mazara.

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Bid L. 850.000.000 - Site investigations, drilling and pumping tests for the identification of underground acquifers in

the Castellammare del Golfo municipality. Client: Agenzia di Promozione per lo sviluppo del Mezzogiorno. - Geotechnical consultancy for the design of an external circumscibing arterial in Alessandria

della Rocca. - Design of the consolidation works on the rock ridge loacted in the North of the c.da Capo urban

center in the Siculiana municipality territory. Customer: Local council of the Siculiana municipality. First Bid L. 2.163.547.382. Second Bid L. 2.018.484.000. - Geotechnical consultancy for the construction design of an elementary school located in via

Pietro Nenni in Favara. Bid L. 4.783.141.540 - Geotechnical consultancy for the design of the ring road in the Sambuca di Sicilia municipality. Bid L. 22.616.000.000 - Technical final assessment of the new Cefalù Hospital. Structural anlaysis. Client : Ing. Guido Lambertini construction firm. Funding Body : U.S.L. n. 9. Bid L. 3.217.365.560 - Geological and geotechnical study for the bus station located in via Galilei in the city of

Palermo. Client: Local council of the Palermo municipality. Bid L. 19.191.973.000 - Structural analysis of the Piano del Campo reservoir on the right branch of the Belice river and

the irrigation pipeline Torrente Corleone. Client: Philipp Holzmann Ag. Construction firm Funding Body: Agenzia promozionale dello sviluppo del mezzogiorno. - Geotechnical consultancy for the renovation and reinforcement of the “Maria SS. del Buon

Consiglio” Church located in Porto Empedocle. Client: Ufficio del Genio Civile di Agrigento. Bid L. 674.652.619. - Design of the internal west circumscribing arterial of the Ribera municipality. Geotechnical

consultancy. Client: Local council of the Ribera municipality. Bid L. 10.750.221.496

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- Construction of the new Law Court in Agrigento. Geotechnical consultancy. - Intervetion on the discharge tunnel of the Trinità embankment in Castelvetrano. Client: E.S.A. Ente Sviluppo Agricolo - Palermo. - Design for the construction of a football field velodrome in the Fondo Patti - San Gabriele area

and the Z.E.N. neighbourhood Client: Local council of the Palermo municipality. Bid L. 12.350.680.895 - Geotechnical consultancy for the construction design of an outdoor theater in Realmonte. Client: Local council of the Realmonte municipality. Bid L. 2.544.233.000 - Geotechnical consultancy for the construction design of a parking located in via Dante in

Agrigento. Bid L. 3.190.648.567 - Geotechnical consultancy for the completion of the reiforcement and restoration works of the

Castello Luna in Sciacca. Final phase works for the use of the “teatro all’aperto” complex. Bid L. 2.737.579.150 - Geotechnical consultancy for the emergency reiforcement works of the ongoing static disruption

n the buildings of the San Giovanni di Dio civil Hospital in Agrigento. Client: Ufficio del Genio Civile di Agrigento. Bid L. 1.958.874.640 - Strengthening and restoration works in the SS. Agostino boarding school and on the Tommaso -

Piazza Don Minzoni in Agrigento. Design and geotechnical consulting. Bid L. 1.895.010.799 - Redevelopment of the urban center – Remediation works on the parking dowslope of via

Dionisio Alessi in the S. Giovanni Gemini municipality. Strctural analysis and geotechnical consulting.

Bid L. 2.616.000.000 - Stabilization and remediation works of the mount Suso area on defense of residential areas and

existing structures in the Montallegro municipality. Client: Local council of the Montallegro municipality. Bid L. 15.892.620.707 - Realization of the purification plant in Mazara del Vallo. Client: Clover S.p.A. - Forlì.

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- Design of the strangthening work for thee connection speedway between the provincial roadway Sant’Angelo Muxaro - S. Biagio Platani and the national roadway SS 189 Agrigento-Palermo (Passo Leoni portion).

Client: Consorzio di Bonifica delle Valli del Platani e del Tumarrano. Bid L. 16.054.815.324 - Structural analyses for the final stage of the construction works for the reservoirs construction

within the future hydraulic network of the Siculiana municipality. Client: Salamone S. - Alletto A construction firm. - Geotechnical consultancy for the realization of an irrigation reservoir in the Sgradano area in

Raffadali. Client: Amministrazione comunale di Raffadali. - Design for the construction of lotting out roads in Enna. Geotechnical consultancy. Client: A.S.I. Enna. Bid L. 4.418.640.588 - Emergency works for the stabilization of the ongoing landslide movement and for the restoration

of the practicability in via Vittoria and via Alloro, as a consequence of the flooding indiced damages on date 23/10/90. Geotechnical consultancy.

Client : Ufficio del Genio Civile di Agrigento. Bid L. 2.704.000.000 - Design for the expansion and improvement of the consortium acquedoct network – Distretto

Nord - Est Territori di Cammarata (AG), Castronovo di Sicilia (PA), Valledolmo (PA), Vallelunga (CL). Geotechnical consulting and structural analyses.

Client: Consorzio di Bonifica delle Valli del Platani e del Tumarrano. Bid L. 17.863.000.000 - Adaptation and enlargment of the irrigation district feeded by the Arancio dike. Client: Imprese Di Penta - Impresem - Vita - C.O.C.I. - Conscoop. Funding Body: Consorzio di Bonifica Basso Belice Carboj - Menfi - Design for the realization of a 12 MW wind power farm in the Caltabellotta municipality. - Work on the connection roadways between the internal areas of Mussomeli, S. Giovanni Gemini,

and the speedway Agrigento - Palermo. (SS189). Structural and geotechnical consultancy. Client : Impresem S.p.A. Capogruppo - Consorzio Cooperative Costruzioni - Vita S.p.A. - SI.CON. S.p.A. - Di Vincenzo S.p.A. - Ente Appaltante : Provincia Regionale di Agrigento - Servizio Comuni Montani. Bid L. 46.699.999.038 - Use of collected waters in the Garcia reservoir in the Left Belice river for irrigation purposes. Client: Consorzio di bonifica Basso Belice Carboj. Bid L. 15.714.738.180

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- Relocation of the headquarters II and assessment of the logistic complex of the Air Force. Client : Impresa COGECO - Roma. - Design for the realization of a sport center in Favara. Structural analyses and geotechnical

consulting. Client: I.CO.M. s.r.l. Bid L. 5.658.079.488 - Pile load tests and related monitoring for the primary and secondary urbanization works for low

income housing in Cattolica Eraclea. Cient: Società Consortile San Benedetto Uno s.r.l. - Agrigento Bid I stralcio L. 3.584.000.000 Bid II stralcio L. 3.867.880.505 - Soil improvement interventions to tackle emergencies related to hydrologic disruptions in the

Sicilia, Calabria and Molise regions. Geotechnical consultancy and design of site investigation. Client: Local council of the Enna municipality. - Design for the construction and normalization of the main sewring system in the Canicattì

municipality. Structural analyses. Client: Mortellaro Dott. Giuseppe construction firm. - Subsidence phenomena involving the historical center of Caltabellotta (in the uphill area of via

Roma). Design of site investigation. Client : Local council of the Caltabellotta municipality. - Design of the turistic center Menfi Beach Resort located in c.da Bertolino. Geotechnical

consultancy. Client : Menfi Beach Resort. - Design for the modernization works of the provincial roadway S.P. n. 29 “Caltanissetta - San

Michele - Fazzotto - SS122”. Structural analyses. Client: Consortile S. Vincenzo s.r.l. - International Golf and Spa Resort in Sciacca – Design of a roadway interchange along the SS

115. Client: Sir Rocco Forte and Family S.p.A. - Preliminary design for the construction of a prison in Sciacca – c.da Tabbase. Client: Planarch s.r.l. – Roma - Verdura international and S.p.A. Resort. Geologic-geotechnical study. Client: Intertecno Roma.

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- International Golf and Spa Resort in Sciacca – Hydraulic supply pipeline. Design and geotechnical consultancy.

Client: Intertecno - Roma - Cavarretta Palace in Trapani – Restoration project, strengthening, structural optimization and

normative adaptation. Static analyses. Client: Conscoop Forlì.

- Marine and harbour works related with the realization of a LNG terminal for collection and

regassification in the ASI area of the Porto Empledocle municipality. Preliminary design. Definitive design. Executive design currently ongoing. Client: C&C Consulting – Alcamo.

- Restoration and maintenance of the external façades of the Sciacca Town Hall. Client: Intertecno - Roma - Design of a wind power plant in the Monte Mola area – Buseto Palizzolo. Client: La Compagnia Immobiliare SpA – Torino - Design of a wind power plant in the Fumosa area – Trapani. Client: La Compagnia Immobiliare SpA – Torino - Design of a wind power plant in the c.da Serra Cavero, Portella Legnaioli, Cozzo Pignato, Serra

Tignino nei Comuni di Alia areas - Sclafani Bagni (Pa). Client: La Compagnia Immobiliare SpA – Torino - Green energy production plant from wind sources (art. law 10/91) in the Custonaci municipality

(Tp). Consultancy. Client: Arch. Antonini.

- Green energy production plant from wind sources (art. law 10/91) in the Panarea Island (Me). Consultancy.

Client: Arch. Antonini - Design of a 12 MW wind power farm in the Caltabellotta municipality (Ag). Technical

consultancy. Client: Ing. Giuseppe Ferrante.

- Design for the construction of an Offshore Wind Power Farm – Stretto di Sicilia. Banco di Talbot – Banco di Pantelleria – Banco Avventura. Prelimnary design.

- Design for the realization of a 881'280 Wp photovoltaic plant located in c.da Scunchipani in the

Sciacca municipality (Ag). Design and geotechnical consultancy. Already realized. Amount project: €. 4'395’103.42 Customer : Sun & Soil s.r.l. - Sciacca

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- Design for the realization of a 3'100'400 Wp photovoltaic plant located in c.da Salinella in the Sciacca municipality (Ag) Design and geotechnical consultancy. Already realized. Amount project: €. 13'119’760.77 Customer : Sun & Soil s.r.l. - Sciacca.

- Design for the realization of a 3'196'800 Wp photovoltaic plant located in c.da Cozzo Pavone in

the Sciacca municipality (Ag) Design and geotechnical consultancy. Already realized. Amount project: €. 13'520’719.70 Customer : Sun & Soil s.r.l. - Sciacca.

- Design for the realization of a 985'600 Wp photovoltaic plant located in c.da Mulino Nuovo in the Sciacca municipality (Ag) Design and geotechnical consultancy. Already realized. Amount project: €. 4'278’506.14 Customer : Sun & Soil s.r.l. - Sciacca.

- Design for the realization of a 3'427'200 Wp photovoltaic plant located in c.da Galasi in the Castelvetrano municipality (Tp) Design and geotechnical consultancy. Already realized. Amount : €. 15'207’469.18 Customer : Sun & Soil s.r.l. - Sciacca.

- Design for the realization of a 3'427'200 Wp photovoltaic plant located in c.da Rivelli in the Santa Ninfa municipality (Tp) Design and geotechnical consultancy. Already realized. Amount project: €. 14'251’062.28 Customer : Sun & Soil s.r.l. - Sciacca.

- Design for the realization of a 932'400 Wp photovoltaic plant located in c.da Favara in the

Castelvetrano municipality (Tp) Design and geotechnical consultancy. Already realized. Amount project: €. 4'177’336.58 Customer : Sun & Soil s.r.l. - Sciacca.

- Design for the realization of a 3'312'000 Wp photovoltaic plant located in c.da Bonfiglio in the

Sciacca municipality (Ag) Design and geotechnical consultancy. Already realized. Amount project: €. 14'537’736.31 Customer : Solar Energy s.r.l. - Sciacca.

- Design for the realization of a 997'920 Wp photovoltaic plant located in c.da San Leonardo in

the Caltabellotta municipality (Ag) Design and geotechnical consultancy. Already realized. Amount project : €. 4'492’094.87 Customer : Solar Energy s.r.l. - Sciacca.

- Design for the realization of a 2'931'120 Wp photovoltaic plant located in c.da Piano Monaco in the Caltabellotta municipality (Ag) Design and geotechnical consultancy. Already realized. Amount project : €. 12'522’883.79 Customer : Solar Energy s.r.l. - Sciacca.

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- Design for the realization of a 3'296'000 Wp photovoltaic plant located in c.da Vigna di Corte in the Caltabellotta municipality (Ag). Design and geotechnical consultancy. Already realized. Amount project: €. 14'361’251.69 Customer: Solar Energy s.r.l. - Sciacca.

- Design for the realization of a 3'024'000 Wp photovoltaic plant located in c.da Bertolino in the

Menfi municipality (Ag). Design and geotechnical consultancy. Already realized. Amount project : €. 12'487’307.28 Customer : Solar Energy s.r.l. - Sciacca.

- Design for the realization of a 972'000 Wp photovoltaic plant located in Tranchina in the Caltabellotta municipality (Ag). Design and geotechnical consultancy. Already realized. Amount project : €. 4'350’073.15 Customer : Solar Energy s.r.l. - Sciacca.

- Design for the realization of a 3'402'000 Wp photovoltaic plant located in c.da Scunda in the Caltabellotta municipality (Ag). Design and e geotechnical consultancy. Already licensed. Amount project : €. 14'682’443.78 Customer : Solar Energy s.r.l. - Sciacca.

- Design for the realization of a 3'024'000 Wp photovoltaic plant located in c.da Feudotto in the Menfi municipality (Ag). Design and e geotechnical consultancy. Already licensed. Amount project : €. 13'279’491.45 Customer : Solar Energy s.r.l. - Sciacca.

- Design for the realization of a 984'960 Wp photovoltaic plant located in c.da Guardabasso in the Sciacca municipality (Ag). Design and geotechnical consultancy. Already licensed. Amount project : €. 4'572'390.20 Customer : Solar Energy s.r.l. - Sciacca.

- Design for the realization of a 627'480 Wp photovoltaic plant located in c.da Bertolino Solfitelli

in the Menfi municipality (Ag). Design and geotechnical consultancy. Already licensed. Amount project : €. 2'986’704.74 Customer : Solar Energy s.r.l. - Sciacca.

- Design for the realization of a 997'920 Wp photovoltaic plant located in c.da Gulfa Belmonte in the Ribera municipality (Ag). Design and geotechnical consultancy. Already licensed. Amount project : €. 4'576’510.12 Customer : Solar Energy s.r.l. - Sciacca.

- Design for the realization of a 801'360 Wp photovoltaic plant located in c.da Forficicchia in the Sciacca municipality (Ag). Design and geotechnical consultancy. Already licensed. Amount project : €. 3'928’901.86 Customer : Solar Energy s.r.l. - Sciacca.

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- Design for the realization of a 972'000 Wp photovoltaic plant located in c.da Cannitello in the Santa Margherita Belice municipality (Ag). Design and geotechnical consultancy. Already licensed. Amount project : €. 4'244’409.58 Customer : Solar Energy s.r.l. - Sciacca.

- Design for the realization of a 997'920 Wp photovoltaic plant located in c.da Isabella in the Santa Margherita Belice municipality (Ag). Design and geotechnical consultancy. Already licensed. Amount project : €. 4'554’464.02 Customer : Solar Energy s.r.l. - Sciacca.

- Design for the realization of a 4'067'280 Wp photovoltaic plant located in c.da Costiere in the Contessa Entellina municipality (Pa). Design and geotechnical consultancy. Already licensed. Amount project : €. 13'127’755.22 Customer : Solar Energy s.r.l. - Sciacca.

- Design for the realization of a 937'440 Wp photovoltaic plant located in c.da Lazzarino in the Sciacca municipality (Ag). Design and geotechnical consultancy. Already licensed. Amount project : €. 4'283’470.52 Customer : Solar Energy s.r.l. - Sciacca.

- Design for the realization of a 972'000 Wp photovoltaic plant located in c.da Verdura Superiore in the Sciacca municipality (Ag). Design and geotechnical consultancy. Amount project : €. 4'247’102.08 Customer : Solar Energy s.r.l. - Sciacca.

- Design for the realization of a 997'920 Wp photovoltaic plant located in c.da Stretto Bella Pietra in the Sciacca municipality (Ag). Design and geotechnical consultancy. Already licensed. Amount project : €. 4'459’013.91 Customer : Solar Energy s.r.l. - Sciacca.

- Design for the realization of a 997'920 Wp photovoltaic plant located in c.da Manienza Soprana (Granara) in the Ribera municipality (Ag). Design and geotechnical consultancy. Already licensed. Amount project : €. 4'548’417.29 Customer : Solar Energy s.r.l. - Sciacca.

- Design for the realization of a 997'920 Wp photovoltaic plant located in c.da Salinella Pantano in the Sciacca municipality (Ag). Design and geotechnical consultancy. Already licensed. Amount project : €. 3'402’673.66 Customer : Solar Energy s.r.l. - Sciacca.

- Design for the realization of a 972'000 Wp photovoltaic plant located in c.da Craperia in the Casteltermini municipality (Ag). Design and geotechnical consultancy. Amount project : €. 3'207’840.23

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Customer : Solar Energy s.r.l. - Sciacca.

- Design for the realization of a 997'920 Wp photovoltaic plant located in c.da Arcivocale in the Monreale municipality (Ag). Design and geotechnical consultancy. Amount project : €. 3'480’475.74 Customer : Solar Energy s.r.l. - Sciacca.

- Design for the realization of a 997'920 Wp photovoltaic plant located in c.da Manienza Soprana (Giumarazza) in the Sciacca municipality (Ag). Design and geotechnical consultancy. Already licensed. Amount project : €. 3'408’115.96 Customer : Solar Energy s.r.l. - Sciacca.

- Hotel complexes Rating San Domenico Palace Hotel - Taormina Des Etrangers Hotel & SPA - Syracuse Hotel Villa Igiea - Palermo Client: Rocco Forte & Family

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C.I.G. Consulting s.r.l. 92019 SCIACCA 14-03-2016

C.I.G. Consulting s.r.l. Office: Via Lido, 96/c – Postal Code:92019 - Sciacca (Ag)

Register of Companies of Agrigento n. 124922, Tax Code and VAT: IT01768710848 Phone. + 39 0925 84112 Fax: + 39 0925 903279 e-mail: [email protected] - pec: [email protected] 18/32

Giuseppe Buscarnera

Assistant Professor Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Northwestern University 2145 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL 60208-3109, USA

Tel: (847) 491-5884, Fax: (847) 491-4011 Email: [email protected]

ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY, USA Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Assistant Professor (2011 - present) POLITECNICO DI MILANO, ITALY Department of Structural Engineering Postdoctoral Fellow (2010 - 2011) EDUCATION

POLITECNICO DI TORINO, ITALY Ph.D. in Geomechanics, 2010 (Summa cum laude) Dissertation: Rainfall-induced flow slides: constitutive modelling, mechanical instabilities and theoretical interpretation POLITECNICO DI MILANO, ITALY M.S. in Geotechnical Engineering, 2006 (Summa cum laude) Thesis: Numerical modeling of the chemo-mechanical degradation of gypsum rocks in underground cavities POLITECNICO DI MILANO, ITALY B.S. in Civil Engineering, 2004 (Summa cum laude) Project: Geotechnical design of shallow foundations subjected to vertical and eccentric loads RESEARCH INTERESTS

� Constitutive modeling for soils and rocks � Material stability and bifurcation theory � Soil liquefaction � Unsaturated soil mechanics � Chemo-mechanics of porous media � Particle breakage in granular materials � Compaction banding in porous rocks � Slope stability and landslide hazards � Macro-element modeling of shallow foundations


� NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award (2013) � SEARLE Fellow for Teaching Excellence (2013) � ALERT PhD Prize from the ALERT Geomaterials Association (2011) � Rocca Fellowship from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2008) � Gold medal of the Politecnico di Milano for best MS student in Civil Engineering (2006)

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� Gold medal of the Politecnico di Milano for best BS student in Civil Engineering (2004) � Luciano Varischi Scholarship from Politecnico di Milano (2003-2006)


Publications in refereed journals

J1. Zhang, Y., Buscarnera, G. (2014). Prediction of breakage-induced couplings in unsaturated granular soils. To appear in Géotechnique.

J2. Mihalache, C., Buscarnera, G. (2014). Is wetting-collapse and unstable compaction process? J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 141(2).

J3. Das, A., Buscarnera, G. (2014). Compaction localization in high-porosity calcarenite: numerical modeling of axisymmetric loading paths. Int. J. Rock. Mech. Min. Sc, 71, 91-104.

J4. Buscarnera, G., Mihalache, C. (2014). Instability of unsaturated soils: a review of theoretical methods. Journal of Geoengineering Sciences, 2(2), 39-65.

J5. Zhang, Y., Buscarnera, G. (2014). Grainsize dependence of clastic yielding in unsaturated granular soils. Granular Matter, 16:469–483.

J6. Buscarnera, G., Laverack, R. (2014). Path-dependence of the potential for compaction banding: theoretical predictions based on a plasticity model for porous rocks. Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth, 119, 3, 1882–1903.

J7. Mihalache, C., Buscarnera, G. (2014). Mathematical identification of diffuse and localized instabilities in fluid‐saturated sands. Int. J. Numer. Anal. Meth. Geomech.; 38: 111–141.

J8. Buscarnera, G. (2014). Uniqueness and existence in plasticity models for unsaturated soils. Acta Geotechnica, 9, 313–327.

J9. Gan, Y., Maggi, F., Buscarnera, G., Einav, I. (2013). A particle-water based model for water retention hysteresis. Géotechnique Letters, 3, 152 –161.

J10. Buscarnera, G., di Prisco C. (2013) Soil stability and flow slides in unsaturated shallow slopes: can saturation events trigger liquefaction processes? Géotechnique, 63(10), 801 –817.

J11. Buscarnera, G., Whittle A.J. (2013) Model prediction of static liquefaction: the influence of the initial state on potential instabilities. Journal of Geotech. and Geoenv. Eng., 139(3), 420-432.

J12.Buscarnera, G. (2012) A conceptual model for the chemo-mechanical degradation of granular geomaterials. Géotechnique Letters, 2, 149-154.

J13.Buscarnera, G., Whittle A.J. (2012) Constitutive modelling approach for evaluating the triggering of flow slides. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 49(5): 499-511.

J14.Buscarnera, G., Einav I. (2012). The yielding of brittle unsaturated granular soils. Géotechnique, 62(2), 147 – 160.

J15.Buscarnera, G., di Prisco C. (2012) Discussing the definition of second-order work in unsaturated soils, Int. J. Numer. Anal. Meth. Geomech., 36: 36-49.

J16.Buscarnera, G., di Prisco C. (2011) Stability criteria for unsaturated shallow slopes, Géotechnique Letters, 1(4), 85-90.

J17.Buscarnera, G., Dattola G., di Prisco, C. (2011) Controllability, uniqueness and existence of the incremental response: a mathematical criterion for elastoplastic constitutive laws, Int. J. Solids and Struct., 48(13), 1867- 1878.

J18.Buscarnera, G., Nova R. (2011) Modelling instabilities in triaxial testing on unsaturated soil specimens, Int. J. Numer. Anal. Meth. Geomech.; 35: 179–200.

J19.Buscarnera, G., Nova R. (2009) An elastoplastic strainhardening model for soil allowing for hydraulic bonding-debonding effects, Int. J. Numer. Anal. Meth. Geomech.; 33: 1055–1086.

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J20.Buscarnera, G., Nova R. (2009) Loss of controllability in unsaturated soils, European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering , 13: 235–250.

Papers submitted or in preparation

S1. Buscarnera, G., Dattola, G. (2015). Mathematical capture of failure processes in elastoplastic geomaterials. Submitted.

S2. Das, A., Buscarnera, G. (2015). Chemo-mechanics of cemented granular materials subjected to precipitation and/or dissolution of mineral species. Submitted.

S3. Marinelli, F., Buscarnera, G. (2015). Competing role of brittle and ductile plastic processes in the localized compaction of sandstones. Submitted.

S4. Zhang, YD., Buscarnera, G. (2015). Implicit integration under mixed control conditions of a breakage model for unsaturated crushable soils. Submitted.

S5. Zhang, YD., Buscarnera, G., Einav, I. (2015). Size effects in the comminution of granular soils: an interpretation based on fracture mechanics. In preparation.

S6. Das, A., Buscarnera, G. (2015). Performance of rate-dependent regularization in presence of fluid-saturated viscoplastic geomaterials under varying drainage regimes. In preparation.

S7. Gao., S, Sonta, A., Zhang, .Y.D., Buscarnera, G. (2015). Evolving water retention properties in crushable granular materials: experiments and modeling. In preparation.

S8. Mihalache, C., Buscarnera, G. (2015). Criteria for the loss of incremental stability in soils saturated with compressible fluids. In preparation.

S9. Lizarraga Barrera, J., Buscarnera, G. (2015). Model prediction of wetting-induced collapses in small-scale flume models of unsaturated slopes. In preparation.

Book Chapters

B1. Buscarnera, G., Nova R. “Loss of Controllability in Partially Saturated Soils”. Bifurcations, Instabilities and Degradations in Geomaterials, R. Wan ed., Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering, 2011, Volume 0, 53-68, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-18284.

Contributions to international and national conferences

C1. Buscarnera, G., Cusatis, G., Zubelewicz, A., and Bažant, Z. (2014) Shale Fracturing for Energy Recovery: Current Issues and Review of Available Analytical and Computational Models. Shale Energy Engineering 2014: pp. 168-179.

C2. Mihalache, C., Buscarnera, G., (2014) A framework to assess the controllability of wetting processes on unsaturated collapsible soils. Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Bifurcation and Degradation in Geomaterials, Hong Kong.

C3. Zhang, Y., Buscarnera, G., (2014) Model predictions of hydro-mechanical coupling in unsaturated crushable soils. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Sydney.

C4. Das, A., Buscarnera, G., (2014) Numerical simulation of localized deformations in high-porosity rocks. Proceedings of the 48th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium; Minneapolis, USA.

C5. Buscarnera, G., Whittle, A. J. (2013) Methodology for Evaluating Liquefaction Susceptibility in Sandy Slopes. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Paris 2013.

C6. Buscarnera, G., Einav, I. (2013) Modelling Particle Breakage in Unsaturated Granular Assemblies. Poromechanics V: pp. 1400-1409. doi: 10.1061/9780784412992.167.

C7. Buscarnera, G., di Prisco, C. (2013). Saturation-induce failure: mechanics of a class of unstable processes. Poromechanics V: pp. 1237-1244. doi: 10.1061/9780784412992.148.

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C8. Buscarnera, G., (2013). Modeling hydraulic and chemical processes in crushable granular materials, Proc. 47th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium; San Francisco, USA, June 23-25, 2012, 8 pp.

C9. Buscarnera, G., Whittle, A. J. (2013) A Methodology for Evaluating Liquefaction Susceptibility in Shallow Sandy Slopes. In Geo-Congress 2013 - Stability and Performance of Slopes and Embankments III (pp. 898- 907). ASCE.

C10. Buscarnera, G., Einav I. (2012). The yielding of unsaturated granular materials. In Unsaturated Soils: Research and Applications 2012, Part 1, 23-29, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-31343-1_3.

C.10 Buscarnera, G. (2012). Modeling the onset of bifurcation in porous sedimentary rocks, Proc. 46th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium; Chicago, USA, June 24-27, 2012, 8 pp.

C11. Buscarnera, G., di Prisco C. (2012) Stability analysis of unsaturated deposits: effect of soil properties and hydro-mechanical coupling, Proc. 111th International Symposium on Landslides and 2nd North American Symposium on Landslides, Banff, Canada, 1745-1751.

C12. Buscarnera, G., di Prisco C. (2011) Modelling the onset of rainfall-induced landslides, Proc. 2nd COMGEO, S. Pietruszczak, G.N. Pande, C. Tamagnini & R. Wan eds., Cavtat-Dubrovnik, Croatia, 173-182.

C13. Buscarnera, G., Nova R. (2010) Saturation induced instability on bonded geomaterials, Proc. 4th International Conference on Unsaturated Soils (UNSAT 2010); Barcelona, Spain, September 6-8, 2010, pp. 771-777.

C14. Buscarnera, G., di Prisco (2010) A redefinition of the second-order work for unsaturated soils, Proc. 9th HSTAM International Congress on Mechanics, Limassol, July 12-14, 2010, pp. 197-204.

C15. Buscarnera, G., Nova R., Vecchiotti M., Tamagnini C., Salciarini D. (2010), Settlement analysis of wind turbines. In: Soil-Foundation-Structure-Interaction, R.P. Orense, N. Chow, M.J. Pender (Eds.), pag. 171-178, 26-27 November 2009, Auckland, New Zeland.

C16. Buscarnera, G., Nova R. (2009) An investigation on instability loci in partially saturated soils, Proc. X COMPLAS, D.R.J. Owen, E. Oñate eds. Barcelona, 2009, 4pp.

C17. Buscarnera, G., Nova R. (2009) Modelling the onset of instability in oedometric tests on unsaturated bonded soils, Proc. 1st COMGEO, S. Pietruszczak, G.N. Pande, C. Tamagnini & R. Wan eds, Juan-les-Pins, France, 226-234.

C18. Buscarnera, G., Nova R. (2008) Loss of controllability in partially saturated soils, 2nd Euromediterranean Symposium on Advances in Geomaterials and Structures, Hammamet, 5-7/5/2008, 3, 481-486.

C19. Betti D., Buscarnera, G., Castellanza R., Nova R. (2008) Numerical analysis of the life-time of an abandoned gypsum mine, Proc. 12th I.C. IACMAG, Goa, 1210-1218.


Project Title: Investigating the Effect of Pore Fluids on the Stability of Unsaturated Geomaterials Role: PI Sponsor: NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Award Amount: $77,199 Award Period: 07/01/2012 – 06/30/2014 Project Title: Soil Slips versus Flow Failures in Rain-Infiltrated Slopes: Using Principles of Mechanical Stability to Enhance Spatially Distributed Models for Landslide Forecasting Role: PI Sponsor: NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Award Amount: $265,435 Award Period: 09/01/13 - 08/31/2016 Project Title: CAREER: Mechanics of Geomaterials Exposed to Multi-Physical Perturbations: Innovating Science, Training and Education through Fundamental Principles Role: PI Sponsor: NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Award Amount: $400,000

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Award Period: 01/01/2014 - 12/31/2018 Project Title: Multi-scales Models for Assessing Basic Processes that Regulate CO2 Storage in Geological Reservoirs Role: PI (in collaboration with Dr. Packman and Dr. Jacobson; Northwestern University) Sponsor: INSTITUTE FOR SUSTAINABILITY AND ENERGY AT NORTHWESTERN Award Amount: $37,000 Award Period: 01/01/2013 - 06/15/2014 Project Title: Energy Recovery and Fracture in Granular Rocks: Towards a New Generation of Multi-Scale Simulators Role: co-PI (in collaboration with Dr. Cusatis; Northwestern University) Sponsor: INSTITUTE FOR SUSTAINABILITY AND ENERGY AT NORTHWESTERN Award Amount: $33,000 Award Period: 07/01/2013 - 06/31/2014 Project Title: Cyclic Degradation Effects on Failure Mechanisms in Natural Clays Role: co-PI (in collaboration with Dr. Finno; Northwestern University) Sponsor: NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Award Amount: $451,922 Award Period: 09/01/2014 – 08/30/2017 SUBMITTED AND CURRENTLY PENDING PROJECTS Project Title: Chemo-Mechanics of Granular Geomaterials Subjected to Reactive-Transport: Small-Scale Testing, Microstructural Imaging and Multi-Scale Constitutive Modeling Role: PI (in collaboration with Dr. Packman and Dr. Jacobson; Northwestern University) Sponsor: DEPARMENT OF ENERGY Award Amount: $348,199 Award Period: 01/01/2015 – 12/31/2017



Introduction to statics and dynamics of objects and structural systems for first-year undergraduate engineering students.


Introduction to soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering for third-year undergraduate civil engineering students.


Graduate course on the constitutive modeling of elastic, plastic, and quasi-brittle geomaterials.


Graduate course on the engineering response of geomaterials subjected to non-mechanical agents.


Graduate course on stability and bifurcation theories for geomaterials.


Graduate course on the mechanics and hydraulics of unsaturated porous media and their engineering applications. STUDENT SUPERVISION

� Constance Mihalache, Northwestern University, Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering (exp. 2015) Research topic: Mechanics of failure in saturated and unsaturated soils

� Yida Zhang, Northwestern University, Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering (exp.2016) Research topic: Particle fragmentation in unsaturated granular media

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� Jose Lizarraga-Barrera, Northwestern University, Civil and Environmental Engineering (exp. 2017) Research topic: Spatial and temporal dynamics of landslide hazards at regional scale

� Shiva Ashari Esfahani, Northwestern University, Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering (exp. 2017) Research topic: Continuum/discrete models of strain localization in rocks (co-advised with Prof. Cusatis)

� Zenhao Shi, Northwestern University, Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering (exp. 2018) Research topic: Cyclic degradation of structured clays under seismic excitation (co-advised with Prof. Finno)

� Changbum Sohn, Northwestern University, M.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering (exp. 2019) Research topic: Size dependency and rate effects in chemically active granular materials

� Molly Diggory, Northwestern University, M.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering (exp. 2016) Research topic: Effect of water infiltration on the flow-failure of lignite tailing mines

� Reed Laverack, Northwestern University, M.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering (graduated in 2013) Research topic: Compaction banding in high-porosity carbonate rocks

� Yang Bai, Tongji Univerisity, Visiting Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering (exp. 2016) Research topic: Pore-scale analysis of carbonate precipitation (co-advised with Prof. Packman)

� Zipei You, Tongji Univerisity, Visiting Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering (exp. 2016) Research topic: DEM analysis of fabric evolution in sands susceptible to flow failure

� Shenjun Gao, Northwestern University, M.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering (graduated in 2014) Research topic: Microstructural origin of coupled mechanical and hydrologic processes in unsaturated sands

� Gloria Ciceri, Politecnico di Milano, Visiting M.S. in Civil Engineering (exp. 2014) Research topic: Solid-fluid interactions in sands at varying degrees of density and water-saturation

� Nathan Zaporski, Northwestern University, B.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering (exp. 2016) Research topic: Analytical modeling of pore-scale fluid flow in deformable granular media

� Andrew Sonta, Northwestern University, B.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering (exp. 2015) Research topic: Grainsize dependence of the suction air-entry value of crushable granular materials

� Brett Horin, Northwestern University, B.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering (exp. 2015) Research topic: Interpretation of one-dimensional crushing experiments on sands and sand particles

� Sara Maria Ibarra, Northwestern University, B.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering (exp. 2015) Research topic: Study of near-surface hydrology in shallow slopes via GIS techniques

� Michael Rui Chen, Northwestern University, B.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering (graduated in 2013) Research topic: Fluid flow experiments in compacted sands


� Invited seminar at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA (February 2009). � Invited seminar at The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia (March 2011). � Invited seminar at Northwestern University, Evanston, IL (March 2011). � Invited seminar at the University Joseph Fourier - Laboratoire 3S-R, Grenoble, France (April 2011). � Invited seminar at the University of California – Davis (March, 2012). � Keynote speaker at the US-France workshop on Mechanics of pressure-dependent materials (April, 2013). � Invited Warren lecturer at the University of Minnesota (April, 2013). � Invited speaker at the California Institute of Technology (workshop Heterogeneity across scales; June,

2013). � Invited seminar at University of Michigan – Ann Arbor (October, 2013). � Invited seminar at University of Texas – Austin (November, 2013). � Invited seminar at University of Wisconsin – Madison (December, 2013). � Invited seminar at Georgia Institute of Technology (March, 2014). � Invited speaker of the Geo-congress Panel on Solid-fluid Transitions in Soil Mechanics (March, 2014) � Plenary speaker at the National Research Council workshop Earthquake Induced Liquefaction (March, 2014). � Invited seminar at University of Illinois - Chicago (October, 2014). � Invited seminar at Stanford University (December, 2014). � Invited seminar at Colorado School of Mines (March, 2015). � Invited seminar at Purdue University (May, 2015). � Invited seminar at the California Institute of Technology (May, 2015).


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Co-organizer of the NSF Workshop on Soil-Environment Interactions Across Scales, to be held in September 2014 at the University of Cambridge (UK).

Member of the Advisory Panel of Géotechnique Letters.

Member of scientific committee of the Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference (EMI) 2015, to be held at Stanford University

Member of organizing committee, scientific committee and co-chairman of the Geomechanics track at the Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference (EMI) 2013, held at Northwestern University

Reviewer for the International Journal of Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, Géotechnique Letters, Géotechnique, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Mechanics of Materials, Soils and Foundations, Acta Geotechnica, Mechanics Research Communications, Granular Matter, Vadose Zone Journal, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Geotechnical Testing Journal, International Journal of Geomechanics, Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, and Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering.

Research proposal reviewer for the US National Science Foundation (programs of Geomechanics, Geotechnical Engineering, and Geomorphology and Land-Use Dynamics), NASA (EPSCoR program), and France TEC-21.

Member of the Italian Geotechnical Association (AGI, since 2008), International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE, since 2008), American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE, since 2012), Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI, since 2012), Geo-Institute (since 2012), American Rock Mechanics Association (ARMA, since 2012), American Geophysical Union (AGU, since 2012).

Member of the Unsaturated Soils and the Soil Properties and Modeling committees of the Geo-Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).

Member of the Modeling Inelasticity & Multiscale Behavior (MIMB) committee of the Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI) of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).

Corresponding member of the Technical Committee TC-103 Numerical Methods in Geomechanics of ISSMGE.

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Informazioni personali

First name/ Surname Cristina Buscarnera

Address 96/C, via Lido, 92019, Sciacca (AG), Italy

Telephone +39 0925/22170 Mobile: +39 320 /4778587

Fax +39 0925/903279

E-mail [email protected]

Nationality Italian

Date of birth 2 July 1987

Gender F

Desired employment / Occupational field

Any planning Civil Engineering field, with more experience in the hydraulic / environmental sector, where my specialization training finds out best qualities, and in the structural sector, where the professional experiences have guaranteed more skills. The field of renewable energies also, especially solar photovoltaic area. Energy certification of buildings Consulting. Environmental certification of buildings Consulting (protocols LEED, ITACA, etc.).

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Work experience


Occupation or position held

Main activities and responsibilities

Name and address of employer

Type of business or sector


Occupation or position held

Main activities and responsibilities

Name and address of employer

Type of business or sector

CEO of C.I.G. Consulting S.r.l.

From Feb/2014

CEO and Design Technical Manager

Administrative management of the Engineering office, Project Manager of Start-up and Management of Tourist accommodation of the BfB Residence San Marco Web Marketing. Implementation of structural projects in every Civil engineering, Construction of power projects for each type of PV system, Administrative advice, Shipbuilding, Consulting in Energy Certification and environmental certification of buildings.

C.I.G. Consulting s.r.l., via Lido 96/C Sciacca (AG), Italy

Civil / Environmental Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Tourist activities

Professional collaboration in the Engineering field

From 04/Jan/2011 to Feb/2014

Design Technical Manager

Implementation of structural projects in every Civil engineering, Construction of power projects for each type of PV system, Administrative advice, Shipbuilding, Consulting in Energy Certification and environmental certification of buildings.

Caterina Toto, C.I.G. Consulting s.r.l., via Lido 96/C Sciacca (AG), Italy

Civil / Environmental Engineering, Electrical Engineering

Internship in Metropolitana Milanese (Integrated Water System)

Dates From 03/March/2010 to 02/July/2010

Occupation or position held Trainee in the water and sewerage sector

Main activities and responsibilities Construction of a quantitative analysis model of part of the water drainage system of Milan

Name and address of employer Eng. Maurizio Brown, Metropolitana Milanese SpA, via meda 44 Milano (MI), Italy

Type of business or sector Civil / Environmental Engineering

Education and training


March 2016 - Master in European Project 2014-2020

Title of qualification awarded European Project Expert (Year 2016)

Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

Ability to raise calls and public notices, preparation of projects in order to raise EU funds to develop various engineering / entrepreneurial ideas.

Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Europa Cube Innovation Business School

Date August 2012 Inclusion on the Sicily region certifiers energy list, at n° 11424.

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Date March 2012 Professional qualification in the Engineering field Section A; Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Palermo. Participation in the II session of the year 2011. Inclusion in the professional Province of Agrigento body of Engineers, at the n° 1938.

Title of qualification awarded Engineering Master Degree - Engineer (Year 2012)

Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

Civil and Environmental Field: Refining of basic knowledge in the field of design both in civil engineering and in the Environmental.

Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Università Degli Studi di Palermo

Level in national or international classification

votazione __/100

Date Febbraio 2012 Corso sul protocollo LEED: Progettare e Costruire sostenibile, presso l’associazione ASSFORM.


Title of qualification awarded Certificate of attendance (Year 2012)

Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

Civil / Environmental Field: Acquisition of knowledge in the general overview of the design and construction of sustainable buildings, with special attention to LEED protocol, going to specifically investigate the seven areas of assessment LEED Italy: New Construction and Renovation.

Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Associazione ASSFORM

Date November 2011 Hygiene and Safety in the Workplace Course: qualifying RLS (Representative of Workers' Safety).


Title of qualification awarded Certificate of attendance (Year 2011)

Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

Safety and prevention in the workplace in accordance with Italian D.Lgs. 9 April 2008 n. 81

Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Associazione Argo Servizi

Date December 2010 Master of Science in Civil Engineering, Hydraulics address, at the Politecnico di Milano. Thesis on Hydraulic engineering: "environmental impact multivariate analysis of the flood drains of a unitary drainage system."

Title of qualification awarded Master in Engineering (Year 2010)

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Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

Hydraulic field: Specialized knowledge in all types of hydraulic and maritime construction: design, simulation and verification of urban drainage systems and waterworks, the design in the round of a hydroelectric plant; from site selection to the resolution of all the problems. The choice of energy production elements and the determination of the energy produced, the design of structural elements acts to defend the coast from the action of the waves, the design of structural elements port defense, acquisition of analytical skills statistics and probability of critical events. Environmental field: hydraulic arrangement of watersheds and land protection through the design of the storage elements. This is a structural matrix characteristic of modern bioengineering suitable, that make possible to guarantee high quality systems for the benefit of lower environmental impact, design of wastewater treatment plants waste and supply.

Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Politecnico di Milano

Level in national or international classification

vote 105/110

Date August 2009 English course at The Hampstead School of English of London.

Title of qualification awarded Certificate of attendance (Year 2009)

Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

Linguistic field: refinement of linguistic and grammatical knowledge of the English language, with continuous operation of the four main communication categories: writing, reading, speaking, listening.

Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Hampstead School of English

Date July 2008 Bachelor degree in Civil Engineering degree from the Politecnico di Milano. thesis in hydraulics: "The sedimentation in reservoirs: phenomenology of the problem and solution methods".

Title of qualification awarded Bachelor in Engineering (Year 2008)

Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

Civil field: Acquisition of essential knowledge in all fields of civil engineering: structural, geotechnical, hydraulic and transport. Embryo approach to practical problems; such as the design and verification of simple buildings, stability analysis of geotechnical foundation elements or containment, design and verification of hydraulic construction of primary importance as aqueducts and sewers and elements connected to them, the design of road layouts, the problems of study construction site related to the drafting of bills of quantities and PSC, with subsequent analysis of security risks.

Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Politecnico di Milano

Level in national or international classification

vote 107/110

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Date July 2005 Scientific Degree obtained at the Liceo "E. Fermi "of Sciacca (AG), Italy with 100/100.

Title of qualification awarded Scientific high school graduated (Year 2005)

Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

mathematics: great skills in math / science subjects with detached attitude to the approach logical / analytical. humanities: refinement of philosophical / literary sensibility, with greater interest developed towards the writing thematic. linguistic fields: approach to the English language from a literary point of view as well as merely grammatical.

Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Scientific High School E. Fermi

Level in national or international classification

vote 100/100

Personal skills and competences

Mother tongue Italian

Other language English

Self-assessment Understanding Speaking Writing

European level (*) Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production

Language B2 B2 B2 B1 B1

(*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Social skills and competences Dynamic, flexible and with excellent ability to work in "team work". interpersonal and creative skills. Personality predisposed to relate actively in the environment, with a good attitude to learn and adapt flexibly to different tasks.

Capacità e competenze organizzative

Organizational skills and time management developed during work experience, which has been put in a position of responsibility towards both customers and companies who work with. Good skills in carrying out group work, coordination skills and collaborative efficiency.

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Technical skills and competences

Structural field: Competence in structural calculations also high conceptual and structural complexity. Acquisition of experiences in the field shipbuilding: in supervising the implementation of works in which he contributed during the design phase, in attention to instructions provided by the PSC and safety standards. Geotechnical field: Expert in global soils stability analysis, in retaining structures stability analysis, in direct and deep foundation elements analysis, in calculations and in the rocky ridges stability analysis and the development of defense methods of the territory from landslides. Energy Field: Expert in the overall realization of PV installations of any type. An analysis of the target site to the realization of the electrical and structural design. Hydraulic field: Wide knowledge of the sewerage sector, in particular in the study of preliminary analyzes both quantitative and qualitative, and aqueduct. Acquisition of skills and expertise in the field of all types of hydraulic and maritime construction: design in the round of a hydroelectric plant, the design of structural elements acts to defend the coast from the action of the waves, the design of structural elements port defense, acquisition of analytical skills statistics and probability of critical events.

Environmental field: hydraulic arrangement of watersheds and land protection through the design of the storage elements by using the modern bioengineering, suitable to guarantee high quality systems for the benefit of lower environmental impact, design of wastewater treatment plants waste and supply. Touristic field: High experience in the management of the start-up of tourist activity known as BfB Residence San Marco, inscription in booking portals such as, Homelydays, AirBnB, etc. Management of reservations and reception, administrative and operational management of the structure, an expert in the technical direction, administration of the Residence in all its aspects. Knowledge in the field of social marketing, through the creation of social profiles (Facebook, instagram, youtube, etc.) and creation of campaigns targeted to increase the web visibility of the structure and the land.

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Technical skills and competences

Anno 2015 – Progettazione: - Ampliamento del Kids Club all'interno del Verdura Golf & SPA Resort di Sciacca. - Consolidamento di un lotto di terreno identificato in catasto al F.M. 134 P.LLA 246 al servizio - di un edificio identificato al F.M. 134 P.LLA 247 - Installazione recinzione su terreno sito in via lido ricadente su foglio di mappa 135 particella 538 Anno 2015 – Direzione dei Lavori: - Consolidamento di un lotto di terreno identificato in catasto al F.M. 134 P.LLA 246 al servizio di un edificio identificato al F.M. 134 P.LLA 247 Anno 2014 – Collaborazione alla direzione dei lavori: - Realizzazione piano di lottizzazione in zona privata sito in c.da San Marco nel comune di Sciacca (AG) - Manutenzione straordinaria di un immobile ubicato tra via Garibaldi e Vittorio Emanuele nel comune di Sciacca (AG) - Ristrutturazione edilizia dell'immobile sito nel Umberto I n. 2-4-6 nel comune di Ribera (AG) Anno 2014 – Collaborazione alla progettazione: - Progetto per la realizzazione di un impianto minieolico in c.da Cannitello nel comune di Santa Margherita d Belice - Progetto per la realizzazione di un impianto minieolico in c.da Arancio Piccolo nel comune di Sambuca di Sicilia Anno 2014 – Collaborazione alla direzione dei lavori: - Realizzazione piano di lottizzazione in zona privata sito in c.da San Marco nel comune di Sciacca (AG) - Manutenzione straordinaria di un immobile ubicato tra via Garibaldi e Vittorio Emanuele nel comune di Sciacca (AG) - Ristrutturazione edilizia dell'immobile sito nel Umberto I n. 2-4-6 nel comune di Ribera (AG)

Dicembre 2012: Redazione di progetti esecutivi di impianti minieolici, nello specifico: - Progetto per la realizzazione di un impianto minieolico di 30 kW nella c.da Piana Scunchipani nel comune di Sciacca (AG) – F.m. 19 P.lla 156; - Progetto per la realizzazione di un impianto minieolico di 10 kW nella c.da Cannonina nel comune di Caltabellotta (AG) – F.m. 54 P.lla 17; - Progetto per la realizzazione di un impianto minieolico di 30 kW nella c.da Stretto Bellapietra nel comune di Sciacca (AG) – F.m. 126 P.lla 163; - Progetto per la realizzazione di un impianto minieolico di 60 kW nella c.da Callisi di Sopra nel comune di Caltabellotta (AG) – F.m. 42 P.lla 544; Settembre 2011 – Oggi: Partecipazione alla redazione del progetto esecutivo e progetto di variante per la ristrutturazione edilizia di un edificio sito in Corso Umberto nel Comune di Ribera. Assistenza alla Direzione del Lavori di detta ristrutturazione. Settembre 2011 – Oggi: Partecipazione alla redazione del progetto esecutivo per la realizzazione di una casa unifamiliare sita nel Comune di Sciacca in c.da Vassallo. Assistenza alla Direzione del Lavori di detta realizzazione. Settembre 2012 – Gennaio 2013: Partecipazione alla redazione del progetto esecutivo relativo al bando di gara Enel relativo al Terminale di Rigassificazione di Porto Empedocle, comprendente: Lotto 1: Progettazione della scogliera di contorno della colmata di ponente. Lotto 2: Indagini sismiche a mare e rilievo batimetrico. Novembre 2012: Partecipazione alla redazione del progetto di ristrutturazione dell’Istituto Comprensivo “I. Scaturro” del Comune di Sciacca (AG). Agosto 2012: Iscrizione nell’elenco dei soggetti abilitati alla certificazione energetica degli edifici della Regione Sicilia al n. 11424

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Computer skills and competences Excellent knowledge of Windows operating system in versions 2000 / XP / Vista / 7/10

Good knowledge MacOS operating system

Fluency package Microsoft Office 2003/2007 / XP / Vista / 7

Excellent knowledge Nolian software

Good knowledge Plaxis software

Excellent knowledge Infoworks software

Excellent software knowledge Thermo Energy

Fluency software Thermo

Excellent knowledge Isomap software, Rotomap

Good knowledge of software Environmental Certification

Good knowledge of Autocad software and AutoCad Map3D

Good knowledge UrbisPro software

Good knowledge Epanet software

Good knowledge Sap2000 software

Good knowledge of HTML

Fair knowledge of computer programming in C ++, Fortran

Excellent knowledge of Internet Explorer and other browsers.

Artistic skills and competences Passion for Cinema, Theatre, Literature and Writing, fair knowledge of the musical field with predilection of the piano as a musical instrument.

Other skills and competences Reactive mind and constantly prone to produce new ideas, if properly stimulated, fervid imagination driven by the desire to improve and reach my own dreams, but also with pragmatic skills capable of harnessing these dreams in order to turn them into reality.

Driving licence driver's license (license B)

Additional information My desire is to do a job that I passionate with, that gratifies me and give me the opportunity to travel by ensuring that I can be able to extract new experiences and training. In few words, my desire is to do a job that I can love.

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