Page 1: Classroom space OlVd - Twin Falls Public · 70th yoar, 261st issuo Idaho's Lnrgest Ereninfj; !\i‘wspain>r

7 0 th y o a r , 2 6 1 s t issuo

Idaho's Lnrgest Ereninfj; !\i‘wspain>rTW IN FALLS, ID A H O , THURSDAY, JUNE 28 , 1973 1 0 '

c r i t i c s p r e s sWASHINGTON (UPI) — Wor pritics, now In firm commond of

• boUi . houses of Congress, grim ly pressed nhead today with ' legislation to stop U]c bombing of Cambodln—despite President Nixon's veto of such a. mcQsurc.

Antiwar forces In both the Senate a'nd House vowed to attach n new cnd-tlie-war measure as a rider to vltnl appropriations bills tliat must [)c passed if the federal government Is to-contlnue operating. ‘ .

Tlie crunch is expected to .come on a- Houso-pnsaed appropriations resolution to keep federal agencies operating after the new fiscal year begins this Sunday. The House resolu­tion contains an amendment— Identical to jthe one written Into the $3.3 billion supplemental appropriations b ill Nixon .vetoed

Tuesday—cutting off funds for'U.S. m ilitary action in, over or frorh the shores of rambodla or 'Laos. Senate AppVovnl is expected before the end of the week.

In vetoing the supplemental bill, Nixon said Uie total bombing halt “ would seriously undermine the chances;for a lasting peace In Indochina and Jeopardize efforti< to create u stable, enduring structure of peace aroun^l the world.”

Tlie House, minutes after Nixon’s message was r6ad, sustained .the veto. It voted 241 to 173 in favor of a motion to override, <9 votes short of the necessary two-thirds majority.

Clii\lrman George Mahon, DTex., of the House Appropriations ' Committee said he would .seek approval of a new .supplemQntol bill without the antiwar rider, but doves said they would seek to

nttflch Uie Cambodia amendment to tlie measure oncJ again when It comes to the floor. ' ■

Nixon said If tlie supplemental bill is npt enacted the payroll for Social & curlty Admlnlsu'ation workers would be withheld, and 25 million Americans might be deprived of their benefits.' , 'Hiere is some question whether the measure automutically dies Saturday when the current budget year end.s, or whetlier it can be,passed In the new flscal year.

n ie Impasse on the VfOntinulng resolution” could be far niore serious, however. If Gortgress and the President fiill to come to terms.

A veto of that resoluth)n would meofl^thot. appropriations would be cut off beginning Sunday to tlie executive, legislative and Judicial branches of gpvernment.

Id a h o a n s s p l i t ______^ o a d e d ’ ^ c f u ^ i e s ^WASHINGTON (U PI) — Idaho’s two ■

jkn* A AM nn1l4 vmlAO noWASHINGTON (U PI) — Idaho’s two

represcDtatives split their votes as the House failed to override President Nixon's veto of a bill l)!oeklng continued bombing of Can^odlo Wednesday.

Hep. Steve Symms voted to override the veto wfille Rep, prvnl Hansen voted to sustain the veto. Jfoth are llepubllcons. TIic veto was sustained by a 24M73 vote, 35 short of the two thirds mojority aceded to override U>

n o t s h a k i n g D e a n

IIO \X \ l l l l n.AKKJt . . . lin irM tcH tin io lM -


in briefSoiiiitfe'pnKNc>N Npiic'c* hiiiil bill

WASHINGTON (UPI) — Tlie Senate today approved a compromise |3 billion authorization bill to finance the nation's space program for fiscal ID74.

A House-Scnatc Confcrence.Coipmittce .agreed on a $3.064 billion authorization, 148.5 mlllloh above the administration budget request for the National Aeronautic and Space Admlni.'s- tratioii.

!\'V (loc'lor cluir CMl in ilojifliMINEOLA, N.Y. (UPI) — The chief resident surgeon at the

Nassau County Medical Center was charged Wednesday with murder in the "mercy k illing" of a cancer patient who had only two days to live,_ Iji the first eutlianaslo case in the nation Involving a physician

In 24 years, Dr, Vincent Montemarano was accused of Injecting deadly potassium chloride — an undetectable chemical solution — Into the veins of Eugene Bauer,' 59.

District Attorney William Cahn, who called the sloylng o “mercy killing,’ ' said the potas onwchlorlde was Injected Into Bauer while he was In a coma and incapable of feeling pain, Bauer died within five minutes after the Injection, Cahn said.

WASHINGTON (UPh — Refusing to waver from his previous testimony under wliathe termed “ loaded” Watergate questions from the White House, John W, Dean 111 said today that many presidential staffers knew tlie White House “ wasn’t exactly baring Its soul" about the scandal and Its coverup, ' '

In Dean’s fourth day before the Senate Watergate (Committee, the ?usted White House counsel Insisted he had not indulged,in “ any exaggeration at any time or any place” In testifying about the case and his belief that President Nixon was involved In hushing it up.

Tlie White House questions, prepared by recently appointed presidential counselJ. Fred Duzhardt, appeared to reflect a new White House strategy of blaming Dean and former Attorney General John N. Mitchell for the Watergate affair.

The questions were asked Dean by Sen; Daniel K. Inouye, D- Hawaii, a member of the committee,

“ If your deputy, Mr, (Fred) Fielding, who worked so closely with you, and who carried out some of your missions connected with the conspiracy, hod absolutely no knowledge of the cover- up conspiracy, how do you so blithely assume that others on the ' White House staff and even Uie President did know of your

instructions from Mr. Haldeman and Mr. Ehrlichman and I know of my conversations wltlj the President.

“ 1 know that quite a number of other peoplr knew that the White House was not exactly baring its soul on the matter ... Uiere were a series of various phases of the cdver-up and various" people at the White House knew about It.”

Dean did not Identify the others, but he has testified at length previoiusly that former White House Chief of Staff H.R. Haldem*an and John D. Ehrlichman, Nixon’s former chief domestic affairs adviser, were among the architects of the plot to cover up high-level involvement In the bugging of Democratic party headquarters at the Watergate a year ago.

The questions reflected that strategy —one series suggesting that Dean deliberately had "leaked’’ his story to the news media. Dean denied the charge.

“ I t ’s obvio\isly u loaded question," he said, sipping from a glass of ice water.

He said he had used hewspaper clippings from the time of tlie Watergate arrests until mid-May this year to jog his memory in piecing together his story.

■ conspiracy?" Inouyc asked for the White House“ 1 think' today Mr, Fielding is very happy that I ilidn't Ull

lilm ,” Dean replied. "In fact, he subsei|uently thanked me t(»r not Involving him. . . .

— ‘id o n ’rknowtiowTnnny omcr pcoplc on the Wl)(rc IX5use-siaff“ knew of tlie conspiracy ... 1 certiiinlv know I getting

yt-gaflt recalling Information and retaining information.”

“ Have you always had a faculty for. recalling deatlls of conversations that ook place many months ago?” Inouye naked.-

Si:\. D A M K L IN O I YK

. . . <|ui ».iio'(T*. D c jin

• i would like to start with the President of the United States." Dean replied. “ It wa.s not a regular activity for me to,go in and visit wlUi the President.

Classroom A i r c i c a r c c i

space OlVdT o r m c ^ r I S K o d p a r l y Iicm icI f l i e n

PHINCETON. N.J, (UPI) - Eurl R. Browder. fl2, former leader of the American Communist Party, (lied in his .sleep.

Rrowder led ttie party from 19;»5 to 1940 and wa.s a l>re!ii(lential candidate in two flections. He said, in a recenl interview his support of tlien Prtrsident Franklin D. Roosevelt led t(» his fall from fK)wer in Ihe party.

Vanli \i-ts liammc>r C'aiiiluMllansPHNOM PENH (UPI) - U.S. F4 Phantom and A7 Corsair Jet

fighter-bombers joined Cambodian warplanes Wednesday night’ and today In blasting rebel troop positions around the capital’s defense perimeter, the m ilitary command said.

The American air strikes came only hours after President Nixon vetoed a bill In Washington that would have halted ajl U.S. I air activity In Cambodia. American planes have been" flying InlenHlfled strikes in Uie country dally for the past five months to counter o Communist offensive.

Salmon c lcoliaii plan ,PARIS (UPI) — Siiigon said today the South Vietnamese

should hold elections on Christmas Day and make it “ a,da^ of Joy.” but the Communist Viet Cong rejected the suggestion as "phony." . . . . .

Tlie election date was part of a South Vietnamese plan —the

By GEORGE WILEV Times-NewB writer

TWIN F A L I^ — A disuijte between the Idaho Migrant Council and the Twin Falls ljibor*&entec.Qver space for classrooms was apparently settled at a meeting Wednesday.

Dioniclo Benavides, IMC Twin Falls coordinator, met with labor center manager James Hathbun and lalwr center board member Carl Boyd to discuss the situation Wednesday morning.

Rathbun agreed to let the IMC have the use of a six-room borracks to hold classes for migrant workers In adult basic education and high school equlvalency^athbun had previously refused to let the IMC have the use ofclassrooms In the center's old armory building.

Wednesday.. Rathbun said the IMC could have the barracks space and the use of electricity free of charge.

Benavides said he wanted a written agreement. so Rathbun had . hla.flccrctary call ihe labor, center's lawyers, May, May, and Sudweeksyto havea contract drawn up. He told Benavides the agreement would take effect today.'

Boyd sold with the need for farm labor on the detreast* "We figure this camp will shortly be phased out,”

.Benavides has said several times tliat the replacement of migrant laborers with mechanical equipment makes it especially ImportJint to teach migrant wgrTtC bhitcsk llls so that they may move into qther trades.

The IMC receives federal funds to conduct dosses in basic education. '

In agreeing to let tlie IMC have iwo of the barracks. Rathbun said, "I'rp glvln(^ them tliot building, but I do not want you (Bcnavldos)hnros3lnemelodo'lhla'nnddQthal.” • ,

Benavides offered t o - . IMC per.«Jpnne| p r^o re the barracks for use, but Rathbun declined the offer, saying he was afraid plywood partltlon.s might be damaged. He told Benavides tile IMC would hove to provide Us own locks.

SALEM, Ore. (UPI) — It's Qfiolnst the law today tu smoke at a stat^ gpverument meeting In Oregon.

Gov. Tom McCall signed a bill Wednesday banning smoking at such gatherings. It took

-jafcctUrainodlBtoly.---------- ------------------------------

7'h.o/ new Of-oflon la w sh o u ld h e lp cToar fho air to a d e g re e al some m eeling%

WASHINGTON (UPI I - a ' U.S. mine sweeping task forci^, has completed opening North' Vietnam‘s port of Haiphong and will turn its attention to tlie IKirt tgi-Vinh south of.Haiphong, the DWense Department said Wedne.sday. •'

The t«sk force has also cleared two lesser ports In the vicinity of Hai|)hong and will sweep tiiree lesser ports In the Vlnli iireii, a spokesman sftid.

Negotiations to permit the'' sweeping operations In the Vinh area started WodnuMlay, the Pentagon said.

( i e i t i H ' a t e r

rules setJ.ONDON( UPI I-M ile dollar

|)iunged to new lows on the Fr^inkfurt. Norwegian and Paris monuy markt^s_ today, apparenO) because of rumors thal the West German mark was about to be revalued upward a^ain.Gerniany denied the rumors.

■‘Conditions are ' extremely iiervous.'’ .said a sjwkesman for •Swiss Bank in Ix)ndon,

- At 0110111110 lh»' dollar sank in (!ei'inany to alxiut 2.40 marks, its lowest ever level. Tlie dollar also fell to a postwar low In Nurwuy, with the official ruto [)egged at 5..'tn25 krone. This was Ifl.Sfi per cent below the rjite at February’s dollar devaluation.

Gold, which dropped in the early hours on the 1-ondon markel Jumped $1.40 at the afternoon price fixing In I/in- don. A bullio/i dealer;.,sald ^pecu la to rs” had begun to move into the market.

Si:\. SA M K U V IN

B u h l w o m a n k i l l e dI*ARAMIE, Wyo, — A Buhl woman was killed In a traffic

accldenton Interstote flO tw^mlles west of Lartmile Wednesday.Mary Isabel Fields. 64. died when tJip' car In wlUch she was

riding wont off Uio right side of Uie road and rollod throe times.A brotlier of Mrs, Fields. Willis Forelrian. and another

unidentified passenger were Injured in the accident. According to rclalivcs. Mrs. Fields was returning from the Midwest where she had gone to attend Uie funeral of an aunt when the accident occurred. ,

Funeral service,^irc pending Uirough Albertfion-Djckard. - Funerul Home, Buhl.

According to o funeral home sp^tkesmiih, Foreman Is In sjitlsfactory condition In a U rum ie hospital.

Mrs, Fields Is survived by one .son and one daughter as well her brotlier. Her husband, Rufus, preceded her In death.

—Viet-Gong-produeed-^ -foiHJ9tUlng-Ui&*politle«l-future of their wortorn country.

The two sides opened new talks under orders of on agreement signed June 13 to settle their political differences within 45 days.

Buy small cars, GeiU agehcies toldt h u n d e r s t o r m s


Ediiorlal, 4 •Farm, I6 ' liv in g , 12-13

..■Markets, 21 S p p r f s ^ - 7 9 ’ Valley, 15.

BOISE (UPI) — In an effort to rcducc gasoline consumption by the stotc, Gov. Cecil D. Andrus tpdoy ordered stato'agencles to purchase smnll cora .beginning July 1. '

^todrua also dlKocled lh i smolIer onglrie^pollcy be Applied lo purchoses of trucks where fcoaiblo, urged state employes to ride

Phones733^931« V (O r iiHc o i i r (o ll- fm * lincu )

~ld work In cur pools and asked other levels of governmoht and prlvflto industry <o follow suit. ,

His executive order to purchase only six or four-cyllndor passenger vohlclos In tho .future.exempts the Department of Low Enft-rcomonV

Because of Its "ceremonlQl" use, ho sold, ho will rotoln his ' own large, offlctal llmousino. But ho sold his personal car for -famlly-tis#-ls-*44uM>y€lin ‘

gasoline.Besides asking state employes to ride to work in car pools he

suggested that, where possible, they use bicycles instead of coVsrHe'soidmoFe blcj^cIe raclcs alreody have been ordered ffir

- i t f 0 ■ot.stfltc-fimoioycfl^

- }■

The governor‘also told newsmen ho thinks recall of public officials should be limited to malfeasance In office, conviction of 0 felony or inability to function.

But ho said he 19111 not'become Involved in *iocol issues'’. In

.AndnuoUoMkodldflhomotorlBtB voluntarily to-coopornto In' 0 sUtewlde program to roduca unnecessary. consiun^Jtldn-of .

/.'While there Is no present critical shortage of gasoline there are two good reasons for conserving goflollne at this tjme,'' Andrus sold. . , ' •

' ‘One la the.need toossure Idaho's farmorsof sufficient motor fuel ftfr horveat operations this summer and fall as well as otiier Industrial users of adequate fuel lupplips,” he said."1110 other reason la to helppr.avldo for an fldoqunto .supply of

‘ ■hDimrarwmtBrrr


. December this year, os it did lo s ^ o r , there a serious -problem. --------■ ...........-V.'... • •

mode the subject of a recall movement.Constltuehts ongry with Miss McDormdtt'fl stand on the Equol

Rights Amendment, among other Issuosi have brought recall, petitions against her and are battling In Uie courts* to validate them and force-a apodal election. <

Andrus aald he felt the electorate can remove any offlcjals with whom they are uqf l^glilBtors.'that l i every two years. He la ld he would sup­port a change in the recaU statues should this ba prdppsed at the nextT»i8lon::of Ihe'le 'glslatiirer ' .... " '

Page 2: Classroom space OlVd - Twin Falls Public · 70th yoar, 261st issuo Idaho's Lnrgest Ereninfj; !\i‘wspain>r

scientificLAKE HUDOLF. Kenyfl (UPI) - Snturday’ii

soJor ecllpsc mean* n rnrc chnncc for hundreds of sclcntlsU from around the world lo study the

- plnhet'a rrfovement. but to a tiny African tribe I t . - mpnns atrnngcrs hnvo come to atehl their aun-..

Tlic eclipse will \n) tlje second longeat In recorded history. Hie phenomeopn,hns brought

‘ Iwrdes of professional nstronomers, reporters ‘ and tho cuYlous streamlnfi into Kenya nnd

^M A urltnn ln , Hie Kast-Wost extremes of Northern Africa. •

' Tlie ccllpse will not be visible in .the United States. Instead, il-s totality will begin near the border of Guyana wlUi Northern Brntil in South 'America. From lliere. it will move over the Atlantic Ocean and begin Itii African Journey at , MaurlUinIn, span tlie 3,500 miles across Africa to Kenya, touch a corner<1/ tlieSoVnall Republic olnd head out to the Indian Ocean before leaving tiie eartli’s sight at day's erid.

SclentisLs are hoping to'learnjnuch from the eclipse, ranging from gleaning new information on'Elnsteln’s Uieory of relativity to determining

-Uie sun’s influence on the weather and the atmosphere.

Rut the 200 fishermen who mai(e up the Elmplos, the smallest tribe in East Mrlca^

tlie sun," according to tho female American scientist who has been living imiong tiiem for

two montlis. [■nie Elmolos live in rouna, palm-leof igloos

and; Qt Uio moment, arc snaring tills almost -Inacceiulblo Inland sea wltli a group of BO American and European sclentlsta who have pitched eartip for the eclipse,

Carole Scherrer, a 25-yepr-old anUiropologist from the University of Virginia in CJiprlottcs* ville who has been living with tho Elmolos, said

' tlie scientists tried to pacify tlio villagers by assuring them-they would put tho sun back afton using It for a few minutes.

But Miss Scherrer said tribal logic defeated Uiem.

“ Tlie elders simply pointed out. that to put It Iwck you had lo taice it away In the first place,” she said.

Miss Scherrer siild she hopes to live among Uie EImolo.H for 10 months and complete a doctoral thesis on the tribes’s social, economic and religious structure.

“ Tlie older people are a little apprehensive of scientists,’ ’ she sale!. "Tliey are not too anxious tiiey know the sun will eventually come bjick. Wlia'l thej- 'aru deatlily afraid of Is tliey heard armed raiders from the north may use tlie eclipse darkness to attack their camp.’,’

-Rlm«!yh-hnve—hired—apear^hrowing- guards fr^m the more warlike Simiburu tribe to protect the Village while the darkness lasts.

Senate approves 5.6% Social Security raise


plannedVIENNA (UPI) - The

Western m ilitary aUl{»ncc and .the Communist Warsaw. Pact pledged today to work toward mutual - force - reducUons In Central Europe wlthopt hurting Uie security of either slUe.

In a communique formally announcing that tho talks will be held in Vienna beginning Oct. 30, Uic North Atlnntic Treaty Organization (NATO) an(j thBSoviet;led Warsaw Pact nations ended five months of prepatory talks.

Tiie two sides were upstiiged ' in the announcement by the joint communique Issued by President Nixon and Soviet party leader J^onid I. Brezhnev on Monday, which disclosed the (late and place of the meeting.

ll ie Vienna conimunique said troop reductions “ will have to Ik- carefully worked oul In scope and lim ing" so as riot lo diniinisli the security of either EaslJir West.

-----II—Rhe— thr—yord-

N e w s

S e e n . . .Ronnie Iliiwllngs leashing for

two monJIis visit with Mr. and ■ Mrs. W ."0. Anderson Sr. in Washington . . . W. J. Wilson family undertaking the painting of their hpme .. . Dick Sterling swimming .. . Pat • Sterling watching and . . . andy Sterling a very pretty lifeguard . , ,‘ Billy .Adnms left t(i -lieep vigil on Kimborly hou.sehold • . . . W illiam n'lnncey counting handful of $1 bill/i at health iMard meeting

. . . . Bob Wills opening door at Judicial building for -woman rejKirter . . . Jerry HoIRUi l wi.sliing he were still on the iK-'ac'h in California . . . Dr. Wayne Carte- “ tlirealening" relallatlon . . . and overheard, ■Too liad we can't iMJttle some

of this heat for next winter-.".

Camp Stovos - L a n te m K 4 « n tK - r

•‘balanced" at the Insistence of the Warsaw Pact tkicaustf I t implied that tiie Communists-^ ‘ wllh a 2-1 edge over NATO

- forces in Europe—would have to make bigger cuts than the West.

Slooping Bags

REDS?)5 Shothon* Si. S.

WASHINGTON (UPlI - A per cent ridse in social security l)enofits for al^uit .10

. million eldi’rly hard hit byjhe rising costs of inflation today was virtually assured of con­gressional pas.sage.

t lie Senale Wednesday ap­proved the acro;>s-the-lx)ard Inrrcase. take effect Jiip. 1, 197-1, 'tiy a - one-sided flC)-7 margin. 'I’here was every indication tiuit-the House woulil concur by a similarly strong show of support.

I lie Social Security l)enefit increase was inchuleti a» paVi" of legislation which . would'


nor a nurnl)er of other riders'i^^-inate. Among thcni:

; 'A ', from $2,100 to $:j,00fl in Die amount a person on Social Security cim earn witlioiit losing benefits. It wouhl affect alxiut 7,4 million persons and cost the Social Security 'IVusl Fund about $800 iilllllon annually.

A provision, approved by, setting u spending ceiling of $208.7 billion for fiscal 1!>74 and directing Nixon to got ciingresslonjil. approval before impounding appr'opriated.fmiE. - - .

debl ceihng Ihnmgli next - An aniendiiioil. approvedNovember. The bill must reach raising federal welfarePresiil^f ul Nixon by July 1 p.iynients for the aged, blind,

------Scnntc-House- ncRotrotors— nnri-TtlKnbted.“ Dffpctive-Jnn; r,must work out a compromise ' 197-J. reciniring .states to supple-bill. Tlie House version did not nieiit federal welfare paymentsinclude tho social security hike .so no recipients -get present

allolnients cut; and assuring lliat no one, now eliglWe, lose inedicaid l>enefits.

- A provision, adopted 03-11. [MKsTiMining from July 1 until Jan. 1, 107-1, regulations or­dered by the, department of IlealIhJ-'ducalion,and Welfare on .social siTVicos/

Ijinguage, approved 1)1-31, whicli would, require the Inter­nal Kevenue St-f-vice lo place on Uie front page of returns a.liiix where lax[)ayers can mark a $1 checkoff as contributions to llie financini; of presidential cam- pau;iis.

-t;--Bui—ilte-Smmte-at4bbol:aly_ resisted other amendments, rejecting. 50-17, an attempt to place rents under Ihe fiO-day

-frpcz rrjin rt turning backJwo attempts to plug lax loopholes and remove lax benefits do- signed t(» encourage exporter-S:—

P re p a re fo r ila rknosK

V()i;.N(iSTKU looks thniugh solar telescope — M illie iln lled Slates technician explains details til* older studeiils on the shore of I.^ki‘ Rudolf, .Keiiyiir-Africa. ScleniistK from aroun J um‘ wi;rld are gathering lo view llie .second longest eclipse .Siiturday. (UI*1) ’ :

V a l l e y d b i t u a r i e s

M a g i c * V a i l o y H o f ^ p i t a l s

AdmlHed Nicole Smith, Hazel Mason

and Dilert Illekep.jdl Uupert.- Dismissed


/ AdmiUcdMrs, Jose Gome/., Hazelton;

Darren Olsen, Patsy Hutchison, William Smith and

Harmon, both Uupert.Births

A son wa.s born to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Smitli. Rupert.



S i . I l c i i r l l l i ' l sAdmllled

Mrs. KIdon M alt. Letie Tusow and Mrs, Paul .Schvaneveldt. all .lerome; Ed

IStuiUiT—Vfand^U-Mn;. ■ Duiuui-

Dy C o .M .iK » i Month •*« '(Doily « SunHoyl 13 7&

By Moil, Paid in A cj.oocv' (D a ily 1 Sundoy

1 Month S3 003 M onlht S8 iO* M o n t h ,................ - l u 001 V«ar S30 00M oil lu b tc r ip lio n t o < (*p l*d only

w h s ir (o i i ig i rfflivo r y It nol mo.nlo insd


Cull youi Caulai u. Il>» I.><>•».

Buhl-Cot<l*lo>c4 S43-464BOurUy

-Pou l-O okclryN ortonrt------6 T « -7 3 i7Ril*c R o g .u o n MoU.xivr 376 S17& Wvndell JeroniuCoodiny Hogvrnion S36 7S3S


Jerome; Mrs, George Carder,. Hau:^ Dwain and l.yie Alley and Nancy i-’ox, all Filer; Jimmy Hyde, Clara Billiar, Jack Cox. Mrs. Jarvis Hazen. Walter Beer. Willie Tullos, David Marsh, ICdwIn Prescott and Joel Newton, all Twin Falls; Howard Freiss. Mesa, Ariz,; Pete Smith, Buhl; Mrs, Gordon Plotke, Wells, Nev,; ' Hol)prt Bean and Mrs, W llltft^ Hignaher. both Kimberly; .)ack*'rurner. Heyburn; James Kthington, Hansen' Shiinna Fisher and Mrs, LeUoy Jarollinek, Ixith Burley; Br^an Hnkor, rden , nnd Kverctt ('tt[)eiibarger, AVendell.

DismUsedVietta Anilersnn. Mrs, Frank

Haynes, Mrs l.indon Swafford, Kimlh-riy Bailey. (Irani Stuart Jr . Hegina Thiemann. Mrs. David Sterling and Curtis Schell, all Twin Falls; Mrs Michael ^ 'k e f io ld and d a u g lile r> ^ im e s Bowden, MarU* /ftrttw n and Gladys H a r^ liiL jh K in ilxTly: Kuccil- Hickman, ,' Hailey ; Mark Jaeolisen, Uuperl, and flessica Giffiii'tl, Heyburn,

nirthsA son was Ixirn lo Mr. and

Mrs. Jose Gomez, Hazelton.

W inkler, Gooding; Sterling Bray> Bliss; Cliarlie Crawford, I'jien. and (la ry F.llis, Ha/t'lliin, - '

l)isnii!>sed Mrs, l.ydia Wamlyilt, Mrs

M ern tl Fry, Mrs. Susair Merritt, Mrs. Halph O'Harrow, Unit' Tusow, Mrs, Johnnie

.Huigeway. Mrs Halph I. a n g e n f i e 1 d K r n e s t Kimbrough nnd Mrs, icirton Malt, all Jerome^ Edward Swenson, Wendell; Mrs, , Keiitielli JoliBson, Richfield; .lornta McC'lnln, Hazelton; Mrs Gary Jeff, 'IV in Falls; Mrs Anna 'I'urner, Dietrich: Kdwin Helmbtilt, Star,

Admitted Bei-tle Brown. Kimberly, and-

Ja\ Ai/ilHSion, Wendell,• Dismissed

Piiula Bausclier, Fiurfield.

G . J o l l l l K O I l

1 TWIN FAIJ.S Certrude Walter Johnson, 77. longtime Twin Fa lls resident, ilied Wednesday morning at Magip Valley Memorial Hospital aflel-' a short illness,

— Horn— «««- "flt-Drrville, Ohiii, slie canu' to 'l\vin l’'alls as a y(ning girl with licr fiim il) 1^1910, Her career in eilucati'on began' in a titie- room school near ( ’astlefut;d. .She taught in the elementary and liij{h schools in Filer and late"r bccame state supervisor tif sc iools for soutiiern hlaliu.

She tauglit at tlie former Albion State Normal School, the University of Idaho, iCastern Oregon College o( Hduatijin at IjiGrande when it- was first established, and the Arizona State Teachers College. . .. - . -

— M ritr-rlohftaoft-ret^m Hm m- leacliing in lOiiOas a resiill of a car accident, She never lust lier interest in boys and girls and i-ontnmed her work , for tlieir welfare during these past maii.\ years.Mrs Johnson graduated from Filer High School, tlie Albion Normal School and recelvefi lier bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the^iiversits of Idaho.

She was a nii^iiber of tlie l*re.^hyterian Cliui’ch and the Order of Kastern .Star at Filer

She is survived “ by two sisters, M iriam Mussi-r, Onlarid, Ca lif,, and Jenny Wilder, Hood River. Ore , and by 11 nieces and nephews

Funeral services will l>e iinnouru:ed by. Rgynohjs Chapel.

riiomaH (im-iis C. Su»dclai-(lTWfN FALLS - Curtis

Golden Stoddard, 70, Portland, Ore., form er Twin Falls resident, died in Portland of a long illness.

His wife is the funner /\my

TWIN FAI LS - Thomas J.Giiriis, 59, Twin Falls, died Tiiesdaj evening at the VeU-raiis Hos[)ital in Boise (tf a

‘ liitin illness.Born Aug. 7. 191J. m

•■'PrtnskpjTMiclrrhc'hnd'bperrri— 0.‘vt)nnrr*l‘win~t^l1s residenl of Idaho for the [>asl .'ili Among the survivors are \ t-ars He worketl a.s custodian Mi s. Frances Oslxirn, Mrs, Joe

. i ‘i i ' y i ' . ' l'’alls County JUM'ks; and Mrs^ G, M. (’’oiirttKnise. Van Houten, all Twin Falls, and

Me was a ve.leran of World Mrs Leonard Kennison. War II. lias’Uig served in the-U.S Shii.shoneNav\-

He married Mildred HeyiidMs on A[>ril LJ. 1‘.IH7, in Kiml)erly.

Survi\’ors are his wife. Twin Falls; two daughters, Mrs. Rd Stocks. Boise, ami Linda Gams, Twin Falls; two sons,, diaries and 'Hiomas Garus, Ixith Boise; ttiree sisters. Mrs. Frank M. Majchrovvski, Mr-s.,

-FhHWea - HohHwoH—t»n<l—Mai'\ No\\'ak, all Toledo. Ohio, ariil s i\ grandchildren.

He was preceded in death by Ills parents and two brothers.

Funeral service.s w ill be at 10 a Ml Saturiiay at White M orluar\ Chapel by Rev. Bennie Wng^ht. Buria l is |)laiined in the Twin Falls Cemetery.

Friends nr»y call u l ‘ ‘the niorluan this eve'niiig, Friday" anil iiiitil !i a m Saturday.

i\ow yon knowBNl'nlled Press InlemnUrinal

. (Jrininally. curfew was a safely law requlnng people lo citver their fireplaces before .<?leoping.

Funeral services wtre ^leld in f ’orlland.

Hza lVl<’(»iivin, BUHLKY - Mrs, ‘ Kza McC>avin, 117, Burley, died 'Hiursday at Cassia Memorial Ho.spital after a lon[{ illness.

'Pa> ne Mortuary w illaniioutu'c funeral services.

A thought foijtlieda.v: Autlior Pearl Buck saitl, "...IT there is no other life, then this one has Ix'eri enough to make it worth Ix'iiig born, myself a tnimati l«-mg.’ '

1 9 7 3 C O M E T

T O W N C O U P ETho L IttIo B ro ther To tho In c o m p o ra b lo

L T ricb ln -C o n W o T if^T o w n C oup ’o ^Y(I„ II like llii^ Ixor.i.lpus Ilulotnobili. Iiutn tliu Wluv inuill«'.i'iM(<ii III III,, nil ompojoblo I inc olii Con 1 ini"i lot low'. Cotjpu rs I.LiiU v.iil^ibu VOII1L- uiud^ion o'«l quocjc ol ^lui'l at 0>u Con liiii'iildl Ol (ciiii sv /Ou wOKi (1 COi with oil ll'u i.quipiKunt me ludcnq jioi'clO'c) iiatiiiiiiiiion biq J50 cubic n'ch 6 cylmcJor o»'gino llioi 1)1.r i r.ii'l lrn l go niili-ogi!>voll iK.'i dclunc- gni CO() luJily Mcli' iiuiuUlirig» lockoi paooi rnouli)n'()i »oOi onn fo%K ili-l.j>c- V spoke \1uo<ing whuui cli>oiiiu wi'uiow ninulcjixg pnddi'd riosli al d vooit plut mucli niucli more-

D o llv o ro d A n y w h o ro In M a g ic V o llo y l

2 ^T H E I S E N M O T O R S

The p/oro rn tht- woilcl lo huy o for701 Moin A v « . Eo»l 733 .7700

&uU i<ii)ri.



K<'i() Hill Mlv. A.lliur MiOiMgxiyi. {tiK Idnn Htw»rli D.«H. Dl.o.. S iio\lionc- Moll>a Ilu ir i

M i' i i io r h i l

Admitted Mrs. IX-nnis AUlrK'h, Mrs,

Warren Larson and Susan Hepvvorth,' all Burleji; Mrs. Hoi)crt Bedlke, Oakley, and Mrs. Arvin Tliurston, Pi\ul.V ' DUmlsNed*-

— Mr-Sr-AVlllUm>—Bowor-,—Mr-*^

S h o s h o n e

c h is s p s

mroli 77

■ Compb«l|—5pnngdql*---- r-

C om ilo Bron\on

Jackson ,fa ll Burley; 'M rs JanK-s Talloh, Ruperl; Mrs. Lc*o Hendrickson, Oakley;' Mrs. Mark Bauer, Paul, and- Doniil^ Maes, I(cyburn.

nirths7QQ At2t' ■ . S^ns •were. lx i r n .X ^ * ^

------------------------MrsT-Robert^BedlkorOnklcy,'67ft.2o?7 - and ' Mr.’, ond M rs ., pcnnls

;Wx':-i;W:W;:;W:“ Aldrlchi-Durley. ------ — — -

.SHOSHONF. -r There are 77 childmMi enrolled, in the Red Cross swimming class sponsored by the city of Shoshone,

Thy children are IransjKirted by bus to the Gooding

-M unieipHHum lr^K lJ-lhe-flly— providing Iransporlation for children within the city limits.

There will be no class on July i , but they will l>e held on July 7 to make a toUil of 10 days class periods,

Oiildren oiitHide the cityliin lls .who ore taking the

‘QTass'e.s pay an extra |2 for .tl*nn8portatlon, Mrs. (Hnude' "ChEssroifr^lerkTsnld^ '

McBRIDE BROTHERSWoll Known Country S Rock Artists^

Every Thurs.,,.Fri. & Sat.

A p p o o T ^ n g - N in r r W o o lr r T u o T i lp i jn lm f l f g lr ^ r

JULY 2; 3, 4, 5 , 7(P un S p o t o f W o o d R Ivo r .V a lle y ) .

the MULE SHOE CLUB-In-Halloy- daho-

E M M E N ' S




T W IN J> A C K '








LB, . 2 / 4 9 *: 4 t l r O I M U i ^ P B C I A L RRP^CE5~

IFFECTIVC JUNE a9‘30i JlKVr * * * * « 1 t * * *. A * * I * tk * . * ' * • « 1

Page 3: Classroom space OlVd - Twin Falls Public · 70th yoar, 261st issuo Idaho's Lnrgest Ereninfj; !\i‘wspain>r

*..V 9 T y >


GOODING — Two Gooding women cclpbrntqd Uieir lOOih birthdnys this week.

Mrs. Sadie J/ine Miller was born'June 2fl, 1073, in Ciicster, Pa., and Mrs. Inez Virginia Armstrong Stevenson wns born Junb 20,1873, In Fairfield, Iowa. Both women are now residents of the Green Acres Terrace Nursing Home. .

Mrs. M lllor’fi. family moved to U‘xington, Neb.. fnthnr, n Civll Wflrveternn. was awarded some land. She was G years old at the time and lived in a sod ’

In, 1B'J2 she. was macrled to George Albert Miller in I-exingt'on. Tliey mdved to Oregon In 1905 and lived In 'Aniily .un til 1915 when Ujey came to Cmnas Pridrie, Fairfield; where. Mr. Miller, farmed. ' ' . ' ' ^

After two yc;ir.s ttie Millers mot'ed (o a farm near Gooding. Sadie had six children, four of wlioiii are now living, Fern Baxtep,- Albany, Ore,; Welliver Miller. Gooding; John Miller. Hoise, and Robert Miller, Gooding,

She has H grandchildren, 42 great­grandchildren, 45 great-greatijrandchildren and two great-greiit-great-grandchildren.

Her husband died in 1042. ’/ccord ing-to her son, Welliver, Mrs. Miller

lod an nclive life and rode horscbaclc until she wns GO years old. She still attends the United- MeUiodist Qiurch every Sunday, he said.

An open house was held In her honor Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Welliver MiHer-and 34 members of the family allehded.

Mrs. Inez Stevenson Is tiie oldest of five children. Her family moved to Richmond, Kan., when* she was a young girl. She married

“ Tljaddeus-Etelbcrt Stevenson then* on March l7, IBOfl.' Soven. boys were born, five of whom are sti|l Jiving.' .

. . Mr. and Mrs, Stevenson moved to.Wentleil In 1927 w llli Oieir tliree youngest children where lier mother, a sister and a brother all had farms; Mr. Stevenson died In 1938.

SJie has 16 prtihcjchildren and-32- great­grandchildren.

Both women recelve<l birthday congratulations from Sens. I-Yank CJnirch and Jamdj} McClure and Rep. Orval Hansen, and Arthijr Hess, commissioner of Social Security,

ThufscJA , Juno'3tf,n

G o l l e c t i o n d a t e s _______F A IJ ij — A rofustf for the Indopendonco Day

J ..1 ____f _______ _________i__ _________________ i_ __________________ -

........................— - ...................-_.ipDi|-by— rpRchimiillJoe Koon, c ity annltation collections.superintendent. .

Konn s/)U) the closing of the landfill on Wednesdny, July i ,

Collection schodules for Monday nnd—TJuosdoy—w lll- ^emain unchnnged.

Health board rejectsJjids-

e e n t o n a r i a i i v S

TWO GOODING womou who resiiie at Grcca • Acres Terrace Nurwlng Home share n mutual <>b.>iefvnj)C‘e this week — their lOOth birthdnyN. Mr». Sadie Miller, standing, uaN 100 yeitrs old June 26 and Mrs. Inez Steveusnn will be 100 1‘Ylday.

I P R l C E , : : r ^ ; l : m* GUARANTEED FOR 1 FUU


T h e j s e n M o t o r sThi taiiaif phc* in (ht world to buy o cor, and

ynv ifiould bu yo\n ntHi air (ondifiontr.70< Main Av«. t . 733 .7700 |

G r a n g e

TWIN KAr.I.S - Till- two bids for remodeling the old A inerifitn l.egion Hall as headquarters for the-'South C<.‘ntral Health Di.strict were reject,ed Wedne.sti^’ afternoon l)y health Iward members.

Only two firm.s, Wills Inc., and Otis Hall Construction Co., submitlecl bitls for the work. Tile a[)parent low figure wa.s from Wills Inc., in the amount of $193.87,6. Otis Hall Conslruction Co.'s'* bid was $204.()«(). •

In announcing the board's proposal for rejection. Cliainnan William Chancey, IVift-Falls, said, “ Tliere is just no other way. They are way too high for the money we have,” -

The district had assessed a $1 per fapitii in the eight county area, for the purchase of the old building and remodeling. U ‘ft for reinodcling was about-' $1()0.(100 but the, board had hopeii to have some of this left' for oilier health district needs- n connection with lite Qew

H e a r i n g s s l a t e d f o r f i v e M V m e n

TWIN l-’A L l^ — It'ive young men charged with first degree l)urgtary in connection with the tiieft of iicer from Jan’s Lounge l.-iiil w ffk have appeared iniiiam.strati-..... enijrl ..{UUlr e q u e .s I c (1 p re lim in a ry

. hi'aiiiins.. Magi.slrate .Court Judge Daniel Muuhl huH ftul July 5-ul4) - atn. ii.s ihe dale for the

{)relltnitiary hearings, ‘ Charged with first degree

burglary in the tlieft of 10 cases of beer from the lounge are Ted U'e Koe[)nl}.' 23; Amos Davis Pampcriuh. 22; . Rodney. Jay.. Macl-eod; 2(T and John Anthony. 19. all' fxM rrrn lis . and Bart Uuie IJhiemer, 20,


location.Architect Iviin Stone had

estimated the ^ork could l>e done w ith in ‘th'l*. )imount available. He said all typos of material had Iftien spelled out clearly in tlie specifications.

Both main contractors pro]>osod using the sub- contractors services of A. and B. Plumbing Co,, and Smith Heating.

Bob Wills of Wills Inc.. said there will Ix* 11,000 square feel of remodeled space and said, remodeling costs are generally running about $20 a foot. New. construction, he said is now anywhere up to $40 a square foot with llu' new Fish and Game building l)i(l recently at alxiul $;{fi per square foot of floor space.

lieulth board mcnibfra said tliey would meet again to decide (jn [xissible alternatjv.e.s

h o n o r s

K H m a nKING mu, - Frank Jones

was presented Jii.s 50 year |)in at a meeting of the King Hill Grartge 'I’uesday evening.

Don Hobinson, state master, made ’ the |)resenlation. Hobinson and tii.s wife; Ira Kistler, state overseer, and Mr.s, Kistler and Mr. and Mrs. Verne Bumgarner, (lootling, were guests.

•• Past m aster's pins were pivsentfd lo Karl Anderson, l-'rank Jone.s, Joel Younj'. HiMltii'j Huln‘rr.\’ , l.ynn SluM njan and .lotin Davis. King il l l l i Wiiiiatn (Oliver) Parry and Kennetlj Jom-.s, Boise, and Melvin Ikh v ich and Jack (Yaig ,G letuis Ferry, for .s«TVice irv the KiriK Hill (IninMt*.

Karl lOlhs, Horact* I.ipe, AiMlcrson, UulnTry, .lack Cram, Artliur CretM' «tnd Mr.s,

i've Water.s were I'ecAgni'/i'd' for service a.s Pomona



DO O R PRIZES G A LO R E ! R e g is te r fo r f re e h a lf la m b , c u t up, w ra p p e d a n d re a d y fo r

y o u r f re e z e r . A ls o $ 2 5 0 In m e rc h a n d is e . ’ No p u rc h a s e n e ce ssa ry .

Page 4: Classroom space OlVd - Twin Falls Public · 70th yoar, 261st issuo Idaho's Lnrgest Ereninfj; !\i‘wspain>r

. 4.

- t i i r m n r d - ' l ' i r ' l ' h v - i t i r t s m r O f - M n i r l r - t ' i r l l p y ^

Tliursdnv; Juno.JOrim Al W tiltr'o rfn, Publllh«r PHONE 733-093I


OfllcUICIIyKiaCounlvWw^pwK Mi^nMr 01 Audit DufMUOtClrculMlon ind UPlPuriUMi to S*ctlort iO lCN Itfaho G)d*. Thurtdtv li^ariby diilontttd at tht day of lha w««k on which (•oal M tlcti will b9 publlihad. Publithad dally and Sunday. aKCapl Saturday, al 13} Third Siraat WmI. Twin PalU, AAaolc Vallty Nawtpapara. Inc. CnUrad aa ucond clati mall matttf April p. lflt,alth#POiloHlc#ln Twin Falli, fdaho.lUOl, undar thaaelolMjrch I, IIW.

A Safer Holiday■ M il lio n s livc i^o t jth c m om e n t in

— *iap py a n t ic ip a t io n , o f p leasure, t r ip s {iTnnh'(rd fo r the lo ng ho lida y w e ekend ra p id ly ap l)roach ing . H ’s a jo y o u s ou tlook th a t w i l l rem i^in u n m a rre d b y rfny niiHliTips fo r the g re a t m a jo r ity : ^

H a v in g h a d th e ir fu n m o s t pe rsons w i l l re tu rn hom e, safe and s o u n d . P h y s ic a l ly t i r e d an d so m e w h a t sunburned th e y m ay be, b u t re a d y to p ro c la im they never had a b e tte r tim e,

A s o m b e r note is sounded w ith re lu c ta n c e and on ly in the hope tha t t l i is m ig h t be so fo r a ll who go. A

' w o rd o f w a rn in g aga ins t ta k in g chances on the h ighw a ys , o r in

■ _ p la y in g - in ^ Q r nn w a te r , m »v heheeded b y som e. U n de r these tw o s u rv iv a l.

head ings the fa ta l i ty records o f . p re v io u s ■ Itn d e p o n d cn co D a y s t r a g i c a l l y , r e v e a l m a n y l iv e s need less ly sa c rif ice d .

A f i i ia l w o rd o ryb e h a lf o /jc h ild re n taken on h o lid a y s be longs he re .

, , ICvery p a re n t know s how q u ic k ly a yo u n g s te r a t Home can ge t in to trou b le . A t the shore o r out in the c o u n try th e re a re g re a te r p e r ils t l ia t can be sa fe g u a rd e d a g a in s t on ly by u n re la x e d v ig ila n ce .

Id a h o c i t iz e n s — and a ls o v is ito rs to our, s ta te — have been m ore a cc id e n t p ro n e t l i is ye a r th a n in ye a rs past. S a fe ty , as w e ' p ra c tic e i t , is up to the in d iv id u a l. Ix*t each‘ o f us t itk e s e r io u s ly to th is (itsk.« w h ic h re a lly a m oun ts to

SACnAMENTO, Co llf. - WlUlc Gov. Ronnld Reagon has pub licly downgraded the Wntcrgntt} scandal and u n r 'e s o rv e d ly ^ d e lo n d e d President Nixon, his tap~ advisers arc privaCely urging cool delachmcnt from thp

’ White as part of tlielr gramK alrategy for tlje 197G R epublican p re s id e n tia l nomlnaUon.

Tlie .qtratcgy: to present UeaKan to (he Qiitlon as U)e succcs.sful architect of clean, frugal uovcrnment,. free of scandal and geared tp' lower Uixes. Reagan's propo.sed s t a te c o n s t i t u t i o n a l amendment tt) lim it state spending and force tax reductions is the keystone of that strategy. But less overtly,Reagan's battle plan intends to make the point that a Watergate scandal could never happen vVitli Ronald Reagan in Iho White House.

'r i i f strategy seetns feasible.!‘’riL'ii(ls and foe.s agree that Ueagan i.s more vigorous tlian il l iiny lime in years, With Mr. fviixon'U;—popul^tt^ily—taUing-^tappened ia Califurnia,.’-.a-top-

Thus, - the relationship. Ixitweon Resident Nixon and Gov. Iteagan has gone full^ cycle since year, when. Nixon- opdrutives viewed

' Reagan's declining populiirlty ’ as a halfcdlcap'“ for "the • P re s id e n t 's re e le c tio n

campaign and tried 'to keep Reagan from campaigning in California. Now, eyeino Mr, Nixon’s problems with Uie . barest syiHpaMiy, Reagan insiders want to minimizo links witli the Wlntil House.

'Rjat’s why Reagan's early stjjtcments Uiis spring about Watergate disturbed his key advisers. To avoid disloyally

' to the Republican President, Reagan defended White House aides implicated in the .scandal as no worse Uian double^ piirkers. Since IheiC however, Reagan has followd advice (o say as little iis-possible about Watergate.

In private, a great deal is said here about Watergate. "Nothing like Watergate conct'ivably could have

Reagan could nevpr penetrate the Haldemon-Ehrlichman Berlin wall;

Disengagement from tlfe White House is only the necessary backdrop to Reagan's mtiin thrust today; his constitutional amendment permanently lim iting spending from tax revenues and forcing aiT immediate 20 per cent tax rebate, expected to appear on the November California l»illot.

Assembly Speaker Bob M oretti, ' seeking the Dert^ocratic nomination for governor, ’ believe^ pressure from loca lj, governments, teachers andDtlier lobbies will k ill the Reagan plan. But ali^ost all other politicians feel Reagan has a lit jre winner. Some Democrats grumble that the Democratic-con trolled legislature played into Reagan’s hands by not passipg Uieir own lax rebate.

So intense is public resentment against big government that few Democrats cliallenge the

Reagan plan frontally and no sign ificon l Republican has

, publicly opposed it, eventhough many___prlyotelyconsider i t an aboirjindtion. State controller Houston Flournoy, a liberal Republican, has been cautiously c r it ica l of the Reagan plan but stops short o f ' bppositiori that could ruin his liopes for governor,next year.

Nor was the Rengan camp discouraged by the icy reception given his Ujx plan at

- tlie receni nationri! governor’s ..cDnfercnce. Once' California •adopLs tJio scheme, Reagan plans to peddle it ni^tionwlde. He correctly believes the appeal of lower taxes, limited spending and i-educed government is universal.

^ e n Reagan finishes eight years as governor in January

■ 1976, his nhtionwide travels to preach Reaganisni and seek the presidential nomination will accelerate, Tlierefore, Reagan's aides . are unanimously opposed to pleas ijy Republican big money men

espcciajly'^flll, millionaire Henry S a lv ^ r l—thot Rc&gan prevent a Democrat or, worse yet, a liberal Republican os ■governor b y running himself. ■

Unnble to convincc Reagan to run, some money'men are urging him to pcrsUpdo, all

'Republican hopef'iils (orJ "goVernor to wlUidraw ln.i/Wypr

of Caspar • Welnborger,;' Secretni-y oT ri(?allh, Education and Welfare. Reagan has shown no Interest whatever In Uilsscheme. Nor docs ho seem . enthusiastic about the. campaign for governor by mistake-prone L(, .Gov. Edward Reinecke, • once Reagan’s heir-apparent.

Future occupancy of the governor's chair simply does not interest Reagan much Uiese days. He is in s t^ d " preoccupicd with his tax lim it plan. Having revived his fortunes here. Uie'plan now jnakes Reagan — free of Uie • Watergate taint ' — an increas ing ly fo rm id ab le challenger for national party leadcrrship, • ; '

ScuttlebuttI t looB w a s a s ta n d a rd jo ke

a m o n g m id d lc - m a n a g e m e n t c o rp o ra te p e o p le th a t i f th e y w an ted to k n o w w h a t w as go ing on in th e ir co m pan ies the best source w as the ja n ito r . T h e s to ry was not fa r jfro m the m a rk , a cco rd in g to an A r jjp n a S tiite U n ivqr^s ity p ro fessor of m anagem ent.

D r. K e ith R a v is has s tud ied o f f ic e ' g ra p e v in e s , a n d a s s e r ts about 75 pe r cent of the ru rh o rs c ir c u la t in g th ro u g h th e m a re tru e . As a ty p ic a l exam p le , he c ite s one com pany in w h ich em p loyes sa id they U su a lly got the w o rd about im p o r ta h t dec is ions f i r s t througlj.^ the g ra p e v in e , nex t th ro u g h th e ir im m e d ia te su p e rv iso rs and f in a l ly \

f ro m o f f i c ia l c o m p a n y - m e m o ra n d a .

Som e co m p a n ie s , sa id D r. D a v is , m ake use of th e ir g rapev ines b y using th e m both fo r d is s e m in a t in g in fo rm a tio n and fo r keep ing a f in g e r on e m p lo ye m o ra le .

W h a t D r . D a v is a n d th e e xe cu tive sessions o f th e Senate 's W a te rg a te C o m m itte e both seem to, s u g g e s t is . th a t s e c re ts a re beco m ing m o re d i f f ic u l t to keep. T he p o in t m a y even have been reached w h e re few people p a y a tte n tio n to o f f ic ia l s ta te m e n ts and m em o ran da .

T h e y 'l l b e lie v e I t o n ly when th e y hear i t f i r s t a t th e w a te r coo ler.

sharply l>ecause of Watergate, polls ..sliow Reagan has recovered spect^jcularly from lii.. I971-72f| slump — thanks significantly to his tax-cut .scheme. Indeed, Reagan is now facing, and unequivocally rejecting, pleas by conservative money men to seek a third term for -governor next year.

iteagan lieutenant told us. In to tlie President, say the governor's aides. Reagan conducts regular cabinet meetings . and press conferences Jind provides easy access to state officials, legislators and reporters. Whereas Reaganites used to claim great Intimacy with Uie White House, they now say

''who says you camV take it wrrH you"

“ ............. ............................... ... '■

----TIMELY Q U O T E S -------’r i i f [ n i l i ’d .S I . l i e s IS lu 'it i j i

............. . ; ill over Ih r w tulilh i l l Ik is n o t l ic c i i till-l if i i il U'.''Si)ii \\ i' i c l l ,\ rn iT ic ;i in .1 Idtiil v n ii'c ||i;it II n c c i ls .1 s c v v v v h liiu in U if l a c L . Icu m . I l i f A r ;i l) s- l . i l ) > i i n s t r o n f j in iu i I 'o l .

M o a n u n iu K l i a i l i i l \ . an- ' n m in ciiiK ih c iK iiiit iu ili^ a iio n

ol Mil ,\ in ( ‘ i'i<-iin n il c iin ip ii- in ... .* '

i>l til'In th<- I i i . t n iworld in .ill llic Ii,iiini WlH'UI, l I l lT l ' ll. is n r \ r l I)«T1I .1 him' I wciiilil i.ilhci III' .1 ^ i.ul- ii . iii ' itu iii ii) ilii- VI-,II l!i?:i III

_____— I*rrsiili-nl Ni\»m, in ,i

('(ininiriu'cnK'iil :ii1ilrcss ;ii I 'lo n ih i I'fflH iiiluK iiiil ( 111- \lTsll>

Tlu'^ ' mil (111


A P e t I s L o s t

^ Let n if^U 'll '\ iiir 'M iiiiiU i]iiin Ih.ll Isi.iclls' h.ivr .It .im-.! M.IS.'S i i f I.Mik us 4U VU.iI.s liil'migll ll ir th'StTl in ai.di-1 to itr in ' UN to ili<- line ^pol m (lie .\lidd lf I'l.isl h;i^ no oil —Premier (ioldii •

Kul'o|)(^ll1^ li.ivt- l)i'i-iiin>' iiio ri' isiil.itnmisi .md i-m ti ht- tli* uiort' .1 rt't^um,il uillu-

—(ifiirne Bull. lornuT uniliT seirvtiir> til siaii-.'d lu-l|>.-1)1 JtirluH'd S U ilh .T , Uu-

ri'iK a ^ iin 's in rd ir i il c li ir l, sa\lng ihar repairlnKMl war pristjorrs are ri'Nislmn. p'.v- chiairK' aid.

Tlie pood I.Old never .1 iliior that 1h; Joi-mi l Ojieii a window—Roman C. I ’ licinski, Jornter

Illinois Ti'preM-«lali\e who was 'in a hid lo rI'..S. s i'nulor in liii ielected an ahU-iin.m in l iit- cago in 1 73'.


Just For Horse Racing Fans

L in d a B a ld w in , w ho lives in K e te h u m a n d w h o s e m a il in g address is B o x 4IH, w r ite s jilo in fo rm us th a t a b e a u tifu l dog — a f i im ily pet — w as lost in T w in K a lis w h ile t lie fa m ily c a r was b e ing re p a ire d a t a lo ca l garage .

The a n im a l is a ra tK e r la rge “ im p o rte d ” dog and answ ers iQ.thc nam e o f . le r ry . She has been w ith the B a ld w in s fo r tw o and orie-half years and they w a n t h e r back. The dog is e sp e c ia lly fond o f c h ild re n .

~ C a ll “ c o llo c t ‘ nnd” a s k - fo r U n d a at 72G-59U9 a f te r 5 p .m . o r G '22 -llll, extens ion 2447, betw een (I a .m . and 5 p.m .

W h ic h p ro v e s around .

new s does go t

I t k U N l W K U K■class o f 1923 ofThe g ra d u a ti

F i le r ' R u r a l H iB h S ch o o l w i l l qbse rve its 50th a n n iv e rs a ry th is w e ekend , w ith a b u ffe t a l the T u r f C lu b to m o rro w ( F r id a y ) and a p ic n ic a t th e F i le r F a irg ro u n d s on S a tu rd a y .^ T h o 'ClnsB“ n u m b e re d -2 1 ;— F ive

C IV K A V V A Y D K I*T :We w o u ld lik e to f in d a c o u n try

lion ie fo r a tw o -ye a r-o ld fe m a le Husky. She's good w ith c h ild re n and is an e xce lle n t w a tchdog . We a lso lu iv e tw o k itte n s . One is a g ra y t ig e r -s tr ip e and one is w h ile and b lack . A n yone in te res ted p lease ca ll 7;!4-4;iG0.

M y p u re b re d M anx ca t has f o u r ' 'c o lo r fu l k itte n s . I f you_w ould lik e - one p lease c a ll 54;i-\()17., We a re lo c a te d n e a r B a n b u r y H o t Springs. A ile e n W e ir.,

We h ave tw o a d o ra b le ilnd f lu f fy l i t t le k it te n s to g ive ' aw ay. T h e y are v e ry cu te a n d loveab le . P leaseca ll 73;i-1217 In w m P a l ls l f you a re in te re s te d . “

We h a v e f iv e s ix -w e e k s -o ld k itte n s w h ic h w e m u s t g ive aw ay . '^V 'oarc m a le s an d th re e a re fe m a le s and th e y a re cu te . Y o u can see them a l 153« H c y f iu rn Avenue E a s t

•o rC a ir7 3 3 ^1 7 2 T

WA-SlllNGTON - ,\lliT itluii horse racing fans!

Beware of exotic or inulttple U'tttng coinbinalions - sueh as twin doubles, quinelias ami ln/.acyts.

'rhey"are strongly prone lu criminal fixmg.

That's tlie warning o( the House Select ( ’i)imnittee un Crinie on the basis of an exhaustive invesligaUoii of- racing ai^l other sports..1(1 its forthco'ming four- volume report on "Organl/ed Crime in ' Sports." the committee, headed by Hep, Claude Pepper. P .-l'la ., recttmmends that slates impose lim its on multiple Ixitting combination. - -

The daily double, perfecta and tra ffica arc held ■generally reputiible’* by Uie

committee.But m anifold betting

combinations should be r r e d in the committee’s

opinion, because they are conducive to criminal control and manipulation. These type races yieki higher profits than individually plac^‘d bets, and as a consequence tliere is a powerful incentive’ for- underworld elements to bribe'

II is estimated gamblers made -a . killing of around $|(H1.00() from this obviously fixed race.

The Crime Investigating Committee aLso makes several (itiier recommentijtions:

1. There sliould be both pre­race and afier-race testing of all horses, 'lliey should be e:jamined by authorized specialists to determine whether thoy liad been given drugs to s[)eed them up or slow tliem down.

2. ' Rift:e’ tracks .should be licensed for several years rather than on an annual basi.s.' ' The committee holds the latter system is needlessly exfH'nsive and tim c consuming.

While reporting that the drugging of horses, intimidation of trainers and jockeys and fixing races are

• not uncommon, the conunittee fintLs that “ on the whole Uie racini’ industry is wjiok\Hoine._

“ W tJ -h a v e a m a le - C h ih u n h u a - w h ich needs a n ice hom e. Lovesad u lts b u t no t c h ild re n . P lease c a l l 733-3379. ' *•

have7 l!D dT indT )f th c T c m o in in g - lf i, a l l b u t fo u r h ave in d ic a te d they w i ll be p re s e n t fo r re u n io n a c tiv itie s .T h e y viu ll co m e f ro m W ashington,C a lifo rn ia , a n d f in Ida h o , fro m B o ise , N a m p a , J e ro m e a n d F ile r . T O D A Y ’S C IlU C K tJC : rm e r - te a c h e r ,-T' *W inn ifred . . . . _M c$5Pge o n a c h u rc h b u lle t in__ ^ a y _ e r _ W h i t e j ) f ‘i!y ia tu la , p p lif ., - b o a rd ; ‘ ‘A p a th y is ou r in o s t' f i r s t re a d o f t f ic re u n io n p lo Y is l in t^ s e r io u s “ j ^ b l e m — “ b T rt~ w m )'

M a rc h 7 Issue o M h c -T in ke s News. cores?-’ ,' ^

or iHllmulaltP’V^se owners, trainers and Jockeys-and tlrug the Uioroughbreds.

Citing a specific instimcc, tlie 1-eport tells of a' race in Nt^v York state where two horses run in formation for most of the race. Jn the lust ten minutes of betting, flO per cent of the wlndow'bets had beeTi placed on lhe‘sFt\vo horses finliiWnRln jll6n^7^|27.5■bllllon a year^

^ m ^ ^ p p H lU o ^ ^ . . Next year it will be even

and honorable.” It points out that horse racing Is the largest atteii(fe<l sport In the country, and pro<luces more tlwn $500 million a year to the states in revenue.■ , ,

liut Uie committee stenily warns Jhat_ stotes mu^t_ e X i*’r c I s e • * u r e m l i t In g \'lgllancc'*^to prevent crlmJnnl machinations and control.

You w ill be interested to know that the federal government is now paying "approximately $27.5 billion" a year . in Interest in its outsUmdlng qbllgations,

'niat's just”*for the interest

more etlging up toward.s $:i() billion.

■[’ ijrain-ieeling figures came to ligltl diiriiiK tlie liltle- niiliced Hoitse debate on Uie bill to continue tlie federal debl ceiling at llie current billion level through Nov, :tO. That wa.s nece.ssar> to ensure federal s|>c‘iulint‘ would not go through the celling and cr<sile numermii and complex 1‘gal and fiscal [Jroblem.s and uncertajnties ‘

During llie ini'dia-igiiored llouse disc;us^iion,"Rep. 11 R. dross, H-l(iw.'i, teiiacHiiis eciJnofny ailvocale. poteii thal_ lie had receiiliy hclird lhal llie •‘net puljlic and private ilelil of the country as <|f Dee, ill. was $2.:! trillion."

The correct figure is $1.2 Irillion, asserted Itep,. VVilbiir M ills. Di-Ack,, powerful chairnian *of lh( Ways aiui Means Conunittee which

-ur.i g i n ulyiii__ al I__rL-veniic

inclined to piioh-[)i)oli Ihe often- .heard conlenlion lhal tlie ■■government is noing broke." Al llte same lime he concedes thal could occur ".sometime in Ihe future." Kxplains Uie IM iwerful liead of the Ways and Means Committee: ;•

I ill) not think the govertmienl is IwoKi* by any


1means. i do think the government can go broke at some lime in the future in Uie sense Uiat the values by which we measure thii)gs would i)ecomc meaningless — if we do not change some of our actions."

As a Uixpayer. you can lake it from there.

legislution, f'or gowl measur he added that Ihe interest un federal debts had reached the stujiendous total of billion,

“ How Ipng does the gen|luman th ink,'! asked Gros.sV "we can keep up this race'‘ K*lween*'nirialioriir’ 'wllli the dollnr bocomlng’. more worthless all the tiine,.and Uie rctentlftn of any kind of debt ceiling?"

"Uinger than some people th ink ,” replied Mills cryptically," and not quite’ as long as others think."

"1 see:*' observed Cirojss •wryly, and sat down, j .

Cungrea.sman M ills is

J ^ ' i C M Q ^ X S O tilM S lK

MiufS P e e '

Page 5: Classroom space OlVd - Twin Falls Public · 70th yoar, 261st issuo Idaho's Lnrgest Ereninfj; !\i‘wspain>r

Statementson buggmg;^" c o n t r ^ ^ c t

\VASHINGTON (UPI) — * Uiiit I could only rnnke iin Ousted Wliilc -tlouse Counsel estitn'nte that it mlf>lit l>e as John W. Dean I ll 's testimony ‘ hiRh as a million dolljjrs or directly contradicts several more. He told me that that was stijtementsby Prcsidenj^ixon, no problem, and he also looked

over at Hftldeman and repeated tlwsamestiilement...

.............. "Tlie Preslde;it then referredwhether Ni)(oh had knowWg*:— to-the fa d that IWTinmd been of the Watergate cover-up, promised executive clemency.

a comparison of thei st ite- mcnts shows.

Tlie discrepancies remted to

whether he offered executive clemency or knew about payoffs for Watergate defen­dants, and whether he started a

• new Watergate Inquiry.itn the stjitemcnts, Nixon

and Dean refer, to H. R. Maldeman and John D. Ehrlich- man, who were the President's top two aides; Diaries Colson, another Wliite House aid; and Watergate defendants E. How­ard Hunt Jr. and G. Gordon Uddy.)

Examples:Nixon. April 17 —“ On March

21, as a result of- serious • charges which came to my .attention, some ^ wtrich were publicly . reported, I began intensive new inquiries into this whole matter."

Dean — as to what the President did after my report to him on March 21 as to the Wliite House’.s deep involve-

• iiient in the cover-up. in short, Ihc I^esuient-commenced no investigation at all. Hiither, the President,.Haldeman and Ehr- lichman commenced to protect themselves against unraveling thecover-up,"

Ilft'Jaijl that he liad discussed this matter 'with Ehrlichman’ and contrary tp instructions th«» ^niil^leman had given Colson’ not to talk to the f^esident about it^rthat CJolson had also discussed il' wiUi him' later.”

Nixon, on May 22 —"...there were apparently wide-ranging

:efforts to lim it the investigation or to conceal the possible involvement of members of the administration and the cam- paigQ .commit rfo. I h s not

Nixon on May 22 - " A t no tune (lid I authorize or know alx)Ut any offer of executive clemenc) fur the Watergate' (lefetidarits. Neither du! I know until Itie time of iny own investigation, of any efforts to

“ prwniiTbtrirwnim inds."[X-an. in di.scussing a meeting

March U - ' ‘ I told the pTfSKkTil aboiil tlie fact that there wa.s no money to pay

—lhus6-tndividuai^(Mneot4hoir^ (leinands He asked me how miicli It would .cost: I told him

aware of any such efforts at the lime."

Dean, in speaking of a niectilng with Nixon and Halde­man Sept. 15 —".The President ilien told ' me that Bob (Haldeman) had kept him po.sled on my handling of the Watergate case. Tlie President told rne I had done a good Job and he appreciated how dif­ficult a task it had been and the I^esident was pleased that the had stopped with Llddy ... /Vs the President discussed the present status of the situation 1 told him that all I Ifad been ahle to do was to contain the case and assist in keeping it out of the Wldte House."

P i e c e G o o d s

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Opon Sunday 12 to 5

Page 6: Classroom space OlVd - Twin Falls Public · 70th yoar, 261st issuo Idaho's Lnrgest Ereninfj; !\i‘wspain>r


^ Ffeite-House- story gets new twistl:^ _

WASHINGTON (U P II-T lic ' Rlirlldimiiti and Hnldemiin, Wllilc House,drnmntlciilly imd -lii'iklni! (or, (rlends on lIlD

UlroijRh n Dcmocrilt, hii» (-nminltlcc,cnmcuportInouyc'»

chnnKcd Its Watcrnntc stohy ■ nmtic nnd reiniirkcd that ilJi

and cnllcd Jol|n W. Dean III prnnunclatlon-"ain'tnpwny.""the principal actor"'In the -nisiiapplied to the Ilkollhood

cover-up and John N. Mitchell' olhl.fcooperatlon.n co n sp irn lo r fro m tlie s U iK . Abso lute stlllne?i.s fe lf o s lltc

\ i no lo n i'c r o ffe rs ^ m y and icnce f«ra.sped IhD a lgnlfl-

< TImol Nowt, twIn.'Fnllt, Idaho Thijr«d«v, Juno 38,'1973 '

dofense for mnny. h!«li former ndmlni.strntion nnd cnmpnlt'n offlcinls, Irtcludlnf? Mitchell,

' wlio w«s President Nixon’s friend, liiw partner, intimate, ciirfjpnlgn inann«er. and fffst

■ Htlorney ({enernl nnil wlio is- sclieduled to testify k'fore tlie Scnnto WnterRote Conunittec in July nftcr Denn is dlstnisse<l.

' Mitchcll Is descril>ed as ;Pean’s "patron” in the new White House stiitement, pre-

. sejited to the ^niUq.committec and read {luring’ Uh questioning of Dean Wednesdiiy by Sen. Daniel K.,Inouye,.P*HHwall..

Tlie document draws the line of defense closer to the Oval Office, and chiefly around Nixon nnd his two former close nssociates, John D. IChrlichman and H. R. Haldemnn. •

It says Nixon'was duped by Denn until March 30, 1973, when the President concluded that his Wliile House Inwyer "wns in the (hin^ up to his eyebrows.”

Tlie extent oF Dcnn's role in crentinf’ the cover-up to protect himself, the Wlilte House memo chnrfjes. is not known, "Tliere is no reason to doubt, however. Uiat John Denn wns the principal actor in the Water- (•ate cover-up, and that while other motivntions may have played n part, he had n great interest in covering up for himself,” the stateinenl says.

Inouyc paused after nearly every sentence and- solicited Dean’s comment. Dean denied

nnd diKputed Uie White Mouse interpretntlanof eventa. .

Tlie 12-paKe metuo was prepared by H. Fred Buzhardt, who left the Pentagon .to Join Nixon’s staff as special counsel on Mny 22.

In &m Clemente., Calif., Wliite House t^ess Secret^iry Ronald L. Z^etjler said Nixon had not seen or npproved the Buzhardt account before it became public but had been “ briefed” on its contents.

Inouye said he was reading the text and questioning Dean about Its alkTntions "us a

—aubiitilulc? examination of Mr. Dean by the President of tTie

canceof what Inouyc rend.Durin(> a break In the proce.ns

to permit'members to vole, another Dernocrnt on the* committee, Joseph Montoyn, of New Mexico, snld Nixon mny have to be summoned 'to re()cr' Dean's testimony.

" I do know thnt Mr. Deiin's tcstirijohy will be corrobornted by oUier witne.sses cniled In the fjilu re ,” be .said without elnl)orafi"ii.

Montoya said.committee re- '.seftrcli had ilevelopojj Ihnt Washington, Jeff«i'sbn {i])d Lin­coln luid appeared before Senate committees while in office.

Melvin R. Uilrd, former Defense secretary nnd now Nixon’s domestic adviser in the Wlilte House, said in an interview publishe(j In today's Washington Post that Nixon would respond to "a ll ques* tij)ns" raised duriny the hear* iitp.s at a news conforoncc to be held “ when we f>et near the conclusion of the hearings.”

lUizhardrs statement assert- t'd-as fact—a concession never l>efore made by the Wlilte House—that bunKing was dis­cussed lit meetinf’s on Jan. 27 iind Feb. -I. 1972, nttended by Dean. Mitchell, Jeb Stuart Ma^ruder, deputy Nixon cam- pai^ii flirector, and 0. Gordon U d dy .‘

” 0n June 19th,” the docu- meru also said, "Deati met with IJddy, Mitchell. Strachan. Ma- Uruder =^and Sloan. Dei|n,

— MitchelhTmrt—MnRTnrtcr met that evening

c h a n g e s


M r s . Mnurecn Denn watches her huBbond, fired Wliltd House counsel John Denn, testify for . the second dny before the Scnoto Wntorgote Committee. Dean told the group thnt lie ’ iMjlleved Presldenl Nixon probnbly knew about the planning of (he Watergate break-ln and definitely pnr^lrjpnted In the plot' to cover up ndmlnlKtrntlon Involvement. (UPI)

GOP official prepares statement, not Nixon

United Stntes.”Dean . had made serious

char^’cs, he sakl, and “ all of. us would ngree that the President is entitled to his day in court.”

Over three days, Dean hus insisted that Nixon was aware of the cover-up since Sept. 15, 1972, when he-eoYigratulatiMl Dean for'the job he wns doing.

During four hours of ques­tioning, Sen, I'Zdward J. .Gur­ney, R-Fla., contended Dean was reading more into the President's congnitulation^*' Uian could reasonably' *• Inferred.

It was ironic thjit the Uisk of rending Buzhardt’s charges went to Inouye. On Monday, Deun had testified al>out how

M itche ll’b upurtnicnt. these meetings the cover- up plan was hatched.”

Gonlon Strachan wns Hal- deman’s political aide in the Wlilte House, Hugh Sloan Jr. was campaign treasurer.

Frederick l^iRue, n mil­lionaire Mlssissipi land develo­per, was n former special nssistjmt in the Wliite House, and to Mitchell on the campjiigncommlttee,"He plead­ed guilty Wednesday to one charge of obstructing justice

IhL'iiovernment at a subsequent tria l. 'tie admitted concocting

-false stories, misleading inves­tigators and channeling more than $300,000 to bujiIiiknFe” " from the Watergatedefendants.

SAN CLEM ENTE. Calif. (UPI) — Presldoht Nixon took no part in writing the memo iiccusing John W.' Denn I II of masterminding the Watergate coverup, iuid it should not be regnrded as a definitive Whito House stntemont, according to

_ n {jpokesmnn for the President.Tlie stiitement was prepared

by H. Fred Buzhardt. Uie President's legal counsel—the office Dean once held—from material .suppUed by •'others," Deputy Press Seeretary Gerald 1,. Warren said Wednesday.. Nixon d id not see nor., approve it before it was sent lo the Senate Watergate

, Committee, but was briefed on it“ Wedne.sday. Warren said.

Warren siUd the memo which described'Deari as Uie "p rinc ipa l aliThoV of the

At -polh i'c jll find constitutional

crisis” broughl.^.^on by tile cover-up, shoufd not be regarded as- a “ defin itive stiitement of position by tlie

'White House.”He said it was incorrect to

cnll it ‘.’a substitute for cross- examination of Mr. Dean by. the I*resident of. the United Stales,” the description (yven

Warren snld.Tlie President is spending

very little time on Watergate, Warren said, delegating the responsibility to his lawyers imd devoting his energies to the other matterii before him. -■

Instead, Warren said, he was being kept Informed through summaries o the proceedings.

W ASHINCTONfUPD^nib Wlilto House, irt n.policy shift, Wcdne.sday admitted Uint some high-level prcsidcntlnl aides were responsible for Uio Wntcr- gnte acandnl, but atubbornly protected the President nnd his two top former aides.

Tlie newest White House strategy wns revealed in a memo fend ot^ the Senate Watergate hearings. It wns a counto^iittnckngninsttestimo. ny given by John-W. Dean HI Uiat President Nixon wns deeply enmo.*jhed In the Wnter- gflte - cover-up. Tlie memo chnrged Dean was the ‘ ‘princl- pal author’ ’ of the cover-up.,

The action appeared to reflect a major strntegy deci- tji in to counteract increasingly dnmaglng testimony -at the Senate hearings.

It bore the stnmp of onq. of Nixon’s fnvorite maxims: Tlie

. best defense is n good offense.However, the memo rend also

was the first time thnt the White House had admitted to Uie involvement of nnyone other thnn the seven men nlrendy convicted for the bugging affair.

Tlie move signaled a willing­ness to abandon some of the President's former associates. It conceded the guilt of John N. Mitchell, former attorney gen­eral and Nixon campaign manager; Jeb -S tik irt Ma- gruder, former White House, arfd carhphign aide; and one­time Wliite House staffer Gordon Strachan.

But the Wliite House stopped .short of implicating the two

llu|«lu‘N lirojiks isolntioii

men who weri closest to the President, H. R. "Bob" Hnlde- man and John D. Ehrllchmnn, npparontly Indicating they will be defended to the end. '■Until March of this year,Uie

White House staff had insisted that nobody "presently em­ployed" at the Wlilte House Wns involved in Uic Watergate • planning or cover-up.

Then in March,' fls more anti more Informnflon abbul’ the Watergate break*ln nnd bug­ging wns revealed In the press, the President nnnounced ho was Inunchlng an investigation into the affair. Tlie l-eslgnatlons

Valley BriefsTWIN FALLfi - Slngleltes

Club w ill have Its fif th SaturUay night dance Saturday at the Twin Falls lOOF Hall. Tliere w ill be live piusic, beginning at 9 p.m. Slhgle persons between the ages of 30 and 60 ore welcome. A ll married ex-members are invited.

TWIN F A l. I ^ - E S P 'i Do" Research Center open house will be at 8 p.m. Tlmrsday evening at 519 Main Ave. W., Twin FaHs.-

or uainiMnahVIihl'llchmnn nnd others followed. ' . ' ;

L I B E I U C ETH E M IK E C U R B C O NG REG ATIO N 'Coming July 15




John (liiciiaga's

NUGGETReno Arert’a Latgesl Crisino

Hotel • Rubtdunint and EnlurlAinnitint Center

It. by. Sen. Daniel Inouye. D - ' His family, however, was glued Hawaii, who read the memo at to T \/ sets.Uie Senate hearing at the request of the Wlilte

Nixon feels it would “ serve no purpose for seeking the truth" for him to speak out now on . D^n.*S . charges. Wjuren siiid.

•'Wliile the hearings are in protjress it would not be* beneficiiirto the committe#, or the WliHe House, for us to respond piecemeal . Tliere w\ll be more testimony, more questions, it wouUI not help,”

Chief of Stiiff Alexander M. Haig and Press Secretary Hon.ald L. Ziegler appeared lo be emerging as the President's closest advisers in the rebuild­ing of the Watergate-shattered ■wmm trrase-stnf fr-Dnrmg-hts-

E n e m ie s l i s tCINCINNATI (UP lj — Carol Channlng Isn't

.J^esldent Ninon’s favorite Dolly ony more.-“ I didn’t know the l*resldent didn't like my

singing,'' said (he actress when she lenrned her nnme appeared on the Whjte Mouse “ enemies lis t'' made public during the Wntergnte hearings Wednesday.

. ‘ 'Me once snld to me, “ You are my fa\orlle . Dolly,'” Miss Channlng recalled.

J ^ ju o weeks ago. Miss Clianning said, Mrs. “ ’“ Nfxon“ iK ^p rcd a“ drnmond rliig froiinjer'as a

gift.” Maybe It's because I sang Hello Lyndon,”

she said. ’ ‘AnyAvay, I'm very proud (o be on the


Page 7: Classroom space OlVd - Twin Falls Public · 70th yoar, 261st issuo Idaho's Lnrgest Ereninfj; !\i‘wspain>r

Thursdfly, Juno 2D, 1973 Tlmqs-Now8, Twin Falli, Idrthp., 7, ,

(c) m i , Woihingloo Slar-NcwB ‘ WASHINGTON - The form ni Hat of ’ "enemies" kept ami rcgulnrjy updated liy the Nixon White-House included fiiures In theme^ate,entertainment,business, oeodeminnnd

'- '^ l l t ic s .n ie existence of nn "enemies H it" was

, revealed Tuesday nftern(ion by former W li i^ House counsel John W. Dean III ns he testified before tlie Senate Watergate Committee, but

* Dean proved /id UetaUs'Hie Washington Star-News was about to

Blitaln sorrlte detallsof the list'lnclepcndently last • ■ f . '

According to one source who has seen It, the list Is actually a series of memorandn wlUi the general heading of "opponents list, political

enemies project.”•' According to the Star-News source; Ujc,

rriqmorandn contiiln botli organlzaflops and Individuals, these Include;.

I ■ Senators, Birch Dayji, D-Ida.j J. William Fulbrlght. D-Ark.; Harold Hughofl, D-Iowa; George McGovern, D^-S.D.;’ Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass.; Walter F. Mondale, D- Mlnn.5 Edmunds S. Muskle, D*Malne; Gaylord Nelson..D-Wls.; and William’ Proxmire, D. Wls.

nepresentatlves Wrlglit Patman, D-Tex., ..whose attempted .probe of Nixon-Vampalgn

nnHncln(?l^rethj^electlon lastNo^plfiibcr was J5^rpedoed Dy>«tjmt White Mouse Intervention, a t^ d ln g to Dean, and Hobert F. Drlnan, D*

. Mass., a. Jesuit priest, ■NJlscellaneous politicians former Sen. Fred

H arris, D-Okla.; former Sen. Eugene. McCartliy. New York Mayor John ’Undsay, who lasbyear switched iil^ po lltlcq l' affiliation from ilepublican to Qcmocrat, ^ind

"A labtm ia Gov. George C. Wallace.Joiu-nalist^ — Star-News columnist Mary

McGrory, whose name appears at least three times, once with the notation, "daily hatc-Nlxon articles.” and twice with asteri-Hks. for extra emphasis. ^

—CnScorrestpondLMit OanlehSchorr, who was being secretly investigated last summer'by the Wliite House.

—Edwin 0. Guthrnnn, a former a'ide to the late Hobert F, Kennedy _wh< i ICennody was attorney general, and now natloniil editor uf the l.ds Angeles Times.

’—Columnists''-Tom Braden, Jack Anderson,' Holand BvanSj^Tom Wicker and James Restpn,

Miscollanemis'^rthur Schleslnger Jr., former, aide to Presidcnt-Kenncdy: Harvard economist J. Kennetii (Jalbraltlj; General Motors heir Stuart Mott.

Actors Paul Ne\«nan, Gregory Peck and Jane Fonda;

Tlie National Welfare nights Organization. , Common Cause, and.the National Committee

for the Impeachment o f the President.ll ie memos originated for the most part In the

office of Charles W. Colson, former special counsel to tlie President, according to the Star* New.s sources but some came from such pe6pj[e as (M)rdoii>C. Strachan', for.mer |)ersonaI aide to . H. H. Haldeman. who until his reslgnatlon’A p ril'

30 was the JVIjUc House chief of Btnff.Colson was the man In'Uio White House who

generally hondled "d irty trlcksw on^ other• iinsovory political asslftnmonts. One of his, regular duties, judging by InformatloivYiwofllcd during the Watergate invcaUgatlons,' was to release Infavorablo Inforinntlqn to'the press regarding people .tlie White tlouse considered enemjes.

Tlie.memos^ thlS source said, were stamped "eyes only,” and went to President Nixon, but also’‘ 'circulAted rather wldly” within Uie White, Including to Dean.

Dean testified that the list was "extensive and continually updated.” The’ Star-News’ source said it was kepi at least througl\. 'l071 an(Ug72, but could not say Whether such a list is sGll in existence to<jay.

" I -

t ' lLovers of great bargains, this one is for you. Your chance to try a bit of fashion daring. To grab up some little luxuries at practical prices and practical items at excep­tionally low prices!

★ ★ ★ There'll be specials ga­

lore today, until 9 p.m. to­night. Find all the fashion

ideas we're famous for at sav- 1 ings you can bank on!

" % P E t f A L B U Y S W E W O U t D N ' r W A N T Y O U f O ' A A I S S

N o t to be m is s e d ! Y o u r e v e ry fa s h io n n e e d a t m in i p r ic e s ! C a su a l g o -a n y w h e re l i t t le to p s . B louses a n d pan ts , w e s te rn cu ts to o ! A rm fu ls o f le a th e r - lo o k h a n d b a g s . D a z ­z lin g je w e lry . A n d a ll p r ic e d u n b e lie v a b ly lo w ! W e re 1.50 to 2 0 .rf0 , n o w '/a to '/ j o f f .

. F ln o s o m e th in g re a lly d e v a s ta t in g in o.ur

FASHION ACCESSORIES SHOPS, STREET LEVEL 'G e t y o u r Ip o k , to g e th e r w h ile you s a v e ! K icky e le p h a n t- le g p a n ts . c u ffo d -4 ro u s e rs o r d a r in g l i t t le c o tto n k n it sh o rts . T o p p e d w ith s k in n y to p s , s le e v e le s s o r s h o r t s le e v e

‘"s h ir ts . C o m e in , se lec t d a s h in g l i t t le n u m b e rs p r ic e d to s a ve yo u m o n e y ! W e re 4 .5 0 to 2 0 .0 0 , n o w '/ j o f f I

JR. SPORTSWEAR SHOP, STREET LEVELS p o i44 w oa(^ iavo rU d & -o t-bub& ta n t.ia l o f f - r3T99-fcr-9?T0G rS m ort

D e lic io u s ly p r ic e d d re sse s in b a re -o u t shapes* a n d lo n g s ilo u h e tte s , w e re 2 2 .0 0 to 7 5 .0 0 n o w '/j o f f . C lass ic s h ir t d re s s e s , ja c k e t d re s s e s a n d w a rJ io b e r s . P lus y o u r

• fa v o r ite k n i t c o s tu m e s , (o f c o u rs e , w e c a n 't b re a th e th e b ra n d n a m e !) A n d lo ts o f b ig n a m e s w i th b its y p r ic e s ! W e re 1 5 .0 0 to 4 0 .0 0 , n o w '/ j to '/: o f f ! In o u r


■Sizzling s a v in g s ? But y e s ! B r in g a t ru n k , lo a d it w i th shoes to t t ik e yo u e v e ry w h e re f ro m d a y in to n ig h t . M o s t fa m o u s b ra n d s to f la t t e r y o u r fe e t in c o m fo rt . P rice s ju s t r ig h t ! W e re p r ic e d to 2 4 .0 0 , n o w f l.9 0 to 15 .90 . D o n ’t m iss th is o n e ! '

FASH IO N SHOE SHOP^ECOND I EVJEi__________________________lo o k in g p a n ts a n d p a n t ja c k e ts , a n d sh o rts . S u m rn e r c o q I b lo u s e s a rrtl s h ir ts g a lo re !

' P T ck 'T ro m ''sna ppy fa s h io n c o lo rs ancf easy -caye “ fa b T rc T r8 '^ f~ b ? d n d s “ r i“ cla 's'src"styre's" a t p r ic e s yo u c a n ’t o f fo rd to m iss ! C o m e to th e

WOMEN'S SPORTSWEAR SHOP, STREET LEVELL it t le fa s h io n s a t l i t t le p r ic e s ? H o w a b o u t g jr l 's c o t to n s m o c k se ts a n d te n n is d re sse s , ■ w e re ' 2 .9 9 to 0 .0 0 , n o w 1.99 to 4 .99 . In fa n t ^ u n w o a r to p ! A n d k id s a l l n y lo n w in d - b re a k e rs . Y ou w o n 't w a n t to m tss th e s e sp e c ia l p r ic e s ! C o m e in a n d s a v e '/s o f f re g u la r p r ic e s , w e re 2 .9 9 to 8 .00 .

CHILDREN'S WORLD, SECOND LEVEL ^P ro te c tV o u r tre s s e s ! A n d so ve 2 5 % -^S i/m m e ry , fe m in in e s t ra w b r im g a lo r e ! In r a in ­b o w o f co lo rs , p a s te ls to d a rk s . C o m e a n d f in d y i u r m o s t f lo t te r in q s ty le . W o re 16 .0 0 to 18 .00 . . \


L in g e r ie b o n u s e s ? N e c e s s it ie s o f l i fe , l ik e th e s u p e r M a id e n f r ' ' '^ o r W a rn e r 's b ras . O r th e g o r te r le s s p o n t ie g i r d le b y V a n ity F a ir w i th tu m m y t r im m e r p a n e ls . F la tte r y o u r f ig u re In c o m fo r t , s ta r t in g to d a y a t such re a s o n a b le p r ic e s a n d c o m p le te y o u r

‘ ^ u n d iJ i'fa s h lo n v v a rd ro b e . W o re 5 .5 0 to 12.50,. n o w ~ 4 !4 9 t o ’ l 0 .0 0 . C o m e to tn e


O u ts ta n d in g s a v in g s ? Hovy a b o u t th o a l l- t im e c la s s ic s h o r t s le e v e s p o r t s h ir t b y v e ry fa m o y s m a k e r . A c o lle c t io n o j A rm o r ic a ’s f in e s t d o u b le k n it s la cks .' S w e a te r ves ts . 'M e n s d y n a m ic fa s 'h lo n t ie s .“ N e c o s s lt lo s . a l l c o t to n h a n d k e rc h ie fs , w e re 13 f o r 4 .50 , n o w 13 fo r 2 .9 0 . M a n y h a n d s p m o s a v in g s I W e re 4 .5 0 to 22.00,^ n o w 2 .9 0 to 18,99 .


l> lf f« » rp n l nM ln i ln .v


M t M t M

. T l ip l in n n in rc l ip . H n r r h p r M A II N non In

r U n r ln i t nM lo m o r r n u

- D O W N T O W N TW IN F A ltS , w h e re th e va lO es a re . 1 | ^ , ■. - j m ^ ^ ' ' W T W ' - ' W T r * - - - - r - - S hop da ily ;4 Q -to ;-6 :.M o A t l l J j t l . ./ak- N o

A s k a n yih to re S t/P a y in 3 0 - d a y s ; ' 9dIespersbn^Pliono-7S*4^fl00—

Page 8: Classroom space OlVd - Twin Falls Public · 70th yoar, 261st issuo Idaho's Lnrgest Ereninfj; !\i‘wspain>r

reversesa n s

■pilinApELPHIA (UPI) - tlio -ioyz prison loiter BmuffRllnR.convictions of antiwar priest- Philip D erripn and hla wife, forrdcr nuVi I3Hzabelh McAliBler, wer6 overlurnecl Wednesday by tlic 3rd U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals,

Tlie rulini; apparently ended Uie federal f'overnment's three-year*old case afiainst the so- called HarriaburR Seven, who were originally accused of-conapifJpB to thrt^w Uie nation into chaos by bomljinK underground heatiny systems in Washington, [\p . ,a n d by kidnaping presidential adviser Henry Kissini^er'.

Of Uio seven who stood trial In early 1972, only

.Douglas testified nt Uic tria l, which tasted fr'om Jan. 21 to April 3,1072, tliat he served as a courier between Berrigan and Slater- McAlister—with the warden's consent—while attending classes at Dlucknell University. Ho testified that he gave copies of Uie letters, which contained details of the bombing-kldnap conspiracy, to the I^DI.

Judge nuggcro Aldisert, who wrote- tho appellate court decision, said no crln)inal offense hud been committed even though it wasBerrigan’s intcgt to smuggle, letters from the

Berrigan and his wife, vfno~WLTi‘"M m rrirt------pristm-withuut-the- wardenh^knowledge-ond-earlier this month,' were found guilty of ''consent. s. ' . .smuggling letters into alyl from IxMvlsijurg "The warden and th^overnm ent were oware Federal Penitentlary-whlle awaiting,trial.

Tlie appeals court ruled Wednesday that the exchange uf letters was not n criminal action because the prison’s warden Iwd prior knowledge of the offense through former inmuUi lioyd Douglas, an FBI Informer and chief pr«necutl(»n witness at Uic Marrlsburg-SeC'en

■Jfhe court upheld, . however, another conviction involving a letter Ucrrlgan sent from the prison without the knowledge of Warden Hobert Hendricks, but that conviction was academic since the 50-year-tHd former Josephite priest was paroled last December,

The reversal also wiped out a'one-year prison term imposed on Berrigan’s wife and a Diroe* year term'lihe received on two olh'ur counts of

of the existence of the lettera,” wrote Aldisert. "Tlie courier acted with a consent .of the warden.”

A U.S. District Court Jury at Harrisburg, Pa., deliberated 33 hours before . dismissing all charges against five of the defendants, and

’ 'agreeing only that-Berrigan hud lllogally sent and received Illegal’letters from each other.

A thought for the day: Irish iv)et .James Stephens said,

."Women are wiser than men Ixjcause thfcy know less and

, -understandmore.”




C L A U D E B R O W NFURNITURE - MUSIC1 4 3 M a i n A v e . E a s t

O n The Mall

MlbiTaled" young women tiause to lend an ear to sidewalk prophet Harry BrlHon’s ease for ‘ 'husband liberation’* In front of the White IIOHWI. Brlttcin demonstrates regularly In front m the executive mansion In behalf of hhi cause. (UPI)

FUNNY BUSINESS ■ By Roger Bol/en

... MF, eiCH fOOP, U l t Houes -

T-Ni IMioncs 7:13-0031( O r UM' o u r U» ll-fr« ‘e lin<*h )


GRAIN MILLCourse or Ffne

forGrain, Corn, etc.



B E S T . E A S I E S T .



-M T IO N A l




A t S w e n s e n ' s M a r k e t s


And if you'd like oil tho happiness, |oy_orttrocstacy that a bowl of chorrios can bring into your life, Swenson's Magic

< Markets are the place to go this j/vedkend. Cherries are all over the place at Swensen's Markets at a price that

won.'t make you choke on thc^iuIco..or the pit^HRllL! if think a bowlful of cherries now is fun think-'what a thrill it would be to buy a whole box of Cherries at Swen­sen's Low Price, can 'em up In. bottles and have a bowl of cherries next December.


3 . . * ■ « < >]*

S w e n so n 'sP ro v id e s H B H I M u

For salad lovers and weight watchers ,■

From Emmett district for Eating or for Canning

t FOR CANNING5 p . r lb w h y poy m o f* .o h d " ~ ^ ■ W ■ ■^ d rive any lo r lh t r

• ^ i " 1 0 . r S * I plus lb. box' *


^ 1 1 Peppers 1 3/19*

3 9 '=39“

C H I C K E N SC G ro d o W h o lo f ro z o n

F R Y E R S .___ '(R lB~chtekoni'are graded-and passed by thoU.5TD.A.~o8 complbToty^hol»so>x»0'prodoct7Tind o r* graded C beca'usesOf some visablo defect such as torn skin,or w lngtlp missing.


Falls Brand

WIENERSh l b . 5 ■

p a c k o g o

Clover Club

CHIP DIPSF o u r b ig t io v o r s


Rog. 49*

P I C N I C S P E C I A L SVan Camp

P O R K &

B E A N S3 0 0 s iz o ............................


T A n R G E M S


MARSHMALLOWS1 lb . p a c k a g oro g . o r m ln o tu ro . . . . 4 / ’ 1 "Nolly's


Oonquet or Polish

* * * * * *

Z 922 01. | ar

« Coronei


I uu


T 7 ** bandana design

A * * * * * * * * * * *


P L A T E SSame as

.--lost woold---


----- A lU M IN U M bnnom ----;ioi...ti;95 nor.. .M.u ;to o i..JJ .9 S . M 01.; lfO I...3M )ll ■

J-Ouo/irj/ fomoi firU al PRtCt'



-T H R E E ^O N V E N IE N M C C A T IO N S -------- — "-------




B A C O N lb.

S T R A W B E R R I E SW o s to rn ( o m l ly ^ _ ^ _

10 01. 3 # 9 > 1 0 0 , p a c k a g o s ^ ^ lV ^ ■


4 4 :

K ra ft


OrtFpn^k",. 'Colby. Mild longhorn, Mu«ntt»r. Moi< lorrallo. Mbnloroy Jock Now York'

“ ShariTT—Stiorp—Chirfelor:—Shorp~rtnff7~


A i io r t o d s iz o t .

Bept the Heat lb.

SOUTH PARK Ju«r acrois iho Dridgo




>46 01. • u m p to n fiav.ori

C A N I A L Q U E E ,


Page 9: Classroom space OlVd - Twin Falls Public · 70th yoar, 261st issuo Idaho's Lnrgest Ereninfj; !\i‘wspain>r

r; WASHmqTON (u p i ) - n je

biRlicflt-ranklng Marine can* turcd by llic North Vielnnmeso - soys he lins hoUiln)' to hido fro iti' n coijrt-mnrtial which mny tiV him on <?hnrges of

, aiding the enemy and commit- Ungmutiny. ■

Tlic chnrgcs, botii of'which could be punished by death, were filed by Rear Adm. James B.StockdnlcagainstMiirine Lt.,

■ Col. Edison W. Miller and Navy Capt. Walter E. Wilber, both veteran fighter pilots who held

.. anti-war views in prison. MH!cr.41.thehit»h'cst-rnnklnf;

Marine roW . said In a stntement left at Camp pend- letpn. Cnllf., Marine Rase: “ I realize this is a serious matter and it will be n difficult time

. for my family and .friends. I hnvc nothinf* to hide ami have a

' great deal ofjcpnfidcnce in niy country and its syJilem of justice, i)pth civilian and m ilitary."


p la n n e d

l^ o n d a rTWIN FALUS - Fr-icndship

Circle of Women of'the will be host for a luncheon for all new officers and chairmen,

Tlie luncheon will be served at 8:!iO p.m. Monday at the Moose Hall with Mrs, Claude Sovert and Mrs. Gene fiamilton acting as hostesse.s.

A special meetint^ of Women of^lhe Moose has been called for 0:30 p.m. Tuesday. All new officers and chairmen are aHWd to attend the meeting and the ritual practice which will follow.

At. a meetint^ Tuesday 1‘VcninK, Mrs. Claude Severt .served as pro tem chaplain and Mr*, Gary Craven was pro tem Kuide with Mrs. Douf'las Halterman jiro tem assistant KiUde,

The Collefje of Rejjents will fonduct the July 10 meetinj’ with u sit*<i»wn lunch following lUd nieetinj’ . Mrs. Gene Tyner will bo chairman.

The annual Dues Payers party w ill bo at "M'AQ p.m. July U at Hannon Park.

‘ Jxno JO. Tlmoi Nows, Twin F»ll«, Idaho .Sr',

F o o d a d d i t i y e s c ; ^ i i s e ^ i M u r l B r a n c e s ~ ^ItmftuilaUyUcuji---hlnlUQ:>;,.bgcausa4>f-impfllMd— oiUi<>«

NKW 'YORK — Ojemlcftls ntterjtlon. Tliey are cpmmonly l)over»i;e, fru it punch, c r e a m . •

■ bclnu treated with druj’s. artific ially colorcd drinks, , Fam ilies wore urged to

Dr. Den F. FeinKoUl of U o pancakes made from a m ix,- examine lal)clfl to determine If■ Kniser FoumtTnnni liospital ' ^

,put In foods ; for • artlficlnl flavors, coloring and freshneas are responsible for behavorUil distnrbances In many children, a Sah' Francisco allergist contends.

The disturbances rantje from restlessness to extreme hyperactivity, he told the American Medical Assn.. At school they are disruptive, flghtinf^ with. / their schoolmates.- They have learnini' d ifficu lties, despite

said he has devised what he calls n snllcylate-frec diet that is 80 per cent free of chy.mlcal addltlvles. It Is very similar to a diet'-orlKlnnlly designed for management - of - patients allergic to aspirin.

■Feihgold did not list fo^xls that are ’ salicylate-free but rather foods' to avoid: “ cereal loaded with 'n liti' essential flavors and colors to

frozen waffles dyed with tjirtrazine, frozen french toast.

artificial coloring, nnd flavor are added.


B L U E C R O S S ®BANK D ErO Sn O R ^ P R O G R A T

The Answer for tite Self-EmployedAnd Persons not eligible for Group

To Meet Today's Hospital and Surgical Expenses

t'i>r i ' l i l l I ' i i r l i r i i l t i r s II r i l r i>r

OA|(kAUFFMAN. Box A.. Filer. Ida. 3 -4630’ r n u l i MliH-lv’ Hif \ i u r i i . i m l li> s |ii li i l \«»ni iiu in i

Form 'Nuil>boj 1005

s m i l e

ZOO ki'cpcr Johi) O’Connor holds ilahiui,female oranf^utan being hand raised al tlu* ^no in nninkfield, III, Hahna will he with other (iranKs darlu{' the day hut at night she will he tiiken ‘ to O'Coanor's h(»me for feeding. Ilalina had to lu‘ taken frnm her molluT because of Illness. (IJlMi ,


SHOPondS^VEw r m

_____D O U B LI O O ID tT R I K I S T AM PS- T h l i - W « ^ * h " d ^ n - q H - o r d o r * - $ iO .O O - o t J i iQ t i> .

DOUBLE Your savings at Marty'sM o r r o l l ’s B o iio lo s s F u lly C o o k o d

W h o to

I FRYERSFlails B ra n d

WIENERSla r g o

CANTALOUPE . . . .I V a n C a m ps '

PORK & BEANS . .I IG A Fancy. ['

TUHA7....... .F o lg o rs

I COFFEE . . .......ZEE

1 PAPER TOWELS . . .Landors

SHAMPOOwith Vllamrn E

- V 6 ^ f , ____ _ ; ;1

ORTHOLiquid Fertilizer

- G A L L O N

SALEReg. M’" Golion

2 / $ 4 * 8


BATH SpAPREG. 2 for 39c



Dobs moro Ihon tho wash, cloons house loo!

Whitens, cleans, removes stains, disinfects.

Reg. 67 ‘

1 G al. 5 3 ‘Coronet

S tud io Pririts



2 7 .Bydgot Pock

PACK OF 25 Re-Usable


Reg. 79’

2 9 <

6 . 1 2

I W e c r R e p e l e n t

,* lucpi k ‘ IiuQS'h bilinU

Reg. $1.09


STRIPReg. $1.79

US'T a n y a H a w a ii

Suntan Lotion4 o i. Rog. 2.00

$ | 4 9


4 cup Electric




PLASTie^SALEJ• 4 Ico'Cubo Troy» • Cullvry Tray• dltt> Rock> I I ql Squio di»h Pon• I 3 O t W otlu Rathpl• R o ctan au la t.W a » lo D atko fr Utlil'v Poll « I'Inni Pllchar• Drolnboord Mai



OPE* 1 >.M. I I 9 p'.h: WEUDtVS. ID «.H. 117 P.M. SMjMVS!

Page 10: Classroom space OlVd - Twin Falls Public · 70th yoar, 261st issuo Idaho's Lnrgest Ereninfj; !\i‘wspain>r

■■ _____ I— ''10 TImos News, ^w in PflllSAldoho Thuridfly, Jiinir3#r1W^—


re ta li orderBOISK (UPI) - Ally. 0 ^ , '

W. Anthony. Pork imd pociileTlo Rep. Pntricln Mt’DormoU IwOi WcdneadHy to lenrn timt Fourlli District Court ordered, tlic secrotjiry of .stjite t^ci'opt-recHU petltinn.s

nOTnmeriintgly nvniltiblc h)r > comment but Ifiere were indlcjitlons he mny not nppenl

"file decision.Defen<lants have 10 dfiys In

which to nppeal nfter the forinfll judi' entered.

--------- flftnlnm-MiasW..................Judi'e Alfred Hnj-an ordered ^ rej^-ctcd%'fl.'W of 2,559 pctitl^m*’ '

pctitloner.H who brought the , slRnrtlupejj-on-roundfl—th *—mandnmu.s action Si?eretnry ..of State Pete Conarruaa to-prepare a formal Judf'ment for hi.s .signature. Me denied dnmaf-e.s iind attorney’.s fci’.s soufjlit by plaintiff^ I ’JMjia, Pocatello.

Park said he would confer , with Ccriarrusa iK-fore

petitioners had failed to write in the nnme “ Pocatello" under thu [Mist office eatef^ory on the petitifins as required by low.

Suljsequently, he rejected the petitions af?aln June 4 wlien tliey were returned to Him with tiiu word ‘’PocatclJo” written in after ■ th e ' heretofore

{|(Tidinf> on the question of . i (l»*fec,tive slf;nalures, . , appeal. Miss McDermott said Park advised,CenarriLHiLyuil sill’ would consult with her a “ third party” could hot attorney, James' (ireen, renieiiy the defect in the initial Pocatello, on whether an [H-titiuns. ■ .t ■ anneal will bo made. his memorandum decision

■ • •• ..............

Natural resources may jber^OTtped~in 1 agency

: B D IS !t(U P l)-A s tu te soil a o n s c rv n t io n a f f lc L o l Wednesday sugBCsted the reorgnnlzntlon commfaaion.. group the conservollon aervice with other fl('cncl6s involved In basic natural resources Into one deportment.

“ One single department oncompniUiinu-An-aKencioA-And-

' -ntii.w atinrni'y su»)l i»ym T i r who .represented . the, recall group, .said his feeling Is that it w»ul<l be “ unfl’lse” for McDermott to npfieal the case. •CYow said there was no h(»pe of

I pelting any reversal on the , legal merits.

He also said Mi_ss McDermott’s political supfjorl in Pocatello ’ in lgh t be diminished if she ddays the recall election appealing tlie case.

Cenarrusa was out of, town

TlnTtRe~ H agmi~ Kr[tit—^ <-nnsi(!er the action "of the w'cretary of state in approving the form and content of the initial petition as a waiver of the requirement of ‘post pffice’ information . .

Me added that the information on tlie post office was not necessary in Ibis instance and that Cen(irrusa's action in IV1<‘rch "sanctioned and authorized the receipt of tlie main petitions without this information.”

A h c g o t s

face waKliin)^

AIIIVJKD WITH u toothbrush, Kathy CampbCirtrles totake the tnrnlsh off the foce of Abrahiim Unroln statue stnndlng in front of the

~('«plt»l l i r S|u liigficlil,. Hh-The-«hidenl»-lfom- Sprlngfield High School decided it wan time to glve^Alu* a cleaning. (UPTj’ .

programs d irectly Involved with our basic natural resources of soil and water appears to be indicated," said Doyle Scott, Soil Con.sorvatlon Comml.ssion administrative officer..

"This is something the^Soil UonservatlcTn Commission’ and some others pushed for «bout 15 years ago," he said, adding, "Maybe they were ahead of their time."

H. Fred Garrett,^director of the Idaho Department of f^mployment, suggested that in reorganization the department ” be recognized as meriting •mujoF—<lepaptn>entHl—at«tii»r^—

Garrett suggested grouping w^orkinen’s compensation

'functions and vocational -.rehabilitation with the


Boise school head quitsBOISR (UPI) - TJie Boise

Scliool Board iind school Supl. Stephensf)n S. Youngerman Jr. Wednesday agreed to

.^llerminattj his contract

Gunshot fells former P O W('OMMKltCK C’lTY. Colo. (UPI) - Marine Kavanaugh, 24. was found lying on the floor in

J gt. AU*I l4 irry Kavanaugh, who returned from the red-bricked home of .hi-s m-laws. a fiv t y^Nirs m a North Vietnamese prison camp bullet thrt)ugh his left temple. A 25-i‘aliberonly j^rtFchaVgVn with aiding the enemy, died - pistol was undernealh his.l^dy; - ........... -Wednesday, an apparent suicide victlHh— ....... His dealii fdTfowtd by almosl a niontii the

^ i o i d i ^ another fo rn itr POW. Air Ktirce Capt. Kdvviird Brudno, wlio took an overd6sc of biirbituates at the home of his muther-m-law in Harrison. N Y,, after spending fl years in Hanoi,

Kavanaugh‘s wifi*. Sjmdra, and his fiither-in- law, Sluvcn J. (larim, were in tin- iivitig riiniii of the luinie wlien they heiird a hIu)1, Mr.s luivanaugh went t<» investigate, canie back an<l

- - jiu jd ,~ n>oru 'h-«on jo th lng-w nM tH -uitJj-Larr- .vC---

Investigating officers said Ihefe was no ^suicide note. Mrs, Kiivanaugli and Robert Web- slur, a brother-in-law of the dead njan. confirmed he had been despiindent for several days.

Adams County District Attorney I’ loyd Marks said •’my office will continue to carry »in a definitive Investigation mUil we determine exactly what killed this boy. and I don’t mean a bullet.”

Joseph Benjcho. a lawyer representing Kavanaugh and seven other POW's who were recently charged by Air Force Col, ’Hjeodore Guy with aiding and abetting the enettiy while in

effective July 1, l l ie lK)ard agreed to pay

Youngerman $:i5,000 to cover the remaining year of his five-< yc'ar contract, ,

TIu- iKiard alstt voted l<i apiM.'int Lloyd Kason. assistant s up e r i n t e n d e n t f o r adniin istration, the apting

.*sii|nTitilendcnt for the cuining year until a * new supennlendcnt has been hired

()r Clay Wilcox, boiird president, in a stalenicnt lo the i)oai (T said the d(?mnnds of the superintendent's position •'i)flcn require in h(,)urs a day of Ins lime and lie i. i ncVL*r free of

intense pre.ssures to achieve urilcrly cliange throughout tlie sclwMil system, increased

■ effiiieticy, quality education, and a high level of harmony in llie working relations of over l,[)l)() employes.”

According to Wilcox, the superintendent must work in^u cliniale that is ” never free'of ciinflu-l."

The lH);ird president said the rliiTiii(e ill limes is “ almost una('t'eptiil)le lo at least one or

. more grftups ‘ iv lth which r n m f n r t a t) i e w o rk in g ri-ialionshi{)s . must tnainUiitied."


B b i s e a n , 1 8 , j>5i v e n 5 y e a r s i n s l a y i n g

He also said ” a considerable amount of duplication of activity might be eliiiiinnted" t)y merging the Department of Employment and the Department of Co'tfunerce and Development, -

S. M. Meikle. chairman, State Fndownment Fund Investment Board, declined to specify a preference for the placement of his board in the reorganization tliat must be

, coyy)leted by Jan, 1, 1975.He said he did not have a

preference ” so long as Oie . supervising agent would not be

too restrictive . , ,” . im l Is someone - wiio knows investmenls.

During the morning session, W, Carl (Inner, state mine ins|)ector. said slale mine inspection, should come. under— the Industrial Coinmissjun. .

“ I wtnild believe it would l>e more feasible for my office to rx' placed under Ihe industrial ciitnmission than any other agency In tlie stale,” said Grirrer.

He said he has had to work closely will) the Industrial Ciinimissi<in lx‘cause they lx)th

s ( ;t . a i u : i . k a v a n \ r < ; n. . . a |) |M irrn i N iiic id f

North Viefnan), said lie held the secretary of t l ^ Navy “ personally responsible” for the mentiil health of his client.

musu chni'Bes Miuiil d luf\’L’- ljecn xlismi.s immediately. 'Pie unconscionable delay and continued failure to tlu’ow out the ciuirges were largely responsible for Uie loss of Kavetiaugh’s life." Hemcho said.

BOISK (UPI I - /\n IH-year- old Boise youth was sentenced lo five years in pristtn Wednes­day for the March (• fatal beat­ing of Dr‘,'(.’ Wallace Gouhl. (H. a Boise Stale College professor.

Abel Maes |)leaded guilly lo an amended ciiarge of involun- lary manslaughter resulting from the Gould slaying. Judge /Mfred Ilagan handed down the

— uiUb___n o d;ivsjurisdiclion retained after Ihe presenlence investigationwas completed.___________

Jolui Hjellian, attorjiey for

l>ersi)n of Ciould’s standing in Ihe comnninity. his money and Ills education,” ’

Maes had testified that Gould made homosexual advances and the youtb. then struck him on the head twice with a wine bottle. Pathologists testified thal Gould's skull was only one- third as thick as the “ average t'aucaslan skull.”

Hjelluni said Gould’s Uiin skull "precipit^ited into a man­slaughter iiistead of a sin i^e assault and battery cjise.”

.hidge Hagan .'*aid "none of us lufv^eany inlenrblher than lo

make accident ^a lys is ,A short time la le r,

spokesmen for the Industrial Commission said In an interview tliey had no '.‘jjectlon tii Gnncr's suggestion.

Now at

Page 11: Classroom space OlVd - Twin Falls Public · 70th yoar, 261st issuo Idaho's Lnrgest Ereninfj; !\i‘wspain>r

A J-

■' r > - ............■ '

B O N E L E S S 1 8 7 7

HAM S ^ ^ 2 ,ARM OUR. Old fa«hlon«d.10-13 lb , Av#r. , ,


H O T D O G rA N ™ ^ * " :;; ..






• BARBEQllEro[;r<!hro„,



E A C H S T O R E !


S m o th o ro d W ith S w o o f G la x o A n d C in n a m o n ) . .

NUT LOAVESDate! fresh!


10 to 12 LB. SIZERod R lpo

T o x a s G ro w n I' luk rv llbiftiH'i Tilkiit Piodici . Sifii riuHiliODt Oir Prodiui Oi-

ftii Iill rog Ui ViUnii

CmIi iI 'W Nitiilioul Ilmtili FMid II Hiir 01 Ox frtlt Piodict

MEET A WJSE WATERMELON!"Slice I '16 of my 10 Inth by 16 Inch liii'ond you fiavi 120 calMlii onil 1 grams ftlptAitln. , , 50** of thi odull

*'dally ricommindiil ellDwanc* of VI- lomln A . . . 40% of Vllamln C . . . 10% of RIfaoflqyIn. . . S\ of Iron and 3% of Calcium ond Nla<ln."


SANTA ROSA PLUMSG ro a t For A f to rn c o n S n a c k i l




F r l i j a r , J u n e 2 9 , 6 : 0 0 p .f n . to 8 p n t i .

YOOI Thuriday, Juno ia.-l>ra Tlrnm-Niiwi, Twin Falll, Idaho II

A S S V Q A V r

WITH “ FREE” STAMPS?T I ie s e ^ E v e r y d a y L o w P r i c e s .


Y 0 U 6 a .m . - 2 a .m . 7 D A Y S A W E E K ! !




HUNT’S KETCHUP... 50'57' 7'SKILLET MAGIC DINNER,.. 47'49' ?MIRACLE WHIP.......... .................SO'83' 4'CARNATION INSTAW MILK 2« 2« SS* NALLEY’S LUMBERIACK SYRUP«.. 1” fC & H BROWN SUGAR.. 40'42° 2° SfBI' ?CHEERI0S,.„ 43'4fl'WHEATIES,... 50“ 61'W H E A T I E S . , 4 4 ° 4 ^BERBERS BABY FOOD STRAINED 12° 13'CRISCO OlL.o. 98' 1«WESTERN OIL..,, F F





O'MORTON SALT»„ 13'2/20'2'MORTON TABLE SALT,........... 24'25' 1'NALLEY’S CHILI,s., 42'49' 7'TANG INSTANT BREAKFAST DRINK„~ r r 19° NESTEATEA 3„ F F 11'VAN CAMP PORK & BEANS 3,0. 34'37' 3'ZEE FAMILY PACK NAPKINS3... 68' 79' 13'WINDEX GLASS CLEANER... 50' 53' 3°DISHWASHING DETERGENTp«.ouv.3.„ 85' 88' 3'FLEISCHMAN MARGARINE,. 49° 57' 8'

HOT DOGS---- PFlday-4-$aturday—

Jun© 29 & 30 11:00 f a .m. to 7:00 p.m.



2 G a l .0 0

Demonstration Friday & Saturday


THE FOOD PEOPLE^ C E O F F E C T iy E JUNE 28,^9, 30, 1973

, r I

Page 12: Classroom space OlVd - Twin Falls Public · 70th yoar, 261st issuo Idaho's Lnrgest Ereninfj; !\i‘wspain>r

M V ^ i r l s r e ' f d r n f r o m s e s s i o n

A b ig a il Van Buren

DKAU ArjBY: Cinrlee nnd I wnhl to gel mJirrlcd, but ' we Imvo on*‘ smnll problem. Her fnttjcr, Ho wnnU to bo

pure I w ill he n RQod provider. He, Is Ibe personnol mnnaBer of 0 lnr|{c t’ompnny. nnd lie snys iMjfoi'c ho dccidcs, I wlJl bnve to Rwbmil tliree leltors of rocommundnllon,' I know llii.s sounds silly, but be Is Kor!,oufi. I don’t think j{cttinB married nlmuld be like Applying for n Job.

I feel cerlnin I can support n wife but I don't think I Fbould have to tllR up any refercnccs. Whnt should 1 do?

_ a p p l i c a n t m SRATTLE

DI:AH AI»PI.U!!ANT; Wotjhl ('ln«lrp’N ,falllr> havr sub- n iiltfd (o Kiich mun»bo;jnmli(> t« win lir r mother? After all, youVr 4101 mnrryinj; IliTrlnj; ^ c rrn ft, H you wont tlndeo and Clndrr wonts you lan^f ymi're.old cnouKbl. tell her dud you'll do yoiir'brsl to i*ii|i|ior(‘’hl'* dnuRhter hut the letter# of recommendnllon nrc out.

TWIN FA LLS ' — MokIc councllmon ,{a ty No. DobrdVolley GlrlB' StAt^ t o ] ( i i io s _ u U ite r r - ^ in?t t’rolyin irtic^ttt«t~i«gt we^k ; 0Ky Noj ' 6;—and—Knml«« in governmental ocUvlUos ot Langford. Wendell, and Morin Nortliwost Nozorcnc Collogo Ii!rklns, Buhl, councllmon, City

under, the direction-of lost No. 0.

• ycnr'8 Girls’ State Govbmor, Korolp GreonpwnU,—Gooding.

Outflftte'-Bpcnkors included

Winning In county elections were Knrry Nowroan, Jerome, coroner for Justfco County;

Mrs. Lula ^ rodor, CflldwcU. ^,Shaunn nogcrs, Jyom e,state poppy cbnirmarj for the auditor for Froodorn dounty;Idaho Department of the inneen Hutchinson, Buhl, andAmerican legion. Auxiliary, Harvey, Twin Falls,GoV;,-tlpcll Andr^ua, Lt. Gov. county commisaioners forJack Murphy and Sccrctaryof Democracy County; V lcklSlate Pete T. Ccnarruaa. Swoenoy, Twin Falls^ osaeasor’ Magic Valley delegatea for Democracy City, aridelcctcd to city offices were Renee • Knopp, nupcrt,Drenda Sudweeks,* Kimberly, prosecutUig attorney forcouncilman^ for Cjty No. 3;- Democracy City.Lynette Berry, TwIq Falls, The Notlonnllsts elcctcd

F a t h e r

i n s i s t s

nEAU ABBY: Several months ago I w«.s serioasly Injured in an accident.- While slill in the hn.spinil and in •

• ‘such shape I was'wondering wliether I ’d pull thru. I re­ceived nowei>H f n ^ the owners of a local fiineral home! 1 can’t tell this depressed me.

A few drfys Inter, these two morticians and their wives cnme to the hoapltnl to visit nie. I knew tliese people only

, slighlly and had never socialized with them.1 think trying to, drum up iiuslness this way is in very

poor taste. I ’ can't imagine what other reason they would have for sending flower.H and visiting me.

How do you feel aliout morticians hustling prospective .-cu8tDmcr.s this woy? • ANGRY

DKAU AN(;UY: Such InirUfifi^rtfinj would annoy Uif Funeral DlrectorH AsBoclotlon more than It (teprfSKcd you.

• For your convenience, their nildre«ii is 135 W. Wolli fit.; Milwnukrp. Wls. 5.1201. The ethical mortlclnns wo.ulij nppi'e- cinlr It If you'd roporl these du«lii. - ' , *

DI2AR ABBY; About two years ago I met an accoun­tant In n bowling alley. Kvery night we’d have a few beers

; together and we became good friends One night my friend told me his sister had invested In some stocks and hod a very good week iinancinlly. SlncHj I was going to make a deposit In the bank the nert day, 1 suggested to my friend that 1 would give him $1,000 Instead'to invest in the stock market.

Thc.-next day I gave him >1.000 in cash, in my cor |no witnessed!], and since we were frienirs I didn’t ask for o • rccelpt or anything.

' We agreed thnt we would split the profit from the stock ' 50-50-haif'for him because bo was an accountant and kqew:

— about stocks, ond half for me because it wa.s my money.V Then I started to work nights and couldn’t bowl, but I kept in touch with him by phone, After a year and a half, the stock remained the same, so I told him to sell It and return my money.

You guessed It. I was stuck! He said I*couldn’t prove anything as I had no receipt.

1 went to three la^vyers and they all told me to chalk it up to experience. Can you help pie get my money back?


DEAU STUCK: If three Inwyrrs told you the same thing, you hnil better believe It. It seems a pity that you have to suffer such o grove injustlct*. but without someproof of the trnnsactlQ!} you arc Ijidced .s|ij_ck. . . ____

CONFIDl-^TIA!. TO 'W01lHU-:i> IlKCAUSE I AM Al^ l.EIVrilC TO J 'E N lC II.l.lN S ee a doctor at once. There an­other ways to treat what you suspoct you have.

ProUemlt Yon'll Teel belttr U you get It oil yoarttie il.

For • r«noD iI reply. wril« to ABBY: Boi No. M1M, L: A.,

CilU. KUH. Encloie ilim fcd , lelMddreiM il envelope,

' piMH.



y o i u


V alleyLiv in g

Lcanne Olmatcad, Twln_FiUla, -Btftto—aiiditor—

Gencrnl. i Among Uie bfficcra who hnd

- principal' rolca In U»o Glrla’ State mock legislative session at Uie Jdaho Statchouso were M a ry ly n n R rc a n b ra c k , Dubois, Governor,.and R'Lynn ■ Mortenaen, Lt. Governor.

T h e 1 c B i a l.'a t q r 0 _ recommended to the IdnfR> Stnle Loglalnture that its ratification of the Equal nights Amendment to tlie federnl constitution bo reaclnded. U , also pasaofl meaauros BUgijcatinB capital puni.sbTnpnt for capital crimes, creation of a separate Institution for the care and rehabilitation of drug addicts, greater spending for vocfltional training at lino-high , school level, and restrictions on the Issuing of driver's

. llcense.s to persons over- 05 yenrs-of-nge.

A 16 the U.S. Congres-s was also passed asking Idaho be given jurisdiction over federal lands ■ in the stale managed by ’ lho Bureaii of Uind MimiTgemettt.

Elected representatives to G irls ’ Nnlion were Eve Bra.ssuy, Boise, and Clierie , Harding, Blackfoot. GlrlS' Nation w ill be held at A m e ric a n U n iv e rs ity , Washington. D.C. July 12 through July 19.

T-N Phones 733>0B31( O r U8« ouV iQ ll - f re e l l n e i )

JPre - Holidkiy


i n n e s______________________

j T l :1 3 6 M a in A ve . N o rth


MacDuff Outsmarts HimselfN O H T II

4 04 2VQ 9 t l(>i> >2 4* A Q

KAST (l>>A A-Q :i V AJ7G5a ♦ K li 4..I !t

\M>»T A K J 10'.I V Ilia ♦ 7U 10 B 7-6 U 2

SOUTH A 87 5 V K 84 • AQ * KDiitli vtiltu-iiiliif

Norlh KiiM I V

> 3 «^uss Puss

Oi»eninK U-ail-V 1')

W is t South 2 ♦;!N T

end the rid)ber and be on his way home.

M itcBelii pulled out tiie seven of hearts, paused in thought, pushed it back and |)lank(;d his ace on the table He had seen wluU MacDiiff was up to

A fte r that it was a simple nuilter In plhy his ace of spades; c(inlit\ue the suit and keep the rubber alive.

•'Weil done. • yotir lo rd­ship," said MacOuff who WHH aiway»-a-gwid sport.

T'was Si)'" said i.iiily MaciU-th i ' la y , on MacDuff^"

iN lW iP A I’ td tN TlH l'R ISI A iiN I

Bv Oswald & James Jacoby

It was the last rubber at Castle n iam ls.'M acnu ff. the b e s t player in Scotland, wanted to get home Hence hi.s three no trum p call

Lady MacReth opened the 10 of hearts. MacDuff looked over dummy quickly. He saw that he could give himself

■ two" heart .filbppert; b v ' put-' ting up dummy’s queen He also saw thal his hosi Mac- Beth would know this and might , shift to a spade, sohe played the nine-spot--------

MacDuff didn't need two heart tricks. All he needed was to gain the lead: finesse successfully in diamonds;

T)u- has hcL'ii:

W ist North Eiist Soutli 1 V

P in . • 2 f P u ss

Vdii, South, liolil

A A Q 7 li VQ J»51 4A 2 3 W lu ii tlo you dti now ?\ —Jusi l)ict two licDrtx. Y«)»r

iipcniiii! hid is u minlniuiu. T O D A Y S QUF-STION

Yoni- p iirtiu ' lonlim ics to t\so

no-trump. Whnt.TJo 5*f«'Answer tomorrow


A L L - IN -O N ES o l i , o n l i c l i n g A n l r o n II I c u p s o n d

A n f r o n T r ic o t b f id y , 11 r o in l o r c o d w o is l

c in c h lo o t u r o h a s b o o n ^ p o c ia l ly d o

. .s i g n e d to m a k o y o u lo o k y o u r » l in i t n o b l

u n d o r ih p n o w c l i n g y f a b r i c s . A n o y o r a l l

f o o l i n g o f c o n t r o l is o v o r p r o s o n t b u t

u n s o o n d u o to i h i s w o i g h t l o s s ' f a b r i c .

S iz o s 3 4 - B , 3 8 - C ,

$ T 5 0


/ N,

L\ '1

........ ■

Wallpaper & Wall Covering

C L E A R A N C EVinyl Wall Covering

9 9 *3 boo lo — Ovor 200 PottormValuos to '5.98 CLOSE OUT oil PC

/ \

W A L T E XPobco Vinyl 1

P A I N T 1

1 * 2 ”$ 0 , 9 9

Gal. 1

1 Archor Brand

1 P U R E L l l i ! 9 D I L1 ' BollidorRaw

Pabco OH Base 1

E X T E R I O R r 'A lt I T

1 ' "'tfloiS’ ” $ 1 9 91 • ,NOW . . ■ ooi.1 Factory S*al«< Cant 1 In 5 gallon lott.■ -V--...JIA..... ...

$ E 9 99 Gal.

u n d e r w i r e p l u n g e b r a

D o o u t i f u l s h a p in g o n d d o o p p lu n g in g n o c k l i n o

a r o | u s l t w o c l m a n y f o a lu r o s t h a t m a k o t h i s a

s e n s u o u s o n d p r o v o c o liv _ g b r o . M o v in g u n d o r w i r e

c u p s a n d L y c r o s id e s g iv o s s o p p o r t w h i lo i t s l i g h t

i i b r o f i i l c u p s s i io p o o v e r - s o g o n t l y . S iz e s 3 2 - 3 6 A ,

3 2 - 3 0 0 , C . W h i l o , b lo c k , b o ig o , b lu o o n d p in k .

---------------------------- ---------------------------

# ■ S t .

GRAND OPENING PARIS PENDLETON SHOPC o m o , r o g l s f o r l o r d o o r p r i r o s . N o p u r c h a s o n o c o s -

s a r y lo w i n : h a l l a n Id a h o la m b , $ 2 5 0 in P o n d lo lo n

m o r c h a i j^ i s o c o r l i i i c a l o s . R o g ls lo r T h u r s d a y , F r i - ..

d a y a n d S a l u r d a y , T 'o p -O f- T h o S lo l r .

Form«rly Stat« H a rdw or* M ain a l 3rd St. Eoit

Page 13: Classroom space OlVd - Twin Falls Public · 70th yoar, 261st issuo Idaho's Lnrgest Ereninfj; !\i‘wspain>r

Thurfidfty. Juno'20.1973 ' TlmDJ-Nowa. Twin Fulls,_ld»ho 13

- B E ^ - E A R L - Y r B t R D r e O M B ^

i i ? * ‘

' t s

C l u b l e a d e r sj <

T F S o r o p t i m i s t s

i n s t a l l o f f i c e r s ,TWIN F A M ^ - The Twin

Fulls Soroptimist Club held nnnifal'InsUilUition ccromonles Tuesday nij-ht nl the Holidiiy Inn.

Mrs. Ilcene Olivelo, Price, irtah. Hocky Mountain re^iional fjovernor, was installing officer.

President of lhe group for the coining year will be Mrs. Helen Cannon; vicerprt'aidenl, Mrs. Edythe Koonlz; recording '

•secretary, Mrs. Irene; Bert'man; corresponding and financial secretary. Mrs. Ii)uise Marsh; treasurer, Mrs. Slurley Raslon; directors. Mrs.

Ruth Gfuyar.rimd Mrs. I/)is Bisec; regUmaklelegntes, Mrs. Cannon, Mpi.'Koontz and Mrs. Louise Bush; alternate regional delegates, MrS'. Flora Ii?e Malone and Mrs. Fern Smith. ,

The Sweet Adelines enturtiiined at the meeting. Mrs. Nedra Grqene, Mrs., Koontz and Mrs. Ina Howard were in charge of arrangements.

Mrs. Ethel Penny, Caldwell, regional director, was a special guest along with guests fronrr Hurley and Price. Utah.

P A R T i C I P A r i N C in S o r o p t l ' f n i s i i n s t a l l a -

lion cofomonlos Tuosdoy n/ghJ wore, from ’ . lo ll, M rs . E d y lh o K oo n lz . tncb m ing vIco p ro s ld o n f : M rs . D o lilo Lo u d o r. o u lg o in g p r o s ld o n i : A^rs. H olon C a n n o n , p ro ild o n l. a n d M rs . Jloono O llv o lo , R o c k y M ou n ta in ro g lo n a l S o ro p lim lsl governor, insta lling o ffice r .

Open house setHANSKN — There will be an open house fof

lA»na B«/hrn from 2 to 5 p.m. Saturday at llu- poftt office. The event is being planned Uy^lnnsen

^ , . ■ postal empIHyes Mrs. Ralph Simmon.s, Mrs.Blake t ’roellch pml'Vrrnon Smith ond a retiree Mrs. Rulli Wrl|;h(. Miss Bohrn is retiring as postmaster of the Hansen Post Office, effective the end of the month.

M e m b e r s h o n o r e d

O E S C h a p t e r N o . 2 9

g i v e s 5 0 - y e a r p i n s

TW N K A L l^ - Mrs. Kdna lielle Oslund and Mrs. Ixjonard Albert were presentedSO years pins and lifeTnembershlps at a meeting of Twin Falls Cl[)tp^ef No. 29, Order of Eastern SUir, ^Maj)Le and James Oark, worthy matron and worthy patron, conducted the meCting and introduced Wrs. Grace M. Johnson. worthy grand assistimt warder, men»ber of

. the charters and dispensations committee and past .^rand m atron; Mrs. Richard Machamer, grand marshal; Bill Clark, HoUister Chapter No. 47, assistant grand sentinel; Mrs. Fred Monltjomery, grand reprosennrfiv? ■■ of New' Harpfwlure in Idaho; Mrs.

James Page. Magic Chapter No. (12, chairman of ESTARL D is tric t No. 11, and Joe Stephens, worshipful master of Kayler Udge.

Members having birthdays were honored. Grand chapter re|K)rts were given by Mrs. Maxine Machamer, Mrs. Marian Jenkins, Mrs. Uuisa Montgomery, Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Arlene Grose and Clark.

Decorations in the chapter room and dining room were

, iirranged by the refreshment committee which included Mrs. Iva Kilborn, chairman; Mrs. 1-ivilla U*gg, Mrs. Grace Dirk, Mrs. M yrle ’ Clark find' Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Naylor.

HANSEN ~ Hansen Royal Neighbors had Iheir quarterly birthday anniversary potluck dinner at the Wooditian Hall in Hansen Tuesday evening.

Mrs. Olma Ball, Mrs.. Kenneth Dudley, Mrs. Grace

McFarland, Mrs. Wayne Sri)itlij^Mrs. l^w is Reed, Mrs.

’J'HclCTi" MtrVry. Mrs. John BrowTi, Mrs. Theada Royce und Mrs. EartrSVidle were birthday honorees and Mrs. Clara Bednar and Mrs.

Dorothea Steelsmith were guests. '

The cake was made by Mrs. Bernice Ball and Mrs. W. K. Anderson, Mrs. Ernest Johnson and-Mrs. Vernon Ball wereott thekitchen committee. Tal)les were decorated witlu rose.s.

Mrs. F.lsic Henry, program chairJtuuiv-ititrodueed Mrs. Bednar who talked on her early ex[»erii‘nces as a rliild in (’•/.cchoslovakla, She cante to Uie U.S. before she was 12

II I lim o Jof, o Chong# oUpaCB. Tjoio lof

now n 'o o d i . now n^odni ’li t ihol Qlorlout-

ly cfi»p. b (ik ir*M ^ o n |i>it ahoad Titno lo

go livoly <nlo l olM

Thoro's tj rofloction cTf thot quickoned tempo . . . in all tho now Tami fashiodB. Colors goloro for coordinating, mixing, matching. A. Plaid pants, 63% wool, 37% ny- long, $21.95. Shirt in 100%. polyester (long' sleeve) $11.95, short sleeve, $9.90. 100% acrylic sweater, $13.95. (.B) Long sloovo 100% nylon ’ bjouse, $13.95, Acrylic machine w6sf)able pants, $19.95, cardigan V-nexrk sweater $15.95. (C) 63% wool. 37%- ny:lon' Vest, $18.95, short pleated wool and nylon skirt, $15.95, ,100% poly­ester, machine washable blouse, $15.95. (D) lower loll: 100% acrylic vest, $17.95, polyester and nylon blouse, $13.95, 100% acrylic pants,$19.95. Top-Of-The-Stair.

v a r .


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f t .

V .

S 1.00 Holds Your Selection

i t ’ s a t t h e p a r i s


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J U N E . S A L E 3 . 4 9f lo g i ' t 5 0 Uily I'V H";- ullt.i unuMilh C(i!|)irl<m’ iiv'on l)t,i tifiw .It ftiilv &.iviri(js Tlu» clinaiii’ up(:(i(ivctii.;iir.' lovu I C iilii iitii cnnlnut litntil if> lilxtfii"willi .1 ni lnt tnldl l.l';"''''"'-'’-'uiidetngJll'.-ll itll! A.1?-36,HC 32, -JU . _NiKli-. Wlmt) .


Grand OponinglPARIS PENDLETON SHOPThi/ridoy mornlnQ at '*»;30 a ,m . Door P f iio i G ajo fo iioll-lbmbs re a d y lo r yourtrooior and o var $390 In marchondlto.

J :


Page 14: Classroom space OlVd - Twin Falls Public · 70th yoar, 261st issuo Idaho's Lnrgest Ereninfj; !\i‘wspain>r

■ ’ ■- - ■ ' I

I ' ■ . • J - •

' " f U T lm o s Nowi, Twin Fall*, Idaho Th'urldfty, Juno 20, 197 .

R o u n d S t e a k s C a n n e d H a m s S l i c e d B a c o nU.S.D.A. Choice — Full Cut S a fo w p y — F u lly C ookod .Morroll's Golden Crisp Label Large Size Fljll Sid Lbs.

/ m v i m \ ■

M b .-P k g . 8 9 1 B * .


G r o u n d B e e f-A n y Size Package

lb . 89, B o n o lo j s - G o l d - C o ln

, W h o le o r H a l f

U .S .D .A . ' C h o ic u D o o f

L. 1 . 5 9Lb.

L o inF a m i ly P a c k L b . 1 . 2 3 0 Wieners S t e r l in g D rand<

S k i n lo s s F r a n k s

0 Sliced Bacon D o lic io u ; ! P k g . 1 . 1 9 SausagepI'S: 8 9 ^ ^ Chuck Steaks0 Hams

0 Short Ribs0 Fresh Fryers 5 3 / 0 SllcedHBacoirra“c:;7Ji'„": 1 ; 2 0 0 G re e n la n d T u F b l«fille tT iT 9 /~ 0 P w Roast b

U .S .D .A .Choice Doof Lb.

Whole Hog 1 . 0 5 S lo r l in g B r a n d Q y T h e P ie c e

9 8 /

L . 7 9 /. S .D .A . C h o ic e i g A A

l b .

D I S C O U N T w ith a D I F F E R E N C E^ p R s n i e -

Potato SaladL u c e r n o D e l i c io u s

l i i a i r a i e

French's MustardC r n a m v S a l a d

24-oz.J a Ah

• ryday low Uil^pric*

s m m .

Ice CreamH o lf

G a l lo n 8 6 ^• vfryilav low l«vtl pHci

A t S a fo w a y D iscount In A ll O f These T o w n s r

•Bol«o Noromo Blockfool■ti l n y o tio - -------- ‘ P o c n t o lio --------- ^ id o h o ^ a l l i. • W o l i e r .G o o d in o M o n t p e l lo r

R i/ p d r t ‘ C i i l d w o j l • T w I n F a l l iB u r le y * N a m p a . * M fn ‘. H o m o

A n d ‘ O n t a r i o , O r e g o n ‘ T h e s e S to r o t O p e n S u n d a y

B a n dB o x0 Ice Milk

H ^ S k y l a r k Bread i ^ S o l i d Butfer “ 0 ^ Heinz K e t^u p l ^ ^ S a l ^ d s

^ ^ G e l a t i n Salads B ^ D i l l Pickles


P o t a t o 1 6 * o z . S e s a m e L o a f 3 3 /

0 Potato Chips ^ ^ C r a c k e r s

C lo v e r 1 2 - 0 1 . C lu b P k g .

N a b is c o S n o c k V o r io t y

6-O Z.Pkg.

7 3 /4 9 /

C M a x w e l l H o u s e 3 - lb - V I I I I 6 6 R e g u la r o r P c r c . C o n A « # W

L u c e r n o C o lo S lo w P in t M 'r o n l , C a r r o t R a i s in C tn . 3 7 /

D e l M o n t e 2 2 - o x . jW h o le J a r ^

~^^Tork & Beans ^ ^ K r a f t Sauce ^ ^ M a r s h m a l l o w s

^]^M arshm allo w s

Cragmont Drinks Cookies Dog Food

K e o b le rV a n i l l a W a f e r s

4 6 -O X .C a n

1 2 - o z .P k g .

B |u o - M i . 1 5 - o z . C h ic k e n 'n L iv o r C a n

3 1 /3 9 /1 9 /

V a n 3 I - O Z .C a m p ' s C a n

B a r b e c u e 1 6 * o z . P in , o r H c r y . J a r

C ' f i r o 1 - lb . M in i - P k g .

3 3 7

3 9 /2 7 /

H e r e ' s D i s c o u n t W i t h A D i f f e r e n c eSUPER SAVERS'rhcSL- afc [cn ijx iran ly rL'diKui prices — even lower than our evcryiiay <lisc(niiu prn.ev A ikk'd ways to save!

EVERYDAY DISCOUNT PRICEST v s o l 2 1 . 0 1 . ^

S p r a y C a n j r

C ' f i r cR e g . 2 8 /

L a t o „ i T i d . , 3 w 2 4 ^ ^ ► I t e d T e aC h u n k o r C r u . C a n i

L ip io 'n L o w C o l . 5 - o z . jW i ih L e m o n J a r ' ^ r ^ P ^

J i n n e r s i r “ ‘ '" ^ ® P .„ .

^ ^ ^ Z e e - P a p e r Kapkins X 1 3 *'

Solo 7 o i.'ldO -c l.'lastic tups iT„;,.“ „rPko: ^ ^ P a p e r Towels Finl’' R o l l 3 4 /

^ ^ P o r k & BeansB 9 C I

0 Salad Dressing Foil Wrap Flour

P ie r c e 's 2 9 - o z . Can

W it h B e a n s -- T o w n 1 5 * o z . H o u s e H o t o r R e g u la r C a n

N u - 3 2 - o z .M a d e J a r

K i t c h e n C r a f t I B - i n . A lu m in u m . x 2 5 F f .

2 9 /3 0 /6 1 /5 1 /

A ll tluou i;h the sturl- ’o ii'I l fiiu l low d is to iiiu price.s w h ith can real .savin_^s in )ou r (ooci Iniclgec.

NATIONAL BRANDSA scleaion of hest known hr.intis, 'iVni’ll (im l your favt)ri(cs .u i;rc.u iiisn)iin t prii.t.'^.

SAFEWAY BRANDSTor atkliUonal 'laviti i^s, ue o lkT .in <uiisi.itHlini; varit^ty

t|u .ility brands hcMnii^n oui o \u i lalK-Jy. A ll are uiKoni.iirion.illy _i^’il.

K it c h e nC r a f t 1 0

A n g e l F o o d R in g s8 - o z .C a k e 4 4 /

G U A R A N T E E -----------------------------------The e.\iepimnt*l thin,i' iihoiu .mir i^uarantec is rhat • ihe ic are nn T.vt i \ i1i i [i_l; ju ii Iniy at Safewayiniisf please \i>ii or ue ’ll retiind ymir inone)!

White Magic Spray Starch4 9 /

G h q r c o a l

A e r o s o l S p r a y

0 Ellis Brown Beans “0 ~ E llis ^ S p n is h Rice

W it h C h i l i . G foyy^’



Ozark Briquets^0 Lighter Fluid ata cool

2 0 / 0 Brocade Paper Plates 2 8 / 0 Plastic S p o ^

Hard-wood—>- ->20 -lb^ -^-

1' 7 6 /9 - in c h 1 5 0 - c l .W h i t o P k g . M J r r

" k n iv e s l^ r F o r k s . B o l l B r a n d • P k g . 9 /

Hills Bros. Coffee 0 Cheerios Cereal 0 Kellogg's Corn Flakes 0 Post Sugar Crisp

B A N A N A S P O T A T O E S B E E T G R E E N S C A R R d T S31 Peas & Onions IS Birds Eye Peas g l Birds Eye Peas

' S i Birds Eye Qi Crackers.


FioJDM Plig.In Coc.m O.o,.Stiuco Pltfl. I

W..I, O.o,.Poluloai PCq. •

31 ’ TBokies Myilro> Pkg.Wclch't 4B-ai.Pure Jgr

Peanut ButterGrape Jelly

30^1. Jar 7 J

51 Batteries ' ’ Z " ' " r 39"Sotithln* 1-ib. i A p E i l m Inilaindlic * J ^ f |tti Mo Pl«0. Colof C XI24 30.coun1 Boll 1 * 1 7

l:!, : r s;.:::': " r ; 35" STP oil Treatment 84^^ f 7 5 '^ = “ W o t b r O i r ^ ;S r ° ? = r 4 3 '^Q cleanser sT uflno Con i> J' I I IU IU I U l l

P R IC E S E F F E C T IV E J U N E 2 8 t h T H R U J U L Y 4 th

V ••

Page 15: Classroom space OlVd - Twin Falls Public · 70th yoar, 261st issuo Idaho's Lnrgest Ereninfj; !\i‘wspain>r

Healtli units new

re ionTWIN F.ALLS — South Ccptrnl District Health board

members, meeting in Twin, Fnlla Wedncsclny, adopted a new....i--ij98ulotlon requiring reglflffoHon pormita for nl! Individuals or

■ companies engaged in subsurfflce sewflge disposal systems.Tlie regulation*wlll give tlic department fl list of persons and

their qualifications for ihstalling septic tanks and other'sewcf systems.

It Is designed to save time for {he builders and healtli district • Inspectors on the many scptlc lank and sewer Instollatlons being made In connection with .subdivision development in rurol and urban areas.

, James Ingalls, deputy administrator of the district, said n short examination will be required by all persons opplying for the registration permits. .. i- ^ »

The regulotion adopted Wednesday w ill require all persons or corporations making application roust'post a $2,ODO bond. Ingolis said some objection has been made by p’umblng firms whiclrare already bonded under their ^nte plumbing license.

He said some waiver may be necessary in such caies as a duplication of bond would appear unwarranted.

T Application forms for the registration permits arc available from the district health office and the registration permits will be issued annually.

The new regulations state failure to comply with the Idaho State Boar^'of Health rules and regulations for Individual and - subsurface sewage disposal systems w ill result in revoked permits.

. ■ Ingalls said this w ill give tlie department’s envlronmentalista u readyJiJe on persons making such Installations and w ill save thgm having to bird dog septic tank work aroun]^ tlie distrlctr -

Scverai-months ago the disU-lct board asked for q study and recommendations for mo/e suitable handling of "such Inspections In view of the new law requiring Inspections of all septic tank Installations ancf, approval of drawings prior to Uie

• cons6-uction.


T r o p h ie s p ro s c iit e c i

llAUOLI) Strarli-y. left, yii-c presridont of thi* Ichihii I 'irs l Nntlonaf nnnk. Twin rjills , pri'si'nliMl firs t plari* Individual triiphles Wt'diu'siijiy afitTtioon at tin* 1-M ( lu ll horsi' Judging to Trucy Whitehead,. Gooding, Junlot' ’ d i\isl(iii; I.i'ilk* Hyci', Gnodlng, lnliTnu*jll«t'f.

■ juiil Jrnny SkUuuT, Twin I-'aMs. Hfnidr. Tlu-.nll' djty hnrsf jmlf'ing ovonls weri- hcld^at tho Twin I-'alls ('minty FnlrKrmuitls. I'iliT ,

Gooding teaffli places 1st


GoodInK ileromc Lincoln

Minidoka Twin FnllN

MagicV alleyThufbcJ.ty, Ju n e 20. 1973

By MARJORIE LIERMAN 'Tlmes-Ncwfi writer

FILER — A Gooding 4-H CHub teiim won first place IrophliJs in horse jiidging Wednesday at. the Twin . Falls.. County Fairgrounds,

Harold Stearley, vice president of the Twin Falls office of the -Idulio-First-Nationali-BankT-prtiiionlcd-tropIue&-and-pIaquiiS-la.

receiving Uie trophy for Intvrinedlate division, and Jenny Skinner, Twin FiUls, for senior division.

Approxiinutely 130 4-H Club members look part In the dlstrlct_ Judging which Including dem'ohstrations in the morning and' judging, both oral and written, In the. afternoon. I>»Iloy Gibbs, Wondoll, served as judge.

team and individual winners. The bank .sponsors Both the district and'fltate competition.

Membbrs of the winning Gooding team were Kelly Schcoeder. • Judy Hess, SusK* Halnllne and Uslle Byce. A INvln Falls team won second and another Gooding club placcd third.

Tracy WliUohead. Gooding, received the first place junior trophy for Individual high score with I.eslit* Hyco, Gooding,

Judging was (lone on,quality oi norses, hairufclnsBOS'.'Wcstorrr pleasure, Western horsemanship arid > Western reining.

■ Appnloosa. Arabian and Quarterhorses were used."'The first 10 placing teams will compete, in tlie state

competl.tion which will be held at the Filer fairgrounds July IB, according to Mrs, Alice Reed, chairman of the 'IVin Falls County Horse Council,

asks higher ’74 budget— i— ___________ ByJBONNIE JONES

TImcb-Ncwg writer Tw in f a l l s rr -Cr. WaynO'-Carte, director of the Sou h

Central HealUi Dlsb-lct, asked bpard members Wednesday afternoon to consider a basis of 12.25 per capita for the 1074 health district budget. , ' ■

Dr, Carte presented a tentative proposal in the monjhly meeting of the health board Wednesday afternoon in the Twin Falls Jiidlclal Building. He'said increasing cost^ Indicate tlie ' distrlct'Will need about a J400,000 budget for 1074,

V An assessment forCfich of Uie Bight counties In the district at tlie rate of $2.25 per, capita would rnlsq.423V,720 In locjil funds with the state and federal rTiatching revenue to make up tlie remainder. ' • ,

Dr. C arte said if tlie district is able to remodel the American liCgion Ifa ll for new quarters some rental rgvenu .-fTfay bo available but maintenance costs on tlie larger building will about equal t)ie rent paid for tlie present small quarters. Dr. Ciirte saifi »he district must furnish space to the state laboratory and does not receive rent^il income from that.

He also pointed out tlied lstrict Is furnished space for health nurses or oUier personnel-In ilie various countle.s, He said Uic

' district should pay rent to the counties for this space furnished in ■ order to be equitable tliroughout the district. Twin Falls county s'ervlcus art'^urnished entirely througb'Uie district office.

Dr. Cliirte said on a basis of population some of the counties are In a position of paying less than It cosb to provide services to

. Uie, counties. One cour)tyvfor example, he said pays the district about |20,OM'per year on a per capita assessrrient GaSlirb’f i r ’ receives more ftmaiifl.OOO In services with the other counties picking up the b i l l

Dr. Carte also discussed the food inspection program. He said a story In the Times-News stating Inspections of food est^iblialiments were not meeting requirements was not properly represented by the reporter.

Dr. C arte said tJie article was critical of the department's lack of inspections at both the Magic Valley Memorial Hospital ond tJie IV ln Falls County Jail. . "' "Tliere Is a team of two state^pcctors-assigned from Dolso.


Carnival Friday at Rupert opens six-day festivities

Fair plans iiiiiiloGCX^ING — Pluntarti progresslag for tho-Gooding County

Fair and Rodeo Aug, 6-fl Fair Board Cliairrnan John lx*Moyne said at a Tuesday night board meeting, ___ _ '

He announced fairground Improvements including a new 4-H ‘ and women's building, new grnndstand seating, and new food

booUis.The Gooding Elks Club will be in charge of the parade. The

rodeo will be produced by Swanny Kirby, he said.Fair books are being printed ond ■will be available soon at the

county agent’s office. The board plans to purchase new pennants for downtown street decoration, I./cMoyne said.

The fair board will meet July 10 In the Gooding County Ckiurthouse at B p.m.

UeMlrictiuns-lli^tiul___ _ __ ‘

SALMON — Use of four-w^eel drive vehicles is prohibited on three Sabnon National Forest roads oii the North Fork Ranger

, . District without prior written permission, John Emerson, forest . . . supervisor, onnounced, . .

They,are Wijgonhammer-Sheep Creek Road from its terminus at U.S^'Highway 93 to the Sheep Oeek Road; Jeep tra il In Freemap (>eek east of Oro CaciieMlne, and Bradley Gulch jeep trail from the Montana-Idaho state line south through Bradley Gulch,('

2 jlHrlis iiijiireilTWIN FA LI^ — Two small girls suffered cuts and bruises at

4; 12p.m. Tuesday when they rode their bicycle Into the side of a vehicle in the 100 block of Fourth Avenue North.

City police said Sherry Buckslon,i, daughter of Mrs. Cleota Flckel, and Shelly McBride, 0, ^laughter of Mr. and Mrs, Earl

--------McBrldo^-iwife riding on the bicycle and rode between twoparked automobiles and Into tlie street striking the side of a vehicle driven by Myri W, Conner, 3fl, Twin Falls.

— Tlie two girls were treated In the emergency room of Magic Valley Memorial Hospital and released.

BOISE (UPl) — A three-judge panel Is to begin during the week of Aug. 13 the second legal review of Idaiio's 107J legislative reapportionment plan.

Judge Ray McNichols, retired Judge Fred M. Taylor and Circuit Judge Oliver Koelsch, have set the tentative date after receiving a copy of the U.S. Supreme Court decision which

____ _Vacaled-thoir-4jpprov«l-of-the-plnnr-— ------- ------------------------Tlie judges said their decision was not reversed, but the high

court asked them to give the.caae more consideration In light of recent other decisions 'upholding rcapp irtionm cnt of legislatures In Texas. Connecticut and Virginia. ________ _

RUPEiVr —’ Uuperi's 47th annual .six-d«y fourth of July festlN^ties begin witii tlie sounds of squeals and of calliopes I‘>lday night when the carnival comes to town.

The carnival's first night In town has been designated family night and ride tickets will be available at a reduced r a te ^

Soturday night three dances w ill run slmultantydf^' In the town square In an effort to get the whole conimulmy together,

Tlie Rancherltos Band from Twin Falls, the Old Time Fiddlers, and Wild C^hllde, an Ogden group, will all provide music in the square beginning at 0 p,m.■ Rodeo queen competition will continue Sunday at the fairgrounds. The competition riding w ill be free to the public beginning at 1 p.m’.

Following the ■queen contestants there will be jackpot open barrel racing, pole bending and, for those under 12, novice barrel racing and novice goat-tying.

The night will end In an explosion of fireworks at the fairgrounds.

•Pari-mutuel horse-racing opens Monday ai 1 p.m. and runs through Wednesday. Horses from southern Idaho, Utah, Nevada, (California and Montana are entered in the races.

The quarterhorse futurities w ill be held July 4,

S h o s h o n e w a t e r

s h u t o f f r e p a i r i e d

SHOSHONE — An electrlcaUlSlurbance on one of the controls at the main city well TuesdaV night caused a partial shutoff of water use In ^oshone,

L. M. Hatmaker, city superintendent, sold the relay on a switch was evidently overloaded, causing the Uouble, and it took about three-fourths of on hour for a local electrician to make necessary repair to the switch.

The small pump still continued to operate and kept up enough pressure for household use until citizens wero notified to shut off irrigation hoses, Hatmake/ said when the Irrigation hosts were shut off, Uie pressure Imnjediately come up on the little pump so'" there was no actual Interruption of service. —

However, If a fire should occur at such a time ancl Irrigation hose were kept running, there would not bo sufficient pressure to possibly control a blaie of any size.

Cooperation of citizens in such an emergency Is appreciated. Hatmaker said.

Monday niglU Uie rodeo, under the direction of the Rodeo (Jowboys' Association, opens at tlie fairgrounds, and that night only, children under 12 are admitted free.

Featured at the rqdeo nightly w ill be the Eh Capa Bareback Riders from Boise, a group of young people from fl to IB years of age who ride Indian style performing drills for thfi audience.

Also featured on each night of the rodQo will be the Minidoka County Wranglers, the Cassia County Posse and the Silver Sage Riders. Girls open barrel racing will be held each night.

Among the top cowboys who placed at the rodeo last year and ,we expected to return Is Larry Mahan, Dallas, Texas, the five- time all around world champion, who Is making his sixth bid for the title.

The rodeo w ill feature saddle bronc riding, b^eback and bull riding, calf roping and steer Wrestling as cowboys compete for a $2,000 purse.

The Rodeo queen for next year will be crowned Wednesday , -Klghtby^hlfr^oflr-ft-r^tgnln8-qucflar-Jd^ N elflonUB>.EuperL-

we should duplicate this service and go to the hospital only if tliereis complalntorn-problem," Dr, Carte toldtlie board.

*’As for the ja il," he sold, "the 1970'^aw repealed the' regulation for our department to inspect ja il kitchens and we ore no longer obligated. These inspections are also made under otJier assignment from the state. ' ‘

• i t apifcafs Uie rc^porter did not dig out all of tJic facta for his .story,” Dr, Carte said.

UVslt^rn for iiiiilisiHSEATTLI';. Wash. (UIM) — Tlie annual meeting of the

Northwest Sunlwthing Assorlotlon next weekend will have o western theme. TlienudlKts will all wear cowboy hats and boots. Riding will be harcback.

TF hospital overflowing

Xheslx queen contestants this year are Joyce Gray, 18; Kristi Newcomb, 16; Nonnie Osterhout, 17; Anno Christ, IB; Suzette Butler, 17, ond Karma Borendregt, 17,

The onnuol porude Will be held Wednesday, July 4. The pJraa^undeFthe them^of "Free i^nd-Free Air”’ ' is expected to be at least two miles long with entries from throughout the area.

Mothers unit elcc‘t^ leader

TWIN F A L l^ - Mrs. Mary MrClusky. Twin Falls, Idaho Mother of the Vear, has received word of the election of Mrs. Sherman Drawdy. Avigusta, Ga., as president of the American . VtiithiTs C<immlttee.

.Mrs, McClijsky said Mrs. Drawdy was the presiding officer for the entire National Mothers convcntiim last month arDenver. She succeeds

■ ' - Mrs.- R. G. - LcTotirnentt, wldow‘ -«f«—n^»-^ Internationally famous Imlustrlallst-lnventor of Longview, Tex., qi president of the 50^tate nallotinl organization.

• TWIN F A L I^ - Magic Valley Memorial Hospital Wednesday was more than full. I t was overflowing.

With an official bed capacity of 126, yesterdoy's patient loffd totaled 128 not countltig newborns, with two beds p loc^ In o converted lounge. ; ''

According to James E. Rosenbaum, admlnlstrotor, this was the .highest patient census ever recorded at the hospital. The

“ prcvlousTBCord-wttsiai-patlentsin-Februnryofthiryear--------- ^"A hospital is considered to be full when Us patient census Is 80

to 8S per cent of ltd total bed copaclty," Rosenbaum sold. ‘'This allows a safe margin for unexpected admissions such as

emergencies. This means that In our hoapital, a full house would be a patientioad of from 100 to 107 poitents."

Maglc.Valley hospital, he said, since the first of the year has consistently operated with a dolly census of from 110 to 190 patients.

Plans are presently being made for expansion of the hospital focllltles through a bond Issue to be presented, probably this fall to the voters of Twin Foils County, Rosenbaum sold.

G F e v e n t s s l a t e dGLENNS FERRY — Plons'for July 4 were made by members

of the Chamber of Commerce, at the City Hall Tuesday-evenlhg.• James C^rpenW, chairman, said the parade will form at 0:30 a.m. on tlio fairgrounds, and proceed to main street leaving the grounds at 10:30.

There will be a gymkhana at the Three Island Riding Gub _i.groundsnt4l a.mJliic-food and gamc-hDotha.wULopen at noon__

All Senior Citizens over 70 will be treated to a free lunch. Races for the children will begin at 2 p.m^ tliefo will be two ball games. There will be prizes for children In tho parade, for tlie most origlonal costume, the most serious and the funniest.

The fireworks will begin at dark, •

Rupert serves ‘commodities’ dinnerProlit* fonliniics

HAILEY — The FAA Is continuing investigation Into the forced landing of a six passenger Sun Valley Key Airlines plane Saturday afternoon at Hailey.

The landing In an open field south of the Friedman Memorial Airport, shortly after takeoff, resulted In no Injuries, , -

According tO'Paul Richardson, Boise, on FAA Inspector, tho FAA will test fuel and components of the right engine of the craft to determine why it lost power,-JUchajdion-aald tha4i^ A4Mill■comptoto^W4^M rt4 tithll^-3^ iay^^

, By MARILYN ELLIOTTV ' TlmcB-News writerRUPERT — Public officials at tho "commodities" dinner

Wednesday night unanimously pronounced the food "good."The meal was prepared by tlie Minl-Cassla C^nimittoe to

Fight Hunger, organized by welfare recipienls and Interested citizens Insure the rights pf those vvho receive welfare, < completely- from, foods available under the 'commodities program.

Tho Committee waa trying to make real, to the officials tlie—tucnuruiu)».iuiia -------,-------r-n ------- - ---------- ==—m—B r t i ia n i i i^ i i 'W i in jT E i tH 'i r u i r m io m r T r B - s p i i r tm im F ^ ” ^ ^Safety Board. Seattle, Wash., which w ill determine probable commlssionerB arc currently conslderlnB a plan to

from the DECS offices attended the event. Over a dozen members of the committee attended.. Two tables wore set up at the dinner, one preparpd by Uie committee and one prepared by tho extoHsion agents. Elrrwr Ketterling, dialrm im of the Minidoka County commissioners, a^ked for the extension table for a oomp^lson.

Participants found no teal difference In the food.quality between the two tables and expressed general satisfaction with tlie. faro. .

Rupert Mayor Wendell Johnson said; " I t was good food, well-

A t l o m l s i e o i i o l n v o

BUHL.— Sen. John M. Barker, R-Buhl, chalrmon of the Idaho Senate Health Eduatlon and Welfare Committee, Is mooting In

, Mlnncapolk, Minn., this week with tlie^diicntlon Commission of tho' States.. leaders from 46 stahia and lerrltorlos ore

change from tho food stamp program to tho commodities program. , . . .

Commissioners from both Cassia and Minidoka counties, tlie mayorsv of Burley and Rupert, homo economics extension agents, he Burley and Rupert Department of Environmental and Comiptmlty Sorvlcea staffs, and Son. Jar ipa Yost, Jerome, were alUavlted to,the picnic, -

Thrpo people'from the oxtenslpn ageney, two commlHsloners ■gathered to develop oduoatlonid policies for state goyornment. ....from Mlnldoko Cduntjfffio mayor o? Rupert ond th'rcb people

-prcpor*d*:i5fiYcrflLdlnctfi_CQrRnientfltLJ]iQtjUi<L-cJiIcken_Wfla.._rather d rrn nd tasteless. • j ■ . ------

'"Some people do like the commodities program," Rae Rlppetoe, committM member, said following the meal. "Just / ask yourself i f you'd like to eat It every day," she told tho group.

"We'll fight for Cassia County to get backlf we win here,” ahq said. Cassja County Is currently on tho commodlUeti program.

Charlene Mande.yflle','Minidoka County extension agent, saW that some people haVe moved from Minidoka County to Cassia'to ■

-apply for the commoditlorprogram;- —- • - •> One of the majln reasons the commlsslonQrs have put fortli Tor '

moking the switch Is that Dissia County residents are moving o Minidoka County where they.cnn receive food stamps.

Mrs. Mandevlllp said the flux waa. very hard to Qplculate because of the constant flo^f-of.pepple from one county to.ihe other, although there were probably fewer people moving to .Cassia County than moving to Minidoka County because of programs, * , , •

"Wo have milllons of recipes for commodities foods,.’ ’ Mrs. Mandoville said. Th^ reclnc8,^o^sed for the mpol were pfiodo entirely from foods avdllable In th^ program with only'two cons

-of- tomato-«oup-and^onoLonioii-addQd^

The commodities program is meant to provide dietary basics; recipients who'l'ocelvc the food frbe ofxiharge, are to f ilh n with otlier itenfs Tt'om their own pocket. Under tho .(ood stamp program, reciplentji pay according to their Income for ’ food stamps. • . - ^ ,

CommltMse members have said the, commodities program ' demeans recipients by* giving them food, doesn't leave enough mpnoy to. f ill in importaht gaps in the food they receive, helps , Induatry Instead of the local buslnefismfin bnd doesn't allow for; - apeclal dietary needs of o'large percentage of the population.

Page 16: Classroom space OlVd - Twin Falls Public · 70th yoar, 261st issuo Idaho's Lnrgest Ereninfj; !\i‘wspain>r

■ y . - - y - -

14 ‘ Vlm®i-Nowi, Twin F«iu’, rUaho Thuridfly. Jon© 38, 1W3

' WASIHNGTON (UFI) - An otlminlstrntionnonlysis' furnlahed. to lltc House AgrlcuUurc Commlttco imijcnlea ,1074 t'ro'p subsldloa under n ' pending House/fiirm bull would be nenrly I1 billion lew thnn tlie govcrnnnenl expects to spend this ycnr. .

Tlic study, prcpnrcd by tlje Agriculture Dcpnrtmcnt nt the request of. the House Comnnitlce, wns published Wcdricsdny ns part of the panel's report on IL'j now form bill.

Despite Agrlculturo So<Jretiiry Enrl L. Butz tf - blunt wnrnlng thnt support target rntes set In UiD b ill for fee'd 'gr/ilns. wlient nnd cotton’were “ unncceptable" to tjic ndmlnistrntion, Uie committee lust week voted 31-4 to approve the b ill nnd send it to the Hoiwe Hoor July 9. Adminlstrntion officials are planning to s(5ek- floor nmfcndmcnts to lower the support targetii.

Agriculture Dcpnrtnn-'nt economists, in the -new ‘Tmmysls, estlmntcd that if the flouse bill

bocnme’ inw- in its current form, aul)sidy pnymenta to producers of grains and cotton on

1D74 crops would total nbout Il'.S blllloi). Tills would bo nimoat I I billion below tlio cstlmotod subsidy cost for* Uioae crops In 1073 nnd leas thnn

■ hnlf the anjount spent on 1072 crops. •The same study allowed thnt If Congi'cs^

accepted a lower’ acnlo of support' targets suggested by Dutz, subsidy coats for 1074 would probably fall to nbout |1.1 bl]Uon.

Tlie House bill would set 1074 targets of 12.05 a bushel for wheat, I1.3B n bushel for corn nnd 3fl cents n pound for cotton. Tills is nbout halfway bel\veen the scale of-$2,2fl for wheat, <1.53 for corn and 43 cents for cotton approved In the Senate’s version of the form bill,’ nnd the lower ll.8t*ll.2lt-3& cent scnlc proposed by Butz.

DoUi the Houiic nnd Senate bills provlde«lh<it If market prices ramnln nt or above whntever new litrgeLs are set, \ o subsidy pnj^enta would I made. But If henv^iiroductlon in future yen^ should bring njnrket.pdces below the larjit the government would >\<ikcj with pnyments to growers.

< -, B(ith tiioHou5o.blll,'which Would run for fou r' - Vonrs, nnd the five-year Senate verslop include iin "escnlntor clnu5o"..for rnlsiqg,target priccs^- 'ifter 1074. The House plan, which would-booat tlie targets more slowly tlian the Senate version, wns npprovcd by Butz on condition Umtthe 1074 target pricca be set nt the levels he^sugg0st(id. -

Agriculture Department analysts said government subsidy costs ut)der the House bill would probnble rise'after 1074 because of the eHcnlntor. ny-llio fourtli and finnl ycnr, experts estimated annual costa would bo-up to nbout *2,7 l,nilon — obout equal to estimated expenditures for this year. ^

All the cost estimates are based fln the . assumption that rising production and improved crop harvests abroad would bring farm market prices down substantliilly from tills Ycnr'3 high levels while farm costa continue to rise. I f markets ^emuiq at current levels, there would be little or no subsidy costa.

Fewer hogs

in - S d a lio —

F r o s t s n ip c ro p s

B01SE-(UEl),;^;.UQlUi_im(l p l^ o n torms in ot Juno 1 nrc csllmntod nt G0.3 million hcnd, . one per ccnt loss Uiim Inst ycnr.

Tho idnlio Crop nnd Uvostock Hoportlng-Sorvico said both breeding nnlmnla nnd market hogs nnil plB» one per cent from n year ngo.

Order spreads grape pickets L i v e s t o c k '

. COACHELLA (U P I) - .TtNin>si<Ts .Union memlM-Ts and United Farm Workers

• Union supporters walking pickL'il Hof'S here w ill have to slay. fiO'feet away from one jiMotlitT^iK'fordlng- to a court (irder issued, Tuesday.

- “ 'niere is no Hlielter in tlie F irst Amendment for violcticv*,'' decliired Hiver.s'Ule County Su[)erior Court Jiid^je Fred Methrny, who ord(!red the Injunction to preverfl further vlolonce In ' the

TL‘atii.sler-UFWU dispute over c'ontrnc't.s with tiible grape growers. '>•

So far over 350 arrests have l)L‘i>n made, and Judge Metheny wiirned lx)th groups UiHt If? wouKl place limlts on ihi- number of pickets allowed if - the court order were viohited,

UFWU leader Cesar Cliav.ez accused "Teamster goons” of instigating tho strife, which Tiujsday resulted in the injury of one of his clo.sest aides,

Marshall Ganz, In a minor scuffle,

Cluive/. also charged the s lie riff's (lepartnient with failure |o protect his pickets. He told his supporters Tuesday morning to leave the picket ' lines following* t)^^ inpidents with the. Teamstb'rs, .

^ Sheriff Ben Clark criticized C havt'l for “ accusing his. department (tf bias. “ In the past we have received praise from all sides — including the UFWU," Clark said.

DENVJiC <UPI) IJvostocVf

Hogs-200. Barrows and gilts 25c lower. U,S, 1-3 39.00-t0.00;. 2-3 3B,26-30.00. Sows steady, 1-3 32.60-33.00,

I'OM IIANCl lU l ' l l Uve^rock (..llllr, ,.rul lor -)0»

BpISE ( UPI ) — Frosts early In tl]c per(od caused iTlVdcrate damage to crops, throughout Idaho during the week ending June 22, the Idaho Crop and Livestock Reporting -Service said tO(|ay.

Tlie most damaging effect of tlie frost wns a setback In a .season nlready delayed ^ a c6hl, wet spring in the east and

■ lack of meistnrrin'the-north.Moderate Uamage to

potjito fields occurred in the Blaekfoot and American Falls

, areas, and at higher elevations ■ 'o f Idaho/Falls and Hexburg.

Some fields will be delayed two , weeks In these areas.

In Magic Valley, field beans

suffered th^.moat damage nhd sojne re.seedihg’hns occurred. In sduthwcsl Idaho scattered frost wfl,H evident In sweet nnd field corn fields. However, damage wns limited,

m et r o in c o r p o r a t e d« Plumbing and lUcltKol Conlrscloi

• Comtnaidol on<j ■•ild*nl>al


S«rvino tha tnlitf Mao« Vallt/



FEED CO. Truck Io n *. Twin F o lli 733-1373


FOUR CLASS LESSONS PER WEEKMon., Tuos;, Thurs., Fri. for 5 wooks

BeG INNING JULY 2II i.n. Sr. Hlib ScM OR 2 p.m. iiiil Shill. Clly Part

TUITIONDel Sloughtori Instructor 733-7483





G L O B E224 4th A v e . So.


T ru ck la n e

^ E vctt withrerDiscount, N O StoreB E A T S P A Y & P A C K r

E V E R Y D A Y L O W , L O W P R I C E S !

Solid Vfooden


S lig h t




^ 9 9 5

G o o d S o le c t lo n o f



FROMStarting at

6 6 ^ 1 4 6 5

Food WasteLlit 85,S3



P ric *

M e d il 0 0 4 2

$ 2 ^ 5 0


* 2 4 “

n W T o f i lC i l i in e t

iS 'i i r T o p tC a M tt

Jl' iiU''J(HiicMet


Model No. 59 *39.50 Mbdel #39......... i .........*27 .50

= == W T O »rM W erT S O * S w l|jfa l« b i:uH # r B l a a i f -

Modol#79SS ........... ..^64.00V i H.P. M p to r 3 6 0 * C u lU r B lod * i,. A l l Stoln-

I tM . ■■ *R t v c r i t 0 « a r Fof,N o J le p p a g i O p tra llo n .

B a t h r o o m

M i r r o r s a n d

C o s m e t i c i B o x


Plumb your sower and drain field with •aiy-to-uio plo»tlc pipe.

4" ABS, 20 fUBngths . . . 74%,.3" ABS, 20 Ft. Lenglhs TTTT. 43* a2" ABS, 20 FI. Lengths .......28%..1'/2" ABS, 20 Ft, Lengths . . . . 19% , 4" PerlofatelDraln.FlelLr , .4"SollilSBwer ...............35*f>.


SHOP LIGHTPr*w lrtd« d«lox® •nam » l • f in l iK In tlu d e i p lug-ln cord, chain A h o o k i, pe r­fect fo r w o rk ihop , recrea­tion room, etc. *

2 ft.

4 f t .

3lub« .wWi lampi................

Slubawllh lompi ..ji

$ 0 9 5


i960 Kimberly Rd. Twin Folls^^3-74&^

1:30 to 5:30 HONDIV THROUGH FRIDtV; StTURDAV 8:30 lo 4:30

N A M P A824 Cajdwell Blvd. Phono 466-7807

• 5730 Fronldln Road Bolsor Idaho 83705



Page 17: Classroom space OlVd - Twin Falls Public · 70th yoar, 261st issuo Idaho's Lnrgest Ereninfj; !\i‘wspain>r

NFL adopts measure toprevertt

NEW YORK ( UPII - a m - missloner Pole Hozcllc

wnpped up tlie "neWjiworlhy” end of Uie Nalloniil rootbnll

i^ m ju r iie s

Uague meolinBS WedircsdHy preventive measures In Uie by announcing a H s l-o f , hopoy of cu^tailln^? Uio number

, ot player injuries next season

C a r d i n a l s b u r y P i r a t e s u n d e r

2 2 h i t s ; T o r r e t a k e s c y c l e

Thursctiiy. Juno 2J. I97J T lm o i N o w s , T w in F a l U . IdMio 17

F o u t s c o u l d f a c e

i ^ o j n l d e r ^ s i u : ! g e r y - - -

PITTSBUHGH (UPI) - Joe Torre li il for Uie’cycle wiUi a

' liomgr, trip le , double and s in i i i i i ‘.'and Ted Simmons knocked In five runs Wednesdiiy niylit la pace a 22- hit attack that led Die St. liOUts Ciirdlnnls to a IM rout of tlie Pittsbur^jh Pirates.

Torre doubled |iome a run in the fiript inninji, homered during a seven-hit. six-run outburst in the th ird and singled home a run in the nir}tli. Simmons Juul a two-run double

. in the first, homered in the tliird, hit j1 sacrifice fly in the fourth and a runisc-oriny double in the ninth.'

Hrate starter Jim Itooker. making his firs t National U-ague start, was tayyed for eight hiLs and seven earned runs before being pulled out with one out and two on in tlie tliird,St Louu Pilttliurgh

Cincinncli• b h bl •b r I bl

jofgcovi-n I Wood cl Wnlhi'f H

Uuii- IIMondrty c( <13 0 Mui' JD3 0 J 0 Wilh«m» If t i„6 0 10 Uuurguf 1U(icktt jC.

Houtlonr«i i\I 1 0 Agrc rl D I 0 MeljQor v I I I CfOcno cl a 0 0 Wfllion It } J 1 Mrtr 1

0 0 0 MuficJIey C 11 J 1 jarnM [ir 0 7 I. 1 Kuilolpii c 0 3 I 0 Pu|K>«i(.t> J

I I 0

f 31) ■ J 0 0 0 Hcinu 7U 3 0 0 0 Jol/u c- 7 0 0 0

1 p6 U 0 0 ,.]] I Tottit

- i-s» fUi 1 0 ,>l >H)•l I) 0 0

Tol«ll 44 ) II > TollltG.iiKC suviVritilrcI. 17 ciiiungMonlrsjl ■ 000 0 ChicaOQ • 100 0(

SF U'ins on <u’o ll<kiiii‘ rs

SAN KHANaSCO (DPI) - Dave Hadur belted two home runs, driving in tliree runs' Wednesday, to give the San I'Vancisco Giants a f>-5 come-


0_lluul'llii } lOll Cin

IMiils iiiifl split bill

N IC W Y O l i K I U P I I - M ik e Schniidt drove in'fivt* runs witli two home runs. ,including a' grand slammer in a five-run .sixtli inning Wednesday night,

■ a i .h l iH K the. P h iU H lc lp lu .- , P h i l - ■ ; 7 a ; ; a ^ ; a i r i , r i u r i e r lies to defe.'it the New York Mets 7-‘l fifter losing the opener of ttii-ir dn'ubleheader, 7-fi,

Piti’iter rieorye Stone and baltiTymate Hon Hodges hit two-run. singles as the Mets srnt 12 men lo bat and scored .sfvi'fi runs on nittt* hits in Ihe

Tol*4l 4} SI. LOVII Pillvbu'gt'

Atlanta Urayes.J ’ra ilin y -1-2. ,,the -Oianls

scored three times in the sixth to go ahead to stay, (inrry Mtiddox led off with a triple iind scored on a single by Kd (loodsoii.Aiunu ‘ ’tan Francitco

first of the opening game, - _•

r—• Phi(t0r«ptiia

'We have been conducting an extensive study of player injuries—both on natural and artificial turf — \ViUi neiirly every injury fr^)m 1909 through '1972 beinn'examined to deter­mine its cause,” Hozelle snid.

Hozelle disclosed that the findings of the study siinweil "no difference between a rtifi­cial and natural turf-In regar(i to major injuries,” but that when m inor in juries were

- included, "a rtific la rtu rf had a {worer safety record becvnise of less severe abrasions, contu­sions and sprains.”

Hoxelle also said that reports (Ui equi|)ment issued to players will be requested from all 2(» clubs because of freipient in juries resulting from a player choosing nut to wear proper pads, etc.

In addition, otiier findings by tJie study were a greater percentage o f’ injuries were received by quarterbacks and

■ runhing backs> and that most injuries occurred diirini;, the tliird quarter.

"We are going lo take slops that^we luipe w ill cut down on

........................Mo/.elleThe most significant

being that we will institiile a sliglitly longer halftinie so that players will have more time lo warm up again..

"A lso many injuries occurred in sideline eollisionsUnirin order to conibnTthIs~wt.‘ I'ark tor the event, are go(ng lo ask the clubs lo ‘ i'r.)ck .officials said thrcf s(rAtUy-cnforce tiic surfpot,. ;}-year-ol(ls-»lue-H iip

VMCA Jiiclo Club member lUII Renkuln, U, in (he gold medal, winner nt (he WeN(erii Amntctir Adilede Uniiin Judo chnmplonNhlpH in Phoenix^ Arlz., June 23..The uiidefented Henkiiln wns also (he gold medal'thinner In double elimination rounds for IslTpounds niul under at the Intermminlaiu AACJ Judo ehumpionHhlp.ln Salt I jike City, In Nov., 107?; Ilenknla, who will enter

. ' the ninth grade n( Vera C. ()'lA*ury Junior High ’ "R‘Ii\)ol has belonged (o the YMCA Judo Club

liinee he was eight.years old. Ills ins(ruc(or is (Ini' Ultttsuokii. .

SAN DIEGO (U P lj -T No decision has been made on whoUjor Snn-Dlogo-au»Tf?orft- rfioklo Yjlinrterback Dan Fouta will have to iindcrgo surgery, according to a team official, but there is no doubi he w ill be handicapped in slarting Ids pro football career.

Hie Oregon quarterback suf­fered a ‘broken collarbone in tlie West’s first series of downs in last Saturday's Coaclie.s All-

Amcricnn Game at Lubbock, Tex. •

— ^'Although wo are prcfiontly not-~TUlihn out surgery, the,’ learn phyalclan feels it may not be necessary,” Hon Mix, the pmrgers executive counsel, said.

He said tlie injury will mean ' Fouts will be at least two-to- four.'.weeka late tu Uie rookies' camp, which opens July 10 al Irvine. Qillf.

T h r e e t o c l i a l l

S e c r e t a r i a tl 'I IK ’A(U) lU P h - Officials

of /Vrlington Park race Irack saul Wednesday a field of three horses \vill run against 'lYiple (Yown winner Secretarial in 'ii $125,000 match race s[)ectaculjlr Saturday.

Secretariat, who s\'f track records at Cliurchi'll l)owns and ik'lmont Park in winning the Kentucky Derby and llelmont Stakes e^route to the /irst 'lYiple (Yown in 25 years, will definitely be at Arlington

. t ' l i l i s u i n f i r s l .

l i e i l l s o f o i i d ^CIIK'ACO I UPI 17 ^ , lion

Siuilo droVL* in four runs and scored the oliii^r two to spark UiL' Chicago CuIjs to a (5-1 victory over the Montreal

- Kxpos in the flr.'Jt gnnie of a doubleheader Wednesday, then

jphomered in the ninth inning lo 5 | ^ t ie Uie second game which was

- suspended because of darkness with the score 3-:J after 12 innings.

111 4 D 0 0 rniudcipnii

,1, "buf fer zone"^ which extends II ^ .<0 around all playing fields. If a

’ l i 'u , ' |)er.son. IS in ttiat zone while ” II 0 I " 'il l have tiie'' J I ] 1 authonly to fine llie club."' J As lor llu ‘ tindings on

I " *> quarterback and running hack injuries, Kozelit' denied any

3 01*0*000' ’ I hint <if a "gel the quarterback" niovemenl in the league‘ "All th ill means i.s that quart erl)acks and niruiing

Dan, Our Native and My (la llant— will start too, at least tliai:^ wiial they said Wednes-

'llie event started out as a inalcii race between .S»*cretarial and Unda’s (liie f. winner of tlie (Jrand Prix at /\rlington and. regarded by many as the No. 2 three-year- old in tlie nation. Unda's Cliief, owm.'’ Neil Heilman, had

merely an exhibition,"In all that confusion, My

(Jallani's ira>ner, l.ou (ioldfine, sent word that My Gallant was available for Uie race if there was an opening.

On Monday Blue Cliip Dan was kicked out in favor of M y. (ia llan t because, Arlington Park officials sa id .-ile will be

a shade more comdetllivc of Uie two. And Mrs. Itilchard's son, Tom, S|>eaking ' Tor 'h is ' mother, announced earlier

~RtnTcmoni.nnnrb(ren“ confuH£'d“ and Our Native is committed to

-Uie race-and-we will.lionorour cfjinmitment.”

Tuesday Arlington Park is­sued aqother invitation to Blue ( liip Dan's^wner; IHiil Teino- witz, to enren’ his horse a fte r.. tile ])ark said, Teinowit?. hall matle an impassioned plea on l)ehalf of ills U-year-old-son, Dan, for whom the horse was ruiined, lo see him run against Secretariatr

So as of Wednesday, it


C o n la c I ih o T im o t - N o v v t F a r m b o lc t D o p a r lm o n t fo r c o m p lo lo o d v f r l i s i n g c o v o ro g e o f y o u r f n r m i o l e . h a n d b i iU , n o w ip o p u r c o v e ro g o { o v e r 7 .0 .0 0 0 r e a d e r s - In M a g ic V o l le y ) a d v a n c e b i l l ­in g A l l o l o n e ip c c i o i lo w r o le . E v e r y l o l c l i s t e d in t h i s f a r m C a l e n t lo r fo r 10-doY*^*^® ^® i^ le ^ -

- J U N I 1 9 -W A V N E t TRESS HURD

Adv«rtU»m *nl: Jun* 17 A u ctlo h *« rirH are titK laa i I ' i o * Dulfcb

J U L Y 1MRS. O.C. JOHNSON Advcrtliamanl: Jun« 39 Auctlon««r»; lyl* MaiUri t Gary Oiborn*

J U L Y 7 A J U L Y 8BLUE HAVEN AKTtQUES. KETCHUM FRANK I JESSIE COX. OWNERS Adv«rlli«m«nl: July S Auctlon««tt: Lyt MoiUri t Cary Otborn*

Page 18: Classroom space OlVd - Twin Falls Public · 70th yoar, 261st issuo Idaho's Lnrgest Ereninfj; !\i‘wspain>r

•H Tlmoi Nijwi.-T’wIn FnlHHanho Thursday, Jun«-38, mi

'Vastase advances • O r . T ' V O i l ■■ •.• j i a a i i M •■ ■ **


in Wimbledon ineetW IM ni.RDON , Knjjinnd

(UPI)----- Hie NhsUiso. Jinm-pcrcd by » hjij’Hlnn Imck Injury, prodiiced the form of Uic (op seed wlicn it mattered reacJi lire lust 32 of the men’s sinf{lcs in the Wiinljledon

• InwnlennischnmpIonslilpH.The VDtnjile Ilonwmian

^clowned Ills wiiy. Ihrmiiili the . fir'At not, wokiFijlp too Jati- iii the

sl'cond nnd then turned on the t;itcnt to n iijl the match 0-2,7-9.

*7'5, fl-1 from ColornbiH's Iv«n Molinii.

Niistasc led fellow seed.s Jinnny Connors of nell<-ville.

Ilj,,B jorn Bor« of Sweden, Alex Metrevoli of Ruflflid nnd West Germiiny'Ji .Jur 'cn Fn.lflbcndcr throui’h snfely to the third rounci to .the Joy of -Ihetourmnnenl.officlal.4 who have* and finish.

Tlie l)if»Kcst crowd of the tournament—more thnri 27,000- flocked to the All-En(>thi^d Club denpite rain which-ahortcnqd the third day'H play nt the fltnrt

yet to see one of their seeds beaten. , ,. MarKHret Court, blddint{ for an unprecedented .second j?ra'nd slam.,showed none of the alf{n.<i of the back tronblo that kept lier in bed for three days’ Inst wtM'k nnd breezed past fellow Australian Karen Kran{zcke In the style l)oflttinj;’ the top seed G-2. fi.H,

A t h l e t i c d i r e c t o r s

w a n t f r e e s p o r t s

nKNVF:H (UPI) - Tlie ' • National A.s.sociation of Cotle^i-

ato Directors of Athletics closed its 1‘ lKhth an’nuni convention Wednc.sdrty by . unnnlniJJO. Iy (iliposinK attempts of the federal noverntnent to clamp •

. - strlnfjent controls over amateur . .’sfwrl.s. j

Tlie more than filbassocjalion menil>ers went on rccord in opjMtsition to t^overnment con-

• trols cm anuiteur .sports os have Ix-en proposed in a draft oinriihu.s bill l>ein}’ considered by the Senate Commerce (’onimittee.

In a stjiternont jipprovud-’by the athletic- directors, they Wnrnwl that-tlie proposal "Would result in “ a massive federal

on international amateursport.s I'livernini; lx»dies, and to accornplisha reform of the U.S. Olympic Committee,” the as- sncjiation.snid.

As.socifttion members said the pro|K>sed bill would “ constitute a deep federal intru.slon Into the r|^)'u!ation and cor\duct of wholly domestic amafeur atli- lelirpronr>unji.

"Clovernrnent intervention__would eliminate the possibility of enforcinn rules and exercis- itifj effective control over interscholastic and intercollegi­ate prof^rams,” the athletic .directurssaid,

■■Kxperienc? has shown' that it is necessary to havu. this order to maintnir) a

.-linndi-lUf sporlr? bureaucra_cy jiroper balance l^tween athletic and wouhl, frustrate the efforts of Jiif^h .schnors,'junior (•ollei’es and all other instituticms of hif’ lier I'diication to control their own alhletic prctj^ranis,”

Tl)e association said the l^ill would be "clearly iuici inexpli­cably injurious’'to intcrscholas- tic and intercollegiate athletic proi;rams,

“ What is needed is a small, l1mited-termaKL*ncy,authoriZ' to restructure the orjianizations representtnn the United Stntcs

and academic conditions nnd to provide adeqiuite protection for the heeds and interests o f student-athletes."

The association said it favored two otluT projxjsal.s whicli have been offered by Sens. John V. Tuniiey of Califoriiia and James B. Pearson of,

The Tunnyy bill would estab- li.' h a nine-memt>er presidential c'onunissicHi to wofk for reform i»f the U .S. Olympic ( ’onimittee.

C r a m p t o i i n e a r s f i f t h

g o l f m i l l i o n a i r e

CHICAGO (VP Ii - Wliole- sale revision of Holfs top money winners tor 1973 oujjht to come in the $175,000 Western Open be^>innln(; Thursday, and leadinj; money winner Uruce. CYampton should boost his lead on the field as well as becoming; Kolf's fifth ■•millionaire,''

---------vviniu r uf-fauc-tournamentatills year, a feat equalled only by Jack Nicklaus so far, was one of the favor^^Ui^in the field of H7 and was given a good chance to win the pro tour’s event for the second straight week for the second lime tliis year,

He has won $204,201)-this year and $‘jy5,652 in his golf career imd Uius could join Arnold Palmer, Nicklaus, Billy Cn.sper iuid U ‘e IVevino as the only players ever to earn over I I ir illio n on the course by finishing tenth or higher. First prize will be $35,000, second 110,950, third $12,-I25 and fourth -W.22&.

Bevisicin of the lop ten in the money winning standings should come because cjnly Uiree of tlie lop 10 will cotnpelO- i

^ in ihe event, C'rainplon-^_■ ^ 'lYevlno, now No. 4, and Oay

Hrewcr, No. I). The other seven,’ Nicklaiw. Tom Weiskopf,

ljuiny Wadkins, National 0|)en 'champion Johnny Miller, Dave H ill, Open runnerup John

.—Kehieertiml-Chj'Gti-HtHli'iguee,— were not in the field,

However, such luminaries as - . Palmer-,. Homero -Ulancas,

Juliu.H-Boros, Forrest Fezler, Brian A llin and/idcfending champion Jim Jwnieson were rated as title challengers.'

Cas|)er, the only player ever to win the Western three times, will be trying for a repeal victory on the course where ho lust won the crown. In 1069. But playing conditions should be* vastly different sipce four years ago R j t ^ ed for th ree of uvc Jour'tAirriamenl*Hayi

' Tlien only four players broke pnr of 284 for holes oa,Uie 6.654 ytjrd course headed by

' Gosper with 27G.Hicrc wnu little threat of roln

, -in the forocnst thls week nnd tliorc ha? been little roin recently, so Jho rough should . pose no jcn rilty bn w)ld

But again the tennis proved as cloudy a.s the weather and not even, noisily cheered by his teenage fans, could bring the tournament alight for Jcirig,

The 2fl-year-old n9mmilan' appeared to strain his Jjack durinii.the sixth game of the second set against Molina nnd rubbcid . it frequently —nnd apparently cffcctlvely—Uiere- jafter as he went on lo baffle the ('olombian with'hiy delicate placement shots. ,

Fiftli.seed Connors, the only to|)-rariked American man in the? tnurnament following the pros Iwycott, won a match of errors against Briton David IJoyd on Center Court fi-l, G-3, 5-7, n-2.

Chris ICvert, the fourth soeci from Ft. Uiuderdale, Fla., will l)e lucky to getjm easier match at Wimbledon. It took the IB- year-^ild American girl, who has the steely look to go with her two-fisted backhand of iron, just 33 minutes^to polish off Judith Gohn of Romania G-0, 6- i), in a one-sided match which Ixirdered on farce.

Miss Evert was joined in the last ;J2 of the women by B riljiin ’s Virginia Wade who put out Pam Bostrom of Seattle, Wash., 7-5, fi-2.Another Am cricun disap­pointment was l6-year-old Billy Mnrtln of Palos Verdes, Cnllf., who found the power and experience of West CJermany's Davis Cup player, K iirl Meiler, too much. Meiler came through Gl-O-l, 9-0.

5 O l y m p i c

i i i e d a l n w ( n i

b y T F m a n.,n u e ll CYane of Twin Falls, competing, in the 70 and over age group, .set a record and placed in five events In , the national senior olywjiics held at UCLA over the weekend.

CYiine established a record of. .UliO'J in the 5,000-meter walk for his first place. He placed .second in both the high jump and the Javelin nnd picked up

T a p p a i i F a l l s t w is t e r ^

M i d d l e F o r k f l o a t c a p a c i t y e s t a b l i s h e d

SALMON — A recreation management plan has been developed tor the Middle Fork of the Sidmon Rivgr.

Dick Estes, Wild River ranger, said that one of the most important factors in the plan was determination of the capacity of,the river.

Under tlie plan, a maximumof six parties -n day will be ■ through Sept. I

completely filled into late August ■ and commercial bookings are' con^ideiwibly above l ist year, Estes advised.

The Middle Fork triiffic will be 50 per cent private parlies and 50 per cent commercial.

The season requiring reservations runs from June 24

permitted lo launch on the river. All else in the plnn was de|K>ndent upon the carrying

jc ilparity; Estes said.Approximately 4,300 persons

floated the Idaho fYitnitive Area River last season and some 5-,0()0 are ex|)ecled lo this season,

"Based on the known capacity. Uu* river can handle r>,4Q0|)ersotis and still maintain, an experience of solitude,’ ’ Esles said.

Under tlie management plan, reservations to float the river ' are required and parlies must have a perrnit. Campsites also

In devi-loping the recreation Iiianagement plan, Estes said input was obtained from outfitters and Riitrto.s who u-se* the river and from a cross- sectmn iif the interested public.

"We used three basic criteria. In determining the capacity of the river." Estes said. "First was the physical liiiiitatlons, inaifiiy tlie campsites on the lower end of the rivpr which is a limiting fjictor.

"Second. we used an* ecological factor. Tills Is the [K)int where water quality and Die river environment would bo

• "T h ird ,' we used a sociological factor. Probably of primary importance was* the solitude experience of the users. We defined solitude to mean the opportunity and necessity of each'parly lo float, camp and enjoy the river experience and isolated space."

1'^te.s said these three

factors, along with the public input and the experience and knowledge gained of the rivor---. by the Forest Service, the six- party per day figure was reached.

Estes said the maruigemenl plan was prepared to reveal and anticipate recreation conditions and demands.

NOTKE!aro equipped (o

:or^diiion any Irocio r com b]t^p. p ickup , iruck or cor ot< , Soo ut lo r a ll yoor aii lU ind iiion ing ncocJi ,fa c

j'lb ry ♦ fom oJ m echanic '^ yp o rl inM ollation '

THEISEN MOTORS701 M ain A v« , E.


a ir


b y l T i r e $ f o n e .

will be assigned, affected by the addition ofPrivate party dales ore more people. S A V E M r t o * 2 6 ‘‘° P E R S E T

shoUi, the greens should hold welt, and putt fast.

However, the greens were. ............... .........expected to be a problem for- th ird in the shotput and dl.scus. every player since the speed will not be consistent on each green and each has numerous rolls and twist.'; putting a premluiij on accuracy as well as touch., liach.- uctiiin alscL .is well trapped to put a premium on approach shots.

-—u4..- —


P os itions aro now AvAllflt)lo <is Air PorcC Ftcserve Toctin icians ' in th e field of w onpons m echan ics nnd n iu n it io n s nuiin to tiance

spoc la iis ts . T echn ic ians nro lu l l t i in o civ ilinn enip loyoos o f . tho A ir Force w ho prov ide the support >ind d irec tion nece&SAry

to m a in ta in tlie nircrnft o f tho Air Forco Reserve,


O pen ing s are also ava ilab le on a part t im o basis for men.- y^ho wou ld lik^ J o take advantnnc of ttie sovoral huncJrod Air Forco V ocn iiona l Technical schools. ,

O n c e .y 6 ii pass y o u r .q u n h lic a llo n tests nnd physical oxamlna- 4ton,-ryou-^tlUAindorfl&—fiK-^wook(—ol—W^<uai]~At^t«cklariU- AFO in San A n ton io . Texas. After school, it 's on to the voca­tio na l tra in ing of your c ho ice ,'w hore you well learn a m arke t­

ab le skill n t son io o f- th e 'w o r ld 's finest vocationa l schools.

W hen you've g radu a ted , you wN| return h o in e 'to your choffen

c iv ilian occupation ' an d fu lf il l 'y o u r o b lig a tio n on a part-tln^e b a t i i w ith tho Air Forco Reserve.


A IR FO R G E R'e IS E R V EBIdg, 393 HllhAfB, U lo^ Phono 777-3330

Page 19: Classroom space OlVd - Twin Falls Public · 70th yoar, 261st issuo Idaho's Lnrgest Ereninfj; !\i‘wspain>r

T e x a s ’ N o . 1

- d i ! a f t - p i c k - 4 ¥ j » s -

f i r s t o u t i n grARLrNGTON.Tex. (UPl) -

Teenage sensntiori Dnve Clyde struck out ei|{ht anti gave up only one h ll—a two-run homeJ"' —In (I nervous, flvf-lnnlng major feaKiie ' debut Wednesday and the.Texas. R{ingers hung on to brini' Clyde a 4-.1 victory over Uie Minnesota Twins.

Clyde .-111. chosen No. 1 In tlie ■ major leaeue draft two weeks ago. walked seven men includ­ing the first two he faced and six overall in Uie first two Innings.

Once over his ntrvoiisrtoSs, however. Clyde's sizzling fa'st- biUl began to find its mark and he retired nine of the last 10 men he faced. Hangers Manag­er Wliitey Herzog, who had said before the game he did not plan to leave the fireballing

-lefty in for more Uian five innings, pulled him after five with Texas leac^ng 4-2 and nill Gogolewski came in to preserve the win.

" I was just lucky to throw just as well a.s I did.” said Clyde, 'whose debut drew Uie largest -crowd in Texas' brief majpr league history, a sellout 35,Gfifl. " I got fil'iiy will) a lot pitches 1 shoulnn't hnvc^but I . sure didn’t get away’witli one pitch.”

Orioltvs lilniik . r l\ew Y ork -1-0

BAI.TIMORE (UPI) - Pnul .Blair, the hottest hitter In the American league in the last mnhth, slammed a home-runv and a double, driving in twoA, runs, to back Dnve McNally’s .shutout pitching as the Bal­timore Orioles beat' the New York Yankees 4-0 Wednesday night.M*w York tliltimort

■ Thursd.iy, Tlm’os-Nows, Twin Fnlli, Idaho' 19

c o m p ly >vith

f l r u g a b n se p ro g ra m

O 1 0 I I <n 0 0 /■Tal«lt N«w Yoi Oillimoi Collif§>ioii a t th e p h i io

f § i t a n ( l m g s '

I ’nE l.lJKt'ATCIIKH Hill) Il4MiMe, right, Imwls over his coiintrrpart, Met ilan lliidgefi, in attempting to sj-ore during action at Shra Stndiinii Wednesday night. Hoiine waff ruled out as the two tennis split a (lauljlelieadcr. (UIM telephiitii I

3 0 0 0 &0>jolr*^li pO 0

F r r o r l o t s A * si ii| i ro > iils .:l-2. OAKI.ANU (UPII - Short-

Stop Fred Patek's ninth inning d'TywiOg. error allowed Uert Campaneris to score all»,Uie way from first biise witli one out and giive the Oakliind A's a H-2 victory We{lnesday night over the iCansas City Hoyal.s.

Catnpiineris singled with one out and Hill North hit a grounder to Patek, whose Uirow ^ f irst sailed over the head of first bu.seman John M a y b e r r y , e n a b l in g Qinipaneris to-scorc:--------

H o c a n ! s r t

M Il.A N .Ila ly iU F h - South Afri('iin-lM)rn Italian ;Miirc't.‘llo

• Kiascotiaro ,set a wj)rld recfrr« <if ofTo minute and 4:1.7! seconds for Die flOO-metor run Wednes-

• day night- -<lurfng -«n~Ital<»—

F o s t e r w i l l m e e t

l e a d i n g c o n t e n d e r

CVechoslovak athletics meet. The previous recjird of 1:4-l..i

had .stood f»r J.l years. U was- set hy New Z<!Hlali(rK Peten Snell in Ciiristciiurch S. I!lfi2 and equalled by Austrnlian

•ilijlph I){)ul)fll'1n Me.'cico Cit\ Oct. 15, 19<)H ;itid American


___ALmmUKlLUUlL.—N. . M.lU l’ I I l.ig iit ' lieavyweighl iliamp Hob l-’ci.ster may have Ii.'kI Ills next, o[)po>n‘til Pierre l-’ouric fori-ed on him |jy the Wtij'kl Uo.Hiiifi A.-s:sncialion. but Die [H tinioler for tlie tille IxMit fivls tJu'> couldn’l have found a iM-tli'i' (ippdni'iit,

---- ^liHiiy^Hnmi»»rrtht?rhjtTrto--gon, .luly l, HI72.

OJO OOO 100- JC a n a d i a n

o p e n s n u ' e l

w i t h m a r k

' T ■ ^ ( ‘ r K (■ » !• <% vo

t'r<»in ltr<‘A«'(‘r s.PKTHOIT lU l’ l l WilliL'

•Morion tripled iioine the lying run then scored the winning ruji on Duke Sims‘ double in the fifth Inning of the ' nightcap Wednesday night to give Uie IX'troit Tigers a 5- vjctfiry over the Milwaukee Brewers jind a sweep of their dou­bleheader.

Dick McAuliffe's grand slam homer in the eightli inning gave the Tigers a G-3 triumph in the opener.MilwjukEr Dftroit


<<>|><«» rd iiiii loiiti

ANAHICIM, C-alil. (UPII - Hill Singer recorded liis 12th victory and slunip-riddcn Mike ICi>stein cracked a two-run Immer Wedne^idiiy night as the California Afigel.s beat the (liuago White Sox ,'i-l to mainlain their lead in tlie tight /Vjiierican league West.• Singer, wlio was with thi­l l s Angeles Dodgers last .season, iniprovedjiis rep rd to

ori a four-liiller. lie struck -nnr spv<’n-iir'rcpi.'5torm frn is“ninth c(nnplele game in:. IH starts.

Tlie Angels scored all their runs in the third inning off Uart .lohnson, M . KraVik Hobinson’s .sacrifice fly brought in Jeff Torborg fur the first California run and ICpstein, liitting ,204 going into tlie game, followed with iiis third homer of the season over the rigliifield fence with Siifiiiy Alomar on liase. It

•w;is K|islein’s .st'CofHi hon»er in five days since being fitted with glasses.

K t M i y a n ,

s e t s n e w

r e e o r t i

TOUONTO iU P l) Canadl- ' an (Irant M ii-iiren vaulted into

iiiternation'al tr<ick and field proininence Wednesday night

I by winning the tiien's 5,0()»- I meter run on llie o|)t'ning day

of llie second i ’acific Confer­ence (lames.

Ntcl.aren'svictocylugliliglu tlu' opening events »)f the fivi-- natKii) gaine.s. which were iriiiugurated in I'okyo in ( ’oiM[)eting countries are Cana­da. the United States. Japan,Australia and New ZealaiKf.

With some <5.000 fans looking at Klol)icoke C’wUennial

Stadium, the2(>->’ear-<)ld McI j i- ren. from I/ondon, Ont., toiik tlie lead with about 25 yards to go on the last la|) from New /x'aland's Dick Quax.

Amern-an Dick Huerkle. theheld-«-hIhii—ai|i|o,|r >i;i'i„ic,.s invdlvirii; olh

le i i i l -iiii M i l^ tr f i i a n d —Qu

Im' the [iiuglK'st opponent that _n iib has fiicetl ijj^ Uf now,,

i-\chiding lu'avyweiglits he's fmiglit," s.-fid [iromoler Paul Cli.n'f/., ."W'c couldn’t have i^otten*;i Tn'lt»'r opponenl than (Ills l''nunc ■■

Fouric, i/f • ‘Johannesliurg, .S..oth Africa, has agreed to fii;lit/Kit.stcr m Allnicpierque M i^ / 21 for die light lieavy- w i'/;lii title the i-hamp was on lh( vcrj^f (if lo.siiig iM'cause of inaclivily,

( ’haytv said pressure was Im'i i ii; pul on Foster by ttie WHA to defend his title in accordaiH'e \iilh tlie regulation that say.s not more than six nuinth^s may. clap.'^e from defense lo Foster had nol al)i(li'd by that rule and the

WUA ordered him to defend.hls tith“ within 90 ilays or give it up,. Foster'^ ' .manager Yancey

Diirliani tiad lined up a title defense iigamsl Kddle "Busa Man” Jones, but the WBA said l-'osler would liave lo fight Fourie, "thuNo. 1 conti

lo t'havezr‘

" I S r o y T i i i i l t i i i g s '

I t O U S l l l l 'NHAMILTON a l l ' l l ~ A poir i

of native llainiltomans catne back to liaiuit the lioinetown Tiger (!ats Wednesilay night as they led tlie Canatiian I'ootball U-ague All Stars lo a 22-11 triumph over the (Irey (^ip champions. ,

lOndsJ’eter Dalla Uiva of the Montreal Alouetles and Jim Young of the Columbia ijons gathered in touchdown [>asses It) spark the All Stars to an overwhelming comeback a fte r the Tiger Cals had grabbl'd a l()-0 lead in the first quarter.

U)S ANC.KI,i?.‘i (UPII - Crtimnlssinncr Walter Kennedy pledged the “ lot4»l cooperation"

: of the National Basketball .^Association and Its phiyers In

'instituting an expanded drug abuse [irogram Wednesday, but

.• siiid specific practices as urjnalysisnmled further study.

Kennedy; reiwrtlng to the opening session of the annual iiu'etiiig of the NBA board of governors, said >'no definitive action" could Ih> taken until a ftimmiHee • tif NBA team doctorii and ^)hyslclarts and re[)resontntives of the Players Associatiiin h; d a chance to meet again.

The doctors conunittee.head- i ‘d by Dr. Ilybert Kerlan tif the Uis rnel with Players Associa tiiinre[)resentii- tives in Phoenix lasl month.

Kenneily said ilnig program . proposals requested by U.S. ^ H e p Harley Staggers, D-W.Va.,

iif all the • major- sports urgani/.ation>, already have Ix'en partially fulfilled by the NBA on Its t»wn, ■' -

......... I ’ve pledged tiie totjj.lftioperalion of the NBA and its Playj-rs Association in the |)rograiii," Konnedy said at a news conference.

"Congrr.ssman Staggers has a!?k*‘d tRe NBA. as all other iirgamzatiohs hiive lieen iiskTdr to consider conducting a series of spot check urinpjji’ses during the seas(Hi and [lossibly during the offseason. .Thi.s option is .still i>eing stuciied and will be

further discussed."Kennedy said, he discussed

conversations he "liad vwith Staggers «lM)ut tlif^cjrug pro­gram with the team owners, but "didn't ask for niiy advice or comments, nor wiis aiiyji.. given," •

Staggers is chairiiian of the special.sulK'onimiltee on inves-

. tigation.s of the Coiiimiyi'e on liiterstjile and Foreign •Com­merce concerninil the usoTJf drugs <iy’athleles.

Kennedy said-the Phiyers Association tp'ay already have . voted lo oppose urinalysis if it

• is suggested, but. ‘'•I have heard no negative uoaction by them on the |Hissiliility,"

"W ii’re concerni'il primarily ■ that there niay be players wiio are using something lo stimu­late their play, tliat may l)c detrimenlal to. tlicir health,” Kennedy said. '•an(t that they don't know this, coming from sources other than reputable, legitimate medlciil sources.

r i s H i i i G :T A C K LE •

> Good SaU ctlon • R o d tftR o o lt *

Sp«clal Ipw P r lc* i ■

; REDS POSTi 3l5Sho>hontSI.S.

I . J 0 R 0 S l 5 ! ! f c

M T 99 5

M A R K T ^


1 * G U A R A N T E E D F O R 1 F U L L Y E A R


T h e i s e n M o t o r s7/i# • o t i i i f p/{jc* in l/i* w o t id to b u y a e a r , a n d wh4r$

- - y o u fh o v ld b u y y o v fn € M t a if (o n d i l io n » f .

0] Main Ave. E. 733-7700J

IlKLSINKl (U l 'li .lipclio of Kenya knocked more than five si-contis off Ins own world.rcconi Wednt‘sda\ in the ;{,(100 meter slee|)lechase. run- niiu; the distance in (1:14.0.

I-is t week, in a meet also at tile Olympic Stadium, Ji[»'ho set llie worhl mark of fi; l ‘J,U,

lli.s was the sttle record set in tlic fll'^lt day of the eighth world

(^oing intit the lasl lap when he suddenly gave way to the Canadianand New Zealander.

Md-iren's time of i:i:;Ui.4 a new Canadia record as well a.s smashing llie games recor<i <tf i:t:40.2 set by American Titmmie Smith at Tokyo.

In other final, American Cars Feldman set new Canadian and game.s records in llu' men's javelin witli a heave of 270 feel It inches, breaking the old inark by sevt'n feet,

American Bob Primeaux took llie 400-meter luir<lles event alieajl of Australian (lary Kn(»ke. ,Primeaux broke Knctke's games record of 51,0 with a lime <if 50.H seconds,

Marshall Dill ofihe U,S.'sped to victory in"ttie men's 200- meter dash as e.\pected-but_in_the relatively slow time of 21.2, Fellitw American Mjirk l,ut/ was second in the same time and Bevaii Smith of New Zealand was third in 21.5,

X \ \

Difll 733 0«l now




W E'R i NOW AT ^319 MAIN AVE. W .; TWIN FAI.L<;_________•K B 1 .0 e N : lA S T O P S I A R S



3 1 9 M a in A v a , W ., T w in Fall>

NEEDED!2 to 3 Men

Must .have the. ability to -work- into Foreman's position jn Seed and Fped Co.' We will train ' you: Benefits. Iriclude V acofib ns, Hospitdlrzatiofr' and Good Pay.

— Senil ApplicatioiFto:Box G-3

c/o TIAAES-NEWST w i n F a l l s , 4 d a h o 8 3 3 0 V

TntmTrnTjrTinfr itn'hidmg ■ Munich gol<l medalists

In the day's other to|) rage, -world record holder Rmie Puttesman of Belgium won Uie fi.O(H) meters in i;i:l!l,(i after pulling a\v'ay from Steve lYefimlaine of the United SUites wlio finished second with lit: 22.4.'

Jipcho ran in second place for the first half of the, race, allowing Jouko Kuh.x>f I''inlund to jump to an early big leatl. Kuha set a fast [lace bt'fore Jipcho look over.

With the crowd standing and. yelling. Jipcho turned on the sjn'i-d after the final walerjum[) to cross the finish line nun'e than sevi‘11 ■ seconds before Andius (lartlerud of Sweden,

— lurnedi— mhw— Iht*- ,sUMlium .('l(K'k wilh the new record, rai.-ied his arm and ran a victory lap wilh the Finnish crowd of more than 25,000 clu'ering him.

Page 20: Classroom space OlVd - Twin Falls Public · 70th yoar, 261st issuo Idaho's Lnrgest Ereninfj; !\i‘wspain>r

!0 -Tlmm Nnvn!'. Twin F«M(. Idaho Thuridny, Juno 38,, 1«73 ' ‘ L E G A L N O TIC E L E G A L N O T IC E



e u a U N o .s u N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S

In lh « M a lte r o l Iho K j lf l ic o J D EA N JO H N SO N . DeceAU<d

N O T IC E 15 H E H E D Y G IV E N - • . IhA l fKe underilgnn il bocn

Appointed P c r io n n l Rnprpswil/Htvp o l the above nam od csln to A ll p e r io n i having c l« lm » aofl'osl the * a ld d e c e a t e d 'a r c r r t iu i r r d to p re te n l ih e ir c lf lim s w .ihm four m onth* a t le r the date o l iMf f*rsi p ub lication ot ih U no iicc or s.i.ti c la im * Will .bp forcvf'f* b .i r r t i l C la im * m u*t c llh c r lie p ri'^ in li'd to R . E . R a yh o rn . t»-ink of id.iho Dulldino- P . 0 no» 32). Tw in Hcills. Idaho B310t,o r fili>d w illi Ih f Court

D ated th i* I9lh d a y o l Juni-. 197) t R E . R a y lw rn

P e rio n a l Ppprc-4i*nt.iiivi- P u b liu i June J l . ja a n d J u iy S, \9H


' M A O liT R A T C D IV IS IO N •No - $>7

N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O t lS In lh«r M a tt ff of ihiA fcMflU- ol TH O M AS C . O 'B R J E N ,

N O T IC E IS H E R E I I Y C IV C N lh«l ihi- u n d ertig n rd r j .u ln-rn .i()(Kiinii-d pcr&onal r rp rc s m M l'v i ' of till' rtl>ovc nam M t i*4tfli<- Aii j«-rii)r>v tii>ving c la im s rto<nnsi ttic

rtid rtofrospd(jrc!

r Ih e dnfc pubhc.ilion o l th is notici' or s.Vci Ct.1(m^- Will 'D P ' to fl-vcr" h .ir f rd C lnun sm ust o lthcr be (irpscttN-ii io A/II.!, R o sr, p tT X jn a l rc p rc s iiit .^ iiv r of t i ic i- n .u i- ,.«! tho o f f ic r s o i iK i- n n w ly . H.^nkol Idrtt.o iUirifimcjl P O lio^ 73. T w in F .i i i s , B3](ll. nr fik-<) vvilh ti.i* C o i* '

O A T L 'D lt i .s lO lh rt.iy o f i . * i r 19M

4 Ardi4 Ho4<‘Pofsonitl H cp rcic-n lrtiivc • '

CO Vi/.Jikcr K K n itw d y A lto rn e y i J i L.»w Of inaho »u.ldm<j P O n o . 33

P tililis ii Jun<-71. ^ B .in d Ju iy 5. iv n


NOT iC t IS H E H I; f lY G IV E N »>y . lliLV P li it in in u -Z on ing

Conwni44ion. Twin I' .i l ls Coupty, S U t i-o l lilnho . Hull Public Hf^fTirHj Will biMii'ld u [« t» .» ri-qufM by Gloln- RcMlty lor <i rcron ino u |» n Ihv fo iio w in o dcit£iit3<-d .n r " P * - f 'v redone Iron) AgriLU ltu i.i^ lQ .i^L'n iTiiL C om m crci.ll

Ea s t 10 A c rrs ol Mve S W '* , SW'< o ix lud ing the South 40 tiipr«* o f in !>ection--l3. lo w n V iip 10 South. Ranoc W E .is .i . n <VL- AAi-ridian

NOTK^E IS l-U H TM EH G IV E N Public H f .u in ( j w .ll Ik- l . c l i l

IN V IT A T IO N F O R B ID S 'Notice r* ho rebv flivod th a l b jd i

w il l be re ce ive d until Iho hour of

~^l'^nif l l i i r bld'i'^wni^lj^P u U iih o . Excava llno > CompacMnd w id C overing re fu te at le v e ra l County Dum p Ci'ound S ite*.. A ll b id * th a n be p re ttfliled or

.o thVirw ito de llverett under le a le d cover to Ih e C le rk of ihe T w in F a l ls . C o vn ty C o m m ls H o n e r* w ith a c«n c lte M alem en l m a rk e d on Ihe o u U id e , th e re o f , g e n e r a lly id o n llly in g th e e x p e n d llu r e * Io iM ilch *<iid bid p c r la in * .

A ll hid& Shall contain one ot the following fo rm & ol bidder,* se cu rity I Cash ? C a y tc r* C h 'o H . m nde p a y .m if Io T w in F a ll* C ou n ly 3. A

, C jf t if ic d Chfctt m atio p ayab le —»o- Tw in F a ll * County . 4 A D idder*, liorid em.-culPd by a qua lified su re ty Co . payab le i t T w in F a ll*(jaunty in <in am ouni of a l levisi 5 per r iV irC t Hie a/nounl bid

Spccilicrttion m ay bo obtained al • l iw o M .cc o f . th e C ou nty

fo m m is s ^ o fu x i'! ' 'Hh ' Tw in F a lls Co.inf^k C o u rih e u t ir '■ Th*- T w in F a l l s C ou nty Com m jsstoricrs resorve tlio *rlo h l lo f i ' j f c t rttty or a ll'b id s - ' •

Kids W ill ()<■ o p c n fd 10 30 A m .. Ju ly V. lV/3

Wm L Ch.^ncry Ch .* irm an • IV ),trti o TCoun ly Co/nm issioncriu

A I T t S T ,M A L . in c .r . i r r -

•P u h iiy i , Jonf' 71. 7h, i v / j

N O T IC E O F P U B L IC ^ ^. H E A R IN G

N Ot iC I. IS H f iR E U Y G IV E N by III.- (b ).u d (il Co>Kitv C otnrn issionurs. Twin I . I lls C o u d y . S l.i le o l Idflho. I i i .i i .1 P u ltlic H i-annd w il l bi; huld wiMiii .» r«.'<|ufSl by W fstorn Hi.-ally tnr ,1 v . i r ia n r r upon the lo llow intj iii“ .( f . ln 'd p ro p w ly lo a llo w Iho . .••.l,»hh!.»utu 'nt o l r< 'Sitli.'ntirtl M ilKliviSion in .it> A I A (jr iCult

S.1K1 p ro po rly is fu r lh c r ilo scn iH'inij ,U )pro«im .U M y rr

.n i .MUl t|ij.Vrli.t- miH.' norli .iM ii'fordN O IIC L IS H U H T H E R G IV E N

I..1 .,1 P iih lic H (!.iring w it i i f i - ih i- » o .ird p

L E G A L N 0 T IC 6

N O T IC e O P T i^ U S T B e rt lA L BOn T ue sd ay , October U , 1973 «t

Ihe hour o l 2 :00 p .m . ol la ld d a y a l Ih e o lf ic e T il le F a c t .J n c ,. 133 Fo urth

uc N orth . T w m F u l l* . T w in

W IL D U R D 'v iN c e N T r a ol Ihe Idaho State l ia r . T ru iie e w ill to ll a l pub lic auction lo the hlghe*t b id d er, lo r cash in law fu l rhi>ney ol the U niled S tate* , all payab le at Ihe t im e o f *a le /th e following de*crlbed pro perty s ilua ted in the County ol T w in F a ll * , S ta le of Idaho , and described as fo llo w s, to w ll :Lot }o l-R ilch«y-SuU < iv t*to n-A nno r^ Tw in F a lls C ou n ly , Idatto. accord inu lo th i-o ff ic ia l p la t th e r in f recorded in nook S o l P la ts , page i \ . record s a l Tw>n F a lls Counly , Idaho ' M arg,>re( M . M ay is the present re c o rd ,o w n tr of s.Jid p re m ise s .' , -SAid sa le w il l be ma ct»—w ilhouL c o vtti .in i or w a rr i i i l l c , possession oi s . i l is fy Ihe otjliuation secured Uy_and p ursunn i ' to Ihe power . o l sa le c o n lc rre d . in Uie- Deed of T ru st e .oculL-d by D U A IN E H E L S L E Y .ind M A X IN E H H E L S L E Y . huslxtnd and w ile . G ra n to rs , to W IL « U » D V IN C E N T ,a s Trustee for the iK-nefit and se cu r ity of the A d m m istra lo r of V c le ra n s ' A ffa irs , at) OlhcL-r o l Ihe UrfltM S la te s ol Atni-r'ica . whoso princ ipa l o ll ic e and I'osi OH ice address i s . V e te s ^ d m ir 'is ir .it io n . W ash ing lon, D .C 70a?0, .m d his successo rT in such o ll ic c , a s * s u m , as U tT iu lic ia ry . r r to rd i- d A p r i l I I , 1966. .is in itru m i'n t N um ber>6309? in Hook 706 ol AAorl(j.)gi-s a l p.tge I53S, f fc r jr i l ' , o l Tw .n F .j i ls Count y , Id .iho

Ih i-d f t . iu lt lo r which th is sa le is lo I . i .lu r t to


p u r*u « n l. lo r ^ c e t i w ith a l l . C o m 'm lttlon er* and th e ; C lark pre*onl,A P P O IN T M E N T ~ lA L A R V CH AN O B

'a n ty f re g W i fncunM irance

I I I M .iko if.ffT ip .il .ini I \ U SO for

)nthl'n Ihi

lanno*’, wag nrcw o ftr T0 < u il(3 d fa n ^ r“ I l ic r o r ^ H Srp ita l n u ild in g , e lfo c livo June n , )973. ' S a la ry w a* i 6 l a t 1440.75 per m onlh . B ID A W A R D E D ..

C o m m lls io n e r Leo n ard made a m otion to a ccep t the bid of S h o tw e ll't , In c ., In Ihe am ount ol « I ,3 3 3 .3 0 lo r in tta lla t lo n of new e le c tr ic a l c ir c u it* to the T w in F a ll*

-Count y-Courl-H o u *er-So co nd-lo -lho - m olion w a s m ade by C om m issioner W i*em an and c a rr ie d urianirr\ously.. B ID S R E J E C T E D '

M otion w a s m ade by«.qo m m iS ' * lo n e r W is e m a n , se co n d e d by C om m i**io ncr L eo n ard , and c a rr ie d

-un an im o usly , lo r e ie c l^ J f r bid* re c e jv c d M a y 75. 1973;<for Tcp flir and clean ing of the e x te rio r su rfa ce s ol Ihe T w in F .i l l s County Court House. The C le rk w as in structed to re tu rn a ll b u d d ersH e cu ritip s .

CottMn’isMOn'er L ^ n a r d m ade a m oliori lo re ie c l a ll tiids' rece ived M a y '7 S .'1973. to re p la ce w indow s,

in stru c t Ihe C le rk lo re tu rn a ll b idders- secuTitit'S SecQnd lo , d e ­m otion w a s m ade by C om m issioner W isem an and e a rn e d unan im ously

Routine business w a s transhctod until Ihe hour of 4 00 o 'c lo ck p m . whi-n i> rcce s '. w a s la k rn until the tiour ol 10 00 o 'c lock a rn . June 4..1973................................. ’

S Wm L C n .incey O i .i i r rn .i i )

A t T E S T .H A L a n c is te r C llT k

Jun..- 4, 1973 i 10-00 o-clock n m W R G U l.A K M A Y S b S S IO N

T w in . F a l l * C o u n ly i* hbrnby aulhorlrnxJ and d ire c la d to 0x^ 4 1 0 ta ld A m endm ent No. V to G ran t A greem ent on b th t ilf o l Ihe County ol Tw in F a l l * , and llu> C le rk of llte County i* hereby a u th o r iie d 'f ln a ' d irected lo a tte *t the t lo n a tu re o f ihe C h a irm an ol .ihe.'~tfoard an0 lo Im p re t* ihe oMiClAl teA l of the Courtly of Tw in- F a l l * oh ta id An^endm e^t No. . 1 tp G ra n t A greem ent at the p la ce .m a rk ed " ( S e a l ) ” , and

Sec. } A true copy ol the A m endm ent to G ra n t A oreem ent

- re fe rrK n o 'flu n jin 'in iTT a ch fid T io t'e lft 'artd m ade a p a r i hereo f.

A O R E E M E N T W m L C hance y , C h a irm an of the

Board of County C o m m is iio n e r* . on beha ll ol T w in F a ll * County *igned A m endm ent N um ber 1 to G ran t A g reem ent. Said A g reem ent I* by and between C ity and C ou n ly of Tw in F a lls 'a n d Ihe U n ited States of A m e r ic a . D e p a rtm e n t of TransportatlD n ,

Routine business w a s transacted u n lir iy ie hour of 5:Q0 o 'c lock P .M .. when a ri-cess w as taken until the hour ol 10;00 o 'c lock A M .. June 6 . 1973. • • ■A T T E S T H A L A N C A S T E R

C le rk • , ,W M L C H A N C E Y C ha irm an

Tw in F a ils . Idaho •June 6 . 1973.10.00 o 'c lock A .M .

R E G U L A R M A Y SES S IO N “ ■ ' Roai - - .

Commpu rsuC om ri

lole l (It this



ilo rs c ffe c t i

le c u r lt y w ithheld Iro m M ay ta la r ie * paid June I , 1973. W a rra n t* w ere

*o rd e r^ d ra w n a » fo t lo w * : S tn le T a x T r u t t , t t .1 0 ; Social S ecu rity Fund

. M1-J3 and Fe d e ra l T a x W ithheld ,‘TTTTIT--------------:---------------------- --------


Solid W atte c la im * w ere approved on t a x e * , s o c ia l s e c u r it y and ln * u ra n c e w ith h e ld fro m M ay s a la r ie s pa id June V I97p. W arran t* w e re o rdered draw n a* fo llow s: -S ta le T a x * T r u s t , *9 07 .' Soc ia l

* _S e < ;u rily -X u n d .- lM .02^ .Ecd cra J-J4> t- ‘ W ithh e ld . (S7.10 and Idaho Hospital

. S e rv ic e , t34.24.C LA IM S A P P R O V E D

C la im * w e re a p p ro v e d and w a rra n t* o rdered d raw n as follows C U R R E N T E X P E N S E A ssessor• R a lph A nd re e . M ileag e . 770 00.

. W esley C Ooren. M ileag e . ISO,00. Quhl H e ra ld . P r in t in g . 97.0S. Caxton P r in te rs , L td ., Supplies. ?0.75, Clo Qook S ta re , S u p p lie s , 10 7 0 , . C o n tin e n ta l O il C o m p a n y . C ar Exp e n se , 40 90.

F in ch Urown Co . S upp lies . 76 7S, P f lr le y H a rm o n , M ileage . ■ 136.00, A ce Hansen C h e vro le t. Inc Car Exp e n se . 6.30, Penny W ise D rug, F i lm , 39.40, M J Sch m eckpeper, M ilea g e . 17.00.

S tandard .P r in t in g Co. P rm im g . 47 60. R o na ld ' T a y lo r. A ssesso r.

' S u p p lie s , S.SO . R o n a ld T a y lo r . M e a ls , M ileage . 65 17 AyOitor

Quhl .H e ra ld . P r tn lin o , 3A8 87, Ca»ton P r im e rs . Ltd 51 30. S m .w a l's O thcc Co . Ec)uipm enl R e p a ir .

V a l le y M o rrio n a l H o s p ila l , JSM ' E x p e n to . 74 .35 ; M a lt ' t , C ar E x p e n te , 35-7); Jam e s R . M unn. Teieptitjne, 6 .90 ; P h illip Pelro leom Cn , C a r E x p e n te . 3tr67;' P h illip *

" I J e l rb l tum C<r, c a r 'g irpfMte , < Cfrr- C u rtls P ry o r . M eals . • Tclephor>e 30.fl0; Dob Reese AAotor Com pany, C a r ExR e n *e , 49.79, S m a ia V * O ffice App liance C o .l Equipm ent R e p a ir . BO.50.

Oob Snyder/s O ffice Eq u ipm cijl C o ., Equip R e p a ir , 15.45, Texaco , In c ., C ar E» p e n *e , ' m 63, Tw in

- P a llfc - F e e d - » r- lc e ;~ ln c -7 -6 lo f f lo e -(Spec. Inv, l . 330.35, Untoo Oil of C a l i f o r n ia . . 'C a r E x p e n s e , 59 03, U nited Autom oli've. C ar Expense- 15.96, United Lab o ra to ries , Inc Eq u ip 471.50, Uniled Oil o l Idaho. C a r e x p e n se , f t 30. V irQ 's Car Exp e n se . 40 15. Bill W orkm an Fo rd , In c .! New C a r , J.447.35. . T R E A S U R E R

Burroughs Corporation, P ap er. 47 95.' ftu lh K , Jones. T re asu re r . R eceip led Exp e n se . 1104 20N IM O • ., 1.

K e ith C . A n d iirso n . ^ P E . V e riliC ilt io n . 130 00. Donncvilie Blue P r in i , P a p er , 49 50. Clos Book Sip,re. Supplies, 39.33, J ,L iJv ier M organ. M ile a g e , 50 00i T im e s N e w s , PuB lish in g , SO.03. Tw in F a ils C ity . C e r lif ica tio n . 61 00. E D W hitney. M ileage , 50 00. E C Woods. R eceip led Exp e n se . 5 37 G E N E R A L FU N D

Berg In su r .w c e , in c '. in su ran ce , 04 00, C.ISS..1 Tw in F a lls P A B . PeSt Control.-tjHX) 00 : co n im cn t,

Medtcah C en te r P lia rm a c y , Inc ; D ru g * , 79 .47 ; M e d ic a l C en te r P h a r m a c y , In C i, D r u o » ..2 4 7 ,9 7 ; D ix ie N ew b ry , R e n t . 33.50, Ed P ra te r , R e n t . 2 7 .50 ;. P rofestio na i

Ken Q u ilic i. R e n t, 33.50. Salvation A rm y . M e als , 00 00; Sav Mor D rug. D rug s , 83.95; S av M ir D ruQ . D rugs, 75.3a; L u c il le She lly , R e n t. 37.50, Ja c k S hropsh ire , P ro v lt io p * . S3 56.T . F W ater & S an itatio n . Ihdigeni ‘ Exp ense , 6.90, United Oil o f-ldaho . in c .. Indigent Exp e n se , 6.99;' V I Oil

'0>mpftnrT-fndigent-e»nen?e7-l-50— Wagon Wtieel M otel, Ren^, 75 00. W tfile M o r lu a ry , Indigen) B u r ia l. 350 00

Routine business w a s ira n sa c te a ‘ LT tii the hour o l 5 00 o 'c lock p.m . wtien a re ccss w a s laken u i l i i the liour ol 10 00 o 'c lo ck a m . June 17. W73.

\^m L C h ancey. C ha irm an A T T E S TH A L an caste r .C lerk

Twin F a l ls , id .ilio June 13, 1971 10 OOo-clock a .m ,R E G U L A R JU N E S ESS IO N

Tne ■ B o a rd o f C o u n ly •Cor^mcssioners m el at th is iim c p u rsu a n t lo re c e s s w ith a ll C o m m ifrs io n e rs and th e C le rk presenl

' P U B L IC H E A R IN G — C U IAt th is lim e the Board coniiriuec]

Ihe hearings of the p e lilio n o l C U i ia l to redone 3 37 a


U A I n o June 13, lV/1W ll HUH V V IN C E N T TruM.'?;

June 5, i v n A P P O IN T M E N T S - S A L A R Y S E T

C tia r le s A lien and W .inda A llen w i're .tppointed ic in 'lo r on a tr ia l b.iMS liw o W eeks) e f ie c t iv e June 6 i v n S a la r ie s w ere set a l I I 75 |ic-r

Roir thi a I [jc

. \tt

10 00 012 00 o 'c lo rk r

',is taken un lil lock A M . Jun


.C le rkW M \ C H A N C H Y


Clos Book Store , Suppi C on iin e n la i Oakmg Comji IP r i io n e rs ) 67 87

i-ood (P r is o n e rs ) , 7fl D a iry m e n . Inc Fooa 56 03 . ln te rn f lt .o n .1 A ssessing 01 Assn M e ri E L eo n ard . M e als . Lodijm g M ileag e . 57 05, M otorola C and E

ance , 31 00

P rin t in g , Accid cn i. Group ins . 519 63. V iv ian Sod 101n 33, Township 10 SoulhA ppliance A D.1iiss , Postao'e, 30 00. D a rre l l.A , • Range■ l/ .E l iM . Irom IM 1 Industria

1J95 H eidi•r, Rt'Ceipit•d Enpensc . 14 59 M anu ig Zoner to IM. Idah<) F ir s t N atio na l B a n k , indust n a i Matlu la c tu n iig Zone

□ k in g lor Relir<em enl. 96v 72 idat^o I-Hospital Con w e re Mle a rd Iro nlo Pho ne , S4.-rviice. G roup 1nsu rance , 1,013 70.. reside hts •ind land ow

W m L rtex cit M agic Va lle y . Equip R e p a ir , <trea and John Colem an,, a ttorney loiig‘.', 34-2?. 33 00. Ruth K Jones, Tre tlio se ispposed to sa id r<j/oning Ais<le s . 16 15. Posta (U-. 8 00 pr eserIt w as M u rra y A M ichae l, Allpany Food Moijn tam Deli , 5SM 7496., n 00 : Qu.TTit V Spe■ciatist from thi

Moun tain Qeil, 734 3300, 1,314 //. E n v ir o nm ent al and C om m un i t 'Priso»»ersl M ourita m [ ie l l . /33 6 1/ 1, 156 51. S.TVIC e Depar tm ent lor the S late 0

& Supply Moun t.iin Uell 54:J 5552. 16 20,. P itney Id.ihoIda Gem nowe s, M e te r .R fn ia l . 40 00. Ronjild • Moi n . id i; b.

P r iso n e rs ), Taylo r . Asiwssor , Po sliio e . 16.00, T Qjm rii Leonard to taHi'.sa.cA s sn Ql F GI ass & P a in l Co Repair . 55 00 recjliei.1 under advisem i.•nt and retei

jL-s, 35 00. The 'Wyatt Com pany . Retii•em enl. It to th e Count'y A ltorne y lor opimoi

Na ol

t n . Ta I I .I lls .^TiT' iToui' Ot I

(.1 lex k p in on Ihe 11 Hay o l Ju ly . I» 7 3 .ir ilh c tw in F a ils C o u n ly C o u rl

dousi'. Tw in t a i l s . Idaho, on the <ito«»Hl do o r, in Ihe office of Ihe County C om m issio ners in and lor Ih i' County ol Tw in I a lls . S ta le ol lil.ilH i, tiiH iii Srt.d fi.quofct.

>Vnv .ind <ill p<,'rv>ns in le re sU d d hea ring .ind

is le i appro'

Ueloi Ih i TmPlanning and ^oninw Coiiini>SM(in al lh «ho u r-o t Q 30 o 'clock p n) on ihc 17th d .iy of Ju ly , 1973 ii> Ihe Twm Fa lls Jud ic ia l B u ildm y. Twm t a i ls . Idaho u |'k>ii

(tiSiip(>rov<il and com m ent .u iiJ a ll o l Ih e i i i . i I I l y s a lx )ve S taled . ~M\ti -thi'Y—m a y —file Ih io r M Tillun obiections lo sa id lone change w ifh said C o m n n ss io n e rsn l Ihe p la te and lim e htreinat>ove appointed before sa id hearin<i

Dated th is 10 day o l Ju n e . 1973. Wm L C h a n ce y . C ha irm an IV iard of County C otnm issioners

. C ou n ly . Idaho

“ iirViM-, Id .iho D3707-------------------------1‘uhliM . June 31). Ju ly 5, 17 S. 19. IV/J


.^1446 S T A T E O F ID A H O . IN A N D ' lo w THb C O U N T Y OF TW IN ' ' A l L b ^


v io la t io n s ol l . iw s c o iu e rn u ru s llm ii ol live sto ck , .ind

W H E R H A S upon .idoptiot* ol I J9'3 I)u0i|i-1 (or Ihe T w in Ta County S h .T .tt , this condition d.d r e x is t or w .is not know n and

W M LH F A b Section J l I60B Ida ol

— T w in - r r r t is .- i n .ih fl Juni- 7, 1973 10 00 o 'c lock ,1 m


ZO N IN G R E Q U E S TAt this tim e the Boarcl tonsi

it if in .iM i'r ot re/ohin<i .1

W ll L IA M n S T E E L E ' , Deci-.isetl N O T IC E I S ' H E R E n Y “ ^ V I T N

........ I m e un jlersu jned has been,ip iJO i|ititl Personal R e p resen tative

11) .ibavu nam ed u s ta le . A ll

___ 1 t l L H L I Q R J :____ H i____L l

Fe e , 100 00,- R am sey P rod uce , inc , Food (P r iso n e rs ) 70 57. S a lew a y Slori-s No 303, Food

.- ,tfir .*ko n ur.fc )-5* .3* .-f.m a/rtt's-O ff'C i? A pp liance Co , Equipm ent R e p a ir , as 50. Stay F re sh Foods Co . Food (P r is o n e rs ) 171 60

.W illa rd S w a rtle y , M ileag e . 69 00; Sw ensen's M at|ic M < irkels. Inc , Fo o d ( P r is o n e r s i 19 0 9 . Tuni-s N ew s, P ub liSh .n i). 444 IB . Tirnes N ow s. ■ A flvertism ci. 5 00 Uruled A uto m o live , Inc . C iv il Defense. 1 35 W D W i'.em .in . M ile .ig e , fl 20 Woody'S P o u ltry S. D is l . P riso ners Food, 16 05COHON EW • ■

W ycoir Comp.w Postage, 1 00 U S Post O lla e . M etered Postage. 500 00

.M IS C E L L A N E O U SA d d re s s o rg r jp h M u il ig ra p h .

P la t e s . R ib b o n s , I3H7H Fm c h Orown C om pany, Supplies. 423 93.

i-N e w vP u b ttsn in n . 117 70

W illP U H L IC D E F E N S E

Mic Webb.P ub lic D e lense . 3.024 5 S A L A R IE S Assessoi

T n e re sa A rin e n t Gertrude O o si, 110.80. 14 69 M .ide lin e C ill i Edna Houk. 9381 . H.

14 00

er W isem an .ind tii led unan im ously Tn continued un til Ihenou

W iseinan attended a n iee lm (| ol ine C ity C o u n ly A irp o rt A d v is o r y IV),irdJO IN T R E P O R T O F O P E R A T IO N S IN FU N D S

Joint Repori o l Operind Trc

•lor r


U . in ,.i me m , ly e i 01 ni requested s .iK J p ro p e rly be r,-;oned Counly sn e n it be and is , A < jricu ltu ral 2oni> lo GC 1

i.-nded as lo llo w s G e n e ra l C o n itn e rc Zone A publicnfv;,rmf}"w;^n'nd'uMn"57iTa"r(’qur'5 r

d i'c e a se d a re r e q u .r . ■ni Ih e ir ( .l .i iii is w illim hs .l ite r the dale o l Ihe

. r o la l /w .is s o o

OHtj'dgi.'t M '70S 00W.I.

MI I t s

u . is le r

71 .l iu l '7U June , 197J..

Any allm ay appear fneeting to r d isapproval and A ll o l Ihi and they n ObjBCt.ons tc with sa id c

. Addison A vi ' Idaho on 0


■ . C ou n ly . Idiino A T -T E iiT - H, A Lan caste r C lerkPub lish Ji^ ie 71


NC I IC E IS H E R E HY G IV E N bi Ihe IV ia filo t County C om m issioners Twii\ I ' . i l ls County. S l.tle of Idnho that a P ub lic H earing w ill ix- h e li upon a ri-quesi Dy Keith S liga r ti re /O ne Ih e lo llo w in g f le s c r ib e i p r i ip e i ly Ifo n i Ms p re s e n l A A . im u l lu i a l /o ne lo R A P PSK l.-n tia l A iir icu llu rn l

U S tee le, IV rso i 111 Hie t s i . i l . 'o r ^ (■ O IWm is . Tw .ii

M A l iL l O S T E L L f c .

liO AW O Ol C O U N T Y C O M M I SS IO N I k ' l I C O U N T Y ID A H O

Wn> L ( hail. I-, M .-fl 1.- I I'Dll.IMI W D Wi‘.i'iM,iii

AT I i s I

»* O IV ). 55 Tw ill I .I l ls . Id.iho llJiU I

.Ml June VU. Ju ly 5 i W IV/)A P P O IN T M E N T S A L A R Y S E T


-----E v p ryn — c n ri^ ro iS<Tvice, 10 40. Wc’. H Dobbs SALAH lE S nJu ry S erv ice , 10 40. Sh aron Kuesi T a ra M .iy c r s . A u d ito r , BV 52, Wm L C iianicuy, Cha irm ar

_ D m « n lu i - ju r y j i c f v i 11.M , L o rry Eve lyn Stroud, Acjditor, n 93. Mert I TnSTLynn F is h e r , W itnt 8 25 Mrs H insha'w . ' J .in l lo r , 135'32. Sam uel 'H A - Lar^f as le r'E r n e s .l in e T o . . W itn e s s . V /5 U ie ro ll t * r . '234 21. M icky ClDehb.i G in e r. Ju ry Ser v ic e . 11 60 to r . 11 53-. J e r a ld

K it/h .ib e r . 1 less. 12 50 C o u rtn m lo r . 2011./2‘. M.iy Twin f .m s IcM rs 1 Sduewe W. In ess . V /b G rahan ito r, 36 36 Carson June U IV/JD.-bbi. • S.-pi W itness 00 V irue/il Pelerso tor. 39 54 ll il l Smith 10 00 0 • loi t.

10 20 G .lb ed 160 75 , M ik e W .ir r e ii , M liG U l.A W Jl JNf^ SFSM O NSmith Ju ry 11 60 □on St.vers J .tn ilo r , 77 B3, F lo yfl O rr, Jan rlo r. The fio a rd o l Co>

,s IJ IX ) I md, 1 U'1/. W itness 39 54, (Moyd Olr r , Ja n .lo r , 39 54 (<1 i 00 Mobe r l We a v e r , P ro se c u lm c j ec eSS W' tilt OUN lY / .G t-N l Attornc- y . 3J4 5 ,r V irg in ia C um m ins. Cl .inc't' ir ie Cl

Clos (Ux>k Siore '-lU PI ) l .e s . 2/ 25 S h e n ll . 150 04. Doug E t K if , S / ie r.t l.)t M ,i .|ii V,l Supplies. 46 4/ A rli-n r L a m rn e rs . S lie r ,l l (3IDS

P a ine 1.1 M. iu<|l lan Hcjrf^e 10 / J . G eo rg e Howen S h e r J I . 1 1 00 o 'l lock ,1 m This 1>O m ni t .p e n '- e JA 03 Sp riu er'-r. 2 // 7B t <iur, 1 M a d ro n , /o n .iu i se<i tor recer

n iDp lies, E cik . -<il M ep.iir, 12B 13. Id .i M .ie Olson. Zoning 5/ J6 ds ^ (or .................. ..


N O T IC E IS H E R liH Y G IV E^ 4he ^ P la n n in g and Zo

- Com m ission. Tiwin S late ot Idaho. 11 H earing w ill be heli by Regal MIg lor Ihe lo llow ing descr reduce the Iront an backs on one Lr Subdivision

Loi 9 B lock 3 ol Subdivision in Seen 10 South. R a n y e 'M eridnsn

^aio pro perty n turth i as being a o p ro m m ale ly i - j m nes e .is l 01 EasM and D n v e on K im b e rly Mo ad

. . NOT i C U . I i h U H IM U J i G IV E N Itia i .1 P utilic M e.irino w ill b e h e ld Ix - lo re Ih e B o a rd of C o u n ly

Ju ly V. 1VU.

U iu riiy .C f lin i

o l 11 UO 0

1 t iru- o

3m m ''vor nepflly to.

Ills Counly . 19/J,'it <the Twin t a lls Co'ijn ly Court 4' . 16 ul.a Pu lilic tiiu s tf .. ■ T w. 11 1 a lls . Idali 0 . on the Item No

in a requesl ,Count>

1 Iloo ' Coil

ce ol the n and lor U b Sl.Mld

property to the Co O l"T w 'm 'V a lls . State ol lle m y.trd set Id.itio. u()on sa id request

South wood Ajiy .md .tIII persons mtere ie d may'* •gallon cans

■ Southwood ■fl. Township E a s t , lk )ise


1 o l Ih

i».d hea ring an

le m altc-rs .tbo

d m eeting a p p ro v a l . Is on any ive S lated. ir-wrill<rr>

. A ll bids

cover lo Ih Counly Co

No 21 56 -e treated iw si

1 No 31 II.OOOli

I I t i l . M. A ..U A fg C A iJ - i :«

WM ' I C H A N C E Y

June I I 19/D 10 00 0 I lo. k P A M

H |;O U L A H JU N E SEbb lO N


lU 1X1 I

I C ll



beloi Tv>Planning and Zoning Com m ission at Ihe hour ol I) 30 o 'clock p m on the 13 day Ol Ju ly ,- I9 7 j m Itie Twin F a lls Ju d ic ia l B u ild ing . Tw m F a lls . Idatio upon sa id request

Any and a ll persons in lerested m ay appear at s .iid heanng atid m eeting lo re g is te r iheir app roval, d isap iw oval and co inm enis on any

■ •-.yd a ll ol the m a it i f s alxsve sta led ^ on'd~ thCV rrmv t i l e ll ie ir w n lle n

Addison A venue , Wt Onled this'IO th da'

L J Kou lh ik O ia .rm a n Planii Zoning Com nns! Tw in F a lls Coun

A T T E S T H A Lan caste r

..i .d h e .v in g Dated th is IB

W ni I Ch.i Ik ia rd o l C01

A 1 I I- M -----H A L .im .t s le i Ci.-f kPub I.-Ji 31 and 2B June. W/J

N O T IC E O F T R U S T E E 'S S A L E(>n I r .d . iy . Oi I oIm t . 14, at the

lu i.ii ol } 00 p in ol sa.d day at tne » H „ i- t . i le Fact',- In i . 123 Fov<fti> •Av.'.u ..- N o rih . T w in (-a lls . S ia ti' o l ' Ki.ihu W ll ( lU R D V JN C E N T . .1 M i'.ii lii 'i ot the** Itlah'})’’ S la te Har l iu s 'e e W ill se ll at putiKk. a u ti'o n to ih i'h .o h e s l b id der, lor c a s li 'n law fu l It i i in r , ot the United S tates , all

M)i?}ui:iT7r r To“ »5tir(r

I T w in F .l l i s Counly • .I ) C erlit .e d Check in .id e p.i

.) Iw ii i l-a lls Counlyd i Bidder s Ikm d e .e c u le i l

I .iiM iround iThv T> f a n s Counl>

tn m m tls .o .ie rs reserve Ihe ngn t to re ject .iny or a ll b.ds T W IN t - A L lS C O U N T YC O M lfllfSS IO N tM S IW IN l A L l .S COU>l‘T V - tO A H O


iiilh- IV

M .li'.ig j- 74 UI.1 C lK iiKJi"

IHS 00 M a llh ew hei

; s 0 0 . M iepard b-C>tai*onk. Inc Law^ iD r- .i '- y . BH 00. S m a i . i t ' s O lh c f A pp liance C o . E qui(iM ien l, 4V5 00 Lo den iii K b m .ih . CM. Meporlin(| S l’ v ic e . 3b 00 W est P .jM ish .n c j C o inp any . L .iw L ib r a ry , 30: 00 P a n II

R iC haru C asu o Si^bpoena. IV 7!i Lw ) E G re en . Su lnn ena 12 50 D<t Je n k in . Subpoi-na B 25 J W Snyder S u b p o iti.i. H 00P a r i I I I . iM .ig .s t ra le )

Jo n n -^ s le lt . H I es Burn .im H 25 M ik f C arlson el 50 Jam es P C n r iS 'y . 1.1 00. D .lle Fo rd H 35 J im G .ven s 12 J5 •— Ornt7nf‘-)nTt?Tonr-.-B-75~-vir«;

■ ■

A [) V A L O H E AEd w iird s A p p r.n sa l Ai|cn

As ixT C o n ira f I , 4 ,B U 65 PAW Kb a. K E C H E A T IO N

1 a / . A lb e rts i i 40 Cu , G rass Seut

I ' s m o d C e n tL 'f . }IOb.i I e'ed H. Seed 60 00. Idaho Power -2 S5 K re n g e l ••

t,'l .IHCram - R .qq.m t

S .'rv ice . 54fl HO Star S«-rv.<.e ( Tri.Tiching, 250 00 T h i’ Sw.inson ( Supplies. 2 UO Vol( n. Inc . Sup(>i. 20 20. W as .iich P iu iiih in ii bupi b ;2 G e o rijr M ill, S^ P .irk s & W erreahon 1/ VJ


s. 30 69. C 0 Eaton 1 Sor m lr . i c t , 4 , 5/3 13 Fo rd y

Labor a. M ater I

S t;rta te re p a irs h.dS wer.- re , e .ved iis follows P M 1 , ln( . i / V . jn VO H «. G E . i a».i1in<|. i/M V V 23 fjr tw r itp r- Hro^.' tn r : $ ' lt5'nntJ

o ', lock a rn June l i . 19/]

Cotiun .ssioner L .x in .ird .irv

ot *1 00 g

4B5 45 M .un ii'nanc C o rp , P a i

Dum p. 150 00 IB M


AT 1 1 . I

P E G U L AM M A Y S|- SS T iJ e ' U iia rd u.

C^HHWissioners in e i at lnil upon .s te a d I le sc ,n b e

I by Dor' H acn in to IS p re s e n i A I .1 lo GC 1 Gent-ral a p a rce l ol gro.nid

jw n sh ip 10 south t l l M , lo c .i'e d

m ile s 'w e s t ot

.................................................... B 25 M .tn .iro A ..I

MlKf>s'i'll V SO Veda P . i l . i ' . 1 2 50 .M rnri' PorVm s. 12 SO M.<hael

Roy Mvqua. H 25 Doug M irhtcr H 2S IL a r r y b .ib .n , B 25 jA N i TOM

G erii S la te Su p p ly & P .ip e r Supplies. 1180 Gem S ta le P .iper d Supply. Supp lies. /4 15 Gern b l.ile P .iper a. Supply. Supplies. 439 05' G em i6 l^ lu P .ip u r & Su p p ly . Supplies. 55 /5

Idano F’ ower Com p.iny . S i-rvu .'. 51 6 42. loatio Pow ei C o m p a n y . S<TviCi'. 1 /4 22 'In le rin ouriM iri G.IS. S<-fvice, J90 36 In tern\ouril,im G as. S .TVK I'. 3B0 6V

Hell, 543'4'O j. --M o u u U w »- .U u ll. J i J - i J i . l . .

Northwest C e Mi(i<}irni. VOJ 25 Northwest C r .ir .r V G r.iv c 'i, i . ; ;o o o . C rrp ii

n Mar-

.v iiK j Nu HA 1 on mg D e p a rlin ..n l ;1 Woods, Zoning Ad

'ib i-

Ihi ol 3 00 p\v. p L b L IS H June’ 31'

315 J J 0 1 . S

C o m p a n y . 219 Slio N orlh . Tw in F a lls . S tale oi Idaho W IL U U R D V IN C E N T , n Mernbe of the Idaho S ia le B a r . Successo Trustee lo H U G H M E p iO W D . wi

(1 Corp Supi;P

10. . 1 V

p lirs IJO I)

C o inp .ii His E le v .i r 4li 2H

. .. , Dum ps. 1,050 00, Ju i, P a tte rso n M a ln le n a n c e . is 5 00 S lay I rosh FoJids. C leanup, H /5 T itle F a i l , In c , Meporl. 10 00 Url.lecl AuloniO live , E c lu ip , 44 /b W A ItiW W A V S

L rn .e K s West Addison Service G .is ,UHl O il. 3/ DO. C n K le .nkopl Sc.rv.ce. Supplies. 5HS93. Fu lle r I .irrn and Home Supply, llo .it Dock P lan ks . 29 l i ^ d r O E R A D IC A T IO N •■'llutil Coop.’r .i l .v e Supply, Itu .

Ecicyip M ep.i.r, 26H/. Abbotl's Auto S u p p ly , E q u ip R e p a ir , JU HJ, » r .l iu IS t Deckc-r. Tuleptiotie. 6 90. Ed w ar< l H e iK n a n e k . Te lep h o n e . V I', Ed w ard H f|lrn ,ir>ek. M ile .n ii'. 153 BO- P r ic e H o llow ,ly . M ileafje. 119 40. P r i i r HOMoway. Telephone.

id .Uu) Pow er C o in o ii . i , . :.e . . . . .• 2 40 Idaho Po w er Co S erv ice . 'VAHS: In ti'rn io un l.iin S erv ice . J5 H I Kendrn k Oil Co l;c |u lp M 206 40.

He . 2 5/ l;< lu.p


Ihe U n ilw i iin fiT s . . tim eo t sal

described Lot 3 .n

lE p iO W D . w ill 1 lo Itie tiighesi »wtut“m onev-ot~ II povahle al Ihe

liowii^g described m ih i. CnUniV ot

P rocood lngs o l The B o a rd of County

. . C o m m lss io n iirs .-T w in__ 1•— F » lls County, Idaho

' I'r^tim ony w av-ptusiuU ed•* motion w .is m .ide by C om m iss.o t

Li-onarfl in 'la k e sa id reciciesl un. S p ra y WOO C ra g n s Supplies 26 r j tv..11 J <1 ll e In. I 'la i\ts 25 IV T


Wepa .r 1 IV 60 la lio n a l, r-gci

M .i' <ip Ml'

S «, ►( M ig , ITgu ip MlS n i.i/ a l s O tt ic e APP

•FO uifiment, B5 ‘

—t-win-t-otf*n-lrirt*M*—--------- r---------. ! 9 ' * ...................................

10 00 .11 lu( K \ i,( t i


Weed E ra d if .Ilion .,s y f la .m s lui ii .e m an 'll o l M ay , p.nd June I. W /J. w i;re approved .is liillow s Hi'Der H .in se ii. *3.16 J5 L H .il/ le ld S2/5 IS I l iu m ,IS H e ilm .ir ie k i l j l 4H O .ir r r l Loos. SVV 36 W.Iber M .iiiir iS d t i *231 bU. Joe M .ir? V : i l 61 O b Stout, J2H6 M I r.tnk Thoaipvm *J04 0J a i.d Oscar I: V .iK k , SVVft VHZON IN G - O ^ C K S T E A O 1100 A M

At tins lim e the B o .ird cons.tlered 'i ie p i. | it ,o n lo re /o n e lh e E ' .N E'..c>t S i'i l.o ii 21 Towi.Sinp 10 -Uiuth M .im ir 1/ I- I IM . ly ir iij north ol .met IH'UW. the lo w l in e Canal m tw .n

» al lo MA 1 H .rside iitia l* p rovK lvd C ty w .tler


ed byuo » u v iM a n d K W T H D

B L U U A U C a i . husb and and w .te , C^ranlor*, to H U G ti R E O F U h u a^

. Tru*1ee fo r T ie benelii and se tu n ty or T h e 'A d m in is tra to r ot V e terans ' A ffa ir * , an O lfice r ot li ie United States of A m erica , wtiose pnncipat otiico and Post O tlu e address is V e t e r a n * A d m m 1 s l r a I m n . W athlnQ ton, 0 C 70430, agd ins lu c c e * *o r* in su ch o llic .e . as such , as O e ne flc ia ry , recordi-cl Jan uary 19. 1973. a * In s lru m cn i Number 67900J In Book 30Q of M ortgages at page , }433, re co rd s ol Twm F j i i s Counly,-* Idaho.

T h e d e la u lt for which this sa le is to b« m ade 1* the la iiu re lo

• (1 ) M ake m onthly paym en is ol p r in c ip a l and in terest m ih e amount Of I74 .S0 tor the m onlh ol Octobcr. 1972. and *u lii i

i- .e c u te d by JO H N W A Y N E t IA M D iN and F L O R E N C E M H A M D JN . h u sb a n d and w ile . Gi .tn io ii . to W IL B U R 0 V IN C EN T as Iru S lc e lu r the b m e li l a n d .

Artni is tr .Of I

United S ta les Of A r j ii f ic p ri|\ i.! l!. 'l o ii ic e and Post O llK v a c id io s .s v e te ra n s A dm in isfrtitto n . W asli.ngton . D C 70410. and tiis sue cesso rs in sucti o llice ', as such , as lle n e l.c ia ry , rW cUded June 39. 1964 as in strum en i Num ber 539657 in IVjoK 70T ol AVirtgages a l page 465, records ol Tw>n F a lls C ou n ly . Idaho I T h e d e la u ll lOr


rested o l i je n s toi mg, land and »


.• Bo. mtin mg

e 10


I l l .M a k i ) m o ntlily paym ents ol p> m n p a l and in lu r vst m thu am ouitl ol *B/ 00 lor the month o l N ovem ber. 19/3, and subsccguent m onlh*

o i . M ake m onthly re se rv e payn iep ts tor la > rs and in su ran ce m Ihe amount ol *31 00 lor the sam e

„ .. . . . ilion tor re/onmg filed by C U I In ternA lio nn I.lo re jo ne J ,17 a c re s m Section 23, Tow nship 10 South, Ronge W 'F B M Thu ruquusl w a s lo re /o n e fro m IM 1 in d u s lr iA l- M anufacturing to IM 2 luOw^Jr^l M anufacturing Said hearing w \S continued until June 13, 1975

R o Jlin e business w as Iransacfed

m avim i^m -ooiiontion of tne united*


Fa ll's , Id.


D istric tC U R R E N T E X P E N S E C L A IM S A P P R O V B D

C u rrc t il E .p e n s e c la im s w ere approved on tanesi so c ia l so cu rd y . in su ran ce and r e t ir e m w l w ithheld from M ay s a la r ie s pa id June 1, 1973 W arra n ts w ere o rd e re d draw n as lo llow s S la te Ta« T ru s t , l l . lM 66.

'S o c ia l S e c u r i ty T r u s t , *3 ,593 U . Fe d e ra l W ithtio ld ing T a i , 15.04 6 50. Idaho H o sp ila l S e rv ic e . % 4U .06. Idaho F ir s i N ational D ank. 141131 and Continental L il i r A. A ccident. V<a 73W E E D E R A D IC A T I O N C L A IM S

S .ir t.o ri S erv ice 104 4H P M O S r tU T IN G A l lO M 'N hV

Beno s W .i l i t i H rp a .r ( er Clock M epair. 6 iO Clos Book b Sc<pplies 3b BO iH C M I ( I

A rn e r . i an 0 .1 .C o r .ip .in yhuaiUii:, v; J/— auniiA-£ai

e, S 2 / . Ole 1V2 /O. O il / W W eslrr

BIOCo , C ar E

}AOO. AM lytdu .p m s e 48 6/. A llantii Co Car L .p i-n s e . 5 / 4>Mic ............. . . . _ . . . .......... .

......................................d Co , Car I ; .IV .a ;. Aulo l-hone, . Mainte in s ia lla l io n . 363 30. Ilu iii S e r v ic e ; I Iv m o Ser vi

'Hei I .

Ifl /S . , 4 50

C lu 'v ro ii O il t o m j ) . . , , , . CspCfUU. 193.33.■ C lo se Hook Slort^, Sup p lies Eq u ip riu .n l. 309(10. Continental Oi C om pany, Car E .p e n se . 238 96 P au l Cor d v r . M u a ls . i.oa(tin i> , Tulu. Eq u ip 4 0 / ; . f'inch Browti Co Supp lies. M a in len aiice . /B 60, Gen State 0.1 Com pany, Car Expense

. / ; 75. Ju .sn iia H am es. Car Expense M e a ls , 19 34, Ace Hansun Chevrolet tnr , . c a r E ^ p m se . 6.30. H avu io r 'i

‘ C am era B. Sound. I' l im . Developing 35 73 •

D ick H ayn e s . • Telephone, 5.75

■2,/l2 50, S .m p lo t S o ilb u i ld e rs . C h e m ic .i l ' . , /3/ BO Steve McHiaii Com pany. C hem ica ls . U ,]f)1 25; W C F C O , In f , 343 30 POOM FU N D

A lb i- r ls i

June IS. IV /j.10 OOo 'cloc k ..I

.M l-C.Ul.AM JU N i: SESS IO N

;icinlv A P P R O V E D ly oY W eeiLlEcfl

H ayn .-s . • Telephone u a u ra H aynes, M eals , Car E«p ensi 14 01; M iles H H um phrey , M D , Ja

15 00. ktLtky O il Comt)i— -

22 9V, Bru<e A B u lk . M D ; P rof Se rv ice . 11.25, Win U uh ler, H«nl.-JOU)Q, Buhl F u iiu r .il Chapel, in d igent IJ j^ ia i Dis bOOO, '/SO (10. Lean C am p b e ll. Nursmg C .ire . 33.00. C ily D rug . Drug^ >5.60. W H C la rk .M D , indigent C are , D is 71 30. 93 40,'^:ciear Lake s Agency, k e n l . /5 Olf. C ra g g s C h e v ro n , Indigent E .p e n s e , 46 B2

C ro w le y P h a rm :itc y . D ru g s . 123.70. D ECS ,-Foo< l Stam p b n lrs . 3/4 75. DeW itt HesI Hnine. Nursmg C .ire . IB 00, Doyglas Holei. Renf, 17 00. E a s t F iv e Prtin is Conoco. In d ig e n t E x p e n s e , 7/ 15, Ech o M b ie i. Rent: 35.00, H a rra l's Nursmg

,......., , Hom e, N ursing C a re , 57 77, L Rt}flKt> -'H «l*« l'flr HJ}MI,' JI.UU, fU BIIlVTm w n-

Co , Indige'n? E x p e n s e , 10 00, in te rm o u n ta in G a s ,’ In d ig e n t E .p e n s e , 10.00, K im b e rly D rug, D rug s, 53 UO, K in g sb u ry 's P resc C en te r, D ru g s . 49 00 H A. L itn c a s le r . AuditoP, Indigjrnt Eu p m se , 30 70, Langdon S iru c fu ra l S te e l . O x y g e n . 37 .60 . Langdon S tri ic fu ra i S Ic e i. O xygen . 10 40, M .fg ic V a lle y A m bulance Serv ice . C o n lra c l. 550JX). Swi.'Ttsm’S M .ig ic C ity .M a r k i ih .P r o v jS la n ' r , .5 7 ,1 0 , MiMiic V a lle y -M e m o r ia l H ospita l, in d ig tn l d a r e , '154.70. M agic V a lle y M em oria l ItospnM,"* D rug s. 56 50,

U i.tiH »iv.ahsen»B ID S - 11:00 A M

Al this lim e the lio.ti b ids w h ic ji.w e re rece i

II I• 13,

_______ ,„ , Tw in F a llsCoutily I a ir Grounds

C om m ission iT W isennin m ade the motion lo . in e p t the bid lo P M -F . 'nc , in Ihe amount of $73,336 75 lad iusted a m o u n ti, said bid t met ip e c ilic a lio n ' ' •flnd tht» C lerk is

r t lw rp ~se cu n iy lo unsg ccessfu l b idders.—p»VM Bl5ti lo r 'T J iv e jn n o in su ra n c r- in -

the am ount o l »73,50 lo r ihe sam e perio d , <ind ih c .b a la n c e o w in g a s of Ih i* d a le on the o b ligalion secured by td id Deed o l T ru st I* »7,4B7.37 w llh In le re U al 7per cenfcper annum from S y jle m b e r 35, 197r.• D A T t O : A A*y..l7 : »«73.

W ilbur D . VincM>»,T ru tle e

A llo rn e y for T ru * lc t* :A t b i r t 'B . T r im m in g V e le ran n A d m |n l* lrflt io n Center a h 9 F o rd S Iree is

on the obligation scct/fed by *aid Dec-d ol T rus] is t i l . 603 41 w ilh in terest a l 5'< per cw it per annum Irom October 9, 19/3

D A T E D June 11. 19J3W IL B U R D VlhJCENTe-^

A ttorney f ^ l ^ s t e e • , **'A lU erl E T nm tn .ng Vcft*rans A d m m is ira iio n Con ler ' ilh & F o r l.S lro o ts

-(koise) fdaho'e3707 P u b lis lt : June 3B<^Juiy 5 . . \ ] a, 19. 1973 ' ,

n r r r s i i s ’.

Tw in F a l ls , Idaho June I . 1973 1:00 o 'c lock p .m . *

R E G U L A R 'M A Y S ES S IO N T h * H oftfd <jf Co

Corrvm lssioners ' met a l this

' I'

," ia ’al»6, as follows . Sec I Th'at the County of Tw in

F .a lls Shall enter Into an Aoreem rnt w’i f h - Ih e U n lf ( ;d S ta le s c a lle d A m e n d m e n j No I lo G ra n i Aoreem ent lo r P ro |e c l No. 6 16 0036 03 lo r the purpose of |nc re a * iiiD Ihe m a x im u m o b ligalio n of the United

, S ta le s so l lo rth in Ih e G ia n i A g revm ch l executed by Iho County ol T w In 'F f l l l * . Idaho , on June 71/ 1977. from il99 .799 :00 lo (7 )0 .0 8 1 ^

• Sec. 7 Tha t Ihe C h a irm an o i/ h iV •Uoard ol Counly C o m m n s io n u * ; ol

r w c n rWi^tT prfldicanonL-lclflimsl. approved on fa x e s , so c ia l se c u r ity , in su ran ce and re tire m e n t w ilhhe ld frotn M ay s a la r ie s pa id June 1, 1973 W arra n t* w ere o rd e re d drawti as lo llo w s : s ta te T a x T ru s t , J177 54. S o c ia l S e c u r ity F u n d . 1396 .53. Fe d e ra l W ithhold ing T a x , *74SF.70, Id a h o H o s p ila l S e r v ic e , (3 6 .6 3 ; lilahQ F l r * l N ational H ank , U7.S7 a<td C o n iin e n la i L ife and A cc iden ll H0.4D • .« . .P A R K S .A N D R E C R E A T IO N C L A IM S A P P R O V E D

P a rk * and Rt^creafion c la im s wore a p p ro v e d on ta x e s and so c ia l

••raT- r : rM n;nSe-p ^ 'CT-gT D epartm ent ol Law En lo rce m en i T e le ty p e R e n ta l . ;S 0 0 , H a ro ld Jen sen , M e a ls , Lod iqo . Telephone, 37.60, G reg o ry J K a d lec , M D , J a i l E x p w n e , Bl.OO, T M K e n d rick . T e le p h o n e . M 34, iv i lr i K i s t ie r , M e a ls . L o d g in g . T e le . E q u ip 176 77. E d d is L a n im e rs , M eals, Lodg ing . T e le ,, 73 39, L yn c h Oil Co , C a r E x p e n se , 11 55, M a t ic V alley

J a i l E x p e n s e .-36.60, M n g ic . ■ •valley In lo r n A llo n a l . V e h lt ie ^

1,^43,00. ’ .•M a g ic V a lle y In te rn atio na l/ Car

e x p e n s e . R e p a i r , 17.C 6 , M ag ic

Silln l t nd ll

........ ................ 10 till- m otion wasm ade by Com m issioner Leonard und the m o tio n e a rn e d i» ian im o usly

.R outine liusinesk w as transacted W illi the hour of 17 00 o ’c lock noon

rw 4 ie n a recess w as taken ffilH f '^ o t jr ol 10 OOo’c lo ck n

19/3 /. W m . L . C|tflnc«?y.,

C ha irm an .A T T E S r

' I I . A l.n n ca s ie r Cl«*fk


Page 21: Classroom space OlVd - Twin Falls Public · 70th yoar, 261st issuo Idaho's Lnrgest Ereninfj; !\i‘wspain>r

IdahoT e m p e r a t u r e s

V a l l e y W e a t h e r R ^ ^ p p r t

Aberdeen Boise Dulil ,

— Burley--------- 'QjldwellQistlc-fordFnirficUl

GranKevIlle ■ Hnfjenniin Hotncdule Idaho F{ills Jerotne Kitnbc-rly 'Kint- Hill Kuna

■ 'M tn.Honif liCwlston Parinji Pocalello Preslon Rupert

. SiiltJion &)(la S|)ririKs Tiiltle .W, Yi>ll(t\v.stone

I.ou Pr,

91 BO . -07.C-I , 94 62

94 61 93 r>o

' 87 4-195 70 —iia..‘551Q5 r.790 r>8Bfl 55

71979J r>8

OH 7293 57

100 71 9-j fi3 Ofl- 6194 G4 i> l-til>

.95’ 65 91-86 51101 67 83 -18

NationalT e i n p e r o l u r e s

M i i t u a fF u n d s

Thursday, Juno 20, 1973 TImos Nows, Twin Ffllls, Idoho " 31L e 'g A L N O T IC E ' L E G A L N O TIC E


_______V tfA lE J t- U IH M IT ______

Mnx. Min. Prp.8(} 69flfl 6980 65.70 6393 6881 567(i Ii4iM 73

i 65% 7285 • 111

i i : i .. (itV90 til93 7187 7(i7‘) 5293 7774 liilIVl 5681 71.8;’ 55

’ tfn Mutual uiul» i»» iiuotcil l)» cN A 'iD i'K I

w ill r i'c c iv c &i<AlrcJ b id i until S 00 p m on M ondnv. -lu lv 9. *or %u|>t)lv<ni] 300 iiu d W iI ile&kt <or (he V i’ ri C 0 'Ui*.«ry Jun io r Hi«h School N 'l’c ij ic n lio n s m ny otitoiniHl (ro ii i




‘school .u lin in isTrrttion liu iK lm d . -201 'AArtin Wt’s t , Tw in l-o lK .lil.itio lOJOl.

s J T A tic liT io n , C lr rk (k ).ir il ot T r u s l i ‘i’ »

M xhio ji iu n r 71 .itu i 7H. 197.1


IN U U - D IS IW IC T C O U H T 0» t H t ( If IH J U D IC IA l O IS T H IC I O f IH l . M A T I 6 f ID A H O , IN A N D lO K I fU i C O U N T Y 0»- TW IN I A l . l S

W lA C .IS IM A It O lV lS lO N In Itii- M .iMcr of Itic; tZsl.>li’ of _ i .J . l.A i n I. S »l W ll .U IA M b ,

N O IIC l , ’ IS M li f J F ^ Y G IV E N Th.U in i' tinni'fM(|ni-(»- Invt* iippoiiU i'il ( r rp r i 'S t 'n t iil iv r o1 Ihc (il)i)v«- r».iitu'il r s f i i l i ’ Ad pi-rsoii-. I).tv>n\j cMllTI^ .iii.nn&l l( 'C •.in il il*’< 'i'.isc il . i / f f i ' ( i i i i r i ‘ cl fo p ifs c n l D io r i l .K in s w illt ii i lour ciuHiths rtfli'i tin- i- ol Ih r li rb i iK ilU ii .ilcoi) of lll> notKc- 0( so 'il u . i i i i f , tviil 1)1' fiJ ii'v t 't l>.irr<-((

Notice H hereby owrn fln.■ PfO rurtrv 1. 1971, P e rm it No 47 7109

W.U issued lo GeorQfl W Anthony ol P>lfr, Idrtho, for Ihc rtiv iT iio n ol J OS i c I i ■ Iro m n tiroundwater sourco Irom A point w ilhm ihi-

~ S^ £~ ]47T^ 9S7T? l7 rT H “ M . t w n r o lls C ounty , lo tje u^od lor the irr iq .it io n 61 M 'l ncrt'S Ioc.iIl'O in th f N ' jS W ’ - . S {- '4 S W '.« , - N ' j S E ^ , S W '4 S E '< . S«'C 34, T 9S, NW ’ 4 N E '4 , N E ',.N W '4 , Soc 3, T.

. »os, n c ' 4 , n ' iN W '4 . S W I4N W 4 ,Sec 3 4 ,5W '4N W '4 , S it J i , T 9b, H . 17F:, Q Wl

TJie p e rn ii l iio idcr now propo'.r.s to iiinond soid p rrn n i <iix) ri'igi i'si that Ihc points of cliviT 'iK in h r riicinttiHl lo Ihi- N W '4SW '4 .'S i'< 14 9S. R u r , n w '4 N W '„ . s i ; ’ .s c : ’ 4. 3 p o .n ts .n N E '4 M ;'4 Sec 34. SW '4N W ‘ 4. Sec 3V T 9S. H I J E . N I;'4 N W '4 ,S c c j , T lOS H 1 7 E ,D .M The |)l.*c o ol u!.i’ lo hi' < h.tnijiKl 10 fht, N 'jNE'4, Si-.'4NW'4, Nl;'4br'4, 3). NW'4NW'«,N 'jS W .'4 ,- S t '4 S W '.. S C S Sec 34; W ' j 5W '4 . T 9S, » I J C ;N W '4 N E '4 . N i : ’ iN W ’ 4. Si?c 3, T . . 10S, H u n n M

Any prolovi .iii.iin-i.i Ihc .im end inu Of;thtb p u rn iil n iusi hr lilcd w ith Jhc Id .ih o D c p .ir ln u - iil ' ol W flto r Acln»ini!,tf,«lioii. 1041 Hluo Uflk«!S DoiilcvArd North. Iw m h f i lk . IdAho, 03301 on Of t>i'lorc July->»,1973.

U f l W IA !» < H t lO lO C A S I ®

Thitiulerfilion'i>rs tonight and Friday

85 62 r ................ ^ f

il‘) 70 .) ! ; '11;!' I , n „7li 6-, A K l ‘ ',y , • 1 1 M7 :r 5,3 \ HOUGHION

73 54 1; 4'lvi'^' ' 1' M V( S I CiUOUl'

H<i 61 11 , 'n i 'i ■! 1H‘ S r85 7(1 • 1' ' ........... .

W> m i. If I'll A l l . l-c. per SOU.11 ic p i i '- .v n i .i i .v c of the c s l.* t i. ' , ,.i l 710 'i .« i l i A v i'iii ic t! , Tw in r . i i l s , Id .Uu),III I .V iin the Court

D .i l i 'J 111.'. Sth il.iy ol lu i' i ' . IV /3r ' '. W Y N N K Wl t> A l I l ; t i I' IVi'lir |.m.iiI.iI ivt’,t»\ t

VI n. n . IV 's

D irecto r 'Puh iishcd 111 itic Tctiii'S News on June 71 .ind June JH lOH

K lO T lC E TO C R E D IT O R SIN I H I D lS I H lC C O IIH T Of-' T H E I I I IH J U O if lA I D iS IR lC T Of iH J i S T A T I. o r ID A H O , IN A N D r OH IM l- C O IJN IY Ol TW IN I A l I S ' I .■■


Twin Fnlls, iidrthKlde, Burlcy-Rupert hren:

.Chnnc£ of occasionnl showers nnd thundershowers lonlcht, wlUi showers iii’ jiin Friday. Overnight low.s in, the 50's and high Friday In llie BO’s. Outlook for Saturday mostly

‘ fa ir with showers in the mountains.

('tunas P ra lr if, I la ilry ,' lowiT Wi)(i(l lUvtT vallt'v:

( ' l i i i i i c i * i) f iH 'c a s io n a l

s l in u c r s nn d ' . l i i u u l f r s l in iv f r s h m ii'h t- ,- w iU i s t r t in t ' ' J iu -s ly w i i k H ; i i u l .s l iD w i'r .s a^^^liI^

iM 'iilitv, O v c r n iK t i l lo w s 45 lo 50 . f ii i; li Ix id a tk - iu - th c - iu w u r-S O -K --

S y im p s is :

^ T Jit ;. ridi^i* o f l i i^ h [ )r f .s s u r i* in o v i's iN is l (if Id a t io a lh n v in u .s o i i l l iw iv s l iT ly f ld w a lo l l w ith ( Id i id s a n i l .s lid W tT s ItJ r r t i i r n to t ilt ' U t ' i i i .s ta t i- I . s o l a t r d

t h u n d e r s h o w e r s w i l l o c c u r

a n i i r i ' a . f rm n Ma^ l(■ V a l ie v i- a .s lw a i 'il lu ila .v Ih riiiif^ h l' 'i 'n la > . A c ii ld fro n t lo c a le i l iiviT Wii.stiinjiti;j^-tmd-<'^ni)n w il l in u v4 ‘- iM l»»-sve ttim » Id a h o - to n i i’ l i t , h riiu^ in^ s h o w e r s a m i

I l i i i n d i T s h o w i T s II I w e s t e r n Id a h o ' iu id a c c o m p a n y th e f r o n ta l s y -s tc in ac i'o .ss tiu* s t i i t e on i- ' i ' i ( la y . T e m p c ra t i i r e .s w i l l

,1m- cu u K -c on h’n d a \ o v e r a ll

a r e a s .o f th e s t a t e w ith hi^ ihs r a i in n n ; m o s t ly in th e 80s.

M x te n ile i l- o u t lo o k fo r ^ n iit lie rn Id a h o , S a t u r d a v ’ t h r o u g h M o n il i iy , c l i i i i i c e o f l i n f ie r in jT '

s lT i iw e i\ s T ^ n i i ] i T a li* S a t u r d a y D r y .S iin .d j iy a i i ( l M o n d a y t i l t h s m o s t ly in th e i?(fs a i i ; | lo w s -15 h ) 55.

•IN I H I D IM H ll . t COUH I O l T H I: . I l l I I I lU D K lA l O lS I K l f 1 O f 1 I l f \ I A 1 I O l I DAHO IN A N D I IIIV 1H(- C O U N T Y Ol- IW IN

M .in i« r . i i r D iv n io n . > 'N o S50

N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S111 nil- M .illi 'r o l l l ic E 'U ii lc of

••lAMI S K I ASHNOT I I 1. IS H f. t^ liHY G IV E N

N oiii I'. (jivc'h hy . (I n I-

im iliT ijiK'd hcerii .il Hcpri

.i lH iv i' n .tm cci c ! ,ln lc A ll h iiv iiK i ( l i i i i i i s ii(|<iin'>l Ih c

1 o l 1 . N iiiic

M a r k e t R e v i e w

■i.itr. i*. im is l i-illii-f he p rc s fn lc d to Il ii- i l N W n . i l lc i '.c f i . f’ cr-^m.ii - |)r< .',i;iil .ilivc o l ll i i ' I'M clli'. <ll

I .lU-. It .ink & Trust C i

Ihc c rcd ilo rs of (inil .III pi*r-,oh’. Ii.»vm'(i c l.u n is .iijiM is i H i' . H Sonni'f, d i-cc .iscd . or hcs cM .ili', lo I ' . l i ih i f Ih i'i ii w ith the n i'ic^ i.ify voui.hers, w ilhm lour nioolle, , liter the f.f'?1 putilic .lhon Of ihib n o iiio . lo the •..»«! P c rso n ill R < 'pr." ,c iii.liivc in < .ire Uonoil. lii'fio ii K Aie>.»n<lef' .Vt liiinh nnd

J iu j'A U iiild .nci, Twin I ijlls County ol - T wm f , Il ls . b1,lie ol Itfnlio. Ih is tx-mu

the p l.ii !• Ii i'e il lor Ihc Ir.inSrtCtion ol • Ihc husrticss ol S.>i0 cMrtte

O.iied June 8. 19/j,- s M i;n illi I) Sonner Pt r s ix i. il Hi'(>resenl.>tiv<' o L ... ...

I' ol I Del e.tseit-

, 71. 7H 1 Ju ly S,

I .VIII I .111-, Id .iiio (ir l.l

_O AJJ_Q llii^ H il l del y (1

NF.W VOHK 1111*11 - Stocks extended Iheir nanis ui li^ht ”

■tradln^i ;it tlie o[)enln^^ Ttuirsdas on the New Vurk " Stuck Fxchiia^ie.

Sliortly after the opening:, the " Dow Joiic-s industrial average had n.sea O.Dtl tu 1185.61. .-\d- vances leil (lectmes b\ ahimt a

niiirj^in.'I'lie stock market

Wudnesda\ gathered a litth' sleam in the last hmir of t r a d i ' H i . a m o j n ; hltie chips, and sctired ii nmdesi advance. The Do» giuned 5 If'

■ _toTherv was talk amDnn .in.i.'-

l>sts the h»l ma> ha\e Iniiiiil .i tfmporary resting .it about till?! level most c(Klceile there is liUl.’' ifi, — ' tlie new s that wmilil sujun.i t .,n upward driv*', i.t .iw.ikrn Iniying interestMust encuiir.i^jiiii; t<i snirn I..1-.Ix-en the iiiiirkel s .,it»ihlv !.■ sliru« of( a serii's of ij.'il.ii .1. ('lines uti fi)reii;ri m.irket-v ,<■Well as .liitin De.wi's ti -.lini"i.\

VV:it,T|-...l.. »i..,,[ in,'------Karly“ 'rhirr?;riay; th r rlnttnr •

saggeil tu new lows .iii.uiisl suMie lu in ipeitfi i tit I etu ics and De.m's lestinmnv cuntinui's

1 1 A . M . P R I C E S



H,il).-r I N W .■(l.ilU'iMt\ I'l-r‘. i i i i .i l Hi-(ir eseni ,ilc vi-

•I* O IV i. ilJ IA 'I I I.r i lls Id .itio IHIOI lu ll.' 71 711 K lu lv “i



( ) \ t ‘ i' r i i r ( !*m n l v r

111 610 .11 I Ill' .l ie ,I .n llii- N l ' 4 I ,N A . . . ' ,W ‘ 4 N . ‘S--4- 1-1’ I .W 4NW ' . Sec T i W' jN i;SI ' .N t ' 4 L ' ;S I ,; '4 . ScJ 7/ S v V S N W '. N ' ;S W '- .S i ' i n T VS,W 171. . It M riie tJi-rniil Holders iiD.% prii()ci‘.i- ici cinieml pfruni

■ .ind >eoiVe',I tlTe' prtirtT'; Of' 111 vei s.ii'i 111' 1 li.HMU'd lo 1t»e ‘ivV'4NvV'4 Sec J4 7 poctils HI Nl-’4St.'4. SEUNL-'*. NE'.NW'4. Sec Jj. SW4NW 4 Sec Ji. ■if: '4SW4 Sic 7/. I Vb, H 171:. U M t III- |)l,ii e ol use to tic i hiini|ed to 111! NT'i L-’ .NW'4 S'W'.NW‘ 4 Sei J4 SW'.NW'* Sec JS NW* ■iW' 4 sc( 11. T VS, H in ; . a

Any proli-si iMj.iinsI Ilie iinicndirnj III Ihis pcriiiiltnlisl hi' hied with Ifie IdiilM) De|>.ir ImeiO 01 W.ller Ailiii<n<s1''iil<0(i. 1041 aicii’ L.ii-es Rooli-v.ird Norih Tiivm T.iHs ID Oi\lit 1,,-iafi' July V ivn y

W Ki'illi MciiLI'iiSOii

• A M t k K A N I A I L S W IiS I.H v O lW O lS rW K I

N O I K I IS M i W LItV i| iv i 'i i llid l .1

| .N 1 l lL -D IS T W IC f C O U RT OP TH E_ U 1-1 J . l _ IU U i C l A l^ O L i I-Jii C J—O r_

I I I L S IA T E 01 ID A H O , IN A N D I OW iM f; C O U N T Y Of- TW IN I Al I S


IN ! Ml; M A T T E R OP T H E f . I A I L OP M ASON C A L L E N , ,ilM, K .iiiw ii JS C A LLE f^ .iin tJ .M IKt- A l.L i^ N , D i'Le .is i'd

N o t i f i IS H K W E a v G i v e n , \H1.1l il ii ' lyiidei s.c|iii-d li.*!> Oeen . ,ili(n i.M » i'il .id m m is t r ii ii ir o l the ,i l ,c iv i' ii .iin e d i-’, l , | l i ' All personsh .1 .111) i l itm is .iiji ii its l '111- Silid ili'i t'.i'.i'il iir<- »L‘Ctuired lo presunl 'h i-.i I 1.1. I ll' , tv illiiit lour m onths .il'i- i I he (j .ilc i>t Ih c tirst puhhc lit lOn

III' I've ' ii .ii I I ' l l . C i.i . ' i is inusi e ither In pi I '. iiiU 'i l ' lo fViii D AlK-n, .n liin ii .s ji .ilo i u1 Ilie e s l.ile . rtl the d l i i . i ' o'l A iiih ro it ' , r il ;( )c r .» U l & l.iim ie 'e 'y- ’ J'* E.>si F irst S fre e l, Mm ,d .,in . Id.Hio. a 3642. .iM orneys for Ilie .ic tiiin n s ir .ito r , or liled wiMi th f

D A T C D 'T n is ' l^ h d .iv ol J u l i e t Iv/J

(k)t) O Alien A iiin ii i.s i r .ilo r Houle No J M e rid . k l.ihu 836-17

P u lilis ii June7B . Ju ly 5flnd 17, 1973

L O C A t IM P R O V E M E N T D IS T R IC T NO. #7


J U L Y 10TO J U L Y 31 N O IiC E lb h E H E D Y G IV E N Dy

III,' COy T r'A isu re r ol ih f C ity ot 1 A .11 P ii i ls . id .iiio , th ill iiic i i i iK j lor p.iymci thO' iinnu iil iiss i'ssm cn l ana .ii'.i .iil iii i ' iiT lor Lot 1*1 ln i()rovom i'n l f ) ,‘. i i , i , i oun iher B/ sh.iM to n im I'ricv on Ihp. liat>.d4iv.ot .July>-itt.tJ.slwd «na / . . ' i i ' l i i . ' J l s ' d .iy ol Jc ily . 1V/3. .tnd ,

J i per L i f i i p il l . I l ly ».liKJi

III (jpi-

'Z :< u £

Hid AskHank of ,'\iner. 43 IK) 43.37'-, I- ID I l j » Tl-'irsl Sec. ( ‘ 37.50 38.5(1 GHOUI'

Idalii) First46.00 4(1.(H)

Contlimiil Life 3.^5 3.75 [ p. •Idaho Pwr .Pfii 54.011 57.0(1 1 'Itmn.(;a,s 14.25 14.(i2'.' 1' ,KeilvMiod l(i.3T'.: 16.117*.-l,»ingview f ■N A^C 1 AC

l-HOCMAMiF ih rr ' 110.00 MO.(10N'lirlliriip Kill); 34 75 35.50

: , : i i l i ii'ae.KiiM 1.0(1 1 25Par .St Life 2 511' 2 75 f IHST

(luantex .08 .11IN VI. StO N i

Rogers hriis !).5(l 10.5(1 j ' ,

Surely i,ife 3,25 3 65 F OMUM GHOCH-•('ifei)ter lilitho 15 .25 1 . ,1 j, . . 1.

dehiUlucnc y E.tCh oWtier 111 L o c a l

crn i'n l D ib lr id nuniDcr. B7 n like p .ty in i'n l>v.-,crvo.r DisIral i>n 'lie IHIn iinmedi.iieiy upon receipt ol his t1 rune IV/i 1(11lilt- iinrii'niil .011 ii'.'ii-'.'.iiieiii, .mil il )ie 1.Ills to Oft a-III I'lil l.ind'., 1.1 ■ ,i',M'ssnuiii. lo conl.11 1 the olticejvnitiuii • '' t" ) 1 ..... Ill Mi|. C.iy Ire.isurer •IS soon asIres',' H.mseii lU.tlio ims'.iiili'fnp'.llti III l.l'1(1 J/U I i 111 1 J.ifiie',’ H l).»«>hiir'1 11 IV Tre.isurer,11 1 I". 1 ■ , iitirl•=Wol Sl:‘. b 11 t.i/ of Twill P.ills id.iho1 n lohii .11 r 1- Si'i ' Kin ‘i 11 IV I'U.U ISH JuiK' 7U. 79iiiiU July 1111 S td/.iishij ii.isi Merid,, II H.hkic IV '.in Twin Piills


l „ e A i i i c r c . i .n I . I l ls H (i .- '.T u i III tw in I .in s , id iii V d il .ly ol Ju ly 1V7J. <i1 1

i i i i i l lonecJ ',hoi)ld

l e g a l n o t i c e

IN t n t D lS T H lC T C O U W IO P TH E I I I IM lU D K lA L D Ib T K IC T IN IM L i i l A T L OP ID A H O . IN A N D » OH - IH C C O U N T Y OP TW IN


N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S' E s in ie ot

IbON.i mLWI (lY GIVEN i i i ' i '. njiicd hds Uft'n 1 '.Oititi H c p ie s iT iI.i liv i' .• ii.w iu '.l e s i.ile A ll uj I 1.1.m s iicj.iiiist llicI'll .|ie required IQ

C llA H DOt till-



O F P U B L IC H E A R IN G0 )1 I I I. IS H I;W l IIY C .IV L N Dy

■ d.iU ' Ol the

ii'H : I ■11 Ihoi I

1 I .lll^. Vl)t) Nlir ll> Id ,.1(0 ,

Ki,.c W Hut)er|iuo-l',l Ifu.esmte. rtl Ihc nil.. 1'ol I’lirry. Rotiertsoii, D.ily fk I .11 sun Id.iiio Pirsi El.inkI .Vlls H iu

(loiniiKiiiily I litiMMI 'I i l . l l l . I l l l l l I N

I* re \ ,CliiM- ll ig .li li)W


It id s w ill I)1(1 IV ' I ,i l 1 Auliiur ily ot

I'y C H H iirpL'i E x e c u tive D iroclo r T w in F a lls Housmo A u lh o n ly

P ub lish June l4 , 71 nnd 2U, 1V73.

IN T H I D I I H I C t C U H T O I I H I- I I P I H J I/D IC lA l 01 S I H IC I 01 ■IHC S T A t l 01 ID A H O . IN A N D

—4-OH— PHI----C-OUNl-V- Ot- - J W iN -I A l . t S

M A G IS T R A T E D IV IS IO N Es t iilu No S3S

N O T IC F or H T A R IN G P E T IT IO N I’ OH I O H M A L P M O ltA T E Ol- W IL L , ANO POH A P P O IN T M E N T Ol- P E H b O N A l. H E P H E b E N T A - T IV ( :

In the M itllc r of Ih c lisM tL' ot— U - E i ------- u f i i i . n w A y .

D e fi'.ise d ,

OAt PD /7ni) d.iy ot Juf>i'.


N O T IC E O F S A L EN .ii.M - lie i eh» ijiweri

.^ ciiiu-lh Si lim fti'

111.' I I illOtl

.T .v irKuute, A .II se ll to the Im llii si IVA1 P ly ii io u lh , ID No Uiils w ill tie rcce ive i:

V 1WJ T ill' .iclver tisi-r ‘rT ijr .f lo re l i ' f t-^inv-onti

N O T IC E O F S A L EN o iK i'IS h fr i 'h y '^ iv c n C yrus

Itu lle rs , Noulo 1, Ed en . Id .iho . w ill ...................................... JJ6Z.

d o o r, ID No

m r iT 'J u lv ' i . The liidViTl'is't^”’rve*i Ihe r i||ht lo re icc. t .in y or iill

lie',I I III’.I pii'iier I , lo .iHci* the I -,Mlii •sliiiii-n' ol ,1 I esi(lenl;.il MilKI v'SiO'i .n .III At A<|i . /i.iii-

A 1' .111 e 1 el ot i,»tnf di'scr iiu 'd ,i\ .’I i.o ri .o it 01 Sect.o ii 9 ToCvnshlp 10 » .n i'ii . W.tiiije IH E . is l , H M

S.».il.|)fope> ly IS lo r llte r dcvcrilied .!•. Di'.ni'i live riiiU .'i e .is i o l. lilue •.TKr'i^nnutrvnrn'onTntlrAvi’fTue*

I ..IS' on Ilie sou lhe .ts i lo rn e rN O I IC I . IS I U W I H E H G IV E N

■ h ill It Politic. H e .ii ton w .i l Ou hulU l ie lo i i ' I l ie T w .n P . j l l s C o iin ly l ’ l.iiv> .i»i .iiid ^oniiu) CoiTiniissio ii .i l 111, ' l i i iu r ol H .tOo LlocK r> M on I h f IV'ii ii.i>*-ol .Icily. 1973 In Ihp Tw in f>,ills J u d ii i . i l l lu ild in ii. Tw in P .idb , ld.»ho upon s.lid rc'Ciuesl. ,

— RTTT nTTTiTrin'rTOTinnti'n'srprtmify '

Jv i,. ■' W WolH'r iMin i . i P . i r i y »Vc)herlson D.ii y (L L .ir son I ’ O (V i. S7!i tw .n I .t i ls , Jd.ilin ll.liOt l*U IU ISH Jciiu- M. July S. 12. 1V73

IN IH C D IS IK IC T COUHT OP T H E . I l l IH JU O IC lA l D ISTf^ lCT OF iH i : s 'l iV T E 61 jD 'Ai-iO, A'ND I OH TH E CO U PJTY OP TW IN I A l l s

X M A C tS T R A T G D IV IS IO N '\ E » l* f c N o , i J * '

In 111)' M .lite r , ot Itu- Es|i^tL' ol C D H A U W IL H I T E , D ocertSfd Noiii.e ol Hc'iirum Pi'litio it lor P o in i .t l P ro h ii l i ' . o l W ill And Ap p o in in ien t ' p i . P e rso n a l


Maine potatoes "fi.flO fi.06 , ^,78 S.i'ft'August cattle ■ 47,57 47j32' 46;o(r' A 7.I2December liv'e- Oattle 48.35 411.10 47,52 47,75IX'Cemher liogs 42-70,. 42 45 41.25 41.95.S(!plenil)er wheal ' 2fifl'4’ 2R5 259 26P4SeptemlMT ciirrv 208^ 206 1D8>4 l'p8-''4SeplemlMtr egg.s i5200 .5050 ,5000 i050iX‘cemhi!r silver 283,00 ,2fln,00 •.jiio.ootiuly sllver^oolii.s .’ , ■ ll)ti5 iOSOi * [935 /1935

Oiiotdtirii^ I'Or « -

11 Ic.ui', H‘ (M1. a f-n-r

'------------- ’, " 1 \

m i i i i

; : ' x rVO o

thiit C u rro ll A. Ik fllo w o v h .ts tiled here in .1 petition lo r 'lo r n i. i l prohitle ot w ill iiiu l flpim tntinenf o l personol . oi, 5*

H i'.irtn ii h iis ix'on set u|Kin s.iid petition on the I7lh di*v ol Ju lV , 1973, ■.11 li'n<j,'clot k rt m . i>t Ih r courtroom ol the itlKtve niiined Courl in Tw in [•.»ils, ,CountY o l.,Tw in P ii l ls , S lii le of

... Wliil^l-.iU u . Wliit < oil M) s

‘ ■^hilrMolnr tl) W hilliiki (.11 II)

id.l1DAT E D hiis_lO d'.»v ol JunL‘ , .1973.

. i iC .t rn T irA , H oiibw .tv f'c t it io n iT

Ts'^n'T\iris,l(fM»o • 'I PdhlisJi I Ju n i‘ 3 li 20, < ii« i''Jiilv S, I? ,


. ' N O T ICE O F 'S A L E »*N oiice .s lu 'fc h v o ivw t th .it QrcH

fiid re d iie , Routi' I . K in ih e r ly , Id.tho. W ill sell lo Ih c huihukf b id d er, one WS^ Chevro let 7 door’, ID No VC ^SOOA3 937. ii id s w ill be recoivLMl DCitlt, JU lv J ;-»V 7a- Thft-n tlvrrliSM *- rl■M'rve^ th e r i(iht to re je c t .m y or . i l l . hu ls . V . .

. P u li l i t J t ; . J i / i i t . 25. 26. . 77. 2U. 29. •July 1. 7, 3, 4,,«. S, IV/3.

d is .ip p ro y .il itnd contniL'itls oh any ii iid .III o l llH' m a tle rs .vhovc st.itect, iin .i they nuty l i le ih i'ir w ritten o liiectio ns wlU> smU com m ission or .0 e la Addisiin .A v iiiM r W est, T w in . I . i l ls , id .ih o o n o r bClorU.- Ortle ot s.«id h i'.itm d •

Ditled ih .s 70lh d.*y ol June , 1973 L J K o u im k , C h iiirn irtn P l. in n in o a ild Zoning

Conlm*vs<(Tli— Tw.ik-l-4irt.-ldalio....................... .........-

A T | E S T . ,t l ' Aj L .tn c .is le r , C le rk . .. ^uv Mcrcn pQrU'dierii;pj.‘i)ur!?:.:.-.;'....-

.P iititiM i: Juni> !71 .in « 2U, 19?3.

Ih .ii P.»(illl»e Wilhite fliShop hfls hied hLTL'in .) p'rMtion lof tcvmfli lYoh.iie 0* will .vifl .ippoinlmeol of I' ,Ri)prescnl.»llvo, .1 copv ol , wt»lch IS on liio with tho Courl.

tle.mnii tx-en sul upQn said pi-tiiion on the 74th d.iy ol July, 1973, fli leno i-lock <1.111 ol s.ild d«y. al tli'o

■Courtr^jom ol ,llio above nflmod . Court in Twin F.ii|w,-CoupiVol Twin r .ills . SUil'e ol Id.iho, J ’ O.Ui'd Ih is 37nd d.iv.ol. Junc,,1973*J*.,

Hi^uilde Wilhite nislKU)Pulitioncr ' J •• V,' -

>DiihL». IdflDo H aulC-4____ • •-PUKLI&M. 'Juno-30,' July & and -U . 19/3. •

Page 22: Classroom space OlVd - Twin Falls Public · 70th yoar, 261st issuo Idaho's Lnrgest Ereninfj; !\i‘wspain>r

3}- TImet-Nowi. Twin FallK; Idaho 'Yhursday, June 30, 1973 l>AMILY CIRCUS


, .


— I

/ /

/ / ' ^ ,- '1 .----------- ------------------------V^v / )

, 7o

■' •*' . ........-


What’s Whai

L . M . B o y d

Among SflAionod Citiu^ni, whal do the happioit have Id comnu>n? Tliari what a'genatici fpocialiat wanlod io Iwow, So In iho courso of hu vu iliJo Iho habitAli oi tho oldorly, ho made notoi. In trailor pailu. In reit homo*. In rotirmsni con* domimumi. And ho concluded ailor hii lhroo*yoar iludy: "Tho

- oneeonupon donoirunator aoomi to bo that tho happioit rotlrod' pooplo rogularly wnto lottori Tho womon,' Ifnoitly in longhand, But'Iho h^ppioat moo loarn how to hunt and pock on typo*'

iWhtors " ,Q ^ D o o a Iho com m on houAofly brood in A ia ik a ’’ ' ' '

No, but tho atab lo Oy, tho bluo fly an d Iho g ro ^n bottle

fly do .

0 "A n y rocord o l Iho fual po tion-ovor luUod in a car

acc idon i in Ihia coun try ? ' ‘

A . That WAB H onry B lis i. run ovor in Now Yoric C ity m 1899.

0 "W h y IS >1 so m any m oro y o un g ito r i tako u p ,th e gm tar

or tho p iano or' Iho o rgan than thp Irumpot or Iho c larino t or lha ' ~ ~ “ ■ ' ' 'y '-A Brdcoa, I th ink

(Inrroll Kif;hu*rWIZARD OF ID.

IpKi:CAST fOR I'RIDAV.llUNE 29. 1973

(;i;N1;RAI. M-:NI)IiNC'lliS: tied ilownti) linishing jn activity that liaVsljccorTic

tiresome chiui*, but il is ncccssary you do this beforc ou can jio on. to ni'w iipportunitics. Ihe tinic is right to make long-fiinge pbiih while finishing prcscrlt duties.

ARII'S (Udt„2J, to Apr Moke sure you folltrw"thTt)Ugh with a pruinise iinnle-lo a friend or there could be trouble later (m A meeting willi anuther may be delayed l>ut take it in stride Do soinellunK constructive

rAUUUS (Apr 20 to May 20) There are delays in pushing through with a projcct you have in mind, so keep rooted in other work you have u> do and make this a productive day. Absist a friend who is in trouble

GTTMlNI t.Niay 21 t June'7 IVGet olfrrrAnnindcrainrrouC” deinaluls others are making on you and'engage in new outlets

__ lliu L -a rc_ in u rtt_m ic cc iU n t_a n d - .p xQ filiib k .-E vcn in t_ ia fine J u r .atrcniling favorite jnuisement ' •

MOON { HILDKI-N (June 22 lo July 2 1) 1‘ut a new plan in operation that will be profitable far into the future, after you have discussed it with an expert You have fine ideas now.

• Make a note of them for future use.LliO (July 22 to Aug 2 1) A friend may be disappointing

~b'in~bnIy~l)VCaU5(!"of”ctraimsfancc8- bcyontl-your oontrol Uw: _ your own ingeniiity anil you will gain your objective Leorn to depend on yourself more■ VllUiO (Aug 22 lo Sept. 22) Make sure you don’t run off on a tangent instead of doing important work that awaits your attention and which must l)c dune now Listen to what a highcr up has to suggest

LIBRA (Sept 2 to Oct 22) You have a new plan in mind wliK'li is good liui requires more work on it beforejl an l>e a siiL'cess A new contact lias fine ideas which could help you to advance Listen carefully

SCORPIO (Ocl 2.» lo Nov 21) Smile eyen though condition5*;irt)und you may appear depressing Attend to your own affairs and all turns out fine Show more true devotion Ui loved one Avoid one who criticizes.;irAGina‘rIUS (Nov. 22 to Dcc 21) An associate wants

you to do your fair share of work You should do so or there could be trouble Do what is expected of you, especially withthe public. Keep temper uiuler control ------

C’AI’RK'ORN (Dec 22 to Jan 20) You have lo persevere if you are to finish all that work ahead of you and be* rid of pwky problems. l aVe health treatments you need tiuring spare time. Avoid siTcnucius cxcrcisc -—^

AQUARIUS (Jan 21 to l-cb* l‘>) You want to have tun, which isjine provided you don't go overboard. Stay within your budget, A fine talent you have could easily be put ti> good use and bring added income

----l!l>»Gl X-(4‘tit>-44)-4ti-Mdf- 0>-Siop.ftivlinti-impou! 'an’i Jo your utmost to be of greater help .it liome I’d itpone entertainment at home until a better tii/ie Study business reports aiul make sure they aie correct' I

II- YOUK CHILD IS UORN TODAY . he or she will he one of those ingenious young people who is detetiuined to get ahead, even before proper preparation l each to use the mind along specialised lines wnli order and system, tlien this can become a successful chart, especially if time is planneil tor recreation A fine family person here, with much love in the nature CJivc chance to choo%c own religion

"The Stars impel, they do not compel " What you make of. your hfc IS largely up to Y('U*

LOVE AND WABIt h d i boon roportod that num aroua oorthern m en m arry

lo u tho rn g irb , but reU tivo ly iow lo u tho rn m on m arry norlhero

g irla C h o n t aika w hy O u r Lovo and W ar m an can only lu rm iie

~PorionalitY aludios at F lo nda State U ruvoriity ind ica te Ihe

lo u lh e iD ladioa appoar to bo la i moro rom antica lly lo in im no in

,lhoir outlook w ith a londoncy lo Cator groatly lo m a ic u J in *

do iiroa Thua, southorn m on a io apt to bo a bit apodod, and

northern m on w ou ld liko to bo

H avo you ovor bol monoy at a raco track ’ PollatOra lay 34

out o l ovory 100 m on in Ih i i country havo done lo, and 21 out o i

overy lO O w om on likow iso

A re you aw are that c i lu o n i nationwhdo apond m ore m oney

o n ta u c a b o th a n o n b u s o a '^ . •

AUTUOnim KNOW NW h o wroto "B om om ber whon h ip p ie meant b ig in tho

h ip i a n d a trip invo lved travel in c a n , p lanoa and ih i p i ’ .

W h on po t w a i a vonaol (or cooking th ia g i m and hooked

• was w ha l g randm otho r 'a ruga may have b een ? W h o n i i i waa

a verb that m eant m ond or repair an d be-in m oant moroly

o xu tin g oom ew horo ’ W h o n noat meant w ell o ig a n u o d , lidy

and c le an and g r a u waa a g round cover an d norm ally groen^

W h on 'g roo v y m oani lu rrow od with c h a n n e l o^nd hoUovm

when b irda woro w ing e d croa luro i, liko ro b in i an d iw a llow s^

------- W h o n - lm z - .w a i.a . iu b ild n c O r- ro * l- flu liv .- i ;ko - lu iU -----.and-b road ca m e Irom b a k e n o i in ito a d q I tho m in t ’ • ••Wheh roll

m oant a bun , an d rock w a i a atone ' an d h a n g u p wa« lomo-

Ih in g yo u d id vnlh a p h o n o ’ Il'a groovy.^ man, groovy, but

E n g lu h it i not M e th m k j that our la ng ua ge la g o in g lo pot "

Ploaao nolo, al«o, hurtory records Ihe on ly con tm en t whoYo

the bow an d arrow d id n 't becom e tho m ajor w eapon at one tune'

or a n o the r la A us lraU ia The o jbong ino i itu c k to ip e a r i A n d

the ae ttle r i liked g u n j A rc h o r i juat d id n 't m ake it. over

I M Bord P O floi fo t i Wo/ih, 7610?Coprtiohi 1973 1 M Bofd

N o te d N a m e s

JB Uu>lJJlcllL-d 31) "N ew iU r 11 UuUtu\2 A t lo r . -----

H y juruo k 14 - —

Milca 4U Muui iiigiluruc s4;>Slu>.v {c fh n t; ;>;) fc lx u .iii 'i iio ry

l)i-rti.-i>liun la b .)

.V lS c lt-< unU .id ii toi y

15 Ilc fin v d tcotiiiK

17 U i ia c ovum lU DcU-:.liHi I'J Ii i.' .i iin t n 'T iik f a

h r iM lliiTUc Mck

24 Ti-.iii.spnM.-3 (n il I • -

37 -avu'i'liop

2'J Mak- ri-'l■i234 Un(lllnlru^ll•^l 3G C’ lii-k-lK 'i'tli- 37 Di- it i.s i:,ca

:.H Nul.i.nuK-i.iu — •liij Son L>f bvtli

( t i l l) )C,1 Gt.itU'd (iKt

D O U N I Whip Mfikc - (.'.II biiinicli.'3 U S c4 N..UI

'.I Fii

C lii’MrrficId'JM .It ub lo•III li.ilian Jlream .11 OhlUlllS :i:i iVfiunic .Ij

• I'l Kx.i,;hvmu- 1.1 Ml]. v.( iJie1.') Su.>|) I'latiln tuiiaiijiiuu-c n: H.'iiasiHi ........LI_Nut.\uaii*Ui . .

.’Ull.iu':. oiiui.ilJ.' Kiii'Lsli IH ProfitlU.M-liM ____ 11 lloVUH-

.'.1 lU-iiaivi- ln..l '.I’i BoitiK lii Omii;cr

Page 23: Classroom space OlVd - Twin Falls Public · 70th yoar, 261st issuo Idaho's Lnrgest Ereninfj; !\i‘wspain>r

,cX- Thurbdiiy, Juno 311. 1973 Timos-Nowa, Twin Falls, Idrtho 33

'^ ipU N D A D V ER TIS iM EN TSlf~You Have hcfon'S An Item OX>SFef Has. . . v u l uv*'''- ' M c m r e i n a s

ShowrTUp At Y ^ r Home AdveVtise It FREE

In-The Tiraes-I^lews Classified Lost & Fouri^ Column!P h o n e '7 3 3 .-0 9 3 J o r .C h e c l c f o u r P h on e B o o k F o r A t o l l F re e N u m b e r .

IS D u i in c i t O p p o r tu n ity

‘ I i : om l LiiVr. lu lly A

H o m t i F o r 'S i l f

C t £ A N a n d s h a r p3 b t)(u Ko iii lu lly carp utud . w il l i Qn% fiirn n co nnd utility b jlU lin g w ilh lin ll liatl» s lo ff l iji i bu ild iiin o<ul jdn litfTT Cl<ixc() H n m i’ ti ldcalioi>. O n ly J1 2 »5 0 0OtKi uf ll<i' b iilliw I3m 60 lootiilii hotiuti 'wii|i I3k23 o ih 'h iiu n on tu fo 7 5 i h s IdoI li ii III ficit lu i i ilio u s . ^|ur<loi) (o o l <i>ll(ir otu i v tu rn ()u b in h li i io

Hom« For Sait

ArtUST S l iL L irciti^li^rrurt, neiCDr . ‘( )u « .-c l ,< t)c (lro o .n v lr tm ilv ro ^ -(ji« r .n ir 13 a , , , , j j j 47^ ^

I R O C K Y M T N . R t A l V Y

WAYNE WJAyER, broker

K l ' t W H O A X E S

thisn onlh nc.»r the coileoo An Allticclric hn.n<‘ crtrpolod with 3Iv d ro o n is , n ,

'u ll l).«ii?tnenl. u l i l i i« " lovely

a K c i S - s ? - ; ! ' ; . - , ' ; ; ;

E £ „ r : 3 (l rtV t «*r%itloof(» 733 249G

OAr<tgc, oood -HI'' s p .ic f , A i l c f l f Al


Heady to tiiovo into in it le w d<>y!> . 3 Ocdroom -- P< b<iths tu ll bA^cmcnl —(touble C iuporl - NorthCASt Iof<ttion 174.450S i.irf w itn ? U i'droom i .ind f*Pi»ti(l in lo '4 Sundock— ' f . i r p o r l c fln be p u rc h .is e d


P A T I OA ito n l tl IIS now humiV b iim mmg w ilh iiluos os 0 HIS OlidH[H mns Ir t bndtotiiii1 w a lk IIIc lo io l o 16 . 30 hvii ig room‘ C po io ll d>n>n lo o ii 1 3 lOKJl-budroonu 2 ol w lu f l 1 ore 13. 13 0. lo K jc r A ll ih is lor

N C , 7 J jb fy .I 'r ccHnlitlonccl h o tn r Of^ if ,> b k ' n rm tit if ift io o c l, li ro p l iK c , W II tliiishc<l two t .t r g<if.ioi', o ii lilo o f lirL 'iJ liK I- •iiul p<ilio. I.^rge .i |ji'cl lot 374 4S43

FLU TED. POSTSu n liy III a ho o ijlitu i L lt^opodbrick Raric li on llio infqi.'of Ihu c ily 3 IcHgu bi.’d io o o 't 3 Tu ll bo 'lts w ith an■ liif iu / ia l ^u'lki-rt lub Fam ily loom w it l i i i i i p i v u C o 'ili lovo* tifuplofc- fo iin a l llvll^g room Olid liro p lo c ii { lo t ja n i(o 'p o lu d k ilc l iu n w ilti f nQidaru a p p lio ruu s /KJI u lu d n c H<>aiiii(j P.uK'p w ii l i liuaiiitQ and lo o liiK ] lu l l .l)(i»«!(non1 and lo iq c ilo ub ic <)(iiai|i- »* I I < o ' i i I 5 0 0

Lynw ood R ea lty6 10 l i l i i r L N nrlli

/ J3 V 2 II

" ^ R E A L T Y i f f• » H 4UA,.,.,vu„ N

J-.1 lAAV

S lZ Z lJN G S P E C IA L Ttii^ iiou‘.,i- i>> A lio i spvclA l tor o n ly JI7 .V 00 T h i- r f .j r e 3 lx'c)roon»^. I i iro i' spcJCioOJ liv i i iy roonV, hou&c m L’ xccllD n l lu m litim i, locitlw t on <1 ve ry tiuii-i i i r c f i S io this one re a l

N tW L IS T IN O 7ii0rTU-s. i. iru i’ !>tiop ctnd o tlicv ofi I cind o nf th .rd iic ri-s , close I0 town Larg e homo hrt» Iwo b I- 0 r 0 0 m i , I I r e p I fl c e . b . i s f r r i f n t , .m m a c u lA < e Itiroughout. 7nd hou ic u iod (is ro n ltil. r if i lL ‘d All Ihe tim e . A lm ost now o tt ic f ar|0 sfiop, a 101.1I ot 7.400 square Ic c I T h i)IV .in f x i r . i stu irp listing — ca ll today, ■mmi.-diiiic occupancy

IW O H O M ES - .................

I f f l i r i- m e n i ho m e or n f p ro p e rty 557 4th uu North i17.000

C O M F O R T A Q LE X'drponi horiVL-, Morn'nOJicJe


A I I l t Hours H J Schwc-ndtni,! JiICk UlStlOp

1 ti.irlL-v M athers

/33 7100 ;33 7;61 733 6473

'""CrP ir ls lK k . Mr ,111(1 Mr^ W D Arndt <ind li iiT iilv . Mf ,iiu l M r'. A C S t li. ii' f r r .incl l . in i i ly , M r .ind M rs M I Nor til .itu l l . in i i ly . Mr and M rs W .J lIr r StiriuM (.• tiiily . .ind M r .tnd M rs I 'n T r i ’ MoyriH'r .iiid l . in i ily

lh<‘ nienihc-rs ot M .iry T O u lu k Neltns l . i in i ly v<ist> to e>l>r<-.s Ih t'ir .ip |)fi'L ia1*on .irid Ili.t iiV s lor

. t h e i.ytti(M lliy .Hid < 0( is id t.'r .ili0(\ shown (lur liiu II.i- illni'SS and Idss ot

' !h '‘T heliiu i'd w it f iinil rnullU'r ■ M a rV T 'C u l ic k Neltns F .l tn i ly

04 PtrtonAlt

N E E D A LA i^^ vqH? II you don't have A lA w ycr and neo l one, c.ill the IdAho S ta le O ar L a w y e r R e te rrA l S p rv icc (c o lle d ) 343 a45l) f ir»1 m ie rv lc w , »>^00

E X E R C IS E lhc-04Vy w a v K«-'m1 - jW A llo n llcM V tb r r f lo r s . Speed

A LC O H O L P k O H L l iM s / “ Do ' need help? C a ll 734 &IBD

L A D Y wAntv lo m ecl rctlned usntletTiAn Around hS who likes n&t)lna. danc in o , nnd Irave lin f] V ir ile to T im w News lion G 6

. . I W O U LD lik e G . im l lh tfl w r iK t g Mrb C . K , g vn erA l d e live ry ’



7UQ now nnd ukud co is onniioHy wiMi iinprcivum uiit p citi'iilio l S iilo ry pit/v bonu-. inonrh ly p io fi) ih o tin q orm oolly w il l i f i i lu iu buy irt ( ic iss ib iliiiu s N A D A M fliio n x in l plofi oruup in tu ic iiu tr Wo nood on n n u K ju lK tno p l«> sivu so los riif» inin>r v>ilb (|ood so*T7iT*

.b (ii t«oroijnd os lo U»o<l Cot vo lu in and n*<o(idil/otiino 'O N IY H IG H Q U A U f irO IN D IV ID U A rS N ftD A l ’ IMY

Y i iii f p n ita n i iin ip lo yt ir w il l no l bo r o n lo d ix l ond oil im iu in e s a i II bij hold in » U i(l co n lido nco Send (o sum o lo Ho- j i o » <> ID A H O S I A I f JO U R N A l P o co iu llo 10 03301 I I ; I I

I ? (Kl .in M r Mi(j

ItONt;' SdlH il .im . lu ll tune, hour I'le .ih .in l vok r . ( . i l l

lo lKM y Intt 731 U6HU

tlc' (ii'cdi'd


HAY AND CORN.W o g iv o y o u r c r o p s p o r- fc o n a l a l t o n l io n ,


3 5 4 . 5 M l r '




G o o d P r o f i t f o r T i m e I n v o l v e d

C A L L ; - q L A U D I A C A N T O R' 7 2 6 - 3 1 7 8

r S13C H IM AIV I A L H elp tici-(li-<* I .K T t.rv .. . f ‘l

:'» U L L '^ IM l i Trtnnl. iipply ,l1 the , H o lid .iy M ole l, Addison Wi.'Sf

W a n li'd la d y , p le a s a n i ptib iU ’‘ vo ice M usi he tre t'to Ir a v i 'l USA .

Shou ld . |)p c o m p le le ly . ur»tm un>lx>|^, fMy toJSniCt HOO ' per W(i.')ik iMljs .III I'x^ 'nses A I I l t 3

w e e k s UJJO No e x p e r i .'n c e n iM e ss .iry , w r w ill Ir .t in M usi

■ M .i r l • n t— pirtce^ H its is no l I rT i.ii).i/ines C all M r S n n d e rsa 7 J3 I •I4 0 Nr> 715

• Y O U k IN V C N IO R Y T R A D E IN • m e lls aw ay wtierj you a tlvo rlise it>• C la ss itie il D ia l ; i J 0 V 3 l now tor

Ia s i r i's if llv

Denta l A ssis ta n t to w ork S aliirdA y and som e evcnInQS. E « p rr le n c e nol -N4K.ii(,»rtr'Y-6w**»-H‘A u in « , to- T lm e s N ews l»6« G 7 ,‘ '

iS Dualntii Opportunity

M -M l re lT ifd couple lo itia iia«n ! M'lt - .e tv ile s la tion , sa la ry and an i ip a r in ii iu C.«ll Jot»ny Wade lo r d e ta .K . d a y lu n e , 776'VV5V

0 U N IT M O T E L and iipartm o nt, 5 room house, 7 s l . i l l u a ra t ic . Mrty flccpp i hom e in irA d c Phone 733 0033

IN V E S T O R S W e ll U ilA b l lih c d Idaho Corporation now o lto rlno q u a ra n lix 'd 10'per copt In to ro it on invoM m ent per Anntjm , T tils o fJo r lim lliH l by o ile r ln o corporation nnd m ay be ccAsed a I Any M m o ,' In v m r n v i i l mulliplD& A re . 13,000; IS ,000 a m i ( I0 ,0 « l . R ep ly ,D I6 , T im e s N eivs

L .tu fu lro m .itin veslm i-n t, li t l lu tim e re c iu irL ...

.-H arQ ld KtuIIUoy _ ;3 3 .2 4 0 Q _L A N D -, 0 » il ic n 01- ID A H O 733 0716.

P A R A D E O F H O M E S !4 M o d e l s , 3 - 4 B e d r o o n n s

■ yv' -. j NO CASH required lo PURCHASE

I FINANCINGI'l- V,A.-Your closing costs ore paid* FHA - No Down Payment* CONVEN TIONAL ■ to.95%

* 2 0 , 9 5 0 , 5 * 2 2 , 4 5 0

H I L L v C R E S T S U B D I V I S I O N900 North Lincoln, Joromo, Idaho

J D E E N H O U S ESaturday and Sunday 1 :OOt0;OO PM 'I

"M W ,D 4 D R o a l l y 3 2 4 - 0 0 4 6

■Yy. L = J Call for Appolnlmont' Al'Jf/y Carl Dutlor Roaify 324-0166 ^

J i . n c n O A n l i i . ' lO ^ .n r t . iA A V * ■

. btory D-'n lor study S 19 900 A ll l l r u k SV4.0&0

Now priC %7S.;S0■ » .is r im -n l .ilso 476J00

L N C s« .lh-‘ - - i n \ b rtiit . I iniQln', 'j»*ryriie, 374 flU J

1 and B74

YOUR DOCTORW o o l d h i g h l y r o c o m - m o n d - l h o i o ~ r 3 - p r o p o r - l i o s f o r g o o d l i v i n g 11

Ju tt l i i lo d ' 3 bod room b rick hom o for or»/y $ I 9 flOO Forn- ily room and ca rp ofed liv ing fOOMi (ip/)iK ilin(j L » c ' t>u>/> in ove't und ronno la rg o lo i w ifh rhuiri lin k lo itco fie Ih v hrw m y C all n

tov«'/y Jiorno vurroundifci by 7 /b a c ro i 4 budroon\ an d 2 ' I b u ih t tp o r io i/ i liv in (] room tvilh ylovvm g h roptaco AVirty /i/«ury' <oo»i/fo»-^om h m v d w ilh umcoIIo iM ro n tfruc- ■ lion Tlti\ c l)o ico acroa o o ho i o Ir it o th()do</ yore) oncy lu 'K v d p o fu r il^ ^ n n y o lh or im p ro v u rn e n lt In ^ h id o ( 7 ) d o M o rj(»f(igi>» ond ih o p Soo /hi» o u ttKm ding p ro p p rly a l your • dor/io i/ conven/enco Don I W olf • A n d ho too / d o .



n iA I^E ANDERSONH fird o n m iiaCom m orciol.......... .. .. 733; U 4 7FRANOOW ENForm i 8 Ranchoi, . 734-4000 DAVE HAMIETT, BROKER C aniultont SA p p ro i l* ? , . ,- ? :r r .7 4 3 '4 0 7 ^ ~ -

Page 24: Classroom space OlVd - Twin Falls Public · 70th yoar, 261st issuo Idaho's Lnrgest Ereninfj; !\i‘wspain>r

r “ * “ "I -


7i TIjnoijNflwJ, Twin 1


• p , i v o t « P a r t y . C l o » i i f i « d A d v « r t i i « n

’ • R ia l Eitol« ExclW«d. , , ,• Your P»opl« R«och«r Want Ad For A l

liHl« a t 70* P«r Inwrtion ( 3 Un«» — 10 D (i/iV .

G e t T h e Want A d H o b it A n d S a v e M o n e y — 733-0931Or coll ol ihtit loll numbt't—543-4640 in Buhl or CailUlorU, 678.2553 in BurUy. Buptft. D»(lo, Poul or Norlond 536-2535 w W*nd#ll. Coodmg Hogtrrrian or Jfromt 326 5375 >n Hollitltf Rog*r»on or Jockpot, Mtvado


'Hemtt For S*l#

D rt irn ic n l L n ru o , y .A ri), lu l iv ti-oct'U, uv irnno,

WfcAL N IC E , 3 bpcJroom tiottn' <n N o rllirn s i locfllfon , T u l ly crtrp i;iw l •and (Irnpcct, contrA l n lr , c lrc t r ic r i» . i i , b y l l l , In flp p lm n cr^ , u rtd c rp ro u h d u lU ill t - s N n d m f Koopnick 7337797 Lnncl O ir ir t o< jd aho n j onA

IM M E D IA T E posi04&lon ljn< k J tx>t;room hom e cp rpo l U irouyhoui ' ? ticu ro o m i and rorf«-iitinn•tram m njii DnyotiTCnr PrtMor

•.tll.>ctii't1 <)(irAao,-';i|r conclilioncr A J S l . l l t f i Aviinuo . E« 4 t VVI.WO llr iM o l A ( | fn c v J 7 i i6>(l .iM cr t>Oi«rs / n 3HA5

r III'O w n er S .« v iS e ll

ln l^ j l>(-<lr(>om Moini- w ild lu ll lirnsJiftl D .v .rrn cn l, w<ill to wrtM (,ir |)c l'- . on /th A vi-nui‘ H .is l , •ll.SOO diiwri, |>iivrT)cnl'> tlSOOO (XT riinnlhJOhnMftiK- l<i'r»lly 734 i6 h t(:v<-niinjs / I I /AIV or 73J jO-10


NortiiLMSt bpfldoiii. J tii.'dfooin tiom r Porrtiiil din iiv) iirc a D i- . lu lilu l roc k ' h fi'() l.» c u- l ’nv/<lc- wt'll P n t c fi-tliici'tl lo V4I.900

M oriiiii(jsi< li' lin 'd Li'%s llicin 420 piT sq ii .ir i ' It 'd 3 htslrofl’n , 3 bAtli hom e c(>rri(>l<-l'^U c .u p rlird itnd <lrrtp«tl IVfI.SOO

N EW homo w llh 3 bodroom t l l r a n la c * d o ub lo g a io g o134 ,500 -

pfrng your li>ol»l 3 budroon. hom e -16500

F A M IL Y I IV IN G lo<go 4 bodioom homo NE oroo (4 3 500

down 3 fi.o p lo ce v 1^9 iOO

lA P & i ChornuiK } c.liWii hon»o 7 bodroo .ns -->11' po^-.'k-ly m orp. $31 300 T o ll todny

JU S T L ib lG D N-'w 4 b i'c lro o m . ; In ilh rtcr c o ru li lio n c d hom o in H ig h School K i-n iiO . dr.«p<‘d.and Ci*rpi‘ li'tl, n 'uvt loA p p re o jilt .- . t l i i i ^ p lit lo v i'l hoiTtc

G O O D IN G A H L A JO .u n -s bcrto lilu l om clusivf m'w honu'3,VS0 iqurtri- Ici-I, r i b .iths. tx.-droomi. (>lus rn.iny iiMin L-xIrA&l Crtll lo ic i- Ih i i one


---------- R e A lrT O R --------m 4MI

• m s " ?i3 s<;6 V ic k i Eiolinoc*’■joneWebb . j« r rv Iruh R *lp h Slm m or.«

/34 ]7\6 B3V S7S& 334 577 1 139 Si&6

- E X C E L L E N T M E N IA L K N l l o r Uonio to ii> p i '' '‘ 'i» rcn^odi-li-d IU>S00

L A U N D H O M A I b H O i,V IN (.

l-flwi'lloo HVOOO

3 A C K E C H K .K L N I A hV ^ . i i .

H elm D tfV r ii' i 374 SftOVR.>n(l.» iU-kkor J74M a rv in U r w lic r U4 i i t iAnuci'W nliOn /JJ I18JLo rr,*yn c W clK 73J6S67

r o : i l l YHufifM IwlnFulU RwiUy

436.3030 7)3><(3«} 67S-039I

4 4 4 M n in A vo S.1 , I^CMlull, I

'1:';100 L L N I M N A N C IN Gon nt'w 3 bi'clroorn homr*,, C f lfp t ' I fd . w tM i.o f Without b.>)prn(.-iii 131.000 lo 134.000 nt Tw in l-fllts , JtrroiTif S. H inii;rf

N E W J ’ S P L IT . L E V t L ] bt«4»fTioiT» horni- on l.iroo loi 87'«137'. F ir m ly room , clmino

• a rc A , b u i lt m rA n g t'. ovL-n. twod, dupo%Al, 3 cflr unrnoir. luH dAvlluh lb fl& em i'n t 125.900

• J IE A U T IF U L N E W H 0 M E ,'S S 7 . Oiitto D r 3 bedroom s. 3 b o itn ,.

Iftroff d in ing roon^. iipnciou!. Mvlno-room Wllh gn^ lircp lrtcu , bulIM n Appll<incu&. cArpet«‘d, fuU b A ic m o n t w ith lA m iiy room , double gATAge pAilD A ir conditloViDd.

* R C A llo u home phones A re ; .R ojo Ia V ln cyA rd 734 S849E d D u lt i 734 3443Jo y ce P a rlo n ■ 334 B03iQ o b M cE irre sh ' 734 36S0 Ted Sm ith 733 4702


33 Hemti For SaltN liA T JonU’n ip o ro ry 1,460 K iun re loot, 3 li«.-<lroom honuj w ith two iM lh*.. other p lu s r i . I i t llc lA m ily roorri, t irc p liic i ', rtnd tMiced vAfd NnrtheflM mention 'I I131,000 lerm sM iM l [istrttf Sr.-rviCf 731 141A

'M Y O W N E R . ’ new ?Ilrt!.i!m cnt. Rrtd.rtnl Hent ou of r i ly U m lti 733 754B or 714 331 1

N E W T bedroom , If lm lly room, dining room , Hvirni room , .‘‘ itc* '” ' ; i7mnnlr<tu<f 733 75611 or

I IN C O LD 3 Dfdrorjm h q m f w ilh P i rsonrtlity p lu s , n rn n lf M nircflSf ,uui lir t 'p l.K * ' w il l l.n cm A lp you. Mcioniy «n<l H o fiicy . L A ry ii IQI I ' r i r i ' t34,000, I t r m s Hr«l E s lf ltc S<TWi(l' 731 1416

OW n L H Lo ok iiio tor ( l .ir i j .i in s ? 3 iM.'droorn' 11 c lfC lrK on cju 'fl !,lr.-«-l. l i r . i i i 733 7?4/

OW Ni 3 licdroorn m ain tloor } i>ri]r<>0 Mi-, ,|N p ^ rh .i lly liniMK-d lu ll l..iM-iMl.|il 714 324A


Homii For S«l«Only 9,7S0 w i|l tiuy th i i , jlt - J Dodroom bon»i,' on P r o . id e n t S ir t 'f i Ccill Chuck P c r k in i tit Uluo L .tk fS Hr,inch ol L A N D Of F IC E or- IDAH O J33 0715

D Y O W N ER 4 bedroom a ll b r ic k , Itirge privnte b ack' y .ird Two Ij lo c k i South ol H igh School 734 IB73. 363 M A urlcc North

DY O W N E R , B y u .ir o ld , 4 bedroom, chApul C^!iJino». enpoii-d bDAm s, 3 l l r c p t n c o s , p rtneled Ir tm ilv ro o m , I ’ j b n th s , o flJ

■iurH.i » , iiAr*nj/Mff~~ ■ " ■■■............................ - _ . id ll i< Jn in o . It ' c o i , co ve re d p it l lo . le n g o r iig e A c c re d ite d .ipp rrt i2fl,500 A3ft Po lk 733 7703

U R IC K 3 bedroorrt. now c .jrp et, li irg o re c re d lto r i ' r o o n i 4th t jcd ro o rr in b it ie m e n l , good lociilion liirue lot S7.000 dowi« (ind ii ik c over ex istin g loan. C a ll 733 1819 or 733 44B4

D Y O W N ER , n ice , w e ll buiir e lectric 3 bedroom b ric k hom e, fenced vrtrd. 711 0471

N o rihettii lo c a lior i M4 30^0

N E W HOME" ON 2bedroom *. b n th s, t ' l m ilbv frorfl City HAfOld Ko ith le v 733 3400, Land OMice o l IdAhO 7i3 0716 flCrtfiS Irom SeArs

A t t r a c t t h e c r o w d s t o y o u r

G a r a g e S a l e b y a d v S ' t i s i n g

i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d S e c t i o n

Tim es-N ew s

C r o w d s o f e a g e r s lio p p e rs sca n th e C (a 5.s if ie d c o lu m n s fo r

G a r a g e S a le a n n o u n c e m e n ts r e g u l a r l y . 'A n d th e y a n s w e r

th o s e C la s s if ie d A d s , c a s h in h a n d . G a ra g e S a le a d s p r o ­

d u c e e x c i t in g re s u lts !

G a r a g e S a le a d s w o r k fo r a l l so r ts o f p e o p le . In d iv id u a ls

w i th u sa b le ^ a r t ic le s th e y n o lo n g e r n e e d . N e ig h b o rh o o d

g ro u p s w h o p la n a s a le fo r p r o f i t . . . a n d fo r fu n , t o o ! C lu b s

a n d c h u rc h o r g a n iz a t io n s . F o lks w h o e n jo y th e s a t is fa c t io n

o f c le a n in g o u t s to ra g e a re a s a n d p u t t in g u s e fu l a r t ic le s

b o c k in se rv ice .

T h e re 's re a l m o n e y to b e m o d e in G a ra g e S a le s . So, w h y

n o t p la c e y o u r G a r a g e S a le a n n o u n c e m e n t in th e C la s s if ie d

A d s to d a y ? J u s t d iq l



W E N D E L L R E A L T YS3ft

or* -•i,ihnw.-«t •

ACHl^S wiil> ; i 4 sh .*re ‘.

4 0 A C H L b .i la n (h io rISOCflll harr\. 1 t)«-<lri t« c c lle n l M iiiill sti

u .ir NolplisJ.M iy H .ihhi.u K p llh Rpbit’ jn r ;

I 1 I A iiiM b o iv (o u ld1)11 >lilllh>ldlHl S«t> lin t w ithihu c iO |i on450 hiind »ioiW im u l' lor^ ol w o io i Good Mji ot buildiiu)^ w u ll l»nco (i

145 A tro» »omit d-y <)(Oi<n{i fiu « i wotoi H o ijd in ion (jrcia

FARM BUREAUJEALTY . 70? 5. U nco lri Jo io n io

324 437H Don W allaco 733 7616 Dai« Stihi 324 3019

I P L A IN A N D S H A R P 3 bcdrooni Jo lly cn rp e le d , w ilh <I0 <. lu rn itc e . .>nd x h l i t y buildino w tlh J i .A lf t in lh , plu% storatje build inu and far<ii'n Choice Mansen location Only tn.^00One ol the bo iler )7iA0 m obile Domes w ith I7k 25 Addition on n ice 75il2S loot lot In Hansen Has Iru it Ir c e s . QArden, rooi s e lle r , flnrt sto rnuc .buHdmoSI3,000

T A Y L O R A G E N C YM em ber of T w in F A1I

" M L S " S e rv ic c i DonAtd TA ylor, B ro ke r 423 5389 MASpn Smith 734 4W6V irg il Wilson . 433 4137

S3 F i r m i t R a n c h t i

40 A C R E S n ice Irr ig a te d land 4 bedroom hom e. tA rp e le d , garden, Iru it iroDs, ba rn , co rrA ls , lonling sheds A lso 1 un it Chore boy p lp e lm .m ilke r And 33S ga llon bulk la n k ^^2741

60 A C R E S of

ir ih w es i Jerom e

of t .y r i! I.' build iobs.

eronie 324 51

BOO ACRE ranch w ilh good irnp iovornorU i duvolop^ iun l p o lo n iia l lor po ta lo u t and

'■'■hny S350 000


R E A L T Y- • . .7 3 3 .5 3 3 6

SE t IM I S ! " E n c lu s iv e Hural housinti developm ent ]>elween T w in f la ils and JefO'me See now to p ick yoitr Colors and crirpelcncj P n c it l fro m SIJXJOQ, up Also I'o fluM ve lo is twin*

to ven .in ls1 r 01 e

hoiJbe-, in ' Ih e H i l k r e s l ‘..ubdiviMon ol Jero m e P riced li'o iii VJ1.500 wp, E . i ' .y f r r rn s

A DAN OV KA N CH 260 a cres • w ith h ig h w a y 93 tro rxiiig e

E * L e l le n l ho m e and ouibuilrtitu)!. See lo .ip p fi'n a h ' pr>(|.d r i( |h l .It 1106.000

L .ir i i iT Stoi k. Waiich. I 139 a cres Wllh 300 shares ot >^a1er.

•pk'f o rren r— r o r r . i i s iit\d oijiDuddinQs in c lud i" . 62 h f,id OLM H((>ht and ai-vi'K ipm i'ntpotLTiii. y S7IS TOO

S -b u t l e r

r e a l t y '

120 E M am Jerom e IdAho Bus 324 8)66 R m . 324 BCU6 Chuck 334.0367 Connie 324-5060

O u *ln t» i P rop«r1y

37 A c r t a g * * '

A C R E 1 m ile out ot c i l v 1‘m ‘t* Mobile Home Acccp iab ie W,SOO. 734 3050 ________________

2 A C R E home s i le . located choice country sub d iv is io n EK ce D e n t PanoramA v iew M agic V a lle y 733 5178 _ _ -

CHOOSE buildintj lo ls or 2 'a or 5 acres or w ill budd lo la rm home733 7561) or 734 22H home

5 / iC R E S south ol Jero m e , lib e ra l' lerm s C all 324-0006 ■

3 / .11 res iirn n e Umd lor housiruj Mill d iv ision , lo bii sold as one p a r.e l m K .m tx .T ly C a ll 731 5265 ui '733 9621 .i l ie r 6 00 u m

U Y-'bW N ER B a re 40 a c re s - 40 sh a re s ol w a ie r 5 ’ j m ile s Noriheast ol Jerom e Good poialo and b w i land U .O O O peracre 324 0316. . .

I .K re , 1 m obile hom es. 4 hook ups • House anil (|.»ra<|e C om m ercia l121,000 734 20Sn

A P P R O X IM A T E L Y 1 a cV e 'w ilh ' lovely 3 ^bedroom b n ck home. ODceplionAlly c lean and sharp Harold K e llh ie y 733 2400. Land Office of IdtViO 733 0716 across lram ''ic .» rs

10 A C H t Home Sight Southwest o* Jeronu'. t i l . 000 and le rm s owner734 5394

L U M v L (M P W O V E C ^


A N YO N E inii,Te*.li.<l'’ fU jy in < j2 lo3 iK res .itiout J ituU-, Iro m Iw m ( a ll', c i l l 7J3 3632 beltveen 9 \<J evtnm us.

411 nl ( lu i

{lopkiiv, sa l *611 I

k .i r . blue I ,i».es llra iuOM.i .

I dW '^ A i.t by <wni,.r . Ecjuit

, ,” V4 24V3

C A N Y O N R IM OR^ O I H E R A C R E A G E S IT E SI O .ie n r.i M l. .. O-i.l mo.iy lor.I.-r Ml.-S f5 10 20 Q ....S Ol -no i.,. o il W illnn V 3 riu les olJ i- 'ijn ii. qcill fo ii i SI,-


. Sun' ol.“ lo lls


I - ' . " f o l l l i l l , htlUl^ J l u l l l—TTqiT


2 0 8 7 3 3 4 2 6 2 0 0 1 3 2 8 0 6 1 I



SITE! !:iof.|. ,n in i , i l i r . i . i . l li>

k rtilfo ad Ira > v ,i( ji. . 1 12S le ft on Sv)Ulh (ioVdei M v in .c .p .ii G o it < i)u rsc .S wesl U>rOiT W alrr

3 j 'b T a , ‘, 'vs 00_ C a S h or V14.00U00 down am i

noQOiialed le rm s on H ,iia-i<f -W H I m il («o> '627 (k iise .' H1707

A creage >•J7

H .Kiefm a'n V .llle y Chm te buildincj .irea lor v iew , only ITSOO Nadme Kuepnick 733 7297 Lan d O flite ol Idfltio 733 07 16

k l A l I Y ’ i i ?lfiS

id A ( Kl- S ^ I'li Diclei. tu>iui. ,i(ul

il’m I'd'V'. Il l .' . .I 'e ' ' li"'son'll,.,iM III 1 a .II I a ll' . l'Mi.-<l a' V>4001I I ,n v*1iiil iv e .iil , J .llVVM ( " . ' i i i i i js .iiid liot.d .'T'S M1M-IM

535 Diuo la k f% Olvd N orthNU..S Laroi.on

, 31 Cemetery Lot*

M nm l'r'al '\fv' . I,-" 1 u A M II

; Ogilrti Vl'.lti M4-10'

I 31 V eca lio n Property

1V64 NUW M OOH 10 < 47. Driiroom <>ood ( ondihon >2.700, ketH ..i-ti C all 726 SH07

,,iie r W lh 1 J ' . 4 ( r cicldiiion, a ll under otii' u x il P rice d a1 416.000 W L b f [ iN D H t A l. I Y IJQ bfuaUW ilX-llOull'S43 4409

Mu.ip p re iia le Wi- also nave n -. ........

........... >,oosi' in Gooding. <i. .................■ p ropertyl 171.000

S tO C K M A N 'b R U A L 1 Y ftOOl incoln. Jerom e

IS 324 5715 124 J714

good II

640 Acro» iM.m M .i.l..y on , ,o r i nt J3 0 0 p .- o a . . 2110 ( K i i . t S J5 U 0 0

f- r n u r T ^ / iM * m ‘ i *i '

1061 D lu o - .y ^ ^ 7 .I :j 0 4 1 I Lnko t nivd n ' " - ' 5066

in 'H a fie rm an r u p ' l .tro m

O r m i house on 2 bedroom hom e I . ' p rospects, Hb.OOO

, h a g e r a a a n

r e a l t y

John LeM oyne 81/n o b La w ra sn n UJ'B il l Hornartay » l '

'^lAl tr-10-i—4^-Mofiifp lln m r-

anopy, 10 » 10 s tn rag e she d

M iih ili


)0' w ide M o b ile ' Hom os, now rtva*lai>io. v A lofln H a n e n d a Homi-s. W esi ol H ospiin l

IV73 l.irnh rp o K U . 70 sK ir le d , J iM'druiims I ' . l i a l h s

ii .w '^ iJ ru r " v e r ’y fi\»',on,»tile

u • *s. ivn Coi>i.'ord inolMli' hom e. I'hone 71J 571/ Of 324 5HH4

ivav r r . 60' M olnli' Hor^ie..,3 iM-itfoom I * , bath , a ir condilionw J, w asher. M ovable H > 12’ builton

. po fLh S k i r le d > W r ite Dan Danielson, Bo« J K e tch um , or lUiniie 7BU 45 1 0, 16.000

V liediooin M ‘'f) ile H o m e'lo r rent<^- iiinO e. d r a p e s . sh e d . A ir londitioned Tw m IM Ilf, 423 4509

W6V 171 A4’ A ll I'let In r firnadntore ? hiHlriHim. 1 h a ih , a ll e le flr iC A l iilip es in ili id iiig d ish w ashe r.

,J l( in a ir co nd ttio n rr-an d rtwoino- t6.000 C all 67H 5049

10 X 50' T r a i le r . . H nu ie , V » 1)' impansmn U nlO rnished V3.500 734 57iv, 73J 50*1

1964 Kit 10 » 5.5' w ith l ip out.I arpeted. new P iMo I t2.900 733 3047.

Page 25: Classroom space OlVd - Twin Falls Public · 70th yoar, 261st issuo Idaho's Lnrgest Ereninfj; !\i‘wspain>r

ThursdrtV, Juno 20, lW3 TImos Nows, Twin F/ills, Idiiho iS

n o t ( t a n i n g ^ o u t M i r e s i ^No kidding. They’re fhe fast way to collecf cash for good household items you don’t use. Try it today! Dial 1 ^ ^ ,

Moblti Homci

19/2 S .ir i. ir .1 M obile Honio U k'aO.', I ’ - D .itn i. r iio u ? o o n iv ' noI'vi-otnQi f

F L E E T W O O D1 4-^X 56

2 B E D R O O MShag C orpo l Elocjric Kilchori Sof up fi 'Dolivory

I T 5 9 9 5\AAOBlLE 'H O M E S

1 6 3 9 K .m b e .ly Rd 7 3 4 3 4 4 0

i i y v A Y s i r n E « l u v s ; ^At . . .


S/NGlf - D0U81E W/OfS i ‘ i m ilt i W t i f o l W e tt 5 P a n li

P h o n « 7 3 3 6 U l

I960 10 X 50 NE W M OON .M o b ile Home..

$2995 W h ile it lasts.

30 M o b llt

IVfi6 N A S H U A 10k 4S' yvilh 2 bi'ciroom s. o ia u ite d and lu rn lsh t'd , p u r le d for n to up le . 006 2565,

1969 ru C E T W O O D . t budfooni • u rn is h e d , v K c e llu n l c o n d it io n , s k ir t in g , s te p s , pood lo cv ilio n A p po in lm en l. 324 5606.

19/7 Brondm orc 14' k &4‘ , - O' fKp.iincio, J b fd ro o m . ciirpgted."

.sk ir t in g i>nd e x lro s 334 5634.

C U .3T0M V iin D yke , U ' w ide step up kitchi-n .inO dinino .u e a . »300 down .ind trtke over p rtyrricn ls M O U N T A IN S T A T E b M O B IL E H O M ES 1500 K .m tje r ly Rortd 734 433ft .

SALE! 'THIS w e e k O N LY.

A ll Pricos Aro f’ ostod No Solos.Gimmicks HqnosI Solo

A ll 14 Widos $1,000 Cash O ff

A1M2 Widos $500 CosKOH

A ll Trovol Troilors $300 Cosh O f f '

(SolfConlainod)f O t r W l l S T H A V E T H IS AE> W ITH YO U FO R D IS C O U N TS '


S Mom A c f0 V» from Tho iiO i. Molo»» Tw in Foliv 734 3167

Qlh oi(d O verlan d O u'luy 67Q 7574

— WO ftuUtrtffrcmx a'Furmiurv .O PbN 0 0 i» TO 6 [> .n

30 Mobil* Homes

1971 D ip lo m iil 12 M 64’ 3 bedroom, Shiig C a rp e l. A ir Conditlonm u P a r t i i i l lv turn istied lik v new Smftll E q u it y to ko o ve r p o y m e n ts . Cont.i^t Pftyton, Hrtcomda No 6, Gooding

W E H A V E io v o f a l . g^iod M o b iju H om ok E«c<)ll<>nf lo c o tio n i, co ll uv lo q u i' i )io < d u io iU

. " g e m STATE. REALTY733-5336

S A L EU s e d S t o c k

- 1 2 x 6 0 , i ^ x 6 0 .

'1 0 x 5 5 , 1 0 x 5 5 . 8 x 3 6 . .

, $ 3 9 9 5 . $ 1 9 9 5

$ 2 9 9 5 $ 1 9 9 5 $ 1 8 9 5

10 ‘.3 Camper. $ 1 4 9 5 Bonk F in a nc ing

A v a ila b le

“ M O U N T A I NS T A T E S


1 500 Kimborly Rood----------T-y^w-^oll,-------------

734 4336

C l a s s i f i e d

B U S I N E S S D I R E C T O R YExpert services and supplies for your professional needs.

AppI «nce R e p a ir

r e f r i g T r a t o m s .

CutlDm D raperi Pa inting

30 AAobil* Horn**

W?0 3 O EO R O O M m obile tiome in • C asw ell T ra i le r q o u rt. 12" » *0 O w tK 'r a n x io u s 10 st'H « f C o n d l l i o n e d W E S T E R N R E A L T Y 733 2365

26 looto1d it model Na s Mua T rAvei TrA llo r R e tin lshed . rodocorAte<l. lu ll Dftth. w a ll to w a lhcrtrpotinp A nico plACC to live lo r on ly (l.DOi) 00

. Sec ir) ro a r of 63( 4it) A venue En s i

31 P u m it lM d t U n fo m H o u w i

D O C TO R ,u i(l l.m iily w a n ts 2 oi J iMMrourt* h o i iir to rent C all M.i 15UV _ .

J lU iD H O O M , A V A IL A H L l i At U : H Ju l» 15. r M iT i-n i m w iiti /3J /JUjl f « W is e m a n

S M A L l. Iurti«shf<l liu u 'if , 2 or i b«-i(r<)<)mi,. m in i l i .iv c re le renc i-s P r e l f r . i touple 733 0109.L(K uM S Iri-c l North

U N F U R N IS H E D 7 tied ro o in tuiwww. iMK.' lo i iit iu n . btor<M)<* m tW( k C .ill 7J4 4356

C L E A N J room- noote. C losi' m. i iv a il . ih lf lu ivv^C.ill r-rcci TJiu-tnr jn iinn . *—


2 ■ i)i-rtrooni un iurniSJied nou-jf. LcirtuT lot W cnu.nice yard l l J b rnnnth 733 4;J40. '

M A G IC V A L L E Y M obile Home S e rv ic e M o U ilh o m o to w in o , t)f LMkdowns s r i u p s ,, re le ve lin o , Wiiti-r cooler S .iles and se rv ic e . C.»ll 734 4900

W A N T E D responstt)k' wom .tn in her JO'S lo s ti.ire .tp .ir lin e n t ;33 V3n> oUcf •, (V'

W H Y PAY RENT???W ( i e i i y o u c a l l o w n y o u f h o m o N o d o w n S m a l l c l o s i n g . C a l l t o d a y lo r d e t a i l s .

m m r ,r « ! : i l t y

Kufiflil IwtnFulU Butley 436-30 36 7 3 3 .4362 6 7 B .S 3 9 )

13 Furnlihtd Apis, t Oupltxti

* ()R Iv l.N T two tje d fo o n n i.ix - I i.irp e te O , ve ry n ice AduH'.

IK. <23 <,nft

33 U(ilurniih«dA Ouplexei

Now r in t in o 1 2 « id 3 Hcclroom A p a rtm e n ts S p e c ia l H U p p ro p ran i witt> re n ts from *103 lo ) l 4 l (R en ta l ra le s dopendlng incom e le v e l) witl« All u t illlie s includi'd , Locrttcd at F ile r and Harri&on Slroets. C all 734 4411 lor 'n io rttifllion o r p ick up app lica lion fo rm s al W ills A,\}lor C o .. 236 Shoshone S tree t W .- . 'E q u a l Housing O pportun ity ’

MilctllanMut For

I l)y

-^XPAfir/amts 1 5 6 M A U R IC E S T R E E T

7 3 4 -4 1 9 5

OFfCHiNG YOU 1 ond 2 bedtoonn ■ oil {ioplianc«i

‘ including dithwat>i«r •<«(} dlipotal " co fp»i ond d ra p tt laundry '■ fin# londKaping • pool " oit ton dituning " wolk m cloveli

3* R oo m t

- fn-M Ji/uow - im>!iTrr -liy Uirn>i.t>e

uo i;(jh i)u l H;?Si b? i:i

Office & Business

NEWT o T w i n F a l l s

M I N I - W A R E H O U S E

y o u toc/<

Y o u K o u p J h a K e y '

STOW A W A V B E D lo r re n t , t4 00 a week' B A N N E R F X J R N IT U R E 733 1421

M U M 'L E R S in s la lle d w h ile you w ait Comnlote m u ffle r Serv ice in ilu flm o cuslom dua ls for c a n a iu l p ickups A llB O T T 'S A U TO S U I> P LY , 305 Shost»9 f c S I. South,

A L U M fN U M 'P L A fE S I* 2 3 '/ ' » 31" K d07 - 20 cents each or 15 t o i i l i in lots of 50 c Gi'r?VsWhile. f «ll V —I’ A i N T l N f . y - C a r s , I f u i k s tr .u lo r ' , , r e f r ig e ra to rs , la r n

■rB R U N S W IC K . D i'itrt viTStt Deln io fwol l.»lil<-%, .tccessorn-s. Sales utiil S c rv ic c . new and used Jam e s C la rk . 733 5601, a lte r 4 00 and w i'i'ken ils

DO I t Y O U R S E L F ' S lianipoo yo iir own c a rp e l , pro lessional

R t'iil a C lii fK c SHJinpoot'fw ilfi companion v iico ia n Banner ro rn ilu rV , / I J 1431

Shoslioni- SI Soulli

IT 'S IN E X P E N SI V E to c le a n ru u s >H)d upOulslery w ith B lue Lu s tre R en t e lc c ln c sh a m p o o cr J1 G R E E N A W A L T 'S ,

S A L E OH T R A D E o r .s tn r tU ir . i i le r , good clenn 1961 M etro Van L n is ol sp iir i' p a rts C a ll 47J 447 1

L O N (. fiO V f lL D . Iro n / , I f .' ' 'I' n iV ''"' GooO tonUiiion

C L E A N C A R P E T S itxr %.n S .ilr w .iy A ilt i lltue l .u s ir r el i‘i 1 r i< %hi)(>ipoorr

F u rn itu r t i . C irp .t t

C A R P E T S . 40 per ken l le ss-than r r l a i l , e v e r y d a y . S k ip the m idd lem an VAlloy In te rio rs 42 3 4046

N E E D A MAG^p C A R P E T of'n»ayt)i' one for your liv jn o ro o m ?

9 X 12 U IN 0 1 M :U M R U G S..* A S S O R T d O P A T T E R N S , i7 .95 ,

v B A N N E R F U R N I T U R E , T w in 733 1421

UN _

Ju a h ly . goO(f a r le r f a in t s .

•Road 733 349 3


••‘oou Hour 10 00 a rn fu 4 .0 0 p n i w i'i'kd .tys , S .U urd .iy 10 00 lo 12 007J3 3tt04. M r i ............. U ru le y . ISJVlh Aven.n E.«b1

MOT 1/ I I)

0 N ( I


Nhw I uu/ BALI'r.ipri’"l3f''?mr'

M ID t ;A W A Y bed, tjueen s i/e . used 10 m onihs. tti'W p r ice l4iJ9 V5. V74II ,ti C .iiu 's 733 7 1 1 1

P A I R ul .irn iles- . c Ix i i r s , ver y guiKl lo n iJiho n . .m il C li'.m , iU l IIU e .ich rtl Ca;!!-;, 13} .M l'.

f Q R .S A L H new S p n n is f , gold itu M i v^■lv l I ouch .ihcl love se at , also lo d i v lo b le , .tn il end I.U iles 7 J .I J ? ;/ ,

K i l L H L N D IN E T I E , 30 Inch tan iie , R o ik c r . C ou fh . re c lin e r , r n il d is h w a s i ie r , iw i r i

2» IN C H - co lo r TV c o n so le , re to n d if io n e d a n d g u a r a n ie c d . *199 rtt C a in 's ?J3 7111

W A N T E D U se d ' F u r n i t u r e , A p p l i . in i c s , B a t iy lh in ( |S . Anhques We do U pho lslering H .iyes I u rn iiu re 733 4010

SPO T CASH I (ir (M jtn ilu re /^ppli.inces

T lungs ol V iilue H A N N FR F U R N IT U R E

M O V IN G !! M usi s a c r i lic e 2 Old G E d ry e r A ufom atic . m ve ry 9000 condition J I 5OOO Phone 543

Car«ot S«ltiC A R P O R T SAL 12, (Jon'l m is i t h i i o«ie. At 18S3 LaR ue S ire e l, June 30th, 9-4M .t m lo 6 00 p m . MiSCcManeOTC; ilem s

D IS H ES ,*B O O K S R EC O R D S ANf> M isce ll'n tm U is i i e m i 202 lO lh '' Avc-nui^Easi Thurjdfty S atu rd ay .

0 6 n 'T m iss Ifiis s .iie E v e ry Horn in c«ce lle n l condition .R r id a y And ■ Saturd.»y June ?9 30 722 S lo vens.” F ile r a<ros'i . from r le m c n lA ry ' school

9) OMdT)iino>h>E«t .S W E E T HING C H E R R IE S , now ready Gourley O rcfiard . 2 m llos

C H ^ .R H l|^ • Hi,. C he rries «nd S m .il l ( riip ol S w ee lS A d u lt p i(k ii\g 01,1, Powers O rchard

Hay, C r i ip t ' l ^ d

si cu iiirx j hay S lacke d r.iin C all 733 6020.

( OR sA i (i g r .n s hay , baled m Ih i' tcrui. cinul lor horses A lex M i’IIon IVft 495*

U AND I hay Com pany w ants to B ufle i . . . .Best I

AY BOUGH T and lo id b\4 the uc k load Phoo^ 467 7445 ^

SW A TH IN G , ba lin g , h a y s la c k ln g , 2 Wide, any s u e bale H A y llne r. Call 43A 5600

P E R IH N C E O Opcfrtlor w ilti

CUSTO M H A Y S T A C K IN G , 3 Wide a u lo m a lic s . m a k e b a le s 30 41 in ih r s Ion ,, <23 5634.'733-6276

n t U H K lni.1 ? door ri-l 1 i< |rr,ilo i ( . L r r .o iK M io iu 'd .111 g u ,M .m l,'c-U .il7B ..i C ,.u i s 73:i / I I

W ASH ! R A d rv i’i p .n r. Si>ri'

l^My.lnN..eo!i3YB'p!.'.V!l^Ca^ ‘/’j

W A SM LR A N D O R Y L R p^i

>M.i',inli'<-(li (.,>111 •. n I Ml

h SHF I D . l i e , i n .u i l im i . i l - .v .iM ifi , M .i .n li;; ,- , ■•ii'.'i li^l. I ) .„ .r r t li1r-I-Il M.T or 7 tW U

D lS M W A i.H i;R W hif ippoi

.-.KC R .- . | ,s 'iT e a Saint Uern-ard i)u |i|i» '\ h>r s .ile SISOOOeach C all

',iHer 6 00 II m U06 2137

R I (>i*i 11. Rf! D Qui'enslrtnd Blue M i'i'lrr |)ij()p ii"i ^M .irvm Duogan 541ftO;'B

I OR ‘lA l, L llostoi' Terr lo r. m a le , 3

Pi'PIM- _ ___

P O O D L E G R O O M IN G ,

30 y e a r s e x p e r ie n c e C all S H U M W A Y A P P L I A N C E R E P A IR 733 6167

° E ‘= R lG E R A T O R S , t r e e ie r s . ronoes, w a sh e rs , d ry e rs V E R N 'S A P P L IA N C E R E P A IR 733 5466 - 075 F i lc f A venue Wesf

ftO B'S A pp liance and TV R e p .iir , sm n ll a p p lia n c e s re p a ire d W osfiers, D ryt.TS . Ranges Ptione 734 4031 • ^


' s.'i rritii<>4-»»'6wn~ ;r>rtfm

Dacora ling

Redecorate your ce ilings wilh a co ustica l spr.»y Cold or s ilve r O lltter F re e estim ates 733 2513

CO M PL E T E m o bile hom e se rv ic e , o reakdow ns, se tups, re leve ling Magic V a lle y Awnino and AAobile Home Serv ice -*34 4900

Baekhoe S erv ice

E le c t r ic a l and P lu m b in g C ontracting Call M E T R O In c , 734 4H73 or 536 2461 C om m ercia l ana R esidentia l

E le c tro n ics

E v e ry th in g .n e le c t r o n ic s .

ro ll C.»>l 734 J751

New BrtCkhoe Se rv .e e C a ll B2V 53H9 H iw e lto n , Icldho J im M cD anie l

Baekhoe ,ind d u ii.p W uck S ir .,^ L D irl .inu R o ck AAoving F re i e stim ates 733 3341

Oackhoc. C a tu rp ille r operator

C .in operate cab le or hyO r.iu lK fioe .o r re p iiir b .tckhoe C alerp illi-r Cement w ork C .ill 543 47B2


OV-ofije V .iiiLe iS ttout on Ihc l . ir in lU^UheritKi W ill go .in y w lie re D e I.v e re d lo yo u r C h o ite ol M e .ilc JH e r G eo rtM 'S M uD ile B u lilie r 324 5501

C A R P E T S 40cetit less thnn n - i .,i l . e ve ry d ay , sk ip Ihe m idd le n V alley In terior 421 4046 ’

C>*rpeniry ot <ill ku rem odeling , nouse-., '.omii- ten work C.m 7J3 27 19

inst<»ll.itioi\ C ESCO - 331 Mam E a s i , 733 9737

•J*-Eaperio ncud In terio r Pa in ting

In fe r .o r P,'AjMipuein?,, . or 733 7520

Fu rnace cleaning

I urn .K e clearM iig, any w lier M .mjk V iil le y fo r .ippom lm en^ - t . i l l 73J 4314 ot 731 1660 '''^

Pawn Shop

M O N E Y TO LO A N on .,ny flrl 3f wafue, Jack^ i P . ,wti Srfiop K im b e rly .R o fld 733 57«6

M erchan ts P o lice

N IG H T W a l£ h m a n s s e rv i - J w r r ^ c o n s lru c t io n

b u ilO in V , othe

lop !U n lim iied

L-rt 733 1214, R iggiog anc:

G rav e l Top Soil

G R A V ET * , t il l d iri m in u les tron i lowr supp ly D eliverNorfh W esi C r.ine , Tri»ns(K)rt Co

Horse Shoeing

Horse shoeing .in y lim e , R .tnd .jII M o o re , 733 U55? b lo c k g r0 w e rs CortiriiiSMOn fo m p .in y

h u sin e 'il protecti 733 909B


Roof'ing work ■■ 1021

f O

0 T i/ d L I i | l i i c . i r p e n lr y • r t y ? s i im .i l i- . 7JJ 44Jtl. /;i4

a-W ay RodIo

A T T E N T I O N l A R M l i R S R A N C H E R S . B U S IN E S S M E N f i.ive M otorola 2 w .iy r<idio for li" .s Ihiin .1 S I 00 .1 d .iy per un il Buy lac lor y <lir e( I. no contnMs;>ion men in v o lv e d L o c i i l s e r v ic e . no problen*' M otorola se rv ic e shops

f-o lls a iid H urley w ith overVO jxp e r

C a rp e n lfy , rem odeli b u ili. doors hung, si f'lionr 734 1H5V

L X I ‘ l : R l b N C L D A .IN IS H IN G . Ire e c ■73 I 4 ))5 , H i 6164 , i l l i

' 670 0991 IB

t f- M f. N T

1 UO

Concrelo fin ish ing

P la lw o fk , d r iv e w a y s , p n tin s , sid ew a lks , m ach ino siiert floors,

r fftge floors, etc 124 001B a fier 30 p m

Concrete Fin ishing

A ll. .h in d s d r iv e w a y s , (>.«lios, s id ew a lks , foundations. Ilatw o rk LO Hid C o n s tru c t io n CoinpA ny F re e E s t im a te s 544 2036

Cofltrete Work

. . - l iJ U o r J3 6 -U U .


Houser B ro thers Custom Roto T il lin u . biflde w o rk, cor ugofing 733 2162 734 2446


Livestock Wanted

In io rna llo n a l F re e P ickup


C R A V E N S Sewer S e rv ic e . Sepln lank sew er line c lean ing I*owm ^ m pm ent, iree inspection 733

RO TO R O O T E R sewer s u rv ite S ew er l in e s and s e p t t i ' I f ln k

>ninp A ls o . A ll t y p e s o l excnvA tion 733 2541

Sporting Goods

J O E 'S S P O R T IN G GOO DS Guns A n tm u n ilio h . F is h in g

h eadquarte rs Open 7 a m lo 11 p.m 7 rtny6 761 M ain Avenue W ost, T w in F a lls Ptione 733 0261

Tree Sorvlco

A ll k in a s , S la b s , s te p s . P a t io .C u r b s . Phone S36 2517 W endell.

Cemeni work, cnrpentrv w r k .

M S i ,5072.

Cuttom Ballinq

C U IT O M B A LIN OCuttom Hay baling and corn' picking- Phone S3A 2«23. or S36

D E P A R T M E N T , highest .qu a lity m e ats , low budget p rice s , Blue Lakfts Shopping Cen lvr


F o r t a r n t , c o m m e r c ia l , and, IndOktrlAl use Dok 609, H n lle y , 780 3141. or 726 5611

Outside painfirtQi free t s i lm a le s ,- Reasonable ra les , spray or brush, 73J3513,

T R E E T O P P IN G or re m o v a l by e x p o rts F r e e u s t lm p te s and in sured . Phono 733 ^ 0 8 or 734 3403 R a a iN S D N 'S T R E E S E R V IC E

K O N IC E K T H E E S E R V IC E - Now d o in g . M e c h a n ic a l t ro v lopping and rem ov inu . A ll lim bs - ■ and ■ s a fe ly lo w e re d

Vacuum C leaners, Service

A u r lic d S U N B E A M Vacuum C leaner S e rv ic e , M A Y E le c tr ic 441 M ain . East

Paw ton P o rta b le W elding Aluminum and general welding. Call U arrv Paw sori 324 4117,,H no answer, 733 3834

441 M.»in Avii l t l i ' i M «. Y r i i ' i tr ii

.inb e riy 423 5104

> i.l JVlh i.r 733 BH46

h.ict.i-o M .-n o i il,

P A R I t r t.,rn .slH 'U I l;.-clruo-

lU R N lS M L D I D i'drooiii upsi.i................. '

1 liE D R O O M iip .ii ir iu -n l. u ttlil'li ,ii il c di-|)o-,.l, luup li'S s .tu ili- . u n i/ C UI 733 7HVV

Ji-ruMH- flu in i- 1.’ 4 SSM I

rsr,................... . M,UIOI

I W I N ' I A I I W f- S fA P A R I Ml- N 1 S .11 I l io n . C iil'e«|r ol Soullii.'i n I (l.itici I .iriji- J Ix 'iln .o n i . ip .i r l i iy m s , 2 tuli l-.ii!>'* tu ily ( . . r iH 'K 'd .in it w n ;> |ii-dCom t'li-''’ .............. .lu rn .stied .m d' uiituriicMii-d All u t . lit .i- , turriishi'-cl Ne>v 7.-4 3MI1

3] U n furn ished Apts.

& Duplexes

.I llld ltlc l'K I.IU IKtry 1.11 .1 t ,i" , nil li.rn .M .i-d N i'.ir 0 1 , u’l .M itu r '

■■■•;ji\<irin‘,i'<r>—r7T-T?i';'i>(';-r“ i^TT*7-n" ■.itf

p isTW IN f - A lL ^ W n s I .Mi,irli>H-rit,

m 7?osi l io i i i (o lle g e ol S o i .ii in n ld,»IHi I. .irg e 3 hi-flroom .ip .trt in e n i. 2 tuil b.tftis li/Hy carix-ted .ind dr.iped C iim plefe in iil l' in k ilc f ie ii. fori^iMircl >ind

turnished New 734 366it

V Bedroom l i r u k dupji.^ I' - b .t'h . r .irp c 'l, (c irp c irl, h .iM 'iiii’i i ! . gnod

■ L c n .i f lo n , . i i lu l l s . Ill) pi.'ts Ri-.iM iiirttili' 733 0707

B R A N D N t:W A N D f’ l .U S H , U x i ir io i is d u p le * deSM ineif tor i . i r e lr e e entoym ent C e n lr .i l .n r e le c tr ic lie a t p u m p , w a te r so llen e r, gos log f ire p l.ic e , double g a r.ig e , i>rivate u .itio , .u itn iu n fit ^ p rin k lm o and la w n c a re fJorlhi-ast location , V250 month w ifti ye ar le a se , [ifione 733 5446

T A K IN G .ip p lica lio n s tor rent ol B rent M anor rtpartm ents -as Avenue I and D av is Street .11 M anor 1 p m lo 6 p .m . F n i la v Jun i' 29 C all 73J 9137 during week

,2 - . Benroon^ n()< trlm en l U hturn lsh i'd , A C E R E A L T Y 733 5217

't Bertroom tip nrtm cnt» v i lil it i rs tu rn ished , fenced y a rd . M usi he employed 733 4593.

2 bedroom , basement ■ip.irtn\i-til ava ila b le Ju ly 1st. Stove , w .ife r ,

-san ilarion a ll tu rn lsfied No fi:t- . '733 67/1. I

ALSO . . .V e r y H a n d y F o r

C O M M E R C I A L S t o r a g e

Y O U R L E A S E $ 2 7 .5 0 M o n fh

N O L E A S E 5 3 0 0 0 M o n th


E o b t la n c J D f i v o S o u th B e y o n d O v ^ r -P o sb

T W I N F A L L S R E A L T Y733-3662

I W a n te d W Rent

M is c tl la n to u s For S a lt

A l i f ’-I-, I I .IX K ' SlA') MoiSi-li ,iS iu i.- , l.T-..' .n iW 50 (iii.nrh (> m |R ‘r she ll litt out D .iik SV90

FO R S A L E D ress M aker Sewing M ach ine w iin 25 y e .ir w .irrm ily E le c tr ic guit<ir .tnd . i ru p f il ie i , and 357 Model 20 Belt and H olster 307 M .irtm Street

t R A M l 'O l I N I: S .....................I•nfroUui to r , iir ice 5« 1 0 ' i l l9 V 5 , 6 » 12- SVSjl V'> ! . 14 5299 V5 I OB

B .ink ,W riteI r . i inDenvi

M a i s h a r y j i i i s tc , as iS M/b 5(K) I ’ S W .t<.hrr. .IS ,s il45 7j

A IR C O N D IIIO N IN G to rent or , lju y , relriger<»lion or w ater type

New or used * , ,lf l r g c . S<:lc'<-''on , B A N N E R FU R FT i T U R E 733 1 42 1

U S E D Steel Food L o ck e ra , 20" square , 30 " deep W ill sta ck ideal, shop or ga rage storage |3 00o<irh 733 0045

R O y T E R .» 2 0 Bench r i in dn r, 120, 734 4637

U S E D Modol A IB M E le c lr lc T y p e w rite r . Uses carbon RIbbori EH CO llont c o n d itio n 1150. C a ll bu^ ro 5:D0. 124 5522 Attor S.OO 324

W E N D E L L H EW A N D U S E D 190 A S Ir u u t . M o iu taV 'Satu rday , V.OQ 5 30 o p e n 'F r id a y s untr^ 9 .00 536 2774 or 536,2303:

N liW Corrug.ttefl liber p fiiio s . c .tr i io rfs . e tc . N u ise ry . 546 » iler Aven

.sadd io and bridio C all 423 4

S TO C K R A C K , long w ide p ickup lx>H t25 4O’ a lum inum exUi^slon lad d e r, tlt il rungs Ad |ustab le legs. HOC 536 62JI V

W an ted to Duy

W A N T E D Ck)od used gas tiink . |50^gr»llon w ith stnn^ Phone 543

W A N l t o B U Y N ighh r .iw le fs Phone 7J4 4944

W IL L B U Y d ire f to r AucJioft youf to rn ilu re ,ipp l-ances (T d d s and ends Sn .ike R iv e r A u n io n 733

C A S H IO R S C R A P M E T A L C opper. Br<iss. A lu m in u m ,

R c idu iio r. B .it te n e s . E tc _ H K Q P P F^-------- ir7 T O 7 r—

M O K Ygre.iti-st56.’6

C A R P l i l sw i g rtlo t ,|M H.iU-l

• r j i r r i-S 7 J j

IV7V Wt ne>-. C.1

n rlpoo l d.stiw .\stii-r II 73J 79 5

m e .


Bl,i< k.-i 73 3 IIU)4

SUL EC I ION 01 .ir.d d ry e rs 53V Vi .1 A D p rr ..n il »-uri

nil o|) iitu re

^ g ;v .A „ i. in .i M .* ro w ,.v i- o./i'i> A

P U R E B R E D G erm an Shortha ir pups F ie ld chatnpionshlp S Ire f

; 734 5259

I OR SAi,4? A k C reg iste red Samt Beni^irci**i)uppies 3 tem ales 1 m .iie »50 Call 324 5050, Jerom e

•, old C all 733 7Vlb

48 H ea ting A Air C ond itio n ing

AKC R egistered ond purebred , 3 5 in o n ih o ld B r i i i r in y S p a n ie l puopies lo r sa le . See al 1501 Dirch btre.-t or l ,i II 543 5579 Buhl ,

G IV E A W A Y TO .A Qood hom e, '.n i.iii D .ietishund m i.e d puppy.

■ Ui.iLU-^3tt.l7SA P .i i.l

; 30tn Lo< .iteit 1

TH IN G S your m otfier never told you .ibo o l' Pete Joim ston 312 South W .ist i.iiiiln ii (A irp o rt Hoadi 733 7J4‘, ^

01 D W AOON sevit. rope bed. oak bi'd. w .ilnU I bed. cam el bttck tru n k , I iilun iiil Icibfe. and c lie rry rocker 7 j j 8075

44 M usica l In tt r u m e n ts

» E N O t :R U A S S M |;N A m plitie r With 2 speaker c a s e s . .ilso .m» Ep .pnone g o il . i f, 733 3011

C)i UI11 be! V,lSl) J24 4OV0

I H o h .ift M C .ih le I-'.,111

O rgans Used p ianos 4*ni H hT s Studio 733 4400

B R A N D N EW E le c tr ic G .n t .ir .iiid A iiip li lie r set, H .itm o iiy A n ip l.f ie ' w ilti Jensen loud S fie .ik iri , J Inputs, 54) 4 784

p..iiu> C.iU 9.14 4270

Set ol Ludw iu D ru it is w ilh cynW i.ils and liber m se s 2 y e o rs old 733 0AS4

N EW Y A M A H A p iiiiu is , used p in no s Y/*-’> .i g u i t .t r s K L H Stereo re io - it p irtyers W A R N E R M U SIC n i Sfiost'rne Nortfj

Radio, TV I. Sttr«o

R C A 14" Color TV w ilh now p ic tu re tube . Id e a l lo r an rtParlm ent or sum m e r ht)inc only SlOU.enat M A Y E le c lr lc . 441M ain A vc . East-

21 IN CH Z «n ift'co lo r ‘ T V console .

40 IN CH rahg e, F rlg ld A lre , reconditioned and guAranlcod. t7B at Cnin's 733 7111. '

futnllur* il CtrpM

T A B L E A N D 4 ch A irs , solid li(ltit o a k . (35 Cofieo fa b le . 3 end tables t60, Qiivono and tlta/ir tSo 733 OSSS,

7 33 HHB4 !)J7 3rd I

W L r R I G L R A T E D ■ r I o nd itio n i'f. window 'typ e 0 ‘ 00

■■RTti cirrrtinnT connnton ?175 '473 4S . IV3 441SI

B uild ing M a te r ia ls

' o o ' .*

121UU UKESUVO.SOUTII4 a II f vOMS H illlltjO U K l pO»l'l

-M, ‘ S J 7 S r .Sc v<w , J" 'If le l ie i .(o (7i«jwvi»- ■ fromUp Ic. S t ) ' . O f r o n K il,» ...n

C d l'i iic ts A n J n iillucio in V o n it irs

M ould ix

GtiW M AN S M E P H E fT D p b p p ie s , 6 Ai-i-Ks Old. SIO e .ith 733 5557

R E G I S T E R E D A u s t r a l i a n S tie p t.e rd , N a tu r .i l H e e le rs , Provtrr^ n-Iio th St>ei-p and C a ltlo541 404j '

D'NC.O tia ii A u stra lia n • Id poppies. 510 each Good .ioc|- 324 2097 Jerom e

AKC i iM .s t i- i ,.j b.iint Be rn .ird A,ill- 10 rtioirltis old H.»ve alt h ii'’, i-a>i-[leni m .irkm g s , ve ry n iia ili l!u " -d Lo ves ctnldren JJ25 kiM {' ,iv .i'> le , SJ5 543 5473

S ilv e i

• lin in l r „ol rORM iCA

4 . I 0 7i 4 ' Sft.M.

O lf .,.1 l.iiM .-s*o r ov irtll’. : (IS4 s It

I iiH iliro iii 1 oil um lsS I 40 sq yd

■ C o ip ct HoM l i .d j S2 99 SC) yd

Hou.-h Sown f’ liu, S I0 5 l’ .H M

I » 6 » V 75' pot booufI - 9 . > 1 1 ? l.ootcf'*

I only H o tpo in l Drop ln Range $166 20

I only H o tpo in i Duili lt« ■ , ’ D ish w o s liu i $172 00


S A V E $$$$$/

Oaragt Salti

G A R A G E SAle. cfilldrens clolhino. housanold items, some furniture. Wednesday. O OOATtn, Io 5 ;00p .m . 807 N O rfhvlew D riv e . Section North ot Turf Club.

V A C U U M C L E A N E R S , tloo^ polisfier. Old "Efurte" M agailnes. 7,30'5;00 T h u rsd a y . F r id a y . 6, souilt, ' ] East'o f East 5 Poinis.

N E IG H n O R ilO O D ,YARD sale al 601 aod 611 3rd Avenue Wost. The 20th and 29th\

Y A R D S A L E June 20th And 2»th. 9:00 a.fjy. to 7.00 .p.rn, 329 West second In Je ro m e, F u rn itu re , swing set and (nUce|lani<ous.

>!iO 733 0672

S tie p h crd S , • , )inn ElkMflufftW)*- ,

. irs. DriHnriysA^I^ B rittany C-«cker

l',.i)s. Hnr a Poos, Toy . Poodle grooming. M ac's '

536 2317

mn.ii (log grooming All iiiil tiir .tppomtinent 734 '' yii.vood Aguariu 1 ■'

G E R M A N S H O R T H A IR pups,............ ............ "■ ion Sir

' 0165. I Sylm.i

SlOO,w rite 1564 1 Blflnd

, Citlilornirt

50 Holsfem Weaner Heifers and alt;jrt___b u lls . J2,4 2206 H erm anStammerintin

I OR S A LE 2 Guernsey cows KeslH'iung early Ju[y with Fourth C,ill 43(1 5725

S E L E C T S IR E INC All breeds, dairy beef. Walter Leitch, Phone 543 4650

P R E S H or Springer cows or heifers iiuAranteed Buy or trade tor springers or boef. Hap or Clyde HU^I^«i BUht. 543 5035 Or S43 5M9,

2 R E G IS T E R E D p ureU ed Ajigu* b ulls herd s ir e s . Non- »p arle iK eysto n em A re long body ... , and heig ht. N on-pariel BA rd ollerm ere ty p ica l, h e iv y - ■ , .shouldered and r ia r Q uartK td kangus. lono -body. Call F ran k hDrake 4JJ 8014 befpre liOO a m , o r J ^after 4:00 b ,m , 5 ^


Page 26: Classroom space OlVd - Twin Falls Public · 70th yoar, 261st issuo Idaho's Lnrgest Ereninfj; !\i‘wspain>r

/,, ■

36 T Im oi-N ew s, Tw in F n l l i . Id a ho T h u r id f ly , Ju n o 3fl/1W 3

Check "Recreational Vehicles" in today's Times-News Classified Section.

C a t t i t

FO R S A L C ir> onceKenl cond<\i(In, I.SOO Q A llon b u lk tAnk «vi(h

'huiomflllc w ith e r . Itou low Imp w iih ’ « unir», 16 t ia llt wim.x i io m A lk lo ect» fi And leeo >Ank Wrilp to Uox F 71. Tiini)»Nr'«r%

Farm I

a r t i f i c i a l n R E E O IN G 10 AOS ( jrcA tpro v*ntlr« , nh lion'i hiuho^i <v(K>. producllon i lr e i Also <ii' i>r<-rd» ol beel ■VAilable fluhl. S43 6107, je ro m *, 33< 3*57. Shoihonc.

rS07. Ourtty. «7a 97S1

IS It cind p u reb red C1uirol<ns H fiirrs Purebred ChArolAii Hulls. %ri- J' - W<*M, I4 north, or t ,»il S36 704», l« ii liAACi. Weniii'll

» OM S A L E .. 100 )S0 Holitrin Mc-ilrrv woiQhino Irom 1000 IJOO pounds on hnndfll a ll Umoi A iio 3 ouMifi to (inAncc with Euo«-n«- HuHhtn,. Jerom ? 3J4 7415

HorMi4«S E V E R A L Small » lor>e». ArabiAn HAckn«v pony cross. I ShetlAnd Aqm 7 S All broke to leaa And reAd/ lo Ir Ain 374 S1S7noort hour JillM 7 p m

A ll l y p r jo l hordes lo ld Anfl" IfA cH Jd P k ’o ly ot R.»nch G e ld ings

Ron H .ile v . n i AOSi

Top bloocli'd r f« i i ir ro c l Q u flrtfr |Hor^»^C SAli? S JftJM I ^

1 Ctu-^'nu' M.tri- Ttirouohbrcd H ro k iv i-H u n i o ioortlio i- R w |i4 l«T f(J in Jo cK ry Club .4J3 S34J

\ /Oiir ulcl Ariibiitn S'ud. S{i>riti.-j. rt'OHlcTc'd $)S0. Hurlon P iT rm f m 6OAO

ZCUS iind H tH A .ire dc.tmond S'ucUlfrt. ip irdfd . m jiiliT i'd M.ill Ar.iDiiin Diivs Will ^cll or vw,*p tor

P rn n .in i 'ii i .-.I A ix tW s . i . 5

A PPA U O O bA G fldiiM ). I1 Hridli-

A P P A LO O b A Gi-ldiny 6 yortrs o Good B A rri'l Horse /intl Tcc Ropinu S36 7HH



c n il B3J

43 U t

Shtep, <0 yertrliny c w « , 4iri‘d by R J Shown ColutnbiA Hrttni 3617 evcninui

iS Farm A Ranch Supplit*

3 un<' UnivtTSAl Milkiny M.icbmc.

— C O N C R E T EH E A D G A T E S

I 0 Opening $7 00 Itiroo r S ire t Avo ilob lo


Farm lmpUm*nt«

OWATONNA sw Atlii-rs. p Id le s And t i ' r v i c v , M o lyMai.hir\efv. >33 l i * J

LArgest lOJ John Di-ore, p ro p v llc u co m b in e ( condition Ca II J02 757 JM I

SM A LL CASL IrAclor, yood. ni'Cds ovurli.iul M.iki- otlcr 733ooae

16' W eilurn t)«.‘d, hiuh’ tidcs lor Silcigf, h.ty. .tnd grcJin Alui hAul bt-i'is, ( ii'i, rttid ole . i.x i 473 S700

M A SSEY Ferguson 410 Conibmt 14' Cab RcAV)nAblr. will TAdc CAn F inAnti- 731 S76>



I 71)0 Hositun

I 760 Ho)kioi>

,1 220 HoUtoix

3 OSOCntv

I - ll4 0 C ^n ...

3 fl05 Now Hollnnd

3 Q07 Ni>w Holloruj

1 - No 90 Owoloni'fl

I 000 John Ouoiu w ith cob S oir

BALERS ^7 25A Ffoomdn / T

I - 330 ^(oomai) ,

I- 7 U T jo hnO o « ru

I- 774W John Dootu


U-H27 M oitoy Hoffli

H e s s t o nEQUIPMENT

C E N T E RKlmborly Rd., Twin Falls'

V 7 3 4 . 4 5 0 0

JOHN D E E R E « 0 Dorer Olflde And CorruQAiors. all likp new, 37477113 _ ........ ..............IV69 John Deere 34. ? fo w torn chopper w ilb hAy ‘ • * hortd 346 7759

ID A H O T R A C T O R S A L V A G E h»» m oved I0 '< m ile west <51 hospliAl <0 GrAndvu D riv e , in cn '« m ilessouth CASh for ir a c to r i . low p riceson us<>(1 p .irts Phone 733 6793

F O R SA L E ,1967 I o ril dump truck

T D 14 A inlrrnittiOMAl ci drill AC discIMt'- iJO M .l‘ f orntjui

C O M B I N E SI John Doufo 95 0 combino I 7 . p lh tlo fin wilJt iU a w chopp«Vi? Cosi> 600 combmot I Mossoy Forauion, 5 I0 ^ J , rfiosol comHino-',4 foot I M astoy Forguion 5J0 coDibino 14 platlorm w iln 'slrow ctioppof1 Co»o 660 cnmhino with ' cob and boll pick up 1 TD 4400 E D combino 1977lonQ t.no7 John Doofo 55 combino»

CHOPPERSI Fo» Supor D 1971 soli propolioci (lioppof wilb cob.3 fow corn hood & boy pick upI Fo* Supo< 0 1969 toH pfoppllod chopper w illi cnb .& OK J (ow corn liood & hay hwod

SPUD HARVESTER1 Ipckwood MorU VI potato harvoitnr 197 1 model



Pailurtt For Rani

tor 1!> 70 hi'fld of lows. July 1st Twin >33 4Vil cv.-ninus

lor r.-nl irr-UiiMl. i a M

if BoattAAAarlna Itami



& M A R IN A J E R O M E .ID A H O .

70 Spot^itM* ^ o e e n

n R U N SW /lC K , Oeltfl at>d Oolmo pool ta b le s , new and used A ccesso ries Sales jr id .S o rv ce j.imo5 Cl^n-k, 733 5601 ft»lor-4.00 And weekends

ftuiorndlic 16 u.iuue sitol uun 734 S354 .ilic r 5 30 />nd anylimt? on wi-i.'ki'nds


1977 RoAdrunniir Travel trailer, selW onlalnnd, like new. Ca II 423 5736

FOR S A L E Roomy Travel Queen cv»rnpcT Sleeps three com fortably Sink with VvAler lAnk And pump Threo' |)IaIl- o< s stove All in good w orking condition. L o ts ol cupbuarit spflcp Call 326-4643 Anylim e

16' 1956 Leisure Home. Travel Trailer, good condition, bulnric lurnnce. 70 water tank,•.loeps 5 -536 2145,

1955 I A K EW O O D C.imp T ra ile r. » » 15 »600‘733 7697 - '

T R A IL E R H IT C H ES and b ra k « ln»talled,equaliier w idotherSFasi S irv lce 76\ Main A v w o c West, Twin F a ll* Phone. 733 9261

74 Campari

C A M P E R (or loreion p ickups *4S0 or tjesl oiler Duhl 543 6654 Twin F .ills 733 5673

10'< p Ma>ler C.impor Gas ApDl.nncfS. Sleeps t. 975 52B0

8' high campi-r shell, large rear window 6 months old 1175 543 5164

4 Star i 10' /■ Caoippr bifups 6 E« cel lent condition HulrujurAtor plus extra 734 7798 Aftt-r S 30

19 70 i r Si-curily CrtriipL'r, sleeps 6. se ll c 0 n IAI n e d with s li 0 w e r , monornrtiK loilet. dynahlt londi-r, Many Walras. OKCi-llent condilioi\ 713 9737

77 AufoSarvIca —

Parfil. Accaiionat

VX6 - A new battorywddltlve that

P arts (or sale, 1971 Dodgo Oompn, 6 cylinder, autom atic, wrecked on letl Side. All-6ther parts like now condition 734’903S:’ «

ictual m ill's 734 J035.

10. iCyiilat A Suppllai

D TVn'tl G Aulomotive Dultaco. A rcliC .Ca l' Sales Service 655 4774 14 South E a s I 5 Points

1973 7S0CC K A W A S A K I. SflO m iles, phono 739 3&U.

1971 KAVtfASAKl, 500 5.000 miles, take best olfor. 407 4lh Ave E 734 4057

19/1 C» 150 Honda cuSlorin/ud E<r<'lli'r,i (ondi)ion Call after 5 rO 714 5791

her b.ile Honda 350-bL »475, H>ke 150. Call ,iner 5 00 n rii-l34 507o 1953 E liiaheth

G E T M O R E A U T O S E R V IC E B U S IN ES S wilh Classified^ Ads

H O fJO A X L 250, eKCellent condition, 473 5934', after 6 00 p n^

197"r K A W A S A K V W T n e«cellent condtlion Not a bike for beginners Call alter 6 00 174 5111

7th Avenue East

FO R S A L E 1946 Ci-ssna Airplane For details call alter 6 p m 670 109U . ■

Chains a lle r 6 00 p n

4V Boat> A Marina Itami

15' F IB E R G L A S S BOAT, Top, 50 nortopower oloctnc motor, trailer, slprco. tape, phono 713 1196

14 C re s r iu u T . 70 tiorsi-powef M iTtu ry, t)oat Irailer JB50 All in uood londilion 733B761

t « 7 '. ,--T(jlass Ski H0.1I Molor and Trader ^1,705or bvsl ol ter 733 9376 i-vi-mr»as

NOW SHOiA^tNG herp 1973 boats and motors. See them al BUD AND M A R K S your E v m ru d e and M ercury Dealer 1167 Blue Lahi-S Norih, 733 1194

14’ Evinrudi- PlaymaU- it. tiaul. m board. o u tb o a rd . VOiiorst! 1'm.eiifnt ..ondilion 734 5617

L O O K I N G F O R A N E W O R U S E D B O A T ?

W E V E G O T T H t B E S r i I

PLUS . , ,W o liovu u*ed co«» plfl^Up* ond rno to fcydo s tokon in on trnd et W o w ill ira d ii lor any Ih irifl for noorly oixylhiiig^ 1 •

C O M E IN T O D A Y A l

CENTURYA U l- O M O T IV e - W A C - H IN E -

761 A d d ito n A v« W Iw in fo ils 733-5070

S P O R T K I N GKirrg O l Cornpori

So p Iho o il now 1 1 w ith .F ro m Kitchen

M A D R O N C A M P E R & T R A IL E R S A L E S

1 2(J B lue Lokos Eo tl 5 P o in it Twm F o ll i 734 7U61

1970 »»porl*.ina IB' i'.\otor Home, low rnileaue 376 5914

70' Mini Motor Horne 1973 Dodge 360. M ark IV .nr, e« C ftle n i condition Will irade for properly 437 0531

Motor Homat

Cyclat A Supplia*

1«67 Trium ilh ^ 0 cc D id nike p t r a T ires. moro,noodswo».tj 934

GOOD H O M EM A D E cycle trailer iholds 7 cycles. t60. 324 4090. ,

1977 l^nda CD100, 950 acti'Al m iles, includes 2 helm ets $375 037 6190

450 Honda tor sale, 536 2657 ask for Cindy or Rodney Hafley

1977 Y am ah , 125, 1 67 Hodaka 90, CAll Atter 6:00 p,m . 324 5967

1967 Honda 90, ve ry good condiliori, call Keven alter 6 :00p.m . 423 4365., 2 .0 m iles south ol Hansen

lV/1 Tnumpti Bonneville, 650, 1,000 mile’s , mint condition. *1.075 733- 0/06 or 733 3913.

1977 HONDA S L , 350, exceilenl condition. V'V) Call'ofior 6 00 p.m 374 5505

3 A N T IQ U E M olo fcycle i, 1942M alchless 350, 1955 BSA 250, 1937flSA 500 Sell together orsoparalely 374 7074 ^

1971 650 Triumph Bonneville, 650. 1.000 m iles mini /rondiiion 4975 733 0704 or 733 3913

W a n t A d s !-« --------------Haavy-Eqt

I^OH S A L E I960 John Deere 400 Oackhoe w ilh Iro n i lo .if le r'in good Shape 436 3316

BONANZAMOTORS- i n B u r l e y

♦ _ ■

S a les & ‘S e rv ice fo r


C a ll 6 7 8 -9 4 8 6

f678 9601


y o i i m o r e .BOB REESE "m o t o r CO . h a s a l l f o u r o x c .tm g

n o w W in n o b o g o m o t o r h o m o l in o s , p lu s th e lo n t a s t ic

n o w b ig 5 th W h o o lo r .

COME IN TODAY IN o w o n D is p la y , R e ady lo r Y o u r In s p e c t io n !

■ ’ ’ m k S S" V T 'a c f®

B O B R E E S E M Q T O R C O ."Tfie^eofeFYou Con Depend On"

5 0 0 BLOCK 2rid A V E , SO. T W IN FALLS■■733-5776

Compare? Price— Compare FeaturesAnd Then You Will Decide On THE . . .

T I T A N M O T O R H O M E*\ '7 0 FTo i t i t a n <• Ruoqoil 16 OOUQ®

»leo l co n itru c tio n440 CID Dodfl* Engine

w Pow er S tee rin g Pow er D rake*

V. Aotom otic Tran*m l»»ion V. ATI Leve l Ricie

'^7 G o llo n G o» TonU V; .T ilt S tee rin g W heel ^,r Duol bottery ly s te m

vV A u lo m o tivo a ir condilionioQ u 5 .0 00 K W G eno ro lo r

1 3 .000 OTU Root oir condi-tion ino

w 3 0 ,0 0 0 DTU Colem an fo rced o lr fu rnace

V. A M FM S tereo rgdit> andtope deck & T o le v iiio n A n te n n a

V. R ec ircu lo fino Toilet V; Duol vo n iiv in b a ll i ■»•; P o w er batnroo ip vent

T ho N o w L o w C ost T IT A N

. . . . . . . . . NOW

Double sioin lQ tt siuol ■

kilchen »mk»-.r 7 5 cubic fo o l Royol Dom os

lie RefriQeroto* (Gas-Eloc- in c . 110 « 1? V o ll) * , / S loep ing atrongom orM v lor

f S a fe ly (jlos^ in oil w indow » Sfiog ca rn o i w ilh pad

V; O u tilq p c jin g m leno r design• Execulivo living oreo

, RV Thumplutt Thus

*15.900M O T O R C O ., 3 0 4 4 )h A V E . W e s t

733-7365T W IN FALLS

’ b a c k h o e sC o io 6U0 C 1977 inodul Co^u 51)0

LOADERSHougb 1 ' I yard 2 M ichigon 75 A 1 ' i yard w ith cobM uirou 970 1 yofd I Now 1 Q 0 00 pour<d Mo fh in v Trailur

BILL LOUG'HMILLER 7 3 3 -57 61

1969 C hevy 1 ton. V 0, A utom atic , C le a n L o w M iic f lo e / 733 7573. d a y lim e 733 0541

Import—Sporls Can

D U N E D U G G Y , Moyer* Tow'd, 1600 VW Powered, plus goodiet. ta95 143 8336, Boise.

M U ST S E L L , 1977 Volktwageru 7,000 m iles, good condition 536

1977 RX 3 M ild a 714 5767,

1971 '/O LK S W A G EN Sciuareback. • •• .......................... s. 11,900 733

1969 F IA T D U N E O U G G lE to* ta le . Needs re p a irs . C all 537 6647. i* sk for D ud-.

W6B D .ilsun 7000 spo ris c .ir New Top, 49,000 m il f s 734 4196 or 733 5597

1961 V O L K S W A G E N V an new motor iind pa in t, .m a k e o ile r 914 5511 days

196B O P A L S T A T IO N 1S9.5 ,Good condition 934'40^ _

1971 T O Y O T A C o ro lla , 2 door. 4 spend, re c lin ing s e a ts . 30 m iles per

, ga llon R u n s good. J995, 733 7570

1966 C O H V A IR C orsa , 2 door coup le . 4 speed , 140 horsepowi.T. ! .harp J450 934 5776


1972 R X 3 R o ta ry W aoon. 12,495, 062 9900 a sk lo r QarbarA or leave

C L EA N 1969 ToyolA, low mileftge, nulom atic. air conditioninp, rtcw rubber 734 45D5.

Jaap — 4WMal Drivat

s t o u - f 1967, 4 whcei 'd rivc v b. line condition. R ear se a t . 11,595 F ir rn phone 733 5444

1971 S C O U T C o rn m a n ch e - Lo ad ed w ith e x t r a s , a ir conditonm a. M aurice K la a s 733 5519 •

1V7 >4 ion 4 wheel d r iv e , V 0; 4 •• spec^d. Ford p ick up, c a ll a lle r 6 00 P .m ..334 .0 7 l7 .- ,—

1969 F O R D B ro n c o . *7.500 . excellent cor>dition o r trade lor V an 677 5359 Sun V alley

1970 IN T E R N A T IO N A L T ra v a l a ll . V B, au to m a tic , a ir . h itch , and l>rake contro l 12,600 734 5J4B, a lle r 5 00 p m

C A S H FO R Tate i^nodel, 4 * 4 p ick up Gene B o sse rm a n ,. Je '’O H U L _^

197V B L A Z E R , power stee ring , b r a k e s , p o s it r a c t io n , ra d io , M ie h e l in s , a u to m a t ic , 'low m ileage E x te l le n i 713 7000

1951 J E E P P ick u p w ith 6 ChffVy M otor, lock oul hub. 1650, Good condition 934 4053

1967 Scout, good condition, lock oul hubs, dual fue l li in k s . Phone 733 0471

-•s. (loori ro nd ilio n

ROM NJWAN WITH PRIDE 0 a o f fn//ofion A t .


Auto* For Safa-

409 2nd Av« S 733 2022

A irto t F or Sala

W65 M e rcu ry V H. a u lo rn a lic . l« w t'r s te iT in g , new ii r e s . good <uniijlipn S500 734 4;SH evenings


W 1 2 C ase Loader S7 750

/^Im OoarebOlOScropor '14 .000

ELLIOTT'S1 1 1 O v er lan d A vu

Duriuy Idotio Phono 67H 55H5

BO B HO U S TO NSolos Roprosontotive

Hr.n.,_. 733 1490

1967 C H E V R O L E T •*. ion p ickup , long na rro w bed, 77 engine, needs paint C a ll 324 596B

1963 ForU Ion, good condition, cam per bo», 18' t^«mp«r ira ile r

- F a ir cof^dition ' Boat. 25 house tv e n ru d c and t ra ile r 536 5761

1968 Fo rd , w ith 1977 Sportkitigi. cam per P r ice d to s i'll E x fe li i ' t i i condition 374 5053 ? n U iy . scu lh 1 rnilu w esi of Jerom e

I960 l^ord R ang e r, one o w n i- i, autom atic iransriiiSM o n ; 360 V fl I'ngine, ca m p er s lie il 713 1?1V

S A L E I I96A Daracuda Form ula S. Good condition, 4-ipsed. M agi. 734 S15) 6:00 p.m.

1972VcgA.pcrfoct condillon t5.600 miles, call 714 3535. --- ^ ■

1967 Cougar X R 7, 709, V 0, autom atic , v in y l lob, power steerlno and brakes UOO Call 376 4037 or 543-5362.

I960 CTO lor salvage. Engine and transmission iust overhauled 537 4714 •2:'--

1964 Ford G alaxie, V O, autom aiic. power steering, 1300 or Irad c lor pickup. 734 4758 evenings

GOING to collegc? Taking a trip? Go with a 1965 Thunderbird wjth everything 734 3379

1966 Chevrolet P ickup 733 3 133 Call a lle r 5 00 p m sec a l. ,196 LocuS' Street North

1967 G a lA xie 500 2 door ha rd lo p ,

733731'?'” * ’196V S r U D E B A K E R H A W K , 789,

'V 0, 4 tpeed R uns good, *725 436 3074 ________ _____ _

1972 C ad illac Coupo D e V ille . good condition, low m iles . 1 OM/ncr C all Alter 5:00 p .m 324 ^950

1968 M ercury Monlego, 6 cylinder, Si.indard transm ission, new p<iini. goud copdiiion Call 731 1604

I960, *42. Power s le e n n g . b rakes.' au lo m a lic tra n sm iss io n C all 731 497r. atter 5 00 p m

>^O RSALE Model T Fo rd lo u ring ,

1964 C O R V E T T E co nvertib le hard

/ in te rio r, ,473 5920

1966 M sta n g . conditio*'in<). gc

I95B Dodge. 10 w heel. 4 speed. 7 .specHl R u n s . 5375 176<4U7 I-Her

— .P i£ .k .up i 4 .Spuud .^excellent conditior\, low uMiearje. ll.SOO c a ll 71J 5979

I OR S A L E or ira d e lo r t.jr^fpei t r a i le r 1967 C tie vy P ic k u p , A u lo n ia l it , V U C all 437 5731

l9ftS In te rn atio na l T ra v e l all', 6 C y l in d e r , 4 sp e e d , e x c e l le n t lo n d iiio n P rice d to sell 423 6469

O lie C O bodies, b e d s , g ram I at t ie , c o n it j in a l io n W ag ner T ra ile r b a les . Jm ' R o w e. 711 7<i/1

1977 Custorr* Fo rd Ion • igged tor . a ta m p e r C a ll 733 7568

door. EKCollont conditio

1970 IN T E R N A T IO N A L 2 ton truck wilh 1 year old Ross 16' Bed wim Corn Sides Call 324 4447 or 324 0381 '

1967 Ford ' j-ton Pickup, Clean, one ow ner 39:000 m ile s- 352 V^B Automatic. Stereo Tape Dock. .130 Volt f ie ld pow er, see At Laundrom al. 1838 Addison E ast.

1972 C H E V Y '-1 ton pickup wilh cam per lof sale, 543 M29.

1966^ 100 Ford P ickup, 4 speed, make of<«ir 655 4262.

1967 Ford pickup, autom atic, good condiljon, See «t 4 m iles north ol. Curry crosSlno or ca ll 734-»467. •

1965-IN T ER N A T IO N A L Tandem dr'lve'iO '.M d, call 179 5007.

1965 V> Ion Ford pidK up. 352 V 8 ipodd, clean, M95/ 543 55?,4.

A c e H a n so n C h e v ro le l-Y o u r lo c o ! s u p o r r n o r k o t f o r a l l y o u r t r a n s p o r t o i io n n o o d s W e n o w h a v e ' 1 4 5 n e w c a r s a n d t r u c k s to c h o o s e ( r o r n W o c Jo o l o n o v o lu m o b o s is s o w o c o n p a s s o n b ig g o r d is c o u n t s to y o u . o u f c u s t o m e r s .

S t o c k N o . 3 - 8 4 2

1973 C H E V R O L E T'/2 Ton Fleetside Pickup

L on g w ic ie b o x , 2 5 0 6 c y lin c ie r e n g in e , 4 ’ s p e e d ' tra n s m is s io n , f ro n t s ta b il iz e r , h e a v y d u ty re a r sp rin g s , p o w e r s te e r in g , re a r s te p b u m p e r, g u a g e s ,.£ o d d e d d a s h a n d v is o rs.

A C E / H A ^ N T ^V O L ^ E P R IC E .......... 299009

N o . 3 - 8 2 0

1 97 3 C H E V R O L E T. C h e y e n n e % T O N P I C K U P

T in te d ^ la s s , fa c to ry a ir c o n d it io n ing, h e o v y d u ty sh o cks , f ro n t s ta b il iz e r , h e a v y d u ty

s p r in g s , p o w e r d isc b r o k e s , 454 V -8 e n ^ n o , a u to m a tic tro n s m is s io n , t i l t s te e r in g w h a r jl. p o w e r s te e r in g , 80 a m p b a t te ry ,

-c lo 'ck , ra d io , w h ite w a l l t ire s , g u a g e s .LIST $51 15.95


I t ' s A P l e a s u r e T o D o B u s i n e s s A t . .


Blue Lqkes Blvd. North Tvyin Falls

Phdi'ie 733-3033 '


Page 27: Classroom space OlVd - Twin Falls Public · 70th yoar, 261st issuo Idaho's Lnrgest Ereninfj; !\i‘wspain>r

A iHo* For S«l»

W A S C H E V R O L E T , O olAIr, 4 door, .. ,v 8, ocofiom lcal lo run , S37 4 403.

with W *ck In tflr io r, V 0 j 4 »pe« j, ^ r f x l co nd lllo n , ne^ ITT lt . 733

CeMIno CompAny c a r mu&i ten parionfll 1973 O ldsm obilc Delifl 2 door hordioR-M'lli SA cn iicc cq i» iv . laheover< pAym onls ?]«50]O caii Sunday o r nMer S 00 p m Any nlQhl.

1970 ye llo w M A v cr lck , 7 i m iles per

Ss llo n , low m licA o c ,' n^uii sell 1425, 700 4401. *

- jA p riC f, Butom fllic JrA nsm ission . buckei seats, pow er sloonno And brAkes, rfld io . good condition W95 543 5 5 9 4 _____________ I

S c h o o l- , n u s P u rp o s e d , All A lum lnurrr'body . 1300 . 2’ i mili-s South ol Jc ro m p , 4 m iles w csi on Bob Dflrton. south on route 3

Aulai For t<l> AiHot for S«lt Auliii Fer. S ilt I u - Autoi For I j l i u

V , .

AMoi For U lo

Cusiom SQO, I9&S Ford 4dooc 3 ton, OOOd'thiipe. 334 2950.

1971 Quick G . S . R Iv lo fQ Loaded

.- • M U S T S E L L - 1973 C re rrilln ' e x c e lle n t C A i WHcAflO . T a ke 0

p a ym o n ti 733 0190, ____ _______ __

! 1969 O u ick sptKiA l WAgon, 350 V 0. I slandnrd tra n sm iss io n , new t ire s , 1 ve ry c ic fln . $1,000. C a ll 334 276?

1969 Chevro let Station watjon. A ir , Pow er, cxcellont cond lllon . t1,700.733 3S34.

1970 .G T O P o ntiac , 4()6! 4 ipe iK l, new w ide li re * . Mao W h e il i . L o iv . m ile * , rgever been ra ce d o r ' a b y ie d .13 .650 , *caM 438-5040e vcn lng t. •

1970AAonte C4rlo W h ite w lth B lack vifiy l lop Bucke i te a ts . B lack nylon in lc f io r , atr condltionlno C all 733 7900

TOR S A L E 1946 Cutlom Ford S ed an , 6 c y l in d e r , r e a l oood condition', 1400. 334-5106

1969 - f ^ C B I R D , low m lloaqe, V lc h e iin i l r o s , autom atic console, IIOOO Phone 733 8254 or tee at 553 North W AsKinoton, Clt^^..

1969 U u ic k L e S a b r e . 2 door h A r o io p ^ . a u to m a t ic , pow er

1970- O e luxt'* Oflrrn<^uclfl, 3B3

1970 Fo rd X L , exce llen t condition, lak0 o ver paym ents . 733-1936 or 733 3969,

equipped, »750, 73< 3d90. .

19'66 Dodge Coronel 500. 303 Pac E n g in e , 3 speed • W y d ro m a t ic . T ra n im ls s lo n . See be iw een 9 a m

'• and 5 p .m . at 516 2nd S treo i E a s t .1 AAondoy thru F r id a y . >300,

t 1966 Chevro let D e lA lr . E x c e lle n t I Condition. B e s l Did B uys. D r . C H I U ehrm an , But»l, S43-.<4B0. _

Ex c e lle n t 1966 C hevro le t. ' > p ick u p , t n l l ’ c.impo^ sh e ll . 40.W0 m iles , e xce lle p i cond ition , 733 55U . a fte r 6 ;00

U K E N e W l7?'2'VcgA C T Wagon 5,000 m iles o r 4 m onths lo ll w ' w A r r n n ty , 12.945 S l k k o r . now

.C a ll 733 7905

FO R S A L E , In* ve ry good -rondftfiyfr~1*6fl J’ ord Counfry

9 paftien()i‘r , la c lo ry ■ WO V 0 eooinc »?9S '^ 4940,



,^ 9 6 7 H ircbiVd, exce llen t condition, new il^es ^ i v »9O0 C a ll 326 445V. Atter 6 30 p n i

' FO R S A 'LE - 1965 Chovy im pA i.v oood condition C a M 734 4579. a lterTo o p .m

•Dofll ca rb u re lo rs ...- lop R ad io , hpAtPf. tr .iop 713 0025

< E x c e lle n t G as ^Mleage 734 2035.

J 1971 F o rd 'C lu b W agonr 302 V fl,I Ion. 12 passenp er, w indow s All ' a r ^ n d , e x c e l lo n t m c c h a n lc a l ; co iiJU iito , tHcnvy D u ly . Spring ! ShocLs. tiros and snows t2.900 ca ll , 726 3526 or 736 3535 Kctcl\um

I 1963 O lds F-B5 Good cond lllon , :x |r a R im s , and s n o w .l ifu s ,_ | i iO

733 0904,

n ? 6 f f ' 55“ AutoniAtic F a c to ry Air C ondllloncd. V m yl Top &o«i

: Condition t050 Phone 7 j ’i 9321.

1964 lniornAiion<ii T ra v e la ll : 4 : ipei'CJ. rAd io 'nnd oood t ire s t995 ; See .11 240 HiQhlond Avenue or if Phono 733 8474 0.00 A.m lo 5 00

N O T IC l: TH Ib Would se ll or trA clc . 197» Potlgc Chflrger AM rad io , UvU noyver, f lu lon iA tic , lor sm Alle i CAT P m lo siA lio nw A U o n volkswA(M'i\ or Oa IS iih ' Ca I

S 00 I) n. o r> .im '.n i.- ot w/Tk i-nus /J4 7056


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N E E D A lu xu ry c a r ? 1965 i -T h ird e rD Ird buckct sea ls, flir. • power windows, nnd m any omer . o xiras Priced nohl 734 3329

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TH IN K TH E ISENIdaho's Oldest And iargesf Llocoln-

Mercury Dealer II

1973 MERCURY — - MONTEREYW iih W hito w o ll ito « l b ftllsd rqd io l. 40 .000 m lla t lr« t p lu s i'; Autom oHc iro n tm ltt lo n \'i P o w e r (le o r in g vV Frof<l d itc n ra k o i vi W all lo W a ll 1 0 0 * , Nylon C o fp e lin g v. Fu ll loom S«ot iv Dig .and P o w e rfu l V-Q Eng ine Vr autO ; in o ll( Porh lng QraUa R o lo a io V, Energ y A bsorb ing Dumpor >. F fo n i Dump6> O u ard i Vi D u luxo Sound PgckoQo \V D o lu if t W h o o j c o v e r t , \\ Dolu^o 3 ip b k o S luo rlng W hool I', O odytidfl M ouldingk

C o n c o o lo d A w ln d t ln o l l W ip o ij V, Lon^ U 4 ’ |>nch Wl)n<ilt)o»o V, Powi»r Vor>tila

'110)1 Sy»tom W oodtono ln »trum o n in llb n Ponot

1972 TORONADOT h ii pri>vioo»ly o w ned lu xu ry cor w ith O ld s rn o b ilc i lo m Q u i fto n l w ho o l Orivo IS oquippud w ilt i po w o rlu l V O p ng Q uT ^ iJlo ti'o iic tronsiiM vsion powcrr s lu oring & biak<fs powi.-r w ind ow s powi>' door lack , p o w u ' 60 40 &uol w ilh ip l it t io n l huot. a n d d u a p p w a i.

RONADOijty o iilo riio b li' 1% <*cliii|i|X)<l w ill) b iy V H ()ttt|inu oulo m ssiun oir to nd itlo m ii^ nnd ut cou>vi< rndio Tluk nc lud in o llii- i lo .u t y op iio ns mjcIi Oi p o w ii) wm dow v

l i i in l -.pill si-ol ti-in w indow du liK jgur and powi.'ippi'i m r.t rniitnllit; m ro ln r w ith rno irb inn to bnr and

rnony otbm lu xu ry lo o lu n

SOLD NEW $7347

-N O W -^ r-rr

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"Where Competifion Is Made . . . Not M et"7 1 2 M a i n A v e n u e S o . T w i n F a l l s 7 3 3 - 8 7 2 1

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M 1 8 7 ‘ 3 8 7 ‘ 7 8 7 ‘ 7 8 7

1972 DodQ6 Sioi>on W agon L o a d u J '

1968 Plymouth fu ry 4 door

1 ? 6 7 Thun^^rbird 4 door boouniui

1 9 6 4 C h e v r o l e t Station W agon

1967 Toyota 4 doo.

1967 Volkswagen ouo1969 ChevrolefCamaro j doo. hdip ‘ 1687 1 966 Ford Falcon,6 c/lmdor. standord. ‘ 5 9 51 969 Plymouth Fu .v UI 3 doo . hard to p ‘ 1 2871966 Chrysler N.wpQn1967 Ford Falrlane <doo.1965 Ford !oo

—V968“Ford wunonj — -^ 1 9 i i 6 J : b l f i y r o l ^ Molib>j

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‘ 1 3 8 7^ 9 8

1966 Rambler, tcylindor, itancJad , ... ^595

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Sim ple business

W I L L SPlymoufh


■254 4th Avonue West TVy.lN FALLS

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Bob Reese Motor Co. made a special purctttise from Chrysler Corporation ol these 1 973 vehicles. These are the finest car

values ever offered to the people of Magic Valley. ,


T h ib 1 9 7 3 4 do o > lb w it h o u t o 'd o u b t ih o f in o b t lu x u r y c a r b u i l t t o d a y . Y o u rn u s l c o in o in a n d lo o k a t o i l th o o q u ip t t io n t o l ih ib Im o lu x u r y a u lo m O b i lo

D U R IN G A N N I V E R S A R Y S A L E D IS C O U N T . 1600

1973*bODGE , COLT

2 d o o r h a r d t o p o q u lp p < fd w i t h o c o n o m ic d l* ’ 4 c y l in d e r o n g i n o . t r a n s m is s io n ,A m r a d io , a n d w h i t e s ld o w o i l t ir o B ,


1973 '/2 TONt . DODGE PiGKU'P

Th ii tw ap ilirta pickup Hoi 6 cyllndar an g ln * 4 ip««diron irtM ition—anrt-oquippiti-v?ith-irurTt*T jiie-broU *»-• It c i io n K ignitmr^ iv i io 'n and 330 lb rvo i o k I«

_ ^ w l ih h to vy duly tfo n i & r#pr ip r in jj i A l io l« o tu r« i tu c i' Qi oil p r« i iu ro guaga dgor lighter ih o ri arm bright nM»»ori p in* much much m or*


Great Deals Now . . . During WINNEBAGO'S . 1st Factory Authorized SALE I

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BOB REESE MOTOR CO.-The Dealer You Can Depend On

5 0 0 ' B L p G I ^ , 2 n d A v e n u e . ' 5 o u t h T w i n . F a l l s 7 3 3 - 5 7 7 6 ____________________ / '■ \ ■ _____________ _______________________ ;________________ _ ________________________ ' .

‘ 3 5 6 0

1 9 7 1 L IN C O L N ■ M A R K III

1 7 ’ 6oO oc)ua l riiilnv bolorigod lo lo cq l'U iiiin o ttm o ri boauli- tul modiun* bluo glomour m# ta llic w iih wtiilo vinyl top, b'f <au't<> ovurylhinQ you con pu l on ono tiu ludm g factory o ir condilionm o w ilti ouio- m afic lom pniQ lijro conirol po w er t o o li • poMoi w m dow t t i l l ifo o r in o wUool t p l i l t o a lt M irliuTiii tirvt Arnori- co * lin o s i po*4oi'olijod moltlr

’’Sr.1 9 6 6 M E R C U R Y

M or»i{lo ii 4 door »odor« nil yo llo w hlotW top oKCollonl t r n i iv p o i lo t io n 3 90 V 0 iin n ii'o Quioinotic tror>Mni4


‘ 3 9 5

1 9 7 2 D O D G EPoloro 500 4 door hordlop 30 000 n^Jo» -liohi b lue , v iny l lop bli)o tdbri< in to no r toe- lo ry oir conditioning ih i i cor i« |u it liku brand now . . '

$AVE1 9 6 7 F O R D G A L A X I E

>t dooi io do ri t j ip u n ’ Mith w li i lu top V n «ng inu outo

powuririfl I r Irodo ir

* 7 9 5

— 1 9 7 0 -M E R C U R YM ofqun fljounhm 4 dpof hard 'op ll>ii c a , r .o i .o . .> v opi.oo, lii-O li, ,„ d b lotk v iny l lop l*vi/i cornforl jfo n i t« Q it w iro w lio p lt lu ll powot

I ' J 6 6 C H R Y S L E R 3 0 0*-door lio rd top now co i Irodo •n t loan n» o pin in jid o cJnd ou i (jo ld w ith w li iiu top loctory air conditior>inn ((>«•

‘ 6 9 5

‘ 2 9 7 0

1 9 7 0 M E R C U R YM o n ty o y 7 d o o f h o rd io p . loQtod lo locol bu»ino»tm on ond It ,1 Ju iiy oquippodin rlud ing fd c lo fy o ir condtlion-

1 9 6 6 A / O L K S W A G E NS to t id n w a g o n o il b lu o b iickot »«ott OKCollent^troni poi ttUioi] 4 tpuod *li ari^rifi^lot]^ 4 tpu

'“ '’ ‘ 6 9 5

‘ 1 5 5 0

1 9 7 0 P L Y M O U T Hi;ry UI ' 4 do o l ^odon oil i'llo>^ in co lo i nuw fOi o d .' ci> a ll v iny l in lo no r ir to ry tier ( ondtiq iuog tjooc) li'Cin itu to riiob ilii

‘ 1 3 9 5

' '^ 1 9 6 5 M E R C U R YC o m n iu llu r »tol*on w oyon oil bu iyo 390 V H ongirto

1 9 6 7 B U IC K S K Y L A R KStation w ago n modiurn brow n in co lo r, w ith w hita lo p , la c lo ry 01' c o n d it io n in g ^tVrtoH V O ongir«o . o u to m o tic Irp n trrM t no n pow u' »toonng vocation roody

‘ 6 9 0

1 9 6 7 O L D S D E L T A 8 0liiju t tu d u 'i lu lu UM(uUui>l

II v iiiy l in turio r buiQO in CO cond

> good looktQOod

‘ 3 9 0‘ 7 9 5 .

1 9 7 2 F O R D L I D4 door »oda» t ilvo r gn iy nii> Io IIk w h ilu lo p OKCuptionolly low rniluQgu lo c lo ry on con

1 9 6 9 P O N T IA COoriiiavillu 4 door bordiop dork groon w liilo winyl lop oil tbu o»»rO> bolongod to loca l b utm o ttrn an

d il lb ro ko

rin g

‘ 1 6 7 5$ A V E

1 9 7 0 P L Y M O U T HS o iuU iio »la1lO(^ wagon bulontj ud to locol b uv ino vin io n o» co p tio na lly d o an hot u v iH' th ing you d u>p4|Ct locto ry o cond ition ing lucjQago rock o

1 9 7 0 L IN C O L NC ontinan io l 3 door hard ibp , rnodium brow n m o la liic , b row n vm yl lop a ll loQlh»r in lo rio r rrd io l t iro i a b io lu io ly lu ll powor oulom olic o ir condi- tioriing now cor irod<j irt.

‘ 1 8 5 0 ‘ 3 8 7 0

1 9 7 0 C H E V .R O L E T Im pa lo 3 door hordiop b»aui_i- lu l m sd lu m b lu * m aio llic block v in y l lop . • x lr« m » ly low mtl«- oQo co m p l» i# ly •q u ip p td w ith io c io r y Qir co nd tlio rM ng m«diurr< V-6 c n g ln * auio-m a lic i r a p im l in o n p o w « r i i « * r in n pow «r b r o k c i , o n* o n« of In t n ic c t i Iri tow n .

1 9 6 9 M O N T E G O M XS io iion w oopn b ro n i* m tta ll lc In color o ir cond llionlng . a ll v iny l ln i* r lo r lu g ao g t rack , •vtfryth in g you could worM on ih it b*Q uly W t to ld ih l i o n* b rand n*w

' 1 3 7 0

$ A V E

1 9 7 0 O l D S 9 84 door i id o n lig h i g r«« n In co lo r w IlH v iny l top Qr««n lo b r ic im t r lo r O ld t f ln * t l oil «h* includ ing lo cto ry a ircondMlonlr^g'

. 1 9 7 0 L IN C O L N■Conim «nlol 4 door ««don w *

lo ld th u car brand n#w n *w cor tro d t In b«ouHtul m td lum b lu t w ith w h iia '.v iny l- lop a ll fab ric in la rio r loctory oir con- d lllo n ing lo odfd


~ ‘ 2 9 9 0

1 9 6 0 D O D G E C H A R G E R440 3. daor hordtop b«lor>gRd lo lo ca l Or co rrip l*t« ly loadod in c lud ing ’ locto ry o ir cond ition , ing . g rc tn v iny l top o r«o l »h a rp l« . ■

! 9 7 1 C Y C L O N E •OT 3 door hordiop. bright r#d, whiii vl^yl 'op bucl»#l »«oU, factory olr condUlonlng. £#ll«nt whtiiwoll tlr#i. locol

• I own«r n*w cor trod# In,, 35' V-0 •nglf'*

M 2 9 5‘ 2 3 5 0

19.73 MERCURY COMETYo ur Choico of 4 Door or 3 Ooor

Floor M ounlod T ra n im li i io n Hl-OockDucl<«l S«o l» 1-; t o o r . t^jylon Molchlr>g M ylo"

103 Inch W liM lk jo io .v Big and poworfu l 6 -c y lln d o r •nglr^o thol d * ilv # r* lo l l of p#p bui oKCpllont g a t m ilB og * o . Poddod Da»h

' a v l io r i * Sppcla l D»Ioko S«ot DqH* V. Sporly S ty ling For Tho N ow O on«rotlon Each car oaulppod w ith . It* ow n d it f lo c livo ip o rty ilr lp Q t II Oulll E»pociQMy For T h o lie n M otori Vi A m oricon Maclff ThrOuphout Vi FREE O il . C tio ngo i fo r o t long o» you ow n o n e ,o f lh « io

O n l y . ^ 2 3 9 ^

T H E I S E N M O T O R S701 M a ip ,A v e . East 7 ,3 3 -7 7 0 (T T w I n ^ lU The Eos/osf Place Jn Tho World To Buy A Car'

Page 28: Classroom space OlVd - Twin Falls Public · 70th yoar, 261st issuo Idaho's Lnrgest Ereninfj; !\i‘wspain>r

;31 Tlmti-Ntwi. TwIn Falll. ldiho Thurid»v. Junt 20, 1973


Soviet Union expected to come to imderstandf^ with hostile Ghiiia, LONDON (UPI)-Tlitfioylot

Union can be cxpoctod to try ta

—top the proclaimed end of the EflitAVesl • cold w ar‘ With a poaco scUlemeht' wilh hostile


today. I' EncouraHcd by the 'iiummlt gpoctncular w ith President Nixon, Soviet Communist Party Socretiiry Leonid L DrezJincv probably .w ill try for an understAndlng with Ctilno ns thc'“ci*ownlnB event of the Krcmllri's latest filobnl pencc strnteRy, Ihcsourccs said.

unforsooablo Impllcatlona forTtio big question la whether are deadlocked;- P ik ing 'w ill respond and how TJio diplomats augBosted that, _soon and,In What fprm........... - - theiiest that could be expccted and balance, the

’No immediate developments In the circumstances . Is a were antjcipated, but some new ' standstill typo agreement soon,

I— moves In the noarly-20-year^ld leaving a final settlement for

the world pOwbr relationship

and balance, the diplomats said.

Sjnp-Sovlet conflict were In- ■■dic’ated. by recent develop- . mcqta. - . . -

Hic RUaninns -have mado several approotfhes In the past to Peking'for'an agreement, but were nOt prepared to pay Uic., political and . territorial .

UiQ future.. ._Tlie Clilncflo almost certainly w ill flgmand at, least a tokcn. piillbnck' of Soviet fSFcCsirom Uiclr border, the diplomats suggested.

A Slno-Soyiet underatanding, let alone a formal peace

itltiite “ aprice asked by- Cliina. A t- ac^ rd , would . ___ »prc.sentSlno-Sovietbordcrtalkjf spectaculardevcloajji^^w ith PcKlngTexpense. Moscow has


Such an undorstanding seems^ out of the question fof the ' fnomont, w ltli the recoM propaganda battle between^lKo two.Communiflt giants rcachlng- a new peak In recent montlis.. Tlie Chinese a< l'U8cd Moscow* of massing fories 'o n tlie ir - border and of trying to encircle Qiina politically by pushiHg Soviet innuofjcg^^ Asia at


Indignantly rejected thoso

charges and accused China of

ganging up with the iso-caUed

Unperialists. ,

Peking has shown Itself nepvous over the latiBTliummil

developments betweerr Nixon and Br«|thncv.^ The United States has^ined to assure

Peking it has nothing to fear

from the sumtait accords and

PrCBldential adviser. . Henry

A.Klsslngcr will fly to Peking assurances'.personally to shortly -to. reaffirm these . Premier Oiou En-lal,

Dr. F.'E . Carpenjfer

— AmioriMlToii iiilli

Dr. R. Er.’Alexander in the P r a c t i c e o f G e n e r a l D e n t h t r Y

III nOO '2nd Si. E. — Twin I'alln ( m I I „

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