
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament Annual Review 06

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IntroductionContentsIntroduction CND in 2006 Nations and Regions CND in 2007 What you can do Regions (continued) Specialist Sections Autonomous Campaigns Membership CND Personnel Fundraising Treasurers Report Contacts 1 2very warm welcome to the thousands of new members who have joined CND over the past few months. Your support brings new energy when we need it most in the struggle against replacing Trident. Together with the experience and commitment of our longstanding members we comprise a formidable campaigning force. Our government is facing a totally new scale of opposition to nuclear weapons, in which we are playing a key part. This time last year, we demanded a debate and vote in parliament. Since then the government has conceded both. It may not be the full debate that the British public deserves, but in the past, the decision has always been taken behind closed doors so this is already something of a victory. And last year we also demanded that the option of non-replacement be on the table. Now it is there as never before. There is no doubt that the government is on the defensive about nuclear weapons. They are continually asked to explain why they think Britain needs them. Their point of view is under scrutiny as never before. The governments White Paper, justifying Trident replacement, even included a section responding to its critics. It is hardly surprising that the government is on the back foot over this. In July 2006, 59% of the British public opposed Trident replacement when they knew it would cost 25 billion to procure. We know now that with lifetime costs, the total bill will be around 76 billion. In September 2006, the TUC Congress voted overwhelmingly to oppose Trident replacement, and many church leaders and faith communities have spoken out. Of particular interest are the large numbers of people who used to support nuclear weapons but now oppose them, and call for a new orientation in British and global security. CNDs call set out in our Alternative White Paper for multilateral disarmament initiatives to go hand in hand with a decision not to replace Trident, has found a resonance internationally. As well as figures like Kofi Annan, Hans Blix and Mohammed ElBaradei, who have all urged serious attention to nuclear disarmament, former US senior politicians Henry Kissinger and George Schulz have recently called for steps to be taken towards this goal. Our government argues that we need new nuclear weapons, because we dont know what the future will hold. But it is crystal clear that if we, and other nuclear weapon states, pursue new systems, then we will certainly face nuclear dangers in years to come. We will contribute to a new nuclear arms race and provoke proliferation by other countries. If, on the other hand, we decide not to pursue Trident replacement, and instead promote global disarmament such as backing a Nuclear Weapons Convention then we can help shape a different future. We can help prevent the nuclear disaster that we will otherwise be encouraging. All these arguments and more must be put to the government and to people from every walk of life. The future of our planet depends upon it: now is our moment. Thank you for everything you have done for the cause of peace and nuclear disarmament over the past year. Let us work together to ensure that 2007 is the year in which we build ever greater opposition to nuclear weapons and war and win hearts and minds for a real alternative of peace and genuine security.


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Cover photo: Rick Wayman

Kate Hudson, Chair CND 1


CND in 2006No Trident Replacement his years campaigning has been dominated by attempts to prevent a decision to replace the Trident nuclear weapons system. In September 2005, John Reid announced that there would be a full public and parliamentary debate. That statement shaped our work in 2006, and we sought to establish publicly that: the debate must take place; all options must be considered, including nonreplacement; the case against must be put as extensively and coherently as possible; the deciding vote must be taken by parliament. Much of this, particularly the demand for debate and a parliamentary vote, became a widespread demand across the political spectrum. Public opinion has shifted against Trident replacement, with an increase in opposition to 59% by July 2006, as indicated by an ICM poll commissioned by CND. Throughout the year we have engaged in extensive parliamentary work, including holding a number of meetings: one welcomed Mayors for Peace from Germany and Uganda, as well as Mayor Akiba of Hiroshima; another discussed Trident replacement and the threat of climate change with Colin Challen MP, Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Climate Change. We also engaged in lobbying, facilitating parliamentary questions and backing Early Day Motions. Across the country, there have been many CND public meetings on Trident replacement, and street stalls which have gained support for the No Trident Replacement petition which was handed in to Downing Street on the Hiroshima Anniversary - an event that received considerable media attention. We also had a major presence at both Labour Party and Liberal Democrat Conferences this year, at which we both organised stalls and fringe meetings, and circulated


Thousands of petitions were handed in to no 10 Downing Street in August

material among the delegates. The eve of Labour Party conference demonstration, attended by around 50,000 people in Manchester, included the slogan No Trident Replacement. Many trade unions have opposed Trident replacement and this year CND had a major presence at the TUC Congress - which voted overwhelmingly to oppose Trident



Photos: Sue Longbottom


Caroline Lucas MEP and Kate Hudson at the Block the Builders protest, AWE Aldermaston

Hugh Beach; and Louise Richards from War on Want explained the links between poverty and nuclear weapons. This strategic planning work by the conference is being continued through a monthly core group meeting with representatives from many peace organisations. We have cooperated with a wide range of organisations and individuals to facilitate the Big Trident Debate website, an initiative launched in September to increase pressure on the government to hold the promised debate. CND has submitted written evidence to all three Defence Select Committee Inquiries into Trident replacement and has been invited to give oral evidence on each occasion. This achieved good media coverage for our point of view. In December, CND published its Alternative White Paper. This was handed in to Downing Street on the day the government published its own White Paper pursuing a replacement. During the year CND has produced a range of briefings and campaigning material on Trident including arms conversion. We have also commissioned relevant opinion polls. CND has also continued to back the Block the Builders campaign at AWE Aldermaston, and were part of a delegation to AWE together with the Mayors for Peace group. The Faslane 365 project has been well supported by CND, both by National CND and by groups and regions, many activists having helped to blockade the base and register their opposition to the continued presence of Trident submarines at Faslane. Missile defence and weapons in space During 2006, speculation increased over whether or not Britain was on a US shortlist as a potential host country for Missile Defence interceptor missiles. Following contradictory statements from the US and major public opposition from the Czech Republic another possible 'host', Britain seemed

replacement and at various trade union conferences. CNDs second Annual No Trident Replacement strategy conference, hosted by South East Region TUC at Congress House, was very successful: various points of view opposing Trident replacement were expressed. The Bishop of Reading spoke, as did General Sir



to be back in the running. As well as producing up-to-date information, we have been involved in a number of relevant events including supporting the Campaign Against American Bases (CAAB) Independence From America July 4th demonstration at Menwith Hill, holding a workshop on Missile Defence at CND Conference and making a presentation at the World Peace Forum in Vancouver. The international Keep Space for Peace Week was marked by demonstrations at Fylingdales and Menwith Hill and by a CND Parliamentary Meeting on Missile Defence, hosted by Linda Riordan MP and chaired by Kate Hudson. Speakers included Dave Webb, Stuart Parkinson from Scientists for Global Responsibility and Jeremy Corbyn MP. NATO and Europe Opposition to the stationing of US nuclear weapons in Europe under the guise of NATO has increased, which in turn has led to increased cooperation between peace organisations, and more national parliamentary and European parliamentary lobbying. We have stepped up our campaigning at Lakenheath airbase, where US nukes are situated. In October, together with Lakenheath Action Group, we helped to organise the largest protest at the base for many years. NATO in Europe was the topic discussed by one of the seminars that CND helped organise in Athens in May, at the 2006 European Social Forum. We ran a stall there (which attracted considerable attention) and, together with other organisations, ensured that the demand for global abolition of nuclear weapons was included in the Forums final declaration. We have continued our close cooperation with the French Mouvement de la Paix on anti-nuclear issues. Nuclear Power Nuclear power loomed larger this year, as the government has pursued the construction of more nuclear power stations as part of its new energy policy. CND national conference has 4


Youth and Student CND supporters Amy and Emily (centre) took part in the European Youth Network for Nuclear Disarmament bike ride across Belgium

opposed new nuclear power stations, and during 2006 we produced a briefing and leaflet on the subject. We also made a submission to the governments Energy Review, participated in a green NGOs group (which draws together many groups working on this), joined in the Climate Change demo with our antinuclear power leaflets, and helped promote a European-wide petition against nuclear power. On the 20th anniversary of Chernobyl we held a meeting in Parliament, at which there were a number of expert speakers, including a professor of radiology from Belarus. In October we co-hosted a meeting with Dr Helen Caldicott (founder and President of the Nuclear Policy Research Institute in the US) on the launch of her new book on nuclear power. Anti-war campaigning CND has continued to cooperate with the Stop the War Coalition and the Muslim Association of Britain over various anti-war demonstrations, such as the one held in March on the anniversary of the Iraq war and the one held on the eve of the Labour Party conference. We have also worked with the British Muslim Initiative a sister organisation of MAB. The danger of further pre-emptive war on Iran

continues, and CND continues opposing such a possibility. A new briefing on Iran and the history of its nuclear programme, has been produced. In February we demonstrated outside the headquarters of the BBC, because when it reports on concerns about possible nuclear weapons proliferation, it fails to report on Britains non-compliance with its obligations under the nuclear NonProliferation Treaty (NPT). We have continued to call for a nuclear weapons free Middle East, to raise awareness about Israeli nuclear weapons and to call for full freedom to be granted to Mordechai Vanunu. During the summer, we, together with most of the British general public, urged the government to back a ceasefire in Lebanon. And many CND members joined in protests against weapons transports to Israel via the UK, and we helped facilitate peace camps set up at Brize Norton and Mildenhall air bases. International We have continued to liaise with likeminded organisations around the world, and remained

involved in a number of international networks, including the International Peace Bureau, Abolition 2000, and the International Anti-Bases Network. In January 2006, we attended the World Social Forum in Caracas, Venezuela, where we discussed anti-nuclear and anti-war issues with a range of international organisations. We also attended both the European Social Forum in Athens (see NATO and Europe above), and the World Peace Forum in Vancouver. Trade Unions CNDs trade union work has expanded this year, as many unions have given us additional support and encouragement on account of their strong opposition to Trident replacement. TUC Congress voted overwhelmingly for an RMT resolution opposing Trident replacement. (RMT is a CND-affiliated union). We held a very well-attended fringe meeting at the TUC Congress,

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where speakers included Clare Short MP, Kelvin Hopkins MP, Barry Camfield of the TGWU and Jane Carolan of UNISON. We had stalls at the NUT, CWU, NATFHE, GMB and UNISON Conferences, and Kate Hudson was invited to address the UNISON Conference. Our new trade union publication, CND/Trade Union Link was produced twice this year, plus specific editions for the CWU, NATFHE and UNISON Conferences. Letter writing In 2006, CNDs letter-writing team concentrated on the issue of Trident replacement. We made submissions to the Defence Select Committee Inquiries and lobbied both Des Browne, when he took over as Secretary of State for Defence, and Gordon Brown after his Mansion House speech advocating retention of a nuclear arsenal. Its good to see our submissions when the reports of the inquiries are published! We have also written to oppose a new nuclear power programme, to discover our MPs views on UK membership of NATO and to urge our MEPs to support a European Parliament motion on the withdrawal of US nuclear weapons from Europe. As usual, we ended the year with Christmas cards to Mordechai Vanunu. We have started 2007 with another set of submissions to the latest Defence Select Committee Inquiry into the White Paper on Trident Replacement. We provide background information and a list of points to make, eight or nine times a year. Letters inform, encourage and put forward our point of view. Not everyone can write every letter but even one a year helps. To join, please contact Katy, [email protected], or ring the national office, indicating whether you want to receive information by e-mail or post. Other A wide range of campaigning activities has been carried out in many different areas. This has included extensive press 6

Keith Sonnet Deputy General Secretary, Unison spoke at the Vanunu Freedom rally in London, April 2006

CND at CWU Conference voted best of the voluntary organisations stalls!

work and high profile coverage of CND and its issues, the lobbying of diplomats, ministers and various officials. We have also worked to raise the profile of such multilateral initiatives as the draft Nuclear Weapons Convention lodged at the UN, and Hans Blixs proposal for a world summit on nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation and we have suggested to the New Agenda Coalition countries the possibility of a

new disarmament initiative this being part of our work preparatory to the NPT Prep Comm in Vienna in 2007. National CND was also delighted to cooperate with Leicester CND over their very successful conference on South Asian nuclear weapons. The group worked with the local Indian Workers Association to bring diverse communities together to discuss this important issue. It is impossible for reasons of space to mention all the areas of work that CND has engaged in over the last year, but a huge amount has been achieved. We have received much help over researching and writing briefings and peace education material. We should like to express our gratitude to all CND members, staff, volunteers, office interns, supportive MPs and trade unionists, and our allies across a whole range of peace groups and anti-war organisations. Thank you all together we will continue to make an impact as we strive towards our common goal of world peace and nuclear disarmament.


Nations, regions, specialist sections and autonomous campaigns

CND Cymru were out in force at the Faslane blockade

NationalCND Cymru VER the past dangerous and stormy year there has been something to do for each and every kind of peace and disarmament activist in Wales. Anything from writing letters, signing petitions, watching for news on e-lists, to protesting in the streets or locking on at Faslane or Aldermaston. In such a climate, the role for CND Cymru has been to keep the issues we know are important in the public eye, to inform and provide opportunities to act; to link with our brothers and sisters in the rest of the movement, in this country, Britain, Europe and the world; to create and provide bilingual campaigning material, hold events and lobby our elected representatives. It sounds so simple and it is often fun but it is also such hard work! Groups and individuals have continued to campaign against the occupation of Iraq, and of Afghanistan and to highlight the injustices wrought against people in the Middle East and


how nuclear states bully non-nuclear states. Efforts to achieve our aims for a Nuclear Free Wales have been renewed under the threat of new nuclear power station build. CND Cymru has had speakers, exhibitions, stalls, petitions, letters and giant postcards at events and political meetings throughout Wales. Our main focus has been on the renewal of Trident. This has enabled us to reveal (yet again!) the existence of British nuclear weapons. It has been sobering to meet with those from two generations who seem to have grown up totally ignorant about Trident, and older people who believe that since the end of the Cold War Britain has dismantled its system. We are proud of the churches in Wales for having united in protest over Trident renewal plans. At the time of writing - during the countdown to the debate on Trident renewal, CND Cymru members are lobbying all elected representatives in Wales. We can see clearly how the smog of the party political system makes it difficult for many of CND Cymru's former champions to

recognise their moral sensibilities. Plaid Cymru, however, remains steadfast in supporting our nuclear disarmament stance. Throughout the summer we rallied support for a four-day all Wales presence at Faslane 365 Red Dragon (Draig Goch) and Daughters of Rebecca (Merched Beca) days. Over 100 Welsh people travelled up from Wales including two pantomime red dragons, a rebel clown army from Aberystwyth, Cr Cochion and Cr Gobaith (two radical choirs) and some remarkable individuals. Media coverage in Wales was excellent. Those taking part 17 of whom were arrested were aged between 14 and 76. Two bannermakers were 11 and 13-year-olds, Tad and Carwyn. Our excellent CND Cymru Chair, MEP Jill Evans, took part in this all Wales blockade of Faslane, and she plans to take part in a second blockade with other elected representatives in January 07. Thanks to the imaginativeness of Faslane 365, it has led many of us with the dragon, to face the Trident beast in its lair and has enabled us to reveal the existence of 7


the beast to the people in Wales. So the task of campaigning for nuclear disarmament continues. This is an opportunity for Wales, for Britain and for the world. We can succeed! Scottish CND In 2006 Scottish CND worked hard with other organisations through Scotlands for Peace. This initiative includes the main churches, trade unions and other groups working for peace and non-violence. The aim is for Scotland to be known for its contribution to international peace and justice rather than for waging war. Over the past year the main focus has been on campaigning against Trident replacement and a major project was Scotlands Long Walk for Peace from Faslane to the Scottish Parliament. The churches made a significant contribution to the success of this event and popular support of it meant that the Scottish Executive formally welcomed the walk when it arrived at the Parliament in Edinburgh. With our encouragement, the leader of the Roman Catholic Church in Scotland, Cardinal Keith OBrien, and the Moderator of the Church of Scotland, Alan McDonald, have both actively campaigned against Trident replacement. In addition to working with Scotlands for Peace they organised a joint petition to the Ministry of Defence, and they have been encouraging churches in England and Wales to take a stand. In June, Scottish CND organised a delegation of leading Scots to Aldermaston. It included Members of the Scottish Parliament and church and trade union representatives. The delegation planned to carry out an inspection at the facility. But they were not allowed in! Our delegation then travelled to Whitehall where they met the former UN Weapons Inspector Hans Blix and Scottish MPs. Greenpeace and the Nuclear Information Service gave valuable practical help in organising the visit. Our education committee has produced and distributed two 8

The Long Walk for Peace from Faslane to the Scottish Parliament, September 2006

education packs for schools, one on Chernobyl and nuclear energy, the other on government plans to replace Trident. Scottish CND helped to mobilise for the CND slot at the Faslane 365 blockade and has also helped to finance the initiative. We have encouraged our members and supporters to lobby their MPs and Members of the Scottish Parliament on Trident replacement. On 21 December there was a debate in the Scottish Parliament. The Scottish National Party and smaller parties supported a Liberal Democrat amendment opposing the White Paper, which was defeated by only five votes. A number of Labour MSPs spoke out against replacing Trident. Malcolm Chisholm supported the SNP motion and subsequently resigned from his position as minister on the Scottish Executive. We will continue to work with other organisations to build an effective campaign to prevent Tony Blairs would-be legacy of basing nuclear weapons in Scotland for the next 50 years. Trident will be a

significant issue in the run-up to the Scottish elections in May. Even a slight change in the balance of power could produce a majority opposing the plans outlined in the governments recent White Paper.

CND RegionsCumbria & North Lancs CND Collecting plenty of signatures for the No Trident Replacement petition was one of our priorities for the year. There was a very good public response in many places and we collected more than 1,000 signatures. In March our public meeting on Trident replacement was held in Carlisle with Gordon Prentice MP as guest speaker. In April public meetings were arranged for the Vanunu Freedom riders as they cycled through our region. One of our groups had campaigns stalls at two Green Charities Fairs. They were able to raise lots of funds as well as increasing knowledge about the campaign. In August, Hiroshima/Nagasaki commemoration vigils were held in


North Cumbria CND and CANDLE at Faslane 365 for Halloween

Lancaster District CND support the Vanunu Freedom Ride

the region. Beautiful live harp music was played at the vigil held in Lancaster Market Square where local people were encouraged to make their own paper cranes to add to those previously made by local school children in memory of Sadako Sasaki. In September we attended several student Freshers Fairs where there was a good response from many of the students. Also in September, Lancaster

District CND members swelled the number of demonstrators in Manchester at the Labour Party Annual Conference. Our members took part in blockading Faslane 365 at the end of October under the banner of CANDLE (Cumbria and North Lancs Effort). Some were arrested. Those who were not enjoyed themselves singing, dancing, drumming, weaving and painting. We managed peacefully to block access at the North Gate. We kept up a presence at the base throughout the night and next morning decorated the fence with images of peace. Those detained were kept overnight and released without charge the next afternoon after nearly 12 hours under arrest. One of our members who took part was a 78-year old grandmother who said before going, I dont want to go, but Im willing to go because of my grandchildren and other peoples grandchildren. Eastern Region CND 2006 has been a very active campaigning year in the Eastern region. It started off with many public

meetings all over the region to discuss the issue of Trident replacement. Speakers have included Claire Short MP, Ian Gibson MP, Kate Hudson and Bruce Kent. In July, we demonstrated at the gates of USAF Mildenhall to oppose the UK being used by the US to refuel planes carrying weapons for Israels attack on Lebanon. As bombs dropped in Lebanon, the demonstration quickly transformed into a peace camp. Activists from all over the region helped to set up the camp and keep it going, and monitored plane movements. National CND members visited every day and local people brought us food, chairs, water and support. Teenagers from both inside and outside the base joined the camp in the evenings to chat about world politics. Our peace camp at Mildenhall inspired some of the teenagers to set up a Suffolk youth CND group. CND members who had not been to a peace camp before found the whole experience so motivating that many of them are now more active than ever before. We received so much media attention both locally and nationally that we had to allocate time slots for all the interviews. Being visible and approachable for over two weeks gave many people the opportunity to visit the camp and get involved in our campaigning. On 1 October USAF Lakenheath saw the biggest protest at the base so far there were over 200 demonstrators. All were entertained with a cabaret by the Theatre of War, Peace Pearlies and the Nuclear Weather Girl. We were joined by the most interesting weather... rain, high winds and hail stones larger than had ever been seen before! Next day, eight CND activists stopped the loading of cluster bombs on to planes for three hours by locking themselves to the gates and closing down a weapons area. The action made the national and local press, and the Lakenheath 8 will be challenging the legality of cluster bombs when they appear in court. 9


Finally, the end of the year saw an emergency meeting in Cambridge on campaigning against Trident replacement. Over 40 people attended from the Eastern CND region. East Midlands CND Five local CND groups are affiliated to the region and we now form a significant focus for the peace movement in our area. During 2006, we helped local groups with both funding and support whenever they needed it. In Boston for example, when the local group was banned from using a market stall as a base for campaigning activity, the region was able to help the local group put the case for democratic free speech to a Borough Council committee. The councils policy was amended to allow stalls to be held four times during the year. Although in 2006 we were not yet quite able to set up a CND group in Derby (as planned) there was some very positive networking between peace activists and groups in and around the city. The region co-ordinated a regional day of action on No Trident Replacement in March and successful campaigning events were held in Nottingham, Derby and Leicester. We have also written to all MPs in the region asking them to oppose the replacement of Trident. Chesterfield, Hope Valley and Leicester Groups have been prominent in the Faslane 365 campaign since it started in October. Leicester CND held two successful conferences during the year, one highlighting nuclear issues in South Asia, the other considering the links between the Trident war machine and nuclear power generation. The region has continued to work with Trident Ploughshares in drawing attention to the strategic role played by the Rolls Royce factory in Derby in maintaining the Trident system. Significant local publicity was generated by the appearance at Derby Magistrates Court of activists charged as a result of non-violent direct action at the plant in October 2005. Members of Chesterfield and Leicester groups leafleted outside the 10

Mildenhall Peace Camp opposes US weapon flights to Israel during Lebanon conflict

GM&D CND helped to mobilise for the national demonstration in Manchester Photo: Rich Halfpenny

court and a meeting of activists from various supporting groups was held afterwards. Gtr Manchester & District CND Our main success in 2006 was our part in organising the excellent demonstration and public meeting in Manchester during the Labour Party conference. Our worker Jacqui Burke, spoke on the main stage, and GM&D CND volunteers worked on the stall inside the conference venue and leafleted to publicise fringe events. Happily, 2006 saw the arrival of a new GM&D CND member when Jacqui gave birth to Eva Grace in January. In March, together with Manchester Stop the War Coalition, we held a packed meeting of over 500 people (reaching a new and younger audience) in the Methodist Central Hall. Rae

Street made a well received anti-war speech including a powerful statement on Trident. Throughout the spring Rae and others gave several anti-trident talks to groups around the North West. Some members have been making real headway with Labour Party branches giving talks and distributing CND literature. Working with Stop the War Coalition (StWC) in one Gtr. Manchester town, CND members have been able to draw in more members from the Muslim community. Work on Trident replacement has included local groups holding stalls and sending CND postcards to MPs. Manchester CND got over 500 postcards signed and sent to local MPs from just two stalls. Nearly all the towns around Manchester include regular letters (in some cases nearly every week!) and articles in their local press. We expanded on our outreach activities at festivals with a highly praised anti-nuclear marquee at The Big Green Gathering and baggage lock-ups at The Big Chill and The Green Man festivals. Other outreach activities included holding two very successful classical music concerts one featuring musicians from the Halle and BBC Philharmonic orchestras. Stalls were held at many events, including one on International Womens Day. We organised support and media coverage


for the Vanunu Bike Ride and a march followed by a public meeting on the 20th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster organised jointly by GM&D CND and the Chernobyl Childrens Project (UK). The march received good media coverage with interviews on local radio stations. And we ran a workshop at the Climate for Change conference in Manchester. Manchester supported the Faslane 365 initiative with over 40 blockaders plus supporters in early November. There are plans to return in the Spring. London Region CND In 2006 London Region prioritised campaigning against Trident replacement. We particularly worked hard in mobilising for National CND initiatives taking place in London. Local groups organised stalls around the region to distribute CNDs No Trident Replacement materials and collected hundreds of signatures for the petition. Public meetings and debates were also held. London Region and local groups were well represented at the national demonstration in Manchester against Trident Replacement and the occupation of Iraq. Integral to our campaigning against Trident replacement has been our participation throughout the year in the Block the Builders non-violent blockades aiming to disrupt the building of a new laser testing facility at Aldermaston AWE. Experts believe it is intended to test new nuclear warheads for Trident. London Region also focused energies on mobilising for the successful Faslane 365 year-long rolling blockade. We built on the success of last years 60th anniversary ceremony to remember those killed by the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, by again organising an event jointly with Hampstead CND, which attracted a large attendance. We also supported the annual peace walk and lantern-floating ceremony to commemorate Nagasaki day. To mark the 20th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear reactor disaster,

Merseyside peace activists oppose Condoleezza Rices visit

London Region supported the Chernobyl Childrens Project (UK) and Nuclear Trains Action Group protest outside Westminster Cathedral and CNDs public meeting in parliament. London Region has also been actively building links with different sections of society and has won new affiliations including that of the Greater London region of the trade union, UNISON. We again had a stall at Rise, a huge festival in Finsbury Park, North London celebrating London's diversity and multiculturalism. London Regions Council meetings as usual have been lively affairs, with guest speakers including former cabinet minister Michael Meacher MP, Elahah Rostami-Povey from Action Iran, and CND Vice-President Walter Wolfgang (on the struggle in the Labour Party for nuclear disarmament). Merseyside CND We have a new home, still part of the Peoples Centre in Liverpool smart and nicely appointed. From our new office we contact members, compile a newsletter every other month, and organise campaigning stalls and actions. In addition, we have newly revamped our library. Throughout the year local groups ran stalls, did leafleting and held fundraising events and street ballots (Merseyside folk are overwhelmingly against Trident renewal!). We also wrote to 24 MPs questioning them about Trident replacement.

Chernobyl Day, Hiroshima Day and Remembrance Day were all commemorated in our Peace Garden, where we also remembered the life of Ex-Services CND member and MCND Co-chair, Gordon Dixon. Members attended a May Day march and festival and four local groups celebrated World Peace Day. We threw ourselves into marches, dinners, meetings and rallies run by the tireless Merseyside Stop the War Coalition. Our AGM was followed by a wonderfully lively Ceilidh, a fundraiser and joint 50th birthday celebration and Woodcraft Folk night. A Faslane 365 group is gradually forming and we plan to spend part of Easter at Faslane. We are preparing to challenge the local authority and government if Z Berths (where nuclear powered submarines may temporarily moor) are reinstated here. Efforts made to re-establish a group based in Liverpool have brought us in several new members. A Peace Tax campaigner has been in court with our support, and one long-time member had the joy of being allowed to lay a wreath at a Remembrance Day ceremony in memory of his uncle who was one of the 300 soldiers shot at dawn during World War War I (pardoned at last).This was a fitting tribute to a long, hard campaign to clear his name. South Cheshire and North Staffs (SCANS) CND In 2006, members and supporters in Stoke-on-Trent, and the surrounding area, have been involved in various actions including hosting the Vanunu Freedom Ride and participating in Faslane 365. Members also visited police stations to report illegal nuclear weapons and to highlight transport of nuclear warheads and materials in November. This was part of the Bomb Spotters International Complaints Action. We had a stall at a local multicultural music event, and were there to support Bruce Kents talk at Keele University. We send a representative to CND continued on page 14 11


CND in 2007To keep in touch with all our campaigning initiatives, join our activists email list (contact the national office) and check the Events Diary on our website. Contact your local group, or regional representative (listed on pages 24-25) to get more involved locally.No Trident Replacement he key focus for the early part of the year is the build up to the parliamentary debate and vote on Trident replacement in March. We continue to have meetings across the country on an almost daily basis. The national No Trident demonstration on 24th February and an emergency parliamentary lobby on the day of the debate and vote are major campaigning focuses. Once the parliamentary process has taken place we will better know the angle our campaigning will take next. If the government goes ahead with a replacement, we will mount the strongest possible campaign to reverse that decision. We will be in a robust position to do that over the coming period, given the breadth of anti-Trident alliances. If the decision is put off, via an amendment in parliament, then we will campaign to prevent a pro-replacement decision in the months or years ahead. Whatever the outcome, we will also be urging multilateral nuclear disarmament initiatives. Our government claims to back such initiatives, but is making no progress. We will pursue the two proposals in our Alternative White Paper: a global summit on nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation, as proposed by Hans Blix, and support for a Nuclear Weapons Convention, which exists in draft form at the UN.


will produce a briefing and hold a fringe meeting. We will promote our initiative to the New Agenda Coalition those countries that have previously pursued disarmament initiatives to secure their backing for a global summit and a Nuclear Weapons Convention. Star Wars and Weapons in Space We will continue to produce up-to-date information about developments in this area and oppose British participation in the US missile defence system. We are linking with campaigners in central Europe, who aim to oppose US interceptor missiles being located in their own countries. We are looking for new ways to support a Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space Treaty (PAROS) through diplomatic and campaigning channels. Trade unions Following a successful year in 2006, we will continue to build support in the trade union movement throughout 2007.

We will circulate a revised and updated model motion and the CND/Trade Union Link newsletter, seeking to build support and importantly affiliations. We will continue to attend national trade union conferences, and initially hope to attend NUT, CWU, the newly merged UCU lecturers union, UNISON, TGWU Conferences and the TUC Congress. If you can help at any conferences, or are in contact with local trade union branches, please contact Ben Folley at the national office. Nuclear Power We will keep on campaigning against new nuclear power stations and raise awareness of the dangers of nuclear waste, and the inability of nuclear power to adequately address climate change issues. We will be producing a pamphlet on the links between nuclear power and nuclear weapons. End the occupation of Iraq; Don't Attack Iran We will continue to support the withdrawal of British troops from Iraq, and to oppose any attacks on Iran. Military interventions, which overwhelmingly affect innocent civilians, are not the right way to deal with complex regional problems, or with anxieties about potential nuclear proliferation. Block the Builders Building work is continuing at Aldermaston, preparing for a new generation of nuclear weapons. Block the Builders, an initiative by the Aldermaston Womens Peace Camp, organises actions at Aldermaston, and we will be actively supporting these events. For details contact AWPC on 07969 739 812 or see Faslane 365 CND continues to support this initiative to mount a continuous blockade of the Faslane naval base where Trident

CND Conference & AGMOctober 13th & 14th 2007 At City Hall, London Preliminary timetable: Council nomination deadline: Wednesday 11th July Please supply contact details for your nominee, including email The names of proposer/s of nominees will be published Resolution deadline: Monday 16th July Groups will receive a mailing in early April. All members will receive full details in the summer edition of Campaign. All correspondence to Conference at the CND Office or e-mail [email protected]

NPT Preparatory Committee This May, the NPT Prep Comm will meet in Vienna, to discuss progress towards the twin goals of the NPT disarmament and non-proliferation. CND will be present, along with many other NGOs from around the world, to keep the pressure on the international community to support the NPT. We 12


submarines are based. Since the blockade began in October 2006, there has been enormous participation from across the country. Both blockaders and supporters are welcome. See Festivals and Conferences We are planning attendance at a number of summer festivals this year, including Glastonbury, to help get our message over as widely as possible. We will also participate at the Labour Party Conference and the Liberal Democrat Party Conference. If you can help in a voluntary capacity at any of these events please let us know. Vanunu Freedom Ride CND is supporting the Vanunu Freedom Ride (VFR), a two-week bike ride from Faslane to London 7-21 April. Although Vanunu was released from prison after 18 years, his freedom is still severely restricted. The ride demands Mordechai be set free at last, his vision of a nuclear-free Middle East be fulfilled and an end be put to all nuclear weapons. If the ride is going through your region, help publicise and support it. You can join for any part of the ride.The more cyclists the better! To join and/or support email [email protected]

What you can doWear your CND badge Get the CND message across simply by wearing a badge or T-shirt, displaying a car sticker, or sticking a poster in your window. All of these items can be ordered by post, from our online shop at or see the catalogue included in this mailing. Raise money for CND with The Phone Co-Op & Ecotricity See the adverts on page 22 to reduce your phone bill and raise money for CND by changing to The Phone CoOp. You can also raise money for CND and help campaign against nuclear power by signing up for green energy with Ecotricity. News by email If you have an email address youd like us to contact you on email [email protected]. Were working to increase our use of email and improve our communications with members, so we need to make sure that we have as many up-to-date email addresses as possible. To be the first to hear the latest news about CND national events and activities, you can sign up to our email bulletin on the home page of our website Encourage a friend to join CNDs members are the heart of our campaign. The more members we have the more we can do and the stronger our voice will be when we lobby decision-makers. Do you have friends or relatives you think might want to join CND? Please use the form on the inside front cover or call 020 7700 2393 for some recruitment leaflets. Get involved locally There are many CND groups across the country playing a fundamental part in CNDs campaigning. Check page 25 to find out if there is a group in your area. If there isnt one nearby, join with some friends or like-minded people and set up your own group. Contact the office for our information pack on setting up a new group. If youre a student, why not set up a student CND group in your university? This is a very effective way of campaigning, and relatively easy to do. For more information, contact Student CND, c/o the National Office. Campaign Campaign is CNDs magazine especially for activists. Its produced four times a year, with the Summer issue going to all members. This is essential reading and an easy way of keeping up to date with all our news and activities.To receive Campaign throughout the year, email [email protected] Lobby Lobbying your MP gives CNDs central lobbying work extra credibility and the weight that will help us to succeed. For our new lobby pack on Trident replacement and the latest Early Day Motions go to y.html. Lobby, our parliamentary newsletter, gives background information on nuclear disarmament and provides model letters for you to adapt. Letter-writing Writing to local newspapers, or calling TV or radio phone-ins are easy and effective ways to get nuclear disarmament into the news. You can also join CNDs letter writing team, see page 6. To get involved call 020 7700 2393 or email [email protected] Legacy Remembering CND in your will helps us to plan for the future. Please call Jon on 020 7700 0293 or email [email protected] to request A Legacy for Humankind, our booklet which outlines how to make a will or change an existing one. 13

Financial appeal

Three Israeli peace activists are planning to launch a Hebrew language website on a WMD-free Middle East. The site will include information about Israeli nuclear weapons and sites not generally available to Israeli citizens. They hope to build Israeli public support for a policy change.The project needs 3,000 to get started. Please give generously. Send cheques payable to CND to: Hebrew website, 162 Holloway Road, London, N7 8DQ.


continued from page 11 Council meetings. We have premises in Hanley, and a PO Box for correspondence see page 24. National members are very welcome to join our loyal membership. They will receive mailings to keep them up to date with local events, with suggestions for activities such as letter writing - the support of non-active members is just as important to us. South West Region CND South West Region CND warmly welcomes the recent formation of a CND local group in Plymouth. Clearly the Devonport Dockyards in Plymouth, where the Trident submarines are currently being refitted, is a prime campaigning focus, and it is very important to have local group presence in the city. South West Region CND gave the new group a grant to help them get established. Exeter CND continues to keep the Peace Shop open five days a week thanks to hard-working and committed volunteers. The Peace Shop is a regional information centre on peace, anti-nuclear and anti-war issues and is now the main location for regional contact. It also supports the work of the local Stop the War Coalition and Palestine Solidarity groups, selling coach tickets to London demos and Palestinian olive oil. Regional members took part in activities throughout the year collecting petition signatures and distributing postcards. Actions included, among other things, having a stall and exhibition in Exeter High Street to commemorate Hiroshima Day in August. We also ran a stall at Exeter Green Fair in September. The region continues to take part in the work of CND National Council, John Robb from Plymouth CND being new Regional Representative (the other two Regional Reps are Tom Milburn, Chair of Exeter CND, and Peter Le Mare of Penzance Peace Group). We are looking forward to an increase in campaigning activity across the region as anti-Trident replacement 14

Taunton Peace Group Big Banner action

Oxford CND joined the protest at RAF Brize Norton, August 2006

protesting gathers momentum. We have planned to hold a debate in Exeter on 16 March 2007 at which Kate Hudson, CND Chair will oppose Trident replacement and Exeter MP Ben Bradshaw will support it. Other speakers will include local MPs. All are warmly welcome to attend! Please contact Exeter CND for more details on 01392 431447. Southern Region Faringdon Peace Group continues to successfully highlight the nuclear issue to local people by holding regular monthly meetings. Its Peace Fete in July attracted over 500 people. Isle of Wight CND had a meeting with the local council in order to plan a peace garden. Members placed an advertisement in the local paper to mark the 20th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster and also sent 1,500 for medical treatment for Anya, one of the victims who later died on Hiroshima Day.

Maidenhead CND again had a peace exhibition in the public library and held a successful fundraising garden party. Salisbury CND floated candles on the River Avon on Hiroshima Day. They held separate public meetings addressed by Kate Hudson and Frank Barnaby. In December members visited local schools and invited pupils to write brief peace messages to hang on Christmas trees, which were then displayed in the local library. Southampton CND, together with the Solent Coalition Against Nuclear Ships, monitored the Foxwater 06 exercise, a simulation of a nuclear submarine incident in the port. They discovered 60 procedural faults. They also demonstrated at the visit of nuclear submarine HMS Tireless, with sympathetic coverage in the local paper. Candles were floated on the River Itchen on Hiroshima Day, speakers at the event being current and former mayors. Winchester Peace Group have fortnightly vigils at the Buttercross monument in the High Street, and held a vigil at the Cathedral on Hiroshima Day. Oxford CND organised a number of important events. Firstly, it supported a spring peace festival, Hiroshima and Nagasaki: never again, organised by Oxford University students. Hiroshima Day was commemorated in Cornmarket with a stall, photographs, and practical origami, the cranes later suspended on our cherry tree in Florence Park. In August, members joined the Swindon STWC outside RAF Brize Norton to protest against its use by Israeli aircraft.


The focus on this base continued into December, when we joined in the national demo calling for British troop withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan. Under the umbrella of the Oxford Peace Campaign we held our annual Croughton Picnic at the USAF Air Base (which doesnt do much flying, but quite a lot of spying!). John McDonnell MP, Felicity Arbuthnot, and the Rev. David Platt spoke to about 70 picnickers. Throughout the year activists have supported Block the Builders at Aldermaston, the Aldermaston Women's Peace Camp and the siege of Faslane. We have also tracked nuclear convoys (Nukewatch), warning Oxford City Council of the dangers they pose. Sussex Peace Alliance In March the Sussex Peace Alliance (SPA) celebrated its 200th meeting. Our records have now been deposited with the County Record Office. The Alliance has held regular six-weekly meetings, sharing information with its constituent groups who continue to support us financially. Sussex MPs and SE Region MEPs have responded well to material we have given them, which has included information on Trident replacement, nuclear weapons in Europe and United Nations Association (UNA) membership. We provided a detailed information sheet on the morality of nuclear weapons to Peter Bottomley MP who had sent us a thoughtful letter. The issue of investing pension funds in arms firms was raised with local authorities. SPAs annual garden party provided an opportunity for us to meet in a relaxed atmosphere and raised funds for our expenses. In conjunction with other local groups, such as the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, the UNA, the Peace and Environment Centre and the Quakers, we organised a meeting on Trident replacement. It was addressed by CND Chair Kate Hudson. Afterwards a local journalist wrote a full-page article on Trident replacement based on material we provided.

than in any year since the turn of the century. The No Trident Replacement petition drew in hundreds of signatures. Financial support for the group has also improved and we look forward to next year with much increased confidence. West Midlands CND WMCND continues to be busy, with an excellent group of volunteers keeping the office running and organising activities, including several stalls at summer festivals and at the Coventry Peace Month events. Clare Short gave a surprisingly optimistic talk to our AGM, urging us not to give up, were a decision taken to replace Trident. The new Dean of Birmingham Cathedral addressed Birminghams Hiroshima commemoration event. Hereford Peace Council held the Hiroshima exhibition in a City Centre church, and said special prayers at the Crematorium. There were vigils in Malvern and Redditch. There are weekly Prayers for Peace in Hereford Cathedral; the Peace Council read the names of the Iraqi dead on the anniversary of Fallujah. It has consistently lobbied its MP, Paul Keetch, and has had well-publicised public meetings addressed by Milan Rai and Robert Hinde. Over 100 people attended a No Trident Replacement meeting in Malvern, chaired by the Bishop of Worcester and with Bruce Kent and Rebecca Johnson speaking. Press coverage was helped by the appearance of Bruces name on newsagents billboards all over town. Malvern Priory hosted The Bradford Peace Museum exhibition on Women in the Peace Movement which was later loaned to two local schools. We have accepted an increasing number of requests for speakers at meetings, on local radio and for press interviews. A feature on Jenny Maxwell appeared in the Birmingham Post. The Shropshire Star has twice featured Oswestrys Allan Tucker, a prolific writer on nuclear matters. 15

Comedian Mark Thomas at the West Midlands stall at the Midlands Arts Centre

Our secretary has spoken at several meetings in the county including to the Labour Party branch in Bexhill, Greenspeak in Brighton and a church meeting in Rustington. We sent a delegate to CND annual Conference and discussed the more controversial resolutions. The Alliance paid careful attention to the election of officers for the International Peace Bureau to which we belong. Groups in Sussex took part in the Europe-wide Citizens Complaint Day by reporting nuclear weapons to their local police stations. SPA encouraged this by providing large scrolls for photographs. Several individuals in Sussex have taken part in Faslane 365 blockades. Tyne & Wear CND Our campaigning activity increased considerably in 2006 with much thanks to a small group based in Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne. The year got off to a good start by Kate Hudson leading a public meeting in February. It culminated in action at Faslane 365 in November. This last action saw around 50 of us, including contingents from Peace Action Durham and the Berwick Peace Group, go out in the pouring rain early in the morning to block the road leading into the base at Faslanes North Gate. Twelve were arrested, but released the following afternoon. Over the year we have sold a considerable amount of CND merchandise and, in the autumn a record number of white poppies. We have held a street stall on the first Saturday of most months at Greys Monument in the centre of Newcastle. This stall has been better supported


Specialist SectionsChristian CND Christian CND brings together Christians of all denominations who work and pray for a peaceful world free of nuclear weapons. As an integral part of CND we play a full part in its activities, but also try to make a distinctive contribution through our work in the churches and links with other faiths. Each year we hold our own AGM and conference. In 2006, it was at Douai Abbey in Berkshire. Using the theme In Good Faith we explored on an interfaith basis why religious people should be opposed to Trident renewal and we had valuable input from Christians, Muslims, Buddhists and Hindus. The weekend ended with a vigil at Aldermaston AWE where we make our presence felt regularly, and throughout Advent weekly vigils have been held there, attracting considerable support. Since the 2005 NPT Review Conference, our main focus has been on opposition to Trident replacement. Early in 2006 we held a very successful day-school at St. Johns College, Oxford looking at the theological issues involved. A printed report on the event is available from the office. Our keynote speakers were the Rev. Professor Marilyn McCord Adams of Oxford University and two well-known Roman Catholic theologians, Fr. Gerry W Hughes and Fr. Peter Hunter. There was also a distinguished panel of other speakers and workshop leaders. This successful format is to be used for a further high profile event planned for March 2007 in London, which in this case will be on an inter-faith basis. In addition to such major events there have been various local activities, and we have representatives on various faithbased peace groups with whom we cooperate closely. Christian CND seeks to be represented at Church of England Synods and major events of other denominations. A clergy group recently went to Faslane and church statements are broadly in line with our concerns. We produce a regular magazine,

Students support Yorkshire CNDs Hiroshima and Nagasaki commemoration Photo: Nathaniel Chang

Our members have joined in demonstrations in London and Manchester, and at Croughton, Lakenheath and Aldermaston (Block the Builders). We gave the Vanunu bicycle ride a rousing welcome to Birmingham. Our parliamentary team continues to monitor the parliamentary website Hansard, write letters and suggest parliamentary questions, many of which been asked by Birmingham MP, Lynne Jones. Eleven monthly mailings and nine letters from the national letter-writing team are sent out annually. Yorkshire CND 2006 has been a busy year, with the issue of Trident replacement high on Yorkshires regional agenda. With stalls, meetings, workshops, blockades and non-violent direct actions Yorkshire CND members have been working hard to raise the profile of the No Trident Replacement campaign and mobilise as much public support as possible. Both the national petition and postcard campaigns were very successful, with thousands of signatures collected by groups and individuals across the region. And regional press coverage has been extremely positive. Yorkshires role in the Faslane 365 campaign has been very positive too. Groups have already joined in from Sheffield, Leeds and Bradford. York and Keep Space for Peace campaigners are planning for future months. Yorkshire CND has continued to take the lead in CNDs No Star Wars campaign, against the US Missile Defence programme. A demonstration at Fylingdales, a parliamentary meeting 16

Christian CND panel at a theology day school

and a number of events at Menwith Hill have maintained the profile and prompted fresh public support of the campaign. Increased attention is being paid to the US governments plans to locate interceptor missiles in northern Europe. Evidence suggests that Britain is again a preferred location. As part of the strategy to respond to this and other threats effectively, there will be a review of CNDs campaign in the New Year. Yorkshire CND campaigners Helen John and Sylvia Boyes have focused attention on the right to protest after entering the Menwith Hill base and being charged with breaking the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act (SOCPA). They aim to prove that this anti terrorist legislation is being used to prevent protestors undertaking legitimate legal protest. Their trial begins in January. Yorkshire CND has developed new volunteer programmes for placement students and introduced new gift items to our online shop.


Ploughshare, have an education pack for schools and have just updated our Churches pack to provide guidance on why Christians should support nuclear disarmament. Our members get invited to run workshops and speak at meetings, and we have been on radio programmes several times. For more information phone: 020 7700 4200 or email [email protected] Labour CND Labour CNDs year was dominated by continued campaigning against Trident replacement, the war and occupation of Iraq and the threat of an attack on Iran. A House of Commons meeting on Trident coincided with our AGM in January, where the speakers included Jeremy Corbyn MP, Katy Clark MP and Tony Benn. A number of other Labour MPs attended. We continued to work with Stop the War Coalition, running a workshop on campaigning in the Labour Party at their annual conference. Members spoke at and helped with the Leicester CND/ Indian Workers Association (IWA) conference on nuclear issues in South Asia in July. Augusts highlight was the election to the Labour Partys National Executive Committee of Walter Wolfgang, Labour CND Vice-Chair and CND VicePresident. He was elected with one of the highest votes a strong endorsement of his opposition to Trident replacement and to the war in and occupation of Iraq. Walter is using his position on Labour's constitutionally highest body to make the case against Trident replacement and the illegal Iraq war. This is a victory for both Walter and CND. In the autumn, we were busy at Labours National Conference in Manchester. We took part in the mass demonstration and produced a special issue of our newsletter. A fringe meeting and social, organised jointly with national CND and Labour Action for Peace (LAP), was another success. Speakers at it were Kate Hudson, Tony Benn, the author Dilip Hiro, Walter Wolfgang, Barry Camfield (Transport and General Workers Union) and

Louise Richards (War on Want). Another meeting was held jointly with the STWC. Despite our best efforts the Labour Party bureaucracy controlled this years Labour Party Conference and ruled out of order 17 resolutions opposing Trident replacement and the war in Iraq. We contributed articles to a range of movement publications, including Labour Left Briefing and the Morning Star. Student CND Student CND has been very active this year, campaigning against Trident replacement and the war in and occupation of Iraq. We have sought to recruit wider sections of students into our movement by holding meetings and debates, organising groups on campus and producing materials for a variety of events. Ensuring student opposition to the governments plan to replace Trident has featured high on our list of priorities. We produced a targeted student briefing on Trident, distributed materials at student events and demonstrations, hosted a workshop at People and Planets annual weekend, wrote to all students unions and persuaded the National Union of Students (NUS) to oppose Trident and support CNDs activities. Student CND has had a good presence on campuses across the country, in particular at Freshers Fairs, where we distributed a range of new materials and established several new student CND

groups. At the NUS conference in March we tabled a motion on Trident and cohosted one of the most successful fringe meetings of the conference at which CND Vice-Chair Rae Street was a speaker. We continue to play a leading role in the student anti-war movement, alongside the Student Stop the War Coalition. We organised events to help build for the national demonstrations in London in March and in Manchester in September (were we were represented with our bright orange banner) and took part in the emergency Ceasefire Now demonstrations against the war in Lebanon during the summer. Student CND has also established links with students outside Britain. In May, we joined national CND at the European Social Forum in Athens, where we jointly organised a session on global conflict and the prospects for peace and participated in other sessions calling for peace and justice. In the coming year we will be doing everything possible to mobilise students against Trident replacement in the runup to the Parliamentary vote. Youth & Student This has been a year of change and renewed activity for Youth and Student CND. It began with many local groups launching campaigns against Trident replacement activity which has continued and developed throughout the 17


year. We have also been involved in organising and supporting other campaigning activities, such as actions against NATO bases and commemorations of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Over the summer, we arranged for many Y&S CND volunteers to attend music festivals all over the country. This not only enabled us to promote CND to a wide audience of young people (many of whom have become radicalised through the anti-war and broader peace movement) but has also put Y&SCND in a very stable financial situation giving us a strong base for future actions and demonstrations. We have made several changes in our central structure, through which we hope to support the work of local groups more effectively as well as developing our national campaigning profile. We now anticipate resuming regular, quarterly publication of our magazine, Disarm! This will allow us to reach out to current as well as new members and strengthen the impact of CNDs campaigning among young people. We have announced and are starting to prepare for our biennial National Gathering (Y&S CND national conference), at which we will launch a re-branding of Y&S CND in order to reflect accurately the changing environment in the peace movement and truly reflect and appeal to the radicalised youth of today. Our key priority for the coming period will be building the campaign against Trident replacement and attempting to reach out to as many young people as possible in schools, colleges, universities and at work. We must try to rid this country of nuclear weapons once and for all.

protest against Britains nuclear weapons and the new developments. We launched our campaign in 2002, and it has gathered momentum ever since. Aldermaston is currently described by its owners as the largest building programme in Britain, equivalent to the construction of Heathrow's Terminal Five. and yet we are told the decision to replace Trident hasnt been made. From our places round the camp fire we can see quite clearly that they are lying!

In May we made our annual appearance at the SERCO Group plcs AGM (Serco is one of the three companies that run AWE) and succeeded in both disrupting the meeting and in engaging the Board and shareholders in discussion about their illegal and immoral investment at Aldermaston. The pre-meeting cakes are good, but unfortunately the company is sickening! Our detailed knowledge about Aldermaston, achieved by over 20 years of close involvement, campaigning and analysis, is increasingly being sought by other groups campaigning against Trident replacement, and even by the Defence Select Committee, who have just asked us to submit evidence to the latest stage of their inquiry. Weve leafleted national anti-war and climate change demonstrations and gatherings and provided speakers for local groups and meetings. Read more about us on our website, and do come and visit us or join us. On the second weekend of every month you'll find our banners decorating the fence, the kettle on the fire, and a warm welcome for all non-violent protesters. Faslane Peace Camp As ever the camp has maintained a visible presence, emphasising opposition to nuclear weapons with renewed banners and placards. Visitors to the camp have been welcomed and given information on Britains ongoing nuclear weapons programme. The camp has been involved in various activities and projects. In August, five camp members blockaded the A814 leading to Faslane Naval Base while Trident Ploughshares blockaded Coulport. The camp has provided practical and strategic support for the Faslane 365 actions. This has included supplying training and equipment, space for administration, and accommodation for individuals wishing to stay. We are preparing a new leaflet to promote both the camp and Faslane 365. Camp members attended the Earth First! and Climate Camp gatherings, as well as other demonstrations in

Serco is one of the three companies that run AWE

Autonomous campaignsAldermaston Women's peace camp(aign) Our fundamental activity has been maintaining our monthly womens peace camp at the Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE), Aldermaston, to 18

Whilst at camp we provide a visible presence of resistance, monitor the developments within the base, hold vigils and other demonstrations, leaflet locally and plan all our other activities. These include non-violent direct actions, often as part of the Block the Builders campaign, and Nukewatch activities. We also keep a watch out for new planning applications and disseminate that information along with model letters of objection and we speak and demonstrate at planning meetings. In 2006 an application for a big new housing estate opposite the new Orion laser site was turned down, and an application for a huge new office block and car park is currently being opposed.


(AWE) where they can be disassembled. No new warheads should be delivered to Scotland. Trident constitutes a real nuclear risk to people up and down the country and should not be replaced. Trident Ploughshares 'I arrived home to discover I had lost much work people running scared from being associated with me due to the action. I wouldn't change a thing. A tremendous weight has lifted from me for now because I acted out of faith not fear. I did something - however modest and far away - to support our brothers and sisters in the Lebanon and let the government know that ordinary citizens will not tolerate the UK being complicit in war crimes. ' Marcus Armstrong Marcus is speaking about Prestwick airport where, for three successive nights in August, groups of people based at the Trident Ploughshares (TP) camp at Coulport carried out citizens inspections at Prestwick Airport which was being used as a stopover for US planes carrying bombs to Tel Aviv for use in the invasion of Lebanon. He might have been speaking about any one of the many TP actions that took place in 2006. The ethos and the motivation is consistent, whether being Pirates for Peace at Devonport, taking part in the amazingly regular Block the Builders events at Aldermaston, flushing out Trident contributors Lockheed Martin in their cosy London den, taking responsibility for the accurate labelling of Trident bases, blocking the entrances to the Coulport warhead depot, illuminating the rail network with alerts about the transport on the tracks of Trident submarine fuel rods, joining in bomb spotting at Biscarosse, France, arguing against Trident in court here, there and everywhere, or, just as importantly, training, networking and recruiting. The last third of the year has been dominated by our significant involvement in the Faslane 365 campaign, whether as members of the overall support team, as organisers of particular blockading groups, or, as in December, contributing to the yearlong blockade our assigned two days perhaps the first of several? 19

Happy Trident Ploughshare peace pirates at the Plymouth Lord Mayors Parade

Edinburgh and Glasgow. Work on camp infrastructure has included upgrading the communal area by getting new furniture, installing a gas oven and building a new washing area. Two new caravans have replaced old ones. Concern over the possibility of eviction has led to improved antieviction measures. And the canoes are being repaired in preparation for waterborne actions. Nukewatch Nukewatch monitors and tracks the movement of British nuclear weapon convoys from Aldermaston in Berkshire to Coulport on the west coast of Scotland. An information pack is available from our website at Warhead Numbers Nukewatch data has proved to be a useful check on government statements. The Trident White Paper states that warhead numbers are to reduce from below 200 to 160. Nukewatch figures suggest that at least two were scrapped in 2006 and that the stockpile is now around 180. In common with previous defence statements, the process announced had already begun. A

reduction is probably due to logistics relating to warhead servicing rather than to any intended disarmament. The Nuclear Installations Inspectorate has condemned the AWE Burghfield assembly/disassembly plant, and there may well be a go-slow there until the new facility is built. Warhead delivery into service is down on previous years and is now at an estimated six in 2006. Interestingly, the SIPRI Year Book puts the UK inventory at 185 in January 2006. Convoys into Preston, Lancs Nukewatch provided a Full Council Meeting in Preston with information on the new use of Fulwood Barracks for convoy stops. While 12 Councillors voted to ask the MoD for more information, others were more complacent. The issue of safety is a serious one which the MoD is constantly addressing and up-dating, although recently this has focused on PR rather than safety. Safe Disarmament Nukewatchs view is that convoys should travel slowly on roads that are cleared ahead to return all warheads to the Atomic Weapons Establishment


MembershipNDs campaigns have been at the top of the political agenda following high-profile government announcements made last year on nuclear issues. We have placed four fullpage adverts in the national press and distributed over half a million Join CND leaflets in a range of magazines. Our activists have been out on the streets raising awareness. As a result, we have seen a steep rise in membership with over two thousand new members joining in the last six months. A very warm welcome to all our new members! We hope you will become involved in every way that suits you. For instance you can help organise public meetings, write to your local paper or MP, display posters and wear your CND badge with pride. A range of suggestions are made on page 13 of this Annual Review. Thanks to all those members who have supported our work and campaigned so hard over the past year. If you are not currently involved in CND campaigning activities in your local area and would like to find out more, please check whether there is a group near you. If there isnt one, we would be more than happy to help you set one up. CND Groups At this busy and important time for CND, we are particularly aware of the enormous amount of grassroots activity that is taking place. Let us know what is happening in your area and if there is any way we can help you we can publicise events, provide contact details and answer any queries. We are delighted to welcome several newly established and re-formed local CND groups. If you are a CND company member as well as belonging to a local group, do let us know. The voting rights of groups attending the Annual Conference are determined by how many company members they have. Company membership forms are available from the website and Company members are 20We have seen a steep rise in membership with over two thousand new members joining in the last six months Photo: Sue Longbottom



simply asked to agree to pay 1 in the event that CND winds up. Data protection Its important that in the case of an organisation such as CND, with its many groups throughout the UK, that laws regarding data protection are understood and strictly adhered to and that all our members know their personal data is in safe hands when used by CND. CNDs data protection policy is available from the website or you can get a copy from the office. Basic guidelines for groups are also available contact Katy West. One of our data protection obligations is to maintain the accuracy of our database to avoid our making unsolicited contact with non-members. Please let us know if any of your details change email [email protected] or phone Joy on 020 7700 2393. Subscriptions The membership rates have not increased for many years and we instead ask members to add a voluntary donation to their payments where possible. Overseas members are subject to a 2 surcharge. The membership annual rates are: 26 Household 21 Waged individual 12 Part/Low waged individual 8 Pensioner individual 8 Unwaged individual 16 Pensioner household 16 Unwaged household 6 Student individual (in post-16 education) 6 Youth (25 years and under) In order to spread the cost of membership, why not set up a monthly standing order? Please contact the office. Volunteers To our regular volunteers, Dave Esbester, Luba Mumford and Jim Thomas, a big thank you for ensuring membership processes are complete, accurate and timely. Also thanks to all our other invaluable volunteers, who often help with membership and fundraising work, for their generosity of time and energy.

CND PersonnelOfficers Chair: Kate Hudson Vice-Chairs: Jeremy Corbyn MP, Sophie Bolt, Rae Street Treasurer: Linda Hugl CND National Council Directly elected Pat Arrowsmith, Jenny Clegg, Tom Cuthbert, Sue Davis, Monica Frisch, Joan Horrocks, Helen John, Peter Leary, Gawain Little, Caroline Lucas MEP, Alice Mahon, Vijay Mehta, Pat Sanchez, Carol Turner; Hannah Tweddle Nations, Regions and Areas CND Cymru: John Cox, Jill Stallard; Scottish CND: Adam Beese, Eileen Cook, Jim Taggart; Cumbria & N Lancs: Chris Prettyman; East Midlands: Jeremy Jago, Richard Johnson, Geoff Lawrence; Gtr Manchester: Joan Abram; Kent Area: Pam Brivio; London Region: Pat Allen, Jim Brann, Isobel McHarg; Southern Region: Graham Allen, Anna Chaplin, Michael Waugh; South Cheshire & N Staffs: Pauline Phillips; South West Region: Peter Le Mare, Tom Milburn, John Robb; Sussex Peace Alliance: Anna Rehin; West Midlands CND: Peter Brunsdon, Joe Sturge; Yorkshire CND: Jemma Bere, Miriam Moss, Dave Webb. Specialist Sections Christian CND: Bob Russell Labour CND: Keith Bennett Student CND: George Woods Youth and Student CND: Catherine Crick, Brendan Lee, Joanne Stevenson. Vice-Presidents Tony Benn, Janet Bloomfield John Cox, Joan Horrocks Bruce Kent, Alistair Mackie Paul Oestreicher, Walter Wolfgang Staff and volunteers Staff at Holloway Road Sam Akaki: Parliamentary Officer Joy Annegarn: Membership, Finance Genia Browning: Office Manager Ben Folley: Campaigns Officer Sue Longbottom: Print and Website Designer Mell Harrison: Regional Campaigns Worker Michael Hindley: Membership Development Worker Anna Liddle: Peace Education Officer Jon Nott: Fundraiser Eve Ponting: Finance and Network Manager Dawn Rothwell: Campaigns Research and Information Officer Ben Soffa: Youth and Student Campaigns Officer Tom Shelton: Campaigns & Office Admin Rick Wayman: Press Officer Katy West: Membership and Database Systems Officer National and regional staff CND Cymru: Jill Stallard (volunteer) Scottish CND: John Ainslie Gtr Manchester CND: Jacqui Burke, Doug Weir; London Region CND: David Polden; Yorkshire CND: Sarah Cartin, Denise Craghill Specialist sections Christian CND: Claire Poyner (parttime). Other specialist sections are run by volunteers from home. Volunteers at Holloway Road Pat Allen, Pat Arrowsmith, Dorothea Baker, Jim Brann, Kitty Cooper, Marco Cosimiro, Pam Cowan, Sue Davis, Dave Esbester, Jen Jousiffe, Eileen Maclean, Stuart Minto, Luba Mumford, Mary Ogbogoh, Jill Poller, Rosemary Rogers, Annette Russell, Ellen Sheffield, Aby Simons, Stuart Stephenson, Jean Taylor, Jim Thomas, Marjorie Trevor, Ian Triggs, Tony Watkins, Matt West, Muriel Wood, Killian Zumpe. Interns Cathy Allen, Nicole Johnson, June Mangers



FundraisingHUGE thank you to everyone who responded to our appeals in 2006. Each appeal last year was more successful than the previous one and your response to our No Trident Replacement appeal was overwhelming more than 50,000 was donated. Your support at this crucial time in the campaign helps ensure we have the funds we need to run the strongest possible campaign. Affinity schemes Thanks also to the growing number of you who get your phone service or your green electricity via a CND affinity scheme. Everyone who signs up for the Phone Co-op raises money for CND while at the same time saving money on their own phone bill. And, if you sign up to green electricity from Ecotricity, you both raise money for CND, and also help our campaign against new nuclear power stations by increasing demand for renewable energy (see the adverts below for details.) Legacies During 2006 we were the grateful recipients of legacies from a number of CND members who had remembered


CND in their wills. It is always sad to receive legacy income, but we are proud that we are able to remember the commitment of these members and to continue campaigning on issues that were so important to them. If you would like to remember CND in your will, please contact the office. Merchandise It was a bumper year for merchandise

and campaigning materials. Sales via our webshop broke all records in December and there are now thousands of people wearing our new t-shirts and badges up and down the country and across the globe. Enclosed with your Annual Review you will find a copy of our new merchandise catalogue featuring the latest additions to our everexpanding range. You can also buy online at



Treasurers Report2005 Audited Accounts These were presented in the summer issue of Campaign but they are also summarised here; the detailed accounts are available on request from CND office and are on the website. Over 2005, income (including interest receivable) was 563,000 and expenditure was 447,000, creating an overall surplus of 116,000. This follows an overall surplus in 2004 of 72,000. The surplus in both years has been a result of several large legacies. Legacies amounted to 84,000 in 2004 and 150,000 in 2005. In 2005, income, other than from legacies, was much the same as it was in 2004, indicating a steady level of subscriptions and donations, which had declined from the high level in 2003. Expenditure was greater in 2005 than 2004 and was in response to the increased legacy income. Staffing at the national office was increased as were funds for direct campaigning across all campaigning areas. Most of the years surplus was transferred to the campaigning reserve fund, which now stands at 248,000, as compared with 139,000 for 2004. The general reserve fund has been increased to 120,000 from 110,000 and approximately three months' running costs and the fixed asset reserve have been increased from 30,000 to 35,000, to ensure we have funds for replacing ageing equipment in the future. The value of CNDs ethical investments, which is included in the general reserve fund, increased by almost 8,000 to 53,419, and is now greater than the initial value of those investments (50,000). They are managed by Co. Funds via Ethical Investors Group and are spread over four funds. 2006 Accounts These are now in preparation following the end of the financial year and will be included in the 2006 mid year mailing once they have been audited. The increased staffing and campaigning expenditure of 2005 were both maintained. The charitable arm of CND (NET Nuclear Education Trust) was established but still awaits approval from the Charity Commission. However, a peace education worker, to be funded eventually by the Trust, has already been appointed. Both staffing and campaigning expenditure were increased significantly in the latter third of 2006 in response to the political developments over Trident replacement. This was enabled by news of another forthcoming large legacy. 2007 The No Trident Replacement campaign will continue to require significant resourcing, not only at the start of 2007 but also throughout 2007. We plan not only to maintain expenditure on direct campaigning and keep staffing at its current levels for as long as possible but also to develop our membership and increase our fundraising potential. Many thanks to CND staff, particularly Eve Ponting, members of the Admin and Finance Group, and Simon Erskine (our auditor) for their work. Thanks also to the Membership & Fundraising team, Katy West, Joy Annegarn and Jon Nott and to the volunteers who work with them who have all been exceptionally busy during the last few months. Finally, many thanks to Genia Browning, who has recently retired, and Tom Shelton, her temporary replacement, who have ensured efficient running of the national office and have recruited many of our volunteers. Income 2004 Subscriptions 311,954 Legacies 84,189 Donations 24,989 Appeals 49,763 Fundraising activities 11,384 Conference 3,592 Interest 4,154 Total 490,026 Expenditure Campaigning Support costs Membership & fundraising Policy, management & admin Total 2005 310,984 150,772 34,238 36,073 17,365 4,378 9,342 563,152

177,099 217,616 125,328 127,957 101,694 80,238 13,769 21,066 417,890 446,877

2005 IncomeDonations 34K Appeals 36K Membership & fundraising 80K

2005 ExpenditurePolicy, management & admin 21K

Legacies 151K

Other 31K

Subscriptions 311K

Support costs 128K

Campaigning 218K



ContactsRegions and areasCumbria & N Lancs CND 34 Trafalgar Street, Denton, Carlisle CA2 5XY tel: 01539 723020 East Midlands CND 10 Main Street Evington, Leicester LE5 6DN tel: 0116 220 3944 [email protected] Kent Area CND 78 Priory Hill, Dover CT17 0AD; tel: 01304 225078 [email protected] London Region CND c/o 162 Holloway Road London N7 8DQ tel: 020 7607 2302 [email protected] Gtr Manchester & District CND Bridge 5 Mill, 22a Beswick St, Ancoats Manchester M4 7HR tel: 0161 273 8283 fax: 0161 273 8293 [email protected] Merseyside CND 50-54 Mount Pleasant Liverpool L3 5SD tel: 0151 702 6974 [email protected] Mid Somerset CND 12 Neales Way Evercreech, Shepton Mallet Somerset BA4 6LA tel/fax: 01749 830 741 [email protected] Norwich CND Green House, 42-46 Bethel St Norwich NR2 1NR tel: 01508 550446 [email protected] Southern Region CND Flat 12, Eliot House 483 Portsmouth Road Southampton SO17 2TH tel: 023 8032 8335 South Cheshire & North Staffs CND PO Box 2127 Stoke on Trent ST1 1LY tel: 01782 280 998 South West Region CND The Peace Shop 31 New Bridge Street Exeter EX4 3AH tel: 01392 431447 Suffolk CND 63 Benbow Court Capel Drive Felixstowe IP11 2FR tel/fax: 01728 833336 Surrey Peace Action Network 27 St Marys Road Reigate RH2 7JH tel: 01737 223003 Sussex Peace Alliance 67 Summerheath Rd Hailsham BN27 3DR tel: 01323 844 269 [email protected] Tyne & Wear CND 1 Rectory Avenue, Gosforth Newcastle upon Tyne NE3 1XS tel: 07906 325565; [email protected]. West Midlands CND 54 Allison Street Birmingham B5 5TH tel: 0121 643 4617 [email protected] Yorkshire CND 22 Edmund Street Bradford BD5 0BH tel: 01274 730 795 [email protected] Labour CND 29 Stodmarsh House Cowley Road London SW9 6HH tel: 020 7820 9709 [email protected] Student CND 28 Grove Road London E17 9BN tel: 07814 434939 [email protected] [email protected] Youth & Student CND 162 Holloway Road London N7 8DQ tel: 0207 607 3616 [email protected]

National officesCND Cymru Y Drain Gwynion, Heol yr Eglwys, Talywaun Pontypool NP4 7EF tel: 01495 773180 [email protected] Scottish CND 15 Barrland Street Glasgow G41 1QH tel: 0141 423 1222 fax: 0141 423 1231 [email protected] Irish CND P.O. Box 6327, Dublin 6, Eire tel/fax: 00 353 1 872311944 [email protected] icnd.html

Peace CampsAldermaston Womens Peace Camp Second weekend of every month. tel: 07969 739 812 [email protected] Faslane Peace Cam

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