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Coaching Plus….Coaching Plus….for Peak Performance.for Peak Performance.

Can you afford theshadow of a doubt?

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The PremiseThe Premise

The most brilliant minds face the daily challenge of executing short term professional goals without losing sight of their personal long term needs and dreams and without putting at risk key

relationships by poor use of “soft skills” under stress.

Most also need to keep their foreign languages up to scratch for international negotiations, networking and professional development

but have no time or desire to take more classes.

is a unique proposition combining Performance Coaching and the opportunity to enhance language proficiency whilst analyzing,

strategizing and rehearsing real-life situations.

“Coaching Plus … for Peak Performance”

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Features and OptionsFeatures and Options

COACHING FOR PEAK PERFORMANCEInitial Session at no cost to understand professional and/or personal goals and challenges, ascertain performance gaps and assess current language and “soft” skills and learning style.

Strategic planning session(s) to define specific objectives, deadlines, schedule for initial coaching programme, duration and budget.

As required, selection of learning processes to acquire specific soft and language skills (self-study, on-line, formal training etc).

One-on-one coaching in English (or Spanish for foreigners) to follow-up on and reinforce learning and commitments and recalibrate as necessary.


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Ad-hoc sessions in preparation for specific meetings, conversations and coaching sessions.

Observation /Listening-In on key meetings and teleconferences by coach to provide feedback and to identify learning opportunities for coachee and collaborators/colleagues.

Instant Telephone Debriefing of Critical Meetings and Incidents

Permanent availability to revise/edit e-mails, correspondence and reports to assure quality of communication and provide critical feedback.

Intensive Tutoring and Training to remedy specific language and “soft skill” weaknesses. Translating and Interpreting Services.

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Sample ProgrammeSample Programme

Month 1 Month 2 Month 3

Ongoing Coaching : One 60-minute session per week in coachee’s office at 08:00am

every Tuesday (reprogrammed as required)

Remedial English :

Week 4 : 2 hours per day x 5 days revising conditionals and modals and developing fluency .

Soft Skills :

Week 10 : 2-day intensive training of team in “Crucial Conversations” having identified opportunity in Team Meetings.

TeamMeetings: Weeks 3 and 5 : Facilitating team meeting in English to prepare

marketing plan. Week 6 : Observation and support during 2-day meeting with Head Office

cv cv

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20 + Years of Experience20 + Years of Experience

Philip brings to the table over 20 years of experience and the skills and resources acquired by working with some of the

World’s Leading Training Organizations:

LANGUAGES: Linguarama, Richard Lewis Communications, BBC English

“SOFT SKILLS” :FranklinCovey, Vital Smarts, Crane Consulting

Clients over the years include:

Nestlé, HSBC, Chiletabacos, Citibank, ASMAR, Codelco, Collahusai, BCI, Redbanc, Cia. Minera

Disputada de Las Condes, SAAM, Minera Zaldívar, Pontificia Universidad Católica, Clínica

Las Condes, Compaq, Bellsouth, Synapsis, McDonald's, Procter & Gamble, Drillco,

Danisco, Rockwell, Holderbank, CMPC, Microsoft, Hewlett Packard, DHL, Scotiabank,

Endesa, Banco de Chile, Aquachile, Thyssen Krupp Elevadores, Mainstream, Soprole, DyS

Wallmart etc

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In 1982, British-born Philip Ray founded Chile’s first language consulting firm - International Language Consultants, (subsequently IBC) which, in 1995, was named by El Mercurio as the institution which trained most executives in English and Spanish that year.

In 1996 he was appointed representative of Covey Leadership Center in Chile (today FranklinCovey) and certified as facilitator and coach in:

“The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People”®“First Things First”®“The 4 Roles of Leadership”® “Focus & Execution”®“Leading at the Speed of Trust” ®

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In 2004 he was invited to form Boydeninstitute and brought to Chile “Crucial Conversations”® by Vital Smarts and “The Heart of Coaching”® by Tom Crane.

In 2010 he decides the time is right to combine these unique experiences and his passion to contribute to Chile’s success as a people and as a nation with a very simple formula :

“Coaching Plus… for Peak Performance”

Philip [email protected]

6 229 7840

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Sus mejores cualidades: Grandes resultados, Experto, Creativo“Una cosa es aprender inglés en un instituto, probablemente para algunos un paso anterior a este. Aprender a liderar, trabajar en equipo y hacer negocios en inglés es otra cosa. Yo he tenido la asesoría permanente de Philip para este tipo de materias y me ha aumentado mis resultados increíblemente Lo recomiendo 100%.”

16 de noviembre de 2010 Gonzalo Torrealba – Co-fundador y CEO iKwest

“Philip me ha asesorado como coach durante gran parte del año 2011, ayudándome a descubrir, reforzar y explotar al máximo mis potencialidades profesionales, permitiéndome a la vez ver las cosas desde otro punto de vista, tanto en ámbito personal como profesional. Su experiencia y conocimientos me han sido claves para descubrir que todo se puede lograr, en la medida que creamos en nuestras capacidades y desarrollemos relaciones interpersonales en un ambiente de respeto por el otro. Otro valor agregado que entrega Phil es que las sesiones pueden ser en ingles o español. Por ultimo, es una persona muy responsable, profesional, respetuoso, confiable, y muy analítico, por lo que lo recomiendo totalmente. Buenos resultados garantizados!”

2 de febrero de 2012 Juan Alejandro Córdova, Banco BBVA

“Philip es un excelente profesional, serio, creativo, comprometido con los resultados y muy integro en su actuar.”

7 de agosto de 2011Patricio Salinas, Gerente Banco BCI

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Altamente confiable, muy transparente y comprometida. “Philip siempre esta pendiente de entender las necesidades de los clientes y satisfacer totalmente sus peticiones. Es altamente creativo y dedicado. Muy intenso en todo lo que hace. Para mi ha sido una tremenda experiencia compartir la responsabilidad de atender a varios clientes muy valiosos como el BCI en Chile. Es y ha sido un honor hacer equipo con Philip y espero que en el futuro podamos compartir otras experiencias que nos permitan generar grandeza y contribuciones significativas...”

8 de octubre de 2010 Marta Sánchez, Senior Facilitation Trainer, Franklin Covey LA

Carismático, energético, entusiasta, perseverante y comprometido “Philip es el compañero de viaje ideal para emprendimientos ambiciosos. Siempre se puede contar con su sensatez y su buen juicio y, principalmente, con su energía para mantener bien activo el movimiento de cualquier proyecto. Destaca también su confiabilidad, por su honestidad e integridad, y la altura de sus metas, siempre orientadas al bien común.”

5 de octubre de 2010 Andrés Wiche, Consultant,


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Out of the Shadows!Out of the Shadows!

Three generations of Rays coach each other to the top

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