

Moshe FreskoBar-Ilan University

Object Oriented Programing 2007-2008

Class A class is a user defined type.

C examplestruct Date {

int d, m, y ;};void initDate (Date* d, int day, int month, int year);void addYear (Date* d, int n);void addMonth (Date* d, int n);void addDay (Date* d, int n);

C++ examplestruct Date {

int d, m, y ;void init (int day, int month, int year);void addYear (int n);void addMonth (int n);void addDay (int n);


Classes Definition of member functions

void Date::init(int day, int month, int year) { d = day; m=month; y=year; }

void Date::addYear(int n) { y+=n; }

UsageDate myBirthDay ;void f() {

Date today ;today.init(24,10,2005) ;myBirthDay.init(19,5,1919) ;Date tomorrow = today ;tomorrow.addDay(1) ;


Access Control Access Control Modifiers

public: Accessible from every place private: Accessible only within the class protected: Accessible within the current class and

subclasses Default Control Modifiers

struct => public class => private

Exampleclass Date {

int d, m, y ;public:

void init (int day, int month, int year);void addYear (int n);void addMonth (int n);void addDay (int n);


Constructors A constructor is called whenever an object

is created. It has the same name as the class.

Example:class Date {

Date (int, int, int) ; // Constructor}…Date today=Date(26,10,2005);Date sukot(18,10,2005);Date myBirthday; // Error: Initialization missingDate release1(10,12); // Error: Argument missing

Constructor Providing several Constructors

class Date {int d, m, y;

public:// …Date ( int, int, int );Date ( int, int ); // day, month, today’s

yearDate ( int ); // day, today’s month

and yearDate ( ); // default date is todayDate (const char*); // from string

representation}…Date today(27);Date july4(“July 4, 1983”);Date now;

Static Members A variable that is part of a class, but is not part

of an object, is called a static member. There is exactly one copy of the static member.

Example:class Date {

int d, m, y;static Date default ;

public:Date ( int dd=0,int mm=0, int

yy=0);// …static void set_default ( int, int, int) ;


Copying Class Objects By default, the copy of a class object is a

copy of each member.Date d = today ;

The change this behavior a copy constructor can be provided in the form X::X(const X&)class Date {

Date(const Date&x) { d=x.d; m=x.m; y=x.y; }// …


Constant member functions const modifier after function declaration indicates that

the function does not modify the state.

class Date {int d,m,y;

public:int getDay() const

{ return d ; }int getYear() const ; // …

}// inline int Date::getYear() const // { return y++; } // Error// inline int Date::getYear() // Error // { return y; }inline int Date::getYear() const

{ return y; }

Constant member functions Non-const objects both const and non-

const member functions can be invoked. For const objects only const member functions can be invoked.void f(Date& d, const Date& cd) {

int i = d.getYear() ; // okd.addYear(1) ; // okint j = cd.getYear() ; // okcd.addYear(1) ; // Error

Self-reference For update functions it is often useful to return self-

reference by using *this reference. ( this: a pointer to the object in which a member function is invoked).class Date {

Date& addYear(int i) ;Date& addMonth(int i) ; Date& addDay(int i) ;// …

}Date& addYear(int i) { y+=n ; return *this ; }

// …void f(Date& date) {

date.addYear(1).addMonth(1).addYear(1) ; }

Mutable variables The storage modifier mutable specifies that a member

should be stored in a way that allows updating even when it is a member of a const object.class Date {

mutable string cache ;// …

public:// …string toString() const ;

}string Date::toString() const

{ if (cache.empty()) cache = computeStringRepresentation() ;

return cache ; }

In-class Function Definitions A member function defined within the class definition is

taken to be an inline member function.

class Date {// …public:

int day() const { return d; }}

// Alternativelyclass Date {

// …public:

int day() const ;}inline int Date::day() const { return d; }

Constructors and Destructors Constructor

A constructor initializes an object. It is called when the object is first created. It is a function with the same name of the class. If none is defined then default constructor used

otherwise there is no automatic default constructor. Destructor

A destructor is called when an object is destroyed. It typically does clean-up and resource release. It is called when an automatic variable goes out of

scope or an object on the free store is deleted. It is a function with the same name of the class only

with a ~(Tilda) in the beginning.

Constructors and Destructors Default Constructor: It is the constructor that is called

without supplying any argument. class Name {

const char* s;// …

}class Table {

Name* p ;int size ;

public:Table (int s=15) { p = new Name[size=s] ; }~Table() { delete[] p ; }Name* lookup(const char*) ;bool insert(Name*);


Constructors and Destructors If the user didn’t define any constructor the compiler

will create one which is a default constructor automatically.

class A {private: int val ;public: A() { val=0; }

}class B {

private: int val ;public: B(int i) { val=i; }

}class C {

private: int val ;}// which of these definitions will give compiler error ?A a ; B b ; C c ;A* ap ; B* bp ; C* cp ;

Constructors and DestructorsWhen they are called? 1. A named automatic object is created each time its

declaration is encountered and destroyed when the program exits the block in which it occurs.

class A {private: int num ;public: int getNumber() const { return num ; } public: A(int i=0) { num=i; cout<<i<<“ctor”<<endl;public: ~A() { cout<<i<<“dtor”<<endl; }

}int main() {

A x(1) ;{ { A y(2) ; }

A z(3) ; }

}// What will be the output of the program

Constructors and DestructorsWhen they are called? 2. A free-store object is created when the new

operator is called and destroyed when the delete operator is called. int main() {

A* ap1=new A(1) ;A* ap2=null;{ ap2=new A(2) ;

A* ap3 = new A(3) ; }delete ap1 ; delete ap2 ;

}// what will be the program output

Constructors and Destructors When they are called? 3. A non-static member object inside another

class is created when this class’ instance is created and destroyed when this instance is destroyed.class B {

private: A a ;public: B(int i=3) : a(i) { }

}int main() {

B b1(1) ;{ B b2(2) ; }B b3 ;


Constructors and DestructorsWhen they are called? 4. An array element is created and destroyed

when the array elements are created and destroyed.void main() {

cout << “1” << endl ;A aarr[3] ;cout << “2” << endl ;{

cout << “3” << endl ;A aarr[4] ;cout << “4” << endl ;

}cout << “5” << endl ;


Constructors and DestructorsWhen they are called? 5. A local static object is created the first time its

declaration is encountered, and destroyed at the termination of the program.

int f() {static A a(3) ; // other things

}int main() {

A a(1) ;f() ;f() ;{ f() ; }

}// what will be the output of the program?

Constructors and DestructorsWhen they are called?

6. A global, namespace or class static object is created at the start of the program, and destroyed at the end.A a(1) ;class D {

static A a ; // we need definition in C++ as:// A D::a() ;

} ;int main() {

A a(2) ;}

Constructors and DestructorsWhen they are called? 7. A temporary object that is created as part of

the evaluation of an expression and destroyed at the end of the full expression it occurs.

A sum(const A& a1, const A& a2){ return A(a1.getNumber()+a2.getNumber()) ; }

int main() {A a1(1) ;A a2(2) ;int i = sum(a1,a2).getNumber() ;

}// What will be the output of the program?

Copying objects By default copying objects means copying of each

non-static member variables. Most of the time it is ok. But sometimes it can

cause problems. Especially when we have locally managed pointers to objects (on heap) or open external resources (files), etc.

Example: The Table example will have problems.void h() {

Table t1 ;Table t2 = t1 ; // Copy Initialization.

Problem.Table t3 ;t3 = t2 ; // Copy Assignment. Problem.

Copying Objects Solution: To define the Copy constructor and operator

equals(=).class Table {

// …public:

Table( const Table& ) ;Table& operator=(const Table& ) ;

}Table::Table ( const Table& t)

{ p = new Names[size=t.size] ;for (int i=0;i<size;++i) p[i]=t.p[i] ; }

Table& Table::operator=(const Table& t){ if (this!=&t) { delete[]p ;

p = new Names[size=t.size] ; for (int i=0;i<size;++i) p[i]=t.p[i] ; }

return *this ;}

Member initializationclass Club {

string name ;Table members ;Table officers ; Date founded ;// …Club (const string& n, Date fd) ;Club::Club( const string& n, Date fd)

: name(n), members(), officers(), founded(fd){ /* other initializations */ }

} ;class X {

const int i ; // no other way to initialize, only member initializationClub c ;Club& pc ; // no other way to initialize X(int ii, const string& n, Date d, Club& c) : i(ii), c(n,d), pc(c) { }

} ;

Advices1. Represent concepts as classes2. Use struct when it really is just data3. Make a member function const, if it doesn’t

modify anything.4. If a constructor acquires a resources, it

needs a destructor to return it.5. If a class has a pointer, then it probably

needs a copy constructor and assignment operation.

6. Check for self assignment for copy assignment.

Exercises1. Define a class Histogram that gets in the constructor

two values representing the intervals. Then keeps counts of numbers in that interval. Provide functions to print out the histogram. Handle out of range values.

2. Define implement and test a set of integers, class Intset. Provide union, intersection, and symmetric differences functions.

3. Given the program:#include <iostream>int main() { std::cout<<“Hello World\n”; }

without changing main() modify it to produce output:InitializeHello WorldClean Up

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