Page 1: CITY OF HOUSTON · a. The Houston Airport System (“HAS” or “City”) provides a safe and dynamic air services network that fosters economic vitality for the transportation industry

Date Issued: April 17, 2020

Pre-Proposal Teleconference: April 28, 2020 @ 10:00 A.M CST Conference Call No. 515-604-9610 Access Code No: 174062 Virtual Tour immediately following teleconference

Pre-Proposal Questions Deadline:

May 1, 2020 @ 2:00P.M. CST

Solicitation Due Date:

June 4, 2020 @ 4:00 P.M., CST

Solicitation Contact Person:

Valerie Player-Kaufman valerie.player-kaufman@houstontx,gov 832-393-8749

Project Summary: This RFP is for parking operations and management services to provide a parking operator to operate, manage, and maintain parking facilities at the Bush Intercontinental (IAH), William P. Hobby (HOU) Airports locations for a ten (10) year contract term for the Houston Airport System.

MWBE Goal: 35%




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PART I – GENERAL INFORMATION... ........................................................................................................................... 4

1.0 General Information... ................................................................................................................................ 4

2.0 City of Houston Background ...................................................................................................................... 4

3.0 Solicitation Schedule ................................................................................................................................. 4

PART II – SCOPE OF WORK / TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS .. ................................................................................ 4

1.0 Purpose...................................................................................................................................................... 4

2.0 Background ................................................................................................................................................ 4

3.0 Scope of Work ........................................................................................................................................... 4

4.0 Exhibits .................................................................................................................................................... 35

PART III – EVALUATION AND SELECTION PROCESS .............................................................................................. 36

1.0 Evaluation Committee ............................................................................................................................. 36

2.0 Interviews/Oral Presentations/ Demonstrations ...................................................................................... 36

3.0 Selection Process .................................................................................................................................... 36

4.0 Best and Final Offer (“BAFO”) ................................................................................................................. 36

5.0 Evaluation Criteria ... ............................................................................................................................... 36

6.0 Additional Related Services ..................................................................................................................... 40

7.0 Invoicing ... ............................................................................................................................................... 40

PART IV – SUBMISSION OF PROPOSAL .................................................................................................................... 40

1.0 Instructions for Submission ... ................................................................................................................. 40

2.0 Submission Requirements ....................................................................................................................... 41

PART V – EXCEPTIONS TO TERMS AND CONDITIONS ........................................................................................... 46

PART VI – SPECIAL CONDITIONS ............................................................................................................................... 47

1.0 No Contact Period ... ............................................................................................................................... 47

2.0 Minority and Woman Business Enterprises (M/WBE)... .......................................................................... 47

3.0 Protests .................................................................................................................................................... 47

4.0 Cancellation ............................................................................................................................................. 48

5.0 Anti-Boycott of Israel... ............................................................................................................................. 48

6.0 Executive Order 1-56 Zero Tolerance for Human Trafficking in City Service Contracts and


7.0 Preservation of Contracting Information………………………………………………………………………..48

PART VII – INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPOSERS ............................................................................................................ 48

1.0 Pre-Proposal Conference... ..................................................................................................................... 48

2.0 Additional Information and Specification Changes .................................................................................. 48

3.0 Letter(s) of Clarification ............................................................................................................................ 48

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4.0 Examination of Documents and Requirements ....................................................................................... 49

5.0 Post-Proposal Discussions with Proposer(s)........................................................................................... 49

PART VIII – REQUIRED FORMS TO BE SUBMITTED WITH PROPOSAL ................................................................. 49


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1. General Information

a. The Houston Airport System (“HAS” or “City”) provides a safe and dynamic air services

network that fosters economic vitality for the transportation industry and the greater Houston region. HAS operates three major airports: (1) George Bush Intercontinental Airport/Houston (“IAH”), (2) William P. Hobby Airport (“HOU”), and Ellington Airport (“EFD”). Houston is the only City in the United States with two 4 Star Skytrax airports.

i. IAH is the 16th busiest airport in the United States as measured by ACI 2018 North America passenger traffic and a United Airlines Hub airport. In calendar year 2018, 20.8 million passengers enplaned at IAH, approximately 56% of them originating their journeys from Houston. IAH is an important international gateway, particularly for flights to Latin America.

ii. HOU is the 39th busiest airport in the United States as measured by ACI 2018 North America passenger traffic and an important airport in the Southwest Airlines system for domestic and International flights to Latin America and the Caribbean. In calendar year 2018, 6.9 million passengers enplaned at HOU, approximately 70% of them originating their journeys from Houston.

iii. EFD is a former U.S. Air Force base that is now operated as a joint civilian-military airport serving business and general aviation and is home to the Houston Spaceport.

Parking is an important element in the passenger experience and the largest source of non-airline revenue for HAS, with gross sales exceeding $110 million annually. HAS offers passengers a number of different parking products, including Self-Park, Valet, ecopark/remote economy, and employee/contract parking, in numerous garages and surface lots with an aggregate space count of roughly 36,000.

2. Solicitation Schedule

Listed below are the important dates for this Request for Proposals (RFP).

EVENT ___________ DATE _ Date of RFP Issued April 17, 2020 Pre-Proposal Teleconference April 28, 2020 Questions from Proposers Due to City May 1, 2020 Proposals Due from Proposers June 4, 2020 Notification of Intent to Award (Estimated) July 27, 2020 Council Agenda Date (Estimated) September 16, 2020 Contract Start Date October 5, 2020


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The Parking Management and Operations Services RFP will provide a Parking Operator to operate, manage, and maintain the parking facilities at various HAS locations as required in the RFP. The Parking Operator is required to operate and manage, self-parking, valet parking operations, shuttle buses, courtesy carts, other service vehicles, and maintain the parking revenue control systems (“PARCS”) and certain other parking related equipment.

2.0 BACKGROUND - Project Objective

2.1 The City’s objective under the Parking Management and Operations Services contract

are to:

2.1.1 Enhance the customer’s parking experience by offering a choice of products

with high quality service levels at a range of cost and convenience.

2.1.2 Grow net parking revenues.

2.1.3 Improve operational efficiencies and promote best practices

2.1.4 Create flexibility to adopt new products, services, and technologies.

2.1.5 Maintain facilities in opening-day fresh condition through a comprehensive

asset management and maintenance program.


3.1. To be eligible to participate in this procurement, Proposer must meet all the following minimum qualifications:

3.1.1. Provide evidence that the Proposer has a minimum of five (5) consecutive

years of experience, continuously and actively operating, as the primary parking facility operator at one or more airports that (i) ranks in the top 30 U.S. large-hub airports by Airports Council International (ACI) in 2018, (ii) has 15,000 or more multi-level garage and surface public parking spaces, (iii) runs 30 or more parking shuttle buses, and (iv) generates $60 million or more in gross parking revenues annually;

3.1.2. Submit a complete proposal package completed in full in response to this RFP;


3.1.3. Submit documentation that demonstrates Proposer is duly authorized to conduct business within the State of Texas.

3.2. If the Proposer is a partnership, joint venture, or newly formed entity (e.g. limited

liability company or corporation), the minimum requirements set forth in this Section (and throughout the RFP) must be satisfied by the entity or individual(s) that owns and controls a majority equity interest (at least 51%) of the partnership, joint venture or newly formed entity.

3.3. If a Contract is awarded pursuant to this procurement, the successful Proposer, at the

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time of Contract execution, may not have an ownership, financial, or other interest in, or business relationship with, or have any decision-making authority over, any airport parking facility located within five (5) miles of IAH or HOU property boundaries. If a Proposer has an ownership, financial, or other interest in, or business relationship with, or has any decision-making authority over, any such airport parking facility, the Proposer must disclose this fact and, if it is awarded a contract, divest itself of such ownership, financial, or other interest, terminate such business relationship, or relinquish such decision-making authority before executing the contract and provide City with satisfactory evidence of such divestiture.


4.1 Selected Proposer, without expense to the City, shall cause to be made, executed,

and delivered to the City:

4.1.1. A surety bond in an amount of $5,000,000.00, in a form described in the reference sample contract and executed by Selected Proposers and a corporate surety company authorized to do business in Texas having an “underwriting limitation” of a least the amount of the penal sum of the bond; or

4.1.2. An irrevocable letter of credit, in a form described in the reference sample contract, payable upon presentation to a solvent bank or savings and loan in the initial principal amount of $5,000,000.00, which shall be kept in full force and effect during the term of the reference sample contract.


5.1 All or a portion of the parking facilities subject to management by the selected Proposer has been or will be financed or refinanced with the proceeds of tax-exempt bonds and, therefore, are subject to federal tax laws limiting the amount of private business use of the parking facilities. As a result, HAS will require that any contract entered into between HAS and the selected Proposer be a “qualified management contract” for purposes of the federal tax laws applicable to tax-exempt bonds.

5.2 A “Qualified Management Contract” means a management, service, or incentive payment contract between a qualified user and a service provider under which the service provider provides services involving all, a portion, or any function of, a facility. The compensation for the parking management and operation services is set forth in the RFP and is not based on net proceeds.


6.1. Facilities

Parking Operator shall operate, manage and maintain the parking facilities at HAS including the following current locations (collectively referred to herein as “the Facilities”): IAH Terminal A/B Garage, IAH Terminal C Garages (C1, C2, C3), IAH Terminal D/E Garage (prior to permanent closure estimated to be in early 2021), IAH ecopark (JFK), IAH ecopark2 (WC), IAH Terminal A Employee Contract (including A-1 West), IAH Terminal B Employee Contract, IAH PL6 Employee Contract, HOU Red Garage, HOU Blue Garage, HOU ecopark and HOU Orange Lot Employee Contract. Detailed information about the Facilities is contained in Attachment 1 (Parking Facility Maps) and Attachment 2 (Parking Facility

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Information and Statistics).

6.2. Equipment

Parking Operator shall also operate, manage and maintain the parking access and revenue control systems (“PARCS”) for self-parking and valet operations, shuttle buses, courtesy carts, other service vehicles, and certain other parking related equipment.

6.2.1. Parking Access and Revenue Control Systems (PARCS). Currently, HAS uses Amano-McGann PARCS equipment with product version Build 19.3.19072, release Fuji 1.7, software for self-parking operations. HAS is in a procurement process to replace PARCS with a pre-capture LPR system. The Valet operation uses CVPS as its reservations/revenue control system. An equipment inventory is listed in Attachment 3 (PARCS & APGS Equipment).

6.2.2. Advanced Parking Guidance System (APGS). An APGS is installed at IAH and HOU, at IAH the system is Indect with both UMS and Camera technology, at HOU the system is Swarco Traffic Americas owned by McCain. The Parking Operator shall perform APGS system maintenance services (as a Reimbursable Expense) or from a qualified service firm subject to approval by the Director or designee.

6.2.3. Shuttle Buses. Currently, 36 CNG shuttle buses are in use at ecopark on JFK Blvd., and 20 CNG shuttle buses are in use at ecopark2 on Will Clayton Blvd. An equipment inventory is listed in Attachment 4 (Shuttle Bus & Courtesy Cart Inventory).

6.2.4. Courtesy Carts. A customer courtesy program, using approximately 16 courtesy carts, has been implemented to assist customers in the IAH garages and HOU ecopark Lot. An equipment inventory is listed in Attachment 4 (Shuttle Bus & Courtesy Cart Inventory).

6.2.5. Service Vehicles. Various vehicles are used to provide customer service and support operations. Parking operator must provide the vehicles to support customer service and operations as specified in Attachment 5 (Service Vehicle Specifications).

6.2.6. Furniture and Other Equipment. Parking Operator must provide office furniture and any other equipment or materials that it deems necessary to support the parking operations.

6.3. Changes to Facilities The Director may, in his sole discretion, with a minimum of 30 days written notice to Parking Operator: 1) open and close parking lot areas and structures; 2) assign to Parking Operator new, temporary, and/or permanent facilities, including surface lot areas and structures, where Parking Operator shall install appropriate parking equipment, signage, and other necessary operating equipment; 3) operate and manage the new facilities or delete existing Facilities; 4) designate certain areas as employee/contract parking only; and 5) re-arrange parking areas including entrance and exit lanes and provide additional entrance and exit lanes or withdraw the same

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from use.


7.1 Customer Service Plan

Parking Operator shall train its employees according to the Customer Service Plan approved by the Director or designee and shall require all employees to undergo HAS provided customer service training with the objective of providing high- quality service which is responsive to public inquiries and needs and which minimizes customer complaints. An overview of HAS’ customer training program is included in Attachment 7 (Houston Friendly Standards).

7.2 Customer Assistance

Parking Operator shall provide 24-hour emergency service 365 days per year at "no charge" to the customer for: (i) car search assistance, (ii) dead battery "jump starts", (iii) inflation of flat tires or installation of spares, (iv) fuel assistance by transporting customer with an approved gas can to a fueling station for the customer to purchase fuel, and (v) lock out assistance (customers to be provided with the phone number of a locksmith to unlock doors of cars with keys locked inside)

7.3 APGS

Parking Operator shall operate, maintain and produce reports from the APGS system(s) assisting patrons with finding available parking spaces in the garages.

7.4 Parking Location Assistance

Parking Operator shall maintain a system assisting patrons with locating their parked vehicles. Such system may include, without limitation, ticket-devices with location specific/coded tickets, visual and audio reminders, and other reminders as approved by the Director or designee.

7.5 Courtesy Cart Program

Parking Operator shall operate a courtesy cart program properly training staff to assist customers with (i) transportation to/from their cars and terminal elevators or entrances, (ii) locating their vehicles in the Facilities, and (iii) wayfinding in the Facilities. All courtesy carts must be transferred or acquired from the current Parking Operator, according to terms set forth under Expenses and Compensation. Future courtesy carts shall be purchased or leased by the Parking Operator. The cost of such equipment is to be recovered as a Reimbursable Expense.

7.6 Customer Programs

Parking Operator shall administer the Frequent Parker program, Corporate Parking Discount program, and coupon programs. Additionally, Parking Operator shall offer various customer services, such as car washing and electric charging stations, as directed.

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7.7 Customer Correspondence

Parking Operator shall investigate and respond to all customer correspondence within two business days excluding holidays and weekends. Parking Operator shall maintain a computer database of compliments, complaints, and other customer correspondence. HAS will be provided access to the customer response database.

7.8 Mystery Shopper Service

HAS shall have the right, at any time, without limitation, to monitor and test the quality and effectiveness of Parking Operator’s services, compliance with the terms and conditions of the contract, adherence to the operations and procedures described in the SOP, customer service, and credit card/cash- handling procedures through the use of a professional shopping service operator employed by HAS. In the event such shopping service determines that the level of Parking Operator’s service is below that required by the contract, Parking Operator shall take corrective action. The Mystery Shopper program will be contracted and paid directly by HAS or Parking Operator, as a reimbursable expense, as directed by HAS.


8.1 General Parking Management

Parking Operator shall provide comprehensive management services for parking and shuttle bus services, 24 hours per day, seven days per week, in accordance with the requirements of the contract, the approved Standard Operations and Procedures Manual (SOP), and as directed in writing by the Director or designee. Parking Operator shall provide prompt, courteous, and high-quality service to Airport patrons at all times. Parking Operator shall ensure that the operation is managed in a manner acceptable to the Director or designee and that clean, safe, efficient, attractive, high-quality Facilities and services are provided to airport patrons.

8.2 Standard Operations and Procedures Manual (SOP)

8.2.1 SOP. Parking Operator shall provide an SOP to the Director or designee in hardcopy and electronic format, within 60 days after the date the contract becomes effective, for the Director or designee’s review and approval. The SOP shall provide basic guidance on policies, practices, and procedures covering all aspects of parking management and operations, including the PARCS, garages, surface lots, valet, and shuttle operations. The SOP and the procedures contained therein shall be developed by Parking Operator based upon its best judgment and shall reflect an understanding between Parking Operator and the Director or designee on how the facilities shall be operated. Parking Operator shall confer with HAS in its preparation of the SOP and shall incorporate all information provided by Director or designee into the SOP.

8.2.2 Revisions to SOP. The SOP shall be kept current by Parking Operator

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throughout the term of the contract. The information in the SOP shall be reviewed by the Parking Operator and HAS at least annually and updated as mutually agreed.

8.3 Ticketing and Cashier Functions

8.3.1 General. Parking Operator shall monitor and operate all entries and exits to the Facilities and shall perform the cashier functions in accordance with the SOP and the direction by the Director or designee. All public parking Facilities shall be open for public entry and exit except when full or as may be otherwise approved by the Director or designee in writing.

8.3.2 Remote Assistance. HAS operates parking facilities with exit plazas that are fully automated and all other facilities are heavily automated. Parking Operator shall assist patrons in the lane remotely at parking facilities that are fully automated, or lanes properly equipped to remotely process transactions. Additional equipment needed for automation of facilities or lanes will be a non-recurring reimbursable expense or procured directly by HAS.

8.3.3 Parking Ticket. The parking ticket shall list the parking terms and conditions approved by the Director or designee. Parking Operator shall procure the ticket stock and stock the ticket dispensers.

8.3.4 Non-revenue Transactions. Parking Operator shall permit HAS-owned and operated vehicles, emergency vehicles, and other categories of vehicles and groups of individuals as approved by the Director or designee to access or park in designated parking lots and garages at no charge.

8.3.5 Change Fund. Parking Operator shall establish the necessary change fund for daily parking operations.

8.3.6 Cash Drop. Parking Operator shall develop procedures for ensuring the chain of custody of all cash. This includes cash pick-ups/drops during shifts, consolidation of funds and other steps taken in collecting, counting and depositing cash.

8.3.7 Armored Car Services. Parking Operator shall provide armored car services for the counting of money and secure transfer of revenue receipts to HAS’s designated bank account. The armored car service shall provide smart safes with a direct link to the City’s bank for provisional credit. The Parking Operator is charged with safeguarding and ensuring that all revenue receipts are accounted for and handled securely from cashiers, pay in lane stations, and other areas and depositing to HAS's designated bank account.

8.3.8 Exit Standards. Parking Operator shall staff all Facilities so that there will not be exiting delays of more than a sustained period of five minutes and provide documentation of any system failures within 24 hours, which results in exit delays exceeding the performance standard. Parking Operator shall ensure that the average processing time at the cashier booth does not exceed 30 seconds for cash transactions and 45 seconds for credit card transactions per vehicle. This includes the responsibility to monitor late flights or irregular airport operations and provide sufficient staffing to maintain the service level

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at all times.

8.4 Traffic Management and Signage

8.4.1 Traffic Management. Parking Operator shall monitor and manage all traffic as required in the parking Facilities by directing traffic, setting up and taking down cones or barricades, and erecting or replacing delineators.

8.4.2 Signage and Information. Parking Operator shall provide clear, visible signage for parking patrons showing parking facility names and rates, closing of levels for maintenance/repairs. Parking Operator shall be required to maintain all signage in accordance of established messages, which must be aproved by Director or designee.

8.4.3 Automated Parking Guidance System (APGS). Parking Operator shall operate and maintain the APGS system(s). Parking Operator shall provide parking information for the HAS website and dynamic signage in accordance with established messages, which must be approved by Director or designee.

8.5 Inclement Weather Conditions

8.5.1 Flood/Hurricane. Parking Operator must ensure it prepares for inclement weather conditions and appropriate steps are to be taken as determined in the SOP. A flood/hurricane plan is to be jointly developed and included in the SOP. The flood/hurricane plan will address staffing, stay in-place procedures, securing equipment, acquiring supplies, checking backup generators, and other preparations and procedures.

8.5.2 Snow/Ice. A snow/ice plan is to be jointly developed and included in the SOP. The snow/ice plan will address the equipment, abrasives, anti-icing, deicing methods and chemicals to be used. The type of ice-melting agent must be approved by the Director or designee prior to use. Sand may not be used inside the parking areas of the parking structures but may be used on any exposed exterior stairways.

8.6 Other Services

Parking Operator shall operate and manage various other parking and ground transportation related services as determined by HAS including, but not limited to, the following:

8.6.1 Emergency/Information Callboxes. Parking Operator shall receive calls and dispatch assistance as needed, and coordinate any concerns, as required, with HAS or its representatives.

8.6.2 Disabled Parking Spaces. Parking Operator shall not remove or take out designated Handicap parking spaces without approval from the Director or designee. Parking Operator shall notify the Director or designee of apparent violation of Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) regarding the required number and location of spaces by facility.

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8.6.3 Towing and Impounding of Vehicles. Parking Operator shall manage a vehicle towing program to move vehicles in an emergency, move parked vehicles that impede traffic or operations, are parked illegally, and during heightened security alerts. The Parking Operator is responsible for removing stolen and abandoned vehicles to a designated lot. If requested in writing by the Director or designee, Parking Operator shall procure tow trucks and manage the towing service. Parking Operator shall also, if so directed by the Director or designee, manage the public auction and sale of abandoned and impounded vehicles. Parking Operator, in addition to collecting any parking fees that may be due with respect to any vehicle towed from the parking facilities, shall charge each vehicle owner the towing and impound rates as established/approved by the Director or designee.

8.6.4 Planning Assistance. Parking Operator, through its General Manager and management staff, shall provide assistance to HAS in the planning process for Facility expansions, Facility replacement projects, and changes in services within its reasonable ability and expertise as a professional parking management firm. This may include, but is not limited to, revenue forecasting, operational plans for new Facilities and services, potential changes in technology applications related to parking and shuttle services, and marketing efforts related to any existing operations for which the Parking Operator is responsible, or future operations that would be considered reasonable extensions of the existing scope of services.

8.6.5 Ground Transportation Services. If requested in writing by the Director or designee, Parking Operator shall operate, manage and maintain various ground transportation facilities and functions, including Terminal arrival and departure curbs, limousine lots, and/or taxi and TNC staging, subject to agreement between the Parking Operator and the Director or designee regarding the effective date for starting such responsibilities, staffing levels, budget, and any pertinent details for providing such services. The cost for these services will be included in the reimbursable operating budget.


In connection with its provision of the operation and management of shuttle bus services for the facilities, Parking Operator shall, at a minimum, perform the following functions: 9.1 Shuttle Bus

9.1.1 Shuttle Bus Service. Parking Operator shall operate a trunk-to-trunk shuttle bus service as part of the HAS ecopark operations. Parking Operator shall monitor and assess the shuttle bus usage and recommend to the Director or designee when the number of buses should be increased or decreased. Parking Operator may change the routes, service, and schedules only with the prior approval of the Director or designee. The Director or designee may, at their sole discretion, add, reduce, alter, eliminate and relocate, shuttle bus routes and stops. Parking Operator shall make buses available for irregular airport operations (terminal train service disruptions, hard stand parking of aircraft) and miscellaneous city-wide tours as directed by the Director or designee.

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9.1.2 Performance Standards. Parking Operator shall ensure that: No patron waits more than three (3) minutes on the lot before pick

up. No patron waits more than ten (10) minutes to depart the lot once

boarded. Bus timing shall be no more than the following schedule for each

terminal bus stop; Five (5) minutes for pick-up at the terminal bus stop between the hours of 6:01 am and 12:00 am, no more than ten (10) minutes between the hours of 12:01 am and 2:00 am, and no more than fifteen (15) minutes between the hours of 2:01 am and 6:00 am. This includes the responsibility to monitor flight conditions and to provide additional coverage beyond the normal schedule to maintain the stated service levels at all times, including those periods of abnormal activity patterns. Parking Operator will be required to run the scheduled bus hours

per Attachment 10 – IAH Shuttle Bus Hours. If actual operating hours are below the scheduled hours per Article IV, Section N, the Parking Operator may be subject to liquidated damages.

9.1.3 Shuttle Bus Specifications. All shuttle buses and related equipment, such as the GPS tracking system, two-way radios and the radio dispatch system, must be transferred or acquired from the current parking operator, according to terms set forth under Expenses and Compensation. Future shuttle buses and related equipment shall be purchased or leased new by the parking operator. The cost of such equipment is reimbursable expense. Title of the shuttle buses in operation at the end of the contract shall transfer to either HAS or a new Parking Operator. Buses shall be air-conditioned passenger buses, Glaval Universal, CNG fueled, with front entrance and exit. Buses used for IAH ecopark (JFK) operations must seat approximately 20 passengers and buses used for IAH ecopark2 (WC) operations must seat approximately 14 passengers. Buses shall have luggage racks inside for passenger convenience. Buses shall be clean and well maintained inside and out. All necessary inspection stickers, permits and licenses are to be in place and maintained during the term of the contract as required by the State, City, and HAS. Parking Operator shall provide a sufficient number of ADA compliant buses consistent with the requirements of Department of Transportation (DOT) on-demand bus service. The technical specifications for the CNG buses are detailed in Attachment 6 (Shuttle Bus & Courtesy Cart Specifications).

9.1.4 Radio Dispatch. Parking Operator shall manage, operate, and maintain the shuttle bus dispatching radio system. All buses must be equipped with 2-way radios with the ability to communicate with a compatible 2-way base station radio set. The dispatch radio system shall be registered with the Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) and must comply with all Federal, State, and local regulations.

9.1.5 Bus Markings and Tracking. Parking Operator shall provide clear, visible signage on the exterior of the shuttle bus, as directed by the Director or designee, and legible signage on the interior of the shuttle buses indicating

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the driver’s name, bus number, Parking Operator’s name and telephone number. Non-smoking decals shall also be displayed. Parking Operator shall manage and maintain a GPS or Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) system for monitoring shuttle bus operations. The Smart Bus/GPS system resides in the existing buses and any cost associated with transferring equipment or maintaining this equipment is a reimbursable expense.

9.1.6 Drivers and Supervisors. All drivers and supervisors shall be employees of the Parking Operator and must be properly licensed and insured. All drivers and supervisors must be neatly uniformed and courteous to airport patrons at all times. Drivers must assist customers boarding and disembarking the buses with their luggage. Drivers will also assist customers who are having difficulty boarding and disembarking the buses. Drivers shall not solicit tips but may accept tips as offered.

9.2 Maintenance of Shuttle Buses and Other Vehicles

9.2.1 Parking Operator shall perform routine, preventive, remedial, and emergency maintenance for all shuttle buses and vehicles used by the Parking Operator, including Courtesy Carts and Service Vehicles. Buses and vehicles to be used shall be in “ready” condition during all airport operating hours. All maintenance and repair is a reimbursable expense. Bus/Service Vehicle damage and replacement costs shall be borne by the Parking Operator.

9.2.2 The Parking Operator will maintain the bus fleet in an HAS maintenance facility. All maintenance activities, other than adding fluids such as oil and windshield wash, must be performed at the maintenance facility.

9.2.3 Parking Operator shall develop detailed, regular-maintenance procedures and schedules that shall be included in the SOP. The shuttle buses and other vehicles shall receive preventive maintenance in accordance with the manufacturers’ recommendations, DOT, and environmental safety requirements. Further, Parking Operator shall comply with the following: Compliance with Warranties. Maintenance, servicing, and repairs of the vehicles covered by warranties shall be performed according to the terms and conditions of such warranties. Vehicle Replacement Parts. Parking Operator shall only use Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) parts. Daily Vehicle Inspection for Damage. Parking Operator shall institute a daily inspection program of the vehicles and shall promptly repair or have repaired any damage, in any case not later than ten calendar days following detection of the same, unless otherwise approved by the Director or designee. Parking Operator shall immediately remove any vehicle from operation and repair any damage or defect that may affect vehicle appearance, safety and/or comfort of drivers or passengers. Vehicle Cleaning. Parking Operator shall wash the exterior and clean the interior of each vehicle at regular intervals, as established in the SOP. Maintenance Records. Parking Operator shall keep detailed records of all maintenance and/or repairs to vehicles and make such

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records available for inspection by HAS during normal working hours. The maintenance records shall include, as a minimum, the date, nature, and cost of the maintenance or repair. Air-Conditioning and Heating Units. Parking Operator shall maintain the air-conditioning and heating units within the shuttle bus vehicles in good operating condition. Operable air-conditioning and heating units shall be required to be used in the vehicles at all appropriate times.

9.3 CNG Fueling

9.3.1 CNG Fueling. Parking Operator shall fuel the CNG buses at HAS’s CNG fueling station located adjacent the IAH ecopark lot (JFK), or any future CNG station that may be built on airport property.

9.3.2 CNG Fuel Contract. Parking Operator shall be responsible for contracting with a CNG station maintenance and fuel provider to (i) ensure that routine, preventive, remedial and emergency maintenance service is provided, and (ii) CNG fuel is provided at the lowest commercially available cost. A sample contract is included in Attachment 9 (Sample CNG Fueling Contract).

9.3.3 CNG Training. Parking Operator shall ensure that reasonable training programs are offered to educate Parking Operator personnel as to the procedures for the safe and efficient use of the CNG Bus Fueling Station facility, including procedures relating to safe vehicle fueling, trouble shooting and appropriate emergency procedures.

9.3.4 CNG Fuel and Fueling Station Costs. The costs of the CNG fuel and maintenance of the fueling station should be combined into a price per Gasoline Gallon Equivalent (GGE), which will be treated as a reimbursable expense, as further detailed under Expenses and Compensation. Any Volume Excise Tax Credit (VETC) or other fuel incentive shall be credited to HAS.


10.1 Parking Revenue Control System (PARCS)

Parking Operator shall operate the existing, comprehensive PARCS and any

replacement PARCS, recognizing that the City is planning to install a new PARCS in

the next two years. Parking Operator is responsible for maintenance activities

associated with the PARCS including correction of minor repairs such as broken gate

arms and ticket jams. Parking Operator affirms that it understands and is capable of

efficiently operating the PARCS, to the full capability of the systems, license plate

inventory, space control, and other subsystems not identified herein. Parking

Operator will train its employees in the proper use of the HAS’ PARCS. Parking

Operator shall provide system status monitoring; reporting and correction; and data

backup and management for the development of manual and computer-generated

reports outlined in the SOP. The PARCS includes software developed at HAS'

expense for use in Parking Operator's operations and such software is proprietary to

HAS. Parking Operator shall not copy, assign, sell, or use the software for purposes

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not authorized by the Contract except with the written approval of the Director or


10.1.1 PARCS Equipment. All PARCS and related equipment in use, including,

but not limited to all ticket dispensers, cashier terminals, fee displays,

automatic gates, pay-in-lane machines, automatic vehicle identification (AVI)

equipment, video and intercom systems, safes, signs, computers and

printers, computer software, and related equipment, is the property of HAS

and will be assigned without charge to Parking Operator for its use under the

contract. Future PARCS equipment, whether purchased directly by HAS, or

by Parking Operator on behalf of HAS as a Reimbursable Expense, shall be

the property of HAS and may be assigned, without charge, to Parking

Operator for its use under the contract.

10.1.2 PARCS Maintenance. Parking operator will provide a system for tracking

PARCS repairs and maintenance by lane, or manage such system provided

by the PARCS vendor.

10.1.3 PARCS Training. Parking Operator shall fully train all personnel operating

the PARCS in the proper operation and procedures for the use of the

equipment prior to the start of their assignments. All training shall conform to

the standards and requirements set forth in the SOP and by the PARCS


10.2 Revenue Control

10.2.1 Collection and Deposit of Gross Receipts. Parking Operator shall collect, count, record, and hold all Gross Receipts received by it in trust for HAS, until deposited daily to a HAS bank account. Gross Receipts is the total of payments for all parking sales and other sales of goods and services, whether paid for by cash, credit or otherwise, net of credits and refunds to customers relating to such sales.

10.2.2 Credit Cards and Checks. Parking Operator shall accommodate patrons wishing to pay parking fees by nationally recognized credit and/or debit cards as directed by the Director or designee. Acceptance of checks shall be limited to authorized companies or vendors for Employee Parking. Parking operator will work with the Director or designee to facilitate other forms of payment, including EZTag, as needed.

10.2.3 Credit Card Processing. HAS plans to hold contracts with credit card processing services for the handling of credit card payments by parking customers and will be responsible for credit card processing fees. If so directed by the Director or designee in writing, Parking Operator shall maintain service contracts with credit card processors. Credit card receipts are deposited daily by the credit card processors directly to a HAS account designated for this purpose.

10.2.4 Overage and Shortages. All overages are to be deposited daily along with a reason for the overage. An overage is any revenue collected over the amount

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reported on the end-of-shift ticket and PARCS reports. All shortages (a missing deposit, cash shortage in a drawer, etc.) are to be repaid to HAS by the Parking Operator as a credit to the next weekly expense invoice. There shall be no “netting” of overage and underage in the preparation of reports and deposits.

10.2.5 Unaccounted-for-Tickets/Missing Tickets. Parking Operator shall be fully accountable for all parking tickets issued, including both used and unused tickets.

10.2.6 Revenue Reports. Parking Operator shall submit daily and monthly reports, certified by the Parking Operator’s General Manager or approved designee, to reconcile Gross Receipts and bank deposits as follows: Daily. A detailed reconciliation of daily revenue collections for each lot, structure or area, all deposits made into HAS’s parking revenue account(s), and the Gross Receipts reported by Parking Operator, in total, by parking area and payment method (including credit card type). Monthly. A detailed reconciliation of monthly Gross Receipts captured by the PARCS, Gross Receipts reported by Parking Operator, and deposits, in total, by lot and by payment method (including credit card type). Also, a detailed reconciliation of credit card receipts captured by the PARCS and credit card deposits, in total, by lot and credit card type.


Parking Operator shall submit a variety of reports to HAS. The Director or designee may

direct, in writing, Parking Operator to add, change or delete certain reports. Parking

Operator shall comply with all reasonable requests within the time period as specified by

the Director or designee. Such reports shall include, without limitation, the following:

11.1 Accounting Reports (Budget Variance Report, Unaccounted-for-Ticket Report,

Lost Ticket Report, Cashier Over/Short Report, Contract Parking Revenue Report).

11.2 Exception Transaction Reports (VIP Monthly Report, City Official Business Permit

Report, Disabled Veterans).

11.3 Operations Reports (Lot Closing Report, Monthly Overtime Analysis, License Plate

Inventory Report, Shuttle Bus Activity Report, Towing and Abandoned Vehicle

Disposition Report, Hire and Separation Report).

11.4 Parking Activity Reports (Ingress/Egress Report, Revenue and Non-revenue

Transaction Report, Revenue Analysis Report).

11.5 Maintenance Inspection Reports.

11.6 Customer Service Reports (Customer Comments).

11.7 MWBE Reports.

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Parking Operator shall recruit, hire, promote, discharge, supervise and employ all personnel in the operation of the Facilities, including, as necessary but not limited to, qualified and trained supervisors, attendants, cashiers, traffic monitors, shuttle drivers, enforcement personnel, cleaners, accounting staff, and other personnel to assure a high standard of service to fulfill its obligations.

12.1 General and Departmental Managers

Parking Operator shall select and appoint one General Manager and departmental

managers whose primary responsibility shall be the management of the parking

operations and Facilities. The General Manager must have a minimum of five (5)

years of experience in a senior airport parking management role, with at least three

(3) years as a General Manager at a U.S. large hub airport. The Director reserves

the right to approve the selection of Parking Operator’s General Manager and

departmental managers. The General Manager shall be ordinarily available and

on-site during regular business hours and, always during his or her absence,

another HAS approved manager shall be in charge on-site and available. The

General Manager shall be in complete charge of Parking Operator’s operations at

the Airport and shall be a qualified and experienced manager vested with full power

and authority over Parking Operator’s operations hereunder.

12.2 Staffing Quality

Parking Operator shall make best efforts to attract, hire, and retain high-quality

personnel, fluent in spoken and written English, and to minimize employee turnover.

Parking Operator shall not employ or retain in its service, or permit to remain on the

Facilities, any person reasonably and for good cause found by the Director or

designee to be objectionable or unfit for employment.

12.3 Staffing Levels

Parking Operator shall operate the Facilities in accordance with staffing levels,

schedules, and budget approved by the Director or designee, as may be modified

from time to time. Staffing includes the responsibility to monitor late flight conditions

and to provide additional coverage beyond the normal schedule to maintain the

stated service levels at all times, including those periods of abnormal activity

patterns. Staffing levels and schedules shall be described in the SOP. Attachment

11 – Master Schedule

12.4 Hiring

Parking Operator shall use reasonable care to employ and retain employees who

are qualified, competent, and trustworthy. As a minimum, Parking Operator shall,

prior to hiring an applicant, determine the compatibility of the applicant working in a

customer service environment, test each applicant for the presence of illegal drugs

and the presence of legal drugs in excess of medically approved standards, and

examine the applicant’s conviction record to determine instances of prior criminal

convictions which would disqualify the applicant for a position of public trust.

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Employee background checks shall comply with all local, state, and Federal

employment requirements.

12.5 Employee Retention Requirement

Parking Operator shall offer continued employment to existing personnel working

for the current Parking Operator on June 30, 2021. However, Parking Operator shall

not be obligated to retain such existing personnel (on an individual basis) if it

demonstrates to the satisfaction of the director that: (i) an individual employee does

not pass background and/or drug testing, (ii) an individual employee does not have

the experience to provide the services that Parking Operator requires, (iii) Parking

Operator does not need as many employees as its predecessor required (either in

total or in a particular job function and there is no opportunity for the affected

employee(s) to be repurposed). Employees that qualify for employment shall retain

their seniority at time of termination by prior Parking Operator, for the purpose of

considering eligibility for Health Insurance and calculating Leave Benefits. Parking

Operator shall ensure that all subcontracts, greater than $1million annually, to which

it is a party, contain the above requirements.

12.6 Management and Personnel Training

Parking Operator shall implement a comprehensive initial and recurrent training

program appropriate to each job category.

12.7 Employee Uniforms

Front-line employees who come into contact with customers (e.g., cashiers,

supervisors, drivers, customer service agents, etc.) must be uniformed and must

always wear their airport issued security badge while on duty, on break, or arriving

for work or leaving work. Uniform standards shall be specifically described in the

SOP. Parking Operator shall provide a monthly rental program for uniforms to

ensure their consistent cleaning and quality. The cost of the rental program shall be

treated as a reimbursable expense.

12.8 Overtime

Overtime premiums shall be reported as a percentage of the total payroll for all

employees and shall not exceed 5% monthly without prior approval from the Director

or designee. Parking Operator shall provide supporting documentation for any

amount exceeding the established goal. Overtime premium expenses in excess of

5% without approval will not be rejected as a reimbursable expense.

12.9 Labor Relations

Parking Operator shall maintain harmonious relations with organized labor and,

consistent with all Federal, State and local labor laws, facilitate access to employees

in the face of any union organizing drive and establish policies and procedures to

enable employees to address any complaint they may have with management

regarding wages, hours or other terms and conditions of employment. Currently

there are no labor unions organized in parking operations.

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12.10 Pay Rates and a Living Wage

Director or designee will agree on pay rates for each position as part of the annual

budget and may adjust such pay rates during the course of the year, if necessary,

through an amendment to the budget. At a minimum, Parking Operator and its

subcontractors shall pay an hourly base pay rate that is the greater of (i) $12 per

hour, exclusive of tips and benefits, or (ii) the living wage rate applicable under the

Mayor of Houston's Executive Order 1-64.


Parking Operator shall maintain and keep in a state of good repair the Facilities and provide

a high level of cleanliness of the Facilities as directed by the Director or designee. Parking

Operator shall perform routine, preventive, and emergency maintenance of the Facilities as

provided in Attachment 8 (Facility Maintenance and Repair Requirements). All

maintenance activities, schedules, and standards shall be included in the SOP, which shall

be updated as necessary.

13.1 Additional Maintenance Requirements

Parking Operator shall comply with the following:

13.1.1 Compliance and Warranties. Maintenance, servicing, and repairs of the

Facilities covered by warranties shall be performed according to the terms

and conditions of such warranties unless otherwise approved by the

Director or designee. Parking Operator shall seek promptly to enforce all

applicable warranties as necessary.

13.1.2 Maintenance Records. Parking Operator shall keep detailed records of all

maintenance and repairs to Facilities and make such records available for

inspection by HAS during normal working hours. The maintenance records

shall include, as a minimum, the date, nature, and cost of the maintenance

or repair.

13.1.3 Locks. Parking Operator shall use HAS’s Best Lock keying system for all

doors and entrances to the Facilities and mechanical room entrances

assigned to Parking Operator. Parking Operator shall be responsible for the

assignment of all keys according to a key control plan, which shall require

the approval of the Director or designee.

13.1.4 Disposing of Discarded Batteries. Parking Operator shall be responsible

for collecting and disposing of discarded batteries in the public parking lots

or garages. Batteries shall be disposed of as hazardous waste or recycled.

13.1.5 Handling of Oil Spills and Hazardous Materials. In case of a spill of oil

or hazardous materials on airport property, Parking Operator shall be

responsible for completing a Spill Notification Checklist and submitting it to

HAS within 24 hours of the spill. Parking Operator shall be responsible for

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the cleanup of oil, grease, petroleum-based fluids, antifreeze, and other

hazardous materials not specifically mentioned here in the Facilities

assigned to Parking Operator. The procedures for dealing with hazardous

materials shall adhere to environmental standards and be incorporated into

the SOP.

13.2 Changes to Maintenance Responsibilities

The Director or designee may, at any time by written notice, make changes to the

“Operation and Maintenance Responsibilities” identified in Attachment 8 (Facility

Maintenance and Repair Requirements).

13.3 Facility Renovations and Improvements

Parking Operator shall make improvements, alterations, and renovations to the

Facilities as requested by the Director or designee. These may include, but not be

limited to, signage, painting, striping, canopies, pavement repair, lighting installation

and replacement, fencing, curb and gutter, and other improvements and



14.1 Operating Expense Budget

14.1.1 Parking Operator shall prepare and submit to the Director or designee for

his review and approval an annual Operating Expense Budget, detailed by

line item and by month per the budget schedule. For reference purposes,

IAH budgeted approximately $27.3 million for fiscal year 2020 (July 1, 2019

to June 30, 2020).

14.1.2 The Operating Expense Budget shall comprise three types of expense: Reimbursable Expenses comprise recurring and non-

recurring operating expenses that are reimbursable at cost

without markup or contractual rates in the case of health

benefits. Recurring Reimbursable Expenses. Normal,

recurring reimbursable expenses, including:

Salaries, wages, payroll related costs, and

benefits; shuttle bus lease or purchase cost; fuel;

contractual services; etc. Non-recurring Reimbursable Expenses. Non-

recurring reimbursable expenses, including:

Facility renovation and improvement projects

identified by HAS, such as covered parking

structures, signage enhancements or minor

facility renovations, consulting services and

periodic expenses that occur on a one-time or

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irregular basis, such as striping and painting. A Management Fee established as a contractual amount to

compensate Parking Operator for its services. Any expenses

not considered a Reimbursable Expense shall be the

responsibility of the Parking Operator. Performance Incentive bi-annual financial incentive to

perform at the highest level.

14.1.3 Approvals and Revisions. Only expenses applicable to HAS parking

operations are permitted to be included in the Operating Budget. Budget

approvals and approvals of revisions to the Budget must be made in

writing by the Director or designee. Parking Operator will not be

reimbursed for any expenses exceeding the total annual approved budget,

as may be revised.

14.1.4 Budget Schedule. Parking Operator shall develop and submit an

Operating Budget for the period beginning on the Start Date and ending

June 30, 2022 to the Director or designee for review and approval within

thirty (30) business days before the Start Date. For the subsequent HAS

Fiscal Years, which begin on July 1st, Parking Operator shall develop and

submit its Operating Budget to the Director or designee by the preceding

January 10th, or such date as communicated by the Director or designee

in advance. Parking Operator shall ensure that all expenses are submitted

for payment in accordance with the approved Operating Budget and fall

within the expenditure’s fiscal budget cycle.

14.2 Reimbursable Expenses

All line items included in the reimbursable expense section of the approved

Operating Budget shall be considered Reimbursable Expenses.

Reimbursable Expenses include, but are not necessarily limited to the following:

14.2.1 Base payroll for all on-site authorized Parking Operator’s employees,

(includes but is not limited to Shuttle Bus managers, Shuttle Bus

supervisors, Shuttle Bus drivers, dispatchers, Parking managers, Parking

supervisors, cashiers and lot attendants), including regular salaries and

wages, payroll related costs (FICA, FUTA, SUTA, and Workers

Compensation at State of Texas rate), employee incentives (approved by

the Director or designee), employee training costs (local) and overtime

hours up to 5% as evidenced by a payroll register.

14.2.2 Leave benefits including sick days, bereavement, vacation, personal days,

and approved holidays actually paid, not accrued only.

14.2.3 Health insurance at the approved contractual rates for Single, Single +1,

and Family. The rates for the first full fiscal year (July 2021 to June 2022)

will be those proposed in the RFP by the Parking Operator. Rates for

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subsequent fiscal years shall not increase more than the lessor of (i) the

Consumer Price Index (CPI) for Health Insurance as published by the U.S.

Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), or (ii) 10%.

14.2.4 Retirement program, e.g., 401(k), to be reimbursed at actual cost of

company matching contributions not to exceed 1.5% of the total employee

salaries and wages (excluding benefits).

14.2.5 Other personnel related costs including incentive awards, personnel

recruiting expenses, pre-employment testing, random drug testing,

criminal history checks, and airport security badging.

14.2.6 CNG fuel for Shuttle Buses, inclusive of maintenance contract for CNG


14.2.7 Fuel for operations service vehicles.

14.2.8 Purchase or lease, and maintenance and repair, of shuttle buses, service

vehicles and courtesy carts.

14.2.9 Facility maintenance and janitorial services, as described in Attachment

8 (Facility Maintenance and Repair Requirements).

14.2.10 PARCS equipment, parts and supplies, which include ticket stock, receipt

paper, and PARCS maintenance and software contracts.

14.2.11 Shuttle bus GPS Tracking system maintenance and any cost associated

with transferring equipment.

14.2.12 APGS equipment, part and supplies, which includes an APGS

maintenance and software contract.

14.2.13 Garage and parking lot supplies, signs and small equipment.

14.2.14 Facility renovations and improvements.

14.2.15 Towing services.

14.2.16 Uniforms and the cost of uniform maintenance including professional


14.2.17 Armored car service.

14.2.18 Training materials for onsite employees, employee seminars, and local

training programs or seminars.

14.2.19 Office supplies, pre-printed forms for operation, and postage and freight.

14.2.20 Communication equipment and services, including mobile and landline

phones, PDA and other wireless devices, local and long-distance voice

services and data services (to the extent not provided by HAS).

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14.2.21 Advertising and promotion, including the cost of the Frequent Parker


14.2.22 Customer refunds (approved per the SOP).

14.2.23 Personal property taxes on shuttle buses, service vehicles and courtesy


14.2.24 Sales or use taxes incurred on goods and services purchased

under the contract that Parking Operator is legally obligated to pay.

14.2.25 Audits (financial, operational, and PCI compliance).

14.3 Shuttle Bus Procurement

To facilitate the contract transition, the existing shuttle buses at ecopark shall be

used by the Parking Operator at the Start Date. Accordingly, Parking Operator shall

acquire the existing 36 bus fleet from the current parking operator at their

unamortized cost shown in Attachment 6 (Shuttle Bus & Courtesy Cart

Specifications & Amortization); plus sales tax and licensing, which Parking

Operator shall factor into the reimbursable expenses. The parking Operator shall

use these buses until January 1, 2024, when they shall be replaced, as approved

by the Director or designee. Parking Operator shall order 22 new buses for

ecopark2 following the Effective Date for delivery no more than 6 months from the

time of order, as approved by the Director or designee. Parking Operator shall

replace shuttle buses as needed to keep the fleet no more than five years old.

Parking Operator shall plan for:

14.3.1 Buses shall be a passthrough Reimbursable Expense amortized over 60

months with zero due at the end of the term at an interest rate not to

exceed 6%. During the term of the contract, when any of the bus fleet is

replaced, the used buses shall be traded and credited towards the new

purchase or lease. At the end of the contract term, title to all the buses in

the fleet shall transfer to either HAS or a new Parking Operator,

14.3.2 Re-wrapping of buses at the mid-point of each bus replacement cycle, (i.e.

every 2 ½ to 3 years).

14.4 Service Vehicles.

The Parking Operator must acquire the vehicles in use from the current Parking

Operator prior to the date Parking Operator assumes parking management and

operation services from the existing parking operator. The existing service fleet buy-

out costs shall be amortized over two (2) years as a reimbursable expense. The

Parking Operator shall replace all service vehicles by July 1, 2023, all such vehicles

must be purchased or leased new by the Parking Operator. The cost of these and

replacement vehicles is to be factored in the Reimbursable Expenses.

Specifications on the number and type are detailed in Attachment 5 (Service

Vehicle Specifications).

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14.4.1 Service vehicles shall be a passthrough Reimbursable Expense amortized

over 60 months with zero due at the end of the term at an interest rate not

to exceed 6%. During the term of the contract, when any of the service

fleet is replaced, the used vehicles shall be traded and credited towards

the new purchase or lease. At the end of the contract term, title to all the

service vehicles in the fleet shall transfer to either HAS or a new Parking


14.5 Courtesy Carts.

The Parking Operator shall replace all service vehicles by July 1, 2023, all such

vehicles must be purchased or leased new by the Parking Operator. The cost of

these and replacement vehicles is to be factored in the Reimbursable Expenses.

Specifications on the number and type are detailed in Attachment 6 - (Shuttle Bus

& Courtesy Cart Specifications & Amortization).

14.5.1 Service vehicles shall be a passthrough Reimbursable Expense amortized

over 60 months with zero due at the end of the term at an interest rate not

to exceed 6%. During the term of the contract, when any of the service

fleet is replaced, the used buses shall be traded and credited towards the

new purchase or lease. At the end of the contract term, title to all the

service vehicles in the fleet shall transfer to either HAS or a new Parking


14.6 Management Fee

14.6.1 Management Fee. As compensation to Parking Operator for its services

during the Term, HAS shall pay to Parking Operator a Management Fee.

The Management Fee shall be inclusive of all fees and costs not included

in Reimbursable Expenses or the Shuttle Bus Hourly Rate, including, but

not limited to, the cost of: All insurance, including automobile liability, employer’s liability,

commercial general liability, excess liability, garage keeper’s

liability. Deductibles for insurance claims and the

administrative costs of administering claims, and replacement

or damages to any vehicle. The Proposal Guarantee submitted with Parking Operator’s

Proposal and Parking Operator’s Performance Bond of $5

million. Start-up and transition activities. Office furniture, equipment and computers. Time-recording systems, payroll processing, and direct deposit

of wages. Legal, audit, administrative, bookkeeping and executive

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personnel of Parking Operator, who are not on site. Home office travel, home office or local entertainment and

accommodations, and off-site office space. Meetings between

executive level representatives of Parking Operator and HAS

or City staff. Business license (or similar fees), Legal representation, and

working capital incurred by Parking Operator in its business

operations. Any cashier shortages from cashier terminals, including

robberies. All fines, fees, and damages incurred by Parking Operator. Missing or unreturned item fees for employee badges, lost

employee parking permits, uniforms, laundry and linens. Any special employee compensation benefits, e.g., a car


14.6.2 Furniture and Other Equipment. Parking Operator will acquire existing

furniture and equipment, including Shuttle Bus Repair Shop Equipment

from the current Parking Operator. Such office furniture and equipment or

materials, are to be included in the Management Fee and will vest with

HAS. Proposers to the RFP must include a minimum of $77,321 for

furniture and other equipment in the proposed Management Fee.

14.6.3 Adjustments to Management Fee. Should HAS open a new parking

facility, or permanently close an existing facility, with a capacity of more

than 1,000 spaces, then the Management fee will be increased or

decreased proportionately to the number of spaces added or closed

versus the total number of spaces under management on the date Parking

Operator assumes parking management and operation services from the

existing parking operator.

14.6.4 Expiration or Termination Other than End of Month. If the Term shall

end on a day other than the last day of a calendar month, the payment of

the Management Fee shall be prorated based upon the number of days in

the month.

14.6.5 Right of Offset. HAS shall have the right to offset against and deduct from

the Management Fee payable to Parking Operator any amounts due HAS

from Parking Operator, including, but not limited to, unauthorized or

disputed expenses and Liquidated Damages. If HAS pays any sum or

incurs any obligations or expense because of the failure, inability, neglect,

or refusal of Parking Operator to perform or fulfill any of the terms or

conditions of the contract that it is obligated to perform or fulfill, then HAS

shall have the right to deduct said expenses from Parking Operator’s

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Management Fee.

14.7 Payment of Expenses and Management Fee

Every Friday throughout the Term, starting on the Friday following the date Parking

Operator assumes parking management and operation services from the existing

parking operator. Parking Operator shall submit a weekly invoice for 1/52nd of the

approved annual budget excluding Non-recurring Reimbursable Expenses to be

paid in arrears by HAS. Payments shall be made by electronic transfer to the

account designated in writing by Parking Operator within ten (10) days after receipt

of the invoice. In order to reconcile the actual operating expenses incurred by

Parking Operator and the weekly amounts paid by HAS during the immediately

preceding month, Parking Operator shall provide HAS with a Certified Monthly

Statement covering all expenses, including Non-recurring Reimbursable Expenses,

and the Management Fee signed by its principal financial officer or approved

designee, within fifteen (15) days after the end of each month.

14.7.1 Certified Monthly Statement. The Certified Monthly Statement shall detail the actual expenses by line item, supported by: Original invoices (if original invoices are not available, then copies of invoices certified as authentic by the vendor will be accepted), with appropriate descriptions/notations of the expense and allocation by location/lot. n the case of payroll, payroll register indicating hours, gross wages paid, and benefits, In the case of Shuttle Bus, actual bus operating hours from a computerized log and driver timecards supporting said log, A certification by the Parking Operator that HAS has not previously reimbursed Parking Operator for any of the itemized costs and expenses, and Explanations and justifications for variances versus budget.

14.7.2 Expense Reconciliation. If the actual operating expenses, approved in the budget, are greater than the total weekly amounts paid by HAS for such month, then Parking Operator shall include the deficiency in its monthly invoice for payment by HAS. If the actual operating expenses, approved in the budget, are less than the total weekly amounts paid by HAS for such month, then Parking Operator shall include the overage as a credit to HAS in its next month’s invoice.

14.7.3 Disputed Expenses. HAS shall give Parking Operator written notice of any disputed Parking Operator expenses and the reasons for such dispute. The disputed amount will be deducted from the next monthly invoice. Parking Operator, within 15 days from receipt of such notice from HAS, has the right to present a written explanation of the disputed expenses to HAS. Parking Operator may appeal HAS’s written decision to the Director or designee. Should the Director or designee determine that the expense is reimbursable the amount of such expense shall be added

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to the Parking Operator’s next monthly invoice.

14.8 Performance-Based Incentive Program

This program is in addition to the Management Fee and provides the Parking Operator a significant financial incentive to perform at the highest possible level. The program consists of two elements: (1) A Performance Incentive, and (2) Liquidated Damages. Each element will be assessed bi-annually, starting six months after the Start Date, and netted together to make up a total Performance-Based Incentive Program award. Such award, if any, shall be due and payable within 90 days.

14.8.1 Performance Incentive. The potential performance incentive payment will be set at 5 cents per Eligible Transaction per contract year, with a maximum of $150,000 in the first year escalated by 3% annually. “Eligible Transactions” are defined as all public transient revenue transactions processed by the Parking Operator Less all non-revenue transactions.

Within twenty (20) days after the bi-annual period, the Parking Operator

shall submit its biannual parking and shuttle bus performance evaluation

reports to the HAS. The Director or designee shall evaluate the Parking

Operator's performance in his sole discretion and shall notify Parking

Operator within twenty (30) days in writing of the point score and amount

of the award, if any, for the bi-annual period.

The bi-annual review shall be based on the following:

Performance Categories IAH - Definition Points

Customer Service

Significant results in providing a quality, first class, efficient parking services product, evaluated separately for: 1. % Customer compliments vs complaints received for Current Period

(Max 5 Points). * > 50% positive comments vs negative comments * 50 - 48% positive comments vs negative comments * 47 - 45% positive comments vs negative comments 2. Mystery Shopper results for performance period (Max 5 points) * Avg Shopper Score ≥ 90 * Avg Shopper Score of 89 – 85 * Avg Shopper Score of 84 - 80 3. IAH Shuttle Headway Performance Standards (20 Points) On ecopark Lot Standards (Max 10 Points) No more than three (3) min wait before shuttle pick up * 99 - 100% of Timings * 97 - 98% of Timings * 95 - 96% of Timings * 93 - 94% of Timings * 91 - 92% of Timings

0 – 45 5 3.5 2.5 5 3.5 2.5 5 4 3 2 1

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No more than ten (10) min to depart lot one 1st Passenger boards shuttle

* 99 - 100% of Timings * 97 - 98% of Timings * 95 - 96% of Timings * 93 - 94% of Timings * 91 - 92% of Timings Terminal Curbside Shuttle Standards (Max 10 Points) Five (5) Min for pickup between hrs. of 6:01am-12:00am * 99 - 100% of Timings * 97 - 98% of Timings * 95 - 96% of Timings * 93 - 94% of Timings * 91 - 92% of Timings In compliance for pickup between hrs. of 12:01am-6:00am * 99 - 100% of Timings * 97 - 98% of Timings * 95 - 96% of Timings * 93 - 94% of Timings * 91 - 92% of Timings 4. Adherence to Minimum Required Scheduled Shuttle Driver Hrs.

(Max 10 Points) * Actual Shuttle Driver Hrs. for each month ≥ MRSSDH * Actual Shuttle Driver Hrs. for each month up to1% ≤MRSSDH

* Actual Shuttle Driver Hrs. for each month up to2% ≤MRSSDH * Actual Shuttle Driver Hrs. for each month up to3% ≤MRSSDH

* Actual Shuttle Driver Hrs. for each month up to4% ≤MRSSDH

5. Adherence to Minimum Required Valet Staffing Levels by Location (Max 10 Points)

* 100% of Facility Inspections where staffing was ≥ 3 * 75% of Facility Inspections where staffing was ≥ 3

5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 10 8 6 4 2

5 3

Operating Budget

Controlled or reduced reimbursable expenses while maintaining an exceptional level of customer service. 1. Reimbursable expenses ≤ operating budget for review period

(Max 5 Points).

* Period of July–Dec, ≤ $100,000 of operating budget

* Period of July-Dec, >$100,000 but < $250,000 of operating budget

* Period of Jan–Jun, ≤ $100,000 of operating budget

* Period of Jan–Jun, >$100,000 but < $250,000 of operating budget

2. New annual budget submitted by the 2nd week of January (Max 5 Points) * Review period of Jan – June, Submit 1st week of Jan Submit 2nd week of Jan

0 – 10 5 3 5 3 5 3

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Revenue Control

Maximum control and accountability of lost revenues with minimal losses due to theft, fraud, swapped tickets, missing tickets, lost tickets, credit card revenue losses and unauthorized exits from garage and/or lots consistent to: 1. SOP updates & PRCS preventive maintenance is current (Max 5

Points) * SOP current * PARCS Preventive maintenance current

2. Unaccounted For Ticket % Maintained @ ≤.9999 (Max Points 5). * Unaccounted for Tickets maintained at ≤.89% * Unaccounted for Tickets maintained at .90 -.99%

0 – 10 2.5 2.5 5 3

Reporting Timely and accurate submittal of financial and operational reports.

1. Deliverance of accurate & on time reports a minimum of 90% of the time (Max 5 Points) * Accurate/timely submission 100 - 98% * Accurate/timely submission 97 - 95% * Accurate/timely submission 94 - 92% * Accurate/timely submission 91 - 90% * Less than 90% no points

2. Accuracy of reports - resubmittals less than 2% (Max 5 Points). * Report Resubmittal rate of less than 2% - All or nothing

0 – 10 5 4 3 2 5

Management Overall performance of the Contractor's General Manager and management team in achieving HAS' goals.

0 – 5

Total: 0 - 100

Performance Categories HOU - Definition Points

Customer Service

Significant results in providing a quality, first class, efficient parking services product, evaluated separately for: 1. % Customer compliments vs complaints received for Current Period

(Max 10 Points). * > 50% positive comments vs negative comments * 50 - 48% positive comments vs negative comments * 47 - 45% positive comments vs negative comments 2. Mystery Shopper results for performance period (Max 10 points) * Avg Shopper Score ≥ 90 * Avg Shopper Score of 89 – 85 * Avg Shopper Score of 84 - 80 3. HOU Courtesy Carts Performance Standards (Max 10 Points) Minimum of 2 Carts in service/operation on 90% of HAS monthly

Facility Inspections performed. * 3 Carts in service on 95 - 100% of Facility Inspections * 3 Carts in service on 90 - 94% of Facility Inspections

0 – 45 5 3.5 2.5 5 3.5 2.5 10 7 5

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* 2 Carts in service on 95 - 100% of Facility Inspections * 2 Carts in service on 90 - 94% of Facility Inspections

4. Adherence to Minimum Required Valet Staffing Levels by Location (Max 10 Points)

* 100% of Facility Inspections where staffing was ≥ 3 * 75% of Facility Inspections where staffing was ≥ 3


10 7

Asset Management and Condition of Facilities and Equipment

Significant efforts and results in maintaining and improving the condition of, with adherence to a 10 year Asset Management plan, the Facilities and equipment, evaluated separately for: 1. Completion of projects scheduled for the Fiscal Year/evaluation period (Max 10 Points)

* 98 – 100% of established goal for the review period or FY * 96 – 97% of established goal for the review period or FY * 94 – 95% of established goal for the review period or FY

2. Hardware/software equipment/system uptime for the evaluation period (Max 7 Points)

* 98 - 100% of the time * 95 - 97% of the time

3. Duration/frequency of Courtesy Cart failures - (Max 3 Points)

* Courtesy Carts spare ratio maintained at ≥ 25% ea. month (All points or none)

0 – 20 10 8 6 7 5 3

Operating Budget

Controlled or reduced reimbursable expenses while maintaining an exceptional level of customer service.

1. Reimbursable expenses ≤ operating budget for review period (Max 5 Points).

* Period of July–Dec, ≤ $100,000 of operating budget

* Period of July-Dec, >$100,000 but < $250,000 of operating budget

* Period of Jan–Jun, ≤ $100,000 of operating budget

* Period of Jan–Jun, >$100,000 but < $250,000 of operating budget

2. New annual budget submitted by the 2nd week of January (Max 5 Points)

* Review period of Jan – June, Submit 1st week of Jan Submit 2nd week of Jan

0 – 10 5 3 5 3 5 3

Revenue Control

Maximum control and accountability of lost revenues with minimal losses due to theft, fraud, swapped tickets, missing tickets, lost tickets, check and credit card revenue losses and unauthorized exits from garage and/or lots consistent to: 1. SOP updates & PRCS preventive maintenance is current (Max 5 Points)

* SOP current

0 – 10

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* Preventive maintenance current

2. Unaccounted For Ticket % Maintained @ ≤.9999 (Max Points 5).

* Unaccounted for Tickets maintained at ≤.89% * Unaccounted for Tickets maintained at .90 -.99%

2.5 2.5 5 3

Reporting Timely and accurate submittal of financial and operational reports.

1. Deliverance of accurate & on time reports a minimum of 90% of the time (Max 5 Points) * Accurate/timely submission 100 - 98% * Accurate/timely submission 97 - 95% * Accurate/timely submission 94 - 92% * Accurate/timely submission 91 - 90% * Less than 90% no points

2. Accuracy of reports - resubmittals less than 2% (Max 5 Points). * Report Resubmittal rate of less than 2% - All or nothing

0 – 10 5 4 3 2 5

Management Overall performance of the Contractor's General Manager and management team in achieving HAS' goals.

0 – 5

Total: 0 - 100

There is a maximum of 100 points to be awarded; the points for each

Performance Category shall be added to reach a total number of points and

the incentive payment will be awarded as follows: 0-50 points – 0% of the

award, 51-60 points – 60% of the award, 61-70 points – 70% of the award, 71-

80 points – 80% of the award, 81-90 points – 90% of the award, and 91-100

points – 100% of the award.

14.8.2 Liquidated Damages. The following provisions relate to the quality of the service that HAS expects to be provided under the contract. Parking Operator agrees that it is obligated to perform the following and that non-performance degrades the quality of the service. The occurrence of any of the following situations may result in the assessment of Liquidated Damages. Late or Incomplete Deposits. Parking Operator shall deposit Gross Receipts by the 2nd business day following collection from all parking facilities it operates on the Airport. If Parking Operator fails to deposit Gross Receipts by the end of the business day following its collection and fails to provide supporting documentation to substantiate late deposits within 24/48 Hrs. of the expected deposit, Liquidated Damages may be assessed at $500 per late or incomplete deposit, per day. Noncompliance with Shuttle Bus Headway Frequencies. Parking Operator shall operate and maintain the required headway time and pick up customers in trunk-to-trunk service. Parking Operator shall provide supporting documentation to substantiate compliance or noncompliance. If proper headway time is not maintained, Liquidated Damages may be assessed at $100 per occurrence.

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Page 33 of 71 Noncompliance with Shuttle Bus Scheduled Hour of Operation, see Attachment 10. Parking Operator shall operate and maintain the required scheduled bus hours. Parking Operator shall provide supporting documentation to substantiate compliance or noncompliance. If scheduled hours are not maintained on a monthly basis, Liquidated Damages shall be assessed per month as listed below:

Liquidated Damages of $5,000 may be assessed if Shuttle Bus

actual hours fall between 6% and 10% below scheduled

Shuttle Bus Hours.

Liquidated Damages of $10,000 may be assessed if Shuttle

Bus actual hours fall between 11% and 15% below scheduled

Shuttle Bus Hours.

Liquidated Damages of $15,000 may be assessed if Shuttle

Bus actual hours fall between 16% and 20% below scheduled

Shuttle Bus Hours.

Liquidated Damages of $20,000 may be assessed if Shuttle

Bus actual hours fall more than 20% below scheduled Shuttle

Bus Hours.

14.8.3 Unaccounted-For-Tickets. Tickets shall be reconciled monthly and tickets “not accounted for” shall be calculated as the number of vehicles in the Facilities at the start of the month, plus tickets issued during the month, less vehicle exits processed, less vehicles remaining in the Facilities at the end of the month. The ending inventory of vehicles for one month shall be the beginning inventory of vehicles for the next month. Vehicle exits shall include lost ticket transactions. Ticketless transactions shall be excluded for the purpose of this reconciliation. Liquidated Damages shall be assessed for Unaccounted-For-Tickets as listed below.

Liquidated Damages of $5 per ticket may be assessed for tickets not accounted for in the monthly reconciliation from 1.0% or more of the total number of tickets issued during the month, but less than 1.5% of the total number of tickets issued during the month.

Liquidated Damages of $10 per ticket may be assessed for tickets not accounted for in the monthly reconciliation from 1.5% or more of the total number of tickets issued during the month, but > 2.0% of the total number of tickets issued during the month.

Liquidated Damages of $20 per ticket may be assessed for tickets not accounted for in the monthly reconciliation that exceed 2.0% of the total number of tickets issued during the month.

A negative result from the computation indicates an artificial gain of tickets that must be attributable to an inventory or reconciliation error. In such case, the Parking operator may be assessed Liquated Damages at $5,000 per occurrence.

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14.8.4 Non-compliance on License Plate Inventory (LPI). Parking Operator shall update and provide daily a complete and accurate LPI report. Should the Parking Operator fail to meet this requirement, Liquated Damages may be assessed at $300 per occurrence.

14.8.5 Failure to Submit Complete Reports in a Timely Manner. Should Parking Operator fail to provide to the Director or designee by the specified submittal date one or all of these subject reports and fail to provide supporting documentation to substantiate the delay or obtain the Director or designee’s permission to delay or omit a particular report, Liquidated Damages may be assessed at $100 per day delayed, per report.

14.8.6 Inadequate or Unmet Janitorial/Cleanliness Standards. Parking Operator shall meet the standards for janitorial services and cleanliness of the Facilities and Shuttle Buses. Should the Parking Operator fail to meet this requirement, Liquated Damages may be assessed at $750 per occurrence.


15.1 Term

The Contract will become effective upon approval by City Council and the countersignature of the City Controller and will have a term of 10 years from the date Parking Operator assumes parking management and operation services from the existing parking operator, which will be 90 days from the Effective Date or a date mutually agreed to by both parties. The City shall have the right to terminate for convenience, by providing 180 days’ notice to Parking Operator and subject to the availability of funds, the City will compensate, the Parking Operator for documented unamortized costs of the Shuttle Buses and Service Vehicles.

15.2 Transition

Parking Operator shall commit to and provide sufficient supervisory personnel, training staff and other employees as necessary on site prior to the Start Date in order to plan and implement a smooth transition, at the Parking Operator’s cost. If transition staffing is deemed inadequate by HAS, Parking Operator shall remedy staffing as requested by the Director or designee.

15.3 Permitted Subcontracting Activities

Parking Operator may execute subcontracts, with the consent of the Director or designee, with qualified operators and suppliers to provide services required or authorized by the contract, such as facility maintenance, vehicle maintenance, valet parking, janitorial services, towing, pest control, uniforms, auditing, and signage. Parking Operator shall remain responsible to HAS for ensuring that the performance of subcontractors complies with the contract and is acceptable to the Director or designee.

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15.4 Advertising and Marketing

HAS desires to present the parking, valet, and shuttle bus operations in a professional, high-quality manner to the traveling public.

15.4.1 General Advertising Program. At the direction of the Director or designee, Parking Operator shall implement a comprehensive parking marketing campaign, including various digital, print and other media.

15.4.2 Telephone Messages and Directory Advertising. At the direction of the Director or designee, Parking Operator shall develop a pre-recorded telephone message device that contains accurate information regarding the locations (including ADA parking), rates, and shuttle bus service for each public parking facility.

15.4.3 Corporate Identity. Parking Operator shall not affix or display its corporate logo, name or otherwise advertise its corporate identity on Facilities, operating equipment, assigned areas, or leased areas on the Airport, without the prior written approval of the Director or designee.

15.4.4 Procedures for Reporting Accidents and Notification of Theft or Damage: Notification and Reporting. Parking Operator shall immediately notify Airport Communications Center and HAS Commercial Development - Parking of any report, discovery, or investigation of any theft, robbery, fraud, fire, or significant damage to HAS or private property and provide a written report within 24 hours. The report shall describe the theft, fraud or damage; the amount of theft, fraud or damage as best can be determined; the action Parking Operator has taken or intends to take. Procedures for handling these matters shall be included in the SOP. Safety. Parking Operator shall establish a “Safety Committee” to be a group which evaluates the effectiveness of parking and safety-related measures and devises proactive steps to be taken to ensure an enhanced environment for all employees, tenants, and the public which use the parking, valet, and shuttle bus services of Parking Operator. HAS will appoint a representative on the Safety Committee.

15.5 Insurance, Indemnification, and Other Legal Terms Insurance requirements, indemnification, and other legal terms will be described in greater detail in the attached sample contract.


The following documents are provided as an aid in responding to this solicitation:

See “Exhibit-A”: IAH Health Insurance Rates See “Exhibit-B”: IAH Management Fee Rates

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1.0 Evaluation Committee

An evaluation committee shall evaluate Proposers’ submissions in accordance with the evaluation criteria listed in Item E below. Upon completion of the evaluation, the committee may develop a short list of Proposer(s) meeting the technical competence requirements. The shortlisted Proposer(s) may be scheduled for a structured oral presentation, demonstration, interview and negotiations. Following these City-to-Proposer(s)’ meetings, the evaluation committee will summarize their findings and recalculate their scores, if needed. However, the evaluation committee reserves the right to issue letter(s) of clarification when deemed necessary to any or all Proposer(s). The oral presentations, demonstrations and/or interviews may be recorded and/or videotaped.

2.0 Interviews/Oral Presentations/Demonstrations

The City reserves the right to request that Proposer(s) provide a final presentation handout of its Proposal at their scheduled meeting. No Proposer may attend presentations of any other Proposer. If necessary, Proposers may be scheduled for more than one presentation, demonstration, or interview.

3.0 Selection Process

The City intends to select a Proposal that best meets the needs of the City and that provides the best overall value. The City reserves the right to check references on any projects performed by the Proposer, whether provided by the Proposer or known by the City. Upon review of all information provided by Proposers, the evaluation committee will make a recommendation for selection to City officials. Upon approval of the selected Proposer, a contract shall be executed by the appropriate City officials.

4.0 Best and Final Offer (“BAFO”)

The City reserves the right to request a BAFO from finalist Proposer(s), if necessary. At minimum, the BAFO shall include: 1) a final Fee Schedule with associated costs; 2) address any outstanding items previously identified during the evaluation of Proposals; and 3) any other issue the City requires to make an informed decision.

The request for a BAFO shall include instructions, requirements, and a specified submission due date.

5.0 Evaluation Criteria

5.1 Responsiveness of Proposal (Pass/Fail)

The Proposal shall be responsive to all material requirements that will enable the evaluation committee to evaluate it in accordance with the evaluation criteria and make a recommendation to City officials.

5.2 Technical Competence/Requirements

5.2.1 Customer Service Plan, Approach and Procedures (25 points)

This criterion considers the quality, comprehensiveness, and feasibility of the Proposer’s Customer Service Plan for parking and shuttle bus services. The Customer Service Plan should detail:

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Page 37 of 71 Cashier training, shuttle bus driver training, general customer service training (including, but not limited to, handling customer issues, assisting patrons who are not familiar with the airport or cannot locate their vehicle, etc.; Methods to monitor customer service; Practices and procedures for handling customer queries and complaints; and Customer service initiatives that Proposer would implement to improve the customer experience.

5.2.2 Operations Plan, Approach and Procedures (25 points)

This criterion considers the quality, comprehensiveness, and feasibility of the Proposer’s Operations Plan for parking and shuttle bus services. The Operations Plan should detail the Proposer’s: Transition plan; Standard Operations and Procedures Manual (including, but not limited to, cashier functions, shuttle bus procedures, courtesy cart operations, emergency procedures, procedures for managing transactions in the lane remotely, etc.) PARCS procedures, approach to revenue and expense controls; Marketing and revenue maximization plans; and Initiatives to enhance services offered, and any other aspects of the operation the Proposer may incorporate.

5.2.3 Senior Management Team and Training Plan (10 points)

This criterion will consider the quality, comprehensiveness, and feasibility of the Proposer’s Senior Management Team and Management Training Plan. The Proposer is expected to employ professional, well-trained management team and staff, including attendants, cashiers, valet personnel, clerks, and others to assure a high standard of service to airport parking patrons. The Proposer should provide: (i) senior management resumes demonstrating experience managing a combined public parking and shuttle bus operation; (ii) senior management organizational chart with associated roles

and responsibilities; and (iii) management and other personnel training plan;

5.2.4 Asset Management and Facility Maintenance Plan (15 points) This criterion will consider the quality, comprehensiveness, and feasibility of the Proposer’s Asset Management and Facility Maintenance Plan, including:

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Page 38 of 71 regular operational maintenance with list of tasks and task frequency; facility inspections; scheduled preventative maintenance; work order procedures and priority policy; training of personnel in maintenance practices, safety, the use of hazardous materials, and proper labeling;

5.2.5 Company Qualifications and Experience (15 points)

This criterion will consider: the background, qualifications and years of experience the Parking Operator has with parking and shuttle bus operations; if a partnership or joint venture, the quality and amount of experience the firm has working together in parking and shuttle bus operations at airports; the qualifications and experience of any proposed subcontractors; the quality of past performance with regard to customer service, reliability of service, and facility maintenance at other airports similar in size and complexity; past experience with PARCS systems and programs to secure revenue; and references (to be obtained by the City).


ENVELOPE that is clearly marked with the RFP title and solicitation number and the label “Price Proposal”. 5.3.1 Expenses and Compensation (10 points)

This criterion will evaluate the Proposer’s Management Fee and Health Insurance rates. Management Fee (8 points)

This criterion will evaluate the total cost of the Management Fee. The total cost for each year will be summed over the ten-year term to derive a grand total cost. The grand total cost for each Proposer shall be evaluated by comparing it mathematically to the other proposals received. The lowest offer will receive the maximum of 8 points. Higher offers will receive scores based on the relationship they bear to the lowest offer using the following formula: Score = 8 points (the max) less 1 point for every $500,000 increment that Proposer’s grand total cost is greater than the lowest Proposer. For example, if a proposal has a grand total cost of $12 million compared to the lowest

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Proposer’s grand total cost of $10 million, it shall receive a score of 4 points (8 – 2,000,000/500,000 = 4 points). Health Insurance Rates (2 points)

This criterion will evaluate the simple average of the Proposer’s per employee Health Insurance rates for Single, Single +1, and Family during the first full year of the contract. The lowest proposal will receive 2 points and all others zero points.

5.4 Quality of proposed M/WBE Participation aligned with the project scope

(Pass/Fail) 5.4.1 The City’s Office of Business Opportunity will evaluate the Proposer’s plan

to achieve a goal of 35% of parking operating expenses and the management fee for MW/BE participation. Proposers who fail to evidence a reasonable plan to achieve the stated goal shall be deemed non-responsive.

5.5 Financial Stability of the Proposer (Pass/Fail)

5.5.1 The City’s Finance Department will evaluate the strength of the Proposer’s

financial statements and other required financial information. Proposers who fail to evidence sufficient financial capability to fulfill the obligations of the Contract shall be deemed non-responsive.

If Proposer is an entity that is required to prepare audited financial statements, Proposer shall submit an annual report that includes:

5.5.2 Last two years of audited accrual-basis financial statements, including an

income statement, cash flow statement, and balance sheet; 5.5.3 If applicable, last two years of consolidated statements for any holding

companies or affiliates; 5.5.4 An audited or un-audited accrual-basis financial statement of the most recent

quarter of operation; and 5.5.5 A full disclosure of any events, liabilities, or contingent liabilities that could

affect Proposer’s financial ability to perform this contract. If Proposer is a privately-owned entity or sole proprietorship for which audited financial statements are not required, Proposer shall submit an annual report that includes: 5.5.6 Last two years of un-audited accrual-basis financial statements, including an

income statement, cash flow statement, and balance sheet; 5.5.7 An audited or un-audited accrual-basis financial statement of the most recent

quarter of operation; and 5.5.8 A full disclosure of any events, liabilities, or contingent liabilities that could

affect Proposer’s financial ability to perform this contract;


5.5.9 Other financial information sufficient for the City, in its sole judgement, to determine if Proposer is financially solvent or adequately capitalized.

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5.6 Local Preference Points To be eligible for the preference, a company must be designated as a City Business (CB) or Local Business (LB) under the Hire Houston First Program prior to submittal of proposal. Proposers must provide Declaration of Hire Houston First Designation with proposal submission. At the conclusion of scoring Proposals, Hire Houston First preference points shall be distributed in such a way that grants the highest number of points to a City Business (CB) and the next highest number of points to a Local Business (LB).

Note: At the conclusion of scoring Proposals, preference points shall be distributed in the following manner:

• 5 Points: For Proposer firm designated as a Hire Houston First “City Business” (CB);

• 3 Points: For Proposer firm designated as a Hire Houston First “Local Business” (LB);

• 0 Points: For proposer firm not designated as either a “City Business” (CB) or a “Local

Business” (LB).


In submitting its Proposal, Proposer(s) shall indicate a willingness to negotiate future potential additional services deemed appropriate for the Scope of Services, as provided herein, or deemed necessary and/or desirable by the City.

7.0 INVOICING 7.1 The City is a single entity for accounting, billing, and discounting. Any invoices

accompanied by detailed supplements and other backup documents are to be submitted for payments to:

Houston Airport System

Attention: Walt Gray Parking Director P.O. Box 60106 Houston, TX 77205-0106

7.2. The City requires timely and accurate accounting and billing information.


1.0 Instructions for Submission

1.1 Number of Copies. Submit Six (6) printed copies of the Technical Proposal, one (1)

printed original signed in BLUE ink, and Six (6) electronic copies of the Technical Proposal on thumb drives, sealed in a separate single envelope bearing the assigned solicitation number (located on the first page of this RFP document) to:

City Secretary’s Office City Hall Annex, Public Level 900 Bagby Street Houston, Texas 77002

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1.1.1 Price Proposal/Fee Schedule and M/WBE documents. Submit one (1) copy

of the Price Proposal and M/WBE documents on a thumb drive in a separate

single sealed envelope bearing the assigned solicitation number and title.

The City shall bear no responsibility for submitting responses on behalf of any Proposer. Proposer(s) may submit their Proposal to the City Secretary’s Office any time prior to the stated deadline. 1.2 Time for Submission. Proposals shall be submitted no later than the date and time

indicated for submission in this RFP. Late submittals will not be considered and will be returned unopened. With the exception of City holidays, the normal business hours for the City Secretary’s office are Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CST.

1.3 Format. Proposals must be left-bound with information on both sides of the page when

appropriate. Material should be organized following the order of the submission requirements separated by labeled tabs, and shall be securely bound. Submission materials will not be returned to Proposers.

1.4 Complete Submission. Proposers are advised to carefully review all the requirements

and submit all documents and information as indicated in this RFP. Incomplete proposals may lead to a proposal being deemed non-responsive. Non-responsive proposals will not be considered.

1.5 Packaging and Labeling; Submission of Price Proposal. The outside wrapping/envelope

of the printed Technical Proposal shall clearly indicate the RFP title, date, time for submission, and the name of the Proposer. The required number of thumb drives containing the Technical Proposal shall be submitted in a separate sealed envelope and marked in the same manner as the printed Technical Proposal. The outside wrapping/ envelope of the Price Proposal shall clearly identify the content as Price Proposal and shall clearly indicate the RFP title, date, time for submission, and name of the Proposer. All other submission requirements shall be included with the Proposer’s Technical Proposal.

1.6 Delivery of Proposals. The Proposal, including the Technical Proposal, all required

forms, and the Price Proposal must be delivered by hand or mailed to the address shown on the cover sheet of this RFP. If using an express delivery service, the package must be addressed and delivered specifically to the City Secretary’s Office. Packages delivered by express mail services to other locations may not be re-delivered to its final destination by the deadline hour.

1.7 Proposers Responsible for Timely Submission. Proposer remains responsible for

ensuring that its Proposal is received at the time, date, place, and office specified. The City assumes no responsibility for any Proposal not received, regardless of whether the delay is caused by the U.S. Postal Service, a courier delivery service, or some other act or circumstance.

2.0 Submission Requirements

The content should be identified by section, description, page number and should include, at a minimum, the following sections: 2.1 Title Page. The title page should include the title and number of the RFP, name and

address of the Proposer(s), and the date of the Proposal.

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2.2 Letter of Transmittal. The cover letter shall be signed by an authorized representative of the Proposer. The letter should indicate the Proposer’s commitment to provide the services proposed. Also, the Letter of Transmittal shall identify the members of the team that comprise the Proposer. Indicate the organizational relationship of the team members.

2.3 Offer and Submittal: The Offer and Submittal form must be signed and notarized by an

authorized representative(s) of the Proposer, which must be the actual legal entity that will perform the contract if awarded.

2.4 Executive Summary: The Executive Summary of the proposal shall be limited to three

single-spaced typewritten pages. The purpose of the Executive Summary is to provide a high-level description of the proposer’s ability to meet the requirements of the RFP.

2.5 Proposal Guarantee: A cashier’s check for $20,000.00 issued by a solvent bank,

payable to HAS shall be the Proposer’s good faith deposit. The cashier’s check shall be given as security to guarantee that if the Proposer’s Proposal is accepted, the Proposer will furnish the City with the required Performance Security, insurance documents, and signed contract prior to submission of a contract for City Council consideration. Upon City Council approval of a contract, all good faith deposits will be returned to all Proposers. If the Selected Proposer fails to enter in the contract or furnish the required Performance Security and insurance documents, the Proposer’s good faith deposit may be cashed and retained by HAS.

2.6 Customer Services Plan: Proposers shall submit a Customer Service Plan for parking

and shuttle bus services, inclusive of the elements that follow:

2.6.1 Customer Service Training. Describe in detail cashier training, shuttle bus driver training, and general customer service training (including, but not limited to, handling customer issues, assisting patrons who are not familiar with the airport or cannot locate their vehicle, etc.).

2.6.2 Customer Service Monitoring. Describe in detail the methods and performance metrics that will be used to monitor customer service levels.

2.6.3 Customer Service Practices and Procedures. Describe in detail the practices

and procedures for prompt handling of customer queries and complaints.

2.6.4 Customer Service Programs. Describe at least one customer service program Proposer has initiated in the past five (5) years that has received positive feedback from customers.

2.6.5 Customer Service Initiatives. Describe any initiatives that Parking Operator

would implement at HAS to improve customer experience. 2.7 Operations Plan, Approach and Procedures: Proposers shall submit an Operations

Plan for parking and shuttle bus services, inclusive of the elements that follow:

2.7.1 Transition Plan. Describe in detail Proposer’s plan for starting up operations, including a detailed schedule with milestones and dates, such as the time required for hiring and training of employees, acquiring shuttle buses and other necessary equipment, completing subcontracts, etc. The plan should explain how Proposer will provide sufficient supervisory personnel and training staff on site prior to the start date.

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2.7.2 Standard Operations and Procedures Manual. Describe in detail the procedures that will be used to operate the parking facilities and shuttle buses. General Procedures Public parking operations (facility operations, customer

transactions, cashiering operations; and vehicle inventory). Employee parking operations (facility operations, customer transactions, billing, and access control) .Valet parking operations (facility operations, customer transactions, vehicle inventory, staffing plan, and claims management). Shuttle Bus operations (fleet management, dispatching,

bus tracking, frequency compliance measures, and rider counts). Courtesy Cart operations (fleet management, dispatching,

staging plans, and rider counts). Emergency Procedures. Emergency procedures for customer delays

in exiting, PARCS failure, automobile and personal injury accidents, robbery and theft, fuel spills, fire, power failure, inclement weather. Procedures should include steps for City notification. Monthly Reports. List the operating reports the Proposer provides in its best parking location, including a brief description of each report. Explain procedures for reconciliation and adjustments. Communications with HAS. How communications will be achieved, when regular communications are proposed to occur, and what routine and emergency procedures are proposed to ensure coordinated operations. Home Office Support/Relationship. Support activities to be provided by the home office and the general reporting and operating relationship between local and home office management.

2.7.3 PARCS Procedures, Revenue and Expense Controls. Describe the

procedures for collecting and accounting for parking revenues and controlling expenses, including: PARCS Procedures. Demonstrate capability of operating Amano

PARCS and knowledge of operating procedures, including PCI compliance. General Revenue Procedures. Describe personnel involved in the collection, accounting, auditing, and deposit of revenues; proposed handling of daily and monthly reconciliation reports; procedures for handling of cash, lost tickets, and non-revenue transactions, cashier shift changes, and other revenue related procedures. Address

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measures designed to prevent employee and customer theft of revenue.

2.7.4 Financial and Accounting Procedures and Controls. Describe procedures for reporting, expense budgeting, accounting and auditing, including: positions involved, internal and external report forms, data collection, internal audit frequency and forms.

2.7.5 Marketing and Revenue Maximization Plans. Describe any marketing and

revenue maximization plans Proposer has implemented at other airports, including involvement with frequent parker programs and google marketing analytics.

2.7.6 Initiatives to Enhance Services Offered. Describe any recommended changes, improvements, and innovations and demonstrate how these will be implemented with emphasis on customer service and cost containment. These may include any aspect, such as operating procedures, facilities, revenue control systems, equipment, valet, courtesy cart and shuttle bus operations.

2.8 Management Team and Training Plan: Proposers shall submit a Local Management

Team and Training Plan for parking and shuttle bus services, inclusive of the elements that follow: 2.8.1 Executive and Local Management Team. Provide the name and resume of

the proposed executive and local managers with their relevant experience and scope of responsibilities.

2.8.2 Organizational Chart. Submit a detailed organizational chart for the executive and local management team, showing the various positions and their reporting relationships including to the Proposer’s parent and/or subcontractor’s organizations. Provide position descriptions for each position in the organizational chart describing the scope of duties and responsibilities, normal working hours, reporting and supervisory responsibilities, and number of staff within this position.

2.8.3 Management and Personnel Training. List and summarize all training

programs for each job classification including, but not limited to, driver training and disability awareness sensitivity training and cultural diversity training.

2.8.4 Compensation Policies. For management and non-management job

classifications falling under a reimbursable expense, list the ten-year schedule of health insurance rates (single, single+1, family). Include a description of the Proposer’s policies on recruiting, compensation and benefits, employee incentive programs, bonuses, disciplinary procedures and dismissal, and employee retention and development.

2.9 Asset Management and Facility Maintenance Plan: Proposers shall submit an Asset

Management and Facility Maintenance Plan for parking and shuttle bus services, inclusive of the elements that follow:

2.9.1 Facility Maintenance Procedures. Provide a detailed description of proposed

regular operational maintenance with list of tasks and task frequency and/or replacement schedules; the proposers plan and procedures for conducting

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facility inspections, scheduled preventative maintenance, work order procedures and priority policy, and training of corresponding staffing in maintenance practices, safety, the use of hazardous materials and proper labeling, for all parking facilities and equipment at the Airports for which the selected Proposer will have maintenance responsibilities.

2.9.2 Vehicle Maintenance Procedures. Provide a detailed description of proposed preventive maintenance procedures, schedules and corresponding staffing for all shuttle bus and service vehicles. Provide sample maintenance reports and related statistics for vehicle maintenance and performance data, how frequently these reports are compiled, and the forms to be maintained for DOT required maintenance.

2.10 Company Qualifications and Experience: Proposers shall demonstrate their

qualifications and experience with parking and shuttle bus services, inclusive of the elements that follow:

2.10.1 Minimum Qualifications. Proposers shall provide evidence they meet the

Minimum Qualifications.

2.10.2 Company Experience. Proposers shall identify airport locations where they currently operate airport parking, valet and/or shuttle bus operations, which are of similar size and complexity to IAH, and provide background for their years of experience.

2.10.3 Team Experience. If a partnership or joint venture, demonstrate the amount of

experience the firm has working together in parking, valet and shuttle bus operations at airports. Clearly state how the duration and extent of the Proposer’s experience in the parking and shuttle business qualify the Proposer to operate a business the size and magnitude of the Contract to be awarded. Additionally, all proposers must provide details on proposed subcontracting team members, including their qualifications, experience and responsibilities.

2.10.4 Quality of Experience. Provide evidence of high performance with regard to

customer service, reliability of service, and facility maintenance and janitorial services, using data from customer surveys, mystery shopper programs, customer comments, and operational reports. Additionally, Proposer shall demonstrate its experience processing high volume transactions operating an Amano McGann International PARCS.

2.10.5 References. Provide the location, address, phone number, and person to

contact at the Proposer’s locations that are most similar to HAS. Provide the beginning date and end of the Term date, a description of the service and scope of operations provided at each location along with size of parking areas, volume of shuttle passengers, and number of shuttles and vehicles, gross revenues and expenses of the most current operating budget, type of contract (e.g., management or concession), and the type of revenue equipment in operation. The aforementioned entities may be contacted by the City to obtain information regarding the Proposer’s operation and performance, including, but not limited to, the effectiveness and quality of operation, customer complaint record, financial status, timeliness of deposits and payments, and overall satisfaction with performance.

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2.11 Expenses and Compensation: Proposers shall provide their proposed Health Insurance contractual rates and Management fee, following the requirements in the Scope of Work. Rates and fees shall be inclusive of all items necessary to provide the specific services needed to manage the parking and shuttle operations at the airport as proposed. 2.11.1 Health Insurance Contractual Rates. Provide the contractual health insurance

rates, for the first full fiscal year of the Contract, for Single, Single +1, and Family on the form contained in Exhibit A.

2.11.2 Management Fee. Provide the Management Fee offer, for all HAS fiscal years of the Contract, on the form contained in Exhibit B.

2.12 Financial Capability of Proposer: Submit your company’s audited annual financial

statements, in accordance with and as defined in the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) regulation(s) for the past two years. In addition, include your Dun & Bradstreet Report or Federal Tax Forms filed with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for the past two years.

2.13 MWBE Plan: Proposer shall submit a proposed MWBE plan for meeting the 35% goal. 2.14 Exceptions to Standard Contract: Submit any exceptions to the standard contract

and include the rationale for taking the exception. Provide rationale for objections to the Article. Such exceptions will be considered when evaluating the Proposer’s response to this RFP. If you are proposing alternate language, please include the language for consideration.

2.15 Legal Actions: Provide a list of any pending litigation and include a brief description

of the reason for legal action. 2.16 Conflict of Interest: Provide information regarding any real or potential conflict of

interest. Failure to address any potential conflict of interest upfront may be cause for rejection of the proposal.

2.17 Other: Submit any information the Proposer deems pertinent to demonstrating its

qualifications to perform the services being requested such as memberships in any professional associations, documents, examples, and others.

2.18 Forms and Certifications: Complete all forms and certifications attached, as

appropriate. 2.19 Price Proposal: The Price Proposal shall be submitted in a separate sealed envelope.

The envelope shall clearly identify the content as “Price Proposal”.

Part V – EXCEPTIONS TO TERMS AND CONDITIONS All exceptions to the Sample Agreement shall be submitted in a clearly identified separate section of the Proposal in which the Proposer clearly cites the specific paragraphs within the Sample Agreement where the exceptions occur. Any exceptions not included in such a section shall be without force and effect in any resulting contract unless such exception is specifically approved by the Chief Procurement Officer or designee, City Attorney, Director(s) or designee in a written statement. The Proposer’s preprinted or standard terms will not be considered by the City as a part of any resulting contract.

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All exceptions that are contained in the Sample Agreement may negatively affect the City’s evaluation based on the evaluation criteria as stated in the RFP.

Please review and include any exceptions to the terms and conditions on the attached Sample Agreement.


1.0 No Contact Period

Neither Proposer(s) nor any person acting on Proposer(s)'s behalf shall attempt to influence the outcome of the award by the offer, presentation or promise of gratuities, favors, or anything of value to any appointed or elected official or employee of the City, their families or staff members. All inquiries regarding the solicitation are to be directed to the designated City Representative identified on the first page of the solicitation. With the exception of Proposer’s formal response to the solicitation and written requests for clarification during the period officially designated for such purpose by the City Representative, neither Proposer(s) nor persons acting on their behalf shall communicate with any appointed or elected official or employee of the City, their families, or staff through written or oral means in an attempt to persuade or attempt to persuade or influence the outcome of the award or to obtain or deliver information intended to or which could reasonably result in an advantage to any Proposer from the time of issuance of the solicitation through the pre-award phase and up to the date the City Secretary publicly posts notice of any City Council agenda containing the applicable award. However, nothing in this paragraph shall prevent a bidder from making public statements to the City Council convened for a regularly scheduled session after the official selection has been made and placed on the City Council agenda for action, or to a City Council committee convened to discuss a recommendation regarding the solicitation.

2.0 Minority and Woman Business Enterprises (“M/WBE”)

It is the City of Houston’s policy to ensure that Minority and Women Business Enterprises (MWBE) have full opportunity to compete for and participate in City Contracts. Contractor shall comply with the City’s MWBE Program as set forth in Chapter 15, Article V of the City of Houston Code of Ordinances. Contractor shall make good faith efforts to award subcontracts and supply agreements in at least 35% of the value of the Agreement to certified MWBEs. Contractor acknowledges that they have reviewed the requirements for good faith efforts on file with the Office of Business Opportunity (OBO), available at, and will comply with the set forth requirements. Contractor shall maintain records of subcontracts and supply agreements with certified MWBEs, containing language required herein. In addition, Contractor shall submit all disputes that may arise with MWBE subcontractors/supplies to mediation provided by the City, if directed to do so by the Office of Business Opportunity.

3.0 Protests

Protests should be filed in accordance with the City of Houston Administrative Policy No. 5-12

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4.0 Cancellation

The City has sole discretion and reserves the right to cancel this RFP, or to reject any or all Proposals received prior to contract award.

5.0 Anti-Boycott of Israel

City vendors are required to certify that they are not currently engaged in, and agree until the funds are exhausted under its contract with the City not to engage in, the boycott of Israel as defined by Section 808.001 of the Texas Government Code.

6.0 Executive Order 1-56 Zero Tolerance for Human Trafficking in City Service Contracts and


The City has a zero tolerance for human trafficking and, per Executive Order 1-56, City funds shall not be used to promote human trafficking. City vendors are expected to comply with this Executive Order and notify the City’s Chief Procurement Officer of any information regarding possible violation by the vendor or its subcontractors providing services or goods to the City. The Executive Order is available on the City’s website:

7.0 Preservation of Contracting Information

The requirements of Subchapter J, Chapter 552, Texas Government Code, may apply to this solicitation and the contractor or vendor agrees that the contract can be terminated if the contractor or vendor knowingly or intentionally fails to comply with a requirement of that subchapter.


1.0 Pre-Proposal Teleconference

A Pre-Proposal Teleconference will be held at the date, and time indicated on the first page of the RFP document. Interested Proposer(s) are encouraged to participate. It will be assumed that potential Proposer(s) participating in this meeting have reviewed the RFP in detail, and are prepared to bring up any substantive questions not already addressed by the City.

2.0 Additional Information and Specification Changes

Requests for additional information and questions should be addressed to the Finance Department, Strategic Procurement Division, Valerie Player-Kaufman, Senior Procurement Specialist, preferably by e-mail to [email protected] or by telephone at (832) 393-8749 no later than 2:00 PM, CST on Friday, May 1, 2020. The City shall provide written responses to all questions received by Proposers prior to the RFP submittal deadline. Questions received from all Proposer(s) shall be answered by the City and made available to Proposer(s) who are listed as having obtained the RFP. Proposer(s) shall be notified in writing of any changes in the specifications contained within this RFP.

3.0 Letter(s) of Clarification

3.1 All Letters of Clarification and interpretations to this Solicitation shall be in writing. Any

Letter of Clarification(s) or interpretation that is not in writing shall not legally bind the

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City. Only information supplied by the City in writing or in this RFP should be used in preparing Proposal responses.

3.2 The City does not assume responsibility for the receipt of any Letters of Clarification sent

to Proposer(s).

4.0 Examination of Documents and Requirements

4.1 Each Proposer shall carefully examine all RFP documents and familiarize themselves with all requirements prior to submitting a Proposal to ensure that the Proposal meets the intent of this RFP.

4.2 Before submitting a Proposal, each Proposer shall be responsible for making all investigations and examinations that are necessary to ascertain conditions and affecting the requirements of this RFP. Failure to make such investigations and examinations shall not relieve the Proposer from obligation to comply, in every detail, with all provisions and requirements of the RFP.

5.0 Post-Proposal Discussions with Proposer(s)

It is the City’s intent to commence final negotiation with the Proposer(s) deemed most advantageous to the City. The City reserves the right to conduct post-Proposal discussions with any Proposer(s).


1.0 Offer and Submittal, List of References, and List of Proposed Subcontractors (Exhibit I) 2.0 Signed M/WBE Forms (Exhibit II): Attachment “A” Schedule of M/WBE Participation, M/WBE

Participation Plan Good Faith Efforts; Attachment “B” Office of Business Opportunity and Contract Compliance M/WBE Utilization Report; Attachment “C” Certified M/WBE Subcontract Terms; Attachment “D” Office of Business Opportunity and Contract Compliance M/WBE Utilization Report

3.0 City of Houston Ownership Information Form (Exhibit III)

4.0 Anti-Collusion Statement (Exhibit IV)

5.0 Conflict of Interest Questionnaire (Exhibit V)

PART IX – REQUIRED FORMS TO BE SUBMITTED BY RECOMMENDED VENDOR ONLY Required forms shall be supplied to the Contractor after the award recommendation:

1.0 Insurance Requirements and Insurance Certificate 2.0 Drug Policy Compliance Agreement (Exhibit “B”); Contractor’s Certification of No Safety Impact

Positions in Performance of a City Contract (Exhibit “C”); Drug Policy Compliance Declaration (Exhibit “D”)

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3.0 City Contractors’ Pay or Play Acknowledgement Form (POP-1) and Pay or Play Certificate of Compliance (POP-2)

4.0 To be eligible for the preference, a company must be designated as a City Business (CB) or Local Business (LB) under the Hire Houston First Program prior to submittal of proposal. Proposers must provide Declaration of Hire Houston First Designation form (SPD can insert form number) with proposal submission.

5.0 Requested information outlined in the scope of work and other additional relevant/supporting information, or alternate Proposal.

6.0 Texas Ethics Commission, Certificate of Interested Parties (Form 1295). Download a copy at

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(Print or Type Name of Contractor – Full Company Name)

City of Houston Vendor No. (If already doing business with City): __________________________________________ Federal Identification Number: _____________________________________________________________________ By: ____________________________________________________________________________________

(Signature of Authorized Officer or Agent)

Printed Name: ___________________________________________________________________________

Title: ___________________________________________________________________________

Date: ___________________________________________________________________________

Address of Contractor: _____________________________________________________________________

Street Address or P.O. Box


City – State – Zip Code

Telephone No. of Contractor: (_____) __________________________________________________________

Signature, Name and title of Affiant: ____________________________________________________________


(Notary Public in and for)

____________________________________________________________________________ County, Texas

My Commission Expires: ______________ day of _____________________________________ 20_________

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1. Name: ___________________________________ Phone No.: _________________

Address: __________________________________________________________________

Contract Award Date: ________________ Contract Completion Date: _______________

Contract Name/Title: ________________________________________________________

Email: ________________________________________________________

Project Description: _________________________________________________________


2. Name: ___________________________________ Phone No.: _________________

Address: __________________________________________________________________

Contract Award Date: ________________ Contract Completion Date: _______________

Contract Name/Title: ________________________________________________________

Email: ________________________________________________________

Project Description: _________________________________________________________


3. Name: ___________________________________ Phone No.: _________________

Address: __________________________________________________________________

Contract Award Date: ________________ Contract Completion Date: _______________

Contract Name/Title: ________________________________________________________

Email: ________________________________________________________

Project Description: _________________________________________________________


4. Name: ___________________________________ Phone No.: _________________

Address: __________________________________________________________________

Contract Award Date: ________________ Contract Completion Date: _______________

Contract Name/Title: ________________________________________________________

Email: ________________________________________________________

Project Description: _________________________________________________________

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The following is a list of Subcontractors we propose to engage on the following items of Work. Any item of Work which does not designate a Subcontractor will be done by the firm submitting the Proposal.

SEGREGATED PART OF WORK SUBCONTRACTOR/SUPPLIER ________________________________ __________________________________

________________________________ __________________________________

________________________________ __________________________________

________________________________ __________________________________

________________________________ __________________________________

________________________________ __________________________________

________________________________ __________________________________

________________________________ __________________________________

________________________________ __________________________________

________________________________ __________________________________

________________________________ __________________________________

________________________________ __________________________________

________________________________ __________________________________

________________________________ __________________________________

________________________________ __________________________________

________________________________ __________________________________

________________________________ __________________________________

________________________________ __________________________________

________________________________ __________________________________

________________________________ __________________________________

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Bid Number:

Formal Bid


Name of Certified

MWBE Subcontractor

Street Address, City, State, Zip

Code, Tel # & Email


Type for Goal


(Each firm may

only be used for

one goal type)



(6 Digits)

Description of Work

(Scope of Work)

% of





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If you have exhausted your best efforts to comply with the City’s MWBE Policy by seeking subcontracts and supply agreements with certified

minority and women business enterprises, yet failed to meet the MWBE contract goal of this bid document, list below your good faith efforts

to demonstrate compliance with the City’s MWBE Program. For more information, please review the Good Faith Efforts Policy, which can

be found on the OBO website at






**All firms listed on this MWBE Participation Plan must be certified by the Office of Business Opportunity at the time of bid submission. The

completed MWBE Participation Plan must be returned with the bid form.

The undersigned will enter into a formal subcontracting or supply agreement with the MWBEs subcontractors and suppliers listed on this

participation plan upon award of a contract with the City.


Bidder Company Name


Signature of Authorized Officer/Agent/Bidder & Title


Print or Typed Name of Authorized Officer/Agent/Bidder & Title


Print or Typed Name of Authorized Officer/Agent/Bidder & Title



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THIS AGREEMENT IS SUBJECT TO MEDIATION AND CAN BE INITIATED BY THE COMPANIES SIGNED BELOW OR THE OFFICE OF BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. To: City of Houston Date: Administering Department Project Name and Number Bid Amount: M/W/BE Goal: , agrees to enter into a contractual agreement with Prime Contractor _______________________________, who will provide the following goods/services in connection MWBE Subcontractor

with the above-referenced contract:


for an estimated amount of $ or % of the total contract value. is currently certified with the City of Houston’s Office of Business (M/W/BE Subcontractor) Opportunity to function in the aforementioned capacity. Intend to

Prime Contractor M/W/BE Subcontractor

work on the above-named contract in accordance with the M/W/DBE Participation Section of the City of Houston Bid Provisions, contingent upon award of the contract to the aforementioned Prime Contractor. Signed (Prime Contactor) Signed (M/W/BE Subcontractor) Printed Signature Printed Signature Title Date Title Date

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Attachment “C”


Contractor shall ensure that all subcontracting agreements with M/WSBE Subcontractors and suppliers are clearly labeled “THIS CONTRACT IS SUBJECT TO MEDIATION” contain the following terms:

1. _______________________(M/WSBE Subcontractor/Supplier) shall not delegate or subcontract more than 50% of the work under this subcontracting agreement to any other Subcontractor or supplier without the express written consent of the City of Houston’s Office of Business Opportunity.

2. _______________________(M/WSBE Subcontractor/Supplier) shall permit representatives of the

City of Houston, at all reasonable times, to perform 1) audits of the books and records of the Subcontractor, and 2) inspections of all places where work is to be undertaken in connection with this subcontracting agreement. Subcontractor shall keep such books and records available for such purpose for at least four (4) years after the end of its performance under this subcontract. Nothing in this provision shall affect the time for bringing a cause of action or the applicable statute of limitations.

3. Within five (5) business days of execution of this subcontracting agreement, Contractor (prime

contractor) and Subcontractor shall designate in writing to the Office of Business Opportunity an agent for receiving any notice required or permitted to be given pursuant to Chapter 15 of the Houston City Code of Ordinances, along with the street and mailing address and phone number of such agent.

These provisions apply to goal-oriented and regulated contracts as defined in City Code of Ordinances, Chapter 15, Article 5. The MWSBE policy of the City of Houston will be discussed during the pre-proposal conference. For information, assistance, and/or to receive a copy of the City’s Office of Business Opportunity polices and/or governing ordinance, contact the Office of Business Opportunity Division at 832.393.0600, 611 Walker Street, 7th Floor, Houston, Texas 77002.

Revised June 2016

City of Houston Certified M/WSBE Subcontract Terms

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Report Period: _____________________ PROJECT NAME & NUMBER: ___________________________________ AWARD DATE:_____________________________ PRIME CONTRACTOR: ________________________________________ CONTRACT NO.: ___________________________ ADDRESS: __________________________________________________ CONTRACT AMOUNT: ______________________ LIAISON/PHONE NO.: _________________________________________ MWBE GOAL: ____________________________








Use additional pages if needed. Submit by the 15th day of the following month. Office of Business Opportunity Provide support documentation on all revenues paid to end of the report period to: ATTN: Marsha Murray 713-837-9000 MWBE’s to reflect up/down variances on Contract amount. 611 Walker, 7th Floor Houston, Texas 77002

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DIRECTIONS: Execute the declaration below regarding your company’s status as a Hire Houston First (HHF) designated company. Fill out the appropriate box below and leave the other blank. If your company does not have a HHF designation and would like to apply for designation go to: at least 10 working days prior to submitting a bid or proposal.

1. This certifies that Bidder/Proposer, , is a Hire Houston First designated City Business (CB). A valid certificate of designation is attached.

____ __ _/__________ Print Name Signature Date

2. This certifies that Bidder/Proposer, , is a Hire Houston First designated Local Business (LB). A valid certificate of designation is attached.

____ __ _/________ Print Name Signature Date

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Orig. Dept.: File/I.D. No.:



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The City of Houston Ownership Information Form is used to gather information to comply with:

a. The City of Houston Contractor Ownership Disclosure Ordinance (Chapter 15 of the Code of Ordinances,

Article VIII. City Contracts; Indebtedness to City);

b. The City of Houston Fair Campaign Ordinance (Chapter 18 of the Code of Ordinances); and,

c. The State of Texas Statement of Residency Requirements (Tex. Govt. Code Chapter 2252).

Please complete the form, in its entirety, and submit it with the Official Bid or Proposal Form. Except as

noted below regarding the Statement of Residency, failure to provide this information may be just cause

for rejection of your bid or proposal.


By submitting a bid or proposal to the City of Houston for a Contract in excess of $50,000 or for which a request is presented to City Council for approval, all respondents agree to comply with the Chapter 18 of the

Code of Ordinances. Further, pursuant to Section 18-36 of the Code of Ordinances, it shall be unlawful either for any person who submits a bid or proposal to contribute or offer any contribution to a candidate or for any candidate to solicit or accept any contribution from such person for a period commencing at the time of posting of the City Council Meeting Agenda including an item for the award of the Contract and ending upon the 30th day after the award of the Contract by City Council.


1. Please type or legibly print in dark ink responses. Individuals and entities should disclose their full,

legal names (not initials) and all required corporate letters (“Inc”, “LLP”, etc.).

a. If a firm is operating under an assumed name, the following format is recommended:

Corporate/Legal Name DBA Assumed Name.

2. Full addresses are required, including street types (“St”, “Rd”, etc.) and unit number.

3. Individuals or entities with 10% or more ownership of the corporation, partnership, or joint venture

(including persons who own 100%) are required to be disclosed with their full name and full address. All

officers and directors are also required to be disclosed with their full name and full address.

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REV. 12/23/2019


Project or Matter Being Bid:

Bidder’s complete firm/company business information

Name: Business Address [No./Street] City / State / Zip Code Telephone Number Bidder’s email address

Email Address:


SOLICITATION INDICATES FEDERAL FUNDS WILL BE USED) TEX. GOV’T CODE §2252.001, §(4) defines a "Resident bidder" as a bidder whose principal place of business* is in this state, and includes a contractor whose ultimate parent company or majority owner has its principal place of business in this state. TEX. GOV’T CODE §2252.001§ (3) defines a "Nonresident bidder" as a bidder who is not a resident in this state. * Principal Place of Business in Texas means that the business entity:

• has at least one permanent office located within the State of Texas, from which business activities other than submitting bids to governmental agencies are conducted and from which the bid is submitted; and

• has at least one employee who works in the Texas office. Based on the definitions above, your business is a: If you are a Nonresident Bidder, does your home state have a statute giving preference to resident bidders? If so, you must attach a copy of the statute to this Document.

A copy of the State of statute is attached.

NOTE: The State of residency of a bidder is not used in the decision-making criteria for the award of contracts for projects receiving federal funding, whether in whole or in part.



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OTHER (specify in space below)


List all current and prior addresses where the bidder does/has done business or owns property (real estate and/or business personal property) in the city of Houston (“Houston”) in the past 3 years from the date of submittal of this form. If within the past 3 years from the date of submitting this form, the bidder does not and has not done business and has not or does not own property (real estate and/or business personal property) in Houston, please state “None” on the first line below.





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Name Officer Address

Name Officer Address

Name Officer Address

Name Officer Address

Name Officer Address

Name Officer Address



Name Director or Member Address

Name Director or Member Address

Name Director or Member Address

Name Director or Member Address

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Name Director or Member Address


Bidders are required to disclose all owners of 10% or more of the Contracting Entity. For non-profit entities, please provide the complete information for the President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. IN ALL CASES, USE FULL NAMES, LOCAL BUSINESS AND RESIDENCE ADDRESSES AND TELEPHONE NUMBERS. DO NOT USE POST


Contracting Entity:

Name: Business Address [No./Street] City / State / Zip Code Telephone Number Email Address:


Owner(s) of 10% or More (IF NONE, STATE “NONE.”):

Name: Business Address [No./Street] City / State / Zip Code Telephone Number Email Address: Residence Address [No./Street] City / State / Zip Code

Owner(s) of 10% or More (IF NONE, STATE “NONE.”):

Name: Business Address [No./Street] City / State / Zip Code Telephone Number Email Address:

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Residence Address [No./Street] City / State / Zip Code


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If the firm/company or an owner/officer is actively protesting, challenging, or appealing the accuracy and/or amount of taxes levied with a tax appraisal district, please provide the following information:

Status of Appeal [DESCRIBE]:

If an appeal of taxes has been filed on behalf of your company, please include a copy of the official form receipted by the appropriate agency.


I certify that I am duly authorized to submit this form on behalf of the firm, that I am associated with the firm in the capacity noted below, and that I have personal knowledge of the accuracy of the information provided herein. I affirm that all the information contained herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that failure to submit accurate information with my submission may result in my submission being considered non-responsive and non-responsible.

Preparer’s Signature Date

Printed name


Debtor (Firm or Owner Name):

Tax Account Nos.:

Case or File Nos.:

Attorney/Agent Name:

Attorney/Agent Phone No.:

Tax Years:


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NOTE: This form constitutes a governmental record, as defined by Section 37.01 of the Texas Penal Code. Submission of a false government record and falsification of a governmental record are crimes, punishable as provided in Section 37.10 of the Texas Penal Code.

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The undersigned, as Proposer, certifies that the only person or parties interested in this Proposal as principals

are those named herein; that the Proposer has not, either directly or indirectly entered into any Agreement,

participated in any collusion, or otherwise taken any action in restraint of free competitive bidding in connection

with the award of this Contract.

__________________________ __________________________________ Date Proposer Signature

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