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Cloud Computing

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“Cloud computing is a pay-per-use model for enabling available, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction. This cloud model promotes availability.”

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What is cloud computing? I don’t understand what we would do differently in

the light of Cloud Computing other than change the wordings of some of our ads

Larry Ellision, Oracle’s CEO

I have not heard two people say the same thing about it [cloud]. There are multiple definitions out there of “the cloud”

Andy Isherwood, HP’s Vice President of European Software Sales

It’s stupidity. It’s worse than stupidity: it’s a marketing hype campaign.

Richard Stallman, Free Software Foundation founder


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Business attributes• Access resources from cloud of available computing

resources Is always available and scales automatically to meet demand Is pay per use: Based on resources consumed Enables full customer self-service Note: Can be provided by 3rd party (e.g. Amazon) or on own network for v.

large organisations (a.k.a private cloud)

• Acquire resources on demand Release resources when no longer needed Turns capital investment/fixed cost into operating costs/variable costs Reduced cost – take advantage of economies of scale across users of cloud

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Technology attributes• Access computing resources via Internet protocols from

any computer Reduced system administration overhead: automated provisioning Increased/matched reliability and security

• Acquire resources on demand Increased utilisation through sharing of resources through virtualisation

or multi-tenancy To minimise the cost to the provider, clouds rely on a large number of

‘commodity’ processors. These are cheaper to purchase and consumer less power per unit of processing when compared to high power processors

No longer design deployment environment to meet maximum load

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The NIST Cloud Definition Framework



Private Private CloudCloud

Public Public CloudCloud

Hybrid Clouds




Common Characteristics

Software as a Service (SaaS)

Platform as a Service (PaaS)

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Resource PoolingBroad Network Access Rapid Elasticity

Measured Service

On Demand Self-Service

Low Cost SoftwareVirtualization Service Orientation

Advanced Security

HomogeneityMassive Scale Resilient Computing

Geographic Distribution

Based upon original chart created by Alex Dowbor -

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• OS Virtualisation leads directly to resilient computing, rapid elasticity and advanced security• In case of VM based cloud, facilitates measured service as

hypervisor tracks usage• Multi-tenancy provides rapid elasticity

The NIST Cloud Definition Framework



Common Characteristics

Resource PoolingBroad Network Access Rapid Elasticity

Measured Service

On Demand Self-Service

Low Cost SoftwareVirtualization Service Orientation

Advanced Security

HomogeneityMassive Scale Resilient Computing

Geographic Distribution

Based upon original chart created by Alex Dowbor -

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A number of other attributes rely on the scale of investment undertaken by cloud providers• Early cloud promoters (e.g. Amazon & Google) had to build

massive scale for their main businesses Use of open source software and commodity hardware

reduces overall cost to cloud provider

The NIST Cloud Definition Framework



Common Characteristics

Resource PoolingBroad Network Access Rapid Elasticity

Measured Service

On Demand Self-Service

Low Cost SoftwareVirtualization Service Orientation

Advanced Security

HomogeneityMassive Scale Resilient Computing

Geographic Distribution

Based upon original chart created by Alex Dowbor -

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4 Cloud Deployment Models Private cloud

Cloud infrastructure is operated solely for an organization. It may be managed by the organization or a third party and may exist on premise or off premise

Typically only large organisations

Public cloud Cloud infrastructure is made available to the 3rd parties but is

owned by an organization selling cloud services Cloud services designed to be ‘generic’ and suitable to all

customers E.g. Amazon, Google, Microsoft, BM etc

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4 Cloud Deployment Models Community cloud

Cloud infrastructure is shared by several organizations and supports a specific community that has shared concerns (e.g., mission, security requirements, policy, and compliance considerations)

May be managed by the organizations or a third party and may exist on premise or off premise

Hybrid cloud composition of two or more clouds that remain unique and separate

entities but are bound together by standardized or proprietary technology that enables data and application portability

Cloud bursting is the term used to describe the process where an organisation extend from a private to public cloud

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Client access architecture Client access via browser of Web Services

Independent of type of cloud computing



DatabaseApp Server


App 1

ClientsAccess via


web-service(SOAP or REST) Network

App 1




App server



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Service model architecture

Four main service model architectures Datastore as a service is not always included although currently

the most popular use of cloud Significant differences in the technical and commercial

architectures 12

Infrastructure As A Service (IaaS)

Platform As A Service (PaaS)

Software As A Service (SaaS)



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Service model architecture: Datastorage as a servce

Functional: Data storage interfaces can be used by any of the other types or accessed directly Examples of direct usage: Amazon’s really simple storage

Commercial: Charged on basis of amount of storage used13

Infrastructure As A Service (IaaS)

Platform As A Service (PaaS)

Software As A Service (SaaS)



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Characteristics of cloud datastore Cloud based datastore is massively distributed and scalable

Utilises large number of commodity servers (a.k.a. nodes)

This implies that the chance of system failure across a large number of nodes is high Therefore, cloud datastore must cope with node failure

Cloud datastores are typically non-relational Distribution across a large number of nodes not a good fit to the

relational model of databases. Relational databases support “joins” which are hard to implement in a massively distributed way

To address requirement for relational database capabilities Either provide relational interfaces to non-relational infrastructure Allow relational databases to run on a small number of nodes as part of

the virtualisation14

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Characteristics of cloud datastore Cloud datastores are optimised for large scale data search

E.g. Google’s MapReduce (and hadoop – an open source implementation) which divide the processing into multiple blocks (Map) and then process each block on one or more nodes (reduce)

Cloud datastores are also appropriate to business intelligence applications which require ‘column’ based processing E.g. Summing sales in a particular region In contrast, relational databases are efficient for record/row level



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Service model architecture: IaaS

Functional: Virtual server instances available for provisioning Examples: Amazon’s EC2,

Commercial: Charged on basis of number /scale of instances as well as usage profile


Infrastructure As A Service (IaaS)

Platform As A Service (PaaS)

Software As A Service (SaaS)



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Example: Amazon EC2 Amazon provides a range of

general purpose support services accessible via VMs

Examples of these services include Simple Queue Service: Limited

messaging system for communications between VMs

S3: Cloud storage service


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Example: Amazon EC2 Other examples of these services (cont)

SimpleDB: Non-relational database Elastic MapReduce: large scale search and text processing

infrastructure Flexible payment service: enabling website payments Mechanical Turk: outsourcing marketplace


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Amazon EC2 options and pricing


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Service model architecture: PaaS

Functional: Application development and deployment environment Provides programming APIs as well as underlying infrastructure

Commercial: Metering and billing based on application usage – typically CPU consumption/datastore consumption


Infrastructure As A Service (IaaS)

Platform As A Service (PaaS)

Software As A Service (SaaS)



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Example: Google AppEngine Platform uses multiple tenancy on the

single infrastructure Benefit of charging only on usage and not on

number of instance (as with IaaS) Provides general purpose support services

Includes infrastructure services such as database

Also includes application level interfaces such as video conferencing

Provides both server and client side APIs to develop Google AppEngine applications Provides a platform which is proprietary


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Example: Microsoft Azure Services

Access to the Microsoft platform as a cloud based platform Provides a platform which is proprietary

Source: Microsoft Presentation, A Lap Around Windows Azure, Manuvir Das

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Service model architecture: SaaS

Functional: End user interaction with the Application’s function Allows for customisation of UI and workflows Often uses mult-tenancy databases

Commercial: typically billing based on number of users23

Infrastructure As A Service (IaaS)

Platform As A Service (PaaS)

Software As A Service (SaaS)



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Example: Provides complete application accessible from

the cloud Infrastructure is hidden from the user

Software can be configured to support customer specific requirements Supports customisation through configuration driven

language Scope for customisation is limited

Uses multi-tenancy architecture Essential a platform for a specific class of application Configuration results in a change to both UI and

underlying database schema for that customer24

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Examples of configuration

UI actions (such as entering an email address) can have customised scripts associated with them which perform workflow or validation logic• Workflow defines the sequence of steps through the UI screens• Validation logic enforces rules about information entered based on customer

specific standards or context specific restraints (i.e. What can be entered given the current workflow)

These may not effect the database schema definition and therefore can be deployed only to that customers UI 25

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Examples of configuration

UI definitions (or associated workflows) may also require modifications/extensions to the database schema

Through multi-tenancy/multi-schema approach, the metadata defining the schemas specific to that customer is modified without impacting on the ‘base’schema or the other customers’ deployed schemas


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Different types of SaaS Type 1: Ad-Hoc/Custom Type 2: Configurable Type 3: Configurable, Multi-

Tenant-Efficient Type 4: Scalable,

Configurable, Multi-Tenant-Efficient

27Source: Microsoft MSDN Architecture Center

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Different types of SaaS Type 1: Ad-Hoc/Custom Each customer (or tenant) has

there own instance of the application which can be customised on an individual basis

Level 1 SaaS is equivalent to application hosting


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Different types of SaaS Type 2: Configurable A single application base is

customised for each customer/tenant

Customisation is deployed within each instance of the application

Deployment of upgrades across the instance will require roll-out to each instance


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Different types of SaaS Type 3: Configurable, Multi-

Tenant-Efficient A single application base and

instance is customised for each customer/tenant

Customisation is deployed at run-time within each instance of the application

Single instance is more resource efficient than multiple instances

Deployment of upgrades made to a single instance


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Different types of SaaS Type 4: Scalable,

Configurable, Multi-Tenant-Efficient

Uses a tenant load balancer to balance load between multiple instances Similar to a hypervisor

Should provide superior scalability and efficiency

Requires deployment of upgrades to made to multiple instances


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Conclusions: Understanding the different service model architectures

Different levels of abstraction OS: Amazon EC2 Application development framework : Google AppEngine Applicaton customisation: Salesforce

Similar to languages Higher level abstractions can be built on top of lower ones

EC2 Azure AppEngine

Lower-level,More flexibility,More managementScalability through configuration

Higher-level,Less flexibility,

Less managementAutomatically scalable



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Cloud and security


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General Security Challenges Security/data control is the most often cited issue with

migration to the cloud

Issues include: Trusting vendor’s security model Customer inability to respond to audit findings

(dependent on service provider to modify service) Obtaining support for investigations Indirect administrator accountability Proprietary implementations can’t be examined Loss of physical control

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Cloud Security Challenges Part 1

Data dispersal and international privacy laws EU Data Protection Directive and U.S. Safe Harbor program Exposure of data to foreign government and data subpoenas Data retention issues Mostly addressed by cloud vendor providing geographic specific


Clear data ownership Quality of service guarantees

Reliability of cloud service providers’ service in the context of enterprise level quality of service commitments (typically with required recovery times in seconds or minutes)

Potential for massive outages

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Cloud Security Challenges Part 2 Dependence on secure hypervisors (for IaaS) or Multi-

tenancy (in both PaaS and SaaS) Attraction to hackers (high value target)

Security of virtual OSs in the cloud

Encryption needs for cloud computing Encrypting access to the cloud resource control interface Encrypting administrative access to OS instances Encrypting access to applications Encrypting application data at rest

Lack of public PaaS/SaaS version control Changes to the service may occur with out explicit agreement from the

customer – unlike tightly controlled lifecycle management within an enterprise

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