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He was born on September14, 1849 – February 27, 1936 in the village in Ryazan , Russia.

A Russian physiologist , who was one of the first to study associations objectively and empirically (scientifically) and to give associations an importance in the development of new physiological and emotional reactions as well as mental activities.

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Classical Conditioning

Is a form of learning that has a powerful effect on attitudes , likes and dislikes and emotional responses.

A learning process that occurs through associations between an environment stimulus and a naturally occurring stimulus.

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The Elements and Process of Classical Conditioning

Reflex – is an involuntary response to a particular stimulus

Stimulus – any event or object in the environment to which an organism responds

Two kinds of reflexes Conditioned- the learned involuntary

responses Unconditioned- automatic and unlearned

response to a particular stimulus and are built into the nervous system.

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Unconditioned Stimulus Food-------------------- Loud noise-------------- Puff of air in

eye-------- Light in eye------------- Touching a hot stove--

Unconditioned Response

Salivation Startle Blink Contraction of pupil Hand withdrawal

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The Conditioned and Unconditioned Stimulus and Responses

Unconditioned Stimulus - that unconditionally , naturally and

automatically triggers a response. Example: When you smell one of your favorite food you may immediately feel hungry. Unconditioned Response -the unlearned response that occurs

naturally in response to the unconditioned stimulus.

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Conditioned Stimulus - is a learned stimulus Example: Suppose that when you smell your favorite

food , you also heard the sound of a whistle while the whistle is unrelated to the smell of the food. If the sound of the whistle was paired multiple times with the smell, the sound would eventually trigger the conditioned response.

Conditioned Response - learned response The conditioned response is “feeling hungry when you

heard the sound of the whistle”.

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Extinction - response became weaker and

weaker and then disappeared Spontaneous recovery - weak response and shorter in

duration than the original conditioned response

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Generalization - where one similar to the original

conditioned stimulus would produce the conditioned response

Discrimination - is the learned ability to distinguish

between similar so that the conditioned response occurs only to the original conditioned stimulus but not to similar stimuli

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That’s all thank


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