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Page 1: Club Constitution
Page 2: Club Constitution


Constitution 1. Name 1.1. Club Name, Colours and Emblem 1.1.1. The name of the Club shall be “Rosemeadow Cricket Club,” hereinafter called “the Club”.

1.1.2. The colours of the Club shall be Purple and Black, where possible.

2. Object 2.1. Objectives of the Club 2.1.1. The objective of the Club is to foster the game of Cricket in the Rosemeadow District, and

any other objectives as the Club may, from time to time, determine.

3. Affiliation 3.1. Associations and Affiliations 3.1.1. The Club will associate and affiliate with

a) The Camden District Cricket Association

b) The Camden District Junior Cricket Association

c) Any other Association as may be decided by the members from time to time and will acknowledge the Constitution and observe the Rules of such Associations with which the Club becomes affiliated.

4. Membership 4.1. Eligibility for Membership 4.1.1. Membership for the Club shall be open to any person who is interested in furthering the

aims of the Club, provided the person’s conduct shall at all times be in the interest of the Club.

4.1.2. Members shall abide with the Constitution and by-laws of the Club.

4.1.3. Membership shall be available in the following categories: Senior Playing (Members aged over 18years)

Junior Playing (Members aged under 18 years) Non-Playing (Members aged over 18 years).

4.2. Applying for Membership 4.2.1. Applications for membership shall be through the completion of the prescribed forms

(available from the Secretary) and payment of the fee determined by the Executive Committee.

4.2.2. All applications will be reviewed by the Executive Committee, and upon acceptance by them, the applicant will become a member of the Club.

4.2.3. The Executive Committee shall have the power to admit or reject any applicant for membership.

4.3. Membership Fees 4.3.1. Membership fees applicable to each category of membership shall be determined annually

by the Executive Committee at its first meeting after the Annual General Meeting.

4.3.2. Membership shall exist from one Annual General Meeting until the succeeding Annual General Meeting, and may be renewed annually by the payment of the fee determined by the Executive Committee.

4.3.3. Membership fees become due and payable upon the commencement of first Round of the current competition season. Upon payment of those fees, a member shall be deemed to be a Financial Member.

4.3.4. Any member whose membership fees remain unpaid by the completion of the third round of the current season shall be suspended from the entitlements of membership until such time as the fees have been paid.

4.3.5. Casual player fees shall be determined annually by the Executive Committee at its first meeting after the Annual General Meeting. Casual players are not entitled to club benefits or voting rights. Once a casual player has participated in five (5) games during a season the

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balance of full registration becomes due and payable prior to participating in their sixth (6th) competition match. Casual players cannot participate in any CDCA or CDJCA finals.

4.3.6. Executive Committee members are exempt from membership fees during the season in which they hold an Executive Committee position. Should an Executive Committee member step down or be removed from the Executive during the season then full registration becomes payable immediately. Non-playing Executive Committee members may transfer their membership fee exemption to one (1) immediate family member.

4.4. Entitlements of Membership 4.4.1. Financial Membership shall entitle a member to:

a) if a Senior Playing, one deliberate vote at any monthly General Meeting, Special General Meeting and Annual General Meeting, selection in a team according to Section 11, and hold any office in the Club.

b) if a Non-Playing, one deliberate vote at any monthly General Meeting, Special

General Meeting and Annual General Meeting and hold any office in the Club. c) if a Junior Playing, selection in a team according to Section 11 and representation by

a parent or guardian in any Appeal allowed by Sections 4.4.2 or 11.1.3.

4.4.2. All persons aggrieved by a decision of the Executive Committee relating to Sections 4.2.3 or 5.3.3 shall have the right to appeal provided notice of the appeal, in writing, is lodged with the Secretary within 14 days of the notification of such rejection, expulsion or suspension, censure or imposition of a fine. The Appeal will be heard by the Appeals Committee within 14 days of lodgement of the Appeal.

5. Office Bearers 5.1. Offices of the Club 5.1.1. The Offices of the Club shall be one Committee responsible for the running of the

Rosemeadow Cricket Club, and that Committee shall be made up of:-

a) President

b) Vice President

c) Secretary

d) Treasurer

e) Registrar

These committee members shall be known as the Executive Committee. The Executive

Committee may appoint persons as General Committeemen to act in positions as they

see fit, e.g. Publicity Officer, Fundraiser, Social Committee, Groundsman, Selection Committee, Appeals Committee.

5.2. Election of Officers 5.2.1. All officers shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Club and shall hold office

during the period for which they are appointed and until the succeeding Annual General Meeting. They shall take up their respective duties immediately upon conclusion of the Annual General Meeting.

5.2.2. Nominations, on the prescribed form, for positions on the Executive Committee are to be in the hands of the Secretary no later than 7 days prior to the Club Annual General Meeting.

5.2.3. In the event of no nomination having been received for any or all, Executive Committee positions, nominations for only those positions for which no written nomination has been received may be received from members present at the Annual General Meeting.

5.2.4. Where a vote is necessary for the election of an Officer, such vote will be conducted by secret ballot.

5.3. Duties of the Executive Committee 5.3.1. In the event of emergency, the Executive Committee shall act in the best interests of the

Club and shall reports its actions to the next General Meeting.

5.3.2. All outgoing correspondence regarding Club activities must be directed through the Secretary of the Club and ratified by the Executive Committee.

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5.3.3. The Executive Committee shall have the power to expel or suspend any member or

other person under the Club’s jurisdiction from participation in the Club’s affairs where such person is deemed guilty of conduct prejudicial to the interest of the Club.

5.3.4. The Executive Committee may censure or impose a fine in lieu of expulsion or suspension. Such fine shall not exceed an amount equal to the fee payable for Senior Playing Membership in the year the conduct occurred.

5.3.5. The Secretary shall maintain a Register of Judicial Rulings in which a record shall be made of the name of the person deemed guilty of prejudicial conduct, the penalty imposed, and the date of the ruling.

5.4. Vacant Offices 5.4.1. The Office of any Officer of member of the Executive Committee who shall die, or who, for

other reasons, becomes incapable of carrying out that office, or a Committee member who shall absent himself from three Executive Meetings without reasonable excuse, shall be declared vacant by the Executive Committee.

5.4.2. Any such vacancy shall be filled by appointment by the Executive Committee. The appointment must be ratified at the next General Meeting.

5.5. Duties and Functions of Office Bearers 5.5.1. President: The President shall be chairman at all meetings, ex officio chairman of all

committees, and shall conduct such meetings in accordance with the Constitution and the by-laws. The President shall have one casting vote only at such meetings.

5.5.2. Vice President: The Senior Vice President shall represent the Club at all General Meetings of the Senior District Cricket Association with which the Club is affiliated, and chairing the Club meetings when the President is unavailable. The Vice President shall have one deliberate vote at all Executive Meetings. The Vice President shall be responsible for matters pertaining to Senior Player Members, and shall inform the Executive Committee of such matters.

5.5.3. Secretary: The Secretary shall attend to general business of the Club including:

Recording the minutes of all meetings

Acting as liaison between the Club and any affiliated body

Attending to all correspondence and generally perform all duties usually connected with the Office of Secretary

The Secretary shall also keep a record of attendance at all meetings

Be responsible for maintaining the Club’s Register of Members The Secretary shall have one deliberate vote at all Executive meetings 5.5.5. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be responsible for:

Receiving all monies and giving an official receipt

Banking all monies received to the Club’s account within 14 days of receipt

Paying all accounts authorised by the Executive Committee

Purchasing any additional equipment required following the approval of the

Executive Committee

Preparing a monthly financial report for presentation at all meetings

Preparing an audited financial statement and submit it at the Annual General


The Treasurer shall have one deliberate vote at all Executive meetings

5.5.6. Registrar: The Registrar shall:

Supervise the registration of all players at the beginning of the season, and peruse sign-on documents for correctness. Ensure that all score books are properly maintained

Maintain all records of individual and team match performances

Collate and forward such match statistics as required by the Senior and Junior

District Cricket Associations with which the Club is affiliated

Have one deliberate vote at all Executive meetings

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5.5.8. General Committee Members: The General Committee members shall be responsible for matters pertaining to the position to which each has been appointed. They shall report to the Executive Committee. They may make recommendations to the Executive Committee.

5.5.9. Appeals Committee: The Appeals Committee shall be responsible for hearing and determining appeals permitted by subsections 4.4.2 and 12.2. The Appeals Committee shall consist of three members, no more than one of whom may be a member of the Executive Committee. Decisions of the Appeals Committee shall be final.

6. Meetings 6.1. General Meetings 6.1.1. General Meetings of the Club shall be held once a month during the months of August to

March inclusive.

6.1.2. A quorum of a General Meeting shall be not less than three (3) members of the Executive Committee.

6.2. Special General Meeting 6.2.1. A Special General Meeting may be held upon the notice being given to the Secretary, in

writing, signed by at least 10% of the financial members of the Club, or upon being called by the president, and upon 14 days’ notice being given to financial members of the intention to hold such a meeting. The notice will specify the business of the meeting and the meeting will only deal with the business specified.

6.2.2. Motions shall only be adopted by two thirds majority of the members present.

6.2.3. A quorum of a Special Meeting shall consist of not less than 5% of the members entitled to vote.

6.3. The Annual General Meeting 6.3.1. The Annual General Meeting will be held prior to the Annual General Meetings of the Senior

and Junior Cricket Associations with which the Club is affiliated, and 14 days’ notice will be given to all financial members.

6.3.2. The business to be transacted at the Annual General Meeting will be:-

a) President’s address

b) Minutes of the previous Annual Meeting

c) Annual Report

d) Treasurer’s and Auditor’s Report

e) Election of Officers for forthcoming year

f) Election of Patrons

g) Appointment of Auditor

h) General Business

6.3.3. A quorum of an Annual General Meeting shall consist of not less than 5% of members entitled to vote. If insufficient members a further meeting will be called within 7 days and those present will constitute a quorum.

6.4. Executive Committee Meetings 6.4.1. Executive Committee Meetings shall be held as required throughout the Membership year.

6.4.2. A quorum of an Executive Meeting shall consist of not less than 4 members of the Executive Committee.

6.5. Voting on Motions 6.5.1. At all meetings, other than Special General Meetings, a motion shall be adopted by a

simple majority of the members present.

6.5.2. At all meetings, except at an Annual General Meeting where a vote is necessary for the election of an officer, members will indicate their vote by show of hands, unless the members vote to determine a particular motion by secret ballot.

6.5.3. Decisions of all votes at any meeting will be conclusive upon declaration of the result by the Chairman.

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6.6. Service of Notice 6.6.1. For the purposes of Clauses 6.2.1 and 6.3.1, a notice may be served by or on behalf of the

Club upon any member either personally, sending it by post to the member at the member’s address shown in the Register of Members or via email to the member at the member’s email address shown in the Register of Members.

6.6.2. Where a notice is sent to a person by properly addressing, prepaying and posting to the person a letter containing the notice, the notice shall, unless the contrary is proved, be deemed for the purposes of Clauses 6.2.1 and 6.3.1 to have been served on the person at the time at which the letter would have been delivered in the ordinary course of post.

6.6.3. The accidental omission to give notice to any member shall not invalidate the meeting.

7. Constitution 7.1 Interpretation 7.1.1 Any doubt arising as to the application or meaning of any clause in this Constitution shall be

decided by a vote of a General Meeting, whose decision shall be final and conclusive.

7.1.2 In this Constitution, unless inconsistent with the context,

a) words used which indicate the masculine gender only shall also include the feminine gender

b) words used in the singular shall include the plural and vice versa.

7.2 Amendments to the Constitution 7.2.1 Amendments to the Constitution may only be made at the Annual General Meeting or at a

Special General Meeting convened for the purpose. Notice of the proposed alteration must be made in accordance with the rules previously stated.

a) Any appointment made or motion passed under the Constitution hereby repealed, if in force at the commencement of this Constitution, shall continue in force as far as consistent with this Constitution.

7.3 By-laws 7.3.1 The Club shall have the power to create, amend or delete By-laws which are consistent with

the Constitution.

7.3.2 Any member may propose the creation, amendment or deletion of a By-law by giving

notice of the proposal, in writing, to any Meeting of the Club. The proposal shall form part of the business of the next General, Special or Annual General Meeting of the Club, provided a minimum of 14 days has passed between the date of giving notice of the proposal and that of the meeting.

7.3.3 A motion on the proposal shall be adopted by a simple majority of the members present.

8. Funds

8.1 All monies received shall be handed to the Treasurer who, in return, shall issue an official receipt.

8.2 All funds of the Club shall be banked in the name of the Club in any bank or appropriate financial institution as decided at the Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting convened for this purpose.

8.3 Fees as prescribed by an Association which facilitates the Affiliation of the Club with

that Association shall be paid annually from the Club’s revenue. Payment of all other accounts must be approved by the Executive at an Executive Committee meeting.

8.4 No person shall enter into any contract, or incur any debt, in the name of the Club without the prior approval of the Executive Committee.

8.5 Reimbursements may be set at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

8.6 Any cheque drawn for payment of accounts shall be signed by any two of the following Executives:

a) President

b) Vice President

c) Secretary

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9. Patrons 9.1 Any number of patrons may be elected at the Annual General Meeting, and have

their names recorded in the Club’s Schedule of Life Members and Patrons.

10. Life Members

10.1 The Annual General Meeting may, on the nomination of members present, or upon the recommendation of the Executive Committee, elect any person as a Life Member who has rendered a minimum of five (5) years outstanding service to the Club.

10.2 A Life Member shall be entitled to:

a) stand for election as a member of the Committee

b) one deliberate vote at any monthly General Meeting, Special or Annual General


c) exemption from payment of annual membership dues, joining fees and the cost associated with attending, with their partner, the Annual Presentation ceremony.

d) have his/her name recorded in the Club’s Schedule of Life Members and Patrons.

11. The Grading of Players 11.1 . The Grading Committee 11.1.1. The Annual General Meeting shall elect a Senior and a Junior Grading Committee each

consisting of three selectors. The function of the Grading Committees shall be to grade all players commensurate with their grading ability, and, in the case of Junior players, their correct age group.

11.1.2. The Grading Committee will submit the gradings to the Executive Committee for ratification. The ratified gradings will be exhibited at the Clubhouse as soon as practicable after ratification, and may be published by other suitable means.

11.1.3. Gradings may be reassessed by the Grading Committee during the season, and submitted for ratification by the Executive Committee.

11.2. Appeals Against Grading Decisions 11.2.1. Appeals against a grading or reassessment decision must be lodged in writing with the

Secretary within seven days of the initial publication of the gradings or notification of the reassessment.

11.2.2. An appeal may be lodged by any one or more of: the player involved, a selector, the captain or coach of a team affected by the decision.

11.2.3. Appeals against a grading or reassessment decision will be dealt with in accordance with Section 4.4.2.

12. Appointment of Team Officials and Team Selections 12.1. Captains, Coaches and Manager 12.1.1. Prior to the commencement of each season, the Executive Committee shall appoint

persons to the positions of Captain of each Senior team, Coach of each Junior team, and Manager of each Senior and Junior team. Coaches of Junior teams must possess a Level “O” coaching Certificate as a minimum qualification.

12.1.2. Each Captain and Coach shall be responsible for the training and development of players in the team, Club equipment issued to the team, the selection of teams for each game, and shall ensure that all players are given an equal opportunity to participate in games. They shall appoint a suitable person as Team Manager.

12.1.3. Team Managers shall be responsible for the collection of any playing fees and their prompt payment to the Treasurer, maintenance of team records, and provision of match reports.

12.2. Team Selections 12.2.1. In selecting players for teams, preference will be given to players who attend training


12.2.2. No eligible player shall be stood down from two consecutive games during the season, and no player shall be stood down from a second game during the season until all other

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members of the team have been stood down at least once. However, the Captain/Coach shall have discretion in team selections during semi-finals and finals.

12.3. Filling Team Vacancies to Prevent a Forfeiture 12.3.1. Should a senior team be in danger of forfeiting a game due to insufficient players, the

Captain shall be entitled to call up sufficient players from any lower grade to prevent the forfeiture.

12.3.2. A player called up under Section 12.3.1 shall comply with the call, or be suspended from playing in his Grade for that Round of competition. Such suspension shall not count for the purposes of Section 12.2.2.

13. Dissolution of the Club

13.1. The Club shall be dissolved if a motion to this effect is adopted by the members meeting in a Special General Meeting. Resolution of a motion to dissolve the Club and determinations pursuant to Section 13.2 shall be the only business of the meeting.

13.2. In the event of dissolution all assets, after satisfying all debts and liabilities, shall be dealt with in such manner, if any, as the Special General Meeting resolving the dissolution shall determine.

13.3. In the event of dissolution all records of the Club shall be transferred to the Camden District Cricket Association or the Camden District Junior Cricket Association as applicable.

13.4. Any remaining funds in the clubs bank account after satisfying all debts and liabilities should be transferred to an Australian-based charity whose aim is to help Australians in need.

13.5. In matters where no charity is determined to receive any outstanding funds by the dissolution of the club as set out in 13.4 then another club within the Camden District Cricket Association with less than five teams shall be nominated to receive the funds as a donation from the Rosemeadow Cricket Club on the basis that the funds are first used to cover any registration costs of former players of the Rosemeadow Cricket Club who are joining the nominated club.

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