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Ariel C. HerreraBS Biology II (HP2)

Page 3: Climate change itppt(hp2)ariel herrera1

What is Global Warming?

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Global warming -- a gradual increase in planet-wide temperature. Studies indicate that the average gloabal surface temperature has. This is the largest increase in surface temperature in the last 1,000 years and scientists are predicting an even greater increase over this century.

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Factors that Causes Global Warming:

oGreenhouse Gases

These greenhouse gases reabsorb heat reflected from the Earth's surface, thus trapping the heat in our atmosphere. This natural process is essential for life on Earth because it plays an important role in regulating the Earth's temperature.

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Natural and Amplified WarmingoNatural Warming

The greenhouse effect is a natural warming process. Carbon dioxide (CO2) and certain other gases are always present in the atmosphere. These gases create a warming effect that has some similarity to the warming inside a greenhouse, hence the name “greenhouse effect.’’

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oAmplified Warming

Increasing the amount of greenhouse gases intensifies the greenhouse effect. Higher concentrations of CO2 and other greenhouse gases trap more infrared energy in the atmosphere than occurs naturally. The additional heat further warms the atmosphere and Earth’s surface.

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The primary cause of global warming is Carbon Dioxide emissions. CO2 is being pumped into our atmosphere at an insane pace; 8 billion tons of CO2 entered the air last year. Of course some of this is due to natural activity such as volcanic eruptions and people breathing.

What is the most significant cause of global


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But the Earth is equipped to easily absorb those into the normal regenerative process. No, the beginning of global warming was caused by fossil Currently in the world 40% of all CO2 emissions are caused by power plants. These are burning coal, natural gas and diesel fuel. Some power plants burn garbage.

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Global warming as a chain of events

•The first several of these links is an over abundance of solar radiation absorbing gases and other particles floating about in our atmosphere.•The next grouping of events concerns what happens when the small percentage of increased heat on our planet’s surface and in our air begins to effect long standing conditions.

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Why are small temperature changes a

big deal?The rise in temperature around the Earth over the last fifty years is only around on-degree on average. If we are just raising the temperature a little bit why does it matter? Global warming is melting the North and South poles; it is creating floods in some areas and deserts in others. [email protected]

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While people can move from one location to another if it becomes too hot or cold, most animals cannot. So creatures such as Polar Bears are threatened with extinction. There are thousands of animal and plant species put at risk by global warmingGlobal warming is also believed to be responsible for recent changes in our weather. There are more hurricanes in the northern hemisphere every year than ever before. And these hurricanes are more powerful than the ones from 50 years ago. Rising oceans, increased rainfall, loss of fresh water and dozens of other problems are on the rise and the cause is global warming.

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Effects of Global Warming:

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There are two major effects of global warming:

Increase of temperature on the earth by about 3° to 5° C (5.4° to 9° Fahrenheit) by the year 2100.

Rise of sea levels by at least 25 meters (82 feet) by the year 2100.

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What is the solution? How do we stop global warming?

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Replace a regular incandescent light bulb with a compact fluorescent light bulb (cfl)Install a programmable thermostatMove your thermostat down 2° in winter and up 2° in summeClean or replace filters on your furnace and air conditioneChoose energy efficient appliances when making new purchases

Five Major Ways to Help lessen the Harmful Effects of Global Warming:

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Photo PresentationEffects:

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Thank you and together let us help


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College of Arts and Sciences

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