Download - Clothing Design

  • Clothing DesignDesign Secrets to Flatter Anyones Figure

  • Objectives: List and describe the elements and principles of design Apply the elements and principles of design as you select clothes and accessories

  • Clothing Design Whether you make your clothes or buy them, you have many design choices to makeDesign is a plan that is used to put something togetherDesign good overall effect is pleasing!!!!Every part looks like it belongs togetherBy clever use play up your good features & conceal those that are notRight design - thinner, taller, thinner or heavier

  • Elements of Design Elements of Design color, line texture and formIf right elements of design used successApply when making choices

  • ColorVery exciting part of our lives!Major influence on how you select clothesReflects the your moods, looks & feelingsRight color skin will glow & eyes will shineBest features can be highlighted when you use your best colors

    Turquoise is the color of 2010, fashion experts say

  • The Language of Color Hue name given to color (yellow, red, blue)Value the amount of lightness or darkness in a colorDifferent values result by adding black or whiteTint add white to a color Pink is a tint of red Shade made by adding blackNavy blueMaroon - red

  • The Language of Color Intensity brightness or dullness of a colorBright colors intense (bright green (kelly green)Pale colors softer & less intense (mint green)


  • The Color Wheel

  • Color WorksheetYou may use crayons, markers or color pencils to fill in the circle or you may write the colorTurn in worksheet in the assignment boxIf you need assistance, please refer to the book page 361

  • Color Schemes You can create one Three common:Monochromatic Based on variations of a single hue on the color wheelAnalogousCombining related colors (colors next to one another)Complementary Combination of two colors directly across from each other

  • Warm & Cool ColorsWarm colors colors related to red, orange & yellowAdvancing colors seem to come forwardCool colors colors related to blue, violet, & greenRestful, calm, relaxing Receding colors - seem to move away or stay in the backgroundYou can look thinner in cool colors than in warm colors

  • NeutralsWhite, gray & blackUse alone or combination w/othersWhen used w/a small amount of a color, the other color looks brighterWhite reflects light objects appear largerClothes will feel cooler Popular for warmer climatesBlack - absorbs light objects appear smallerClothes feel warmerOften worn during the winter/cold temps

  • Color Schemes WorksheetUse crayons, markers or clippings from a magazine to complete the worksheetComplete Design crossword use the book and/or your terms you did on Monday

  • Choosing the BEST Color

    Important decision

  • Colors for your skin toneMost important considerationFive basic skin tones:Black, red-brown, yellow-brown, yellow, & whiteHow to find out:In daylight, drape different colors of fabric over your shoulders in front of a mirrorStudy the effects of each color has on your skinTints & shades = different effectsColor = overpower try a duller intensityYou LOVE a color that does not go with your skinStill wear it, but keep away from face, skirts, pants

  • Colors for your Hair2nd considerationRight colors hair glowFour main hair colorsBlond, red, brunette & blackColors much lighter or darker than hair will emphasize the hair color!!!Rich brown or glossy black hairs looks darker with light valuesBrown outfit will not emphasize brown hairSince contrasting colors make each seem brighter red hair looks great with a soft green color

  • Colors for your EyesVarious eye colorSome eye color (hazel, blue-green & gray) seem to change color when various colors are wornThey reflect the garment that is wornBrown eyes seldom influenced by colorBlue eyes become brighter or are dulled by other bluesA large amount bright blue colors dull blue eyes, a small amount makes them brightercolor intensity important factor when choosing color

  • Body Shape

  • Colors for your Body Shape Use colors to play up or conceal certain body featuresWarm, bold, white, light & bright colors tend to make a area seem larger than it is. They draw attentionWide belts in light colors will make a waist line appear smallerDull or less intense colors should be used in areas you would like to hidShort look taller in one-color belt makes you look tallerEye will move in a continuous line down the bodybelt same color as garment

  • Colors for your Body Shape Combining colors avoid contrasts shortColors stop & start abruptlyShirt one color pant- another color causes a break in the vertical line of the bodyMore slender grayed, dull & dark colorsAvoid looking dull Bright color in accessories

  • Colors & Your PersonalityPersonality has an effect on the color you choose you may not be aware of itThe way color make you feel part of personalityWarm colors outgoing, activeFeel cheerful, energetic bright colorsOthers may feel awkwardPlain-colored clothes may be quiet & reserved

  • LineGives direction to a designStructural created by the seams in a garmentDecorative are part of the fabric design or trims added to the garmentRows of buttonLines can be vertical (up & down), horizontal (across), diagonal (slanting) or curved (part of a circle)Used separate or in a combination

  • Selecting Your Best LinesLines = illusionsVertical lines carry eye up and down, sliming effect, taller effectHorizontal lines carry eyes from side to side, make you look shorter & heavierWide belt horizontal lineDiagonal lines add interest to a designSlanted more up than down seem taller Curved lines give a soft, relaxed look

  • TextureHow a fabric feel when you touch it and how it looks on the surfaceBulky fabric add weightDull fabric decrease visual weight or sizeEffects color shiny textures-colors seem brighter

  • FormRefers to a shape of an objectClothes helps to create your shape (silhouette)Clothing producing a full form larger & heavier (wide-leg jeans)

  • Questions #1-7Chapter 30Page 370


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