
CO-EDUCATIONAL ENGLISH MEDIUM SCHOOL Affiliated to CBSE (Aff. No. 1730251), New Delhi


Dear SRN family,

Education is the basis of all progress. It is for this very reason that we forayed into education, progress is

possible only, if men and women are equally well-educated.

The entire purpose of education is not to restrict itself to imparting bookish knowledge only but inculcate

humanitarian values like wisdom, compassion, courage, humility, integrity and reliability in a student.

We, just like you, believe in holistic education for your child, encompassing – academics, co-curricular

activities, sports education and life-skills learning. Our endeavour is to strike a balance between state-of-the-art

infrastructure and an internationally acceptable education.

At SRN School we impart education that is based on conscience and we rear a breed of young minds that are

bustling with self confidence, motivation and ever ready to take up challenges.

The campus, sports and academic facilities all bear testimony to this effort. In order to promote an

internationally acceptable education, our key focus has been on faculty development – providing continuous

teacher training in order to deliver real value education and excellence in academics. Teachers are trained not

only to teach well but are also expected to inspire confidence and trust in their students and become role

models. Further, the School inculcates in the students a respect for tradition and ensures discipline and good


SRN School encourages students to learn about themselves and their constantly changing environment, while

at the same time offering support and guidance as they practice decision-making and social skills.

Teachers play a major role in making their students responsible citizens of tomorrow and good human beings.

It is impossible to imagine our lives without teachers. They are the cornerstone of our future. We can never

thank teachers enough for their immense contribution in a student‟s life. Teacher's Day is celebrated to show

our acknowledgement and recognition of the hard work put in by our teachers towards our development.

Teacher's Day is a day to thank teachers for what we‟re today

I wish to take this opportunity to thank you for your invaluable contribution to the

institution over the years. Once again, I would like to wish each one of you a

Happy Teacher‟s Day. May God bless you with the strength to achieve greater

personal and professional growths in the years to come.

Ravi Shankar - IFS (Retd.)

M.B.A. F.P.R. (Oxford - U.K.)

A.P.F. (Georgia - U.S.A.)


Dear SRN family

This is a month of September known for Teachers Day celebrations in schools all over India. We celebrate it in

the memory of the great teacher of India Dr. Radhakrishnan. He was a teacher of philosophy and so he knew

the philosophy of teaching. Philosophically speaking teaching is a noble job on earth. It is a direct human

service to the disciples and indirect service to the larger community. Teachers are supposed to have patience

for dealing with the pupil and need to have passion for their profession. They cannot see the outcome of their

finished products immediately but they can realize their value of their profession after a long run. Teaching is

karma for teachers. The „Gurus‟ of the ancient India imbibed this work culture with them. Whether all teachers

reach the status of Guru is a question to be thought of. Teacher teaches for examinations but Guru teaches and

preaches for knowledge and for leading a worthy life. So Guru is a person with all round knowledge of science

and the knowledge of life. A teacher becomes a mentor when he takes special interest on the student and

teaches his student in accordance with the needs and capacities of that particular student. A good teacher can

become a mentor and in the long run may become the real Guru.

Professions change, lifestyle goes up and technology improves day by day. But school teachers remain selfless

and caring as always while batches of young children pass out of school each year.

At SRN, we celebrate Teacher‟s Day every year because we value you, and deeply appreciate your

commitment to teaching and to the children of our institution. Teaching is one of the noblest professions in the

world. I personally believe, there is no substitute to quality education because it helps in changing the lives of

thousands of individuals and their families forever. More importantly, it is most critical to the growth of a

developing nation like India. This is precisely the idea behind our tagline – We build a better nation through

quality education.

Please take some time to RECOGNISE our wonderful staff who are extremely professional and compassionate

in their role. I commend them for their hard work and ever present enthusiasm to renew and improve their craft

of teaching. I can honestly say that I have been overwhelmed by the quality of

teachers we have to teach, care for and inspire your children in their education.

Thank you teachers.

"Teachers are the torch bearers of the Gen-next”.

Usha Sharma CBSE National Awardee

A.E.P (Georgia - U.S.A.)


One day with a great teacher is better than thousand days of diligent

study‟. Each year, Teacher's Day is celebrated on the 5th of

September in India. Teacher's Day is marked in honour of Dr

Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, who was born on September 5, 1888. Dr

Radhakrishnan was India's first vice president and second president.

He was a great scholar, philosopher and Bharat Ratna recipient. It was

in 1962 when Dr Radhakrishnan became the President of India that

his birthday came to be observed as Teachers' Day.

It is said that Dr Radhakrishnan's students were keen to celebrate his

birthday. However, he suggested instead of celebrating his birthday, it would be his "proud privilege" if the day

was observed as Teacher's Day instead.

SRN Goes Gaga to Glorify the Gurus

Pursuing this notion, S.R.N. International School commemorated Teacher‟s Day. Student impersonated their

favourite teacher and paid homage to Indian Guru-Shishya Parampara. Handmade cards and bouquets‟ were

given to the teachers by students to honour their indispensability. A short cultural programme was observed

including groovy dance performance and scintillating song by school choir. Students played songs for their

teachers in order to highlight the traits of their gurus and all this marked this occasion with special fervour and

gaiety which is etched in the memory.

An oath was taken by the teachers whole-heartedly which was given by our Chairman Shri Ravi Sharma ji

Retd. IFS and the same were read out by the teachers. The oath insisted on quality teaching irrelevant to caste,

creed or religion.

On this auspicious day Principal Mrs. Usha Sharma thanked all S.R.N. Gurus for their selfless devotion and

dedication to edify student which help to build a stout nation. Eventually entire teaching staff of S.R.N.

bestowed blessings and a note of thank to the students with overwhelming hearts.

On 14th September 1949 Hindi was adopted as the Official Language of the Union of India. Later in 1950, the

Constitution of India declared Hindi in the Devanagari script as the Official language of India. Apart from

Hindi, English is also recognized as an Official Language of India. Different states of India identify their own

official languages through legislation.

Hindi is one of the main languages of India and is spoken by around 40% of the Indian population. In 1950 it

was declared that the use of English was to be put to an end, 15 years after the formation of the Constitution

(by 26th January 1965). This decision was not accepted gladly by non-Hindi speaking areas of India, such as

South India (since their languages are not remotely similar to Hindi). Keeping this in mind, the Parliament

brought into force the Official Languages Act 1963 which allowed the continuation of the use of English along

with Hindi for official purposes after 1965. Some North Eastern states like Arunachal Pradesh and Nagaland

have English as their official language.

Hindi belongs to the Indo-Aryan branch of the Indo-European language group. Later Hindi

was influenced by Persian and the Mughals made their own modifications to the language

along the way. Even though Hindi has evolved from Sanskrit, many of its words find their

origin in Arabic or Persian. Hindi also takes credit for being a “link language” as it has

brought together the large Indian Diaspora living around the world and has reduced the gap between North and

South India. Hindi as a language has travelled across the globe and is spoken not only in India, but also in

countries like Mauritius, Surinam, Trinidad and Tobago, South Africa and New Zealand.

Hindi takes pride in being the mother tongue of 180 million people and the second language of 300 million

people. Mahatma Gandhi used Hindi to unite India and hence the language is also known as the “Language of

Unity”. The Hindi word “Swadeshi” has found mention in the Oxford Dictionary and is a historic moment and

matter of great pride.

Introducing Hindi to a global audience has

not been an easy task and keeping in mind

the importance of the language, former US

President, George Bush put in place a budget

of $114 million to make Hindi a part of the

school syllabus to be taught from

Kindergarten to the graduate level. Apart

from this many Hindi words, such as Guru,

Nirvana, Roti and Adda are accepted and

understood around the world.

Hindi Diwas

14th September is now recognized as Hindi Diwas and is celebrated every year. Many schools, colleges and

organizations celebrate this day with special competitions, such as poetry writing, story recitation, essay

writing and Hindi vocabulary quizzes. We the SRN family has also celebrated the day. We have started our day

with a very encouraging speech by our Vice Principal Ma'am Mrs. Pramila Sharma, which followed by a

writing competition in Hindi. All the students of Grade I-XII took part in the competition with lots of


The only reason of the competition was to reminding the youth about their roots .In today‟s times, there is an

inclination towards English which is understood as it is used across the world and is

also one of the official languages of India. This day is a small effort to remind us

that Hindi too is our official language and holds as much importance.

While English is a globally used language and the importance of the same cannot be

overlooked, we must not forget that we are Indians first and must respect our

national language. The adoption of Hindi as an official language proves that the

people in power value their roots and want the people of their country to value them


This is where SRN International School comes into the picture by recognizing the importance and need of

sanitation. SRN International School buoyed up Swachh Bharat-Swachh Vidyalaya Campaign, an initiative of

Human Resource Development Ministry of Government of India and CBSE to promote the significance of

cleanliness and hygiene among students at a very early stage.

SRN international School firmly believes that cleanliness and hygiene is the first step towards a healthy life. A

healthy atmosphere is the abode of healthy body and eventually a pious soul. Several events were organized to

mark this occasion. A Nukkad Natak portraying the significance of sanitation was staged impeccably by

students. A symposium, on personal hygiene, was also systemised in the school premises for the junior wing of

the school. Middle Section of the school robustly participated in the Essay Writing Competition on "Spirit of

Hygiene, Cleanliness and Aversion to Unhygienic". SRNians visualised their imagination in the Drawing

Competition on "Sanitation in Indian Rural Areas". Poster Making on Mahatma Gandhi's tenet "Cleanliness is

next to Godliness" was also witnessed by students.

School Principal Mrs. Usha Sharma enlightens the

students that this campaign should not be time bound.

Hygiene and cleanliness are necessarily to be

observed lifelong.

On 8 September, 2017 World literature day was celebrated at SRN International in an exclusive literary

temperament. Various activities were conducted in the school premises for juniors as well as seniors. This day

is perfectly blended with the concept of World Literacy day hence activities were planned such.

For the junior classes Spell Bee competition was held within the class and students took part actively. For the

students of Grade IX-XII students were asked to collect information about famous poets, novelist or dramatist

of different era of English Literature and then they delivered a speech on the chosen ones, with the help of

Power point presentation. This way the students not only explored information, they updated the knowledge

SRN Shores Up "Clean and Hygiene"

World Literature Day celebrated in a literary disposition

too. Another interesting activity for them was

designing the cover page of some famous

books. Students used their creativity and

showcased it in a form of fine and innovative

piece of art. It highlighted their perception and

knowledge. As it was a non-competitive

activity, all the participants were felicitated

with gifts.

While summing up the event Vice-Principal

(Acad.) Ms. Pramila Sharma eulogized that

such activities give a good exposure to the

students and their literary skills can be

enhanced very easily. Many more such

activities will be planned in future too.

As a general perception people think of Learning as studying but in QEA we believe differently. For us

learning goes way beyond structured and unstructured studies. As a child we all learn through various sources.

We are basically a sponge which absorbs as much information as we grow our perception of learning is

replaced by studying and memorizing. Through this unit we aim to convert the students in to lifelong self-

learners who can use different styles and strategies to enhance their academics and any other type of

unstructured studying.

Following are the benefits of the Unit:-

Getting Organized to Study and understanding your own personal learning style

Finding Time to Study, which includes setting a study timetable in accordance to their brain function,

setting goals and prioritizing

Different strategies to make learning and academic studies interesting and the information more


The said Unit has three chapters which have been

covered in the classes 7th to 10th. The chapters

are as follows:

Effective Study Habits

Different Learning Strategies

Effective Reading and Writing Skills

Out of these three chapters the first two have been

covered in the classes and following students have

done exceedingly well:

7th A: Chhavi, Hiteksha

7th B: Aditya Mishra, Prakriti, Karan Maloo, Dipti

9th A: Nupur, Pritam

9th B: Prakash, Naman, Hemant, Yogesh, Vishnu, Nikita

10th A: Priya, Sonal, Varini

10th B: Abhishek

Effective Study Habits & Different Learning Strategies- I Smart session at SRN

The excitement and celebratory spirit that Diwali brings is unmatchable.

Celebrating eco friendly Diwali with friends and family has its own charm. But

amid the festive fervour, how green is your Diwali going to be, is the

question that many people are giving much thought to. A festival celebrated

with humble diyas and homemade sweets has changed to noisy crackers,

splurging and decorating houses with electric illuminations. It not only puts

an added burden on the environment, but also puts health at stake for a lot of

people. Though, the festive spirit should not soften any bit, we should also

make sure we keep the proceedings safe, sound and celebrate an eco-friendly


Fire crackers leave the city hazy and littered with paper remains the next morning. Instead of the traditional

crackers, opt for eco-friendly products that are made from recycled papers so as to prevent rampant

deforestation. Bursting fireworks besides causing air pollution also cause unnecessary noise pollution. Not only

firecrackers, people use loudspeakers and musical instruments that cause unnecessary noise. This noise often

goes beyond the permitted limit.

While the electric illumination looks stunning, there is no comparison to the age old diyas. The additional

advantages of these diyas are that they are bio-degradable, cost effective and still look traditional and very

beautiful, you can also contribute in saving on electricity consumption that normally reaches sky high during

each Diwali.

We should use traditional diyas and save some energy instead of opting for candles or electrical lamps. Apart

from this, we should also help the poor and needy. I would rather help someone who needs the money, than

splurge on unnecessary items while shopping.

At last I conclude by saying; Crackers are of no use, they are just environment abuse. Let This Diwali Burn All

Your Bad Times, Celebrate An Eco-Friendly Diwali! Say no to Crackers Let us come together to celebrate a

pollution free Diwali this year!! Let Us Have A Smoke Free Diwali.

It is always nostalgic to think of the past life especially our school days. My school days experiences are also

one of the most memorable phases of my life. When I look back at those days smile automatically comes on

my face. This journey started 11 years back and now this will always going to remain with us as we are the part

of SRN family. The best things I experienced here was everything - my teachers, friends, my fellow mates,

who were there with me and supported me in my good and bad times. I always knew that this day would come

but never thought I will feel this way. I have learned so much here and all those little things will remain with

me forever like how whenever I had any problem my teachers helped me and guided me to overcome them and

perform better and excel in every activity. We celebrate every occasion, big or small, like a family. The SRN

family proved that school is just not an institute but our second home. The trips, the group projects, the fun

activities, I cannot forget ever as they are some of the best moments, where I enjoyed my heart out. I still

remember the line Principal ma‟am said in assembly that you can't achieve anything if you know just one thing.

You should always try to learn new things, try new things. These lines are the foundations which motivate

every student to take part, perform and excel in every activity.

And now it‟s time to say goodbye but these memories will always remain with me.

Celebrating Eco friendly Diwali Deeksha Sharma, XII Sci. (Bio)

By Geeta Bisht

From Alumni’s Diary Harshita Jain XII Com (2016-17)

by Varini Sharma(X-Acers)

'Endless are the joys of festivals celebrated within nature's bounds'

India with its unique diversity and rich culture has been a place where we find a number of festivals celebrated

by the masses. Whether it is Christmas or Diwali or Eid or any other national /state-specific festival like

ONAM in Kerala or Baisakhi in Punjab, we enjoy their celebration. In fact, the festivals bring with them a

sense of fraternity and brotherhood. It is due to these festivals that we find a variety of colours in the Indian

culture. Their role in spreading peace and cooperation is laudable. These festivals being deep rooted in our

history were celebrated earlier with due respect and care for nature. But, today‟s modern celebrations are

causing severe harm to our environment and there is widespread air, water and sound pollution.

Such practices are not encouraging, rather than adding to environmental burdens. Let's

celebrate our festivals in an eco-friendly manner and teach our students about the value of

care and concern for nature. In fact, the plantation of at least one tree by a student on each

festival would help the Mother Earth in getting rid of the menace of global warming. Let‟s

move forward and adopt such eco-friendly ways of a true celebration as the joy brought by

festivals may get lost if they are celebrated without due concern for nature.

Saloni Jain (PGT- EP)

2 October Gandhi Jayanti and Lal Bahadur Shashtri Jayanti

3 October School Swachata Diwas

4 October World Animal Day

5 October I create session begins (for XI-XII)

7 October PTM (Result declaration of Half yearly)

10 October Career Workshop

13 October Inter house competition

I to V Diya decoration

VI to VIII. Hand made Diwali, Greeting cards making

IX to XII. Poster making on Eco friendly Diwali celebration

14 October Diwali Celebration

16 October to 21 October Diwali Break

24 October UN Day Celebration (Humanities Club)

26 October Maths Quiz (I to VIII)

27 October Guest lecture (Motivational speech on Career in Armed Forces)

30 October Online IT competition (IX to XII)

Let’s Celebrate Our Festivals Message by Ms. Saloni Jain - PGT (EP)

Events, Holidays & Celebrations

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