
Coaching Cycle Webinar

Alabama Instructional Partner Pilot

Instructional Coaching Cycle

The purpose of instructional coaching is to help close the student achievement gap and accelerate learning for all students by building teacher capacity through the implementation of effective instructional strategies.

Casey, 2008

Some guiding principles for instructional coaching

Student learning should always be at the heart of all of our work.

Professional learning emerges from mutual respect, collegial relationships and a shared responsibility for student learning.

Teachers benefit from descriptive feedback relevant to their professional goals.

Gradual Release of Responsibility supports student and adult learning.

Instructional Coaching

Begins with developing a professional learning relationship between the Instructional Partner and the teacher.

This relationship should focus on collaboration in order to co-learn and grow together.

Example of a planning form

Example of planning form

Coaching without Judgment

Judgment prevents us from celebrating and identifying how to move forward.

Teachers are fearful of judgment. Judgment makes dealing with resistance all the more difficult.

Judgment limits relationships and without strong relationships the coaching cycle suffocates.

Characteristics of an Effective Coach Listen to what is important to the teacher. Observe. See what the teacher is already doing

in order to expand. Allow for time for individual reflection and

collective reflection. Make yourself the most vulnerable person in the

relationship. Celebrate graciously and authentically. Stay grounded in looking at the student

achievement. Work from the perspective of building rather

than demolition-think about POTENTIAL.

Characteristics of an Effective Coach Begin the coaching cycle with a

positive outlook Create authentic next steps together Remember you are collaborating with

the teacher and use “resources” as “resources”

You are a “thinking partner” Remember the Seven Partnership

Principles! Equality, Choice, Voice, Reflection,

Dialogue, Praxis, and Reciprocity

Components of Coaching

Enroll Identify Explain/ Mediate Modeling Observe Explore Refine

A Continuum for On-Going Professional Development

Always Begin with Data

Pre-Planning Planning with Teacher Modeling/Side-by Side/ Teacher Practice Reflection Debrief

Coaching Cycle Two ways of approaching coaching cycle:

Teacher Volunteers: ask for your support, menu of offerings, pd sessions, various communications Can be very informal (ex. Regular first block

meetings with new teacher) Administration Referral

Formal or informal Keep more documentation in the formal

coaching cycle…about to enter one of these with a teacher who was not receptive to the informal coaching cycle

Coaching Approach Initial visit

Send follow up email and request a time to video a portion of the lesson. I let them choose this session.

Record lesson Email to set up follow up meeting

View lesson with them and record observations with the teacher

Review observations and discuss what we can do to improve lesson and how I can help.

Set up next visit-hopefully to see what you have discussed in action

Coaching Approach

Visit the teacher at least 3 more times (as time allows) Visits may be scheduled or pop in

Update admin on teacher progress Keeping in mind the partner approach

Team Coaching/Peer Partners

Various ways to approach this, I am using it as part of my coaching cycle.

Jackie Flowers has WONDERFUL resources to share on this process Beginning process power point Observation forms Reflection

Set up peer observation and follow up meeting for reflections

Team Coaching

Are we really playing? Just playing? Playing not to lose? Playing to win?

What can we learn from these ladies?

Wrapping it up

From Leadership Lessons from Santa Claus

• Choose your reindeer wisely.• Share the milk and cookies• Find out who has been naughty

and nice.


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