Page 1: Club & Cabaret Mentalism EDDIE BURKE 1970



Page 2: Club & Cabaret Mentalism EDDIE BURKE 1970


CopyrighL 197CBy lviagictrix ilousc1li9 r,lhit f icld l?d .Stokc on Trcnt. ST6itc f f s. En5;Ie nii ,

Printccl in 5nglanil.


by Edciic Burke'


:l! tltagictrix I Furolication.

c f i'tagic .


Page 3: Club & Cabaret Mentalism EDDIE BURKE 1970

cT,ull & CABARET lliE-liT.{Llsryi:

':Iith the decu-ne of thc l-ive thcatre a few aggresrve


Attraction. i"lany perforners started to give private read'i-iigs


il'l',is i':is Perfect

about thc: chaP vrho

slare ti: rc, PcrhaPs

Or Lhe 1:erfornter "vbo1,.Jorks at a seasir'l e rcsr:rt cluring thc Sururer

i-,oliclay itonths" lJhat ciocs he O in ,chc rrrTi:rter?.



'nhc C1ulr and Cairerrct

;iroblcrts . 1f Ytlu i::'

lJro f .'*rsior.-rai r,',il-.r.o holds

i.r.oncy in his sparc tilic

'i:lLere is roo';l for You"

for tirc fuil tii're p:'ofessional - but i'ihat

oniy wishccl to entertaj.n ivitir i cntalisi'. in his

a nirghi or tivo in i;hc i'vcch and at wcck c'ncl's?'

fi;l-cl is the perfect answer to tliese

cither '.', fu11 tiil.-' pcrforiicr or a Seiii

r regu-lar job ancl wcnts to ccrn e:ltra

, (or tirouiCl l-ikc to be either of thesc)


-reading ancl ll'rcrr-talisr:'r i3ay 1n the Clul: ancl' Cabar':t ficlcl'

irilrai you rcac i:crc are liotr lhcorie s, they hlrrc all bi:cn

sncccsful,L;r -put' into .:i':r(:ticr' by thc auth;r'

l'1I rf,l:

Page 4: Club & Cabaret Mentalism EDDIE BURKE 1970

Club 8, Cabaret i{enta}isr:. Page J,

Clublend is booning! Alirost evcry clistrict and organi-sation

in England hEs its own club. These are places of entertainnent

for the working nan, where he can go for a drinire a gane of -13i-ngot

anrl to watch a Cabaret Slrow.

usually these shorus consist of singers, 8roups and thc occa.i

-sional coileclian. i'iagic acts, for thc nost part, arc not very

popular. liany noterl nagicians have tried to dcfinc the rea6on

for this. Thcy usually coi,le up with the ansiller riA r'tagic act

neecls the audience to concentrate, and club audienees cannot

concentrate.?r This is far fron thc truth. Any lii-nd of act

nced.s tl:re audiences attention. l{o coniedian can hopc to get hisjokes across if the audience foils tc concentrate on vrhat he is

saylng, and a great frrny coiledians have bcen highfy succeseful intire club field!

If this is true of thc cor,redian, it nust be equally true

of other kinds cf entertainilent, including liagicians'

The real truth is that .l,lagic and Conjuring are considered

OtD FASHI0NED AhtD CHILDISH by the average Club 1',cribcr. Adnittedly

a few l,iagic Acts IUrVB nad; the gradc J-n Clublanclt but these can

be counted on the fingers of onc hand.

.,Jith thc coning of 'Iclevision irlany l,iegicol Entertaincrs have

bcen concentrati-ng on Vi-sual lrragic. Proclucing c.l,oves fron aI1

iriinner of unlikely place's, tricks r+itli silks, slieght of hand

r^lith c.rrcls, carcl fanr:ing ancl the like. This is ideal cntcrtain

-nont for television audiences, but it nevcr recrlllr got off thc

ground in Clublancl.

Page 5: Club & Cabaret Mentalism EDDIE BURKE 1970


Club & Cabaret i{entalisn. Page 4.

A fev,r acts began to succecd with the idea of building a.n actwith sroalI portable illusions. t3ut by this tinc it was too 1a.te

the harn hacl, been, i:,tost clubs had tried and failed withiiiagic acts, so they didnrt want to know.

At elrout the sairc tine i:entalisn out of favour withl'ragiciens, tir.elr sar,.,i it f DIEf at the i"iagical conventions thcyaitcnded. Thi$ convinced then tiiat it was slow, o1d fashionedancl out of c'latc, thc result is ihat tociey vcry few rlental actsere available to the booker.

Considcr this.,..In the collrse of tr,yclve nonths the avcragea.gcnt is approached by dczens of nagical acts (anii so calledcor,tedy r:iagicians - but he has been tcaughtr that way before),all seeking work. lle has tried siniliar acts in thc past butti:cy didntt ?'CLICFTT with hj-s clients, so for hin i'lagic actsarc a BAD RISK.

Hor^rever, his bookcrs are constantly asliing hin for new facesand sonething diffcrent,

ticcausc of thc lack of good i:tental attractions he has possiblyncver bcen ai:proachcC by onc fcr years. ,ihen he is approachcdby a Irientalist viho docs a clccent job of selling his act, he islikely to try it, sinply out of curi-osj.ty. If thc i,ientalist thendoes anything li.]<e a decent job, oiher d.:tes will follow, He

has found what he is roching fo:', soi:rething }lisrrio DrFrEREicr andI;CVEL that is acccptoblc tc his boolicrs.


la i'.ental routines arc notaudiencc, who knolv its

generall-y appreci-ated by a ilagicalall a trick"

Page 6: Club & Cabaret Mentalism EDDIE BURKE 1970

Club 8< Cabaret i.Iental-isii. Page 5.

2. Gcod iiental acts, properly presented, gc clown well wi-thtJ:e average lay auc'liences.....hor^Jc-ver, for clurr ancl cabaretwork it nust be the right kind of act.

Later this book piives the authorrs own oite nen Club 8, Cabaretact, the nagical contcnt of which is nediocre. Any nagicianworth his salt r+ilI bc oble to ciscovcr how it is done, as i-tuses olcl cnd tinc tested r:::gica1 princj-ple.s. Expcrience hassjtowl-i that the avcrage nagician, oncc rre knows horv a stunt wcrks,iiei-tediatery loses interestr and considers the act that uses ittiOld hatrr.

Fortunatcly you donrt ilave to earn your livi-ng as a hientalistby perforning in front of itagi-cians, ilrc real iloney is nade byperforning for the 1ay auclience. They cannot see through ttreact, indeed they do not re.alise that tri-ckery is usecl anci theydonf t quest:-on it as they c1o a riagical perfori,Lance.

It is in this last paragraph th:t the true secyet of l.{entalisr:ris revcaled.

i rtr-{$Rro_gs IIPEI Q!l_g!-u?g_

crubs coi:rc in various types ancl sizes, thc follor.uing is a

brief sullrcry of thc l.rorking condj-tj-ons and autli.ences you canexpcct: -


Tltj-s is usually a sirall club, pcrl::ps r,uith a platforn at onccac, or in one corner. You i:,ri:.v be ablc to stand a sliarr t:breon thc platforir, but i-t is as well to be prelrarcd to work fron_1rLuf pockctS.

Thc' ,-;udiencc sit around tablcs, soiirc facing you, ,soi:rc withtheir backs to youo A nur-rl:cr of sperccs cxist in betwccn thetabres so )'ou can nove about. Donf t stay on thc.platforn, rlovea;out frcely in bctr.,reen the tables.

Page 7: Club & Cabaret Mentalism EDDIE BURKE 1970

Club & Cabarct i,',entelisi:t. ?ogc 6.

club arc tl,.e r;ilasiestii iit Clublend.Aud"iences in this type of

I,{'HiWUsually a roo::i with seeti-ng for JOO or;rore and a snall stage

at onc encl , togethor v,'ith a sr:ia1l d.ressing roorl .

A r:iicrophonc will be proviclcd, it is iitr:crtant that you use'bhis at all ti'nes.

Therc is usually sufficient roon on tl:c stage tc get two

l;-clpurs fron the auctience to assist you.

Audienccs are incl1-",.1 1e l:c a bit ri0oldrr carly in thc eveningtthcn v.:ry noisy latcr. Jf you arc pcrfor::ii-ng i'rore tlian one spot,art:anelc )rour strongcst act first. ilhis uiill brcak clown the

cold.ness, which in turn, if you c1o a gcod job early on will gctti\c ar-rdienceb attcntion lrter.


These are usull-ly privately ownod clul:s ti:rt provide a Cabaret

};te i;r tire cvcning. Tirc shoii cither goes onto a rr-ediui:: sizcsta6e e or ilr tire ccntr;' of tlic flobr.

It i s i.l,portant oir tircsc di'rtes tlLat ycu ilet yr-.ur audicnce's

attention rip;ht froi:,t thc start. Gct it DE!'O],tiI you start to

'.rorL. Yo';r openinG lc'cture is l:cst itrportant" AL IAYS 'io;{i.l:'tli .i i,Icl?oi3Holt.[.

-:;cver bock Cabaret Clubs tc Co

l-e!ic ti:.c act sllort, snanly ancl

:l-;n catinl out of t,lc paln ofior the ;iliecklcrri. Tl'i-q is

r'1.orc than circ spot in an evcning.unusuir1 antl you vtill sooll hijve

your hand.. ie reac',y at all tii:res

tne herc.lcst auclience in Clul-'l.,.nd.

Page 8: Club & Cabaret Mentalism EDDIE BURKE 1970

Club & Ctbaret I'icntalisrr. Fa6e /.

CTI,J']i TYPES clr )aT3s Ycu iir],], r{cltK.

As e result of booliings i-n clubrand, ni:ny cther typcs of r,vorkr"rill coire your r'ray. Gc::eralry speaking these r,*i11 lrc cs forror,rs:-


Usual-ly held in soircto riork, but condj_tj_cns

or a si:iall bricf case.

snell l{ctcl Loungc. T}lese arc\ very easycan bc brd.. Try to '"uork fron your ;:ocket

f I:I"iS I Al,ri,:UAL DIt'li ,'iRS.

siniliar to the abovc l,lut i:rcrc peopre present. Aud.icnces to be a littlc cold at first.

.T'!'rs-l-Ai-t:$!- $: C i i, C,ii;riRET.

These usua1l5r takc place in bire ,.lar-lroon of a 1ar6c hotcl.iL'hcy can prcsent r:uj-tc r: fel"l probleiis fc.,r thc i:iontaristo sc 60alonx' carly iln..1 gct tiii'gs sortcc'l out. r,orh one spot oi:1y.Ycur opei-:ing 1'cturc ir ircrst iiriportent iir oril er to scttlc youraudiencc dolvn. Donit try to do too 1ong. Try to vuork in thecer-trs- of thc floor, l:u.t if is not possiblc perfori:: irrfrort of thc brnii.

Tiresc. arr: ti:ic

-.::re risil J- l:i othersa,'-rtius., inr) sc, on,

ii-c-l ds outlinccl above

iir,'ir, -placcs Jrori r',rj-l l- r,rorl< as rj i.tcntalist.of course " AnnnaI Convc'ntions. , Garc'lcn

:"t ,O i;:r your lrain worh i"rj-11_ trc in thc

lici;'",rv nust consiclur tb,c bcs'u rray to obta.j-n cng-aAcncirts int-,.sc ficli'l s r ivhich us to i. ::rrrst iitportani consi-cr,eraticn: -

Page 9: Club & Cabaret Mentalism EDDIE BURKE 1970

Club & Cabaret i,ientalisn. Page B.


I'iany acts in crubland handle thcir own bookings and c1o areasonablc job. They argue that by spending say 5a/, of theirtir*c getting the nrorkr ancl 5tr1 of ilre tine doing thc jobs, theyi:.tafts iiiorc noney than if they had to pay sorleone.

Further they clairr that thev do lcss work for high fees anc.lkeep all the ruoncy they carn. This i_s a verlr short sightcdattitude. llhe icea of goi-ng into any kincr of business is torial"e i..oney and this is no less true of shorvbusiness. A,* ask the sa'c kincr cf i,ioney for you that you can 6ct foryourself , perhaps even r:,'!ore. .--llookers realiss. thai grey cannot'bargain r'rith a i+lanager ao thcy can v;iur the artist. rf theyof-fer a low fee, h-e ean alvrays reply rr'jr Arrezun is e profession:, I'intertai-ner and *oulci nevcr work for such a lornl fee.i,

J3y concentrating loer on obtaining bookings lrc conthe anount of Clubs. Thc 1aw of averages alone r,vi11nore bookings for you.

r l^rourd say you ca'iiot afford to be r.,rithout a good i.,1anagcr.

T:,tr i.tlNActlRrS JOB.

i.'any acts secn to ilrinlc that the ir.nasqr. job is to cor:e aloirgvrith thc perfor'cr on his dates ancl hencirc cvcrything for irin,exccpt the acturl perfornancc. fhis type of arrangenent is asliccr waste ofl tinc. A good Hanagcr shoulcl L:e out gctti-ng thciates r'rhils you are workirrg, hi-s sole objcct shoulcr bc to l:eepyou iuorking. Tire only r^iry you will i:eke nlon,ey out of showbusinessis by gc.tting sufficiort trookings ;rt ilrc highest fees possij:rle.<c keep your nonager or-rt aheac.r cf you gctti'g the dlates.

covGr tr'ricegivo hini

Page 10: Club & Cabaret Mentalism EDDIE BURKE 1970

Club 3: Cabarct lici:ialisr.t. l'aEc.9.

Any c1;tes or inc,uiries that crcp up wiren you arc perforniirg handleyoursclf o then pay the ianag'er his coi:it'rission in full.

11 g* lry-gl-Idi_qq q D-'I1 ..IiAG''lli ,|CRTH?.

A gooci n3nagcrr i{i'r.o i-s ccnstantly bringing in thc datcs encl

who kecps his irosc to t.ire grinclstcnc, is worth as i:iuch. if notiilorc' tl.'in th.e attraction. :l:.c-bs arc casy to cone by - goocl

i:lanagLrrs anc-r. s:-,1esncn. sre not. l]he goocl se1.:sl..irn i,ril1 alr+aysvrorl:,, thc goocl act lvi-11 not . ITor"re vor, in the .:rrrange.i:lunt

ttuclc:: consi i,le ration T woulri "sug::,csL you pair the nanager i:ot lesstl:en 2Cfi of your Gross t.llcc but not i:rorc than )Sl" A scafe is the best plan, the' highcr thc fee, tl'rc irigirerthc rate of con-uission,

rIT-rT'IT n^.. -J.. rfi-J tr i: Yilll g31.qIl\; Tj],, ,S.,JRVICES Ci" A GOOD irr "liiiGIR?

Itrs a hu.ncirecl. to one t):lat you. knorv soi:ieolfe alrci:cly. A fri-cndor rclative rrtLro is. a g,-.od anc.l r,rl-r.o r",rants to earn so;rc

s.tlare tine cash is ideal fcr y-,ur rcquirei-ients. It is i,uortenttitai thcy l-r:'ve their o',vn transport anc) they lo:k encl s;uncl goocl."

T1:ink about it, cl c y.,u li-irow enyonc 'nrho lrrs ilaCe a succcss j-nse 1l-ingl irity of thc f.-lllor^dng:- f usurnitcc. , Encyclopeclias.,Can.rassi-ng. , 1idv,:rtising Space. , illectrical ippliances, etc ctc.

-ioi-tctine,g I,rolu: i,rif e c,..n iirlic

]rJu off i:r the fai:'rily g,rr, you

:'rh.ilc. she gr;c.s to se 11 you:: ectslie picks $r;u up again. ithgli-ng into onc horie .

e vcry good. r:anagcr, sirc droi:scorry cir vlith j/ilur cit!;a.Te:.lcnt,'clscwilcre . Lrltcr thot crrcni-ng

tiris arrangci^ri.nt all- tl c c.-sh is

If yr.,it ci:lrnot thi n1'; ..,f a singlc sititeblc trrson wiro uouldint:reste d, tl..on lc-lvertise flr sor..:eonc in ylur l-oc,.:1 pressuailer p;rt i;ii:ic ei:irrloy:riint.


Page 11: Club & Cabaret Mentalism EDDIE BURKE 1970

Club & Csbarct i'ic:rtalisn. Fagc 10.

.L V U,:1 irAi:,-,.G,iR!.S JO3.

As alreIcry ex;r1r'incd, tjris si'Lculc'l consist cntirely of o?;tair:-ing bcoki-ngso Tr:ese shoulcr ah.,iays rre by v*itten contre ctuhicir statcs, tirc na;le ancr acldre ss of the crur:, thc fec, ti;re ofcngageitcnt, nu,-lllcL cf spots re (iuirecl ctc. i;Gct cvcrything iiri"ffiting!i; should bc your ftanagiclrs goldeir rule. I,take it a rule.','cursclf thlt 1'-.u crrly pay iris 6s'-r".1issicn c1 corrcctly ilrCc outcontracts bcaring thc bockcrs signature.

li-hc'busi-ness of ca-1-1.i-ng on crubs a-rnc] il:c rike rras bccn furrycovcred hy iirc author in his bcokirYcur cliance in rjlior,,rbusincssi;,c.iri-riilel:l-e froil tlie publisrrers of ilris bc.rk, or ilie dealcr fronri+l:o you pu.rchascc'l it.

*- t or, fec can thc f One l\ian .ct I expcct fr,-r.: the avcra8e crub


ifl"tis rca-]-ly dc'pcnds on hora wcrl kno.n yjur acl is. ijojriJpe:'fclrners can ccr.iriand. fuvs of sevcral irundrcc,l pounc-is for asicgl; nigirts cn5agcrrcnt. rt i-s vcry unlikely that soi--reolrcJ'i'rst startiri5l wilr rrc i,]rlc to ol:tain triis kind cf nonoy, As f:''-ritc this I woul(', sry thet;rou shclrlil havc r irini'uirr fee cf S2Olir nig;ht fl:: a raclius of j[) rlile s frol w]rcre ]rou iivc. fncr.easel-tis fcr tr:vcl-ling furilrcr al:roacl . CcrL:inly rlo not urork fqirl-esc t'-tan a nininuil of .'i20. Your ilanag',r. sliou.rrl alv,rays irorc.i-.-':i tlris, t.rc.n crcp tc ,-iini-iiui_r ;s ; last rcgort. To r..rorkf:r less will just nct bo r.lorth your irern;rf:-ersr or your own tii:re.ri Jour r'ronagcr clocs anything iikc er ii u.ccirt job of sclli.g you,:;;u | li Act this f ec and :.rcrc quitc ei:sily"ra ailclition ali^rays gct jl\-'*:rission for tliu si.r-c of horoscope,s.


Page 12: Club & Cabaret Mentalism EDDIE BURKE 1970




Clul: & Cabaret l:icnt:lisi:r,

Thus for a nigl:ts rvorkf r,:il your hoile, ycu shorrld

within one hours tr:;velling distanceearn sorte tiling tikc: -

Fagc 11



+11-5_-9 .



(234.75) .


Horoscopc sales.,.ril^ l- ^ lJVUc'I. o o

Less ZJc,'. Ccnrrission.

Nctt. taliings

-r goocl teat:: could increasi,. this tothey so vrished.

'rhc above figurcs are basccr on a crub conteini'g Joo peoplc,selling horoscopes at 2/- per tj.r'e to JAii of the i:uc'licnce .rt lvirl bc scc' frcr:i these figurcs thet thc pcrforirer rtorkingon an avera€te of two nighis pcr v.ieck in his sperc tiirie can earna'ything fron fl40 per l,J(lek, as *e11- as naying; his liranagcr froi:i,i14-O-O pcr v,ieek.

,scven nights per wcck if

l- .'. T ,l j)-i mTlF n-r.

L yOU:t :iC?,?.,ithout any, ilrc .best

-lan.i arc Friclay,,Saturc]ay :rncland'lO-JO;r.n. Th.esc ere thcSccrc'Larics arc in thcir ciut;s.

nights to se11 any shcw in Clul:Sun6ley evcitings, betwecir B p.i,r.tine s tLrat :lost Entertainirent

You havc Yyur i\,ianai;er, norv lcts hivc a l_oil< at thc act.

Page 13: Club & Cabaret Mentalism EDDIE BURKE 1970






Club 8, Cabaret itentalis;,:. Fage 12.

CLU]] tl: CA:]iii]NT }18}.;TAL RT]UTI1!-E.

This is thc aciual licntal- -ric.,ut'i ne worlced, by Lhe author at leadingclubs in the i'iic'llancls aircl tire Iicrth of England. It depcn,:ls on

abottt 1qi t,Tickcry and 9S ,3HOir'11tAli3HIP. Thcre is irothiirg ori-giual airout thc rcthocls usc.C, iror is thcre anything difficult.ilcrvcverr ttlle n I tc,Il you tli;t this tct v,ias r,ly sole livelj-5oodfoi'ltore tiran 1O yc,rrs you riill realisc hu',r ilucli value is placcclin i,t.

Thc act s'crrts r,ritlt .,, slr.ort opcning lccture" This settlcs theaudience down anC puts tiren intc thc right ,:ioccl for rr,ihat is tofollolni. The. opcning spicl is as follirws:-

:'Gcod cvcning Ladj-es rnC Gentlciren, tcn.ig'lit f ai: (oirig to try,'irC entcrtain y<;u, lncl. T hopc, intrigue yc-ru, ii:r a i,,tst unutcual

iianncr. i'ii-th e dci:.,onstration of tcl-cpathy or thougl:t transli-ssion. In a fcw :ttoi'-:.ents tiitc I sirall attc::r.r:t ttr rc?d the niiidsof soi-ro of ycu gooC pco;tlc cut therc. I nay rcad YCUI?:.iit'rii ....oIr it;' bc a rr.Ct,,.lr;r Of ,'cur fl::tily .thcti rgain it,ray be

e fricnd sitting ncar to you. I shall reaci thc ,,iincls cf quite; nuirl:cr of pcoplc - ac i,.,rry.r{l ny tiiue will el_low. il}ri_s j-n

itsel-f , ancl tl,c fect ' -i an usin;3 pcople you knor.i, i.s nroof-:.lri -l- do nr.,t use stor-,Ilus or c,infcd.orLrtes t.rf any kin.-1 . Inf;ct3'ou i.;i11 Lral': scc.u :,,"v nuticqs t1isp1::ycrl fcr tt:, c :rcst feu l.,lculis r

tlr:-i I of fcr o rc1,r:rrc'l of '?,1 ,OOO t,; anycnc l,rhc con prov; tlri-t Illsu stoc50s or confcr1crates. I r",ronl,lntt Cirrc ,,ialie a challengcl-iitc this unless r,,i.,rt I w:s tclliirg ynlt t,rrs thc ahsolutc trnth.I '";oli1d l-:-ki, tr; i1.ol-,c it qlite clcsr thet -l clai:li no sltltJrnaturalJsl{ers iir thcsc ,:lciionstre'Lj-cns - i.rfl} t.:.crr,loi purson - r,lho

is prcy-creci to slon.l tlrc anC research iirio this fascinatings:i:--l:'ct - cou.lil possii;ly do as urcli rs I will tonight, Lrr perhajrs

:ver bciter.


Page 14: Club & Cabaret Mentalism EDDIE BURKE 1970


CIub 3. Cabarci ilentalis,r, Irage 13"

:;f cannot rcacl pcopl-es llinds rgainst their r^ri}I, I can onlyc1o it wrtii tlrcir fu11 cc-opcration" I Ccnrt l,..iaiit to g;o rntoany lcngthy discourse as to lvhat or uhat is l.-;t possj-i:1c, instoaclIf 11 go dircctly intc the cl.eionstraticn anci explain as I go

aling;. A fcr^,' of you. lre alicitt to hi:.rc ycur i-nncr:ost thoughtsrcvc.llcd - I:.tust r,,Ii,rrn you -,r11 the cl,oors havc i:cctr 166]isL:., no

oilJ cail 1s.3ve t,hc rooi:rlri

l:lci'.;rc i,,rc prcc:cC, any furthcr. vdtS thc cxplanaticrn of tir.isc:<citing and uriusual act, 1c'Lrs exar::.iiic lLrt., aJ:::vc opcnj-ng'l ccturc in d.ctail . iit firsb i'L n:1y (rpr:lcar to i:c a I it Icngthy.iii; in f:ct i't takcs lcss then tr,,rc r:inutes to d-.livcr" ,-lhis j.s

:iost :Lr,lportantr ony ;:rorc anil it woukl. l-,,:coi",ie boring, airy lessa::ri y:u cjonet givc your arucr.icncc the cirancc to settlc clovrn and

ttorir u! to ,vcr.t.

It al sc selves a nLr:1ll .:r c-f cthcr useful ilurpose G. Fir.stlyi-b expl-ajii-rs'bo ih, aucl,icncc that',,rhlt ycri of-Ccr is,:nllntcrtain-i-le-tit, if' a rathcr unusua-l- rnd u.nigue t;rpc c:l cntert;in;rcnt.r j; t s aiif f ercnt froir il:c ruil-cf -tire..i,rj-l r type of shovr thc;r arcusccl t,:, anc.l i t also sui4lqests thu n;rr.'L yor: c-lrpclct tj:c audicirccto 1:lay. Firsi you ';cll- ihcn tir:,i titcy will bc intriguud....-Li creatcs c scrrsc of c:ri)cctiircl/r ;iii lr.' reoC;-:y;1iy1 d ?'t't

f i c:lplains that yorr o-1(-:rcct tllei: tc co-illtcra bc, inclccc'1. ycu tc11:lt.:l tl-rat yoll c:rnnct rci' c'l ili:rc'rs ir3;ri-nst their wirll-j You also.

Jiv;- your ltcrfor,ri:rrcc a ;cicn-bific ai ::, rathcr than cli-.i: ling to)e a :cvcnt-.j'i ;;cr- of a sc.i-cnth ,roii" This is-l ituch. t:torc acci;ptablct pcc.-tlc ir' clay ?ti.l. itgc. Yi;u. iircn i:xplDi-n thai you" coulc1

i.-Ili ;t 1-'ngtl-L on this suir jcct, i:ut -Lnstca.l of cioing so, ycu rri l1:--- i',i-rcc'Lly i-i:ito 1,rour. cl .;ir.or1$tratac,n r,rlLicl: ti:1e.1.' ',vil1 f incl :torei-:rtc i'c s ting.

Page 15: Club & Cabaret Mentalism EDDIE BURKE 1970

Club 3r Cabarct iientali-si:r. Fage 14.

, whicit tends to put tilcto follow. It elsodcesnlt rrind a bit of fun,to bo'rstriffy;t thcse c1 ays,

Fina}ly, ycu cnd on a ligi:tcr nltcauc'ii;ncc ;iat casci: for is :bontcstablishes yoLi FS a irnice chapii who

.licoplc cl.ontt lil<e ent;rtaini,ont

'irlith tbc audit ncc in thc right fraile of ,.,ind you continuc asf oll ovrs: -

rili pcrforr:iai:Ice- cf this kiircl rclics ahr;st cntircly oi1 oneittl'lortent fector, it rclics oii l,.rr;I thc euCiencc " I c;:nnot rea.c]i,tincis if there arJ rfo ,rincls to rcad. Fron tir,r<.: to t:i,_ie r sha1lasli ce rtain pe ople to do things. iL r^rill assist i:rc a clealif ycu will c',o tlrese thirrgs c',uick1y lncr lL; diroctcclo lii),.r ri'/ondi cr if r coulli, havc o lady a;rd gcntlenan cn the stagc toblinc1foli-i ne plcase?;i

hcn thc two spcctators step forrrard sl:alie tlrcl by t6c hancl

enr,r, ask tLien thcir Tr.y ti: usc t,reir chrj-stiaL n;,:l.esonll'. 'lc vri-ll sllllposc ihcir nailcs arc stephcn and susan,procccd os fc,l}ows:

;iilovr, woulii you b:vo o look at this 1.;rge folc1 ;d han]<cr

-chicf for, lre arc goii:.3 tr., usc tlii-s !s a brinclfold. Flaccit agaj-nst yei11' own cyea first and,s',.,c i-f you crn sce tliroughi-t? Hold it up tc tnc liglrt aircl i.ralce pcrfectly surc. can

;'cu iisc it to blindfolcl i.rc- please.ii

:' ;1-tilc ,Stclthcn is cloiirp; this Susan, ."vot_rl_d )ri)u go cicwn iiitoihc eudiei'Lcc irild collcct tl:::cr, ciiffc.rcnt objects on tJris tray,fr;;. tbrcc c'lif fcront r'-tcr;l:crs of the auclicnce. L;r.lie s ancl

3entrc,.lcn ii: thc ar.rclicircc, r wourcr, lil<,- thrc', of you to placca: :rticl-c on Susans tray. I,'ro;.. thcsc :rticlcs I sha11 try to:i v, a readling. For this rcescn ii ii; i-irportant that 'ilre ,:rtrclcic-io.-:gs to thc pcrscn ',.,rho p1::ccs it ,;ri the tr:y.

I;l;,. : ',.- *;l

ffi !6...*. ,,r",*iff ,e8**r-..'';i;A@*.,,,.-,,. ....;,'-.**i{ii@a**i1kx,,l."r ...-..

Page 16: Club & Cabaret Mentalism EDDIE BURKE 1970





Club 3c Ca.barct lientalisir. Pagc 15.

Flease clon r t allol.r anyone clsc io touch it. I,loccyr:u. like - but r c]o ask notiiin.g of val-uc tr:rat r cculilconagc if r clronpccl ito Rcire::ibcr r oi.r blinc'l foidec,l ,

it irciulil b; lrust sus;n if ycu only tahc three articlcsc j-thcr cf paper or cnrd, -1,1:cn f catrnot c1i-ltoge thcill,;


il: iig

.By this tirle ]icu. shourr.! br blinclfolcled. Hoi.rovcr, thanks toyour usin6 a i:..rrgc fcLr.Led l:anlicrchie f o:: scarf for this, no:::a.itcr hor",r thc spcctator blii-reifo.l_ds your )rou vrill bc able to se cdown thc sicl- of ;,',,ur nosc, Donrt lift your heacl up lrhen cr.oingthis, iust turn your cyes and you r,vill fincl you r.rilrbc abl-e to see for at lcast 3 to 4 feet alr nrrcut you,

-['rol,l your pockct:)rou nol,r t:kc a p,rck cf carcls t.rit]r a rubberbenr'l around thcn. You rli1ove the rubber bancl and slip it overyour rrrist. l.cxt you f'ar: tirc c:rcls tc tlrc auclicncc,r6 you say:;i-:'jrhifc urc give,5usan tii:re tc collect the articlcs r,vc r,vill try anexrrcriir;nt lith stct:hcn, using thi-s p clc cf carc]s. r r,lculci riice;rcu to c1o exactly as r instruct you Stephen.ri As you are spcia-l'ring )/oli erc cutti-ng aricr i:rixing thc c;:rds in your h.ancrs.;;T111 nc stcphcn, clo ;r,,iu undcrstand ci,rcrs? - yoLi <)o - g;ooc1 .Ycu knov,i l.roi.r to cut a paci< and coi:r.ir1ctc thc cut - lil<c.t'hisir,'-;:rc you c'lcncnstratc by cuttj-ng a i-rorti,cn of ilrc p,rck off thcirr inc'l pleciirg lt unii r il,.1 lcrnrer p:rt uf thc irack, thcn squar-i:r.,- thc carrls up. r,:::cn gtcphen confir,.-,s .Lhi:t hc uncl .- r.stanc'ls:::i s r :you contiitue: - I't.ie11, birat t s .rhat I i.;ant 1,.:u to, rrithtl:: cirils bclij-hd lr.Jur 'b,rcir ernrl jr,clcl fi;cc clcwri li]ec tjrisi;. ljcrc.;:u 1:-rr holdit-r3; thc pack bcl:inct y,,ur r:irn .back facu:c-"": ai:'.1 cutting it r f'r^r tii.lcs, thcn conpl,:tiil6; thc cut, oncc:J'- :r' c.-rtei n ste phcn unc--,;rst;:ncls i,'h:t hc j-s to c;o, rrass hir:i:;;eck ani havc hi;', h.ol-r.l it ltchincl tris l:ack;ncl cut i_t ar jrur:lbcr

- i ti-:cs, -t1ien continuc : -

Page 17: Club & Cabaret Mentalism EDDIE BURKE 1970


Chiir 8t Calraret i'tentali_sn. Pagc 16.

i?Do you know without lcoking anr-l i,..iithout renoving the icack fronl-iehind your back, the ilaro of the top card of thc pach?i; The

spc'ctator is bouncl tc sey itlioit. r;Tj:en y;u will cgrce that rcouldnIt possibly knovrr;. Agai-n thc spcctatcr will agrecrrrTliatrs fj-i:e sir, now r,,ri11 you 'i:akc off the top card wj-tiroutl-ociiing at it or lctting enyone elsc scc it, anci slip i t inloI'our ri-ght trouscr pcckct.ti ,Spe ctator does so. iilycw taliethe next carci fro:.i ihc top of thc pack ancl placc it in ycurlcft trouscr. Docket.ii... ro co rrFinal-1y, tahe the next carcloff thc pack and place j-t into your u-rpcr rrrcast pocketrr.A6aiir the spe.ctator cloes as instructe d. ??pass ,:le the rest ofthc peck.?r Take the pack and es Jrcr-r co so slip the rubbsvb;ncl arcund it. fn so ilr:ing peck clolrn l,,oltr blildfolcl ancr,

notc thc hcttoi:r ci;rcl of the deck. Thc pack is of course a

set up deck eitirer usinq thc olcl cight kings sct up, or thei stebbins set up. rf you are not faniliar with ilrese ;n

e:rplailation itill be founc at thc encl of tiris bock. i]ynoting tiris botton card you can ciuicr(J-y r.rork out thc ti:rcccards in 'bhc spectators pockcts - you continucu hr,vin6 droi-.,pg6'iirc pach into your o-r./l-t iroclcct. sir, luill you go tc thcbaci< of the stalge bchi-nd ny i:ack, but rrhcr"- the auclieircc cJnsu-e f,ou. f ioi-rlcl. you t,:hc thc carcl fror:r your le ft packet airilshc'.* it tc thc- auclicnce. ilve ryone .ori:ase ircl-p irrc ',;ith thisby conce;.trating harct o:: tlij-s card. Giv.. :ic cor-.rplete silenccfor a i,lort'".nt'plcasc........rts.r RED card......f fucl its a

ilE;lRT card.....Liverycnc plcar;c thinl< liaril of the value"....rri.:-:avlng difficulty sccin$ it.oooo.I;ioe I hr:ve it now

i ;s the EIGIIT c f t:, [;IRTS. ':;- culcl yor-r noi:' takc th; crrd froir yu-ur rigirt trousgr pochet.

shcw it to tlr.c audicucc r:i1rr. cvcryonc'i

Page 18: Club & Cabaret Mentalism EDDIE BURKE 1970

Club & Cabaret i4entalis:i. Pagc 17.

;i!lr-is is a BLACK cardo..!.A SPADE card......its a prcruRE...,.t]:e King of Spades. ;r *Finally sir, take ilre carcl froi:ryour top breast _l:ocket - ancl hclC it for ihe audicnce to sec..r feel this is ancthcr l?ED card ..rt's a DrAi,oliD carcl.....Thc Three of Diaitcnrls.;i

lf'lris is rcal1y a very cld carcr. tricii, hut onc thet isne t veryoften perforirecl these c1rys. i-Ior,,rcvcr, tire iclea of thc cntireauclience concentratj-ng on the cirrcls is to i:iy knowlcdgc originalrrith thc author. This involvcncnt of thc entire audicnce isr^rirat makes this sinpre card trick into a big stagt-. procluctionancl itb good Si{O'rl1',rAi':iSHIP.

ily this tiirrc susan shculd. havc the three iteiis on Lrer tray.Ask her to briirg thc tray onti: thc stage and stand ncxt to you.rf y"-u now peck down your bliirdfolcl you can quickly scc'bl:rc threi: ite;,rs are. vri-lr- sllpposc fcr thc purpcse of thcscinstructions that shc has collcctcd: An o1d envelopc., A

photograph', anc] a visiting cerd. ccii,:it thcsc tc :"reilory.rf by any chancc shc hes pi-red thcii onto the tray onc on tcir ofthc othcr, siirply say. lrlloir f v,rrnt lrou to rock at the thre.iterrs ycurself susen, cen you sec each lf then clcarly?:; sirc-r+i11 thcn spread the,r out a li-ttrc, 'bilcn you con il-ake ycur :.-rc.1te1

notc. Ycu now 'proccecl as fcllor^.rs:

;;I\iovr Susan offer" thc tra;r to ,stephcn sccf tlr'c articlcs off thc tray, thcn conc lnclStephcn iroul-cl ycu sir:ply touch i;hi -th- very biclc of r,ry ncck, hrrlcl i1. t,l.^Lcre

::ef in i-i:.prcssioir, ri

that hc can tlkc onc

stancl. by uc agein.yclll navc tahcnfor a lioneirt l.ihilc T

ri is cf coursc thc r.iork of i: i.iol,rcnt tc g1..ncc d,:1,,n at susanrstrey and notc t+liich articlu is nissing, srr contj_nue:

Page 19: Club & Cabaret Mentalism EDDIE BURKE 1970



Club 8, Cabarct ilcntalis:r.. I'r ge. 18.

iil get a strong fecling ilrnt is r pirotograpllinfact itts a photograph of a s:.ro1l, child.. o.. "Is it-grapll cf i. boy?;i il?lcase hrlcl it up Stephencvcryonc coIj sci.i; ]:or.r ,';tcphcn r.rr_ruIcl you placc thcin ily hanci .t;

, ar,t I rightthc photo

so thatphotogrrlth


onc: ycru- havc thc- articlc in your hand, turn lt ov.:r an.dl ovcr,rul:i:i-ng it egainst your pa1'r as if trying to gct an iirpressionfro;:r it. Glancc dcr,rn tnc sid e of you.r blind.fol_c enci notc ifit has anythi-ng,.^:::i-tten oir it - r.tayi3s a naile - or thc datc itv;as ta]cc', - or pe rhalrs the photogrophers ruhrrcr stanp on thcback, perhaps it hr,s F nulillcr on i-t. tjhat fol1or,rs nord clctcitrlscn tv"o counts - first, ilrc shcr,ri:ia;rship uf tho pcrfori:1er, ancisecond the scraps cf infor;iaiion you irrc i.blc to glcan froLl thephotograph. For our cxanplc',,'e,.tilr say that vrc hav; irccn vcrlrfortunate indeecl , and tlr.c following ii-iforr-ration is i.rri-ttcn ontirc photograph. .;rittc* in i-nh - il:c clatc ?th August 1951a:nil tlr.c na::lc John snith: cge 12 ars. r:,rc r:i11 sup1rcsc ,r,l,:e

photographcrs strr;tp sliorrc:d. i,t to hi:v, bccn t:kcn in ..,fiinburgh.'c will suppose it also hrs tir, ,serial nrii:il:e r .n/6tr39 pri-ntcri o,,

it- witli all tlri-s inf,:r:r;tion you jurst crirnct go wron[i - $oyou l.roulci procccd as fclL,or",rs i

i;i;'or-ilc t1:,c pcrson who t.\is phc-'tograph 1:clongs too pleasc carlcut I -lErr'.r. '' Iinve thci: rcpcct this worc'l iiTJere:i a coulrle oftiilcs until yc)u c;;r g;t tirc'r rou6ihly lccatecl . Try t,: jqclge f1cl,rtl.c tonc cf voicc if its e i:rr:ir or r,ioirin. Try rlsu tc-, put anage group tc,' thc voicc (i.c. Chilc,l , !.rccna.:cr, i, l;gr:61 o1"1.c'.;ill say tir;t it souncls to yr,u lik,: e;ricli.,l_c agccl v;c,rans voice,

ii:cr s:y:

:-::al - I telie it you ;,rc e 1.:ic1y, bu t J ri,l

::r::ct. Ti.l=n lia.l:r[1 ctoc s ti.ris pltctcE:i:aphi:;s. f.s it a pirctoS4raph of )'orrr son?ii-l a:y at:SwerS iii,toti,

blindfolcicd, or-.1 Ir clon:; to you? f tJc i',,'iI1 su;pose tl'rc

,.,&a4"g;-., - --,,"s--

Page 20: Club & Cabaret Mentalism EDDIE BURKE 1970


Club & Cabaret iieirtali_sni. Fage 19.

iillrr.t it isperhaps;i.

a i:ret'rbcr of yr;u:: fai.:i1y?1r rivesii.. n.irA ,lf cthefliYcs;i . i;A Ycungcz. brothcr;. li tr., e lt ir^itill

alivcrt" ". o. iriJ.,i;c o....'ir ih.ou.g't not - this is a photograi:hof ycur ycrulLgcr -brothcr'.,rho 1s nor,r clcceasccl , ai, r corrcct liaclanii.:ivAaii t?1rse ". a... ":Ies i-i rvlicn hi: i.,I'ii on holirrayii .iiyc.ii. o I o.rrir'u.t it wasqtt taiccn in rngranc] r.vis it ?ii ll.joii. c c. c ci; ;as ire onirol-ic'lay in Scotlanil ii... o.. i;ycsi;... o...,;At thc titr:c thc p'ctographvras takcn, i,ias hc in llclinburgh,,......iiyesii.oo....,iff hc h.arr..occnalivc toc'l ay he vronld hive bcen a.bont j1 or J? yc.ars o_l_d iuor-rlcl ,ntl"cir.. o o..irYesli. o. o..'rBut et tlie tirie tirc i_rhotograprr was ta]ccnhe r;ras only 12 ycars oldi;.....'rcorrecti?. irrhanlc you r:r,.crai:rii...;;clo you i.rincl stclcl'ren taking thc photograpir back to the lailyr;t,...;;Do lrsLl rci:reriber thc' c'!ate thc photograprr vras taken iradar:, it r.rasc;r1y in Augu'st rvssnrt it;...i-n fact your brothcr was on holi.rayiir i:ugust 1951. Thcrc scci.:.s to be solegring, printcd o' thel-;;:ck cf tllu photograph liicliul - woulcl )rcr: havc a luok _--*__Ttfstirc pl:otclSrar3hcrs scrial nur:1iLcr in c:sc yru woi:t Lo r-*orderthc lrints----]cts try ;r ritifc yoil conccntrctcorr th.nul.r.bir 1;icase*-*---il'rcrcis a sr,i...,thcr: a FCI]it...,iru.xt fsc'e a,.rs c)n- .rore figu.rc also....oh its a r,rrliE.Thcn t,rcrcts a rc'ttcr rre forc ilrc nu:::bcr.....i-ts thc 1"itcr rJ. I.i^r_s i.i'tat corrcct _ t.har.].< ;/(ru.

;'Le ts t11, on; -!-rsl tcst i.ri- i::,r lrorr i,i,., - woulil yrru tJle ;scccnccntrrtc cn J-'*rur c-cccascc'r n;i.ici;.. o o o...;,r gci; ihe:r:: rc si''-l-il;i. . . . . ci orrs ilri-s .lcan ,rnythi-ni1 tc rrc,u :,r:cra' r.,,:is i.rj':i s surn'"'rc';' oi;ye E". o . n . .' ccruld- r po-ssi-irly ir..:vc kirii,.. tirisiit:;C :ii aClV:,ncCl itrd';.co...;;.Ji; . ,,j,rOw l.;tS tfy lfi-Sc--:listian ral1e.. .,: pleai;e. e o..rci 11]r ircrcl.,...r-:.-vc it, hls full na:lc tras .iCiiil Sl.tITIj r./asitrt ii. - Th:nk youi,i


,.;iiii "c:qres*

Page 21: Club & Cabaret Mentalism EDDIE BURKE 1970




Cli-rl: 8c Ca brret iicntalis::r. Fag;c 20.

Thc other t' objects on rlletray arc d'alt rrj_th in cxactly thcsa].lc rAray as in tirc irh.otograph cxai:tp1e cbovc. Noi,,i la-ou c,rn sce'.';ll;l you aslc for itcns i:i:de of prpcrr or carcl . l[hcsc arc the itei:rsfrcn r'thich you can gli;,,,n the ;lost inforltation. Vcrll of.bcnth-iirgs az'c printcd on tirer.:? nai:ies., nurlbcrs., an Ecldrcss.,littlc scri-::blcd notes ir a .i?ostl-,ark on thc cnvel-ope. Eachof i:hcsc littlc picccs cf inforii.i., lig.n l3s fcii back Lo ilres1:c cta tor on,, .r t r tii-tc. -l?cncilbcr, th.: rcst of the aucjiencec'loirIt cveir rcalise tlicy arc 'bh.:rc" A l:-ttlc fishii:g as ehovJni.r tac cxarrlrlc of thc photol;raph and lrou can soon finc out -,,hose

Ilr:rc r or r'rh;t Jrav.' yc'u, tirc infori:,rtior: rcfers to. r-f you cvir1r,i,'vc to havc anytl-ij-ng cjrcckc,i on bllc lrticlc (sucr:. as thc scrj-a1nn::lbur in thc plroto.r;rapjr i:xa.nnlc.) :rl,,.iays hav,, it pa,.-;scci ltack .Lc

thc si:cct;tor bcforc cl -alingj v,rith ii, ti:icn pcrfcr,,r it aliLost asan af tcrthouglit, naki ng ;: I sp.-,ciil tcst r of it.

cnc; ycu h.:,:r/c glcane,-1 ari th,, infcr;r:tj.on off tir- carcl , holclrt ai:ov; )-our hca<.I as you t:lk, thus iL i: cbvicris thst even ifJ-'-'u cOul ti l;cc r lrou lre not r.rir,ding ii of f ilr. carct.. f f youfo:'jl,Jt rrrytliin6, ;sk t1:.e snectator a d-iruc.b t1ucstio::r, trrcn lcansrrghtly fcrwarc'i as i-f trying to cetcli thcrr ansr^/cr. At i:icsai'ti; tir,ic it i s pi::.f rctllr nstur:1 tc.i clritp ycur 1tind. f,,u a

r.:oircf-rit - bl'rcn 1l ii;psc cicrvn i:l:e bliiicforcl and rcfresh ]rcur i1c:, :ril-i h,;vt eni,)titcr fcr a gli:.rpsc wh;n yon p;esir:.: itc;:i to t,:ri: essistin5l ;pcci;ltcr lviil, thc request irc rcturns:t ic thc ,r,rson cli:.ccrncd.

rt ;iay eppsar at first ilrat you liav,, got tc, h:vc a goocl r1ci.r.oi).ic -t',. :blc to pcrfcri:", riiis rr;utiir.c. ! i-r ni,t sor :::o.starii-clcg h.:'vc .:t thc :iost t\,.ro or tirrce .tricccs rf info:::.i.:ti;nl.-;r:;Oit cln cl;-a1 i.ritl:.

Page 22: Club & Cabaret Mentalism EDDIE BURKE 1970



Club 8. Cabarct 1..cntalisn. Page 21.

ir,oi,rr you fiay so:r rrhat c'io ]io1 clo in thc casc r,.rhcrc thcre r s 'oinfornation i:n onc, or cvcn on"rr ef thc ;:rticlus, ?ltic is very1'af-'cnil iiost uiiusu.;,.1-. In.:11 tirc ti,':c frvc bccn ;:rrfor,.iing-tllis routi-uc, it h's ncv;r han;ccnccl ihat onc of thc abov,. i.t;,:ishrs provc,l Lc, be blank, :.lut shoulcl it uvcr ll.a'ollcn :y'cu proccccla$ fo1lor,.ls: First describc tirc articl; a b ilic rt;ck of yournccl'. r',cxt, tr,l<e it in your. hind ancl aoll ilrg: s.ructotor -,;l::o itllclOiii,,:s tco shout rrlicrc'io Ycu thon prcccec'l to lct I i:.:presaions e

off 'bhc article aird gi-vc the spcctator thc ty1_rc of rrcadlin6r tlLattiil1 j:u foutlC in any r,{o::3t:S i-,agazinc op tjrc' usnal rl,Ic,roscoper

.i_laBc r for :xal'Lplc.

iir .3ct thc iirprcssic:l rracl:ir iliat tirinrss cci:cstically anclfii:ancie 1ly lrc not prcg;rcssing, r..; s'.1._bthly as ;rsu lvoul,i di-sj-re .V-,'- ^..-.' +.- -,-+rcu ou.:i.i trrr gct so far - Lhen ycu co,:c:-rcri-\ss yct.:notir.c:: sctir;'clc. llor,rcvor', y(,'u ?r; jur.,; b i'tcri-ng a r",cst fortunatc phrascancr, ciri-i-iqs ar* gc-iir.c1 tr, t:lc; ; tu,ri fcr tir,J bettcr. Also youli;v. no neucl to vrorry ,ll:,:ui il,ret lrcalili problci,r - ju.s.b for1o,;.,thc doctors instructi ons lncl ivcr-'/tl.rina- will ir., fine.'i

Lcsrn thr:e such r,'":c'ling; i,.ff b1"' l:c:rt airr) y<.;u rre ri,.rciy forany crrr.crgcnclr.

A'j you co::';-'lct' tlrc list re ;lliug'rcl^rcvc l.r';u:. bli::c'l folrt. vri-tl-,: flourish. :lhis in i ts,-:1f is :- n,:,turc1 rp1,-.lause cue. ..r-r;1cc

Itour ilow itr1cl tircn c;ntiiir-rc : ;;i.y tir.rc is u.;_. -Lacl,ics :.:ncl Gcn.t.l ei.renancl i- ,,lon. t.b l-iavr 1;i .r f c,r ri11i -,r-tu. ,-ir_rt ilrfr,rt; tircy rc.b.Ll::ir to.-l:-.-i- - -+^ !^u-.:u-'.1' -a!eiS e itl,t,i ll:cut : nic:. founi.. cf ,.-;l,.nl.,i_tsc f cr c;ui, ti,ii;l:c'l l_'lc-,:i Sus;ir :rnil Stci:,llwf, Lc,lI t1r; r.:,1i1eusc f irr y,-iur. t-uro

t'cIu:.rt;c;rs, i;i:,,i.i ri, turn t't-,t t,-:, -bLrcir sc;rts.

Page 23: Club & Cabaret Mentalism EDDIE BURKE 1970


Club i, Cabarct l,iontali_si-:.

liow coiues l;our rniinrl:_n;; up -siri:i1(don't overlc;ok ilris fcr if liou drl ,

sii-;: tliror-r6h your. fin3_r.s ) i.y orri:f o11o',vs:

Pagc 22.

- ;nc] ]rt:rur lloroscollc pitch,you f rc lcttiirpl big i-ici.icypi.btcr hendling cf tb.j_s

,gl_.i f-i._o-,ilo; qo!_)*r ?r?clF. .

?lr trust Latics airc Gc't1ell;i.Lrrat ycn r-ravc cnjoyecl ,:iyclcitcnstr.rtion tiris even:i-ng. r Lisuaily you gct ,l nicc ronnc.! ofa pirlausc at thj-s point. iicl\.r.ro1.r1ccrij,.j t::is ancr ilren continric.';cn dcr-roirstrations of this ki-i:d r ail oftcn aslicd., ccpccially l:ytLrc Li'c'lies prescnt, anc.l cluiic a fcr* gcntre,-i;n as wcrl , rf r cangivc th-e, i a pri-vatc rcat-rin;. r '"-: afroirr this is dif ficr.rrt un:,,1 crtll;sc conclitions, but i";l:.iat I rbavc clonc is to preparc o tlrallr:uribcr of rrcrsoiral llciroscopcs ancl i,rccricti-ons f or thi futurc,coil*rilccl cn your birthdetc. Therc are twc*re of thcse _ cncfor cvcry sign cf the -ocliac. Trre se crc prope r:.y i:ropercilrcadings eccorcling ti; thc ancicnt tcrciri ngs of istrology a'6 r.:"avopfoVuaCl anazing to evcrycr:.te j,irh.o h,:rs obt,.,i riccl oite r Each Ijor.cscopecc'ntrins c'lc'tails of rrolv to obtain a lucky r:.u.r.rcr sysLcl:"i, i;1:.t hasal-reacly won il.roric;.nds cf pouncls on lic;ot]:a11 Fccfs, ilcrsc -l_?acingrTote jiu':rbcrs anc.l iir prccticalry {rvcry knoirri foril of i.l.rrri;-rr,. -f-r u-itcr. av:.ilebie. toclay.

?Lirc pricc- cf suc'rcaciings 0s -..,ai1f of you i.ri-11 irnor,.r, cli: cost:;ou scve ral poun':is if }'el,'*r'.ite crff .Lo a l'rofcssicnrl ;rsirol08cr,':c:'icve r, r e,i ab-! c to of fcr ti-icr,i tcnlgirt ;rt th: si:;cirr rr..:.liain:ricc of only 2/- atc.o;i (or 7/- if yo' so wish). rirnsicrc eachr;lCi:l-q vrj-lf 6., founc'l ,: s1:;ci;:f ltelf. pri_ce vouchcr v._1ucr,l at 5/_,s'3 :".'u c'n ictuelly gct 5/- tracii for your Z/- outlay. Tf .,ou;;a;t b:-tter luclc on thc focilra11 llccls, rlcrc i)oncy, ii:iprovecll:';'l i-;, cr ju;t tu 5;rt to rc:rol.\r yLrulsulf bcttcr lccorclinS tc--slr:'logy, tlii_s is J-oL1r op:lortunity.


--,.*:'- ;ara*$i*@*&ii!ii*{i*,*,.**; ..

Page 24: Club & Cabaret Mentalism EDDIE BURKE 1970

Club 3: Caberet ,ientalisn"

i;Vcr;, quicltly f a-l cc..ring around lvitirone for each alld cvcfy one of )rou.reaciy t-rh.un I corrc to rrou -rllu.ase, tlrrit, 2/- each or 10 ifcw Pcncc. !ira::kof you.;;

?agc 2J.

th.c-: novi. RciicLrbcr, there I s

Hail'. thi-. rrcntir ycll f.irore borncorre ct cirangc if ycu heve

you ;ach and c.Jery orlc

As r en giving tliis si:cil, i pick up tiic horoscopes fror:r i.ytalrlc and displry th:;:, as i talk. Horoscoocs cait be obtaincdat a vcr]/ ressor:]al:l-c ir::icu indccd froll ir;gr-ictri x. , 1ri9 "ihitficlcli?d..'-iall Grccn. stok; on r'rent.,staffs. sr5 BAL. Jlirglairci.Tne pri-ccs aliow a v.rry 1,-'ri3c profit irergin (cvcr 3ocpi") cn cpchone that -''ou sell. rlic rciriings suppliecl vdll casily fctchtwo io thrce shillings cach, tiranics to tirc large anil flashycovcr and appcarencc. The y are thc fincst availabli: any',,iirc'rei n thc itorlc', at tht-: price. irach circ is ci,rrectly rrorkerl out.cccorc',i tig to tilc truc tee chiirgs of :ist161sgt, i,rhich is i:rosti:tlortant as you nevcr knoii lihat or v,rlren yiju ilight get a traineclistrolcg:cr ailong your alrr-1ii-rtrCe r

Onc c thc spei-1 i-s ovcr, I then" gcr cl.or..rn aitu,n ;,; 'L1a , aucl. j-cnc c

.-i:il .'ravc thc piani-st/cr6tni-st i-'1ay a tunc (f i,rsr the Dreai.i ofCl-r'ien). I r.;alk clircctly tor,larc'ls 'bhe fi-rst tablc cn r,'i.r.i-ch '

3?. . iii-i;iber of ladics, I si,,rp1)r siiilc ancl vr;'it. It is allaziirgircr'.' thc)r viill start fisl:ini.1 in thcir pursc f rr i:rDn{,-y, j\,s soona,s th-cy dc this r aslc i,:;,i tlrc sign thcy werc bc,rn unc.l ;i., anilby irc tj-llc thcy h;vc t--ke n out thcir. rlonry r h:vc locit;c.l thcc-rruct rc- dit:6.

so.)n as :.''bhcr i'rc..Lbers rf tl.:.e auciicncc scc soi.rcone tak". i-,ut-r-wiicir :ncl. buy ; horoScote r iracticall;' cv,rryonc r,iail.i;s onc.

s trc e crrtainty, but its sur,:rj-sin;I l1o!.J Lt.ny r'r.\tn ltuy onc.

,diil&iri&;erdlrd&r.i&;_, ...,; *'*r.,, -

Page 25: Club & Cabaret Mentalism EDDIE BURKE 1970





C1u1: 8: Cahi-tret r.ental-is;i.

i-f you linvc a corlpani_orr i",iilr )'ouyoli J .r iiij. it-r. th-is, You eacl.r takcIt ;, 11 1-ou havc vcrj,r oftcn tak,.jn as

P: gu. 2li-,

c rr tLri i:ooking, slri c,. n 6i ys

half thc rooil, ancl in iro tii.rcItuch as )r.jur fcc i-n horoscOpe

Iit a c'l ltlr of JOC pcopl,-. ii is r;rii-t,: cc.l-icn for a goor-l wcr:.rrr-i;o se11 tc::rt 1.,,rst 2co tc 2jo pco-,6-1;. f,r frct its qr:it,c coiii,o11fr;:: rv-ryr:nc j_ii thc rocrl ti) buy a iloroscopc.

T usuall-)r ; rrlce j-t s practj-c; t.o gi-ve i.' f rcc ircror_.coirc .Lo g:ie5ntcr"taini,,;nt Iiool<cr irlrl l.ris wj.f c. Tl,is i l; gc-.,ocl policy ,:ncl costsJioli vvry littlc. rn fact it is go'c1 cxcuac to scrt rii:-r

'ntaf tcr thc engiogcrre'nt rras cnccd, bcfore yci-i travel ]iorr.c, ;iI r vc1bccn lcoking f.r yr:u to gi-vc you or'lL\ of ::iy spccial horoscopci;aciings frcc of charg;c, rvirat is ;re1tj" birfl:clate pl;r.rse. :i-l-l;or're lra'-' bcttc:: givc your Eooc, lldy one - whcn vras sr,:c hcrl plcase.,i'ralie out 'bhc roadings thcn continuc: ,;r

c'l o iropc cvc-r:yonc enjcyccif f you harr; do::te anythi-iig li-hc a clcc,.irt jolr h; i.rill

s:!l'r so. YoLr then ta jrc rs an c-xcLrsL to cc,ntinu.e " ;ii,,rc,rl r

-i I vc cn joyod ?1;1ri1o t,, the,-:, ihcy er_ a i,;rtnii u::,fu1 croivc.! ancl sor jc,jirtivc to ;'ry type c'f cntcrtaini,:cnt, f rd i:ro-st ccrtdinly rikc'i! cc-'.u r:tr-'r vj-sit you aE-::i ii eir -. futurc riate - sa)r in i--]:out 9--ar';irs tir,rc'.;t rf trr.c rlntcrt;in, iunt" ]locrler pFrces with you arroutcc--,i-;:: a,3ain, itts tcn t,L or::i.; l:r,,: will, taJio ou..b your diary arrcllocli u;:.: fnturc c't,i:tc ninc i.;c.nths,.ri,,Ja)r? th.c.n oay. I hav<:...........o. vacant. ,Sh;11 rrc bc,.,k that norl;11(jl ff;t it scttlcd?,r

' oi-.: i-t .',,i-- 'rL:L L! y"|..'ltivc cionc anythin.r l'i::;e e iiccent job th-c rc-boOkii-,1i1-iii --,- iortirci,'LinE.

t s :ly :cuncl

t.:at tltis is: bit 1i ii,; i it r:rc': ;;c11 , l:u-b in practicc you vtillnot so.


Page 26: Club & Cabaret Mentalism EDDIE BURKE 1970

C'ii-lb i- Cairarci ii<:ntalisi::, Pag.,2J,

i'rcat it casually oird ni,, tr-rra. I1y as :Lf ti:,e ir.i ua ju.rt-:inci , tl:.:i:lis t,: thc nj-cc tl-.,ings hc was slyitl.i:,: oOo.,.t

If , Ltowcverr ]rou r:1.;.rrt r,i._,t tlr.e re-l:or:lci ng, thanlc-ldl sliake hi:l by thc t:ilird, sayin5, ir:rc11 if cvcr Iscrvicc tc) you ;:gain, c"o1r?t ircsi-tatc i.;r c:ll. rt,s:lcasurc apnc:ring fer ],ou;io-l-Ixlys lcavc b,tc c;ir,-rrcn f,.,:'ycLlr r,tano,:1Jr Or aScnt'.c g.:f -t ;1 g.::in at ;,, lat;r d.:t,J.

cros,:cc1 youryi-,Ltf Shot..t,

.Lltl_;'1. ;,./: : f I IIY

cair bc ofbccit a rea.l

'i;o b.: ablc


''l:; n:.^.cs anr:l .rcrc.lrcsscs of the clubs in any ,,,rca can bc fou.ncli-a'-i; Yclloui Pagcs of yo'-lr tclep:icirc rlirectory, listcrl unc]crv-iU - J.

' cioscopLs arc obtainlblc frc.,r,l thc publishers of :llis book ru3Scit--l:1r: cOst, ;l-i-owi_ng;-'vcr.1r bigr::;rk upe to ihc.rctnS:-:l-:s ::ril 'horcsalc priccs will- r:,; sent cn rcccir:t af a z/-(re :) ?, Ci'cr',-:r.

.;c.--: 'r'r.rlis cit 1'1ailtalis"... * incl-udinr.r .ii-rny i,iJerican ol1icS e 3rceva:-i;';ic fro.: ttLc ;:r.ri-rlishcrs. .{ s. ii.E. vrilr brins : list of

cc--er ctc infori.;ition or:. e.i:t.riirir:g' a1r- trre boi.,rci;ins ;ro* want issoli-r--:ri il thc artthors bool: tYou,r Ch:ncc in Siir-.rrbr-r{;incssr,:vai1:','i - ii'c,, ihc pu.blirr:crso A :i. A.,1 . r,vi.r-1 1:r'i-irg c,ict:i,1s,

ri;- ',r-l y pcc:j-c r^;hc ;,ri goil,; to rrr-.ncf 1t f rcrr ri::d j-ng this bc,pjir:: t--- - -iici ri:: Ll::t put -r-h_, fl)lFCli, 'TIOl, Il ,1le 1:.i1CTf () j.:.::v: ilLl:-c it - l;c c.:n yCU.




Page 27: Club & Cabaret Mentalism EDDIE BURKE 1970




_a =

C-l uib i: Cabarct .cntalis:_r. :'agc lb"

r'l; i-s ih' ar:thorb sincerc opinion il.iet rny purson - I,rialecr -r u--rlu - ci' avcrrgc i nt.el1ip;cnce ;nci ability, i,Ji-til crrivc

=*i :echnice'l knowledgc, anci r:ho is not afreicl r:f hard rvork,c:-'-'z'::" a stcacly r-ncor.1c cut of 'chc inforr:rotion containec-l int:i s :::ok. If f c;.n bc of assistancc tu )ou, ;clcrsc clo not--"r;ita;: to conta c t ,:tc .

t--:' ;ncl of thc book - but, r hopc thc be8inning fcr ycli.

MogS-cirl: -:usc cf iiagic,fl4{lt -.titfict c'l Rorct.

Stset cc =r.:t. 5?6 3.'.1 .

S&a ifs. --.-rl.-.Fcl .

" -, &. i..iil!.:r -. ; ",rtg*cfu"-

Page 28: Club & Cabaret Mentalism EDDIE BURKE 1970

?be c;rds in your pack ilust be ar.raaged in ilre forr-owing ordcr,starting ivith the top card r,rhictr is iace Jorr*3c - rs - 5s - 1oD - ac _ 7H _ 9f - 5n _ qc _ 4H _ rt,s _ 6o _,rcan{ so on throughou-t. the pack, the n.ext card wi}l be the BH tire'r*s etc etc. tlo

"r1t o"h"r you vri-il notice is cr,uBS, HEART*,s9-1f,.s, lrAl'rot'fDs. Trris i-s easily rerire'bererj if you think oftb; worcl CHaScD.

EiG.{T Kii'GS SiT UP.- :i :-t ; - t i i f.'t l:) i' I i-i r:llir-i l-:; t :l 11;-.16,,,r a

TLe ordcr of tlre cards erethe follov,ri_ng jingle :

4igb.t :iings Threatenecl totr31oz


easily colrritte"4. to ire;lory by learning

save nine fine Queens for one

7g5r_l 4.iisiclc knave.6J

ri a1i ihe cards are arrcnpccl in this orcicr t):roughoui the pack,q4n:rir;: in the suit orcler c.I{.s.t. The pack nay be cut (f:loi-nto: tc bottor.r) as r:any tii.,re s "" y"., ril..,"riil.out upsetting theaffarFe;ent.


lfr)TrliG:- Have a card ser-ected f::o:.r rrre pack. cut the cards attbis :,rint and secretry notice the botion ia::li of thc. 1:acrr. Thisceld vas cut froi,i just over l^ll-icre the setectcct. carrl vras taken out- ttus it r+as the c:rd in *r"-iiigre, l.-or exanpleir- say of clubs is selected, th"";;itoi:r carcr (tiiat i' thecard tb.:t was ir:t:idcliaiely above it)'will fr" tfr" 4 of Diar:londs.F-ncwi:i; tliis, by running throuqh il:e. jinglc lnd the word CIIoScDil i:"" *trd, )rou can rr:ae tiie sclecteci Jard. Tf thc choscn carcir-,s troi' returncc io thc tcp of thc pack anci the irack cut a few tinies- ::e tricti c;n !:e r.epc:tid.

i3 hevi;:6 thc p:ch cut _ thcn the TfiR-JE lcp CAI?DS taken off and;1 '-ced inic' thc sp'--ctDtors 'pocket, pc'for.r*r "o, revear- thc na,re sof ticse three-b:rcrs blr tool:i-n1.i ct tj:e Borror,j cA;?D ctr TriL PACK"

T-.::":::_::".J" vril-t ii the next thrcc fotl_or^ring the b,.rttor:r cordJa!rrv. a

J:a:y e;'f;cts ar.'. pocsible .,vith this sct up pacl<.uP. Ttre suits ave errangcc in tire cHaseD order.rr-e crr:s ai'u e:'ranged in orcrcr, so the valuc of th;;;rJ, iti-r t:e ceck i-s ahv:ys Tir?EE r,ioRE - tlrus A;;; Four, seven, ren, King,T5-ree, Six, i'ine, ?uecn, Two, Fivc, nigh;r.iacte, lce, frour etc,ft.e wgrki-; is t::c-n cxacily iirc sai:lc _ c:icept instead of thc jinglc5rou st:plr couat thrcc, tc tirc next carcl .

Coryry"d.gFt.tsflagi-ctrir. Stoke on Trent. -9taffs,

*l%sii&@k*,-,.,.-.. ., *,isdYlMbitgei&*grp*usl*Sbul;,:,*.,.,.


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