
The World Within Copenhagen International School

Celebrating our multi-cultural Community April 2015 Issue

The mission of this cultural newsletter is to celebrate the wide variety of cultures represented at CIS.


Public Holidays in Spain

January 6th - Three Wise Men Day

February - Carnival

March 19th - Las Fallas + Fathers day

April - Feria de Sevilla+Easter

May - Labor's Day + Mother's day

June 23th - Saint John eve bonfires

July 1-7 - Running of the bulls

August - La Tomatina

December 25th - Christmas

By Pablo

Inside this issue:

2 - Places in Copenhagen, Meet two CIS teachers and one student

3 - Meet four CIS students

4 - Meet six CIS students

5 - Two popular landmarks and two more CIS students

6 - Fun facts about Spain, Meet three CIS students

7 - Three popular foods in Spain, Meet two more CIS students

8 - More popular landmarks, More popular food/games in Spain, Meet more CIS students

9 - Meet two CIS families

10 - Meet a CIS student and a CIS family

11 - Meet a CIS student

12 - CIS Spanish Language Class, Meet a CIS family

13 - How does CIS celebrate Spain, Thanks.

This cathedral is in Oviedo.

Catalonia Flag


This photo was taken in Santander, Spain.

Northern Spain is very, very green.

This is the running of the bulls, you

usually do that on July 1 through 7.

Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao.

Places in Copenhagen

Meet two CIS teachers

Spanish Restaurant called - El Porrón

Address : Vendersgade 10, 1363 København K

Phone number: 33 93 14 59 By Yifan

Temporada TapasBodega

Address : Åboulevard 23Phone number :35 35 15 15By Matan


She is from Spain, from the region of Andalucia. She said that the hardest part of moving to Denmark was to leave her family and her dog. She goes to Spain 3-4 times per year. When she goes back to Spain, she likes to go for a walk with her dog and her family. Her favorite food from Spain is gambas, calamanes and tapas. Her favourite holiday is called Los 3 Reyes Magos (The 3 Wise Men). Her favourite part of l iving in Denmark is that she can go by bike everywhere. She said that Denmark is dif ferent from her home country because of the weather and the people.

By Liza and Zaid Meet a CIS student

This boy?s name is Albert, and he?s in 4th grade. He is from Barcelona, Spain. He misses his Spanish friends and school. He often plays soccer and basketball with his friends. He goes back to Spain 6 times a year, by plane. His favorite food from Spain is potato omelette and he likes it because he loves potatoes. You usually put a lot of eggs in it. His favorite holiday is Christmas, and his favorite part of Christmas is spending time with his family and friends. The present he got last year was a litt le robot. A word he wanted to teach us is ?lápiz?, it means pencil. The hardest part to move to Denmark is missing Spanish people (such as friends, family). The favorite part is spending time in school, because he thinks school is good, and all the teachers are nice. What is the same between Spain and Denmark is the house, it looks similar. The main dif ference is the two cit ies have dif ferent climate.

By Yifan

Diana Lloret


MartaI am Marta Guerrero, learning support teacher at CIS. I arrived to Denmark almost 4 years ago and I believe that I have been really fortunate since I landed.

CIS has become my second family. I love working with my students and colleagues. We are a big family and everybody takes care of each other. It is really important for me because being far away from home, I really appreciate to have someone that cares about me.

CPH has become my second home. I l ike the city; it is really invit ing and it has lots of parks, cafes and open spaces, which I love!

Over all, my Danish experience has been great but there are two things that I really miss from Spain and I would never get used to live without ... my FAMILY and the the Spanish SUNSHINE!!! By Marta

El Viejo Mexico

Address: Store Kongensgade 61, 1264

Phone number: 33 93 00 61

By Yifan

His name is Luke. He was born in London, that is in England. He misses his home country, his friends and his family. He often goes to Spain over the holidays. His favorite thing to do when he goes for a visit in Spain, is to play with his friends. One of his friend's name is Íñigo. Sadly, he doesn´ t have a favorite Spanish food. So his favorite food is mac and cheese. His favorite holiday is Christmas. In Christmas, he decorates his house. He taught us one word in Spanish and that is hola=hello. His hardest part about moving from Spain to Denmark was that he misses his cousins. His favorite part of l iving in Demark is visit ing new places. One thing that is the same between Denmark and Spain is the weather sometimes. By Matan

This boy name is Nil. He is from Spain. He was born in Madrid. The hardest part of moving to Denmark was leaving his friends and family. He misses Madrid because Madrid is a really big city, and there are a lot of interesting places there. Also, he misses his family and his friends. He goes back to his home country every 2 or 3 months. When he goes back, he likes to visit his family and go to parks. His favourite holiday is Christmas, because every Christmas he gets extra presents. He said that the hardest part of moving to Denmark was to leave his friends. His favourite part of l iving in Denmark is the weather, and that you can play almost everywhere, without putting yourself in danger. He said that the dif ferent thing between his home country and Denmark is that in Denmark there are many more bikes. By Liza

This boy?s name is Alejandro, and he is 10 years old. He is from Spain, and he was born in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. His favorite part in here is having new friends. He misses his family and his friends. His favorite food from Spain is paella, and it can take many hours to make it. You put a lot of meats, vegetables, rice and seafood in it. His favorite festival is Christmas, and he always goes to his grandma?s house. He?d like to teach us a word ?hola?, and that means hello. The hardest part to move to Denmark is move stuff from Spain. The favorite part to move to Denmark is having a lot of friends. The friends he already has are: Pablo, Rabbie, Nil, Kyle, Ronan and also me. The dif ference between here and Spain is here the weather is strange. By Yifan

Javier is from Madrid (capital of Spain). He misses his friends and family. He visits Madrid every 3 times a year. His favourite thing to do in Spain is play. His favourite food is tortilla (omelette). "Tú" in Spanish means you.

By Bruno






Meet CIS students


This boy is Gabriel. He is from Madrid, Spain. Gabriel misses his friends, the forests and the trees. He goes to Spain three times per year. His favorite food from his culture is Caldo Soup. He likes Easter and Summer. He wants to teach you one word: it is "Hola" and it means Hi. When he moved to Denmark, it was fun. Most of the people are sad, but he was happy! He loves ice cream in Denmark. The dif ference between Spain and Denmark is the population and the size of the country. By Donggun

Hi I'm Bruno. I was born in the Czech Republic, but I l ived for f ive years in Spain. I miss my friends and my school in Spain, but not the homework. I l ike a food that is called "fabada Asturiana". A phrase that I'm going to teach you is 'mi casa está aquí' that means 'My house is here'. The same thing from Spain and Copenhagen is that it is a place in the world. :) By Bruno ^_^

This girl is called Regina. She is from Spain, and she was born in Madrid. She misses her house in her home country, and she had three gardens in her house. She usually goes to her country in the holidays. When she goes to her home country she plays with her friends. One of her friends name is Maria. The name of her favorite food is garbanzos. It is a kind of a soup.  Her favorite holiday is Easter. In Easter, she gets to meet new friends. A one word that she taught us is "maestro", that is teacher in Spanish. The hardest part of moving to Denmark was leaving her friends. Her favorite part about l iving in Denmark was getting new friends. The same thing between Denmark and

Spain is sometimes the weather. By Matan

Thomas is in Pre-k here at CIS





BrunoMeet More CIS students

Diego is in Kindergarten here at CIS

InesThis girl 's name is Inés. She is from Madrid, Spain. When she goes back to Spain, she likes to go to the pool and visit her grandma?s house. Her favourite holiday is Christmas because on Christmas you get presents. For her, the hardest part of moving to Denmark was that she didn?t know many people. Her favourite part of l iving in Denmark is the delicious food.

By Liza

KenanKenan is in Kindergarten here at CIS

Popular Landmarks in Spain

Meet more CIS students


The museum is in Bilbao. It is important to note

that the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao is a

museum of modern and contemporary art. You

might be suprised to know that it was hailed as

the most important structure of its t ime. It

opened in 1997.

By Lara

This boy?s name is Diego, and he is 11 years old. He is from Spain, Madrid. The things that he misses the most about Spain is paella, tortil la, salchichón, chorizo and tapas. The best food that he likes is paella. He goes home 1 time each year. His favorite thing to do in Spain is lying on the beach, eat, sleep, soccer, food, surf ing. His favorite holiday is the 3 Kings. They belive that one day, the three kings saw a bight star, and followed it, and found Jesus Christ, and brought him a present. That?s why children get present on that day. One sentence that he wants to teach us is ?Me gusta jugar al fútbol?. That means I love to play soccer. The hardest part to move to Denmark is he missed his favorite foods. The favorite part to move to Denmark is to play with his football team here. One thing that is the same between Spain and here is that they both have the ocean. The dif ferences are that they have dif ferent food and weather. And f inally, he had a lot of fun!

By Yifan

Hi, I'm Daniel. I am from Holland and Spain.

I miss my friends in Spain.

I go to Spain during all the holidays. I l ike: Christmas, Los Reyes Magos. What I love the most is the parade of the Reyes Magos.

I love "jamón" (ham).

Another word in Spanish is "f iesta", which means party.

By Pablo



This building is a place that Mohammed I ibn Nasr lived in. It is made by a lot of rooms. The oldest one is called Mexua, it?s for judgment. Another one is called Comares, and it was for meeting the chancellor. Patio de los Arrayanes is made by a sweet-smelling wood, and it smells l ike peach: it is 23m long, and 17m in width. The biggest part of the palace is Salon de Embajadores, and it is the main hall. Everything is very old!

By Yifan

Meet more CIS students

Her name is Ane. She lived in London, Switwerland and Denmark. She misses the beaches and the sun from her home country, Spain. She goes back to Spain every 2 months. When she goes back to Spain, she likes to go to the beaches and hang out with her friends. Her favourite Spanish food is Spanish omelette, called "tortil la de patatas". Her favourite holiday is The Three Kings. The hardest part of moving to Denmark was leaving her family and friends.

By Liza and Bruno

1. Los españoles lo dejan todo para mañana (They like to postpone till tomorrow)

2. Los españoles siempre llegan tarde a un encuentro. (never on time)

3. Los españoles no pueden vivir sin el aceite de oliva! (cannot live without olive oil in the kitchen)

4. Los españoles hablan de su comida española todo el tiempo (always promoting Spanish food)

5. A los españoles les encanta su jamón (love their Spanish ham, not the one from Italy, for example)

6. A los españoles les encanta dormir la siesta. (love taking a nap)

7. A los españoles les encanta bromear y bromean con todo. (enjoy joking around)

8. En España se decoran con jamón los techos de los bares.

9. Las comidas con amigos y familiares son INTERMINABLES! Los españoles comen un primer plato, un segundo

y luego el postre.

This boy is Lek. He is from Spain, Madrid. He was born in the U.S. He goes to his home country during holidays to eat with his family and friends. His favorite holiday is Christmas, and in Christmas he likes opening presents. He taught us hello in Spanish which is "hola". The hardest part of moving to Denmark is the weather . It is so cold, and the snow is everywhere. His favorite part of moving to Denmark is that he likes playing football with his friends. By Matan and Zaid

Fun Facts about Spain


This girl?s name is Clara. She was born in London, but her mom is from Spain. Clara is visit ing Spain every winter and summer. During the summer, she likes to go to the beach with her friends. During the winter, she celebrates Christmas. Tortil la is her favourite Spanish food. Her favourite holiday is Christmas. Her favourite part of l iving in Denmark is the weather during the summer.By Pablo


Lek Clara

Meet more CIS students

NicoThis boy?s name is Nico. He is from Spain, Madrid. His favourite food from his culture is "tortil la". His favourite holiday is Three Kings. His favourite part of l iving in Denmark are his friends.

By Liza and Bruno

KaiThis boy is Kai. He is from Denmark and Spain. He misses his friends, and they always plays tag. He always goes to his home country over the holidays to see his family and friends. His favorite food is pasta. His favorite holiday is Christmas and during these holidays they eat turkey for dinner. His word in his home language is hola = hello. His favorite part of l iving in Denmark is that he likes the snow, and he always plays with his friends to build a snowman. The same thing between Denmark and Spain is the weather - cold and snowy. By Zaid

Popular Food in Spain Tortilla de patatasThis food is called tortil la de patatas. It is important to know that it should not be confused with the tortil la francesa (French omelette). The thick tortil la española is cooked in olive oil and features fried, thinly-sliced potatoes along with the eggs. While the tortil la española is usually kept to the basics of potatoes and eggs, sometimes you can f ind other vegetables - onion often makes an appearance- thrown into the mix for variety. If you want to cook tortil la de patatas here are the ingredients: 4 medium potatoes, 4 or 5 eggs, 1 medium onion (optional), 1/4 liter of olive oil, salt. By Liza



This food is called morcilla. I know it a lot because in China we eat that too. You put blood in to make it. You eat it by putting it into the soup, but you can also eat it straight away. You usually eat it in the winter, because it won?t rotten. It looks red, because it has a lot of blood in it. I love it and I hope you like it too.

By Yifan

You might be surprised to know that sea weed is from spain. Some kind of sea food. This sea weeds food name is Calamares fritos. It is a kind of Calamares. It is a famous food in Spain, and in the world. By Matan


More Popular Food in Spain

Paella is a traditional rice dish from Spain. Its home is Valencia (Mediterranian coast). Its name comes from the paellera, the f lat and round pan in which it is cooked. The paella, is traditionally cooked over an

open f ire. Its made of:

White rice, saffron, vegetables, dif ferent meats, seafood, olive oil, herbs.

By Pablo

Popular Landmark in Spain

La Mezquita de Córdoba is a Mosque in English. Usually Mosque is a holy place for Islam. Although La Mezquita de Córdoba, de Córdoba means in it is Cordoba. The important thing in La Mezquita de Córdoba is that it is really important for Islam because it is a holy place. The interesting thing that I l ike is that some people who are not even Muslims f ind it interesting to know about new religions.

By Zaid:)

His name is Pablo. He is 10 years old. He is from Spain. He was born in Czech Republic. He misses his home country. He misses his friends and his family. He goes to his home country in some holidays when he is free. His favorite Spanish food is fabada. This food is beans and a tomato sauce.His favorite holiday is Christmas/Navidad. On Christmas, he used to wear costumes for fun. Pablo taught us how to say goodbye in Spanish which is "adios". The hardest part of moving to Denmark was that he misses his house and his family in Spain. His favorite parts of l iving in Denmark is to be with his family, to go to school and many other things. And the thing which is uncommon between Spain and Denmark is that his Spanish friends live in Spain. By Zaid/Matan


Meet one CIS student

Paella Española

La comba is a spanish game which is skipping the rope. The game of jump rope is a very simple and fun game. The only equipment needed is a thick rope and some handle on the sides. You need 3 people: one on the left side, the other is on the right side and the last one needs to be in the middle to jump. These people on the sides need to f l ip the rope by the handles which are on the sides.

By Zaid

Popular Game in Spain

La Mezquita de Córdoba

Adrian is from Madrid.  He misses everything.  He goes home two times a year and his favourite thing to do there is see his cousins. His favourite thing to eat is fabada. His favourite festival is carnaval.

Here is a word this Spanish second grader is teaching us: Navidad, means Christmas.

By Bruno



Meet two CIS Families

Hola, my name is Nacho and I am Bruno and Pablo?s dad. I?m from northern Spain. I was born in a city called Oviedo (can you f ind it on a map?). What I miss the most about my country is being able to see my parents, our cousins and our friends there more often. We travel to Spain about twice a year. We enjoy visit ing our friends and family there. When we?re there, we enjoy eating the Spanish potato omelette, made with eggs, onions and potatoes, mixed together and fried in olive oil.

Los Reyes Magos (The Three Wise Men) holiday, on January 6th, is one of our favorite days of the year, because that?s when children get their Christmas holiday presents, instead of on December 25th (Christmas Day) as in many other countries.

One of the hardest things to adapt to in Denmark are the high prices of just about everything. We f ind most things are a lot more expensive here. We like however, how safe Denmark is, and how so many people use their bikes to get everywhere. We really don?t mind the weather here, as it is similar to where we used to live in northern Spain. Here in Denmark, however, there?s a lot more light during the summer time and we love that!. Most people here in Denmark also speak English very well, and that?s another great thing about this country (it?s not that way in Spain).

Gracias (pronounced gra-thee-as) which means Thanks.

ArrizabalagaMartini Family


Hello, my name is Anna and I come from Spain. I was born and raised in Barcelona, a city that is located on the north east of Spain.  What I miss from Barcelona is the good climate.  Most of the days it 's sunshine and even in the winter t ime the temperatures are mild. I also miss my family, my parents and sisters and brother but we visit them every two months.  My favorite Spanish food is the Paella which is made with rice and seafood or rice and dif ferent kinds of meat. I prefer to eat the Paella with sea food, this is really delicious!  During the holidays we love to spend the day on the beach, have a nice walk, swim in the sea and have a good Paella for lunch.

One of my favorite holidays in Spain is on the 23rd of June when we celebrate Saint Juan. People go out during the evening and night and make f ires on the street and on the beach and dance and eat together around the f ire. It 's also very typical to play with f ireworks. It 's a bit noisy and crazy but I really l ike it. One of the dif f icult things to live in Denmark are the short days during the winter, the days are very short and grey . One of my favorite things are the rails to go by bicycle everywhere.  One word in Spanish is HOLA, which means hello.

Capellas Orozco Family

"Cuando estamos en España, nos gusta comer tortil la española, que está hecha de huevos, cebolla y patatas, mezcladas y fritas en aceite de oliva. ... Nos gusta lo seguro que es Dinamarca, y que tanta gente util iza la bicicleta para ir a todos los sit ios."

Meet a CIS Family ?Hola a todos?, that means ?hello everyone?. I am María Caso, Inés Del Busto?s mum, she?s in 3C.  My husband?s name is Iñigo Del Busto and the 3 of us are 100% Spanish, from Madrid.  Funny enough, Inés has never lived in Madrid as, since she was born, we have always been expatriates in dif ferent countries, so Inés really does not miss anything from Madrid, except maybe my brother?s dog, Brizna, which means speck.

From my side, I don?t think I miss much from Madrid, I prefer and choose not to, so I am totally happy with what I have wherever I am, well, as long as I have a nice yoga place to attend, then it?s all good. To Madrid, we go generally twice a year.  The 3 of us adore my mum?s ?cocido madrileño?, which is a stew with dif ferent meats, vegetables and chick peas.  I?m a veggie, so I only eat the chick peas.

When we f irst arrived at Copenhagen 5 years ago in January, it was so cold and everything was so white covered in snow that I thought we had arrived to a kind of North Pole city. I could not see the car lanes in the streets, everything was white and daylight was like 5 minutes, the rest of the day was vaguely lit by the typical Copenhagen lights (rather poxy if I may say).  Now all that terrible experience is long forgotten, it has barely snowed since and the nights are delightfully romantic.  The best thing of l iving in Copenhagen, as opposed to Madrid, is that places are fairly nearby and you can say there?s very litt le traff ic.  If something is ?far away?, then be ready to drive 4 minutes more ? maybe 5.

Familia Del Busto Caso


Hola! My name is Belén Hackel, I am half Spanish and half German. My mother is originally from Madrid, but she has gone all over the globe to marry my father who is German. I have therefore never lived in Spain, but feel fully integrated into the Spanish culture since many of my family members live in Madrid. From living in Denmark, which is very dif ferent to the Spanish culture, I miss being surrounded by the Spanish community, as they are more open and expressive in every sense of the word. I also miss all the great Spanish food! For example, my favorite dish: Tortil la de Patata which is l ike a spanish omelette.

Since we are stil l very connected to Spain, we like to plan small trips every now and then to Madrid, because we have a lot of friends and family there. We try to go at least 3-4 times a year. In Madrid, there are a lot of things I l ike to do. for example: going shopping and going out for Tapas.

Every summer, we also go to the north of Spain: to Galicia. It is f il led with beautiful beaches where I l ike to go surf ing and meet up with friends.

I especially enjoy the Spanish New Year´ s tradition, which we even continue to do all around the world. On the new year, we eat 12 grapes at midnight, each grape representing one month of the new year. It is a huge tradition and celebrated by all Spanish people as it is said to give a good start to the new year. Feliz año nuevo! (Happy new year!) The hardest thing about moving to Denmark was adapting to the cold and windy weather because Spain is one of the sunniest countries I know! Despite that, I l ike living in Denmark, because I enjoy going to CIS, due to the international community.

Belen Meet a CIS student in high school

"Viajamos a Madrid 2 veces al año más o menos, generalmente en verano y en diciembre, y a veces en marzo o abril. Cuando más nos gusta es en verano, porque vamos todos los días a la piscina y, como hace mucho calor, es súper agradable darse un chapuzón, o muchos, y tomar el sol."

The f irst days in Denmark were not good and comfortable because I had to learn a new language, Danish, and study all my subjects in my second language, English. It can be really dif f icult sometimes to explain yourself in your second language. The positive aspect of this move is that I have a lot more free time because I have less homework here, so I can use that t ime to play tennis and sometimes play football with my classmates after school.

I think that Spain and Denmark are pretty dif ferent countries, but they also have similarit ies. The main ones are that they are in Europe, they are democratic countries, and people in both countries are huge fans of football.

Some of the most evident dif ferences are the restaurants, because in Spain you can f ind a good restaurant anywhere to eat very delicious Spanish dishes like cochinil lo asado or jamón Ibérico, that are very tasty and you can't f ind in Denmark. Another dif ference is that people in Denmark earn more money, and there is less unemployment. A very big dif ference is in Spain we have sun unlike Denmark.

Here is a word I would like to teach, so here it goes: To travel - Viajar.

My name is Alejandro Montoya. I'm from Madrid, but I was born in Heildelberg, Germany. My parents are Spanish, so we moved back to Spain when I was a one-year-old. I have lived most of my life in my home country, until recently moving to Denmark.

Living in Copenhagen, I miss my friends from my neighbourhood, my family, the restaurants and playing outdoors in the countryside. Most of all, I miss the sun; Spain is a very sunny country, whereas, Denmark has a long, dark winter.

Unfortunately, I can only go back to Spain three times a year when we have a long holiday. When I go back, I l ike to hang out with my friends, play football, tennis and visit my family. I also use the few weeks I stay there to eat fried blood sausage from Burgos with friend eggs, because it´ s a dish that you cannot f ind here.

One of the things that I'd l ike to celebrate in Spain, but I can't, is Los Reyes Magos, a festival on the 6th of January, which is very close to Christmas. This festival is a religious one that celebrates the day the Three Wise Men visited baby Jesus with gif ts. This is why people get gif ts on this day, the gif ts are from the Three Wise Men. I l ike this holiday as I get even more presents after Christmas.

Alejandro Montoya Meet one more CIS student


Another CIS FamilyHola, qué tal! We are Raquel and José Manuel, Alejandro (4th grade) and Nicolás (kindergarten) parents. We have lived in Denmark since January 2014.

Our children have only lived two years in Spain so what they most clearly recall is our family, our house, their friends, ah! and " el chocolate con churros", a white f lour dough which is fried in very hot olive oil. There is a place in Tivoli where they make churros in a similar way. We do f ind dif ferences between Spain and Denmark, and we miss a couple of things:

-some typical Spanish products which are very dif f icult to f ind here, such as jamón ibérico, good extra virgin olive oil at a reasonable price, paella, seafood ... good Spanish gastronomy in general, which is a substantial part of our culture and which we love to share with family and friends together with a good wine. -late meals; having lunch at 3 pm and dinner at 10 pm has its own charm!-having sun and bright daylight even in winter, so you can make plans for going out without worrying about the weather!

Meet a CIS Family

Hi, my name is Marta and I am Gabi and Alejandro Montoya´ s mother. We came to Denmark from Spain in August last year, so this is their f irst year at CIS.

Spain and Denmark are very dif ferent but I think we are all quite happy here. There are of course some things we miss apart from friends and family.

One of the things I personally miss more is the sunny Madrid winters! Don´ t think it is warm there in November or February; actually, it is much colder than here and it snows a lot, but you have many wonderful sunny days.

Another thing I miss is going out on Saturdays or Sundays for some tapas before lunch. I am sure most of you know what a tapa is, but I will try to explain for those who don´ t.

There are many dif ferent tapas, also depending in which part of Spain you are, but basically they are a small portion of food you eat while drinking some wine, beer or a soda. In some places, l ike Andalucia, you do not have to pay for the tapa, they are free and you get one every time you order something to drink. So, if you go out on a Saturday evening with some friends and have a couple of drinks, you almost get a free dinner!

In some other places like Madrid or Bilbao (where I come from) tapas are not free. Some places are especially well known for their high quality tapas and there can be more than 20 dif ferent ones to choose from!

As for my kids, Alex says he misses Spanish food and living in the countryside, next to a natural park. Gabi f inds it very interesting that people here seem to be more optimistic, although he is not sure whether that is a good attitude!

The Montoya Family

Spanish Language Class at CIS

Clase de Español Lengua Materna. En esta clase reforzamos contenidos lingüísticos de la lengua española y conocemos nuestra cultura más a fondo, tanto de España como de Latino América


?Una de las cosas que más echamos de menos aquí, es los inviernos soleados de Madrid?

?Hay bares que son conocidos por la calidad de sus tapas (?pintxos? en el Pais Vasco). En algunos, puedes elegir entre más de 20 variedades.?

How does CIS Celebrate Spain?

Edited by: Ron Rosenow    Teacher Journalist: Diana Lloret

Student Journalists: Bruno Arrizabalaga Martini, Matan Dvir, Yelyzaveta Vozniuk, Pablo Arrizabalaga Martini, Yifan Zhang, Lara Sauer, Donggun Yoon and Zaid Attari.

With special thanks to: CIS?s Spanish students and parents, the students of 5B, Maria Iraci, and David Criden.

Next Issue: Countries where we only have a few students each (i.e. Israel, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Ukraine, etc.) If you?re from a country where only a few CIS students have come from, what would you l ike to share with the CIS community?


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