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Cloud Computing: To check the user

rate and future growth in Dubai

Wardah AK, Rufaida AK

Research Report Writing, B.Sc. ISM

Manipal University – Dubai Campus


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This research report provides an analysis of various advantages gained by using cloud

computing services from organization point of view. It also analyses the popularity and

its future growth in the region (Dubai). Methods of analysis include secondary sources

like internet and primary sources like questionnaire e-mailed to people working in Dubai.

The detailed evaluation of primary data can be found in the appendices. Result of

analysis shows that the firms in Dubai are not much enthusiastic about adopting this

service in future, thus declining growth rate. It also shows that 50% of the sampled are

currently availing this service.

This report has limitations such as: shortage of time could not give the expected output

as large number of people could not be reached and the area of study includes only


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1 Introduction

1.1 Purpose

This report studies the popularity or user rate of cloud computing in Dubai and

also its future prospect in the region. It will also include the advantages of

using cloud computing technology from the organization perspective.

1.2 Background

Cloud computing is anything that delivers computing resources over the

Internet and allow easy access to services and data via any devices. It is

different from traditional computing in terms of demands, flexibility and

services. The characteristics of cloud computing include on-demand self-

service, broad network access, resource pooling, rapid elasticity and measured

service. [3]

Cloud services are gaining popularity worldwide because they can reduce the

expenses and difficulty of doing operations on computers and networks evading

the need to use an IT infrastructure, buy hardware and/or software licenses.

They provide other potential benefits such as personal information may be

better stored in clouds and it’s not easily lost. Automation is one of the biggest

features of cloud computing giving businesses the peace of mind they need to

concentrate on their core business. Some of the popular cloud storage services

are Google drive, SkyDrive and dropbox. [7]

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Literature Review

In the global survey conducted by Brocade, a leading networking vendor. It shows that

the cloud computing market in the UAE is expected to achieve a compound annual

growth rate of 43.7% until 2016. It points to spend on cloud computing by emerging

markets and will rise from 13% in 2011 to 24.9% in 2016. Majority of the respondents

(91%) stated that their current IT infrastructures were not equipped to meet the

demands of cloud computing.

But according to our research, we found that 29% of people are not planning to adopt

this technology and 0% said that they are not planning to use cloud computing in near

future. So according to our estimation, the cloud computing market will not rise by

43.7% or any such high rate until might increase by 20%(approx) as our

research also has its own limitation ,i.e., it could not reach out large number of people

from different sectors across the UAE.

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In order to find out the popularity (user rate) and the future growth of cloud computing

in Dubai, the research has acquired the information from primary and secondary sources

that are explained in detail below. The research target on the companies and the people

working in Dubai.

In the primary source, we have made online questionnaire and e-mailed to people. The

questionnaire contains eleven questions in total. The first two questions are based on

cloud computing in general. The questionnaire started by asking people whether they

have heard about cloud computing and whether they know it. The next four questions

contain the general information about the organization in which they work. It includes

the sectors the work for like construction, medical, IT, accounting or other (specify then)

and also asking the company size in terms of number of employees. Then the 6th

question asks if their firm uses the cloud computing technology. From here on the

questionnaire is divided into two; if the person has said “yes” then he have to answer

questions from 7-9. If he said “no” then he have answer question 11, i.e,to mention

whether the firm is planning to use cloud computing or not. And if the response is “yes”,

then they are asked for how long are they using, which service provider they use and

also the reasons for using it.

In the secondary source, the research has referred to the internet to find out the

advantages of cloud computing. The information was collected from IT websites and

online research papers.

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The questionnaire is attached in the below.

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Data Analysis

We have chosen questionnaire as our primary source as it would provide quantitative

output and also it is easier to analyze. We have emailed to 23 people working in Dubai

but the reply was received only from 12. Below are the detailed analyses of responses

that we received for each of the questions.

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The important findings that is found out after the detailed analysis of primary data, i.e.,

questionnaire is that 42% of the companies that we sampled are using cloud computing

service and 42% of the companies are not using and remaining 17% have no idea

whether their firm is using or not. Among 42% of people who agreed that they firm is

using, there are no firms which are using it for more than 5 years. 40% of the firms are

using it from 1 to 3 years and 3 to 5 years. Only 20% have just recently started using.

Some of the reasons why the firms have started using are backup advantages, quick

access, easy transformation, data transfer, easy storing the records, Cost effective in

terms of electricity, IT infrastructure/capital cost, easy data sharing And Mobility. 33%

are acquiring this service from Cloud HTP and the rest 67% of the people are unaware

about their service provider.

Another important findings that rose was 29% of people said that their firm is not

planning to adopt this technology in near future while there was none who said they are

planning to use it.

The advantages of using cloud services have been taken from secondary sources, i.e.,

internet. Some of the identified benefits are:

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1. Cost efficient:

It is one of the most cost efficient methods to use, maintain and upgrade.


2. Unlimited storage:

It provides almost unlimited storage capacity. Hence, the user may need not

worry about storage space or how to increase the current storage space availability.


3. Backup and recovery:

Since all the data is stored in the cloud, it is relatively much easier to back it

up and restore than doing the same on a physical device. Furthermore, they are usually

highly competent enough to handle recovery of information. [1][2]

4. Easier Management of Data and Access to Information:

Since all data are located on a centralized location and all transactions are also

recorded, it results in better organization of data and hence lead to easier management.


5. Automatic Software Integration:

Software integration usually occurs automatically here. This means that

the user need not take additional efforts to customize and integrate their applications as

per their preferences. It also allows the user to customize their options with great ease.


6. Quick Deployment:

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Cloud computing gives the advantage of quick deployment. Once the user opts for this

method of functioning, their entire system can be fully functional in a matter of a few

minutes. However, the amount of time taken here will depend on the exact kind of

technology that you need for your business. [1][2]

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As our main objective of this research was to check the user rate of cloud computing

and its future growth in Dubai, our findings have led us to draw following conclusion.

The first finding states that 42% of the firms are already using the cloud service in the

region. Dubai is a place where firms follow latest innovative tools to enhance their

productivity and functionality but such a low rate suggests that this service is yet to be

adopted on the large scale. The user rate is very low as compared to some other

competitor international cities.

The second finding states that 0% of the firms are not planning to adopt this technology

in near future. This again suggests that it’ll take years for this service to actually have its

impact in this region.

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Additional information about the questionnaire data can be found below.

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[1]Viswanathan, riya . “Cloud Computing – Is it Really All That Beneficial?”


[2]Verma,Brajesh. Apr 18th, 2012. "What Is Cloud Computing?? What are Its

Advantages and Disadvantages??"


[3]Waqas, Muhammad. July 13, 2013. "Cloud computing sees rapid growth in UAE."

[4]Rouse, Margaret. 21 Dec 2010. cloud computing.

[5]Blogger, Rackspact. January 17th, 2012. Top 10 Common Uses for the Cloud for


[6]Bort, Julie. APR 20, 2013. The 10 Most Important Companies in Cloud Computing.

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[7] Henry, Alan.6 June 2013. Five Best Cloud Storage Providers.

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