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Narendra Kumar

Page 2:… · 2 CLASS - X Theory: 40 Marks Practical: 60 Marks Unit Description CLASS - X (THEORY) Time : 2½ hours Marks


CLASS - X Theory: 40 Marks Practical: 60 Marks

Unit Description

CLASS - X (THEORY) Time : 2½ hours Marks : 40 Unit I: Basics of Information Technology

Internet: World Wide Web, Web servers, Web Clients, Web sites, Web Pages, Web Browsers, Blogs, News groups, HTML, Web address, E-mail address, URL, HTTP, FTP, downloading and uploading files from remote site; Services available on Internet: Information Retrieval, Locating sites using search engines and finding people on the net; Web Services: Chat, email, Video Conferencing, e-Learning, e-Banking, e-Shopping, e-Reservation, e-Governance, e-Groups, Social Networking. Unit II: Information Processing Tools Office Tools

Database Management Tool: Basic Concepts and need for a database, Creating a database, DataTypes-Text, Number, Date, Time, Setting the Primary Key, Entering data into a database, Inserting and deleting Fields, Inserting and deleting Records, Field Size, Default Value, Creating Query using Design view. Information Representation Methods Hyper Text Markup Language

Introduction to Web Page Designing using HTML, Creating and saving an HTML document, accessing a web page using a web browser (Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Apple Safari, Net scape Navigator); Elements in HTML: Container and Empty elements, Designing web pages using the following elements: HTML, HEAD, TITLE, BODY (Attributes: BACKGROUND, BGCOLOR, TEXT,LINK, ALINK, VLINK, LEFTMARGIN, TOPMARGIN), FONT(Attributes: COLOR, SIZE, FACE), BASEFONT(Attributes: COLOR, SIZE, FACE), CENTER, BR (Break), HR(Horizontal Rule,Attributes: SIZE, WIDTH, ALIGN, NOSHADE, COLOR) inserting comments, H1..H6(Heading), P (Paragraph), B (Bold), I (Italics), U (Underline), UL & OL (Unordered List & Ordered List Attributes: TYPE, START), LI (List Item) Insertion of images using the element IMG (Attributes: SRC, WIDTH, HEIGHT,ALT, ALIGN), Super Script SUP, Subscript SUB, Creating Table using the element TABLE (BACKGROUND,BGCOLOR, WIDTH, CELLSPACING, CELLPADDING,

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BORDER), TR, TH, TD, ROWSPAN, COLSPAN, Internal and External Linking between Web Pages: Significance of linking, A - Anchor Element (Attributes: NAME, HREF, TITLE, MAILTO). XML (Extensible Markup Language) Introduction to XML, Difference between XML and HTML with respect to the following: Data separation, data sharing, document structure, tags, nesting of elements, attributes, values. XML Elements - Defining own tags in XML, root elements, child elements and their attributes; Comments in XML, White space and new line in XML, well formed XML documents, validating XML documents, XML Parser, Viewing XML documents in a web browser. Unit III: Societal Impacts of IT

Information Security: Virus, Worms, Trojans and Anti-Virus Software, Spyware, Malware, Spams, Data Backup and recovery tools and methods, Online Backups, Hacker and Cracker with regard to Computer Data and Applications, Social Networking Information security provisions in e-commerce, Benefits of ICT in Education, Healthcare, Governance, Virtual, School, emergence of Knowledge economy, Impact of ICT on Society: Knowledge based society, Infomania, Digital Unity and Digital Divide. Unit IV: IT Applications

Students are suggested to work on the following suggestive areas using Database Management Tool and HTML on topics implementing the tools/elements covered in the course. Domains: Database Design:

• Personal Data Record File • School/Class Result Record • Employee Payroll • Stock Inventory • Vehicle Parking Record File Webpage Design:

• My Home Page • My School 203 • My Family • Personal Blog with Name, Photo, Areas of Interest, School, State, Country • School Website - Infrastructure, Facilities, Uniform, Motto, School Pictures, Extra Curricular Activities, Subject and Language Options • Travel and Tourism • Statistics on India - State wise Area, Population, Literacy (Enrolment in Primary, Middle, Secondary, Senior Secondary), Gender Ratio • Environment (Save Energy) and Pollution (Global Warming)

CLASS - X (Practical) Time : 4 hours Marks : 60 (A) HANDS ON EXPERIENCE 30 Marks 1. Database Design:*

• Creating and entering data into a database • Setting the primary key • Inserting meaningful data and organising • Creating Query with the same design view of the table. 2. Webpage Designing *

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• Adding a title to webpage • Formatting Text • Adding Ordered/Unordered Lists • Writing Text in Paragraphs • Inserting Image • Adding content in Tabular Form • Adding Internal / External links. The students are supposed to know the tools and style for designing domain specific web pages from real life applications and the topics mentioned in the syllabus. 3. XML Assignment*

Students to be asked to create an XML document on the lines of XML concepts covered in theory syllabus. *Printouts of the document(s) should be attached with the answer sheet. (B) IT APPLICATIONS REPORT FILE 15 Marks

Students are supposed to make an IT Application Report File containing real life assignments using a Database Management Tool and HTML • 5 Database Solutions • 8 HTML source code along with browser view • 2 XML Documents Source Code and View (C) IT Application project using database and website design in a domain such as School Management, Public Services Computing, Business Computing. 10 Marks (D) VIVA VOCE 05 Marks

Viva based on IT applications report file.

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WWW- World wide web is the collection of interconnected documents or pages on internet. The interlinked webpages may physically reside anywhere on the internet and be logically interlinked to any page anywhere in the world.

For example, a school website has the link of cbse website.

World’s first website is

Web Servers- A webserver is a powerful specialized computer where web documents are stored. When any request is sent by web browser, the web server serves the request by retrieving the information. It then displays the information on the web browser.

Apache,Internet Information Server(IIS) ,Google Web Server are some of the popular of Web Server.

Web Page- A web page normally contain text, picture, images, audio, video and links connecting it with other web pages.We can access a webpage through a web browser.A web page is written in the HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language).A web page can be of two types (i) Static (ii)Dynamic

(i)Static Web Page-The content of the static web page does not change on different visit to the website. (ii)Dynamic Web page-Dynamic web pages display different content on different occasions.

Website-A website is a collection of related webpages, which can be hosted on a web server and then can be accessed from anywhere in the world.

Home page- The main page or introductory page of a website is known as home page.This page gives an introduction to the website. It also usually contains the index or table of contents of that website.

URL-A Uniform Resource Locator is the complete address to locate a webpage or any other resource on www.

Look carefully at the following URL-







Protocol Web Address Web page

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IP Address-An IP address is that uniquely identify the computer on the network or internet. It is also the unique number by which a website can be identified. We can access the website using either the website’s address or its IP address.

An IP address is supplied each time when the computer connects to internet by an Internet Service Provider(ISP). A website is always assigned a permanent IP address.

For example an ip address of

IP address is of two types-(i)IPV4 (ii) IPV6

To find the IP address of your

(i) Start cmd. (ii) Type ipconfig command on cmd and press Enter.


HTTP-Hyper Text Transfer Protocol is a set of rules that web browser and web servers use to communicate with each other during HTML file transfer.

FTP-FTP is File Transfer Protocol.It is used to transfer files from client to server machine and vice versa.

TCP/IP-TCP is called as Transfer Control Protocol. It helps in reliable delivery of messages from one computer to another on the network. IP is called as Internet Protocol. It decides the route from one computer to another on the network.

Blogs- The term Blog is an abbreviation of Weblog. It is used to describe a website, usually maintained by an individual. Entries are usually displayed in the reverse chronological order(most recent on the top). The entries of a blog are termed as blog posts. The act of adding an entry to a blog is called blogging. Newsgroups- A newsgroup is an online discussion group that allows people to interact on a particular topic. For example, if a newsgroup provides the services to exchange information about current affairs, it will have all the postings related to it. Unlike an email message newsgroup message can be read by anyone.

Fig:-Google Groups

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Unit-2 (Information Processing Tools)

Office Tools

Database Management Tools:-

Basic concept and need-

Data- Raw facts which are not organized are called as Data.

Data is an extremely important asset of organizations and business enterprises. Types of data-

Textual-Data that represents written form of language.

Graphical-Data representing facts in the form of pictures, graphs and other visual forms.

Audio-Data represents sound or voice.

Multimedia- Data representing combination of audio, video graphics and animation.

Database-A database is a set of inter-related data that ensures safety, security and integrity of data.

Most database store information in the form of relations also called tables. Such database are also

known as relational database.

Database Management System-

A DBMS refers to a software that helps to create, manage and maintain the databases. Example of

DBMS software are MS Access, BASE(Open Office tool),MYSQL, Oracle etc.

Need for a Database-

Database helps to store data.

Database reduces redundancy.

Database controls inconsistency.

Database ensures security.

Database maintains integrity.

Relational Database- Relational Database is a type of Data model which helps to store data in the form

of tables.

Key Terms of Relational Database


Data Redundancy-It refers to insert redundant (duplicate) data in tables.

Data Inconsistency- When two copies of same data do not agree to each other then it refers to data


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Table-A table is a rectangular collection of row and column where data is stored.

Row-A record in a table is called as row. It is also called as tuple.

Column/Field/Attribute-A column is a vertical part of a table which represents some property of the

object whose data is being stored in the table.

Candidate Key-All the columns of a table which have the capability to act as primary key are called as

Candidate key.

Primary Key- Primary key identifies each record uniquely. It can't have null and repeated value.

Alternate Key-All the columns of a table except chosen primary key in a table is called as Alternate key.


Study the following diagram and answer the following questions.

Q 1) What is the name of database?

Q2) What are the two tables present in Company database?

Q3) Name the fields or attributes present in Employee table.

Q4) Number of records present in i)Employee table ii)Department Table

Q5) Name the primary key in i)Employee table ii)Department table

Employee Table

Eno Ename Designation Deptid 1298 Kunal Manager 01

1265 Nikita Sales Exec. 04

Department Table

Deptid Deptname 01 Management

02 Production

03 Purchase

04 Sales

Company Database

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Note :-

OpenOffice BASE or MS Access are the softwares which can be used to create database.

Data Types:-

Common Data Types used in Open Office Base-

1) Numeric Data type:-

Integer Type Size In Bytes Storage

Tiny Integer[TINYINT] 1 Stores 3 digits integer from -128 to 127

Small Integer[SMALLINT] 2 Store 5 digit integer from -32768 to 32767

Integer [INTEGER] 4 Stores 10 digit integer from -231 to 2

31-1 2147483648 to 2147483647

BigInt[BIGINT] 8 Stores 19 digit integer from -263 to 2 63-1

Fractional Type Size In Bytes Storage

Float [FLOAT] 4 Stores floating point numbers

Real [REAL] 4

Double[DOUBLE] 4 Number[NUMERIC] Limited only

by computer storage limit

Decimal[DECIMAL] Limited only by computer storage limit

Alphanumeric/Character data Type

Size In GB Storage

Text[CHAR] 2 Stores group of characters. It is a fixed length text datatype.

Text[VARCHAR] 2 Stores group of characters. It is a variable length text datatype.

Text[VARCHAR_IGNORECASE] 2 Same as VARCHAR but case of letter is ignore in this datatype.

Memo[LONGVARCHAR] 2 Used to store large information

Date/Time Type Size In Bytes Storage

Date[DATE] 8 Stores date data in the form of MM/DD/YYYY form.We can change the format of date(DD/MM/YYYYY).

Time [TIME] 8 Stores date data in the form of HH:MM:SS AM/PM.

Date/Time[TIMESTAMP] 16 Stores both date and time data.

Boolean Type Size In Bit Storage

Yes/No[BOOLEAN] 1 Stores True /False

Image Type Size In GB Storage

Image[LONGVARBINARY] 2 Stores True /False

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Note:-Other[OTHER] data type can store anything. It is a variable length data type.

Common Field Properties-

a)Length-Sets maximum length of a text or numeric field.

b)Decimal Places- Property to specify number of places to the right of decimal.

c)Default value-This property specifies the value that gets entered automatically in a field when records are


d)Entry Required-This property ensures that data must be entered in a field. It cannot be skipped.

Creating a Database-

Steps to create database in Open Office Base

Steps to create table in Open Office Base in design view -

Start Open Office Base.

1) Click on create table in design view.

2) You will be taken to Create Table design view.

The default extension of OOBase is .odb

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3) Enter field names and select data types for each field.

4) Set field properties for each field.

5) Set Primary Key-To set primary key right click on left most part of the field which is showing a green

colored arrow.

6) Go to file menu, click on save option(or press ctrl+s).

7) A Save As Dialog Box will appear. Write the name of table & press OK button.

8) A table will be created.


Data type

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Inserting Records in Table-

1) Click on the table tab in the database window.

2) To open a table double click on table.

3) Click on insert menu. Click on record to insert a record.

4) Enter data in the first field and press tab to move to the next field.

5) Press save icon on the toolbar to save the record.

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Creating query in Design view-

1)Select the object type Queries in the database.

2) Click on the option Create Query in Design view.

3) Select and add tables from which to retrieve data for the result.

4) Select the table fields that are to be included in the query result.

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5) Set the query criteria for the fields.

6) Save the query entering name for it.

7) In the database window select Queries object. You Can see querie's name displayed.

8) Double click on the query name .Corresponding result will be displayed .

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Previous Year Questions:


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(Q) Madhumita is a programmer in an institution and is asked to handle the records containing personal


of the teachers teaching in the institution. Suggest five field names and their data type in design

view structure

which you think must be present in the table called Teachersinfo.

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Information Representation Tools


HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is used to design web pages. It is a text displayed on a

webpage with links to other text. Theses links are known as Hyperlinks. Markup is the process of

combining text with symbols. Language is a set of characters and symbols (grammar) .

Software required to create HTML are:-1 Text Editor (Notepad). 2 Web Browser( Internet Explorer,

Mozilla Firefox).

Creating HTML Document

Steps to create HTML document-

1)Open Notepad.

2)Write HTML Code.

3) Click on File menu.

4) Write the name of file with .html/.htm extension.

5) Go to Save AS option.

6) Choose All Files option.

7)Click on Save button.

Accessing a web page using a web browser

1) Right click on html file.

2) Select option open with.

3) Select any web browser.

4) The web page will be opened in web browser.

Basic structure of HTML document- The essential elements in every HTML document are-

1) HTML Tag

2) HEAD Tag

3) BODY Tag

The syntax for the structure of an HTML document are-







HTML & XML are derived from SGML. Latest version of HTML is HTML 5.

1 2


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HTML tags

HTML tags are the commands used to instruct a web browser about how the web page should be

displayed. HTML tags can be categorized into two groups:-

1) Container Tag - It consists of Start and End tag.

e.g.-<html> ----</html>,<head>------</head>

2) Empty Tag- It only has a start tag.


Basic HTML Tags-

<HTML>-This tag is the root element of the html document.

The <HTML> and </HTML> tags are used to mark the beginning and end of an <HTML>


<HEAD>-The Head tag is used to define document header. The <HEAD> tag contains

information about document including its title, scripts, styles etc.

<TITLE> -The <TITLE> element contains your HTML document title.

<BODY>-It contains all the content that is there to be displayed on the browser.

Attribute Attribute Value Effect LANG en(for English) Specify English language

Attribute Attribute Value Effect

BGCOLOR Color name Specifies color of background of the page

TEXT Color name Specifies color of Text

LINK Color name Specifies color of link

ALINK Color name Specifies color of Active Link

VLINK Color name Specifies color of Visited Link

HTML tag may contain attribute. These are extra bit of information, which have some


<body bgcolor="green">

attribute value

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Code Output .





<Body bgcolor="orange">



<FONT>-The font tag lets you

change the size, style and color of text. Attribute Value Effect

Face Font name e.g. face="Verdana"

Changes the font of text

Color Color name e.g. color="red"

Changes the color of text

Size Number in pixels Changes the size of text.

Code Output


<head> <Title>Home</title> </head> <Body bgcolor="orange"> <font color="red" face="verdana" size=50>Color of text is red face is Verdana and Size is 50</font> </body> </html>

<BASEFONT>-This tag defines the default font for the entire document.

attribute Value Effect

Face Font name e.g. face="Calibri"

Changes the font of text

Color Color name e.g. color="red"

Changes the color of text

Size Number in pixels Changes the size of text.

Heading Tag-<h1>….…<h6>- There are Six types of heading in HTML.

attribute Value Effect

Align Left, right, center Changes the alignment of heading.

Note: The default alignment of heading is left.

LEFTMARGIN Number (in pixels) e.g. TOPMARGIN="72"

Margin from left edge of page

TOPMARGIN Number (in pixels) e.g. TOPMARGIN="70"

Margin from top edge of page

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Code Output





<Body bgcolor="orange">

<h1>This is heading 1</h1>

<h2>This is heading 2</h2>

<h3>This is heading 3</h3>

<h4>This is heading 4</h4>

<h5>This is heading 1</h5>

<h6>This is heading 6</h6>



Note-H1 will display largest heading & H6 will display the smallest heading.

<CENTER>-This tag displays the contents in the center of the browser.

<html> <head> <Title>Home</title> </head> <Body bgcolor="orange"> <center><h1>Heading at the center of webpage </h1></center> </body> </html>

<HR>-The <hr> tag creates a horizontal line in the web page.

Attribute Value Effect

Size Number in pixels Size=5

Defines the thickness of line.

Width Number (in pixels or as a % value) e.g. width=500 or 50%

Specifies the length of a line across the browser window

Color Color name Specifies the color of a horizontal rule.

Aign Left,right,center Specifies the placement of line on the webpage.

Noshade Noshade Specifies that a <hr> element should render in one solid color(no shaded)

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<Body bgcolor="orange">

<center><h1>DAV Public School,


<hr color="red" width=500 size=10




<P>-This tag is used to begin a new paragraph.

Attribute Value Effect

Align Left,right,center Aligns the paragraph in left, right, center of webpage

<html> <head> <Title>Home</title> </head> <Body bgcolor="orange"> <center><h1>DAV Public School, Jamui</h1></center> <hr color="red" width=500 size=10 align="center"> <p>DAV Public School, Jamui is the best of Bihar. It is Co-Ed school affiliated to CBSE upto +2 level...</p> </body> </html> Note:The default alignment of <P> tag is left.

<COMMENT>-The text enclosed within this tag is

ignored by the browser. We can also use

<!-- Text to be commented --> .





<Body bgcolor="orange">

<center><h1>DAV Public School,


<hr color="red" width=500 size=10 align="center">

<p>DAV Public School, Jamui is the best of Bihar. It is Co-Ed school affiliated to CBSE

upto +2 level...</p>

<!-- This is comment & will not be displayed on browser -->


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<B>-This tag is used to make the text bold. It is a container tag.

<I>-This tag is used to Italicize the text. It is a container tag.

<U>-This tag underlines the text. It is a container tag.

Lists in HTML

A List is a set of items usually written one below the other.

Types of lIsts:-

i) Ordered List ii) Unordered List

i)Ordered List- An ordered list is a list where all items are numbered.


List of activities

1. Art 2. Craft 3. Music

The numerals can be replaced with Roman numbers or with the letters of English alphabet.

Creating ordered list-

While creating ordered list we use the following tags-

a) Ordered List(Tag <OL>)-This tag denotes the start and end of Ordered List.

b) List Item(Tag <LI >) –This tag contains list items.

<html> <head> <Title>Home</title> </head> <Body bgcolor="orange"> <u><b>List of Games</b></u> <OL> <li>Cricket</li> <li>Football</li> <li>Hockey</li> </OL> </body> </html>

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Attribute Value Effect

Type <OL type="1"> It specifies ordering in the form 1,2,3….

<OL type="I"> It specifies ordering in the form I,II,III…..

<OL type="a"> It specifies ordering in the form a,b,c………

Start <OL type ="1" start=3> Starts the list from 3

<OL type ="I" start=3> Starts the list from III

<OL type="A" start=3> Starts the list from C

Note-The default value of each of the TYPE and START attribute is 1.

<html> <head> <Title>Home</title> </head> <Body bgcolor="orange"> <u><b>List of Games</b></u> <OL type="A" start=3> <li>Cricket</li> <li>Football</li> <li>Hockey</li> </OL> </body> </html> II)Unordered List-An unordered list is a list where items are not arranged in any particular order. It is used to create bulleted list. Example- List of activities Art Craft Music

Creating an Unordered List:- While creating an unordered list we use the following tags- a) Unordered List(Tag <OL>)-This tag denotes the start and end of unordered List.

b) List Item(Tag <LI >) –This tag contains list items. <html> <head> <Title>Home</title> </head> <Body bgcolor="orange"> <u><b>List of Games</b></u> <UL> <li>Cricket</li> <li>Football</li> <li>Hockey</li> </UL> </body> </html>

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<html> <head>

<Title>Home</title> </head> <Body bgcolor="orange"> <u><b>List of Games</b></u> <UL TYPE="SQUARE"> <li>Cricket</li> <li>Football</li> <li>Hockey</li> </UL> </body> </html>

Insertion of image in HTML

Tag to insert image-<IMG>


HTML Code to insert Image



<title>Image Insertion</title>



<h1 align="center">Inserting image in HTML</h1>

<img src="a.jpg" width=500px height=200px alt="river" align="right">



Attribute Value Effect

Type <OL type="DISC"> Starts the list with

<OL type="CIRCLE"> Starts the list with

<OL type="SQUARE"> Start the list with

Attribute Function src The source attribute specifies the URL of the

image. width Specifies the width of image (Here it is 500px

in the above figure) Height Specifies the width of image (Here it is 200px

in the above figure)

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Insertion of table in HTML

Tag to insert table--<table>



HTML Code to insert Table



<title>Learning Tables</title>



<table width=75% height=50% align="center" border=20 cellspacing=8 bordercolor="red">

<caption>Table Creation in HTML</caption>

<tr bgcolor="orange">



<th>Roll No</th>


<tr align="center">





<tr align="center" bgcolor="green">


Alt It specifies the alternate text to be displayed if the image is not obtained.(Here the text displayed will be “river” if the image a.jpg not found)

align="left|right |middle|top|bottom"

The align attribute specifies the alignment of an image according to the

surrounding element.

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</table> </body>


Example to show the use of rowspan and colspan attribute.



<title>Table Creation</title>



<h1 align="center">Learning Rowspan</h1>

<table border=2 width=50%>

<caption>Districts of Bihar</caption>


<td rowspan=2>Bihar</td>


Tags Function <table> Used to create table <caption> Used to give table heading. It comes just after table tag. <th> Defines a table column header

<tr> Defines a table row

<td> Defines table column

Attribute Function

background Insert background image in table.

Bgcolor Defines background color of table, row and column.

Width Specifies the width of the table in terms of pixel or percentage of the total page width.

cellspacing Specifies the space between cells(In the above example cellspacing is 8

Cellpadding Specifies the space between wall of the cell and content of the cell

Border Specifies the border of the table (In the above example border is 20)

rowspan This attribute is used with <td> tag. It is used to merge more than one cell row wise.

colspan This attribute is used with <td> tag. It is used to merge more than one cell column wise.

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Example to show the use of rowspan and colspan attribute.



<title>Table Creation</title>



<h1 align="center">Learning Colspan</h1>

<table border=2 width=50%>

<caption>Temperature of Jamui</caption>

<tr align="center">

<td colspan=2>Temperature</td>



<td>23Degree Cel (Max)</td>

<td>6 Degree Cel (Min)</td>





Linking Web Pages

Significance of linking-This mechanism help us to fetch any webpage located anywhere on the globe. Tag to insert hyperlink---<A>


Internal linking-When linking is done on the same website.

<A HREF=”#bmark1”>Link to move on the same page of website</A>

External linking-When linking is done between different website.

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<A HREF=””>This link will open Google page</A> Use of MAILTO attribute- <A HREF=”mailto:[email protected]>Send e-mail</A> On clicking the Send email link on the browser will open default email client such as Outlook. From where you can send mail to the email address [email protected]

Some other important HTML tags.

Tags Use Tags Use <u> Underline text <center> Move the object to the center of


<b> Bold text <p> Create a new paragraph.

<i> Italicize text <ul> Create unordered list.

<br> Go to new line <ol> Create ordered list

<hr> Create horizontal rule <li> Should be used in <ul> and <ol> to include list items.

<font> Change the font face,color,size <sup> Create superscript(X2)

<sub> Create subscript(H2O)


XML is acronym for eXtensible Markup Language. It has been designed to describe, store and transport data. XML document can be written in notepad and its output can be seen on web browser. An XML document can have multiple child elements but only one root element. Comments in XML/HTML is given by <!--This is comment -->

Comparison between XML and HTML



HTMl tags are not case sensitive

XML tags are case sensitive 2

HTML tags are predefined

XML tags must have closing tags 3

HTML tags may or may not have closing tags.

XML tags are user defined

4 HTML is used to present data

XML is used to store and transport data

5 Extension of html file is .html Extension of XML file is .xml

Defining Own Tags in XML Logical Structure of XML Document. The logical structure of an XML-document consist of mainly :

(i) The Prolog (ii) XML Elements (i) The Prolog is a preface or introduction to the XML document.

It is written at the top of an XML document. The XML declaration begins with a special tag <? xml….?

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<? xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8” standalone=”no” ?>

XML Elements. Elements are means to define individual data items. An element start with a start tag and end with an end tag.

A sample XML Code showing the root and child elements.



<name>Ruby</name> <type>Burma</type> <weight>1.1 carat</weight>



Tree Structure for above XML code.

This attribute specifies the

current version of XML i.e1.0

Encoding attribute specifies the

character encoding in XML.UTF-8

specifies English language.

It tells whether the XML

document requires external


Root Element

Parent Element

Child Elements



name type weight

Root/Parent Element

Child Element

Sub Child Element

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Well Formed XML Documents

A well-formed XML document must follow following rules:-

A XML document must have only one root element.

An element containing text or elements must have start and end tags.

Attribute values must be in quotes.

Elements must be properly nested.

Elements name must start with letters or underscores.

Element name may start only with letter and underscore(_).

Elements name consist of letters, numbers and special characters(-,.,_)

Not a well formed XML Well Formed XML

<list> <listitem>pen</listitem> <listitem>pen </list>

<list> <listitem>pen</listitem> <listitem>pen</listitem> </list>

<figure name=icon> <height>40</height> </figure>

<figure name=”icon”> <height>40</height> </figure>

<example*one> <noun>Ankit</noun> </example*one>

<example-one> <noun>Ankit</noun> </example-one>

<Name> <fname>Ram</Fname> </Name>

<Name> <fname>Ram</fname> </Name>

<7eleven>data</7eleven> <seveneleven>data</seveneleven>

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Social Impact of ICT (Unit-3)

Malicious Software which can harm our computer is known as Malware. Viruses, Worms and Trojans are

collectively known as Malware.

Viruses are self replicating program (make a copy of itself) which can travel from one computer to another

with the help of a medium such as pen drive. Viruses have executable files which when clicked installs itself on

the computer. Brain was the name of first computer boot sector virus.

Unlike viruses Worms replicates automatically through network connections. Blaster, Code red, NIMDA are

names of popular worms. It eats up entire disk space.

Trojans are used as means to carry virus in to system. It pretends to be legitimate program but it can be


Spyware is a malicious program that attaches itself to the victims computer . It gathers information without

permission and remains hidden in background.

Names of spyware are bugdrop, Trymedia.

Spam is an unsolicited commercial email usually sent and received in a large numbers. Spamming overloads the system with incoming message.

Antivirus software is used to prevent, detect and remove computer viruses and many other malware such as worms, Trojan horse and spywares. Quick Heal, Avast, McAfee,Norton are some of the popular antivirus.

Hacker- A hacker is a person who is proficient with computers and/or programming and knows all of the intricacies of a system. There is no illegality involved with being a hacker.

Cracker- Cracker is a hacker who uses their proficiency for personal gains outside of the law like: stealing data, changing bank accounts, distributing viruses etc. A cracker is a technical person who masters the art of breaking systems to hamper the system's security. A Hacker on the other hand breaks system to gain knowledge.

Data Backup-Data Backup is an act of saving the copy of data and storing it at some other location different from previous one. In case of system failure the data may be recovered from backup. Paragon, Back4all are some of the data backup software. The reason for data backup is: Hardware failure, Software crash, Storage media failure, Accidental data deletion.

Types of Data Backup-

Operating System level-Entire system can be backed up and recovered when needed.

Normal or Full Backup-All the selected files are backed up.

Differential Backup-Only files that changed since the last full backup are backed up .

Incremental Backup-Only files that have changed since the last backup whether it is full backup or differential are backed up.

Online Backup-Take the backup of data over internet. Online data backup tools are Drop box, Carbonite, Google Drive.

Data Recovery tool-A software used to recover the accidently deleted data.Recuva,Paragon, TestDisk are some of the data recovery tools.

Security Provisions in E-Commerce---

Confidentiality-Allow only authorized parties to access protected information.

Integrity-Ensure that information remains as it is from sender to receiver.

Encryption-It is the process in which plain text is coded to cipher text.This ciphertext is then

transmitted to the receiver where it is decoded to obtain the actual code.

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Secure Socket Layer (SSL)- SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is the standard security technology for

establishing an encrypted link between a web server and a browser. This link ensures that all data

passed between the web server and browsers remain private and integral.

Firewall- It is a network security system that monitors and controls the incoming and outgoing

network traffic based on predetermined security rules.

Digital Signature-A digital signature is a digital code that can be attached to an electronically

transmitted message that uniquely identifies the sender.

Some important Terms:-

Infomania is the compulsive desire to check or accumulate information through computer or mobiles.

Digital Unity ensures that all the stack-holders of the society get equal and fair share of technology use in their lives.

Digital Divide means that all sectors of society do not get equal exposure to technology.

Answer the following questions

1) General term refers to viruses, worms, spyware etc. is0 a) Harmware b) Malware c) Un-ware d) Adware

2) Out of the following, which one will be altered or modified by a computer virus ? a) Operating System b) Speed of network Connectivity c) Application Software d) All of

these 3) A __________is a program that eats up all the spaces by replicating itself. 4) A_________is a virus that is often disguised as useful computer program. 5) The electronic equivalent of junk mail is known as :

a) Adware b) Spam c) packets d) Bug 6) _______is a software that is download on your computer to track your activities without

your knowledge. 7) A ________is a person who attempts to maliciously hack computer or computer networks. 8) Any crime commited using computers and internet is termed as______________. 9) Digital code attached to a message that uniquely identifies the message is

called____________. 10) _______backup saves your data from natural disasters.

Write True or False

1) Hacker is a person who breaks security with mal intention to steal what we have stored on our computers.

2) Backup is restoration of data for restoring purpose at a later time. 3) Always scan the storage media before connecting it to your computer. 4) Typing by a keyboard is a source of computer virus. 5) E-Commerce is doing business online.

Answer the following questions:

1) Differentiate between computer virus and worms. 2) Write two advantages of online backup . 3) Name one software/tool for each of the following:

a)Antivirus b) Data Recovery tool c) Online Backup tool d) Open source software 4) What do you mean by Digital Signature ? 5) Encryption of data has become an important way to protect data and other computer network resources espically on the internet. What do you understand by encryption ?

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