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    SAP 2009 / Page 1

    Frank StienhansBST Innovation Center [email protected]

    July 15 th 2009

    Cloud Computing @ SAPCloud Computing @ SAPSAP UK Worldtour SAP UK Worldtour

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    SAP 2009 / Page 2

    Copyright 2008 SAP AGAll rights reserved

    No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express permission of SAP AG. The informationcontained herein may be changed without prior notice.Some software products marketed by SAP AG and its distributors contain proprietary software components of other software vendors.SAP, R/3, mySAP,, xApps, xApp, SAP NetWeaver, Duet, Business ByDesign, ByDesign, PartnerEdge and other SAP products and servicesmentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP AG in Germany and in several other countries all over the world. All other product and service names mentioned and associated logos displayed are the trademarks of their respective companies. Datacontained in this document serves informational purposes only. National product specifications may vary.

    The information in this document is proprietary to SAP. This document is a preliminary version and not subject to your license agreement or any other agreement with SAP. This document contains only intended strategies, developments, and functionalities of the SAP product and is not intended to bebinding upon SAP to any particular course of business, product strategy, and/or development. SAP assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions inthis document. SAP does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information, text, graphics, links, or other items contained within this material.This document is provided without a warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability,fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement.SAP shall have no liability for damages of any kind including without limitation direct, special, indirect, or consequential damages that may result from theuse of these materials. This limitation shall not apply in cases of intent or gross negligence.The statutory liability for personal injury and defective products is not affected. SAP has no control over the information that you may access through theuse of hot links contained in these materials and does not endorse your use of third-party Web pages nor provide any warranty whatsoever relating tothird-party Web pages

    Weitergabe und Vervielfltigung dieser Publikation oder von Teilen daraus sind, zu welchem Zweck und in welcher Form auch immer, ohne dieausdrckliche schriftliche Genehmigung durch SAP AG nicht gestattet. In dieser Publikation enthaltene Informationen knnen ohne vorherige Ankndigunggendert werden.Einige von der SAP AG und deren Vertriebspartnern vertriebene Softwareprodukte knnen Softwarekomponenten umfassen, die Eigentum anderer Softwarehersteller sind.SAP, R/3, mySAP,, xApps, xApp, SAP NetWeaver, Duet, Business ByDesign, ByDesign, PartnerEdge und andere in diesem Dokumenterwhnte SAP-Produkte und Services sowie die dazugehrigen Logos sind Marken oder eingetragene Marken der SAP AG in Deutschland und inmehreren anderen Lndern weltweit. Alle anderen in diesem Dokument erwhnten Namen von Produkten und Services sowie die damit verbundenenFirmenlogos sind Marken der jeweiligen Unternehmen. Die Angaben im Text sind unverbindlich und dienen lediglich zu Informationszwecken. Produkteknnen lnderspezifische Unterschiede aufweisen.

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    SAP 2009 / Page 3

    Organization and Disclaimer

    Description Disclaimer

    1. The following content represent ideas and prototypes not product announcements or commitments toproductize2. SAP is very interested in understanding the use cases and requirements you see.


    Product Organization: SAP Business Solutions and Technology (BST)

    Large Enterprises: SAP Business Suite, SAP Large Enterprise On DemandSME: SAP All in One, SAP Business byDesign, SAP Business OneTechnology: SAP Business Objects, SAP NetWeaver


    Organization: SAP BST Innovation Center

    Explore innovation potential of new market and technology trends including

    On Demand, Virtualization, Cloud Computing,Web 2.0, Co-Innovation Communities, Rich User Experiences

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    SAP 2009 / Page 4

    Description Agenda

    n Introductionn Valuen General Use Casesn Conclusions

    Cloud Computing Agenda


    What could you do, if SAP would incorporate advanced forms of virtualization into our product and service offerings?

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    SAP 2009 / Page 5

    Cloud Computing Definition


    Cloud Computing allows On Demand Software Provisioning with Zero-Installation &Automatic Configuration at low cost and immediate access in Scalable Data Centers .

    Definition from Consumer Perspective

    Application Providers Platform Providers Infrastructure Providers Service Providers

    400,000 Developers + ISVs

    Selected Cloud Consumers & ISVs

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    SAP 2009 / Page 6

    Trends and Value of Cloud Computing

    From Manufacturing toAutomation and Standardizationof IT Business

    Industrialization of IT

    From inflexible and long-termcontracts to payment of metered usage

    Utility Computing

    From long running customer projects to immediate fulfillment

    of customer needs

    On Demand Fulfillment


    Increase Business Agility, Increase R&D Efficiency

    Breakthrough Consumption Experience of SAP Solutions

    Reduce IT Costs/CAPEX for SAP, Customers and Partners

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    7/25 SAP 2009 / Page 7

    Traditional Hosting vs. Amazon CloudHosting Costs of ERP for Development

    Traditional Hosting Amazon ec2Min Term 500 / month 0.30 / hour Provisioning Time Min 1 week 6 min

    Tradition al


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    9/25 SAP 2009 / Page 9

    Impact on SAP Business Solutions and Technology

    Description Business Needs

    Improve R&D Efficiency



    Provide SAP Internal CloudPiloting with SAP NetWeaver

    CE1.Reduce IT Costs2. Increase Developer Efficiency

    Phase 1: SAP R&D

    March 2009: Validate value of Cloud Enablement withcustomers and partners

    Phase 2: Customer/Partner POC

    Potential for new products andservices

    Phase 3: Products/Service

    > 300 SAP employees as direct usersfrom 16 countries

    > 4000 systems provisioned> 180.000 Hosting Cost Savings

    Customer Validation started

    Minimize Cost of consuming SAP Solutions(TCO)

    New Product InnovationsNew Service Innovations

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    10/25 SAP 2009 / Page 10

    Cloud Use Cases

    DescriptionNon-Mission Critical Use Cases: Current Potential

    Development / Patching / Customizing Testing (Manual, Automated, Scalability) Training Demo / Workshops / Events Trial / Evaluation

    DescriptionMission Critical Use Cases: Future Potential

    Disaster Recovery, On Premise: Provisioning of productive landscapes On Demand: Provisioning of productive services

    DescriptionCloud Computing is a maturing approach

    Integration with customer IT: Network, Operations, Billing Service Level Agreements: Security, High Availability, Performance

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    11/25 SAP 2009 / Page 11

    SAP Employee

    SAP Employee Cloud Self Service

    Amazon Web Services[ ec2 | s3 | SQS ]

    MeteringProvisioning Configuration


    SAP Cloud Enabling Servicespowered by SAP NetWeaver CE

    SAP Solutionhosted on EC2


    Amazon AWS (Cloud Infrastructure)

    DEMO 1


    SAP Employee

    Amazon Network

    Cloud Segment

    SAP Network

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    12/25 SAP 2009 / Page 12

    SAP Employee

    Lock-in Danger

    Cloud Infrastructure

    MeteringProvisioning Configuration


    SAP Cloud Enabling Servicespowered by SAP NetWeaver CE

    SAP Solution


    SAP Employee


    Situation Todayn Private and Public Cloud Infrastructures are a dominant trendn

    No single Cloud Infrastructure today is ideal for all use cases (SLAs, Integration, Costs)n Every Cloud Infrastructure so far has significant proprietary elements in their interface, creating lock-in effect for consumers

    n SAP, Customers and Partners are interested in Standardization of Cloud APIs

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    13/25 SAP 2009 / Page 13

    Cost Characteristics of Cloud InfrastructuresReal World Examples of using one SAP ERP System

    Workshop1 day1.4%

    Customer Demoincl. 1 week Development


    Local Development10h / Workday


    Central Systems24h / 7 days



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    14/25 SAP 2009 / Page 14

    Cloud Production Chain(SAP Internal)






    I n s t a

    n t i

    a t e



    I n s t a

    n t i

    a t e

    OS +SAP NetWeaver

    C r e a t e A p p l i a n

    c e

    OS + NW +Suite Composite

    C r e a t e A p p l i a

    n c e


    D e p l o y


    D e p l o y

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    15/25 SAP 2009 / Page 15


    Automated Functional Tests(SAP Internal)


    Allocated machin es


    8 night hours

    T T T T T TT

    Parallelize test case execution viaCloud Computing atNo additional cost

    Automated TestController

    Cloud Services



    Test Case



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    16/25 SAP 2009 / Page 16

    Ideal Cloud Computing Infrastructure

    Automat icOpera tions

    Abstraction Layer Hardwar e


    Abstraction Layer



    (HW) Virtualization, Application Virtualizationand Cloud Computing

    SAP Solution &Platform

    Operating System


    Reap the benefits &Do not pay the price of


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    18/25 SAP 2009 / Page 18

    Cloud Segments


    SAP SAP Cloud



    Appliance Cloud Segment CloudAccounting













    Cloud Segment


    Cloud Segment


    Gate= Appliance for Secure Network Integration

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    19/25 SAP 2009 / Page 19

    Cloud Landscape: CRM

    CRM DB


    CRM Application

    BW DB



    BW Server

    SAP CRM Landscape

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    20/25 SAP 2009 / Page 20

    Cloud Landscape: SAP NetWeaver Cluster

    SAP NetWeaver Central Instance

    SAP NetWeaver Dialog Instance

    SAP NetWeaver Cluster

    SAP NetWeaver Web Dispatcher

    SAP MaxDB Instance

    DEMO 4

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    Hardware Utilization with System LandscapesTodays Situation

    SAP 2009 / SAP World tour / Page 21





    Source: Amazon AWS

    Challengen Avg. Utilization is

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    22/25 SAP 2009 / Page 22

    Cloud Landscape: DynamicSAP NetWeaver Cluster

    SAP NetWeaver Central Instance

    SAP NetWeaver Dialog Instance

    SAP NetWeaver Cluster SAP NetWeaver Web Dispatcher

    SAP MaxDB Instance

    DEMO 5

    Load Monitoring Service

    Dynamic ProvisioningController

    Provisioning Service

    Amazon Web Services

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    23/25 SAP 2009 / Page 23

    Usage of SAP Employee Self ServiceRecent Survey Result

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    24/25 SAP 2009 / Page 24



    Cloud Infrastructures are a clear trend in IT, increasing the business agility,decrease IT costs, and allow to consume SAP solutions in new ways

    Significant potential value in the domain of non-mission critical use cases exist today

    SAP is exploring options to provide additional value in form of product and/or service innovation

    More Information


    mail to: [email protected]

    Please fill out the Cloud Survey

    Interested in a Proof of Concept?[email protected]:[email protected]://
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    Thank you!

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