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Page 1: Cipla case analysis

What is your assessment of how well the various parties are handling the global AIDS problems?Parties Actions Analysis

Government in Developed countries

(+) Funded heavily in initial R&D(+) Reduced time to approval

(+) Identified the need (-) No control over high priced drugs

Government in Developing countriesIndia & Africa

(+) Developed policies to make AIDS medication more affordable(+) Joined hands with NGOs(-) Lacked stringent laws for patent protection

(+) Raised concern about the profit orientation by Pharma Co.

Major Pharma Companies

(+) Invested heavily in R&D for new drug development, 16%(+) Formed alliances to reduce costs for AIDS medication (-) Highly profit oriented

(-) Took advantage of pandemic and delayed actions to make drugs affordable

Page 2: Cipla case analysis

What is your assessment of how well the various parties are handling the global AIDS problems?

Parties Actions Analysis

Cipla (+) Made AIDS medication affordable(+) Pointed out ever-greening and increasing advertisement budgets

(+) Limited profit – Co. was willing to help the infected people (+) Made attempts to discover real cost of drug

NGOs, Charities and Global Agencies

(+) Made appeals to Pharma Co. to make AIDS drugs available(+) Operated projects worldwide

(+) Led the campaign against AIDS(+) Act as intermediate b/w Pharma Co. & people(-) Limited powers to implement and control

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