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Fundamentals ofCreative Development


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Ideas that do.

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What are the ways in which an ad can be participatory, meaning there is a role for the consumer besides watching?

Dodge Dart: user plays role, shares, and others join.Old Spice Twitter: users engage with ideas for spots and then pass them around.Coke Chase: you play, vote, come back to see the results and socialize.

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The real value is if the idea does one or all of the following:

a. becomes a part of your every day life: Nike Plus, AMEX on Foursquare

b. gives you some form of utility that you use at least occasionally (Sit or Squat and dozens of others)

c. gets you to take some kind of action -- Jet Blue Election Protection, where you are involved not just watching.

d. makes you WANT to share it because it is either cool and you want to turn your friends on to it. Or there is some incentive to do so. Or because you are inviting more participation that bene!ts you, i.e. the Kickstarter inspired Dodge Dart idea or Art of the Trench.

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Quick RecapWhy we advertiseRole of creativityWhat makes an ad creative when it’s a message

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Ads that earn your attention, but rely on paid media.

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e 1. there was a time when the word “faggot” meant a bundle of sticks. but then people started using it in an insulting, offensive way and things changed. so when you say things like “homo,” “dyke” and “that’s so gay” try-ing to be funny, remember, you may actually be hurting someone. 2. so please, knock it off. 3. get more information at (fag t) ‘

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OriginalUnexpectedInvite you inEntertain !rstProvokeAvoid clicheVisually arrestingFun

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Who creates these ads?

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Writer and art directors.

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What are the shortcomings of ads and campaigns like these?

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They work. But...they are expensive, they are temporary, they are mostly passive.

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They are not going away. But they derive from an era when we (brands and marketers) owned the media and could “broadcast” our sales pitches.

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Today we live in an age of social media and participation.

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Consumers no longer want to play a passive role. Nor do they have to. At a minimum, they want to choose what they engage with and when they engage.

More likely they want a chance to comment and share. Ideally, if an idea is good enough, they’ll actually participate -- sometimes before the fact, sometimes after -- in the process creating more content that spreads across the web, attracting attention to the original idea, liking the brand or the product for allowing them to be part of the experience.

What does a brand have to do or create to achieve such a level of participation?

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ParticipatoryInteractiveUser generatedShareableUsefulEnduringPlatforms

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Think about your own use of technology, media, content.

Consider how you !nd out about brands and products. Identify the problems, frustrations, needs you have that brands could solve with marketing as utility?

Factor in context. Where are you? What are you doing? What makes sense at that moment?

Ask what a brand has to do to get you to pay attention, engage, and more importantly, stay involved.

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180 + original videos

5.9 million views


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One off events: Campaigns: Experiences:Apps: Platforms:

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How can you demo Ford’s new Park-Assist feature?

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Pinball Park Assist

Who: Ford

What: To promote the Active Park Assist feature on the new Ford Focus, Ogilvy of Paris “turned the quest to !nd a parking spot in Paris into a giant life-size game of pinball.”

Drivers come across one tiny parallel parking space. “Above the cars stands a giant pinball billboard that displays each driver’s score as they play the full-size parking game. Sensors in the surrounding cars’ bumpers register a ‘hit’ anytime they are touched at all. The driver’s score is tallied on the giant board for everyone to see.”

The “winner” – or worse parker – received a free Ford Focus with the Active Park Assist feature to park in the space without a single ding.

Why: Leveraged the notoriously dif!cult parking situations in Paris to highlight the Active Park Assist feature’s relevance to anyone who drives in the city.


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How can you encourage trial in a way that involves users to create content?

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National Honesty Index

Who: Honest Tea

What: Honest Tea set up its own social experiment this summer with unmanned pop-up stores around 30 cities that asked people to pay $1 when they took a bottle of tea. Unknown to all passersby, Honest Tea also set up hidden cameras to !nd out who actually followed the honor system. They then compiled the data from their videos to create the National Honesty Index, a website that features interactive infographics about who is honest ... and who is not.

Why: Spreads and builds the brand’s core values in a way is fun, interactive, and shareable for anyone involved – from those who took tea at the pop-ups to those who check out the infographics


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How can you sell more airline tickets?

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Election Protection

Who: Jet Blue

What: We’ve all heard someone say, “If my candidate doesn’t win, then I’m leaving the country.” That’s why we created something called Election Protection for JetBlue. Here, we tapped into the largest discussion in America, the current presidential election, and said if your candidate doesn’t win, don’t worry, JetBlue will give a free one-way ticket out of here.

The site experience, the mobile and social extensions and the on-the-ground campaigning all came together seamlessly. The story was picked up by almost every major news provider. And the results were through the roof.

Why: Taps into cultural relevance, aligns product offerings with current events, leverages news coverage for the election, fun and participatory.

Results: 346,114 unique visits; 51 million impressions (most of which were earned); 103,559 votes. All on a limited budget and a regional presence only.


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How do you get people to drink more of your beer?

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Bud Clock

Who: Budweiser

What: Budweiser created a “Bud Clock” that counts down to the end of the Happy Hour. Every Budweiser you buy at the bar gets you a QR-coded coaster that, when scanned by the Bud Clock, adds 1 minute to the Happy Hour countdown.

Why: Provides a direct incentive for partygoers to purchase more Budweisers at the exact point of purchase


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Can Charmin’ redeem itself for years of heinous advertising?

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Charmin’ Sit or Squat

Who: Charmin

What: An app to help people identify clean, nearby public restrooms from their phone.

Using basic mobile technology and location based services, users can simply open the app and !nd a restroom.

More importantly, they can contribute by uploading locations that they identify with a few simply entries.

And, if they are so inclined, they can join, which, of course, gives the brand data about who they are and where they go.

Why: Provide utility, marketing as service, capture data, hope that doing something for customers translates into loyalty or trial.


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When do your customers need you?

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Tide’s “Stain Brain”

Who: Tide

What: A free app that gives consumers step-by-step instructions from both experts at Tide and other users who can submit their own tips on how to remove/treat speci!c stains.

Why: To further cement Tide as an “authority” in stain removal, and to increase sales on certain Tide products, such as the “Tide To Go” stain remover pen.

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How do you turn your physical machines into a medium to generate viral content?

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Who creates these ideas?

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What is the shortcoming of efforts like these?

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Hard to scale, can’t guarantee size of audience or reach, slower build.

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Need a combination of everything. Driving brand idea.Advertising for awareness.Social for engagement.Experiential to connect in context. Mobile to be ever-present. Shareable ideas to be viral. Platforms to be lasting vs temporary.

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So now what are the fundamentals ofcreative development?

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Art and copy

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But also, an understanding of media, technology, consumer behavior, social, mobile, experiences.

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But what does every one of these examples have behind it?

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A relevant, on strategy, creative idea.

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Hey, what if we....--write on the roads of the Tour de France with a robot--!y people out of the country if their candidate loses--test people’s honesty with a public display--crowdsource clean restrooms--enable customers to extend Happy Hour

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Got ideas?

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